About The Joy of English

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English
1756 – online edition

This online version of Johnson's Dictionary (1756) was put together by whichenglish.com and the author of The Joy of English.

It was produced by combining OCR and sophisticated GREP, in addition to pure, time-consuming search-and-replace grunt for formatting and clean-up. It is by no means a clean, perfect text reproduction (yet) but it is an ongoing project. The sheer volume of code behind these pages (137,000 lines of code) means that there is only so much one man can do. The overall integrity of the contents of the dictionary is here.

A few notes about this online version of the dictionary. First, it is not perfect. Most of the 47,000 headwords will be highlighted in bold and each definition in separate p-tags. Many did not succeed during conversion and the sheer volume of entries prohibits be from doing them all manually one by one. Second, not every word came out accurately in the OCR process and so many definitions will have garbled words and entries. Again, the volume here means that the time it would take to fix manually would be enormous. At present it is not just feasible for one person (me) to clean up. Third, not ALL of the entries ARE actually garbled. This is because the spelling of the 1700s was different from what we recognize today. The most notable difference here is the letter s, printed at the time as ſ because it is a long s. So, instead of appearing as sensual. Samuel Johnson's Dictionary rendered it as ſenſual. So these are not mistakes – it just takes a little getting your head round it.

Today's letter s was at the time of printing Johnson's Dictionary typically rendered ſ. So, sounds looks on these pages as ſounds, English looks like Engliſh. This is not mistake. Equally italic long s looks like Shakʃpeare in the word Shakespeare.

English long s

As you can see from these 18th-century chiselled gravestones, the f (left) and long s (right, between i and h) are distinctly different. So, please don't be offended if you see ſuck, it is merely 18th-century suck.


Anyway, I hope you enjoy browsing. Jesse.


This page last updated: 20 October 2014


Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com

W. Is a letter of which the form is
not to be found in the alpha-
bets of the learned languages;

W is ſometimes improperly uſed in diphthongs
as a vowel, for u, view; uſtrew : The found
of w conſonant is uniform.

To WABBLE. v. n. [A low, barbarous
word.] To ſhake ; to move from ſide to
ſide. Moxon.

WAD. ʃ. [per to, hay, Saxon.]
1. A bundle of ſtraw thruſt cloſe together.
2. Wadd, or black lead, is a mineral of
great uſe and value. Woodward.

WADDING. ʃ. [from wad, vad, Iſlandick]
A kind of ſoft ſtuft loosely woven, with
which the ſkirts of coats are ſtuffed out.

To WA'DDLLE. v. n. [wagghelen, Dutch.]
To ſhake, in walking from ſide to ſide ; to

Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com


deviate in motion from a right line. Spectator, Pope.

To WADE. v. n. [from vadum, Latin.]
1. To walk through the waters ; to paſs
water without ſwimming. Kno'les. More.
2. To paſs difficultly and laboriouſly. Hooker, Addiſon.

WA'FER. ʃ. [wafel, Dutch.]
1. A thin cake. Pope.
2. The bread given in the eucharift by the
Romanifts. Hall.
3. Pafte made to cloſe letters.

To WAFT. v. a.
1. To carry through the air, or on the water. Brown,
2. To beckon ; to inform by a ſign of any
thing moving.

To WAFT. v. n. To float. Dryden.

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WAFT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A floating body. Thomfon.J»n,
2. Mction of a ſtreamer.
Wattage. ſ. [from wa/t.] Carriage by
warerorair. Shakʃpeare.

WA'FTER. ʃ. [from luaft.] A paflape
boat. Ainſworth.

WA'FTURE. ʃ. [from w/r.] The act of
waving. Shakʃpeare.

To WAG. ʃ. a. ſpijian, Saxon ; luagger,
Dutch.] To move lightly ; to ſhake ſlightly. Swift.

To WAG. v. n.
1. To be in quick or ludicrous motion,
1. To go ; to be moved. Dryden.

WAG. ʃ. [pffjin, Saxon. to cheat.] Any
one ludicrouſly miſchievous ; a merry
droll. Addiſon.

WAGE. ʃ. the plural 'wages is now only
uſed. [ivagen, German]
1. Fay given for ſervice. Shakʃpeare.
2. Gage ; pledge. Mnj'worth,

To WAGE. v. a.
1. To attempt ; to venture. Shakʃpeare.
2. To make ; to carry on. Dryden.
3. [From tujge, zvages.] To ſet to hire. Spenſer.
4. To take to hire ; to hire for pay ; to
hold in pay. Raleigh, Davies.
5. [In law.] When an action of debt is
brought againſt one the defendant may nvage
his law ; that is, ſwear, and certain perſons
W;th him, that he owei nothing to
the plaintiff in manner as he hath declared.
The offer to make the oath is called luager
of law. Browtt

WA'GER. ʃ. [from Ty^^If, to ventuie.]
1. A bett; any thing pledged upon a
chance or performance. Speffr Berkley.
2. [In law.] An offer to make oath.

To WA'GER. v. a. [from the noun.] To
lay ; t pledge as a bet\ Shakʃpeare.

WA'GES. ʃ. See Wage.

WA'GGERY. ʃ. [from 'uag.] Miſchievous
merriment ; roguiſh trick ; ſarcaſtical gaiety. Locke.

WA'GGISH. a. [from w^^.] Knaviſhly
merry ; merrity miſchievous ; frolickſome. L'Eſtrange.

WA'GGISHNESS. ʃ. [from waggiſh.]
Merry miſchief. Bacon.

To WAGGLE. v. n. ['waggbekn, Germ.]
To waddle ; to move from ſide to ſide Std,

WA'GON. ʃ. [pajan, Saxon.] wicgberts,
Dutch ; vjgn, Ifiandick.]
1. A heavy carriage for burthens. Knolles.
1. A chariot. Spenſer.

WA'GONNER. ʃ. [from wj^cw.] One
who drives a wagon. Dryden. Ainſworth.

WA'GTAIL. ʃ. A bird. Ainsworth.

WAID. v.a, Crulhcd. Shakſpeare.

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WAIF. ʃ. Goods found, but claimed h ;
no body. Ainſworth.

To Wail. v. a. [guaUre, Italian ; To
moan; to lament ; to bewail. Pope. .

To WAIL. v. n. To grieve audibly; to
expreſs ſorrow. Ex'kiel,

WAIL. ʃ. Audible ſorrow, Thomfom,

WAILING. ʃ. [from -K/fl//.] Lamentation; mnan ; audible ſorrow. Knolles.

WAILFUL. a. Sorrowful ; mnomful.Shakʃpeare.

WAIN. ʃ. A carriage. Spenſer.

WA'INROPE. ʃ. A large cord, v»ith w^ich
the load is tied on the wagon. Shakſp.

WAINSCOT. ʃ. [ivagejcot, Dutch.] The
inner wooden covering of a wall, Arbuth.

To WA'IN SCOT. v. a. livaegerfeboKett,
1. To line walls with boards. Bacon.
2. To line in gpneral. Grew.

WAIR. ʃ. A piece of timber two yardt
long, and a foot broad. Bailey.

WAIST. ʃ. [giPafe, Welſh.]
1. The ſmalleſt part of the body ; the part
below the rib-. Milton.
2. The middle deck, or floor of a ſhip. Dryden.

To WAIT. v. a. [wachten, D )tch.]
1. To expect ; to ſtay for. Shakʃpeare.
2. To attend ; to accompany with ſubmiſſion
or reſpect. Dryden.
3. To attend as a conſequence of ſomething. Rtnve,
4. To watch as an enemy. %.,

To WAIT. v. n.
1. To expect ; to ſtay in expeflatlon. Jei,
2. To pay fervJle or ſubmiſhve attendance.
Allien. Denham.
3. To attend. Shakʃpeare.
4. To ſtay ; not to depart from. South.
5. To ſtay by reaſon of ſome hindrance.
6. To look watchfully. Bacon.
7. To lie in ambuſh as an enemy. Milton.
8. To follow as a conſequence. Decay of Piety.

WAIT. ʃ. Ambuſh ; infidious and ſecret
attempts. Numbers,

WA'ITER. ʃ. [from wa/r.] An attendant ;
one who attends for the accommodation of
others. Ben. Johnſon.

WAITING gentlewoman. f. [from wa;/.]

WA'ITING wa/^. S An upper fer-

WA'ITING wonrnn.] vant, who attends
on a lady in her chamber. Shakʃpeare, Swift.

To WAKE. v. n. [pacnn, Saxon \ivaeckcn,
1. To watch; not to ſleep. EccluJ, Milton.
2. To be rouſed from ſleep. Milton.
3. To ceaſe to ſleep. Sidney. Denhaw,
4. To be put in action ; to be. excited. Milton.
6 T » Ti

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To WAK.E. v. a. [peccian, SaXon; weckeiif
1. To rouſe from ſleep. Dryden.
2. To excite ; to put in motion or aſton. Prior.
3. To bring to life again, as if from the
ſleep of death. Milton.

WAKE. f. [from the verb.]
1. The ieaſt of the dedication of the church,
formerly kept by watching all night. Tuſſer, Dryden, King.
2. Vigils i ſtate of fo. bearing ſleep. Milton.

WAKEFUL. a. [ivake An^fuU.] Not ſleeping
; vigilant-. Spenſer. Crajhaiv.

WAKEFULNESS. ʃ. [from tuakeful]
1. Want of ſleep. Bacon.
2. F rhearaoce of ſleep.«

To WA'KEN. v. n [from toake.] To
wake ; to ceaſe from ſleep ; to be rouſed
from ſleep. Dryden.

To WA KEN. v. a.
1. To rouſe from ſleep. Spenſer.
2. To exciee to at^aon. Roſcommon.
3. To produce ;; t bring forth. Milton.

WA'KEROBIN. ʃ. A plant. M/'.

WALE. ʃ. [pell, S. on, a web.] A riſing
part in cloth.

To WALK. 1/ a. [ivahny German ; pealcan,
Saxon, to ror.]
1. To move by leiſurely flep?, ſo that one
foot is ſet down, before the other is taken
tip, Clarendon.
2. It is uſed in the ceremonious language
of invitation, for come or go,
3. To move fs r exerciſe or amuſement. Milton.
4. To move the flowefr pace. Not to trot,
gallop, or amble
5. To appear as a (pectre. Davies.
6. To act on any occaſion. Ben. Johnson.
7. To be in motion. Spenſer.
8. To aa in ſleep. Shakʃpeare.
9. To range ; to move about. Shakſp.
10. To move off. Spenſer.
11. To act in any particular manner. Deuter.
12. To travel, Deuter.

To WALK. v.a.
1. To paſs through. Shakʃpeare.
a- To lead out, for the feke of air or exercife.

WALK. ʃ. [from the verb]
1. A& of walking for air or exercife. Milton.
2. Gait; ſtep ; manner of moving. Dryd.
3. A length of ſpace, or circuit through
which one walks. Milton.
4. An avenue ſet with trees. Milton.
5. Way ; road ; range ; place of wander-
JQg- Sandys.
6. ITurhj Lat.] A fiſh, /^ut/worti),

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7. Walk is the floweſt or Ieaſt raiſed pacC|
or going of a horſe. Farrifri Dici,

WA'LKER. ʃ. [from walk.] Qne that walks. Swift.

WA'LKINGSTAFF. ʃ. A ſtick which a
man holds to ſupport himſelf in walking. Granville.

WALL. ʃ. [tval, Welſh ; vallum, Lat. paU,
Saxon; wa//e, Dutch.]
1. A ſeries of brick or (tone carried upwards,
and cemented with mortar ; the
ſides of a building. Wotton.
a,- Fortification
; works built for defence.Shakʃpeare.
3. to take the WAi.'L. To take the upper
place ; not to give place. Priory

To WALL. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To inclrſe with walls, Dryden.
2. To defend by walls. Bacon.


WA'LLET. ʃ. [peallian, to travel, Saxon.]
1. A bag, in which the heceflaries of a
traveller are put ; a knapfack. Addiſon.
2. Any thing protuberant and ſwagging.Shakʃpeare.

WALLE'YED. a. [wall and eye.] Having
white eyes. Shakʃpeare.

WA'LLFLOWER. ʃ. See Stockgilli-

WALLFRUIT. ʃ. Fruit, which to be
ripened, mufl: be planted againſt a wall.

To WA'LLOP. v. «. [pealan, to boil. Sax.]
To boil.

WA'LLOUSE. ʃ. [awf;r, Latin.] Aninfert. Ainſworth.

To WA'LLOW. v.n. [wd/a^fln, Gothick ;
p^Ipun, Saxon.]
1. To move heavily and clumfily. Milton.
2. To roll himſelf in mire, or any thing
filthily. Knolles.
\ To live in any ſtate of filth or groſs vice. South.

WA'LLOW. ʃ. [from the verb.] A kind
of rolling walk, Dryden.

WALLRU'E. ʃ. An herb.

WA'LLWORT. ʃ. A plant, the ſame with
dwarf-elder, or danewort. See Elder,

WA'LNUT. ʃ. [palh hnuia, Saxon.]^The
ſpecies are, i. The common walnut.
2. The large French walnut.
3. The thin-ſhell'd walnut.
4. The double walnut.
5. The late ripe walnut.
6 The hard-ſhell'd walnut.
7. The Virginian black walnut.
8. The Virginian black walnut,
with a long furrowed fruit.
9. The hickery, or white Virginian walnut.
10. The ſmall hickery, or white Virginian walnut. Miller.

WA'LLPEPPER. ʃ. houſeleek.

WA'LTRON. ʃ. The ſea-horſe. Woodward.

To WA'MBLE. v. n. ſwemmelen, Dutch.]

To roll w'nh nauſea and ſickneſs. Tt is nM
of the ſtomach. L'Eſtrange.

WAN. a. [pann, Saxon.] Pale, as with ſickneſs
; languid of look. Spenſer. Suckhrg,
WAN, for Win. The eld prer. of win. Spenſer.

WAND. ʃ. [vaaf,^, Daniſh.]
1. A ſmall flick, or twig ; a lopg rod. Shakʃpeare, Bacon.
3. Any ſtaff of authority or uſe. Sidney. Mil. ok.
3. A charming rod. JlLiion,

To WANDER. v. n. [panbpun, Saxon ;
^andeUn, Dutch.]
1. To rove ; to ramble here and there ; to
go, without any certain courſe. Shakʃpeare. Wbre-ws.
2. To deviate ; to go aſtray. Pſalms.

To WA'NDER. v. a. To travel over, without
a certain courſe. Milton.

WANDERER. ʃ. [from luand r.^ R.ver ; rarrbl<-r. Ben. Johnson.

WA'NDERING. ʃ. [from wander.]
1. Uncertain peregrination. Addiſon.
2. Aberration ; miſtaken way. Decay of Piety.
3. Incertainty ; want of being fixed. Locke.

To WANE. v. n. [parjian, to grow leſs,
2. Lkentionj ; difTolute, Shakſp, Roſcom.
3. Frolickfums ; gay ; iportiVe ; airy.
a hake(pear e. Raleigh.
4. Looſe ; unreſtrained. Addtjov,
5. Quick and irregular of nriOtion.
6. Luxuriant ; ſuperfluous. Milton.
7. Not regular ; turned fortttitouſly. Milton.

1. A lafcivjous perſon ; a firumpetj a
whorem.>nger. South.
2. A trifler ; an inſignificant flatterer.Shakʃpeare.
3. A word of flight endearm;nt. Ben. Johnson.

To WA'NTON. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To play hfciviouſly. Prior.
2. To revel ; to play. Otioay,
3. To nnoveninribly and Irregulariy.

WA'NTONLY. ad. [from i!jar.ton.] Lafciviouſly ; frolickſomely ; gayly ; ſpor>-
ively. Dryden.

WA'NTONNESS. ʃ. [from warfow.]
1. Lafciviouſneſs ; letchery. Shakʃpeare.
2. Sportiveneſs ; frolick ; humour.Shakʃpeare.
3. Licentiouſneſs ; negligence of reſtraint. King Charles, Milton.

WA'NTWIT. ʃ. [want and w/r.] A fool; an idiot. Shakʃpeare
To grow leſs ; to decreafc. Hahwill. WA'NTY. ſ. [I know not whence derived.]
1. To decline ; to ſink. Shakʃpeare.

WANE. ſ. [from the verb.]
1. Decreaſe of the moon. Bacon.
2. Decline ; diminution ; dcdenſion. South.

WA'NNED. a. [from wjh.] Turned pale
and faint coliured. Shakʃpeare.

WA'NNESS. ʃ. [from v.^an.] Palcieſs
; languor.

To WANT. v. a. [pana, Saxon.]
1. To be without ſomething fit or neceſfary.
2. To be defective in ſomething. Loc
3. To fill ſhort of ; not to contain. Milton.
4. To be without ; not to have- Dryden.
c. To need ; to have need of ; to lack. Holder.
6. To wiſh for ; to long for. Shakʃpeare.

To WANT. v. n.
1. To be wanted ; to be improperly abſent. Milton. Denham.
2. To fail; to be deficient.
3. To be miffed ; to be not had,

WANT. ʃ.
1. Need.
2. Deficiency,
3. The ſtate of not having.
4. Poverty; penury ; indigence,
5. [p'nb, Saxon.] A mole.

1. Lafcivious; libidinous.
A broad girth of leather, by which the
load is bound upon the horſe. I't^J/er,

WATED. a» Dejeded ; cruſhed by miſery,Shakʃpeare.

WA'PENTAKE. ʃ. [from wcepun, Saxon.
and takf.^ Wapentake is all one with what
we call a hundred : as upon a meeting for
that purpoſe they touched each other's
weapons m token of their fidelity and allegiance.
Others think, that a wapentak.
was ten hundreds, or boroughs, Spenſer.

WAR. ſ. [werrt, old Dutch.]
1. The exerciſe of violence under ſovereign
commaad. Raleigh.
2. The inſtruments of war, in poetical
language. Prior.
3. Forces ; army. Milton.
4. The profeſtion of arms.
5. Hoftility ; ſtate of oppoſition ; act of
oppoſition. Shakʃpeare.

To WAR. v. n. [from the noun. ' To make
war ; to be in a ſtate of hoſtility. I Trw,

To WAR. v. a. To make war upon. Spenſer, Daniel.

To WA'RBLE. v. a. [wervelen, German.]
1. To quaver any found,
2. To cauſe to quaver, Milton.
3. To utter mulically, Milton.

To WA'RBLE. v. n.
1. To bequ.vered. Gay.
2. To be uttered inelodiouſly, Sidney.
3. To fiog. Milton, Dryden, Pope. .

WARBLER. Milton, Dryden, Milton, Addiʃon, Pope, Swift, Milton.


WA'RBLEU. ʃ. [from 'warbli.] A fingtr ; a ſongſter. Tickell.

WARD. A ſyllable much uſed as an affix in
compoſition, as hea-oen'O'ard, with tendency
to heaven ; hithernvatdy this way ; from
peafl'o, Saxon. Sidney.

To WARD w <j. [psaji'Dlin, Sax. w>!r«,
Putch ; gurder, French.]
1. To gu->r<i; to watch. Spenſer.
2. To defend ; to protect. Shakʃpeare.
3. To fence off; to obriru£>, or turn aiide
any thing miſchievous. Fairfax, Daniel.

To WARD. v. «.
1. To be vigilant ; to keep guard,
2. To act upon the deſenſive with a weapon. Dryden.

WARD. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Watch i act of guarding. Spenſer, Dryden.
2. Gi^rifon ; thoſe who are intruſted to
keep a place. Spenſer.
3. Guard made by a weapon in fencing.Shakʃpeare.
4. Fortreſs ; ſtrong hold.
5, Dilfnclof a town. Dryden.
6. Cuſtody ; confinement. ^, Htr,hr.
7. The p<irtof a lock, which, correſpr>nding
to the proper key, hinders anyother». Milton, Grew.
5. One in the hands of a guardian.
Drummcni. Otzuay,
9. The ſtate of a child under a guardian. Bacon.

JO. Guardianſhip ; right over orphans.


WA'RDEN. ʃ. [tvaerden, Dutch.]
1. A keeper^ a guardian,
s. A head officer. G-Jrth.
3. Warden of the cinque ports. A magiſtrate
that has the juriſdiction of thofe
inavens in the eaſt part of England, commonly
called the cin<^ue ports, or five
havens, who has there all thar j^rifdiction
which the acirriiial of England has in places
not example.
A. A large pear. May. King.

