About The Joy of English

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English
1755 – online edition

This online version of Johnson's Dictionary (1756) was put together by whichenglish.com and the author of The Joy of English.

It was produced by combining OCR and sophisticated GREP, in addition to pure, time-consuming search-and-replace grunt for formatting and clean-up. It is by no means a clean, perfect text reproduction (yet) but it is an ongoing project. The sheer volume of code behind these pages (137,000 lines of code) means that there is only so much one man can do. The overall integrity of the contents of the dictionary is here.

A few notes about this online version of the dictionary. First, it is not perfect. Most of the 47,000 headwords will be highlighted in bold and each definition in separate p-tags. Many did not succeed during conversion and the sheer volume of entries prohibits be from doing them all manually one by one. Second, not every word came out accurately in the OCR process and so many definitions will have garbled words and entries. Again, the volume here means that the time it would take to fix manually would be enormous. At present it is not just feasible for one person (me) to clean up. Third, not ALL of the entries ARE actually garbled. This is because the spelling of the 1700s was different from what we recognize today. The most notable difference here is the letter s, printed at the time as ſ because it is a long s. So, instead of appearing as sensual. Samuel Johnson's Dictionary rendered it as ſenſual. So these are not mistakes – it just takes a little getting your head round it.

Today's letter s was at the time of printing Johnson's Dictionary typically rendered ſ. So, sounds looks on these pages as ſounds, English looks like Engliſh. This is not mistake. Equally italic long s looks like Shakʃpeare in the word Shakespeare.

English long s

As you can see from these 18th-century chiselled gravestones, the f (left) and long s (right, between i and h) are distinctly different. So, please don't be offended if you see ſuck, it is merely 18th-century suck.


Anyway, I hope you enjoy browsing. Jesse.


This page last updated: 20 October 2014


D, is a conſonant nearly approaching
the ſound to t. The ſound of d
in Engliſh is uniform, and it is never mute.

DA CAPO. [Italian.] A term in muſick,
which means that the firſt part of the tune
ſhould be repeated at the conclufion.

To DAB. v. a. [dauber, Fr.] To ſtrike
gently with ſomething ſoft or moiſt. Sharp.

DAB. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A ſmall lump of any thing.
2. A blow with ſomething moiſt or ſoft.
3. Something moiſt or ſlimy thrown upon one.
4. [In low language.] An artiſt.
5. A kind of ſmall flat fiſh. Carew.

DAB-CHICK. ʃ. A chicken newly hatched. Pope.

To DA'BBLE. v. a. [dabbelen, Dutch.] To
fmear ; to daub ; to wet. Swift.

To DA'BBLE. v. n.
1. To play in water; to move in water or mud. Swift.
2. To do any thing in a ſlight manner ; to tamper, Atterbury.

DA'BBLER. ʃ. [from dabble.]
1. One that plays in water.
2. One that meddles without mastery ; a
ſuperficial meddler. Swift.

DACE. ʃ. A ſmall river fiſh, reſembling a
roach. Walton.

DA'CTYLE. ʃ. [xxxxx, a finger.] A
poetical foot conſiſting of one long ſyllable
and two ſhort.

DAD. ʃ. The child's way of ex-

DA'DDY. preſſing father. Shakʃpeare.

To DADE. v. a. To hold up a lead ſtring. Drayton.

DA'FFODIL. ʃ. This plant

DAFFODILLY. hath a lily-flower,

of one leaf, which is bell ſhaped. Spenſer, Milton, Dryden.

To DAFT. v. a. [from do aft.] To toſs
aſide ; to throw away ſlightly. Shakʃpeare.

DAG. ʃ. [dague, French.]
1. A dagger.
2. A handgun ; a piſtol.

To DAG. v. a. [from daggle.] To daggle ;
to bemire.

DAGGER. ʃ. [dague, French.]
1. A ſhort ſword ; a poniard. Addiʃon.
2. A blunt blade of iron with a baſket
hilt, uſed for defence.
3. The obelisk ; as [+].

DA'GGERSDRAWING. ʃ. [dagger and
draw.] The act of drawing daggers ; approach to open violence. Hudibras.

To DA'GGLE. v. a. [from dag, dew.]
To dip negligently in mire or water.

To DA'GGLE. v. n. To be in the mire. Pope.

DA'GGLEDTAIL. ʃ. [daggu and tail] Bemirad
; bcl'pacteied. Swift.

DAILY. ii. ['^.^3llc, Sar.on.] Happening
every day ; quotidian. Prior.

DAILY. ad. E'vryday; very often. Spenſer.

DA'INTILY. ad. [from dainty.]
1. Elegantly ; delicately. Bacon.
2. Deliciouſly ; pleaſantly. lJau'e.]

DAINTINESS. ʃ. [from da-aty.]
1. i5elicaty ; ſoftneſs. Ben. Johnson.
2. Eijgince ; nicety, _ Wotton.
2. Sqiie.'iriſhricrs; faflidioijrie''s. Wotten;

DA'INTY. -a. [dain, oldFreneh.]
1. Pleaſing to the palate ; of exquiſite
taſte. Bacon.
2. Delicate ; of acute ſenſibility ; nice ;
ſqueamiſh. Davies.
3. Scrupulouf ; ceremonious. Shakʃpeare.
4. Elegant ; tenderly, languiſhingly beautiful. Milton.
5. Nice ; affectedlsr iine. Prior.

1. Something nice or delicate ; a delicacy. Proverbs.
2. A word of fondneſs formerly in uſe. . Ben. Johnson.
Dairy. ſ. [from dey, 2.r\ old word for miik.]
1. The occupation or art of making various
kinds of food from milk.
2. The place where milk is manufactured,
3. Pafturage ; milk fjrrrv. Bacon.

DA IRYMAID. ʃ. [dairy and maid.] The
woman fervant whoſe buſineſs is to manage
the milk, Dryden.

DA'ISY. ʃ. [baesereaje.] A Spring-flower.Shakʃpeare.
Dale. ſ. [daUi, Gothick] A vale^j a
valley. Ti<kel!.

DA'LLIANCE. ʃ. [from dally.]
1. Interchange of careITes ; acts of fondneſs.
2. Conjugal converfation. /lIH.'os.
3. Delay ; procraftination. Shakʃpeare.

DALLIER. ʃ. [from </a//y.] A trifler ; a
fondler. AJcoam.

DALLOP. ʃ. A tuft or clump. Tff<r.

To DA'LLY. ʃ. n. [dollen, Dutch, to tntie.]
1. To trifle ; to play the fool. Shakʃpeare, Calamy.
2. To exchange careffes ; to fondle.Shakʃpeare.
3. To ſport; to play ; to frolick.Shakʃpeare.
4. To delay. Wifiom.

To DA'LLY. v. a. To put off; to delay ;
to amuſe. Knolli.

DAM. ʃ. [from dame.] The mother.

DAM. ʃ. [dam, Dutch.] A mole or bank
to confine water. Dryden, Mortimer.

To DAM. v. a. [s^mman, Saxon.] To
confine, or ſhut up waier by moles or
dams. Otway.

DA'MAGE. ʃ. [damage, French.]
1. Miſchief ; hurt ; detriment. Davies.
2. Loſs ; miſchief ſuffered, Milton.
3. The value of miſchief done. Cli2renden,
4. Reparation of damage ; retribution. Bacon.
5. [In law.] Any hurt or hindrance that
a man taketh in his eſtate. Cowel,

To DA'MAGE. v. cr, To miſchief ; to injure
; to impair. Addiſon.

To DA'MAGE. v. a. To take damage.
Damageable, a. [from damage.]

1. SuſceptibJe of hurt ; as, damagiahk goods.
2. Miſchievous ; pernicious. Government of the Tongue.

DAMASCENE. ʃ. [from Dam.^cuu} P.
ſmall black plum ; a damfoii. Bacon.

DA'MASK. ʃ. [damaſquir,, Fr.] -Linen or
ſilk woven in a manner invented at Dj-t
rriafcii, by which part riles above the reſt
in (lowers. Swift.

To DA'M.ISK. v. c. [from the noun ]
1. To form flowers upon fluft's.
2. To varieiJate ; to diverſity. Fenton,

DA'MASK-ROSE. ʃ. A red rnfe. Bacon.

DA'MASKENMNG. ʃ. [from damaſquiner,
Fr.] The act or asft of adorning :ron or
fleei, by making inciſions, and filling them
up with guld or ſilver wire. Chambers.

DAME. ʃ. [dame,Yt, dania. Span.]
1. A lady ^ thetitleof honour to women. Milton.
2. Mlſtreſs of a low family. L'Eſtrange.
3. Women in general. Shakʃpeare.

DAMES-VIOLET. ʃ. Queen's cillyllower.

To DA'MN. v. a. [damno, Lat.]
1. To doom to eternal tor.ments in a future
ſlate. Bacon.
2. To procure oc cauſe to be eternally
condemned. South.
3. To condemn. Dryden.
4. To hoot or hifs any publick performance
; to explode. Pope. .

DAMN.ABLE. a. [from damn.] Deferving
damnation. Hooker.

DA'MNABLY. ad. [from dsmnnble.] \n
ſuch a manner as to incur eternal puni.'hment. South.

DAMNA'TION. ʃ. [from dam,.] Exclefion
from divine mercy ; condemnation to
eternal puniſhment. Taylor.

DAMNATORY. a. [from damnatomji.]
Containing a ſentence of condemnatiorx.
Damned pan, a. [from damn.] Hatefill ; derefrable. Shakʃpeare.

D.AMNi'flC. a. [from damnify.] Piocuring
loſs ; miſchievous.

To DA'MNIFY. v. a. [from damnifco, Lat ]
1. To endamage; to injure. Locke.
2. To hurt ; to impair. Spenſer.

DA'MNINGNESS. ʃ. [from damnitig;.] Tendency
to procure damnation, Hammond.

DAMP. a. [davipe, Dutch.]
1. MjilJ ; mclining to wet. Dryden.
2. Dfiefted ; funk ; depreiFcd. Milton.

A DA.MP>. ʃ.
1. Fog; moiſtairj moiſture. Dryden.
2. A noxious vapour exhaled ficm the
earth. Woodward.
3. Dejection ; depreſſion of ſpirit. Roſcommon.

To DAMP. v. a. [from the noun.]
1% To vvEi ; to moillen.
G ii ; s. To

S. To depreſs ; to dejcct ; to chill. Atterbury.
2. To weaken ; to abandon. Milton.

DA'MFISHNESS. ʃ. [from domt.'l Tendency
to wetneſs ; foggineſs ; moiſture. Bacon.

DA'MPNESS. ʃ. [from damp.'^ Moiflure; foggineſs. Dryden.

DA'MPY. a. [from dump.] Dneſted ; gloomy ; ſorrowful. Haywani,

DA'MSEL. ʃ. [damolJelle, Fr.]
1. A young gentlewoman. Prior.
2. An attendant of the better rank. Dryden.
3. A wench ; a country lafs. Gay.

DA'MSON. ʃ. [cotniptly from d^rtafrenf.]
A ſmall black plum. Shakʃpeare.

DAN. ʃ. [from domn.ui.'^ The old term of
honour fur men. Prior.

To DANCE. ʃ. n. [djr.fer, Fr.] To move
in meaſure. Shakʃpeare.

To DANCE Jttrndance. v. a. To wait with
fuupleneſs and obſequiouſneſs. Raleigh.

To DANCE. v. a. To make to dance; to
put into a lively motion. Bacon.
Dance. ſ. [from the verb.] A motion of
one or many in concert. Bacon.

DA'NCER. ʃ. [from dance.] One that
prattlfes the art of daiicing. Donne.

DA'NCINGMASTER. ʃ.: [dance and majier.]
One who teaches the art of dancing. Locke.

DA'NCING SCHOOL. ʃ. [dancing and
ſchooL] The ſchool ^here the art of
dancing is tauglu. L'Eſ'hartg'-

DANDE'LION. ʃ. [dent de lion, Fr.] The
n^mtr 1; . a p!nnt. Miiur.

DA'NDIHRAT. ʃ. [dcindln, Fr.] A little
fellow ; an urchin.

To DANDLE. v. a. [dindelen, Dutch.]
3. To ſhoke a child on the knse.
D^nne. Temple.
1. To fondle ; to treat like a child. Addiſon.
1. To delay ; to prncrailinate. Stal'r.

DA'NDLER. ʃ. He that dandles or f.mdies

DA'NDRUFF. ʃ. [t^n, the itch, and evrp,
f.rdi.l.] Sfflbs in the head,

DA'NEWORT. ʃ. A ſpecies of elder ; called alſo dwarf-elder, or wailwort.

DA'NGER. ʃ. [danger, Fr.] Riſque ; ha-

Z-:rd ; peril. Afii.

To DANCER. v. a. To put in hazard ; to ead-inger. Shakʃpeare.

D.ANGERLY. jS. a. [(r o':r\ da^iger.] WithriKT
h^z^:d ; va;h.-a!t rifnue. Sidney.

DA'NGEROUS. a. [from dagger.] Hazardous; pcriliiius. Dryden.

DA'NGEROUSLY. ad. [from djrgerous.]
-Hizardouſly ; periltously ; with danger.

DA'NGEROUSNESS. ʃ. [Uoxa danger oui.]

D.;ngerj h.?«rdj peiii. i^y/c'.

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To DA'NGLE. v. a. [from hang, according
to Skinner.]
1. To hang looſe and quivering. Smith.
2. To hang upon any one ; to be »r\
humble follower. Swift.

DA'NGLER. ʃ. [from dangle,} A maa
thit hangs about women. Raleigh.

DANK. a. [from tuncken, Germ.] Damp ;
humid; moiſt ; wet. Milton, Grew.

DA NKISH. a. Somewhat dank.Shakʃpeare.

To DAP. v. a. [corrupted from di^.] To
let fall gently into the water, Wakon.

DAPATICAL. <7. Sumptuous in cheer. Bailey.

DAPPER. a. [dapber, Dutch.] Little and
aftive ; lively without bulk. Milton.y,

DAPPERLING. ʃ. [from dapper.] A
dwarf. Ainſworth.

DA'PPLE. a. Marked with various colours ; variegated. Locke.

To DA'PPLE. v. a. To ſtreak ; to vary. Spenſer, Bacon.

DART \ ^' ^ ^^ found in the Severn.

To DARE. v. ſt. pr.et. Idur/l
; part, I have dared, f ceapjian, Saxon.] To have
courage for any purpoſe ; not to be afraid
; to he adventurous. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.

To DAIRE. v. a. To challenge ; to defy. Knolles. Rcjcommon.

To DARE Larh, To catch them by means
of a looking-glaſs. Care-ui.

DARE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Defiance; challenge. Shakʃpeare.

DAREFUL. a. [dare and /«/'.] Full of
defiance. Shakʃpeare.

DARING. a. [from dare.] Bold ; adventurous
; fearleſs. Prior.

DA'RINGLY. ad. [from daring.] Boldly; courageoiifly. Halifax,

DA'RINGNESS. ʃ. [from daring.] Boldneſs.

DARK. a. [oerjic, Saxon.]
1. Not light; without light. JFalleK>
2. Not of a ſhowy or vivid colour. Leviticus, Boyle.
3. BIind; without the enjoyment of light. Dryden.
4. Opake ; not tranſpare.nt.
5. Obſcure ; not perſpicnous. Hooker.
6. Not enl ghtened by knowledge ; ignorant. Denham.
7. Gloomy ; not chearful. Addiſon.

DARK. f.
1. Darkneſs ; obſcurity; want of light. Shakʃpeare, Milton.
2. Obſcurity; condition of ons unknown. Atterbury.
5. Want of knowledge. Locke.

To DARK. v. a. [from the noun.] To
duiken ; to obſcure. Spenſer.
To Gitiejii. Shakſp.
Calojjiar. Gloomy ;


To DA'RKENT. v. a.
1. To make dark. /}d'l:jar.
2. To cloud ; to perplex. Bacon.
3. To foul ; to fully. TiUatjon.

To DARKEN. v. V, To grow dark.

DARKLING. fart. Being in the dark. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.

DA'RKLY. ad. [from d.uk.] In a ſituation
void of light ; obſcurely ; blindly. Dryden.

DARKNESS. ʃ. [from ^dark.]
1. Abſence of light.
2. Opakeneſs.
3. Obſcurity.
4. ITfernal gloom ; wickedneſs
5. The empire of Sitan.

DA'RKSOME. a. [from da,-k.]
obicure ; not luminous. Spenſer. Pcfx

DA'RLING. a. Coeojilins, Saxon.] favourite
; dear ; beloved. L'Eʃtrange.

DA'RJLING. ʃ. A favourite ; one much
beloved, Halifax.

To DARN. ʃ. tf. See DEABN. To mend
holes by imitating the texture of the lluff. Gay.

DA'RNEL. ʃ. A weed grewing in the fields. Shakʃpeare.