WA'RI^ER. ʃ. [from toW.]
1. A keeper ; a guard. Spenſer, Dryden.
4. A tn'ncheon by which »n officer of
arms fr-rb»ac rght. Shakſpeare.

WA'RDMOTE. ʃ. [pesp.?) -.nd mor, or
jernct, Saxon. ! Ati.eeiing; a court held
jn each wad or diſtrict in London for the
direction of their affair?.

WARDROBE. ʃ. [ga^dcrobe,Yttnc\\.] A
room where cl .thes are kept, '. Spenſer, Addiſon.

WA'RDSF^P. ʃ. [from waM'.]
1. Guardianſhip. Bacon.
2. Pupillage ; ſtate of being under ward. King Charles.

WARE. The preterite oſ wrar^ mors fre
(juentiV utrsi Luke.


WARE. a. [For tJris we commoniy fay
1. Being in expectation of ; being provided
againſt. Matthew.
2. Cautious; wrary. Spenſer,

To WARE. v. n. To take keed of ; to
beware. Dryden.

WARE. ʃ. [papn, Saxon ; nvatrCf Dutch.] '
Commonly ſomething to be ſold. Shakſpeare, Bev, Johnſon.

WA'REFUL. a. [ware and/:///.] CjuUjus ;
timorouſly prndent.

WA'REFULNESS. ʃ. [from wjreful.]
Cautiouſneſs. Obſolete. Sidney.

WA'REHOUSE. ʃ. [ware and bouſe.] A
ſtorehouſe of merchandiſe, Locke.. Addiſf.

WA'RELESS. a. [from wjr^.] Uncautious
; unwary. Spenſer.

WA'RELY. ad. [from ware.'} Warily ; cautiouſiv ; limorouſly. Spenſer.

WA'RFARE. ʃ. [war and fare.] Military
ſervice ; military life. Milton, Dryden. Atterb. Rogers.

To WA'RFARE. ʃ. n. [from the noun.]
To lead a military life. C^nif^en,

WA'RHABLE. a. [zt-ſtr and i)d^»7^.] Military ; fit for war. Spenſer.

WA'RILY. ad. [from wary.] Cautiouſly ;
with timorous prudence ; with wife forethought.
Hooker, South, Spratt.

WA'RINESS. ʃ. [from wary.] Caution;,
prudent forethought ; timorous ſcrupiilouſneſs. Donne, Spratt.
WxARK. / Building. Spenſer.

WA'RLIKE. a. [war 3ni like.]
1. Fit for war ; diſpo'ed to war. 5/^. PkH-
1. Military ; relating to war. Milton.

WA'RLING. ʃ. [from war.] One often
quarrthed with.

WA'RLOCK. ʃ. [peplf 3. Saxon ] A

WA'RLUCK. ʃ. witch ; a wizzard.

WARM. a. [wjrw?, Gothick ;
pcaj\m. Sax. warm, Dutch.]
1. Not cold, though not hot ; heated to a
ſmall degree. Kings. Milton.
2. Zealous ; ardent. Pope. .
3. Violent ; f«rioi>sj vehement. Dryden.
4. Biify in ai^ion. Dryden.
5. Fanciful ; enthuſiaſtick, Locke.

To WARM. v. a. [/ram the adjef^ive.]
1. To free from cold ; to heat in a gentle
dfgree, Ifatab. Milton.
2. To heat mentally ; to make vehement. Dryden.

WA'RMING^AN. ʃ. [warm and fan ; A
covered braſs pan for warming a bed by
means of hot coals.

WA'R:MINGSTONE. ʃ. [warw^ni pre.]
The warning-Jionc is digged in Cornwall,
which being once well bested at the fire retains
its warmth a great while. Raj,

WA'RMLY. ad. [from warp}.]
1. With gentle heat» Milton.
%, Eagerly

2. Eagerly ; ardently. Prior,Pope. .

WARMTH. if [from cc;ſtrm.]
1. Gentle heat. Shakʃpeare.-ff. Bacon, Addiſon.
2. Zeal ; paſſion ; fervour of mind.
Shakſpeare. Spratf,
3. Fancifulneſs ; enthuſiaſm. Temple,

Tb WARN. v. a. [pt-pnun. Sax. zvaernen,
1. To caution againſt any fault or danger ;
to give previous notice of ill. Milton, South.
2. To admoniſh of any duty to be performed,
or practice or place to be avoided or
forſaken. j^Sii. Dryden.
3. To notify previouſly good or bad. Dryden.

WARNING. ʃ. [from wam..
1. Caution againſt faults or dangers; previous
notice of ill. fVah.
2. Pſevious notice : in a ſenſe indifferent. Dryden.

WARP. ʃ. [pianp, Saxon ; luerp, Dutch.]
That crd:r of thread in a thing woven that
croffes the woof. Bacon.

To WARP. v. n. [paojipan, Sax. luerpeny
Dutch.] To change from the true ſituation
of inteſtine motion ; to change the prfuion
from one part to another. Shak, Moxon.
2. To Joſe its proper courſe or direction. Shakʃpeare, Norris.
3. To turn. Milton.

To WARP. v. a.
r. To contract; to fiirivel.
2. To turn aCde from the true direction. Dryden, Watts.
3. It is uſed by Shakſpeare to expreſs the
cffcdtoffroſt: as.
Freeze, frceae, thou bitter iky.
Though thou the waters 'warp.

To WA'RRANT. ʃ. n. [garantir, Fr.]
1. To ſupport or maintain ; to atteſt. Hooker, Locke.
1. To give authority. Shakʃpeare.
3. To juſtify. South.
4. To exempt ; to privilege ; toſecure. Sidney, Milton.
5. To declare upon ſurety. L'Eſtrange, Dryden.

WA'RRANT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A writ conferring ſome right or authority. Shakʃpeare, Clarenden.
2. A writ gW'ing the officer of juſtice the
power of caption. Dryden.
3. A juſtificatory commiſſion or tcrt mony.
H'jcktr, Raleigh, South.
4. Right ; legality, Shakʃpeare.

WA'RRANTABLE. a. [from warrant.]
Juftifiable; deſenſible. Brotur. South.

WA'RRANTABLENESS. ʃ. [Iromwjrrantal> k,'\ Juftifiableceſs. Sidney.

WA'RRANTABLY. ari. [Jtamz^arrant.
fibls.] Jurtifiably. ffah,

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WARRANTER. ʃ. [from tvarrart..
1. One who gives authority.
2. One who gives ſecurity.

WA'RRANTISE. ʃ. [luarrartif,, law Lat..]
Authority ; ſecurity. Shakſpeare,

WA'RRANTY. ʃ. [wjrr.»:^a, law Lat,; 1. [In the common liW.] A promife made
in a deed by one man unto another for
himſelf and his heir«, to ſecure him and
his heirs againſt all men, for the enjoyirg
of any thing agreed of between them.
2. Authority ; juſtificatory mandate. Shakʃpeare. Taylor.
3. Security. Locke.

To WARRA'V. v. a. [from 'war.] T»
make war upon. Fairfax.

WARRE. a. [poſpn, Saxon.] Worfe. Spenſer.

WA'RREN. ʃ. [ivatrande, Dutch ; gutrenne,
Fr.] A kind of park for rabits«


WA'RRENER. ʃ. [from tjjarrcn.
1. The keeper of a warren.

WA'RRIOUR. ʃ. [from -^ar.] Afoldirr; a military man. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.

WART. ʃ. [peapr, Saxon ; 7i'«rr<f, Dutch.]
A corneous excreſcence ; a ſmall protuberance
on the fleſh. Bacon.

WA'RTWORT. ʃ. [wart and wert. ;

WA'RTY. a. [from «;Jr^] Growji over
with warts.

WA'RWORN. a. [wdrand wrr''.] Worn
with war Shakʃpeare.

WA'RY. a. [peep, Saxon] Cautious ; ſcrupulous
; timorouſly prudent. Hooker, Daniel, Addiſon.

WAS. The preterite of To BE. Gtnjiu

To WASH. ʃ. a. [papc., Saxon.] w^/-
jchen^ Dutch.]
1. To cieanfe by ablution. Shakʃpeare, L'Eſtrange.
1. To molflen.
3. To affectby ablution.
Aau Taylor. Watts.
4. To colour by wathing. C»fter,

To WASH. v. n.
1. To perform the act of ablution.
zKin^. Pep'.
2. To cleanſe clothes. Shakʃpeare.

WASH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Alluvion; any thing collected by witer,
2. A bog ; a marſh ; a fen ; a quagmire,Shakʃpeare.
3. A medical or coſmetick lotion. Hudibras. Scmb. Swift.
4. A ſuperficial ſtain or colour. Collier.
5. The feed of bogs gathered from waſhed
diſhes, Shakʃpeare.
6. The act of wathing the clothes of a family
i the Iin:n wa^ed at oacc,

WA'SHBALL. ʃ. [ioajh and balh'] Ball
made of foap. Swift.

WA'SHER. ʃ. [from 'wap.] One that
walhes. Shakʃpeare.

WA'SHV. a. [from tvap.]
2. Watry ; damp. Milton.
2. Weak ; not ſolid. Wotton.

WASP. ʃ. [peapp, Saxon ; vi'fi)a, Latin ;
guejpcy French.] A briſk flinging infe6l,
in form reſembling a bee. Shakʃpeare, Drayton.

WA'SPISH. a. [from waſp.] Peevifti ; malignant
; irritable. Shakſp, Stillingfleet.

WA'SPISHLY. ad. [from waſpifi.] Peevifhly.

WA'SPISHNESS. ʃ. [from waſpip.] Peeviſhneſs
; irritability.

WA'SSAIL. ʃ. [from par p ho:!, your health,
1. A liquor made of apples, ſugar, and
ale, anciently much uſed by Engliſh goodfellows.
2. A drunken hour. Shakʃpeare.

WA'SSAILER. ʃ. [from 'u-^Jail.] A Poper ;
a drunkard. Milton.

WAST. The ſecond perſon of was, from
5b Se,

To WASTE. v. a. [^peptm, Saxon ; tuoefterif
Dutch ; guajiare, Italian ; vajiarc, Latin.]
1. To dimlniſh. Dryden, Temple.
2. To deſtroy wantonly and luxuriouſly. Hooker, Bacon.
3. To deſtroy ; to deſolate. Milton, Dryden.
4. To wear out. Milton.
5. To ſpend ; to confume. Milton.

To WASTE. v. n. To dwindle ; to be in a
ſtate of confumption, Dryden.

WASTE. a. [from the verb.]
1. Deſtroyed ; ruined. Milton, Locke, Prior
2. Defolate ; uncultivated. Abbot.
3. Superfluous ; exuberant ; loft for want
of occupiers. Milton.
4. Worthleſs; that of which none but
vile uſes can be made.
5. That of which no account is taken, or
value found. Dryden.

WASTE. f. [from the verb.]
2. Wanton or luxurious deſtruction ; confumption
; Icfs. Hooker, Milton, Ray.
2. Uſeleſs expence. Dryden. Wat'ti.
3. Defolate or uncultivated ground. Locke, Spenſer.
4. Ground, place, or ſpace unoccupied. Milton, Waller, Smith.
5» Region ruined and defer ted. Dryden.
6. Miſchief ; deſtruction. Shakʃpeare.

WA'STEFUL. a. [ivajle and/«//.]
1. Dſtrudive ; ruinous. Milton.
2. Wantonly or diflblutely confumptive. Shakʃpeare. 6aeon
con- 1
3. Lavifbj prodigal ; luxuriantly liberaf, Addiſon.
4. Defolate ; uncultivated ; unoccupied. Spenſer.

WA'STEFULLY. ad. [from waPful.]
With vain and diſſolute confumption.

WA'STEFULNESS. ʃ. [from wajl^fuh]

WA'STENESS. ʃ. [from wa/?^.] Difok
tion ; folitude. Spenſr

WA'STER. ʃ. [from waJle.-[One thut confumes
diflblutely and extravagantly ;
ſquanderer ; vain confumer. B^n. john ;

WA'STREL. ʃ. [from Wfl/?f.] Con; moras.

WATCH. ʃ. [p^Bcce, Saxon.]
1. Forbearance of ſleep.
2. Attendance without ſleep. Addiʃon.
3. Auentionj cloſe obſcrvation. Shakſpe]
4. Guard ; vigilant keep. Spenſer. )
5. Watchman ; men ſet to guard. Spejf'n
6. Place where a guard is let. Shakſp.
7. Port or office of a watchman. Shakʃpeare.tſp,
8. A peried of the night, Dryden.
9. A pocket-clock ; a ſmall clock moved
by a ſpring. Hale.

To WATCH. v. n. [pjcian, Saxon.]
1. Not to ſleep ; to wake. Shakʃpeare. Ecduf.
2. To keep guard. Jer. Milton.
3. To look with expectation. Pſalms.
4. To be attentive ; to bs vigilant.
2. Timothy.
5. To be cautiouſly obſervant. Tajhr.
6. To be infidiouſly attentive, Milton.

To WATCH. v. a.
1. To guard ; to have in keep. Milton.
2. To obſerve inambufji. Walton, Milton.
3. To tend. Broome.
4. To obſerve in order to deteſt or prevent.

WA'TCHER. ʃ. [from watch.]
1. One who watches. Shakʃpeare.
2. Diligent overlooker or obſerver.

WA TCHET. a. [pace'©, Saxon.] BIue ; pale blue. Dryden.

WATCHFUL. a. [tvatch and full.] Vigilant
; attentive ; cautious ; nicely obſervant. Shakʃpeare. Revelations.

WA'TCHFULLY. ad. [from watchfulA
Vigilantly ; cautiouſly; attentively ; with
cautious obſervation, Boyle.

WA'TCHFULNESS. ʃ. [from watchful.]
1. Vigilance ; heed ; ſuſpicious attention ;
cautious regard, H^mm, Arbuth, Watts.
2. Inability to ſleep. Arbuthnot.

WA'TCHHOUSE. ʃ. [toatch and houſe,.
Place where the watch is fet. Gay.

Wa'TCHING. ʃ. [from watch.] Inability
to ſleep. Wij'.man.

WA'TCHMAKER. ʃ.» [watch and maker.

WATWAT One whoſe trade is to make watches, or
WA'JERER. ʃ. [froTn watfr.] One who
pocket-clocks. Moxon.

WATCHMAN. ſ. [-u-afch and man.]
Guard ; ſcntinel ; one ſet to keep ward. Bacon, Taylor.

WA'TCHTOWER. ʃ. [w.^tch and tower.]
To wcr on whif h a contiuel was placed for
the fake of proſpect. Donne, Milton, Ray.

WATCHWORD. ſ. [luatch -nd nvord.]
The word given to the centincis to know
their friends. Spenſer. Sandyt,

WATER. ʃ. [ivaeter^ Dutch ; pcettp.
Sax. n.]
1. Sir Iſaac Newton dtfines loater, when
pure, to be a very fluid fait, volatile, and
void of all favour ortaſte ; and it ſeems to
co'ilift of ſmall, ſmooth, hard, porous,
ſpherical particles, of equal diameters, and
of equal ſpeciſick gravities, as Dr. Cheyne
rbſcrvcs. Their ſmoothners accounts for
their Aiding eaſily over one another's ſurfaces
: their ſphericity keeps them alſo
from touching one ao'ther in more points
than one ; and by both theſe their frictions
in iV'ding over one another, is rendered the
Jeafl poſſible. Their hardneſs accounts for
the incompreflibility of water, when it is
free from the intermixture of air. The
porofity of water is ſo very great, that there
is at leaſt forty times as much ſpace as
matter in it, Quincy, Shakʃpeare.
1. The fea, Common Prayer.
3. Urine. Shakſpeare.
4. To boldWAT 2.S. To be found ; to be
light. L'Eſtrange.
5. It is uſed for the luſtreof a diamond.Shakʃpeare.
6 ^ATER is much uſed in c^mpoſition
for things made with water, being in Zi^fl-
/ir, or growing in watfr : as, luaterſpsniel,
wjri»r-rto()d, witer-coMxitiy'.oa-
/<r-p'^ts, wartr fox, ctvir-T-fnakes, wattrgods,
lhat r newt. SiJr.fy. Pſ. Ijaioh,
Jo Walton, May, Dryden. D^rh^m,

To WATER. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To irrigate ; to ſupply with moirture. Bacon, Waller. Temple.
1. To ſupply with water for orink. Spenſer, Knolles.
3. To fertilize or accrrnmodate with
<t reams. Addtj.n.
4. To divc'fify as with waves, Locke.

To WA'IER. v. n.
1. To ſhed moiſture. Shakʃpeare. S'-uth,
2. To get or take in water ; to be ufrd in
ſupply Ing water. Geneſh. Knolles.
3. The mouth Waters. The man 1. ncs.
Camd Ti.

WATERCOLOURS. ʃ. Painters m^.ke colours
inro a ſoft conſiſtcnce with w-^ter .
thofe they call watcrccUurt. Boyle.

WA'TERCRESSES. ʃ. [Ji; yfr.hrium, f.ar.]
A plant. There are drc ipecics. ^'Lllcr,
waters. Camo»

WATERFAL. ʃ. [luaur and fall.] Catarjft
; cafcade. R ligh.

WATERFOWL. ʃ. Fowl that live, o- get
their food in water. iJjle,

WATERGRU'EL. ʃ. [ivater and ^rW]
Food made with oatmeal and water. Locke,

WA'TERINESS. ʃ. [itonxivatery.] Humidity
; moiſture, Arbuthnot.

WATERISH. a. [from luater..
1. Reſemblng water. Dryden.
1. Moift; inlipid. HaU,

WATERISHNESS. ʃ. f from loatenjb.]
Thinneſs; reſemblance of water. Fhyer,

WATERLEAF. ʃ. A plant. MilUr.

WATERLILLY. ʃ. [nj«/£'^<3. Latin.] A
plant. M I'tr.

WATERMAN. ʃ. [-water and wan.] A
ferryman ; a boatman. Dryden. Add'fan,

WATERMARK. ʃ. ['water and n:ark..
The utmoſt limit of the riſk of the flood. Dryden.

WATERMELON. f. A plant. M>l:er,

WATERMILL. ʃ. Mill turned by water. Spenſer.

WATERMINT. ʃ. A plant.

WATERRADISH. ʃ. A ſpecies of watercreſſtfs,
which fee.

WATERRAT. ʃ. A rat tha-r makes
holes in banks. Walton.

WATERRO'CKET. ʃ. A ſpecies of water-creffe'.

WATERVIOLET. ʃ. [icrrsw/a, Latin.] A
plant. All. tr,

WATERSA'PPHIRE. ʃ. A ſort of ſtone.
The occidental fapphire is neither ſo bright
nor as hard as the oriental. Woodtv.rd.

WATERWITH. ʃ. [luater and wr.b.] A
plant of Jamaica growing^ on dry hiUs
where no water is to be met with ; its
trunk, if tut into pieces two or three y uds
Jong, and held by either end to the mouth,
affords pitntifully water, or fap, to the
droiifthty traveller. Denham.

WATERWORK. ʃ. ['wi-er and work..
Phy of ſountain.] any Hydraulick performance. Wilkins, Addiſon.

WATElvY. a. [from wu.vr.]
1. 7hia; liquid; Lice water. Arbuth,
2. Tafteleſs; inſipid ; vapid ; ſpiritleſs.Shakʃpeare.
3. Wet; abounding with water. Prior.
4. Rehting to the water. Dryden.
5. C 'nfii^irs of wi»t-r. ' A'I:!ton.

WATTLE. ʃ. [from -u-agbelen, to ſhake,
I TriP b.^rb«, or Ir-fc red fi^Oi that hangs
belo. th? cock's b il. Walton.
2. A hi: -die.

bind With tw'g?
[p tel
to term.
% Sax.] To
by p'-^tring. Milton.

WAVE. ʃ. [paje, Saxon; loafgby Du'ch.]
1. Water railed above the level of the
forface ; billow, IVutt ,n.
2. Unsvenneſs ; inequality, Newton.

To WAVE. v. n. [from the noun.]
1. To phy I'Hjfely ; to fljat. 'Didder.
2. To be moved as a figoa!. B ; b'ljon.
3. To be in an unfcttltd liate ; to fluifluate.

To WAVE. v. a. [from the nrun.]
1. To raiſe into inequalities or ;urfAce.Shakʃpeare.
2. To movelooſely, Milton.
3. To Witt ; to-remove any thing floating. Brown.
4. To beckon ; to direct by a wact or luolion
of any thing. Shakʃpeare.
5. To put off. Wotton.
6. To put aſide for the preſent. Dryden.i.