To DA'RRAIN. v. a.
1. To range troops for battle. Cure-zv,
2. To apply to the fight. Spenſer.

DART. f. [dard, French.] A miſhle weapon
throvt'n by the hand. Peacham.

To DART. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To throw offenſively. Pope. .
2. To throw ; to emit.

To DART. v. n. To fly as a dart. Shak.

To DASH. v. a.
1. To throw any thing ſuddenly again ſt
ſomething. Tillocfin.
2. To break by collifon. Shakʃpeare.
3. To throw water in flalhes. Mortimer.
4. To heſpatter ; to beſprinkle. Shakſp.
5. To agitate any liquid. Dryden.
6. To mingle ; to change by ſome ſmall
admixture. Hudibras.
7. To form or print in hafte. Pope.
8. To obliterate ; to blot ; to croſs out. Pope.
9. To confound ; to make aſhamed ſuddenly.

To DASH. v.n.
1. To i^y off the ſurface. Cheyne.
2. To fly in fiaftes with a loud rioife. 'IhamJon,
3. To ruſh through water ſo as to make
it fly.

A DASH. ſ. [from the verb.]
1. Coliiſion,
2. Infuſion.
3. A mark in writing ; a line ———. Brown.
4. Stroke ; blow. Shakʃpeare./i>,
Dash. ad. An expreſſion of the found of
water daihed, Dryden, Dryden, South, Pope. , Dryden, Thomfon, Addiſon.


DA'STARD. ʃ. [abartjusa, Saxon.] A
coward ; a poltron. Locke.

To DA'STARD. v. a. To terrify; to intimidate. Dryden.

To DA'STARDISE. v. a. [from daflar<i.]
To intimidate ; to dejed with cowardice. Dryden.

DASTARDLY. a. [from J<j/?jrJ.] Cowardly
3. mem ; timorous. L'Eſtrange.

DA'STARDY. ʃ. [from daflard.] Cuwardlineſs.

DATARY. ʃ. [from date] An officer of
the chancery of Rome. Di£i%

DATE. ʃ. [datte, Fr.]
1. The time at which a letter is written,
maiked at the end or the beginning,
2. The time at which any event happened.
3. The time ſtipulated when any thing
ihiW be done. Shakʃpeare.
4. End ; conclufion. Pope.
5. Duration ; continuance, Dunham,
6. [from da£?y!us.^ The fruit of the datetree. Shakʃpeare./i>:

DATE-TREE. ʃ. A ſpecies of palm.

To DATE. v. a. [from the noun.] Tu
note with the time at which any thing i»
written or done. Berkley.

DATELESS. a. [from dMe-\ Without
any fixed term. Shakʃpeare.

DATIVE. a. [^dativus, Latin.] In grammar,
the caſe that ſignifies the perſon to
Y'^'om any thing is given.

To DAUB. v. a. [dabben, Dutch.]
1. To ſmear with ſomething adhefive. Exodui.
2. To paint coaſely. Otway.
3. To cover with ſomething ſpecious or
wrong. Shakʃpeare.
4. To lay on any thing gaudily or oltentatiouſly. Bacon.
5. To flatter groſ-ly. South.

To DAUB. v. a. To play the hypocrite.Shakʃpeare.

ADA'UBER. ʃ. [from daub.] A coaſe
low painter. Sioiff.

DA'UBY. a. [from daub.] Viſcous ; glutinous; adhefive. Dryden.

DA'UGHTER. ʃ. [-3 ihteji, Saxon ; doner,
1. The km lie offſpring of a man or wo-

JTiSn. Shakʃpeare.
2. A woman. Geneſis,
3. [Inpcetry.] Any deſcendent.
4. The penitent of a conſedbr. Shakſp.

To DAUNT. v.':!. [diinter, Fr.] To diſcn;.
rapt3 to fright. Glanville.

DAUNTLESS. a. [{rom daunt.] Fearleſs ;
rot cir',e>fted. Pope.

DA'UNTLESSNESS. ʃ. [from dauntlejs.]

DAW. ʃ. The name of a bird, Davies.

DAWK. ʃ. A hollow or inc: (ion in rtufl. Moxon.

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To DAWK. v. a. To mark with an -.nciſion.


To DAWN. v. ti.
1. To grow luminous ; to begin to grow
light. Pope. .
2. To glimmer obſcutely. Locke.
3. To begin, yet faintly ; to give ſome
promifes of luſtre. Pope. .

DAWN. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The time between the firſt appearance
of light and the fun's rife. Dryden.
7. Beginning ; firſt rifei Pope.

DAY. ʃ. ['^es, Saxon.]
1. The time between the riſing and fetting
of the fun, called the artificial day. Matthew.
2. The time from noon to noon, called
the natural day. Shakʃpeare.
3. Light ; funſhine. Romans.
4. The day of conteſt ; the conteſt ; the
battle. Roſcommon.
5. An appointed or fixed time. Dryden.
6. A day appointed for ſome commemoration.Shakʃpeare.
7. From day to day ; without certainty
or continuance. Bacon.

To-DAY. On this day. Finton.

DA'YBED. ʃ. [day and bed.^ A bed uſed
for idleneſs. Shakʃpeare.

DA'YBOOK. ʃ. [from day and book.] A
tradeſman's journal.

DA'YBREAK. ʃ. [day and break.'^ The
dawn ; the firſt appearance of light. Dryden.

DAYLA'BOUR. ʃ. [day and labour.] Labour
by the day, Milton.

DAYLA'BOURER. ʃ. [from daylabour.]
One that works by the day. Milton.

DA'YLIGHT. ʃ. [day and light.] The
light of the day, as oppoſed to that of the
moon, or a taper. Knolles, Newton.

DAYLI'LY. ʃ. The ſame with aſphodel,

DA YSMAN. ʃ. [day and man.] An old
word for umpire. Spenſer.

DA'YSPRING. ʃ. [day and jpring.] The
rife of the day ; the dawn.

[^/dyandy?jr.] The morning
rtar. Ben. Johnſon.

DAYTIME. ʃ. [day and time] The t'ime
in which there is light, oppoſed to night. Bacon.

DA'YWORK. r. [day and work.] Work
impoſed by the day ; day labour. Fairfax.

To DAZE. v. a. [bpss, Saxon.] To overpower
with light. Fairfax, Dryden.

DA'ZIED. a. Be ſprinkled with i^fifies,Shakʃpeare.

To DA'ZZLE. v. a. To overpower with
light, Davies.

To DA'ZZLE. v. n. To be overpowered
with liRhr, Bacon.

DE'ACON. ʃ. [diaccnus, Litis.]

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1. One of the loweſt order of the clergy,
2. [In Scotland.] An overſeer of the poor.
3. And alſo the mafter of an incorporated

DE'ACONE';S. ʃ. [from deacon.] A female
officer in the ancient church.

DE'ACONRY. ʃ. [from deacon.] The

DE'ACONSHIP. ʃ. office or dignity of a

DEAD. a. ['sfab, Saxon.]
1. Deprived of life ; exanimated. Hale.
2. Without life; inanimate. Pope. .
3. Imitating death ; ſenſelefi; motionleſs. Pſalms.
4. ITnactive; motionleſs. Lee
5. Empty; vacant. Dryden.
6. Uleleſs ; unprofitable. Addiſon.
7. Dull ; gloomy ; unemployed, Knolles.
8. Still; obſcure, Hayward.
9. Having no reſemblance of life, Dryden.
10. Obtuſe; dull; not ſprightly. Boyle.
11. Dull; frigid; noi nmmntA. Addiſon.
12. Tadeleſs ; vapid ; ſpiritleſs,
13. Uninhabited. Arbuthnot.
14. Without the power of vegetation,
15. [In theology.] Lying under the power
of fin.

The DEAD. ʃ. Dead men. Smith.

DEAD. ʃ. Time in which there is remark,
able ſtillneſs or gloom; as at midwinter,
and midnight, South, Dryden.

To DEAD. v. It. [from the noun.] To
loſe force, of whatever kind. Bacon.

To DEAD. ʃ

To DEADEN. ʃ. ' '
1. To deprive of any kind of force or ſcnfation. Bacon.
2. To make vapid, or ſpiritleſs. Bacon.

DEAD-DOING. p'^rt. a. [dead and do.]
Deftiudlive ; killing ; miſchievous. Hudibras.

DEAD-LIFT. ʃ. [icW and ///>.] Hopeleſs
exigence. Hudibras.

DE'ADLY. a. [from d.-ad]
1. Deſtructive ; mortal; murtherous,Shakʃpeare.
2. Mortal ; implacable. Knolles.

DE'ADLY. ad.
1. In a manner reſembling the dead. Dryden.
2. Mortally. Ezekiel.
3. Implacably; irreconciteably,

DE ADNESS. ſ. [from dead.]
1. Frigidity ; want of warmth ; want of
ardciir. Rogers.
2. Weakneſs of the vital powers ; languoiir
; faintneſs. Dryden. Lee.
3. Vap'dneſs of liquor.' ; loſs of ſpirit.

DEADNETTLE. ʃ. A \vje3 ; the fiir.f
with archangel.

DEAD RECKONING. ʃ.- [a fea-term.]
That eſtimation or conjecture which the
feamen make of the place where a ſhip is,
by keeping an account of her way by the

DEAF. a. [Jocf, Dutch.]
1. Wanting the ſenſe of hearing. Holder, Swift.
2. Deprived of the power of hearing. Dryden.
3. Obſcurely heard. Dryden.

To DEAF. v. a. To deprive of the power
of hearing. Donne.

To DE'AFEN. v. a. [from deaf] To deorive
of the power of hearing. Addiſon.

DE'AFLY. ad. [from deaf.]
1. Without ſenſe of ſounds,
2. Obſcurely to the ear.

DE'AFNESS. ʃ. [from deaf]
1. Want of the power of hearing; want
of ſenſe of ſounds, Hooker.
1. Unwiſhngneſs to hear. King Charles.

DEAL. ʃ. [deel, Dutch.]
1. Part. Hooker.
2. Quantity ; degree of more or leſs. Ben. Johnson, Fairfax.
3. The art or practice of dealing cards. Swift.
4. [deylf Dutch.] Firwood ; the wood
«if pines. Boyle.

To DEAL. v. a. [deelen, Dutch.]
1. To diſtribute ; to diſpoſe to different
perſons. Tkkell.
2. To ſcatter ; to throw about. Dryden.
3. To give gradually, or one after another. Gay.

To DEAL. v. n.
1. To traffick ; to tranſact buſineſs ; to
trade. Decay of Piety.
2. To act between two perſons ; 10 intervene. Bacon.
3. To believe well or ill in any tranſaction.
^iL'ot on.
4. To act in any manner. Shakʃpeare.
5. To DIAt hy. To treat well or ill. Locke.
6. To Deal in. To have to do with ; to be engaged in ; to pra<i\ife, Atterbury.
7. To Deal with. To treat in any
manner ; to uſe well or ill. South. Thomfon,
5. To Deal with. To contend with. Sidney, Dryden.

To DEALBATE. v. a. [dealbo, Lat.] To
whiten ; to bleach,

DEALBA'TION. ʃ. [deaiht'io, Lat.] The
act of bleaching. Brown.

DE'ALER. ʃ. [from d^al]
1. One that has to do with any thing.
2. A trader or trafficker, Swift.
3. A perſon who deals the carir.

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DE ALING. ſ. [from deal.]
1. Practice; adfion. Raleigh.
2. Intercourſe. Addiʃon.
3. Meaſure of treatment. Hammond.
4. Traſſick ; buſineſs. Swift.

DEAMBULATION. ʃ. [deamhulatio, Latin.]
The act of walking abroad.

DEA'MBULATORY. a. [deambuh, Lat.]
Relating to the practice of walking abroad,

DEAN. ʃ. [decanus, Latin ; doyen, French.!
The ſecond dignitary of a diocefe,

DE'ANERY. ʃ. [from dean.]
1. The office of a dean. Clarendon.
2. The revenue of a dean. Swift.
3. The houſe of a dean. Shakʃpeare.

DE'ANSHIP. ʃ. [from d.an.] The office
and rank of a dean.

DEAR. a. [beofi, Saxon.]
1. Beloved ; favourite ; darling. Addiʃon.
2. Valuable ; of a high price ; colUy. Pope.
3. Scarce; not plentiful ; as, a dear ^wr.
4. Sad ; hateful ; grievous. Shakʃpeare.

DEAR. ʃ. A word of endearment. Dryden.

DE'ARBOUGHT. a. [dear and bought.]
Purchaſed at an high price, Roſcominon.

DE'ARLING. ʃ. [now written darling.]
Favourite. Spenſer.

DE'ARLY. ad. [from dear.]
1, With great fondneſs. Wotton.
2. At an high price. Bacon;.

To DEARN. v. a. ['ftyp.nan, Saxon.] To
mend cloaths.

DE'ARNESS. ʃ. [from dear.]
1. Fondneſs,- kindneſs ; love. South.
2. Scarcity ; high price. Swift.

DE'ARNLY. ad. [aeopn, Saxon.] Secretly
; privately; unſeen. Sterner.

DEARTH. ſ.from dear.]
1. Scarcity which makes food dear. Bacon.
2. Want ; need ; famine. Shakʃpeare.
3. Barrenneſs ; ſterility. Dryden.

To DEARTI'CULATE.y. [dc 2.ni a-ticulm.
Lat.] To disjoint; to diſmember. DtB»

DEATH. ʃ. [asfS, Saxon.]
1. The extinſtion of life. Hebrews.
2. Mortality ; deſtruction,Shakʃpeare.
3. The ſtate of thedead. Shakʃpeare.
4. The manner of dying, Ezeb'ef.
5. The image of mortality reprefenced by
a ſkeleton. Shakʃpeare.
6. Murder ; the act of deſtroying life unlawfully. Bacon.
7. Cauſe of death. Kings.
g. Deſtroyer. Pope. .
9. [In poetry.] The inITrnment of death. Dryden, Pope. .

JO. [In theology.] Damnation ; eternal
torments. Cturch Cateckfm.

DEATH-BED. ʃ. [death and Ud.] The
be>i to which a .Toa.'i is confiajd by mortal
ſickneſs, Co.lier.



DEATHFUL. ʃ. [^«r;& and /<//.] Full of
flaughter ; deſtructive ; murderous. Raleigh.

DEATHLESS. a. [from death.] Immortal
; never-dying. Boyle.

DE'ATHLIKE. a. [death and like.] Reſembling
death ; (lill. Cropcnv.

DEATH'S-DOOR. [death and door.] A
near approach to death. Tayloy.

DE'ATHSMAN. ʃ. [death and mnn'] Executioner ; hajigmaii ; headiman.Shakʃpeare.

DE'ATHWATCH. ʃ. [death and watch.]
An infetl: that makes a tinkting noiſe,
faperilitiouſly imagined to prognofticate
death. TVjtti.

To DEA'URATE. v. a. [deauro, Lat.] To
giid, or cover over with gold.

DEAURATION. ʃ. [from deaurate.] The
act of gilding.

DEBACCHA' I'ION. ſ. [debacchoitioy Lat.]
A raging ; a madneſs.

To DEBA'RB. v. a. [from de and borba.
Lat.] To deprive of his beard.

To DEBARK. v. a. [deharquer, Fr.] To

To DEBA'R. v. a. [from bar.] To exclude; to preclude. Raleigh.

To DEBA'SE. v. a. [from baſe.]
1. To reduce from a higher to a lower
ſtate. Locke.
2. To make mean ; to ſink into meanlieſs. Hooker.
3. To ſink ; to vitiate with meanneſs.
4. To adulterate ; to leſſen in value by
biife admixtures. Hiile.

DEBASEMENT. ʃ. [from dehafi.] The
a£i of debafing or degrading. Government of the Tongue.

DEBA'SER. ʃ. [from dchiije.] He that debales
; he that adulterates ; he that degrades

DEBA'TARLE. a. [from debjie.] Diſputable
; ſubject: to controvenVA

DEBATE. ʃ. [debat, French.]
1. A perſonal diſputt i a controverſy.
l.o. le.
2. A quarrel ; a contefl. Dryden.

To DEBATE. ʃ. a. [de/>atre, French.]
To controven , to diſpute ; to conteſt. Clarendon.

To DEBA'TE. v. r,
1. To deiibetate. Shakſpeare.
2. To ojr|)\i(e, 'Ii:ttsr.

DEBA'TEFUL. a. [from dch:Ue.]
1. [Of perfuiis.] (>iarrelfomc ; contentious.
2. Contefled ; occr.fioning quarrels.

DEBATEMEN r. ſ. [from dd-ate.] Contcit
^ contrcveii'v. Si a'^ep.'r.n.

DEBATER. ʃ. [ from, diMt.] A d;!jutant ; a concroveitlll.


To DEBA'UCH. v. a. [dfjhaucher, Fr.]
1. To corrupt ; to vitiate. Dryden.
2. To corrupt with lewdneſs. Shakʃpeare.
3. To corrupt by intemperance, lillomfon.