To WA'VER. v.n. [p'pu. Saxon.]
1. To play to and fro ; to iiiovcioofely. Boyle.
2. To he un.etrled ; to be uncertain, or
inconftasit ; to thi£ti;are ; not to be determmed. Shakʃpeare. Daraef. Aterbury.

WA'VERER. ʃ. [from waver.^^ One unſettled
ar.d inefolute. Shakʃpeare.;,

WA'VY. a. [from wa've.-\
1. Riil'ig in Wcivfs. Dryden.
Z, PIaying to and fro, as in undulations.

WAWES. or wafi. f. For waves.

To WAWL. v. n. To cry ; to i:iowI.Shakʃpeare.

WAX. ʃ. [p^xe, Saxon ; zu:x, Uanlſh ; ivack'y Duto4 ;
1. The thick lenicious matter gathered by
the bee. Roſcommon.
a- Any tenacious mafii, ſuch as is viffft to
fallei letters.- Mo'^e.

To W/''.X. v. a. To ſmear ; to join with

SN'cx. Dryden.

To WAX. -y. n. pret. woXy waxed^ part.
I^air. zuaX'a^ wjxer. [pc.xaa, ScAon.]
1. To grow ; to mcredie ; to became bigger,
or mere. Hahivitl,
2. To paſs into any ſtate ; to become ; to
^row. liosk r. Gen. Fairfax Aite>b.

WA'XEN. a. [iriin ;i.'>..] Made of wdx.
Denham, Guy,

WAY. ʃ. [pvx.^^'xon.]
1. Tri,; lujj in which o;.e trave's. Shakʃpeare, Milton, Prior.

S. Eioad road nu<ie io: pallongers,Shakʃpeare.
;.]. A length of journey. L Rjita\ge.
jj. Ci.urf.- ; d:rt.ctionuf mo'^nn.
Dryden. Locke.
5. Advance in life. Spectator.
6. fafijge ; power of proprfſtion r^'ade or
given. fy'al'ef. Temple.
7. Local tendenc/. Shakſpeare.
'i,. Cuuife i
regular progreiSon. Dryden.
9. Situation where a thing may probably
be found. Taylor.
10. A ſituation or courſe obſtructive and
obviating. Duppa.
11. Tendency to any meaning, or aft. Atterbury.
12. Acceſs ; means of admittance. Raleigh.
13. Sphere of obſervation. Temple.
14. Means ; mcoiati inſtrument ; intermediate
ilep. Dryden, Milton.
15. Method ; means of management. Daniel, South.
16. Private determination. Ben. Johnſon.
17. Manner ; mode. Sidney. Book. Addiſ. .
18. Method ; mariHcr of practice. Sidney.
19. Method or plan of life, conduct, or
action. Bacon, Milton.
20. Right method to act or know. Locke. Rowe.
21. General ſcheme of acting. Clarijfa,
22. By the WAY. Without any neceſfary
connection with the main deſign. Bacon. Spectator.
23. To go, ox coine one''i \f A\y Or viAys \
to con e along, or dep.ut. Shakſp, L'Eſtr.

WAYBRE'AD. ʃ. A plant. Ainsworth.

WA'YFARER. ʃ. [v;ay and f.re, to go.]
l^airenger ; traveller. Curtiv,

WAYFA'RING. a. Travelling ; paiſing ;
bsing on a if-urney. Hammond.

WAYFARINGTREE. ʃ. [viburnum, Lat.]

To WAYLA'Y. v.fl. [way and lay.] To
watch irhoiouſly in the way ; to beſet by
ambuſh. Bacon, Dryden.

WAYLA'YER. ʃ. [from waylay.] One who
waits m anribuſh for another.

WAY'LESS. a. [from w^J>.] Pathlsfs 4 untiacKcd. Drayton.

WAY'MARK. ʃ. [way andmark.] Mark
to uuiJe in travelling. Jeremiah.

To WAY'MENT. v. a. [pa, Saxon.] To
lament, or grieve. Spenſer.

WAYWARD. a. Froward ; peeviſh ; morofe
; vexatious. Sidaey. Fairfax.

WAY'WARDLY. ad. [i'l.m'wayward.]
Fiow2.dIy ; perverſely. Sidney.

WAY'WARD'NESS. ʃ. ['from wayward.]
Fiowardneſs ; perverf-neſs. Wotton.

WE. pronoun. [See I.] Thi plural of I.Shakʃpeare.

WEAK. a. [pasc, Saxon; wec^y Dutch.]
1. Fteble ; not ſtrong. Milton, Locke.
2. Infirm ; not healthy, Shakʃpeare.
3. Soft ; pliant ; not liiff.
4. Low of found. AJcham,
5. Feeble of mind; wanting ſpirit. tiook'T. Swift.
6. Not much impregnated with any ingredient.
7. Not powerful ; not potent. Shakſpeare, South, Swift.

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8. Not well ſupported by argument. Jholer.
9. Unfortified. Addiſon.

To WEA'KEN. 'v,a. To dchi.'itate ; tornheebie,
ikoker. Riy.

WEA'KLING. ʃ. [from weck ] A feeble
creature. Shakʃpeare.

WEA'KLY. ad. [from 7Vfak.] Feebly ;
with want of ſtrength. Eacon. Dryden.

WEA'KIA'. a. [from weak ; Not ſtrong ;
not healthy. Raleigh..

WEA'KNESS. ʃ. [from weak.]
1. Want of ſtrength ; want of force; feebleneſs. Rogeri.
2. Infirmity ; unhealthineſs, Iemple.
3. Want of cogency. IHLi^jr.
4. Want of judgment ; want of reſolution
; fooliſhneſs of 0)ind. Milton.
5. Defect ; failing. Bacon.

WEA'KSIDE. ʃ. [weak and fidi.] Foible; deficience ; infirmity. Tem'^le.

WEAL. ʃ. [! eJan, Saxon; nveal-^. Due.]
1. Happineſs; proſperity ; flouniliing ſt-te. Shakʃpeare, Milton. Tewtli.
2. Republick ; ſtate ; publick intereſt. Pope.

WEAL. ʃ. [pjlan, Saxon.] The m^rk of
a ſtripe. Donne.

WEAL away. interj, AJas, Spenſer.

WEALD. Wald, Walt. Whether fiagiy c;r
jointly ſignify a wood or grove, from the
Saxon pealt. Cihfon.

WEALTH. ʃ. ſpaUS, rich, Sax.] Riches
; money, or precious goods. Corbet. Dryden.

WEA'LTHILY. ^rf. [from wealth.] Kichly.Shakʃpeare.

WEA'LTHINESS. ʃ. [from wealthy.] Richneſs.

WEA'LTHY. a. [from wealth.] Rxh ; opulent ; abundant. Spenſer, Shakſp.sjn,

To WEAN. v. a. [pinan, Saxon.]
1. To put from the breaſt ; to ablaſlate. Ray, Mortimer.
1. To withdraw from any habit or dtfire. Spenſer, Stillingfleet.

WEA'NE. L. 7 r re 1

WEA'NLING. i f- t^^' '^'.
1. An animal newly weaned. Spenſer, Milton.
2. A child newly weaned.

WEA'PON. ʃ. ſp:apon, Saxon.] Inſtrument
of rffence. Shakſpeare. Damfl

WEA'PONED. a. [from nceapon.^ Armed for
offence; furniſhed with arms. Sidney. Ha^it-a'd.

WEATONLESS. a. [from weafov.] Having
no weap ti ; ur.armed. Milton.

WEA'PONSALVE. ʃ. [ive^pon and jo ve.]
A ſalve which was ſuppoſed to cure the
wound, being applied to the weapon that
made it. Boyle.

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To WEAR. v. a. preterite wore, participle
tco-b. [p'jian, Saxon.]
1. To waſte with uſe or time, Peacham.
2. To confume (edioudy. Carew.
3. To carry appendant to the body.Shakʃpeare.
4. To exhibit in appearance. Dryden.
5. To ?ff-ft by degrees. Locke.
6. To Wear car. To huraſs. Daniel.
7. To Wear out. To waſte or deſtroy by
uſe. Dryden.t,

To WEAR. v V.
1. To be waſted with uſe or time. Exo^ut,
2. To be tediouſly ſpcnt. Mih^'r.
3. To paſs by degrees. Rogers.
WtAR. ſ. [frnm the verb.]
1. The act of wearing ; the thing worn. Hudibras.
1. f paefi, Saxon. a fen ; war, German,
a mound, ; A dam to ſhut up and raiſe
the water ; often written weir or luier. Walton,

WEARD. ʃ. Weard, whether initial or final,
ſignifies watchfulneſs or care, from
the Saxon p?5fvtoan, to ward or keep. Gtb,

WEA'RER. ʃ. [from wcar.] One who has
any thing appendant 10 his perſon. Dryden. Major,

WEA'RING. ʃ. [from wear.] Clothes.Shakʃpeare.

WEA'RINESS. ʃ. [from wwry.]
1. Lafiitude ; ſtate of being ſpent with labour. Shakʃpeare. Hau. Sf-u'b,
2. Fatigue ; cauſe of Jallitude. Clarenden.
3. Impatience of any thing,
4. TeHinufners.

WEA'RISH. a. [I belive from psp, Sax. a
qiiagrrnre.] Boggy; watery. Carew.

WEARISOME. a. [from we^z-y ] Troubleſome
; tedious ; c.u(ing wearineſs. Hooker, Brown. D^nbjm,

WEA'RISOMELY. ad. [from weonſome..
Tediouſly; ſo as to cauſe wearineſs. Raleigh.

WEA'RISOMENESS. ʃ. [from weanſome.]
1. The quality of tiring.
2. The state of being eaſily tired. j4[cham.

To WEA'RY. ʃ. a \ from the adjective.]
1. To tire ; to fa'ipuc ; to h^rraſs ; to
ſubd)!- by labour, Dryden, Addiſon.
2. To make impatient of contmuince. Shakſpeare.
3. To ſubdue or harraf? ty any thu.g ukſome. Milton.

WEA'RY. a. [p P15, Saxon ; icaertn, to
t^re, Dutch,]
1. Subdued by fatigue; t red wrh hboor,
^f-tr.f r. Uy: n,
2. Impatient of the continu«n.r o'i any
thing painful. C/fl- rdon,
3. D fious to diſrontinue. Sh he f'or-.
4. C-iiſing weanntfj i tiref m^.
.S' .
6Uz A?


WEA'SEL. ʃ. [pffel, Saxon ; 'wefely Tfat.]
A linall aaimai hat eats corn and kills
mice. Pope. .

WE'SAND. ʃ. [paj-en, Saxon] The windpipe
; the paſſage through which the breath
is Qrawn and cmnted. Spenſer, Wiſeman, Dryden.

WEA'THER. ʃ. Lp:^7ii Saxon.]
1. State of ail, ref, eding either cold or
beat, wet or drinefs. Shakʃpeare, L'Eſtrange.
2. The change of the ſtate of the air. Bacon.
3. Tempeſt ; ſtorm. Dryden.

To WEATHER. v. a. [from the n un.]
1. To - ;;;oſe to the air. Spenſer.
2. To pals with difficulty. Gurtb, Hale.
3. To Weather a point. To gam a
point againſt the wind. Addiſon.
4. To Weather out. To endure. Addiſon.

WEA'THERBEATEN. a. Harafled and
ſeaſoned by hard weather. Sidney. SueVing.

WEA'THERCOCK. ʃ. [weather and cock.]
1. An artificial cock !et on the top of a
ſpire, which by tuming ſhows the point
from which the wind bbws. Brown.
2. Any thing ſickle and inconſtant. Dryden.

WEA'THERDRIVEN. part. Forced by
ſtorms or contir winds. Carew.

WEATHERGA'GE. ʃ. [weather and gage.]
Any thing that ſhows the weather. Hudibras.

WEA'THERGLASS. ʃ. [loeather and ^iajs.]
A barometer. Arbuthnot, Berkley.

WEATHERSPY'. ʃ. [weather and ſpy.] A
flar-grfz-r ; an aſtrologer. Donne.

WEATHER WISE. a. Weather and wife.]
Sk I'ul in foretelling the weather.

WEA THERWISER, a. [-weather, and wif-
<«, Dutch, to ſhow.] Any thing that
foreſhows the weather, Denhant.

To WEAVE. v. a. preterite toove, wtaved
; p.-^rt. p^fi. woven, weaved ;
[-pep'n. Sax. we/an, Dutch.]
3. To form by texture. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.
2. To unite by intermixture. Addiſon.
3. To interpoſe; to infert, Shakʃpeare.

To WEAVE. v. n. To work with a loom.

WEA'VER. ʃ.- rfroro weave.] One who
makes threads into cloth. bbdkejp. Job.

WEA'VEKFISH. ʃ. [aravempijcii, L.tm.]
A fiſh, Ainsworth.

WEB. ʃ. Tpebba, Sax.]
1. Texture ; any thing woven. Spenſer. Daijies.
2. A kind of duilcy film that Irnders the
fight. Shakʃpeare.

WE'BBLED. <?, [from wt^, ; Joined by a
fiirn. Denham.


WE'BFOOTED. a. [we^ and/00/.]
Palmipedous ; having films between the
toes. Ray.

WEBSTER. f. ſpebrtpe. Sax.] A weaver,
Obſolete. Camden.

To WED. v. a. ſpebian, Saxon.]
1. To marry ; to take for huſband or wife. Shakʃpeare, Pope. .
2. To join in marriage. Shakʃpeare.
3. To unite for ever. Shakʃpeare.
4. To take for ever. Clarenden.
5. To unite by 1 >ve or fondneff. Tiltotfen.

To WED. v. n. To contract matrimony. Suckling.

WE'DDING. ʃ. [from wed.] Marriage nu^-
tiait ; the nuptial ceremony. Shakʃpeare. Gfaunt,

WEDGE. ʃ. [vegge, Daniſh ; wegge, Dut.]
1. A body, which having a ſharp edge,
continually growing thicker, is uſed to
cleave timber. Spenſer, Arbuthnot.
2. A maſs of metal. Spenſer. J'/ona.
3. Any thing in the form of a wciige. Milton.

To WEDGE. v. a. [from ihs noun.] To
faBen with wedges ; to ſtranten with wedges
; to cleave with wedges. Shakſpeare.- Dryden, Philips, Berkley.

WE'DLOCK.'/ [ptb and lac, Sax.] Marriage
; mstrimony. Shakʃpeare.and.

WE'DNESDAY. ʃ. [po5>enrt)a3. Saxon ; luoenjdayy Dutch.] The ſcv.nh day of
thcw-ek, f© named by the Gothick natitions
fom WodenoT Odin. Shakʃpeare.

WEE. a. [weeing, Dutch] Little} (nr.41.Shakʃpeare.

WEE'CHELM. ʃ. A ſpecies of elm. Bacon.

WEED. ʃ. [p-.ct),S:xan.]
1. An herb noxious or uſeleſs. Clarendon, Mortimer.
2. pQE.&a, Saxon ; waed, Dutch.] A
garment ; clothes ; habit. Sidney, Hooker.

To WEED. v. s. [from the noun.]
1. To rid of noxious plants. Bacon, Mortimer.
2. To take away noxious plants.Shakʃpeare.
3. To free from any thing hurtful. Hoturl,
4. To root cut vice, Afcham. L<ltke.

WE'EDER. ʃ. [from weed.] One that
takes away any thing noxious. Shakʃpeare.

WE'EDHOOK. ʃ. [weed and hook.] A
hook by which weeds are cut away or extirpated.

WE'EDLESS. a. [from weed.] Free from
breeds ; fice from any thing uſeleſs or noxiouſ. Donne, Dryden.

WE'EDY. a. [from <iveed.]
1. Conſiſting of weeds. Shakʃpeare.
2. Abounding with weeds, Dryden.

WEEK. ʃ. [pecc, Saxon ; loeke, Dutch ; ivecka, Swediſh. ; The ſpace of ſeven
days. Geneſis.

WE'EKDAY. ʃ. Any day not Sunday.

WE'EKLY. a. Happening, produced, or
iona once a week ; hchdonnadary,

WE'EKLY. ad. [from week.] Once «
Week ; by hebd.jmaddl periods, Ayliffe.

WEEL. ʃ. p^el, Saxon. ;
1. A w.-j oooi.
2. A . ggcT Inare or fr»p for fiffj.

To WEEN. T/. ». [pe^a^, Sax.] To think ; to imagin'' ; to form a potion ; to fancy. Spenſer, Shakʃpeare, Milton.

To WEEP. v. [prcter. and p^rt. pail.
wept, ^.^efiid, [per.pan, Saxon.]
1. To ſhow ſorrow by tears. Deuteronomy.
2. To ſhed tears from ^n> ^. jſtion.Shakʃpeare.
3. To lament ; to complain. l^umbert.

To WEEP. -y. a.
1. To lament with tears ; to bewail ; to
bemoan. Dryden.
2. To fli ' moidure. Pope. .
3. To abound with wet. Mortimer.

WE'EPER. ʃ. [from tveſp.]
1. One who ſheds tears ; a mourner.
2. A whue border on the fleeve of a mourning

WE'ERISH. a. Inſipid ; four ; ſurly.

To WEET. v. n. preterite wor, or luote.
ſpitan, Saxin ; wffſw, Dutch.] To know; to be informed ; to have knowledge. Spenſer, Prior.

WE'ETLESS. a. [from iveet \ Unknowing.

WE'LVIL. ʃ. [pipel, Saxon ; wvd, Dut.]
A prup.

WE'EZEL. ʃ. [See Weasel.]

WEET. The old preterite and part. pafT,
from To wave. Spenſer.

WEFT. ʃ. That of which the claim is generally
waved ; any thing wandering without
an owner. Ben. Johnson.

WEFT. ʃ. [p pta, Saxon.] The woof of

WE'ETAGE. ʃ. [from w(/>.] Texture.

To WEIGH. ʃ. a. [pcejan, Saxon ; 'ueybin,
1. To examine by the balance. Milton.
2. To be equivalent to m weight, Boyle.
3. To pay, allot; or take by weight. Shakʃpeare. Xcch,
4. To raiſe ; to take up the anchor. Knolles.
5. To examine ; to ballaoce in the mind. Clarendon.
6. To Weigh down. To overbaJlance. Daniel.
7. To Weigh down. To overburden ;
to oppreſs with weight, l>ryden, Addiſon.

To WEIGH. v. n.

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1. To kave weight. Brown.
2. To be conſidered as important. Addiʃon.
3. To raiſe the anchor. Dryden.
4. To bear heaviiy ; to prtfs hard. Shakeſpeare.

WEIGHED. a. [from zveigh.] Expericnc-
^^- Bacon.

WE'IGHER. ʃ. [from -iueigh.] He who

WEIGHT. ʃ. ſpiht, Saxon.]
1. Quantity meaſured by the balance. Arbuthnot.
2. A maſs by which, as the ſtandard, other
bodies are examined, Swift.
3. Ponderous mafs. Bacon.
4. Gravity ; heavineſs ; tendency to the
5. Preffure ; burthen ; overwhelming pow-
^^- Shakſpeare.
6. Importance
; power ; influence ; effi-
^acy. Locke.

WE'IGHTILY. ad. [from weighty.]
1. Heavi'y ; ponderfully.
2. Solidly ; importantly. Brome,

WE'IGHTINESS. ʃ. [from 'weighty..
1. Ponder«Cty; gravity ; heavineſs.
2. Solidity ; force. Locke.
3. Importance. Hayward.

WEIGHTLESS. a. [from ttttight.] Light; having no gravity. Sandys.

WE'IGHTY. a. [from weight.]
1. Heavy; ponderous. Dryden.
2. Important ; momentous ; efficacious. Shakʃpeare, Prior.
3. Rigorous ; ſevere. Shakʃpeare.

WE'LAWAY. tnterj. Alas, Spenſer.

[pilculme, Saxon ; wel.
kom, Dutch.]
1. Received with gladneſs ; adnsitted willingly ; grateful
; pleaſing. Ben. Johnſon. Ltfcie,
2. To bid welcome. To receive with
profefl:ons of kindneſs. Bacon.

WE'LCOME. interj. A form of falutation
uſed to a new comer, Dryden.

1. Salutation of a new comer, Shakʃpeare.
2. Kind reception of a Aew comer. Sidney, South.

To WE'LCOME. v. a. To faiute a new
corner with kindneſs. Bacon.