DEBAUCH. ʃ. A fit of mtcmperance ; lu:cury ; exceſs ; Jewdneſs. Calamy.

DEBAUCHE'E. ʃ. [from dcjlaude, Fr.]
A lecher ; a drunkard. South.

DEBA'UCHER. ʃ. [from debauch.] One
who feduces others to intemperance or

DEBA UCHERY. ʃ. [from debauch.] The
practice of exceſs ; lewdneſs. Sprat.

DEBA'UCHMENT. ʃ. [from debauch.] The
act of debauching or vitiating ; corruption. Taylor.

To DEBE'L. ʃ. I'. a. [debello, Lat.]

To DEBELLATE. i To conquer; to overcome
in war. Bacon.

DEBELLATION. ʃ. [from debellatio, Lat.]
The act of conquering in war.

DEBE'NTURE. ʃ. [dehentur, Lat. from
dcheo.] A wiit or nute, by which a debt
is claimed. Swift.

DE BILE. a. [debilis, Lat.] Weak ; feeble
languid ; faint. Shakʃpeare.

To DEBILITATE. 1;. a. [dehifuo, Latin.]
To weaken ; to make faint ; to enfeeble. Brown.

DEBILITATION. f. [from debilitatio, Lat.]
The ac^ of weakening.

DEBI'LI FY. ſ. [dchihteis, Lat.] Weakneſs
; feebleneſs ; languor ; famtneſs. Sidney.

DEBONA'JR. a. [hbonnaire, Fr.]Elegant ;
civil ; well-bred. Milton, Dryden.

DEBONA'IRLY. ad. [from debonair. '\

DEBT-. ʃ. [dehiium, Latin.]
1. That which one man owes to another. Duppa.
2. That which any one is obliged to do or
uiffer. Shakʃpeare.

DE'BTED. part, [from debt.] Indebted ; nblie?ia to. Shakʃpeare.

DEBTOR. ʃ.: [debitor, Latin.]
1. He. that owes ſomething to another.
2. One that owes money. Philips.
3. Ore fidr of an account book, Addiʃon.

DECACUMiNATED. a. [decacummatvs,
L^'t.] Having the top cut off. D:fi.

DE'CADE. ʃ. [oixa, Or. deem, l.'it.] The
fum of ten. Holder.

DEGADENCY. ʃ. [decadence, Fr.] Decay
; fail. Difl.

DECACON. ʃ. [from ^Iko. ten, and yuyU,'
a corn< r.] A plain figure in geometry.

DL'CALOi.Uli. ſ. [li-:i}oy<^, Greek.]
The ten commandments given by God to
Mofes. Hammond.

To DE'CAMP. T.'. «. [dtcawper, Fr.] To
;h!ii t.'is csmp : to move o!i'.


DECA'MPMENT. ʃ. [from dcuinp.] The
act of ſhifting the camp.

To DECANT. v. a. [decanter, Fr.] To
pour oft gently by inclination. Boyle.

DECANTA'TION. ſ. yecantation, it.]
The a<ct of decanting.

DECA'NTEil. ʃ. [from decant.] A glaſs
vefITei made for pmrin? ott' Jcjuor clear.

To DECa'I^ITATE. v.^a. [decapuo, Lat.]

To Dehead.

To DECAA'. v. n. [dechsoiry Fr.] To loſe
excellence ; to decline. Clarenden.

DECA'Y. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Decline from the ſt.ae of perfection.
Ben. yohrſon.
it. The effects of diminution ; the marks
of decav. Locke.
3. Declenſion from proſperity. Leviticus.

DECA'YER. ſ. [from d'ory'.] That which
can fes decay. Shakʃpeare.

DECEASE. ʃ. [decfjfui, Latin.] Dc=.uh ;
departure from life. Hooker.

To DECE'ASE. 1;. «. [dccedo, Latin.] To
; to depart from life. Chapman.

DECEIT. f. [deaſtio, Latin.]
1. Fraud ; a cheat ; a fallacy. yob.
2. Siratagem ; artifice. Shakʃpeare.

DECE'ITFUL. a. [duct and /a/.'.] Fraudulent
; full of deceit. Shakʃpeare.

DECE'ITFULLY. ad. [from de,Jn/J.]
Fraudulently. H-'oiiun.

DECE'ITFULNESS. ʃ. [from deceitful..
Tendency to deceive. Matthew.

DECEIVABLE. a. [from ^.«;W.]
1. Subject to fraud ; expuſed toimpoſture. Milton.
4. Subject to produce errour ; deceitful. Bacon.

DECE'lVABLENESS. ʃ. [from dcceivable.]
Liableneſs to be deceived.
Covernment of the Tongue.

To DECE'IVE. v. d. [decifio, Latin.]
1. To cauſe to miſtake ; to bring intoerrour. Locke.
2. To delude by ſtratagem.
3. To cut iff from expe^ation. Knolles.
4. To mock ; to fail, Dryden.

DECE'IVER. ʃ. [from dceive.] One that
leads another into errour. South.

DECE'MBER. ʃ. [december, Latin.] The
laſt month of the year. Shakʃpeare.

DECE'MPEDAL. c. [from dt<rewpcda, Lat.]
Having ten feet in lengtii.

DECE'MVIRATE. ʃ. [detewviratus, Lat.]
The dignity and office of the ten governours
cif Rome.


IJE'CEmrY. ; -^' t'.
1. Propriety of form; proper formality; becoming ceremoi;y. Sprat,
2. Sjiitableneſs to charad.er ;
propriety. South.
r> E c
3. RIodefty ; not ribaJdry ; not obſceni'jE.
J\ 'fcommon,

DECE'NNIAL. a. [from decennium, Lat.]
What c ntinues for the ſpaceof ten ye>rs.

DECENNO'VAL. v. a. [drc-m and r,o-ue!n

DECEN.VO'VARY.S Lat.] Rclatingtothc
number nineteen. No'der.

DE'CENT. o. [decern, Lat.] Becoming ; fit ; ſuitable, Dryden.

DECENTLY. ad. [from decevt.]
1. In a proper manner ; with luitable behavinir. Broome.
a Without immodefty, Dryden.

DECEFTIBI'LITY. ſ. [from deceit.] Liableneſs
to be deceived. Glumjine.

DECETTIDLE. a. [from deceit.] Liable
to be deceived. Brown.

DECE'PTION. ʃ. [d,xeptio, Latin.]
1. The act or ineans of deceiving ; cheat; fniud. South.
2. The frate of being deceived. Milton.

DECE'PTIOUS. a. [from ^ccv;;.] Deceit^:
ful. Svjkeſtieare.
Deceptive, a. [from deceit.] Having.
the power of deceiving.

DECE'l'TORY. a. [torn deceit.] Coll.
taining means of deceit.

DEGERFT. a. [decerptut, Lat.] DJminiſhed
; taken oiF.

DECE'RPTIBLE. a. [decerpo, Lat.] That
may be taken off.

DECE'RPTION. ʃ. [from decerpt.] The
a^ of leliening, or taking off.

DECERT.VTIDNT. ʃ. [deartatlo, Lat.] A
contention ; a ſtriving ; a diſpute.

DECE'SSION. ʃ. [decejio, Latin.] A departure.

To DECHA'RM. 1;, a. [dccharmer, Fr. ;
To counteract a charm ; to difinchant.

To DECI'DE. v. a. [decide, Lat.]
1. To fix the event of ; to detsrmine. Dryden.
2. To determine a queſtion or diſpute.

DE'CIDENCE. ʃ. Uecido, Lat.]
1. The quality of being ſhed, or of falling
2. The z€t of falling away. Enymn,

DECIDER. ʃ. [from decide.]
1. One who determines csuſes. ff^attu
2. One who determines quarrels,

DECI'DUOUS. «. [dtciduut, Lat.] Falling; not perenni..!. Sluiriy,

DECI DUOUSNESS. ſ. [from deciduoui:]
Aptneſs to fail.

DE'CIM.A.L. a, Idecimut, Lat.] Numliered
by ten. Loih,

To DE'CIMATE. v. a. [decimut, Latin.]
To 'ithe ; to t;ilie tfee tenth.

DLCuviA'TION. ſ. [from decimate.]
1. A tithing; a feleflion of every tenth.
Hh a, A

«. A feleflion by lot of every tenth ſoldier
for puniſhment. Dryden.

To DECr PKER. v. a. [dechiffrer, Fr.] _
1. To explain that which is written in
ciphers. Sidney.
2. To write out ; to mark down in chiraAjfs. South.
3. To ſtarnp; X6 characterife ; to mark.Shakʃpeare.
4. To unfoIH ; to unravel.

DECIPHERER. ʃ. [from decipher.] Ont
who explains writings in cypher.

PECI SION. ſ. [from decide.]
1. Determination of a difference. Woodward,
2. Deterininstion of an event. Shakʃpeare.

DECI'SIVE. a. [from Jaade.]
1. Having the power of determining any
difterence. Rogers.
2. Having the power of fettling any event.

DECrsIVELY. ad. [from dcd/ive.] In a
conchiſive manner.

DECrSIVENESS. ſ. [hotn derf/ive.] The'
power of terminating any differenc9>, or
fettling an event.

DECr^ORY. ſ. [from dedJc] Able to
determine or decide.

To DECK. . a. [deck-n, Dutch.]
1. To cover ; to overſpread. ATilton.
1. To dreſs ; to array. Shakʃpeare.
3. To adorn ; to embelliſh. Prior.

DECK. ſ. [from the verb.]
1. The fl or of a fliio. Ben. Johnson.
2. Pack of cards piled regularly on each
other. Grew.

DECKER. f. [ham deci.] A dreſſer ; a

To DECLVIM. -0. n. ^dpchmo, Lat.] To
harangue; to rhetoncate; to ſpeak fet
orations. Ben. Johnson.

DECLA'IMER. ʃ. [from d£chim~\ One
who makes ſpe'eches with intent to move
the paſſions. Addiʃon.

DECLAMA'TION. ſ. [^iechmatio. Latin.]
A diſcourſe addreſſed to the pailions ; an
harangue. Taylor.

DECLAM ATOR. ſ. [Latin.] A dedaimer ; an orator. latter,

DECLAMATORY. a. [didamattrius, Lat.] 1. Relating to the practice of declaiming.
1. Appealing to the paſſions. Dryden.

DECLA'RABLE. a. [from declare.] Capable
o' proof. Broitm,

DECLARATIONT. ſ. [from ^fjjre.]
1. A proclamation or affirmation; publication. Hooker. Til/otion.
2. An exphnaii'in of ſomething dnubtful.
3. [In law.] DcclaratJrn is the Hiewing
ftirth of an action perſonal in any faic,
though it is uſed fxmetimes for real afaons, Cowel,

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DECLA'RATIVE. a. [from declare.]
1. Making declaration ; explanatory. Grew.
2. Making proclsmation. Swift:.'

DECLA'RATORILY. -3J. [from declaratory,.
In the form of a declaration ; not promiffively. Brown.

DECLA'RATORY. a. [from declare. [
Affirmative; expreſſive. Tillotſon',

To DECLA'RE. v. a. [dularo, Lat.]
1. To clear ; to free from obſcurity, Boyle.
2. To make known ; to tell evidentiy.
and openly. Dryden.
3. To publiſh; to proclaim. Chronicles.
4. To ſhow in open view. Addiſon.

To DECLA'RE. t. n. To make n declaration,

DECLA'REMENT. ʃ. [from declare.] Difcovery
; declaration ; teſtimony. Brown.

DECLARER,/. [from diclare.] One thati
makes any tHing known.

DECLE'NSION. ʃ. [dechnttio, Latin.]
1. Tendency from a greater to a leſs degree
of excellence. SoutO)
2. Declination f deſcent. Burnet.
5. Inflexion; manner of changing nouns.

DECLI'NABLE. a. [from decline.] Having
variety of terminations.

DECLINA TION. ʃ. [decl'tnotio, Lat.]
1. Deſcent ; change from a better to a'
worſe ſtate ; decay. Waller.
2. The act of bending down.
3. Variation from redtitude ; oblique motion
; obliquity. Bentley,
4. Variation from a fixed point. TiWoodward.
5. [In navigation.] The variation of the
needle from the true meridian of any plac«
to the Eaft or Weſt.
6. [In aſtronomy.] The declination of a
flar we call its ſhorteſt diſtancee from the
equator. Browil.
7. [In grammar.] The declenſion or infiedlion
of a noun through its various terminations,

DECLINA'TOR. ʃ. /, [from decline.] kn

DECLI'NATORY. [inſtrument in dialing. Chambers.

To DECLI'NE. v. n. [decliKo, Lat.]
1. To lean downward, Shakſpeare.
2. To deviate ; to run into obliquities.
3. To ſhun ; to avoid to do any thing. ,
4. To fjnk ; to be impaired ; to decay.

To DECLI NE. ʃ. a,
1. To bend downward ; to bring down. Spenſer.
2. To ſhun ; to avoid ; to refuſe ; to be
cauti'.us of. Clarenden.
3. To modify a wo.d by various terminations.

DECLI'NE. ʃ. The ſtate of tendency to the
worle ; diminution ; decay. Frw.

DECLIVITY. I. [duhvis, Latin.] In
clii'ation or obliquity reckoned down war.;;.
; gradual deſcent ; the contrary to accli'/;ty.

DECLI'VOUS. a. [decU'vh, Latin.] Gradually
deſcending ; not precipitous.

To DECO'CT. v. a. [JuBJuo dccoSlum, Lat.]
1. To prepare by boiting for any uſe ; to
digeſt in hot water.
2. To digeſt by the heat of the ſtomach. Davies.
3. To boil in water. Bacon.
4. To bo'l up to a conſiſlence. Shuhff.

DECOCTIBLE. a. [from deco^,} That
which may be boiled, or prepared by boiling.

DECO'CTION. ʃ. [deuBum, Latin.]
1. The act of boiling any thing. Bacon.
2. A preparation made by boiling in wster. Ben. Johnſon.

DECO'CTURE. ʃ. [from deaEi.] A iuhliance
drawn by decoflion.

DECOLLATION. ʃ. [duoHatlo, Lat.] The
ait of beheading. Brown.

DECOMPOSITE. a. [decoKfofuui, Lat.]
Compounded a ſecond time. Bacon.

DECOMPOSITION. ʃ. [decomprfitta, Lat.]
The act of compounding things already
compounded, Boyle.

To DECOMPO'UND. v. a. [decompcno,
Latin.] To compoſe of things already
compounded. Boyle. Weivton.

DECOMPO'UND. a. [from the verb.] Compoſed
ot things or words already compounded. Boyle.

DE'CORAMENT. ʃ. [from decorate.] Ornament.

To DE'CORATE. -r. a. [decaro, Latin.]
To adorn ; to embelliſh ; to beautify.

DECORATION. f. [kom decorate.]
Ornjment; r-dded beauty. Dryden.

DECORA'rOR. ſ. [from decorati.l^ An

I>ECOROUS, a. [decorus, Latin.] Decent
; luitable to a charatler. Ray.

To CECO RTICATE. 1: a. [duortico, Lat.]
T divert of the bark or hufl-:. ydrbuthnot.

DECORTICA'TION. ʃ. [from decorticate.]
The act of ſtripping the batk or huſk.

DECO'RUM.J. [Latin.] Decency; behaviour
contrary to hcentiouſneſs ; ſeemlineſs. Wotton.

To DECO'Y. 11. a. [from kory, Duuh, a
cage.] To lure into a cage ; to intrap. L'Eſtrange.

DECO'Y. ʃ. Allurement to miſchieſs. Berkley.

DECO'YDUCK. ʃ. A duck that luree others. Mortimer.

To DECREASE. v. r. [dccefco, Latin.]
To groA- leii ; to be djaiiniſhtd, Ecclut.


To DECRE'ASE. i-, a. To make leſs ; to
(liminrh, Dani'/. Newton.

DECREASE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The ſtate of growing leſs ; decay. Prior.
2. The wain of the mo in. Bacon.

To DECRE'E. v. a. [d.cretum. Latin.] To
make an edidl ; to appoint by ediil. Milton.

To DECRE E. v. a. To dbom or alTign by
a '<ecree. J/'c'--

DECRE'E. ʃ. [decretum, Latin.]
1. An eoi(fV ; a law, Shakʃpeare.
2. Aneſtoblftied rule. Job.
3. A deterrrjinatior? of a ſtrit.

DE'CREMENT. ʃ. [dccremenium, Latin.]
Decreaſe ; the ſtate of growing Isfs; the quantity loft by dccreaſing. Brown.

DECRE'PIT. a. [dccrepitus, Lat.] Wafted
and worn out with age. R.-. eigh, Addiſon.

To DECREPITATE. v. a. [de.npo. Lat.]
To calcine fait till it has ceaſed to crackie
in the fire. Brown.

DECREPITA'TION. ʃ. [from decrepitJit.]
The crackling noiſe which fait makes
over the fire. Swu.cs.