WELCOME to our houſe. ſ. An herb. Ainsworth.

WE'LCOMENESS. ʃ. [f/om weleomt.]
Gratefutneſs, B^^e,

WE'LCOMER. ʃ. [from lodcome.] The' ſaluter
or receiver of a new comer.Shakʃpeare.

WELD. or Would. ſ. Yellow weed, or dyers
weed, Muler.

to WELD. fer T. w/VW, Swift.

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To WELD. v. a. To beat one m^fs Into
another. Moxon.

WE'LFARE. ʃ. [TOfi//and fare, ] Happineſs
; ſucceſs ; prol'perity. Addiſon.

To WELK. 1/, a. To cloud ; toobſcure. Spenſer.

WE'LKED. a. Wrinkled ; wreathed.Shakʃpeare.

WELKIN. ʃ. [from pealcan, to roll, or
pelcen, clouds. Sax.] The viſible regions
of the air, Milton, Philips.

WELL. ʃ. [palle, pcell, Saxon.]
1. A ſpring ; a tountain ; a rource. Davies.
2. A deep narrow pit of water. Dryden.
3. The cavity in which ſtairs are placed. Moxon.

To WELL. v. n. [peallan, Saxon.] To
ſpring ; to iſſue as from a ſpring. Spenſer, Dryden.

To WELL. v. a. To pour any thing forth. Spenſer.

WELL. a.
1. Not ſick ; not unhappy. Shakʃpeare, Taylor.
2. Convenient ; happy. Spratt.
3. Being in favour. Dryden.
4. Rec«>vcred from any ſickneſs or misfortune. Collier.

WELL. ad. [pell, Saxon; we/, Dutch.]
1. Not ill ; not unhappily. Price.
2. Not ill ; not wickedly. Milton.
3. Skilfully ; properly. Wotton.
4. Not amu's ; not unfucceſsfully. Knolles.
5. Not inſuſſiciently ; not defectively. Bacon.
6. To a degree that pives pleaſure. Bacon.
7. With praiſe ; favourably. Pope. .
8. To WELL at. To gether with; not
Icfs than. Arbuthnot.
9. Well is bim or me; he is happy. Eccl.
10. Well nigh. Nearly ; almoſt. Milton.
11. It is uſed much in connpoſition, to expreſs
any thing right, laudable, or not defeſtive.

WEXLADAY. interjeSJ, [A corruption of
'uielawiiv.^ Aias.

WELLBE'ING. ʃ. [ivell and he.] Happineſs
; proſperity. Taylor.

WELLBO'RN. ʃ. Not meanly deſcended. Waller.

WELLBRE'D. a. [well and ireJ.] Elegant
of manners ; polite. Ro'con:mcn.

WELLNA'TURED. a. [tuell and nature.]
Goodnatured; kind.

WELLDO'NE. interjea. A word of praiſe. Matthew.

WELLFA'VOURED. a. [well &nd favour.]
Beautiful ; pleaſing to the ey.Shakʃpeare.

WELLME'T. titerj. [well and met.] A
term of falatation, Shakʃpeare, Denham.


WELLNI'GH. ad. [w/?//aod nigh.] AI-
loft. Davies, Spratt.

WELLSPE'NT. a. Faffed with virtue. Calamy.

WE'LLSPRING. ʃ. [pcellsepprus, Saxon.]
Fountain ; fource. Hooker.

WELLWI'LLER. ʃ. [we/7 and w«7/er.] One
who means kindlv, Sidney, Hooker.

WELLWI'SH. ʃ. [well and wiſh,\ A wiſh
oſhappineſs. Addiſon.

WELLWI'SHER. ʃ. [from wellw//&.] One
who wiſhes the good of another. Pope. .

WELT. ʃ. A border ; a guard ; an edging. Ben. Johnſon.

To WELT. v. a. [from the noun.] To
few any thing with a border.

To WE'LtER. v.n. [pealtan, Saxon ;
welteren, Dutch.]
1. To roil in water or mire. Milton, Dryden.
2. To roll voluntarily ; to wallow.

WEMM. ʃ. [f em, Saxon.] A ſpot ; a fear.

WEN. ʃ. [pn, Saxon.] A fleſhy or callous
excreſcente, or protuberance. More, Dryd.

WENCH. ʃ. [pencle, Saxon.]
1. A young woman. Sidney, Donne.
2. A young wQman in contempt. Prior.
3. A ſtrumpet. Sp^Batsr,

WE'NCHER. ʃ. [from wench.] A fornicator. Grew.

To WEND. <w, ». ſprn^Mn, Saxon.]
1. To go ; to paſs to or from. Arbuthnot.
2. To turn round. Raleigh.

WE'NNEL. ʃ. An animal newly taken from
the dam. Tuffer,

WE'NNY. a. [from we».] Having the nature
of a wen. Wiſeman.

WENT. pret. See Wen d and Go,

WEPT. pret. and part, of we^/6. Milton.

WERE. pret. of the verb to be. Daniel.

WERE. f. Adam. See Wear. Sidney.

WERT. the ſecond perſon ſingular of the
preterite of to he. Ben. Johnson.

WERTH. lueorth, wyrtb. ſ. [nthen^mes
of places, ſignify a farm, court, or village,
from the Saxon peojiJSig. Gibſon.

WE'SIL. ʃ. SeeWESANP. Bacon.

WEST. ʃ. [pert, Saxon ; we/7, Dutch.]
The region where the fun goes below the
horizon at the equinoxes. Milton, Pope. .

WEST. a. Being towards, or coming from,
the region of the feJting fun. Exodus. Numbers,

WEST. ad. To the weſt of any place. Milton.

WE'STERING. a. Faffing to the weſt. Milton.

WE'STERLY. a. [from weſt] Tending or
being towards the weſt. Graunt,

WE'STERN. a. [from ineji.] Being in the
weſt, or toward the part where the fun WHATEVER.
fets. Spenſer, Addiſon. WHA'iSO.

WE'STWARD. ad. [p'nP'P»» Sax )p.] WHA'T.-iOEVER
Towards the welt. j-Addiſon, Prior.

WE'STWARDLY. ad. With tendency co
the weſt. Donne.

WET. a. [pcct, Saxon.]
1. Humid ; having ſome moiſture adhering. Bacon.
2. Rainy ; watery. Dryden.

WET. ʃ. Water ; humidity ; m©iaure. Bacon, Evelyn.

To WET. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To humedia te ; to moiſten. Spenſer, Milton.
2. To drench with drink. lyaiton.

WETHER. ʃ. [p.^.p, Saxon ; wether,
Dutch.] A ram caſtraned. Brown. Gr^unt,

WE'TNESS. ʃ. [from wet.] The ſtate of
being wet ; moiſture. Mortimer.

To WEX. v. a. To grow ; to increaſe. Dryden.

WE'ZAND. ʃ. [(te wefartd-} The windpipe. Brown.
WHale. ſ. [pHale. Saxon.] The largeft
ef firti ; the largeſt of the animals that inhabit
this globe. dnffii. ^Swift.

WHAME. ʃ. Burrel.fly. Denham.

WHA'LY. a. [See weal.] Marked in
ſtreaks. Spenſer.

WHARF. ʃ. [ivarf, Swediſh ; wirf, Dut.]
A perpendicular bank or mole, raiſed for
the convenience of lading or emptying veſſels.

WHA'RFAGE. ʃ. [frosn lubarf.] Dues
for landng at a wharf.

WHA'RFINGER. ʃ. [from wbarf.] One
who attends a wharf.

To WHURR. v. n. To pronounce the letter
r with too much force. DiB.

WHAT. pr(,rijun. [hp^tr, Saxon ; wat.
1. That which. Dryden, Addiſon.
2. Which part. Locke.
3. Something that is in one's mind indefinitely.Shakʃpeare.
4. Which of feverai. Bacon, Arbuthnot.
5. An interjection by way of ſurpriſe or
queſtion. Dryden.
6. What though. Whpt imports it
though? notwithſtanding. Hooker.
7. What T/W, IVbo: Day. At the
time when; to the dr.y when. Milton, Pope. .
8. Which of many ; interrogatively. Spenſer, Dryden.
9. To how great a degree. Dryden.
10. It is u.ed adverbially for partK ; m
part. Knolles, Norris.
11. WwAT^ff, An interjection of call-
'«g, Dryden.
/ pronoun^, [from tuhit
f andy<?fTfr.]
1. Having one nature or another} being
one or another either generically, ſpec tically
or numerically. Milton, Denham.
2. Any thing, be it what it will. Hooker.
3. The ſame, be it this or that. Fopt,
4. All that ; the whole that ; all particulars
that. Shakʃpeare.

WHE.^L. ſ. [See Weal.] A puflule ; a
fnuU iwclling filled with matter, Wiſeman.

WHEAT. f. [hp.'.te, Saxon ; lond^, Dut.]
The grain of which bread is chittly made. Shakʃpeare.#x17F;is.

WHEA'TEN. a. [from whtat.] Made of
wheat. Arbuthnot.

WHEA'TEAR. ʃ. A ſmall bird very delicate. Swift.

WHEA'TPLUM. ʃ. A ſort of plum. Ainſworth.

To WHE'EDLE. v. a. To entice by ſoft
words ; to rtaticr ; to perſuade by kind
words. Hudibras, Locke, Rowe.
1. A circular body that turns rourd upoa
an axis. Dryden.
2. A circular body. Shakʃpeare.
3. A carriage that runs upon wheels. Milton.
4. An inſtrument on which criminals are
tortured. Shakʃpeare.
5. The inſtrument of ſpinning. Giffard,
6. Rotation; revolution. Bacon.
7. A compaſs about ; a trail approaching
to circularity. Milton.

To WHEEL. fj. fi.
1. To move on wheels.
2. To turn on an axis. Berkley.
3. To revolve ; to have a rotatory motion,
4. To turn ; ta have viciſhtudes.
5. To fetch a compaſs, IShakʃpeare. Knot.
6. To loU forwaid. Shakʃpeare.

To WHEEL. v. a. To put into a rotatory
motion ; to mal<^e to whirl rour>d, Milton.

WHEE'LBARROW. ʃ. [wheel and barro'w.]
A carriage driven forward on one
wheel. Bacon, King.

WHEE'LER. ʃ. [from wheef.] A maker of
wheels. Camden.

WHEE'LWRIGHT. ʃ. [ziieelind wnght.]
A maker of wheel carriages. Mortimer.

WHEE'LY. a. [from 'wheel.] Circular ;
fut-'ble to rotation. Philips.

To WHEEZE. v. n. [hperj-on, Sax.] To
breath with noiſe. floyer,

WHELK. ʃ. [Stc to Welk ]
1. An inequality ; a protuberance.Shakʃpeare.
2. A puflule.

To WHELM. «'. a. [syhi'p^n, Saxon ; liirAJ, Iſlandick.]l
1. To

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1. To cover with ſomething not to be
thrown off ; to bury. Shakʃpeare, Pope. .
s To throw upon ſomething ſo as to cover
or bury it. Milton.

WHELP. ʃ. [wf/^, Dut.]
1. The young of a dog ; a puppy. Bacon, Brown.
2. The young of any beaſt oſ prey. Donne.
3. A f;n. Shakʃpeare.
4. A young man. Ben. Johnſon.

To WHELP. v. n. To bring young. Milton.

WHEN. ad. [<wban, Gothick ; hpaenne,
Sax. wanmtr^ Dut.]
1. At the time that, Camden, Addiſon.
2. At what time. Addiſon.
3. What time. Shakʃpeare.
4. At which time. Daniel.
5. After the time that. Government of the Tongue.
6. At what particular time. Milton.
7. When df. At the time when ; what
time. Milton.

2. From what place.
». From what perſon. Prior.
3. From what premiſes, Dryden.
4. From which place or perſon. Milton.
5. For which cauſe. Arbuthnot.
6. From what foufce, Locke.
7. Frew Whence. A vitious mode of
ſpeech. Spenſer.
8. of Whence. Another bsrbariCm,

WHE'NCESOEVER. ad. [whence and ever.]
From what place ſoever, Locke.

WHE'NEVER. ʃ. a^/. At whatCoever

WHE'NSOEVER. ʃ. time. Li)c/^<^. i<«g.^rj.

WHERE. ad. [hjweji, Saxon ; ^t^atfr, Dut.]
1. Ac which place or placfS. Sidney, Hooker.
2. At what place. Pope. .
3. At the place in which. Shakʃpeare.
4. .^a>» Where. At any place.
5. Where, like-ft^rc, has in compoſition
a kind of pronominal ſignification.
6. It h?s the nature of a noun. Spenſer.

WHE'REABOUT. ad. [where and about.]
1. Near what place.
2. Near which place. Shakʃpeare.
3. Concerning which. Hooker.

WHEREA'S. ad. [where and aj.]
1. When on the contrary. Spratt.
2. At which place. Shakʃpeare.
3. The thing being ſo that. Baker.

WHEREA'T. ad. [-^^fefr^ and at.] At
whuh. Hooker.

WHEREBY'. ad. [where ahd by.] By which. Hooker, Taylor.

WHERE'VER. ad. [where ^ad c'verq At

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whatſoever place. Milton, Waller. Aittrb,

WHE'REFORE. ad. [where and for.]
1. For which reaſon. Hooker.
2. For what reaſon. Shakʃpeare.

WHEREI'N. ad. [where and /«.] In which. Bacon, Swift.

WHEREINTO. ad. [where and ;«/(».] Into
which. Bacon, Woodward.

WHE'RENESS. ʃ. [from where.] Ubiety.

WHEREO'F. ad. [where and of.] Of which. Davies.

WHEREO'N. ad. [where and on.] On
which. Hooker, Milton.

WHE'RESO. ʃ. ad. [where and foe-

WHERESOE'VER. ʃ. wr.j In what plate
ſoever. Spenſer.

WHERETO'. ʃ. ad. [where and to, ot

WHEREUNTO'. ʃ. unco.] To which. Hooker, Milton.

WHEREUPO'N. ad. [where and upon.] Upon
which. Clarenden, Davies.

WHEREWI'TH. ʃ. ad. [where and

WHEREWITHA'L. ʃ. [with, or withal.]
With which. Shakʃpeare. Wycherhy,

To WHE'RRET. v. a.
1. To hurry ; to trouble ; to teaze.
7. To give a box on the ear, Ainsworth.

WHE'RRY. ʃ. A light boat uſed on rivers. Drayton.

To WHET. v. a. [hpettan. Sax. wetten,
1. To ſharpen by attrition. Boyle.
2. To edge ; to make angry or acrimonious. Knolles, Donne, Dryden.

WHET. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The act of ſharpening,
2. Any thing that makes hungry, as a
dram. Dryden.

WHETHER. fli. [hpa.^fji, Saxon.] A
particle expreſſing one part of a disjunctive
queſtion in oppoſition to the other. Hooker, South, Tillotſon.

WHETHER. pronoun. Which of two. Matthew, Berkley.

WHE'TSTONE. ʃ. [whet andpne.] Stone
on which any thing is whetted, or rubbed
to make it ſharp. Hooker, Fairfax.

WHE'TTER. ʃ. [from whet.] One that
whets or ſharpens. Mere,

WHEY. ʃ. [bpcEj, Saxon ; way, Dutch.].
1. The thin or lerous part of milk, from
which the oleoſe or grumous part is ſepa-
;^ rated. Shakʃpeare, Harvey.
2. It is uſed of any thing wnite and thin.Shakʃpeare.

WHE'YEY. [a. [from whey.] Par-

WHE'YISH. ʃ. taking of whey ; reſembling
whey. Bacon. Phi/ipt,

WHICH. pTon, [hpilc, Saxon. ; weick, Dut.]
1. The pronoun iciative, relating to
things. Bacon, South.

4. It formerly was uſed for 1060, and re-
Jated likewiſe to perſons : as in the firſt
words of the Lord's prayer. Shakſpeare.

WHI'CHSOEVER. pron. [which iai ſoever,
; Whether one or the other, Locke.

WHIFF. ʃ. [ch-wytb^ Welſh.] ,A bhft ; a
puff of wind. Shakʃpeare.

To WHI'FFLE. v. n. [from whiff. ; To
move incoijrtaotly, as if driven by a puff of

WHI'FFLER. ʃ. [from whiffie.S
1. One that blows ſtrongly. Shakʃpeare.
2. One of no conſequence; one nnoved
5. To JaHi with ſarcaſm. Shakſpeare.
_ ^^^J inwrap. A^cxcm.

To WHIP. v. a. To take any thin^i nin .
Wy. L'Eſtrange. S-w,/

To WHIP. v. n. To move nimbly.

L'Eſtrange. Tatltr,

WHIP. ʃ. [hpeop, Siion.] An inſtrument
of correſticii cou^h aAd paant. Dryden. Pope

L'Eſtrange. iraiti. ^HVPQOKD. ſ. [whip and cord.^ Cord of
which laſhes are made. Dryden.

WHI'PCRAFTING. ʃ. Whipgf ofnrg \,
thus performed : firſt, cut oti the heatl of
the ſtock, and ſmooth it ; then cut the
graft from a knot or bud on one ſide flop-
Jng, about an inch and a half lonj,', wiſh 1
ſhoulder, bur not deep, that it m'y reſt 00
the top of the flock : the graft iruft be cut
from the ſhouldering ſmooth and even, fljpi'g
by degrees, that the lower end be thin :
place the ſhoulder on the head of the ſtork,
and mark the length of the cut part of the
graft, and with your knife cut away fa
much of the ſtock as the graft did cover:
place both together, that the cut part of
both may join, and the fap unite the ore
to the other ; and bind them cloſe together,
and defend them frr.m the rain with tempered
clay or wax, as before. M'^rtlmer.
Itvbif) and band.] Ad.
Spt^ator. Swift.
Relatjfig. Swift.
The no.
with a whiff or puff.

WHIG. ʃ. [hpa^, Saxon.]
1. Whey.
2. The name of a faſtion.

WHI'GGISH. a. [from -uibig ]
to the whigs.

WHI'GGISM. ʃ. [from whig.]
tions of a whig,

WHILE. ʃ. [-u-eil, German ; hpjle, Sax.]
Time: ſpace of time. Ben. Johnſ. TiUctfon.

; ; ;

WHILES. ʃ. ad. [hpile, Saxon.]

1. During the time that. Shakʃpeare.
2. As long as. Watu,
3. At the ſame time that. Decay of Piety.

To WHILE. v. n. [from the noun.] To WHl'PHAND, /.
loiter. Spectator. vantage over.

WHI'LERE. ad. [lubile and ere, or before.] WHl'PLASH>. ʃ.
A little while ago. Raleigh.

WHI'LOM. ad. [hpi^om, Saxon.] Formerly
; once ; of oJd. Spenſer, Milton.

WHIM. y. A freak ; an odd fancy ; a caprice. Swift.

To WHI'MPER. v. V. [ivimmeren, Germ.]
To cry without any loud noiſe. Rowe.

WHI'MPLED. a. This word ſeems to mean
diſtorted with crying. Shakʃpeare.

WHI'MSEY. ʃ. A freak ; a caprice y an
odd fancy. L'EſtraKge, Prior, King.

WHI'MSICAL. a. [from whimfey.] Freaki/
h ; capricious ; oddly fanciful. Addisſon.

WHIN. ʃ. [chzvyn, Weilh.] A weed ;
furze. Tf}ir. B-Jcon.

To WHINE. ti, [parian, Saxon ; w^cnen,
Dutch.] To lament in low muimurs
; (to make a plaintive noiſe ; to moan meanly
and effeminately. Sidney. Sucking,

WHINE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Plaintive
noiſe ; mean or affic^d complaint. Somb,

To WHI'NNY. v. n. To make a noiſe lake
a hoife or colt.

WHI'NYARD. ʃ. A ſword, is contempt. Hudibras.

To WHIP. v. a. [hpeopan. Sax. wipptB,
1. To Arik-e with any thing tough and flexl.
ble. Addiſon.
2. To few flghtlr. Gay.
3. To ^lriye with laſhes. Shakʃpeare.'ſp. Locke.
4^ To correi^ with iiftes» iim:^.
The lalh or ſmall end ot
whip. Tuſſer.

WHI'PPER. ʃ. [from whip, ] Ooe who
puniſhes with whipping, Shakʃpeare.

WHI'PPINGPOST. ʃ. [ic'i.> and /;c>.; A
pillar to which criminals are bound when
they are laſhcd. Hudibras.

WHI'PSAW. ʃ. [iw;> and /jt:-.] The
nvbipfaio is uſed by joiners to faw ſuch
greet pieces of ſruit that the handfaw will
n^r eaſily reach through. Mox'^n,

WHI'PSTAFF. ʃ. [On ſhipboard.] A pie.e
of wood faſtened to the helm, which the
fteerſman holds in his hand to move the
helm and turn the Oi'p, Bailey.

WHIPSTER. ʃ. [from 'rt'i;;>.] A nimble
fellow, i'ricr,

WHIPT. for whipped. ^#'.

To WHIPJL. v. a. [hpypp n. Sax. w'irbem
leitf Dutch.] To turn lound rapid];. Dryden. Glan.vHU,

To WHIRL. v. n. To run r-und rapidly. Spenſer, Dryden, Smith.

WHIRL. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Gyration ; quick rotation ; circular mo.
tion ; rapid circumvolution. Dryden. Crr'^b. STrath,
2. Any thing moved with rapid rotat. on. Addiʃon.

WHI'RLBAT. ʃ. [whirl and bat.] Any
thio| rnvVwd rapidly lound to give a blow,

WF-fringe. Creech.

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WHI'RLSONE. ʃ. The patella. Air,^w,

WHt'RLlGIG. y. [whirl and gig.] A toy
which children ſpin round. Prior.

WHI'RLPIT. ʃ. [hpynppole, Saxon.]

WHIRLPOOL. ʃ. A place where the water
moves circufarly, and draws whatever
comes within the circle towards its center ;
a vortex. Sandys, Berkley.

WHI'RLWIND. ʃ. [tuerbelivind, German.]
A ſtormy wind mofing circularly. Dryden.

WHIRRING. a- A word fo/med in imitation
of the found expiefled by it : as, the
whirring'^h.ezUnX. Pope. .

WHISK. [wiſchertf, to wipe, German.]
1. A ſmall bcfom, or bruſh. Boyle, Swift.
2. A part of a woman's dreſs. Child.

To WHISK. v. a. [wiſcheſt, to wipe, German.]
1. To ſweep with a ſmall befom,
2. To move nimbly, as when one ſweeps.

WHI'SKER. ʃ. [from nvbtjk.^ The hair
growing on the cheejc unſhaven ; the muftachio.

To WHI'SPER. v.n. [wiſperen, D^ich.]
To ſpeak with a low voice. Sidney, Swift.

To WHI'SPER. v. a.
^, To addreſs in a low voice. Shakʃpeare. To iler,
2. To utter in a low voice. Berkley.
3. To prompt ſecretly. Shakʃpeare.

WHI'SPER. ʃ. [from the verb.] Alowfoft
voice. South.

WHISPERER. ʃ. [from lubiſper.]
1. One that ſpeaks low,
2. A private talker. Bacon.

1. Are ſilent. Shakʃpeare.
2. Still ; Qlent. Milton.
3. Be ſtill.

WHIST. ʃ. A game at cards, requiring cloſe
attention and ſilence. Swift.

To WHI'STLE. v. n. [bpij-r'an, Saxon]
1. To form a kind of muiicai found by an
inarticulate modulation of the breath. Shakʃpeare, Milton.
2. To make a found with a ſmall wind
3. To found ſtiril). Dryden. Pope.

To WHI'STLE. v. a. To call by a whtftle, South.

WHI'STLE. ʃ. [hyiftle, Saxon.]
1. Sound made by the modulation of the
breath in the mouth. Dryden.
2. A found m»di by a ſmall wind inſtrument.
3. The mouth ; the organ of whiftling.
4. A ſmall wind inſtrument. Sidney.
5. The noiſe of winds.
6 A call, ſuch as ſportfmen uſe to their
dtgs, Jiudiimif

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WHI'STLER. ʃ. [from whijile.] One who
whiftles. Addiſon.

WHIT. ʃ. [piht, a thing, Saxon.] A
point ; a jot. Sidney. Davies. Tilktfon,

WHITE. a. [bpir, Saxon ; w/>, Dutch.]
1. Having ſuch an appaerance as arifes
from the mixture of all colours ; fnowy. Newton.
2. Having the colour of fear ; pale.Shakʃpeare.
3. Having the colour appropriated to
happmeſs and innocence. Milton.
4. Grey with age. Shakʃpeare.t,
5. Pure; unblemiſhed. Pope. .

1. Whiteneſs ; any thing white ; white
colour. Newton.
2. The mark at which an arrow is ihot. Dryden, Southern.
3. The albugineous part of eggs. Boyle.
4. The white part of the eye. Roy.

To WHITE. v-a. [from the adjective.]
To mjrke white ; to dealbate, Mark.

WHITELE'AD. ʃ. fThiieJead is made by
taking ſheet-lead, and having cut it into
long and narrow flips, they make it up
into rolls, but ſo that a ſmall diſtancee may
remain between every ſpiral revolution.
Theſe rolls are put into earthen pots, fo
ordered that the lead may not ſink down
above half way, or ſome ſmall matter more
in them : theſe pots have each of them
very ſharp vinegar in the bottom, ſo full as
almoſt to touch the lead. When the vinegar
and lead have both been put into the
por, it is covered up cloſe, and ſo left for
a certain time ; in which ſpace the coirofivc
fumes of the vinegar will reduce the ſurface
of the lead into a mere white calx,
which they ſeparate by knocking it with a
hammer. ^^uiney.

WHI'TELY. a. [from white.] Coming
near to white. Southerh.

WHI'TEMEAT. f. [white and meat.] Food
made of milk. Sj.enJ,r.

To WHI'TLN. v. a. [from wtue.] To
make white. Temple,

To WHI'TEN. v.n. To grow white.

WHI'TENER. ʃ. [from 'ufbiten.] One who
makes any thing white.

WHITENESS. ʃ. [from iublte.]
1. The ſtale of being white ; ixeedom from
colour. Newton.
1. PalenefiP. Shakʃpeare.
3. Purity ; cleannef. Dryden.

WHl'TEPOT. ʃ. A kind of food. King.

WHITETHO'RN. ʃ. A ſpecies of thorn,

WHI'TEWASH. ʃ. [wi/W and w-j/aj 4
yalh to maks the Aan ſeem fair. Milton.


WHI'TEWINE. ʃ. [whirf »nd wint.] A
ſpecies of wine produced ſmm the whiic
pr?pe8. Wiſemar.

WHITHER. a. [hpy'^rp, Saxon.]
1. To what place : interrogatively.
2. To what place abſolutely. Milton.
3. To which place : relatively. Clarend.
4. To what deprce. Bur. JohnſQr,

WHITHERSOE'VER. ad. [whichtr and
/jfT/fr.] To whatſoever place. Taylor.

WHI'TING. ʃ. [ivitiingt Dutch ; alburru-,
1. A ſmall feafiHi. Carrtv.
X, A faſt chalk, [from white.] Boyle.
Whitish. ſ. [from juUte.] Somewhat
white. Boyle.

WHI'TISHN'ESS. ʃ. [from Whitiſh.-\ The
quality of being ſomewhat white. Boyle.

WHI'TLEATHER. ʃ. [whifezD^ leather.]
Leather drelſed with alum, remarkable for
tougimeſs. Chat>rran.

WHI'TLOW. ʃ. [hpir, Saxon. and loup,
a wolf. Skinner.^ A f^^elling between the
cuticle and cutis, called the miid Whitlow,
or between the periofteum and the bone,
called the malignant whitlow. Wiſeman.

WHI'TSOUR. ʃ. A kind of apple. See

WHI'TSTER. or mjiter. ſ. [from whitt.]
A whitener. Shakʃpeare.

WHITSUNTIDE. ʃ. [nvbite and Sunday ;
becauſe the converts newly baptized, appeared
from Eaſter to Whitſuntide in white.
^ij/jwr.] The feaſtof Pentecoft. Carew.

WHITTENTREE. ʃ. A ſort of tree.

WHITTLE. ʃ. [hpjzd, Saxon. ;
1. A white dreſs for a woman.
2. A knife. Ben. Johnſon.

To WHITTLE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
cut %virh a knife. Hakewel'.

To WHIZ. v. ». To make a loud humming
noiſe. Shakʃpeare.
Who. pronoun. [hpi, Saxon; wie, Dutch.]
1. A pronoun relative, applied to perſons.
j^/>f>ot. Locke.
2. ^s who ſhould fay^ elliptically for at
one who ſhould jjy. Collier.

WHOE'VER. pronoun, [who and ever.] Any
one, without limitation or exception. Spenſer, Pope. .

WHOLE. a. [p^lj, Saxon; heal, Dotch.]
1. All ; total; containing all. Shakſp.
2. Uninjured ; unimpaired, 2 Sam.
3. Well of any hurt or ſickneſs.

WHOLE. ʃ. The totality ; no part onarted.
Bcduf. Broome.

WHOLESALE. ʃ. [whole »xiAfa/e.] Sale
ia the lump, not in ſeparate ſmall parcels. Addiſon. WaitI,

WHO'LESOME. «. [bee'Jjm, Dutch.]
1. Sound. Shakʃpeare.
2. Contributing to health.

3. Preferving ; f/Iutary, Pſalmn
4. Kindly ; pleaGng. Shakʃpeare.

WHO'LESOMELY. ai. [from wholef,mi,1
SalubricuHy ; falutiterouſly.

WHO'LESOMENESS. ʃ. [from w/o/«/ow^.]
1. Quality of conducing to health ; faluhthy.
Graunt. Addiʃon.
% Salutarineſs ; conduciveneſs to good.

WHO'LLY. ad. [from who'.e.]
1. Complettly; perfe«ly. Dryd. Mdif,
2. To tally ; in ajl the parts or kinds. Bacon.

WHOM. The accuſativeof «fi&o, Angular
and plural, Locke.

WHOMSOEVER. pron. [wio and /$e.
'ver.] Any without exception. LocMe.

WHOO'BUB. ʃ. Hubbub. Shakſp.

WHOOP. ʃ. [See Hoop.]
1. A ſhout of purſuit. Hudib, Addiſon.
2. Wpufa , Lzun.] A bird. DiSf»

To WHOOP. v. n. [from the noun] To
ſhput with malignity. Shakſpeare.

To WHOOP. v. a. To infult with ſhoutr. Dryden.k

WHORE. ʃ. [hop. Saxon ; bocre, Dutch.]
1. A woman who converſei unlawfully
with men; a fornicatref. ; an adultreſt ;
a ſtrumpet. Ben. Johnſon.
1. A proſtitute ; a woman who receivet
men for money. Dryden, Prior.

To WHORE. v. ff. [from the noun.] To
conrerſe unlawfully with the other fer. Dryden.,

To WHORE. v. a. To corrupt with ree.
rd to chaftity.

WHO'REDOM. ʃ. [from whort.] Fornication.

WHOREMA'STER. If. [tvlort zU m»J.

WHOREMO NGER. ʃ. ttr or monger, ;
One who keeps whores, or converſes with
a fornicatreſs. Shakʃpeare.

WHORESON. f. [wijsr; and /ca.] A baltaid.Shakʃpeare.

WHO'RISH. a. [from whore.] UncOaft ; incontinent. Shakʃpeare.

WHORTLEBERRY. ʃ. [hcoprbepian,
Saxon.] Bilbeiry. Miiier,

r. Genitive of Zi'^f. ^%6kſpeare.
1. Glenitive of w^/c^'. trir.

WHO'SO. ʃ. pronoun. [«;/>» and [ot.

WHOSOE'VER. ʃ. ver.] Any, without
rjſtri£tion. Bacon, Milton, South.

WHURT. ʃ. A whortleberry ; a bilberry.

WHY. ad. [hpi, FopV.pi, Saxon.]
1. For what reaioa .'' iatcrrogativelv.
2. For which reaſin. Relatively. Boyle.
3. For what reaſon. Relatively.Shakʃpeare.
4^ It ii ſometimMViijd emphaficiliy. Shakſpeare.

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WHYNO'T. ad. A cant word for vloſent
or peremptory procee<1ure. Hudibras.
WIC, fVtch, Comes from the Saxon pic,
which according to the different nature and
condition of places, hatha threefold ſignification
; impl)ing either a village, or a
bay made by the winding banks of a river,
or a caſtle. Gtbjon,

WICK. ʃ. [rpeoce, Saxon ; wieeke^ Dutch.]
The fabftdiice round which is applied the
wax or tallow of a torch or candle.
iShakʃpeare, Digby.

1. Given to vice ; not good ; ſtagitious
; morally bad.
1. It it a word of ludicrgus or flight blame. Shakſpeare.
3. Cuffed ; baneful ; pernicious; bad in
effea-. Spenſer, Shakʃpeare.

WICKEDLY. ad. [from wicked.] Criminally,
corruptly. Ben. Johnſon. Clarend.

WI'CKEDNESS. ʃ. [from withd.] Corruption
of manners ;
guilt ; moral ill. Shakʃpeare, Milton.

WICKER. a. Made of ſmall ſtick?. Spenſer.

WICKET. ʃ. [wichdy Welſh; gukhet,
Fr. nvick.t, Dutch.] A ſmall gate. Spenſer, Davies. M/i/o, Dryden, Swift.

WIDE. a. [pibp, Saxon; wijd, Dutch.]
1. Broad ; extended for each way. Pope. .
2. Broad to a certain degree : as, three
inches wide,
3. Deviating ; remote. Raleigh. Hamm.

WIDE. ad.
1. At a dfiſtaffce. Temple.
2. With great extent, Milton.

WI DELY. ad. [from lut'de.]
1. With great extent each way. Berkley.
2. R motely ; far. Locke.

To WIDEN. v. a. [from -zijVe.] To make
wide ; to extend. Shakʃpeare.

To WI DEN. v. a. To grow wids ; to extend
itſelf, hocU.

WIDENESS. ʃ. [from -iwVf.]
1. Breadth
; large extent each way. Dryden.t
2. Comparative breadth. Berkley.

WI'DGEON. ʃ. A water-fowl not unlike
a wild duck, but not ſo large, Care^u.

WT'DOW. ʃ. [fi^piy Saxon ; Lveduive,
Dutch.] A woman whoſe huſband is dead. Shakʃpeare, Sandys.

To WI DOW< V. a. [from the noun.]
f . To deprive of a hulli:«nd. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.
2. To endow with & widow- right.Shakʃpeare.
3. To ſtrip of any thing good. Dryden, Philips.

WIDOWER. f. [from li'idciv.] One who
iiA« loft his wife. Sidney, Shakʃpeare.tj'p. 1 EJdr.

WI'DOWHOOD. ;, [ixQmwUav.]

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1. The ſtate of a widow. Sidney, Spenſer, Carew, Wotton. M'llr.
a\ Eſtate ſettled on a widow. Shakſp.

WIDOWHU'NTER. ʃ. [ividoio and bunter.]
One who courts widows for a jointure. Addiʃon.

WIDOWMA'KER. ʃ. [widow and maker.]
One who deprives women of their huſbands,Shakʃpeare.

WI'DOW-WaIL. ſ. [tuidow An^ wail..
A plant.

WIDTH. f. [from w/W^] Breadth; wideneſs. Dryden.

To WIELD. v. a. [peal.&an, Saxon.] To
uſe with fall command, as a thing not
too heavy. Milton, Waller, Dryden.

WI'ELDY. a. [from wield.] Manageable.

WI'ERY. a. [from wire.]
1. Made of wire: it were better written
uiiry, Donne.
2. Drawn into wire. Peacham.
-?. Wet ; wearifti ; moiſt. Shakſp.
Wife. /, plural wives, [p p^ Saxon ; wtff,
l.^ A woman that has a huſband. Shakʃpeare, Milton.
1. It is uſed for a woman of low employment. Bacon.

WIG. ʃ. Being a termination in the names
of men, ſignifies war, or elſe a heroe, from
pi^i. Gibſon.

WIG. ʃ. [Contrad>ed from ^^ri'^y/^'.]
1. Falfc hair worn on the head. Swift.; 2. A ſort of cake. Ainſworth.
WIGyT. ſ. [piht, Saxon.] A perſon ; a
being, Davies, Milton, Addiſon.

WIGHT. a. Swift ; nimble. Spenſer.

WI'GHTLY. ad. [from nvight.'^ Swiftly ;
nimbly. Spenſer.

WILD-. a. [pilto, Saxon ; loildf Dutch:]
1. Nat tame ; notdomeflick. Milton.
2. Propagated by nature ; not cultivated. Mortimer. Grew.
3. Defart ; uninhabited.
4. Savage ; uncivilized. Shakʃpeare, Bacon, Waller.
5. To rbulent} tempeſtuous ; irregular. Addiʃon.
6. Licentious ; ungoverned. Pncr,
7. Inconſtant; mutable; ſickle. P^e,
8. Inordinate ; looſe. Shakſp, Dryden.
9. Uncouth ; ſtrange. Shakſpeare.
10. Done or made without any confident
order or plan. Milton, Woodward.
ir. Meerly imaginary, Swift.

WILD. ʃ. Adefait; a tract uncultivated
and unmhabited. Dryden, Addiʃon, Pope. .

WILD Bafit. ſ. [actjiuiy Latin.] A plant.

WILD Cucumber. ſ. [elaterium, Latin.] A
plant. Miller.

WILD Olive. ſ. [e/e^^fftfi, Latin. from sXaid,
an olive. and «w9f. p/rfA.! A plant.

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WILDSE'RVICE. ʃ. [crar^gufy Latin.] A

To WI'LDER. v. a. [from w;/J.] To loſe
or puzzle in an unknown or pathleſs tract. Dryden. Psfe.

WI'LDERNESS. ʃ. [from wiJd]
1. A dcfarc ; a tra^t of foiitud« <ind ſavageneſs.
SfKnſer. iralttr.
2. The ſtate of being wild or diſorderly. Milton.

WI'LDFIRE. ʃ. [wa/ and/rtf.] A compolition
of infljmmable materiah, eaſy to
take Hre, and hard to be extinguinicd. Shakſpeare.

WILDGO'OSECHASE. ʃ. A puriuit of
ſomething unlikely to be caught. L'Eſtra

WI'LDING. ʃ. [lutldelinght, Dutch.] A
wild four apple, Philips.

WI LDLY. ad. [from 711^.]
1. Without cBhivation. More.
2. With diſarocr ; with p«rturbation or
diſtraction. Shakʃpeare.
3. Without attention ; without judgment.Shakʃpeare.
4. Irrepniarly. Dryden.

Wi'LDNESS. ʃ. [from <u:ild..
1. Rudeneſs ; diſorder like that of unc:!-
tivated ground. Bacon.
t. Inordinate vifaciry ; irregularity of
manners. Shakʃpeare.
3. Savageneſs ; brutality, Sidney, Prior.
4. Uncultivated ſtate, Dryden.
5. Deviation from a ſettled courſe; irregularity. Watts.
6. Al enation of miod. Shakʃpeare.

WILE. ʃ. [pile, Saxon.] A deceit ; afraud ;
a trick ; a llratagem ; a practice artful, fly.
Danid Roʃcommon.

WI'LFUL. a. [tjHI and fa.L]
1. Stubborn ; contumacious; perverſe ;
2. D 'ne or fuftcred by deſign. Milton, Dryd.

WI'LFULLY. ad. [from -z^ilful.]
1. Obftiaatily jftubbornly. Sidney. 7illotf.
2. By deſign ; on pnrpoſe. Hammond. Bf>. Taylor

WI'LFULNESS. ʃ. Obllinacy; ſtuboornneſs
; perVfrfmef:. Hooker, Shakſp.

WILILY. ad. [from w;/,.] By ſtratagem
; fraudulently. Jjf.