DECREPITNE.SS. ʃ. [from de.r^h'.]

DECRE'PITUDE. ʃ. The laſt ſtnge of decav
; the laſt effects of old age. BttUy.

DECRE SCENT. a. [from decrefecT^s, Latin.]
Growing Icfs.

DECRETAL. a. [decretum, Lat^n.] Appertaining
to a decree ; containing a decree.

DECRE'TAL. ʃ. [from the adjective.]
1. A book of decrees or ed:i3s. Addiſon.
2. The collection of the pupe's <3ecrees.

DECRE'TIST. ʃ. [i'rcmdecree] One that
ftudies the decretal. Ayliffe.

DECRETORY. a. [from decree.]
1. Judicial ; definitive. South.
2. Critical ; definitive. Brown.

DECRl'.-^L. ſ. [from decry.] Clamorous
cenfnre ; haſty or noify condemnation.

To DECRY. 1'. a. , [decri^r, Fr.] To
cenſure ; to blame clamorouſly ; to clamour
againſt. Dryden.

DECUMBENCE. ʃ. / [decumho, Latin.]

DECU'MBENCY. ʃ. The act of lying down ;
the ponuieof lying down. Brown.

DECU'MBIl L'RE. ſ. [from dccunho, Lat.]
1. The time at which a man takes to his
bed in a diſeaſe,
2. [In aſtrology.] A ſcheme of the heavens
ftedled for that time, by which the
prognoſticks of recovery tr death are diſcovered. Dryden.

DE'CUFLE. a. fdccuplus, Lat.] Tei.f.-id. Ray.

DECU'RION. ʃ. [decurio, L;t.] A commander
over ler, Temple.

2. [dedtcus, Lat ] D.f
eracefii! : reiiroachfu

Recursion. ſ. [drcurfus, Latin.] The
a{\ of runnins down. Hale.

DECURTATION. ſ. [decurtatio, Latin.]
Trie dCt ct curting ſhort.

To DKCU'SSATE. v. a. [decuJo, Latin.]
To interfetl at acute angles. R'y.

DECUSSATION. ʃ. [from dea^Jate.] The
ad of crofTitig ; ſtate of being croffed at
unequal Hngl'^s. Ray.

To DEDECQRATE. f.^. [ded:coro,'Lii.]
To diſhvjc ; to bring i reproach upon.

DEDECORATION. ʃ. [from d^dicorats.]
The act of drigracing.

DEDENTl'TION. ſ. [de and deniitio. Lat.]
Lofb or /liedding of the teeth. B.'own.

T DE'DJCATE. v. a [ded.ro, Latin.]
1. To devote to fuBie divine power.
2. To aporcpriate ſolemnly to any perſon
or purpoſe. Clarenden.
3. To inſcribe to a patron, Peacham.

DE'IXICATE. a- [from the verb.] Confvjcrate
; nevc.te ; dedicited. tpehii^n,

DEDICA'TION. ʃ. [Jfdicath, Latin.]
1. The act of dedicating to any being or
purpoſe ; conſecratton. Hooker.
2. A ſervile addrel's to a patron. Pope.

DEDICA'TOR. ʃ. [from dedizate.] Oat
\vh) itifcibes his work to a patron with
complitnenr and ſervility. P'p'-

DE'DJCATORY. a. [h^m d,dUate.] Cjmpofing
a dedication ; adulatory. Pope. .

DEDI'TION. ʃ. [diduio, Lat.] The at't
of yielding up any tiling. Hak.

To DEDU'CE. v. a. [d,dueo, Latin.]
1. To draw in a regular connected ieries. Pope.
2. To form a regular chain of conſequential
propoſitions. Locke.
3. To lay down in regular order. TLcmfon.

DEDU'CEMENT. ʃ. [from deduce.] The
thing deduced ; conſequential propoſition. Dryden;

DEDIPCIBLE. a. [from deduce.] Collectible
by reaſon. Brownt. Soulb.

DEDU'CIVE. a. [from dedice.] Performing
the act of deduſtion.

To DEDUCT. v. a. [deduce, Lat.]
1. To ſubtUad ; to take away ; to defalcate,
2. To r^ptirnte ; to diſpart. Spenſer.

DEDUCTION. ʃ. [d,d.a:o, Lat.]
1. Coiifequeiitial collsction ; conſequence.
1. That which is dediided. Pope. .

DEDU^^TIVE. a. [from dedt.H.] Deducible

DEDU'CTIVELY. ad. [from dedu^i've.]
Ci'nfequcntiully ; by 'egola? dedudipn,

DEED. ʃ. [£>:t^, Saxon.]

1. Aflicn, whether good or hzi. Smallridge.
2. Exploit ; perform^anc, Dryden.
3. Power of action ; agency. Milton.
4. Ad declaratory of an opinion. Hooker.
5. Written evidence of any legal ad. Bacon.
6. Fad ; reality ; the contrary to lidwn. Lee.

DEEDLESS. a. [from deed.] Unactive. Pope.

To DEEM. v. V. part, dempt, or deemd,
[t>eman.Saxon.] To judge ; to conclude
11 Ton conſideration. Spenſer, Hooker, Dryden.

DEEM. f. [from the verb.] Judgment .
turniiie ; opinion. Shakſpeare.

DEEMSTER. ʃ. [from deem.] A judge.

DEEP. a. [&eep, Saxon.]
1. Having: length downwards. Baconay
2. Low I!, fitudtion ; not high.
3. Meaſured from the Surface down\ward. Newton.
4. Entering far ; piercing a great way. Clarendon.
5. Far from the uter part. Dryden.
6. Not fuoEi-ficiai , not obvious, Locke.
7. .agacious ; penetrating. Locke.
8. Full of contrivance) politick ; infiduous.Shakʃpeare.
9. Grave ; foiem/i, Shakſpeare.
10. i^ark coloured. Dryden.
11. Having a great degree of flilnt-fs, or
gloini. Geuejii.
12. B^fs ; gr:>ve in found. Bacon.

DEEP. ʃ. [from the adjective.]
1. The ſea ; the main. Waller.
2. The moſt fi<lcmft or ſtill part.Shakʃpeare.

To DE'EPEV. v. a. [from deep.]
1. To makc deep ; to ſink far below the ſurface. Addiſon.
2. To darken; to cloud ; to make dark. Peacham.
5. To make fad or gloomy. Pope. .

DEEP-MOUTHED. a. [d.ep and mouth.]

HIvir,(Z a hoarſe and louj voice. 6tiy.

DEE.'MU'SING. a. [d.-tp m<imuje.] Ccn.
templative ; loft in thought. Pope. .

DE'EPLY. ad. Uxvmdeip.]
1. To a great depth ; lar below the ſurface.
2. With g'eat f^^dy or fagacity,
3. Sorrowfully ; ſolemniy. Mark, Donne.
4. With a tendency to datkncA of colour,
5. In a high degree. Bacon.

DEEPNESS. ʃ. [ix^TTideep.] Entrance far
beluw the ſurface ; profundity
J depth. Knolles.

DEER. f. [benp, Saxon.] That claſs of
animals which iS hunted for venifon.

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To DEFA'CE. v. a. [tiefaire^ French.] To
dertrny ; to rase ; to disfigure, Shak. Prior.

DEFA'CEMENT. ʃ. [from deface.] Viobtion
; injury. Bacon.

DEFA'CER. ʃ. [from <f/j«.] Deſtroyer ;
abu)iſh=j ; vioiater. Shakʃpeare.

DEFA'ILAHCE. ʃ. [d'failance, French.]
Failure. Glanville.

To DEFA'LCATE. v. a. [dfaljuer, fx.]
To cut off ; to lop ; to take away part.

DEFALCATION. ʃ. [from defalcate.] Dimiuution. Addiʃon.

DEFA'MATORY.fl. [from dfame.] Calumnious
; unjuſtly cenforious ; libetJcus. Government of the Tongue.

To DEFA'ME. v. a. [</f and /^wa, Latin.]
To make infamous ; to cenſure falſely in
publick ; to deprive of honour ; to diſhunour
by reports. Decay of Piety.

DEFA'ME. ʃ. £from the verb] Difgrace ; diſhonour. Spenſer.

DEFA'MER. ʃ. [from dfame.] One that
iojures the reputation of another. Government of the Tongue.

To DEFA'TIGATE. v. a. [deptigOyhiX.]
T'J wcd'y.

DEFATIGA'TION. ʃ. [defatigatio, Lat.]