WI'LINESS. ʃ. [from wily.] Cunning ;
guijp, Pſalms. Hotvtl,

WILL. f. ſplla, Saxon; w;7/«, Dutch.]
1. Choice ; arbitrary determination. Locke, Hooker.
2. Diſcretion ; choice. Pope.
3. Command ; direction, Ecdef.
4. Diſpoſition; inclination; deſire. Shakſpeare, Drummond.
5. Power ; government.
6. Dvinedeterrnimtion. Shakſp.
7. Teftament ; iiſpcfijion of dying
maa'i eff'oil, Sttſk^nt,

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8. Co6ti-\VILL. Favour ; kindneſs, Shali.
9. Coc</.WILL. Right iotentioo,
10. Ill-WILL. Mahce ; malignity.
11. fVill whh a v^iſp. Jack with a lanChorn.
//?/ with the wiſp is of a round
figure, in bigneſs like the fiame of a candle
; but ſometimes broader, and like
bundle of twigs ſet on fire. It ſometimes
gives a brighter light than that of a waxcandle
; at ether times more obſcure and
of a purple colour. When viewed near at
hand, it ſhines leſs than at a diſtance.
They wander about in the air, not far from
the ſurface of the earth ; and are more
frequent in places that ate ud£\uous,
mouldy, marſhy, and abounding with reeds.
They haunt burying places, places of execution,
dunghils. They commonly appear
in furomer, and at the beginning of
autumn, and are generally at the height of
about fit feet from the ground. They follow
thiife that run away, and fly from theſe
that follow them. Sjme thxt have been
ca'ched were obſerved to conſiſt of a ſhining,
viſcous, and gelatinous matter, like
the ſpawn of frog', not hot or burning,
but only ſhining ; ſo that the matter ſeems
to be phoſphorous, prepared and raiſed from
putrified plants or carcalTcs by the heat of
the fun.

To WILL. v. a. ['ZL'ilgafi, Gothick ; pillw,
; willen, Dutch.]
1. To deſire that any thing ſhould be, d.
be done. Hooker, Hammond.
2. To be inclined or reſolved to have.Shakʃpeare.
3. To command ; to direO. Hooker, Shakſp, Knolles, Clarend, Dryd.

WILLI and fi.'i, among the Engliſh Saions,
as K/iele at this day among the Germans,
ſignifird many. Cthjon.

WI'LLING. a. [from u'fW.l
1. Inchned to any thing.
fr.fdom. Milton, Berkley.
2. Pleaſed ; deſirous.
3. Favourable ; well diſpoſed to any thing. Exodus.
4. Ready ; complying. Hooker, Milton.
5. Chofcn. Milton.
6. Spontaneous, Dryden.
7. Confenting, Milton.

WILLINGLY. ad. [from .«;/7/.]
1. With one's own conſent ; without diſhke
; wiſhout reluflance. Hvohr. Milton.
2. Br one's own deſire. Addrfon.

WI'LLINGNESS. ʃ. [from wiHirg.] Confent
; freedom from relu.flance { ready coirpliance. Ben. Johnſon. Calarry,

WILLOW. ʃ. [f^Vic, Saxon ; gv.-iloi^,
W«lfti.] A tree worn by forlorn lovers.Shakʃpeare.

WI'LLOWISH. s. Reſemb^ing the colour
of wUlow,

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WIXLOWWORT. ʃ. A plant. MiVer,

WI'LY. a. [from wile.'^ Cunning; fiy ;
f\:l! of ſtratagcm, Spenſer, South.
WI'MBLE. ſ. [wimpel, old Dutch, from
ivemektty to bore.] An jnſtrument with
which h'>les are bored.

WI'MBI.E. a. AOive ; nimble. Spenſer.

WI MPLE. ʃ. [gumple, French.] A hood ; a veil, Bible.

To WI'MPLE. v. a. To draw down as a
hood or veil. Spenſer.

To WIN. v. a. pret. 'wan and won ;
paſh won, [pinna, Sax. zvinn, Dutch.]
1. To gain by conqueſt.
KroIIes. Milton, Dryden.
2. To gain the victory in a conteſt. Denham.
3. To gain ſomething withheld. Pope. .
4. To obtain. Sidney.
5. To gain by play. Addiʃon.
6. To gain by perſuaGon. Milton.
7. To gain by courtſhip, Shakſp, Gay.

To WIN. v. n.
1. To gain the victory. Milton.
t. To gain influence or favour. Dryden.
3. To gain ground. Shakʃpeare.
4. To be conqueror or gainer at play.Shakʃpeare.

To WINCE. v. n. [^w/'wrp, Vv^elfH-j To
kick as impatient of a rider, or of pain. Shakʃpeare.'ſprarc. B^n.^ohnjiin.

WINCH. ʃ. [^uincher^ French, to twiſt. ; A
windlace ; ſomething held in the hand by
which a wheel or cylinder is turned. Mortimer.

To WINCH. v. a. To kick with impatience ; to ſhrink from any uneaſineſs. Shakʃpeare, Hudibras.

WI'NCOPIPE. ʃ. A ſmall red fiawer in the
ftubble-fieldr. Bacon.

WIND. ʃ. [pir'a>, Saxon ; luind, Dutch-]
1. Wind IS when any tract of air moves
from the j-^dceit is in, to any other, with
an impetus that is ſenſible to us, wherefore
it was not ill called by the antients,
a ſwifter courſe of air ; a flowing wave of
air. Mujchenbroek,
2. Direction of the blaſt from a particular
point. Shakʃpeare.
3. Breath ; power or act of reſperation,Shakʃpeare.
4. Air cauſed by any action. Shakʃpeare, Milton.
t, Breath modulated by an inſtrument. Bacon, Dryden.
6. Air impregnated wth ſcent. Swift.
7. Flstulence; windineſs. Milton.
8. Any thing inſignificant or light as wind. Milton.
9. Down the WmD, To decay, L'Eſt.
10. Jotakecrbo'V^the'Wlii'D, To gam
^ ©J ha^c the upper-hand, Bacon.


To WIND. v. a. [pinban, Saxon ; toindtn, \
Dutch.] '
1. To blow ; to found by inflation. Spenſer.^ Dryden.
2. To turn round ; to twiſt. Bacon. Wottofit
3. To regulate in action. Shakʃpeare, Hudibras.
4. To noſe ; to follow by ſcent.
5. To turn by ſhifts or expedients, Hudibras.
6. To introduce by infinuation. Shakſp.
7. To change. Addiʃon.
8. To entwiſt ; to enfold ; to encircle,Shakʃpeare.
9. To wind out. To extricate. Clarendon.
10. To Wind up. To bring to a ſmall
compaſs, as a bottom of thread. Locke„
11. T<? Wind up. To convolve the
ſpring. Shakʃpeare.
11. To Wind up. To raiſe by degrees. Hayward.
13. To WIND up. To ſtranten a ſtring
by turning that on which it is rolled ; to
put in tunc. Wallet,

To WIND. v. n.
1. To turn ; to change, Dryden.
2. To turn ; to be convolved. Mox^n.
3. To move round. Dsrham.
4. To proceed iu flexures. Shakſ, Milton.
5. To be extricated ; to be diſentarojed. Milton.

WI'NDBOUND. a. [ivindanibourtd.] Confined
by contrary winds, Spectator.„

WI'NDEGG. ʃ. An egg not impregnated ; an egg that does not contain the principles
of life. Brown.
WI'NDER. ſ. [from w/W.]
1. An inſtrument or perſon by which any
thing is turned round. Swift.
2. A plant that twills itſelf round others. Bacon.

WI'NDFAL. ʃ. [w/W and /a//.] Fruit
blown down from the tree. Evelyv.

WI'NDFLOWER. ʃ. The anemone. ' A

WI'NDGALL. ʃ. Windgalh are ſoft, yielding,
flatulent tumours or bladders, full of
corrupt jelly, which grow upon each ſide
of the fetlock joints, and are ſo painful in
hot weather and hard ways, that they make
a horſe to halt. Farrier^s DiSi.

WI'NDGUN. ʃ. [w;W and gun.^ Gun
which diſcharges the bullet by means of
wind comoreſſed. Wilkins. Pope,

WI'NDINESS. ʃ. [from ii>indy.]
1. Fulneſs of wind ; flatulence. Flayer,
2. Tendency to generate wind. Bacon.
3. Tumour ; puffineſs. Brerewood.

WI'NDING. ʃ. [from w/W.] Flexure ; meander. Addiſon.

WI'NDINGSHEET. ʃ. [ivind and ſheit.]
A ſheec in which the dead are enwrapped. Shakſpeare, Bacon.

WI'NDLASS. ʃ. [7y/W and /<!«.]
1. A handle by which a rope or lace is
wrapped together round a cylinder.
2. A handle by which any thing is turned,Shakʃpeare.

WI'NDLE. ʃ. [from to wind.] A ſpindle.

WI'NDMILL. ʃ. [-zwWand maV.] A mill
turned by the wind. ff^alUr, Wilkins.

WI NDOW. ʃ. [vindue, Daniſh.]
1. An aperture in a building by which air
and light :ire intromitted. Spenſer, Swift.
2. The fnme of glaſs or any other materials
that covers the aperture, Newton.
3. Lines cjofling each other. King.
4. An aperture reſembling a window.

To WI'NDOW. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To furniſh with windows. Wotton.
2. To place at a window, Shakʃpeare.
3. To break into openings. Shakʃpeare.

WI'NDPIPE. ʃ. [ivind zud pipe.] The paſſage
of the breath. Brown, Ray. Arbuth,

WI'NDWARD. ad. [from 'wind.] Towards
the wind.

WI'NDY. a. [from ii»;W.]
1. Conſiſting of wind. Bacon.
2. Next the wind. Shakʃpeare.
3. Empty ; airy, Milton, South.
4. Tempeſtuous; molefted with wind. Milton, South.
^. Puffy ; flatulenf. Arbuthnot.

WINE. ʃ. [from Saxon ]
vinn, Putch.]
1. The fermented juice of the grape.
Chron, Iſaiah. JoJ, Sandys.
2. Preparations of vegetables by fermentations,
called by the general name of

WING. ʃ. [jjebpinj, Sax. w/w^f, Daniſh.]
1. The limb of a bird by which ſhe flies. Sidney.
2. A fan to winnow. Tvjfer,
3. Flight ; paſſage by the wing. Shakſp.
4. The motive of fl'ghc. Shakʃpeare.
5. The ſide bodies of an army-
Knolles. Dryden.
6. Any ſide piece. Mortimer.

To WING. -z/. a. [from the noun.]
1. To furniſh with wings ; to enable to fly. Pope.
2. To ſupply with ſide bodies. Shakʃpeare.tſp.

To WING. v. n. To pals by flight. Shakʃpeare, Prior.

WI'NGED. a. [from w/fl^.] Furniſhed with
wings ; flying ; ſwitt ; rapid. Milton. WaVer,

WINGEDPEA'. ʃ. [ochru:, Lat.] A plant.

WINGSHELL. ʃ. [wi'^gini ſhelL] The

HIeh that cover. the wi.og of mlcfts. Crew.
Wi'MPV, w. [fvoai ſt'i^.] Having wings.

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To WINK. v.n. [piicran, Saxon ; mncken,
1. To ſhut the eyes. Shakʃpeare.fſp, THo'pn,
2. To hint, or direct by the motion of tJ»
eyelids. Swift.
3. To cloſe and exclude the light. Dryden.
4. To connive ; to ſeem not to ſee ; to
to i'- rate. PFbitgiftt. Roſcommon.
5. To be dim. pryden,

WINK. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Act of clyfing the eye.Shakʃpeare.
2. A hint given by motion of the eye. Sidney, Swift.

WI'NKER. ʃ. [from ty.'a.] One who winks.

WINICINGLY. ad. [from w^nkiig.^ With
the eye almoſt cloſed. Peacham.

WINNER. f. [from w//7.] One who wins. Spenſer. Temple,

WI'NNING. participial a. [from w/>7.]
Attractive; diarmiog. Milton.

WI NNING. ʃ. [from w/«.] The fum won. Addiʃon.

To WINNOW. v.fl. [pi.'fepian. Saxon.]
1. To ſeparate by means of the wind ; to
part the grain from the ch^ff. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.
2. To fan ; to beat as with wings. Milton.
3. To fift ; to examine. Dryden.
4. To ſeparate ; to part. Shakʃpeare.

To WI'NNOW. v. n. To part corn from
chafl^. Eccl.f,

WI'NNOWER. ʃ. [from winncuf.] He
who winnows.
WI'NTER, ʃ. [pntfn, Saxon.] The cold
ſeaſon of the year. Sidney.Pope. .

To WINTER. v.n. [from the noun.] To
paſsthe winter, Iſaiah.

To WI'NTER. v. a. To feed in the winter.

WI'NTERBEATEN. a. [ivintcr and beat.]
HarralTed by ſevere weather. Spenſer.

WI'NTERCHERRY. ʃ. [alkekcngc.] A

WI'NTERCITRON. ʃ. A ſort of pear,

WI'NTERGREEN. ʃ. [pyrola, Latin.] A

WI'NTERLY. a. [winter and like.] Such
ai IS ſuitable to winter ; of a wintry kind,Shakʃpeare.

WI'NTRY. a. [from winttr.] Brumal ;
hyemal, Dryden.
WI'NY. a. [from wZ/Jf.] Having the tarte
or qualities of wine:. Bacon.

To WIPE. v. a. (pipan, Saxon ]
1. To clcaoſe by rubbing with f.-mething
f.fc, Shakʃpeare, Milton.
2. T<> take away by terfiun. D. of Pitty,
3. To ſtrike ofl gently, i^baheſp. Milton.
4. To clear away. i>bakrjpeate,
5. To cheat ; to defraud. Spenſer.
6. Tn^lfZOut, To cJfdC€. Shakʃpeare.

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WIPE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. An act of cleanſing,
2. A blow ; a ſtfoke ; a jeer ; a gybe; a
ſarcaſm. Swift.
3. A bird.

WIPER. ʃ. [from «?/>?] An inſtrument
or perſon by which any thing is wiped. Ben. Johnson.

WIRE. ʃ. Metal drawn into flender threads. Fairfax, Milton.

To WI'REDRAW. v. a. [wire and draw.]
1. To ſpin into wire.
2. To draw out into length. Arbuthnot.
3. To draw by art or violence. Dryden.

WI'R'EDRAWER. ʃ. [wire and draw ]
One who ſpins wire. Locke.

To WIS. v. a. pret, and part, paff, lO'ft'
[ivyfen, Dutch.] To know. y/J<ham,

WI'SDOM. ʃ. [pipbom, Saxon.] Sapience ;
the power of judging rightly. Hooker.

WISE. a. ſpr> Saxon ; W/i, Dutch.]
1. Sapient^ judging rightly, particularly
of matters of life ; having praftical knowledge.
2. Skilful ; dextrous. Thomſon.
3. Skilled in hidden arts. Shakʃpeare.
4. Grave ; becoming a wife man. Milton.

WISE. ʃ. [p^r^, Saxon ; wyfe, Dutch.]
Manner ; way of being or ailing. This
word, in the modern dialed, is often corrupted
info 'Zvayt. Sidney, Dryden.

WISEACRE. ʃ. [wiſegg-ber, Dutch.]
1. A wife, or ſentenijous man, Obſolete.
2. A fool ; a dunce. Addiſon.

WI'SELY. ad. [from wj^.] Judiciouſly.
prudently. Milton, Rogers.

WI'SENESS. ʃ. [from n-'/e.] Wifdom ;
fapience. Spenſer.

To WISH. v. n. [piffi'n. Saxon.]
1. To have ſtrong deſirc ; to long. Arbuth.
2. To be diſpoſed, or inclined, Addiſon.

To WISH. To a.
1. To deſire ; to long for. Sidney.
2. To recommend by withing. Shakſp.
3. To imprecate. Shakʃpeare.
4. To aſk. Clarenden.

WISH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Longing deſire, Milton. South.
2. Thing deſired. Milton.
3. D-fire expreſſed,Pope. .

WrSHEDLY. ad. [^ixoxn voiſhed.] According
to deſire. Not uſed. Knolles.

WI'SHER. ʃ. [from 'iu-Jh.]
1. One whc> Jongs.
2. One who expreſſes wiſhes,

Wi'SHFUL. a. [from w{y& and /i///.] Longing
5 ſhv)wing''de/ire. Shakʃpeare.

WI'SHFULLY. ad. [{(om loipfuI. ; Earneiily
; with longing.

Wi'SKET. ʃ. A bafViet.

WISP. ʃ. [lu-'p, SwediHi, and old Dutch.]
A fniatl bujjdic, as of ha^ or firaw. BKon.

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WIST. pret, and part of wis.

WI'STFUL. a. Attentive ; earn€ft ; fall
of thought. Gay.

WI'STFULLY. ad. [from wijlfu!.] Attentively
; earneſtly, Hudibras.

WI'STLY. ad. [from wa.] Attentively; earneſtly. i>hakſpeare.

To WIT. v. n. [pitan, Saxon.] To know. Spenſer, Shakʃpeare.
Wn. ſ. [p2epit, Saxon ; from p:zan, to
1. The powers of the mind; the mental
faculties ; the intellectf.
2. Imagination ; quickneſs of fancy. Shakʃpeare, Locke.
3. Sentiments produced by quickncis of
fancy. Ben. Johnson, Spratt.
4. A man of fiincy. Dryden, Pope. .
5. A man of genius. Dryden, Pope. .
6. Senfe ; judgment. Daniel. Ben. Johnſon.
7. In the plural. Sound mind. Shakʃpeare, Tillotſon.
8. Contrivance ; ſtratagem ; power of expedients. Hooker, Milton.

WI'TCRAFT. ʃ. [wit and craft.] Contrivance
; invention. Camden.

WI'TCRACKER. ʃ. [%t}it zti^ cracker.] A
joker ; one who breaks a jeſt. Shakſp.

WI'TWORM. ʃ. [iy/V and werw.] One
that feeds on wit. Ben, jobnJM,

WITGH. ʃ. [:picce, Saxon.]
1. A woman given to unlawful arts. Bacon, Addiſon.
2. A winding finuous bank. Spenſer.

To WITCH. v. a. [from the noun.] To
bewitch ; to enchant. Spenſer, Shakſp.

WI'TCHCRAFT. ʃ. [witch and craft,;
The practices of witches. Denham.

WITCHERY. ʃ. [from witch.] Enchantment. Raleigh.

To WITH. v. a. [jjitan, Saxon.] To blame ;
to reproach,

WITE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Blame; reproach. Spenſer.

WITH. prepofu. [-pi^, Saxon.]
1. By. Noting the cauſe.Shakʃpeare.
2. Noting the means, Dryden.
3. Noting the inſtrument. Rewe. Woodward.
4. On the ſide of ; for. Shakʃpeare.
5. In oppoſition to ; in competition or
conteſt. Shakʃpeare.
6. Noting compariſon. Sandys.
7. In ſociety. Stillingfleet.
8. In company of. Shakʃpeare.
9. In appendage ; noting conſequence, or
concomitance. Locke.

JO. In mutual dealing. Shakʃpeare.
; I. Noting conne<Sion. Dryden.
12 Immediately after, Sidney. Garth.
13. Amongſt. Bacon. Rymtr.
14. Upoila Addiʃon.

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15. In conſent. Pope. .

WITHAL. ad. [-with and all.]
1. Along with the reſt ; Likewiſe ; at the
fame time. Hooker, Shak, Davies, Milton, South, Dryd.
2. It is ſometimes uſed by writers where we
now uſe 'ivitb. Daniel. Til/et/on.

To WITHDRA'W. v. a. [ivith and draw.]
1. To take back ; to deprive of. Hooker.
2. To call away ; to make to retire.

To WITHDRA'W. v. n. To retire ; to
retreat, Milton. Tat'er.

WITHDRA'WINGROOM. ʃ. [luitbdraiu
and room.] Room behind another room
for retirement. Mortimer.

WI'THE. ʃ.
1. A willow twig. Bacon.
2. A bandj properly a band of twigs. Mortimer.

To WI'THER. v. n. [je-p JSeprt,, Saton.]
1. To fade ; to grow lapleſs ; to dry up. Hooker, South.
2. To w:ift<', or pine away. Tempfe.
3. To loſe or wmt animal moiſture. Dryd.

To WITHER. v. a.
1. To make to fade. yamtt.
2. To make to flirink, decay, or wrinkle. Shakʃpeare, Milton.

WI'THEREDNESS. ʃ. [from withered.]
The ſtate of being withered ; marcidity. Mortimer.

WI'THERBRAND. ʃ. A piece of iron,
which is laid under a faddle, about four
fingers above the horſe's withers, to keep
the two pieces of wood tight.

WITHERS. ʃ. [s the joining of the ſhoulder-
boncSat the bottom of the neck and
mane. Farriers. Di^.

WI'THERRUNG. ʃ. An injury cauſed by
a bite of a horſe, or by a faddle being unfit,
eſpecially when the bows are too wide ; for when they ar^ fo, they bruiſe the fleſh
againſt. the ſpioes of the fecoMd and third
vertebrae of the back, which forms that
prominence that riſes above their ſhoulders.
Farrier^ s DiSf,

To WITHHO'LD. v. a. [with and bold.]
Withheld, or withbolden, pret. and part.
1. To reſtrain ; to keep from action ; to
hold back. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.
2. To keep back ; to refuſe. Hooker.

WITHHO'LDEN. part. pajf. of luithhold.

WITHHO'LDER. ʃ. [from nmbhold.] He
who withholds.

WITHIN. prep. [piSinnan, Saxon.]
1. In the inner part of. Spratt. 7'ilhtfon.
2. In the compaſs of; not beyond ; uſed
both of place and time. Wotton.
3. Not longer ago thin. Shakʃpeare.
^. Into the reach of, Otway.
j« lo the reach of, Milton.

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6. Into the heirt or tonfidcacs of. South.
7. Not exceeding. Swift.
8. In the incloſure of. Bacon

1. In the inner parts; inwardly; internally.
2. In the mind. Dryden.

WITHI'NSIDF. ad. [tvithin and Jilf ] In
the interiour parts. Hharp.

WITHOUT. prep. [fi?5ut'n, Saxon.]
1. Not with. Hall.
2. In a ſtate of abſence from. Tatleri
3. In the ſtate of not having. Bacon, Hammond.
4. Beyond ; not within the compaſs of. Burnet.
5. In the negation, or otniHloo of. Addiʃon.
6. Not by ; not by the uſe of ; not by the
help of. Bacon.
7. On the nutſide of, Dryden.
S. Not within. Addiſon.
9. With exemption from. Locke.

1. Not on the inſide. Bacon. Gre^u,
2. Out of doors. 4 PFotton,
3. Externally ; not in the mind.

WITHOUT. conjura. Unleſs ; if not except. Sidney.

WITHOU'TEN. prep, [pi«uzan, Saxon.]
Without. Spenſer.

To WITHSTA'ND. v. a. [with and ſtand,.
To gainſtand ; te oppoſe ; to reſiſt. Sidney, Hooker.

WITHSTA'N'DER. ſ. [from w.tb/iand.]
An opponent ; reſiſting power. Raleigh.

WI'THY. ʃ. [
pi«i3. Saxon.] Willow.

WITLESS. a. [from wit.] Wanting underſtanding. Donne, Fairfax.

WI'TLING. ʃ. A pretender to wit ; a mad
of petty ſmartneſs. jAddiſon, Pope. .

WITNESS. ʃ. [;? rnerpj, Saxon.]
1. Teftiraony ; atteſtation. Shakʃpeare. Jobtt,
2. One who gives tefiimony. Geneſu,
^. ff^ith a Wnnzss. Effectually ; to a
great degree. Prior.

To WITNESS. v. a. [from the noun.] To
atteſt. Shakʃpeare. Donni,

To WI'TNESS. v. n. To bear teſtimony. Sidney. Burnet.

WITNESS. inter]. An exclamation ſignifying
that perſon or thing may atteſt it. Milton.

WITSNA'PPER. ʃ. [wit indfnap.] One
who offeſts repartee. Shakʃpeare.

WITTED. <7. [from w/V.] Having wit t
as a quick zuitted bny.

WITTICISM. ʃ. [from witty.] A mwa
attempt at wit. VEprangt»

WI'TTILY. ad. [from witty.]
1. I-^gcniouſly ; cunningly ; artfully. Dryden.
6 Y ſt. Witil

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2. With flight of imagination,
Bmi, Johnſon.

WI'TTINESS. ʃ. [from w-'^O'- ; The quality
of being witty. Spenſer.

WI'TTINGLY. ad. [frttan, Saxon. to weet
or know.] Knowingiy ; not ignorantly ; with knowjedge ; by deſign. Hooker. Weſt.

WI'TTOL. f. [jjizsoJ, Sax.] A man who
knows the falſehood of his wife and ſeems
contented, Cleaveland.

WI'TTOLLY. a. £ from w/^f^/.] Cuckoldly.Shakʃpeare.

WITTY. a. [from w/V.]
1. Judicious; ingenious. Judith.
2. Full of imagination. South.
3. Sarcaſtickj full of taunts. Milton.

WI'TWAL. ʃ. A bird. Ainſworth.

To WIVE. v. n. [from w//>.] To marry ;
to take a wife. Shakʃpeare, Waller.

To WIVE. v. a.
1. To match to a wife. Shakʃpeare.
2. To take for a wife. Shakʃpeare.

WI'VELY. ad. [from wives.] Belonging
to a wife. Sidney.

WIVES. ʃ. The plural of wife. Spenſer.
WI'ZARD. ſ. [from xoije.] A conjurer ;
an inchanter. Milton.

WO. ʃ. [pa, Saxon.]
1. Grief ; ſorrow; miſery; calamity. Shakʃpeare, Milton, Pope. .
2. A denunciation of calamity ; a curſe. South.
3. TP'o is uſed by Shakſp.an for a ſtop or

WOAD. f. [pa», Sax.] A plant cultivated
in England for the uſe of dyers, who
uſe it for laying the foundation of many coleu
rs. Miller.

WO'BEGONE. ʃ. [1U0 and begone.] Loft
in wo, Shakʃpeare.

WOFT. The obſolete participle paſſive from

To WA F T. Shakʃpeare.

WO'FUL. a. [7t'0 and /«//.]
1. Sorrowful ; afflicted; mourning. Sidney, Dryden.
2. Calamitous ; affliftive.
3. Wretched ; paltry ; forry. Pope. .

WO'FULLY. ad. [from xvoful.]
1. Sorrowfully; mournfully.
2. Wretchedly : in a ſenſe of contempt. South.

WOLD. ʃ. fTold, whether ſingly or jointly,
in the names of places, ſignifies a plain
open country ; from the Saxon f»olb, a plain
and a place wihou. wood. Gibfon.

WOLF. ʃ. [palp. Sax. wolf, Dutch.]
1. A kind of wild dog that devours ſheep,Shakʃpeare.
2. An eating ulcer. Brown.

WO'LFDOG. ʃ. [wfl^and dog.]
^ 1. A dog of a very large breed kept to guard
ſheep. Tickell.
%% A dog bred between a dog and wolf.

WO'LFISH. a. [from wJ/.] Reſembling
a wolf in qualities or fotm.Shakʃpeare.

WO'LFSBANE. ʃ. [xoolf and bane.] A poiſonous
plant ; aconite. MilUr,

WO'LFSMILK. ʃ. An herb. Ainfiootth,

WO'LVISH. a. [of wc//.] Reſembling a
wolf. Hiwelt

WO'MAN. [pipman, pimman. Sax.]
1. The female of the human race. Shakʃpeare. Olway.
2. A female attendant en a perſon of rank.Shakʃpeare.

To WO'MAN. v. a. [from the noun.] To
make pliant like a woman. Shakʃpeare.

WO'MANED. a. [from woman.] Accompanied
; united with a woman, Shakſp.

WOMANHA'TER. ʃ. [woman and hater.]
One that has an averlion from the female ſex. Swift.

WO'MANHOOD. ʃ. [from woman.] The

WO'MANHEAD. ʃ. character and collective
qualities of a woman. Spenſer, Donne.

WO'MANISH. a. [{torn woman.] Suitable
to a woman. Sidney. Afcham,

To WOMANI'SE. v. a. [from luomar.] To
emafculate ; to effeminate; to ſoften.
Proper, but not uſed. Sidney.

WOMANKI'ND. ʃ. [woman and kind.]
The female ſex ; the race of women. Sidney, Swift.

WO'MANLY. a. [from wowan.]
1. Becoming a woman; foiling a woman |
feminine. Shakʃpeare, Donne.
2. Not childiſh ; not girliſh, Arbuthnot.

WO'MANLY. ad. [from woman.] In the
manner of a woman ; effeminately.

WOMB. ʃ. [loimba^ Goth, pamb. Sax.
xvc£mb, I-ſlandick.]
1. The place of the foetus in the mother. Shakʃpeare, Addiʃon.
2. The place whence any thing is produced. Milton, Dryden.

To WOMB. v. a. [from the njun.] To incloſe
; to breed in ſecret. Shakʃpeare.

WO'MBY. a. [from wo«^.] Gapacious.Shakʃpeare.

WO'MEN. PIural of woman. Milton.

WON. The preterite and participle paſſive
of win, Dryden.

To WON. v. n. [punian, Saxon ; wonen,
German.] To dwell ; to live ; to have
abode. Spenſer, Fairfax.

WON. ʃ. [from the verb.] Dwelling ; habitation.
Obſolete. Spenſer.

To WO'NDER. v. », [j9un}>fiian, Saxon ; wonder, Dutch.] To be ſtruck with admiration
; to be pleaſed or ſurpriſed ſo as to
be aſtoniſhed. Spenſer, South.

WO'NDER. ʃ. [punbop, Saxon ; wonder,
1. Admiration f afioniibment ; amazement. Bacon.
%, Cau£e
s. Caufc of wonder ; a ſtrange thing. Carew.
3. Any thing mentioned with wonder. Milton, Watts.

WO'NDERFUL. a. [wonder and/W/.]AdmirabJe
; ſtrange ; aftjnithing. Job. MiltCTt. Shakſpeare illuſtrated,

WO'NDERFUL. ad. To a wonderful degree,
a Chron.

WO'NDERFULLY. ad. [from wonderful.]
In a wonderful manner ; to a wonderful
degree. Bacon, Addiʃon.

WO'NDERMENT. ʃ. [from wWrr.] Aſtoniſhment
; amazement. Spectator.

WO'NDERSTRUCK. a. [wonder itiSJlnkf.]
Amazed. Dryden.

WO'NDROUS. a. Admirable; marvellous ;
ſtrange ; ſurpriſing. Milton, Dryden.

WO'NDROUSLY. ad. [from wondrous.]
To a ſtrange degree. Shakʃpeare, Drayton.

To WONT. ʃ. f. n. preterite and par-
To be WONT. ; trciple w>nt. [punian,
Saxon ; g'lvoonen, Dutch.] To be accuſtomed
; to uſe ; to be uſed. Spenſer, Bacon.

WONT. ʃ. Cuftcm ; habit ; uſe. Hooker, Milton.

WONT. A contraf^ion of will not.

WO'NTED. pirt. a. [from the verb.] Accuſtomed
- uſed ; ufnal. Milton, Dryden.

WO'NTEDNESS. ʃ. [from wonted.] State
of being accuſtomed to. King Charles.

WO'NTLESS. a. [from wow.] Unaccuſtomed
; unuſual. Spenſer.

To WOO. v. a. [ap- JO'S), courted. Sax.]
1. To court ; to )ue to for love. Shakʃpeare. Frier. Pope. .
2. To court folicilouſly ; to invite with
importunity. Davies.

To WOO. v. Tit To court ; to make love. Dryden.

WOOD. a. [weds, Gothick ; pc>&, Saxon ;
wood, Dutch.] Mud ; furious ; raging.

WOOD. ʃ. [pu&e, Saxon ; woud, Dutch.]
1. A large and thick plantation of trees. Spenſer, Dryden.
2. The ſubſtance of trees ; t mber. Boyle.

WOODA'NEMONE. ʃ. A plant.

WOO'DBIND. ʃ. [pubbinb. Sax.] Ho.

WOO'DBINE. ʃ. neyſuckle. Shak. Peach.

WOODCOCK. ʃ. [p.^Koc, Saxon.] A
bird of paff'age with a long bill : his food is
not known. Shakʃpeare.

WOO'DED. a. [from wW.] Supplied with
wood. y^rl'Ufinot,

WOO'DDRINK. ʃ. Decoaion or infuſion
of medicinal woods, as faffafras. F'.oytr,

WOODEN. a. [from wocJ.]
1. Ligneous ; made of wood ; timber. Shakſpeare.
Clumfy ; awkward, Ciller,


WOODFRE'TTER. ʃ. [teret, Lat.] An
infect, a woodworm, Ainſworth.

WOO'DHOLE. ʃ. [wood and bole.] Piac.
wrhere wood is laid up. Philips.

WOODLAND. ʃ. [wccdzt^d land.] Woods ;
ground covered with woods. Dryden. Locke. Fenton.

WOODLARK. ʃ. A melodious ſort of wild

WOO'DLOUSE. ʃ. [wood and louſe.] Ao
In fed of an oblong figure, about half aa
inch in length, and a fifrh of an inch ia
breadth ; of a dark blueiſh or livid grey
celour, and having its bacv: convex or
rounded t notwithſtanding the appellation
of milJepes, it has only fourteen pair of
ſhort legs ; it is a very ſwift runner, but it
can occaſionally roll itſelf up into the form
of a ball, which it frequently does, and
fufſcrs iifelf to be taken. They are found
in great plenty under old logs of wood or
large ſtones, or between the bark and
wood of decayed trees. Hill. Cong. Swift.

WOODMAN. f. [lio'.diaiiman.] A ſportſman
; a hunter. Sidney, Pope. .

WOO'DMONGER. ʃ. [w:o^ andmo'^^T.]
A woorifrl'er.

WOO'DNOTE. ʃ. Wild muſick. Milton.

WOODNY'MPH. ʃ. [wood and nyrrpb.]
Dryad. Milton.

WOODOTFERING. ʃ. Wood burnt on
the altar. Aebtmiah,

WOO'DPECKER. ʃ. [-zv^ed and peck ; picut
martijSy Lat.] A bird. The llrufture of
the tongue of the woodpecker is very ſingular,
whether we look at its great length,
or at its ſharp horny bearded point, and the
gluey matter at the end of it, the better to
flab and draw little maggots out of wood. Denham.

WOODPI'GEON or Woodculver, /, A wild pigeon.

WOODROO F. ʃ. An herb. Ainsworth.

WOODSARE. ʃ. A kind of ſpittle, found
upon herbs, as lavender and fage. Bacon.

WO'ODSERE. ʃ. [w^od and fere.] The time
when there is no fap in the tree. Tujer.

WO'ODSORREL. ʃ. [^xySy Latin.] A plant,
inclofing feed?, which often ſtart from
their lodges, by reaſon of the elaſtick force
of the membrane which involves them. Milton.

WO'ODWARD. ʃ. [wood and ward, ] A

WOODY. a. [from wood.]
1. Abounding with wood. Milton, Addiſon.
2. Ligneous ; conſiſting of wood. Grew, Locke.
3. nelating to woods. Spenſer.

WOO'ER. ʃ. [from woe.] One who court.

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WOOT. ſ. [from wove.]
1. The ſet of threads that croffes the
warp; the wtft. Bacon.
1 Texture ; cl' th. Milton, Pope. .

WOO'INGLY. ad. [from wooirg.] Pleaſin-
ly ; ſo as to ir.vite ſtay. Shakſpeare.

WOOL. f. [p:ji, Saxon ]
wollen, Dutch.]
1. Ths fleece of ſheep ; that which is woven
into cloth. Sidney, Raleigh.
2. Any ſhort thick hair. Shakſpeare.

WO'OLFEU. ʃ. jww/and/f//.] Skin not
<.ripped of the wool. Davies.

WO'OLLEN. a. [from woo/.] Made of
wool not finely dreſſed. Shakſp, Bacon.

WO'OLLEN. ʃ. Cloth made of wool. Hudibras. Swift.

WOOLPACK. ʃ. Uuool, pack, and

WOOLSACK. ʃ. ſuck..
1. A bag of wool ; a bundle of woo!,
2. The feat of the judges in the houſe of
lords, Dryden.
3. Any thing bulky without weight. Cleaveland.

WO'OLWARD. ad. [woo/ and -r^fira.] In
wool. Shakʃpeare.

WO'OLLY. a. [from woo/.]
1. Confiiting of wool ; clothed with woo!. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.
2. Reſembling wool. Shakʃpeare, Philips.

WORD. ʃ. [from Saxon kvoord, Dutch.]
1. A ſingle part of ſpeech. Bacon, Pope. .
2. A ſhort diſcourſe. South. Thomſon.
3. Talk ; diſcourſe. Shakʃpeare, Denham.
4. Diſpute; verbal contention,Shakʃpeare.
5. Language, Shakʃpeare, Clarenden.
6. Pronfiife. Dryden, Shakʃpeare.
7. Signal token, Shakʃpeare.
8. Account ; tydibgs ; meflage. Shakʃpeare, Prior.
9. Declaration. Dryden.
10. Affirmation. Decay of Piety, Dryden.
11. Scripture ; \yord of God. iVbitgtfte,
12. The ſecond perſon of the ever adorable
Trinity. A ſcripture term. Milton.

To WORD. v. n. [from the noun.] To
«iirpiite. L'Eſtrange.

To WORD. v. a. To expreſsan proper
w''>rds. South, Addiſon.

WOIIE. The preterite of wear. Dryden. Riive,

To WORK. v. n. pret. worked, or wrought.
[p;<ijican, Saxon ; werhn, Dutch.]
1. To labour ; to travail ; to toil. Shakʃpeare, Davies.
s. To be in action ; to be in motion. Shakʃpeare. pryden.
3. To act; to carry on operations, i Sam.
4. To act as a manufailurer, Iſaiah.
5. To ferment. Bacon.
6. To operate ; to have offeſt,
Rom, Bacon, Clarendon.
7. To obtain by diligence. 1 Sanit

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8. To act internally ; to operate as a purge,
or other phyſick. Brown. Grewc
9. To act as on an object(.

L'Eſtrange, Swift.
10. To make way. Milton.
n. To be toffed or agitated. Addiſon.

To WORK. v. a.
1. To make by degrees. Milton, Addiʃon.
2. To labour ; to manufacture. Raleigh, Tatler.
3. To bring by action into any ſtate. Addiʃon.
4. To influence by ſucceffive impulfes. Bacon.
5. To produce ; to effect. Spenſer. % Cor, Drummord,
6. To manage. Arbuthnot.
7. To put to labour ; to exert. Addiſon.
8. To embroider with a needle,
9. To WORK out. To effetl by toil. Decay of Piety, Addiſon.
10. To Work out. To era^e ; to efface. Dryden. ,
11. To Work i</>. To raiſe. Dryd. Add,

WORK. ʃ. [peop'-, Saxon ; werk, Dutch.]
1. To il ; laoour ; employment. Ecclu],
s. A ſtate of labour. Temple.
3. Bungling attempt. Stillingfleet.
4. Flowers or embroidery of the n.-edle. Spenſer, Shakʃpeare.
5. Any fabrick or compages of art. Pope. .
6. Action ; feat ; deed. Hammond.
7. Any thing made. Donne.
8, Management ; treatment. Shakeʃ.pear^,
9. To ſet on Work. To employ ; to engage.

WO'RKER. ʃ. [from work.] One that
works. Spenſer. 1 Kings, South. [

WO'RKFELLOW. ʃ. [work and feiLw.]
One engaged in the ſame work with another.

WO'RKHOUSE. ʃ. [from work and

WO'RKINGKOUSE. ʃ. bouſe.]
1. A place in which any raanufaAure is
carried on. Dryden.
2. A place where idlers and vagabonds are
condemned to labour. Atterbury.

WO'RKINGDAY. ʃ. [7^0;'^^ and djy.] Day
on which labour is pcrmitteci ; not the fabbath.Shakʃpeare.

WO'RKMAN. ʃ. [work and man.] An artificer
; a maker of any thing. Raleigh, Addiſon.

WO'RKMANLY. a. [from workman.]
Skilful ; well performed ; workmanlike.

WO'RKMANLY. ad. Skilfully ; in a manner
becoming a workman.
Tuffer. Shakʃpeare.

WO'RKMANSHIP. ʃ. [from workman.]
1. Manufadlure; ſomething made by any
one. Spenſer, Milton.
2. The ſkill of a worker. ;^ - Spenſer.
3. The art of working. '> Woodward.

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WO'RKMASTER. ʃ. [work and mafter.]
The performer of any work.
^pcTtfer. Eccluſ.

WO'RKWOMAN. ʃ. [work and woman.]
1. A woman ſkilled in needle-work. Spenſer.
2. A woman that works for hire.

WO'RKYDAY. ʃ. [Corrupted from workmgday
] The day act the fabbath. Shakʃpeare, Herbert.

WORLD. ʃ. [pori!^, Saxon ; -i^cr /J, Due.]
1. World is tile great collective idea of ail
bodies whatever, Locke.
2. Sjrftcm of beings. Nicene C^eed.
3. The earth ; the terraqueous globe. Milton.
4. Preſent ſtate of exiſtence. Shakʃpeare.-jp^art.
5. A ſecular life. WalUr. I\ogers,
6. Publicklife. Shakʃpeare.
7. Bufineſs of life ; trouble of life,Shakʃpeare.
S. Great multitude. Raleigh. Sanderſon.
9 Mankind ; an hyp«rbolical exprciiion
for many. ſhoker, Clarendon.
10. Courſe of life.
11. Univerfal empire. Milton, Prior.
12. The manners of men, Dryden.
13. A collection of woiideisj a wonder.
Obſolete. Knolles.
14. Time.
15. In the WORLD, ^n polTibility. Addiſon.
16. For all the world. Exactly. Sidney.

WORLDLINESS. ʃ. [from wsr/cZ/y.] Covetouſneſs
; addiſledneſs to g^in.

WO'RLDLING. ʃ. [from werW.] A mortal
ſet upon profit. Hooker, Rogers.

WO'RLDLY. a. [from world.]
1. Secular ; reiiting to this life, in contradictinſtion
to the hh to come. Shakʃpeare. Richards, Atterbury.
2. Bent upon this world ; not attentive to
a future ſtate. Milton.
3. Human ; common ; belonging to the
world. Hooker, Raleigh.

WO'RLDLY. a. [from luorld.] With relation
to the prelent life. Raleigh, Milton, South.

WORM. ʃ. [pyjam, Saxon ; wormy Ducch ;
verrrii, Lat.]
1. A ſmall h.rmleſs ſerpent that lives in
the earth. Shakʃpeare. Sardyi.
2. A poiſonou^ ſerpent. Shakʃpeare.
3. Animal bred in the body. Harvey.
4. The animal ſhat ſpins ſilk.Shakʃpeare.
5. Grubs that gnaw wood and furniture.Shakʃpeare.
6. Something tormeating. Shakʃpeare, Milton.
7. Any thing vermiculated, or turned
round ; any thing ſpiral. Moxon.

To WORM. v. a. [frocm the qgud.] To

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work ſlowly, ſecretly, and gradually v

To WORM. v. a. To drive by flow aud.
ſecret means, Hivijiu

WORMEATEN. a. [ivorm 3ni eaten.]
1. Gnawed by worms. Shakſpeare.
2. Old ; worthleſs, Raleigh. Donn^,

WO RMWOOD. ʃ. [from its vinue to kill
wurms in the body.] Of this plant there
are thirty-two ſpecies, one of which, the
common wormwoody grows in the roads. Milton. Flower

WO'RMY. a. [from w^rw.] Full of worms.

WORN. parr. paſt. of wear.
Dryi.n Locke.

WO'RNIL. ʃ. [In the backs of cows in the
fummer, are maggots, which in E(Tcx we
call luornHs, Denham.

To WORRY. v. a. [pojiijin, Saxon.]
1. To tear, or mangle, as a beaſt tears its
prey. King Charles, L'Eſtrange.
2. To harraſs, or perfecute brutally. Shakʃpeare, Milton, South, Southern, Add.Roiu. Sw,

WORSE. a. The comparative of bad,
[pipp. Sax.] More bad i more ill.
Darniel. Locke.

WORSE. ad. In a manner more bad.Shakʃpeare.

The WORSE. ʃ. [from the adjective.]
1. Theloſs; not the advantage} not the
better. Spenſer. z Kings.
2. Something leſs good. Clarija,

To WORSE. v. a. [from the adjective.] To
put to diſadvantage. Milton.

WORSHIP. ʃ. [p:op«r^yP^ Sax.]
1. Dignity ; eminence ; excellence.
2. A character of honour. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.
3. Atterm of ironical reſpett. Pope.
4. Adoration ; religious act of reverence. Milton. Tillotſon,
5. Honour ; reſpect ; civil deference. Luke.
6. I(^olatry of lovers. Shakʃpeare.

To WORSHIP. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To acore ; to honour or venerate with
religious rites. Exodus, Milton, Randolph.
2. To reſpect ; to honour ; to treat with
civil reverence. Shakʃpeare.

To WO'RSHIP. v. a. To perform acts of
adoration, Gtnxfii,

WO'RSHIPFUL. a. [locrſhip and full,;
1. Claiming reſpect by any character 01
dignity. Scut I'.
2. Atterm of Ironical reſpect. Stillingfleet.

WO'RSHIPFULLY. ad. [from 'worſhipful]
Reſpearully. Shakʃpeare.

WO'RSHIPPER. ʃ. [from iucrjljip.] Adorer
; ojie that worships. South, Addiſon.

WORST. a. Thi iu^eiUuvc oſ bad. Moſt
bad ; mofl ill. Shakſp.fi/t. Loeit,

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WORST. ʃ. The moſt calamitous or wicked
ſtate. Shakʃpeare, Digby, Dryden.

To WORST. v. a. [from the adjective. ; To defeat ; to overthrow. Sucklifigr,

WO'RSTED. ʃ. [from mrjied, a town in
Norfolk famous for the wooJen manufacture.
; Woollen yarn ; wool ſpun. Shakʃpeare, Pope. .

WORT. ʃ. [pipt, Saxon ; tcort, Dutch.]
1. Originally a general name for an herb,
2. A plant of the cabbage kind,
3. New beer either unfermented or in the
act of fermentation. Bacon. WORTH orWurtb, v.fi. [pscp^an, Sax.]
To be. Spenſer.

WORTH. la the termination of the names
of places comes from pop^, a court or farm,
or p^n^ij, a ſtreet or road. Gibfort,

WORTH. ʃ. ſpeoji?5, Saxon.]
1. Price ; value. Hooker. PToodward,
, Excellence ; virtue. Sidney. Hooker. Donne.
3. Importance ; valuable quality. Hooker, South.

1. Equal in price to; equal in value to. Shakʃpeare, Addiſon.
2. Daferving of. Clarendon. Berkeley. fTaia,
3. Equal in poſſeffioas to. Sandys.

WORTHILY. ad. [from wor/;&y.]
1. Suitably ; not below the rate of, Ray.
2. Deſervedly, Dryden.
3. Juftly ; not without cauſe. Hooker, South.

WO'RTHINESS. ʃ. [from worthy.]
1. Deferr. Hooker.
, Excellence ; dignity ; virtue. Sidney, Holder.
3. State of being worthy ; quality of delerving. Sidney.

WO'RTHLESS. a. [from worth.]
2. Having no virtues, dignity, or excellence. Shakʃpeare, Roſcommon.
2. Having no value. Prior, Addiſon.

WO'RTHLESSNESS. ʃ. [from worthleſs.]
Want of excellence ; want of dignity ;
want of value. Mere,

WO'RTHY. a. [from 'worth.]
1. Deferying ; luch as merits. Sidney, Shakʃpeare.
2. Valuable ; noble ; illuſtrious. Hooker, Davies.
3. Having worth ; having virture, Digby.
4. Suitable for any quality good or bad ;
equal in value. Dryden.
5. Suitable to any thing bad.Shakʃpeare.
6. Deferving of ill. Deuteronomy.

WORTHY. f. [from the adjective.] A man
laudable for any eminent quality, particularly
for valour. Brown. Tatltr,

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To WO'RTHY. v. a. [from the adjective.]
To render worthy ; toaggrandiſe ; to exalt,Shakʃpeare.

To WOT. v. n. [pizan, Saxon.] To know ; to be aware. Hooker, Shakʃpeare.

WOVE. The preterite and participle paſſive
of weave, Milton.

WO'VEN. The participle paſſive of lueave,

WOULD. The preterite of will.
1. It is generally uſed as an auxiliary verb
with an infinitive, to which it gives the
force of the ſubjundive mood. Ray.
2. Was or am reſolved ; wiſh or wiſhed
to. Sidney.
3. It is a familiar term for wiſh to do, or
to have. Shakʃpeare.

WOULDING. ʃ. [from tvould.] Motion
of deſire ; diſpoſition to any thing ; propenſion
; inclination ; incipient purpole. Hammond.

WOUND. f. [punb, Saxon ; luondc, Dutch.]
A hurt given by violence. Shakʃpeare, Swift.

To WOUND. v. a. [from the noun] To
hurt by violence, Shakʃpeare, Deuter.
1 Sam. Pſalnti, Ifa. i Cor, Milton.

WOUND. The preterite and participle paſſive
of ivimi. Aiii. Wilkins.

WOU'NDLESS. a. [from woaW.] Exempt
from wounds.

WOUNDWORT. ʃ. [wa/acrar/fl, Latin.]
A plant.

WOX. ʃ. The preterite of -luax, Be-

WOXE. ʃ. came. Obſolete. Spenſer.

WO'XEN. The participle of to wax. Spenſer.

WRACK. ʃ. [wrack, Dutch ;
1. Deliruflioc of a ſhip, Dryden.
2. Ruin; deſtruction, Milton.

To WRACK. v. a.
1. To deſtroy in the water, to wreck,
2. It ſeems in Milton to mean to rockf to
3. To tortur«^, to torment. Cowley.

To WRANGLE. v. «. [from wrarghefeur.
Dutch.] To diſpute peeviſhly ; to
quarrel perverſely. Locke, Addiſon, Pope. .

WRA'NGLE. ʃ. [from the verb.] A quarrel
; a perverſe diſpute. Swift.

WRANGLER. ʃ. [from wrangle.'^ A perverſe,
peeviſh, diſputative man. Herbert.

To WRAP. v. a. [hpeojipian, Saxon. to
turn ; wreffier, Daniſh.]
1. To roll together
; to complicate. John, Fairfax.
2. To involve ; to cover with ſomething
rolled or thrown round. Dryden, Ezekiel.
3. To compriſe; to contain. Addiſon.
4. To Wrap up. To involve totally. Knolles.

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5. To tranſport ; to put in ecftafy, CoiuJtj,

WKATPER. ʃ. [from wrap.]
1. One that wraps,
2. That in which any thing is wrapped. Addiʃon.

WRATH. ʃ. [pn^X, Saxon ; 'wreed, cruel,
Dutch.] Anger ; fury ; rage. Sf>enſer,

WRA'THFUL. a. [ivraib and full.] Angry
; furious ; raging. Spenſer. Sf>ratt,

WRA'THFULLY. ad. [from wrathful.]
Furioudy ; palfionately. Shakʃpeare.

WRA'THLESS. a. [from wrath.] Free
from ang^. Waller.

To WREAK. v. a. Old preterite and part.
paſt. ci ivrcki. [pn.j^,£n, Sax. ivrccken.
1. To revenge. Spenſer. Fairfax'
2. To execute any violent deſign. Dryden , Smith.

WREAK. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Revenge ; vengeance. Shakʃpeare.
2. Pafilon ; furious fit. Shakʃpeare.

WRE'AKFUL. a. [from wreak.] Revengeful
; angry. Shakʃpeare, Chapman.

WREATH. ʃ. [pn^c«, Saxon.]
1. Any thing curled or twifled. Bacon, Milton, Smith.
2. A garland ; a chaplet. Roſcommon.

To WREATH. v. a. preterite wreathed ;
part, paff, wreathedf wreather,
1. To curl ; to twiſt ; to convolve. Shakʃpeare, Bacon.
2. To interweave ; to entwine one in another. South, Dryden.
3. To encircle as a garland. Prior.
4. To enc.rcle as with a garland. Dryden, Prior.

WRE'ATHY. a. [from wreath.] Spiral ;
curled ; iwifted. Brown.

WRECK. ʃ. [tjiaecce, Saxon. a miſerable
perſon ; tvracke, Dutch, a ſhip broken.]
1. Deſſtruction by being driven on rocks or
ihallows at fea. t^perfer. Daniel.
2. Diflblution by violence. Milton.
3. Ruin ; deſtruiſhon. Shakʃpeare.

To WRECK. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To deſtroy by dathingon rocks or ſands. Spenſer, Woodward.
2. To ruin, Daniel.

To WRECK. v. n. To ſuffer wreck. MzVr.

WREN. ʃ. [pjisnna, Saxon.] A ſmall bird. Shakʃpeare, Brown.

To WRENCH. v. a. [pivn33n, Sjxod ;
ivrengben^ Dutch.]
1. To puil by vicleace; to wreſt ; to
force. Shakʃpeare. B-Jcon.
2. To ſprain ; to diflort. Shakſp, Swift.

WRENCH. f. [from the verb.]
1. A violent pull or twiſt.
2. A ſprain. Locke.

To WREST. v. a. [yjivytui, Saxon.]
1. To twiſt by violence; to extort by
writhing or force, /ifiham, Dryden. Addiſ.

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2. To diſtort ; to writhe ; to force. Hooker, Shakʃpeare.

WREST. ʃ. [from the verb.] Diſtortion ; violence. Hooker.

WRESTER. ʃ. [from ivreſt.] He who

To WRE'STLE. v. r. [from ivrefl.^l
1. To contend whp fliall throw the other
down. Shakʃpeare.
2. To ſtruggle; to contend. Clarenden.

WRE'STLER. ʃ. [from wr,//,.]
1. One who wreſtles ; one who profeflTei
the athletick art. D^rham.
2. Ore who contends in wreſtling. WalUrm

WRETCH. ʃ. [pjiecca, Saxon ]
1. A niilerable mortal. Accidence.
2. A worthleſs lorry creature, Sidney.
3. It is uſed by way of flight, ironical pity,
or contempt. Drayton.

WRE'TCHED. a. [from ivretch.]
1. Miferable ; unhappy. Hooker.
2. Calamitous; afflictive,
3. Sorry; pitiful; paltry; worthleſs. Hooker. Roſcomm$n,
4. Deſpecable ; hatefully contemptible. 5/</«

WRETCHEDLY. ad. [from tvretched.]
1. Miferable; unhappily. Clarenden.
2. Meanly ; deſpecably. Southm

WRFTCHEDNESS. ʃ. [from ivretched.]
1. Mifery ; unhappineſs ; afflifled ſtate. Sidney, Raleigh.
2. Pitifulneſs ; deſpecableneſs.

WRETCHLESS. .. Careleſs ; mindleſs ; heedleſs. Hammond.

To WRIGGLE. v. m. [pp'jan, Saxon.]
ruggehn, Dutch.] To move to and fro
with ſhort motions. More, Swift.

To WRI GGLE. v. a. To put in a quick
reciprocating motion. Hudibras.

WRIGHT. y. [ppihia, Fyn^ia, Saxon.]
A workman; an artificer; a maker; a
manufaflurer. Cheyne.

To WRING. v. a. preter. and part. paſt.
ivringed and lurung. [pjITjm, Saxon.]
1. To twiſt ; to turn round with violence.
2. To force out of any body by contortion. Wotton.
3. To ſqueeze; to preſs. Shakʃpeare.
4. To writhe. Shakʃpeare.
5. To pinch. Bacon, Clarenden.
6. To force by violence ; to extort. Shakʃpeare, Milton.
7. To harraſs ; to diſtreſs ; to torture. Shakʃpeare. Rof.orr.monm
%, To diſtort; to turn to a wrong purpoſe,
Afcham. iVbitgifte,
9. To perfecute with extortion, Hayw.

To WRING. v. n. To writhe with anguish.Shakʃpeare.

WRINGER. ʃ. [from wring.] One wha
ſqueezes th: water ou&of clothes.Shakʃpeare.

WRI'NKLE. ſ. [pjuocle, Saxonj ivrinket,
1. Corrugation or furrow of the ſkin or
the face. Ho'ioel. Swift.
2. Any rpiighneſs. Dryden.

To WRINKLE. v.d. [ppincinn, Saxon.]
1. To corrugate ; to contract into furrows. Bacon, Pope. .
2. To make rough or uoeven, Milton.

WRIST. ʃ. [-pyprr, Saxon.] The joint by
whlfch the hana is joined to the arm. Shakʃpeare. Peachamn.

WRI'STBAND. ʃ. [tOriJi and baTid.] . The
faAening of the {hirt at the hand,

WRIT. f. rfromw'»>f.]
1. Any thing written ; ſcripture. Th'S
ſenſe is now chiefly uſed in ſpeaKing of the
Bible. Knoi/es, Addiʃon.
2. A judicial proceſs. Prior.
3. A legal inſtrument. Ayliffe.

WRIT. The preterite of tvrite. Prior.

To WRITE. v. a. preterite ivrit or ivrote ; part. paff. wicten , ivrit, or ivrote. [j3j 1 izan,
ajjjiitan, Saxon.]
1. To expreſs by means of letters. Shakʃpeare. Deut.
2. To engrave ; to impreſs, Locke.
3. To produce as an authour, Granville.
4. To tell by letter. Prior.

To WRITE. v. V. -
1. To perform the act of writing.
2. To pl^y the authour, yAddiʃon.
3. To tell in books, Shakʃpeare.
4. To ſend letters. I Efdras.
5. To cil) on;'s felf; to be entitled; to
uſe the ſtile of. Shakſp, Ben. Johnſon.
6. To compoſe ; to form compofuions. Waller. Fdton.

WRITER. ʃ. [from wrr?e.]
1. One who practiſes the art of writing.
2. An authour. Bacon, Addiʃon, Swift.

To WRITHE. -y. o. [ppi^an, Saxon.]
1. To diflort ; to deform with diflortion. Shakſp, Milton, Dryden.
«, To twlft with violence. Milton. Addiſ.
1. To wreſt ; to force by violence.
4. To twifl. Dryden.

To WRITHE. v. n. To be convolved with
agony or torture. Addiſon.

To WRITHLE. v. a. [from ivritbe.] To
wrinkle; to corrugate. Spenſer.

WRI'TING. ʃ. [from ivrit.]
1. Alegalinſtrument.
2. Acompofure; a book. Hooker. Addiſ.
2. A written paper of any kind. Shakſp.

WRITINGMASTER. ʃ. One who teaches
to write, Dryden.

WRI'TTEN. The particifilc paſſive of write. Spenſer.

WRO'KEN. The part. part. of To lortaK

WRONG. ʃ. [pjlanje, Saxon.]

rious ; unjuſt.


1. An injury ; a deſigned or known defn.
ment. Sidney, Spenſer, Daniel, Dryden.
2. Errour ; not right, Roſcomm. H^attt,

WRONG. a. [from the noun.]
1. Not morally right ; not agreeable to
propriety or truth. Sidney, Addiſon.
2. Not phyſically right ; unfit ; unſuitable. Swift.

WRONG. ad. Not rightly ; amiſs. Locke, Pope. .

To WRONG. . a. [from the noun.] To
injure ; to uſe unjuſtly.

IJcoket, Spenſer, Addiʃon.

WRONGDO'ER. ʃ. [wrong and doer.] An
injurious perſon. Sidney, Ayliffe.

WRONGER. ʃ. [from ivrorg.] He that
injures ; he that does wrong. Shakʃpeare, Raleigh.
[ivrong itid full.] loju-. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.
ad. [from ivrongful.]. Sidney, Spectator.
7 tf. [ivrong and

WRONGHE'ADED. ʃ. bead.] Having
a perverſe underſtanding, Pc'pe.

WRO'NGLY. ad. [from wrowjf] Unjuſtly ;
amiſs. Shakʃpeare, Locke.

WRO NGLESSLY. ad. [from ivrotiglef, .]
Without injury to any. Sidney.

WROTE. pret. and part, of ivrite. South.

WROTH. a. [pria^s, Sax. -rre^, Daniſh.]
Angry. Out of uſe, Geneſis.

WROUGHT. [p^03.», Saxon. The preti
nnd pat. paſt. as it ſeems, of work \ aS
the Dutch iverchn, makes ^eroci^r.]
1. Effeſted ; performed. John. Stepbem,
2. Influenced
3. prevailed on. Shakʃpeare. Mltor,
3. Produced; cauſed, Milton, Addiſon.
4. Worked ; laboured,
5. Gained ; attained,
6. Ooerated,
7. Worked.
8. Aftuated,
9. Manufactured.
10. Formed.
11. Excited by degrees,
12. Guided; managed.
13. Agitated; diſturbed,

Bar. Milton.Shakʃpeare, Milton, Philips, Deuter, Bacon, Dryden, Raleigh, Milton.
2. Cor. Addiʃon, Swift, Milton.Shakʃpeare.
The preter. and part, paſſive of
ivring, L'Eſtrange. thomfon,

WRY. a. [from tvritbe.]
1. Crooked ; deviating from the right of
direction. Sidney, Sharp.
2. Diſtorted. Arbuthnot, Pope.
3. Wrung ; perverted; wreflect. Atterbury.

To WRY. v. n. [from the adjeffive.] To
be contorted and writhed ; to deviate from
the right direction, Sanderſon,

To WRY. v. a. [from the adjeftive.] To
make to deviate ; todiſtorti Sidney.