DEFAU'LT. ʃ. [defaut, Fr]
1. Omiſſion of that which we ought to do ;
2. Crime ; failure ; fault, Hay-.ood.
3. D^feilt ; want. Daniel.
4. [In law.] Non-appearance in court at
a day alhgned. Caiucl,

DEFE'ASANCE. ʃ. [dfaijanse, French.]
1. The act of annulling or abrogating any
2. Defafince is a coadition annexed to an
aift ; wh'th performed by the obligee, the
act IS di fa bled, Cczuel,
3. The wfiting in which a defeafance is
4. A defeat ; conqueſt-. Spenſer.

DEFEASIBLE. a. [frPmor/j/«.] That
which may beannulled. Dauia,

DEFEAT. [from dfalre, Fi«nch.]
1. The overthrow d an army. Addiſon.
2. Act of deſtruction ; deprivation, Shak.

To DEFE'AT. v.a.
1. To overthrow. Bacon.
2. To fruſtrate. Mrhort.
3. To aholiſh.

DEFE'ATURE. ʃ. [from d.- and feature.]
Change of feature ; alteration of countenance.Shakʃpeare.

To DEFECATE. v. a. [defceco, Latin.]
1. To purge; to purify ; to cleanſc. Boyle.
2. To purify from any extraneous or noxious
mixture. Glanville.

DEFECATE. a. [from the verb.] Purged
from lees or f<>ulneſs. Boyle.

DEFECA'TION. ʃ. [<//<r.7r«, Latin.] Puri-.

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DEFE'CT. ʃ. [^. ſ. <57aj. Latin.] ' > 1. Want; ableiice of ſomething neceſſary,
„ . D.nUs,
2. 1-aiting ; want. Shakʃpeare.
3. A fault ; mjfiake; error. tUoker.
4. A blemiſh ; a failure. Locke.

To DEFE'CT. w. -n. To be deficient. Brown.

DEFECTIBI'LITY. ʃ. [from d^eaale, ] The ſtate of failing
; imperieaio'n. Hale.

DEFE'CTIBLE. j, \Uomdefcd.]
1. Imperfect ,- delfcient. llaU,

DEFECTION. ʃ. [.Ifah, Latin.]
1. Want ; failure.
2. A fallfEg away ; apoflacy.
kuteigh. Watts.
3. An abandoning of a king, or ſtate ; tt-

DEFE'CTIVE. a. [from defeaivvt, Latin.]
1. Full of dei'efls ; imperfect ; not ſuſſicient. Locke, Arbuthnot, Addiʃon.
2. Faulty ; vitious ; blameabie. Addifcti.

DEFE'CTIVE or d^fcient Koum I Id grammar.]
Indeclinable nouns, or fui;h as want
a number, or ſome p<rticu'.?r cafe.

DEFE'CTIVE I'erp [in giammar.] A verb
which wants ſome of its tenſes

DEFE'CTIVENESS. ʃ. [from d.fea!vt. Want ] ; faukineſs. Addiſon.

DEFE'NCE. ʃ. [^o^T>, Latin.]
1. Guard; protection ; ſecurity. Ecduf.
2. Vindication ; juſtification ; apology.
3. Prohibition. Temple.
4. Refiſtance.
5. [In law.] The defendant's reply after
oeciaration produced.
6. [In fortification.] The part that flanks
another work.

DEFENCELESS.^. [from dcfnce.]
1. Naked ; unarmed ; unguarded. Milton.
2. Impotent. Addiſon.

To DEFEND. tj. a. [defndo, Latin.]

To Hand in dete:>ce of ; to protecl ; to
ſupport. Shakʃpeare.
2. To vindicate; to uphold ; toLTert; to maintain. Swift.
3. To fortify; to ſecure. Dryden.
4. To prohibit ; to forbid. Milton, Temple.
5. To maintain a place ; or cauſt.

DEFE'NDABLE. a. [from defend.] That
mav !ie defended.

DEFENDANT. -a. [from dsfend, Latin.]
Defenlive ; fit f >r defence. Shakʃpeare.

DEFENDANT. ʃ. [from the adjec.ve.]
1. He that defends againſt aliailan's.
2. [In law.] The perſon accded or fued.

DEFE'NDER. ʃ. [from defend.]
I One that defends ; a champion. Shakʃpeare.
^. An
©EF ©E F
s. An afierter ; a vindicator. Seulh.
5. [In law.] An advocate.

DEFE'NSATIVE. ʃ. [from defeKce.]
3. Guard J. defence. Brown.
a [In furgery.] A bandage, plaiftej, or
the like.

DEFENSIBLE. a. [from defence.] That
may be defended. Bacon.
2. Juftitiable ; right ; capable of vindication. Collier.

DEFENSIVE. a. [d^-fi^ff, Fr.]
1. That ſerves to defend ;
proper for defence. Sidney.
2. In a ſtateor poſtoreof defence. Milton.

DEFENSIVE. ʃ. [from the adjettive.]
1. Safeguard. Bacon.
2. State of defence. Clarcnikn.

DEFE'NSIVELY. aJ. [(mm iefenji've.] In
a deſenſive manner.

DEFE'NST. part, faff, [from </f/t««.] Defended. Fairfax.

To DEFE'R. o. n. [from iiffero, Latin.]
1. To put erf ; to delay to act. Milton.
3t. To pay defere.'jce ox regard to another's

To DEFE R. v. a.
1. To withold; to delay, P^/'f.
2. To refer to ; to leave to another's
jodgment. Bacon.n,

DE'FERENCE. ʃ. [</^'r<»«, Fr.]
3. Regard ; reflect. Swift.
2. Compiajfance ; condeſcenſion. Lack'.
3. Submiſſion, A.U'jon.

DEFE'RENT. <». [from deſcrem, of djtro,
Latin.] That carries up and down. Bacon.

DETERENT. I [from the adjective.] That
which-carries ; that which conveys. Bacon.

DEFI'ANCE. ʃ. [from /^g^. Fr.]
S, A challenge ; an invitation to tight. Dryden.
2. A challenge to malce any impeachment
1. ExpreſSoB of abhorience or eontennpt. Decay of piety.

DEFI'CIENCE. ʃ. , r - j^.; l.^.] DEFrcIENCY. S ^ .
1. Defect ; failing ; imperfect-on. Brown. Sprat,
2. Want ; ſomething leſs than is neceliary. Arbuthnot.

DEFI'CIENT. a. [dejidem.] Failing ;
wanting ; defective. Wotton

DEFI'ER. ʃ. [from dcffi, Fr.] A challenge':; a confemner. Thiolfors,

To DEFILE. v. a. [apian. Sax.]
1. To make foul or impiire ; to dirty.Shakʃpeare.
2. To pollute ; to make legally or yitjally
impure. Lcz'iticus.
3. To corrupt chaftity ; to violate, fnnr.
A, To taint ; to corrupt ; to vinate.
'i ^itillingfifet. W'ik:,

To DEH'LE. v. n. [de§kr, French.] To
go off file by file,

DEFILE. ʃ. [de^ik^ Fr. a!incof ſoldiers.]
A narrow pafldge. Adii(on,

DEFILEMENT,/. [from ///A.] The itatc
of being defiled
; pollution ; coriuption. Milton.

DEFI'LER. ʃ. [from icfik-l One that defiles
; a corrujjter. Addiſon.

DEFINABLE. a. [from define.'.
1. Capable of definition, Dryden.
2. That which may be afcertained. Burnet.

To DEFI'NE. v. a. [de/mc, Lat.]
1. To give the definition ; to explain a
thing by its qualities. Sidney.
2. To circumſcribe ; to mark the limit.

To DEFINE. v. ». To ieterinine ; to dpcide.

DEFl'NER. ſ. [from iefirie.] One that deſcribrs
a thing by its qualities. Prior.

DE'FINITE. a. [from def^ous, Latin.]
3. Certain ; limised ; bounded. Sidney.
2. Eiraft ; preciſe, Shakʃpeare.

DE FINITE. ſ. [from the adjective.] Thing
explained or defined. Ayhft.

DE FINITENESS. ſ. [from difinite.] Certainty
; iimitedneſs,

DEFINITION. ʃ. [diiinitir), Latin.]
I . A ſhort deſcription of a thing by its properties. Dryden.
% Deciſion ; determination.
3. [In logick.] The explication of the eflence
of a thing by its kind and difference. Berkley.

DEFINITIVE. <J. [fl'f/«i>w^J, Latin.] De- ,'
termmaſe ; poſitive ; expreis. ly&tson^ t

DIFI NITIVELY. ad. [from difiniiiiH.]
Pofitively ; deciſively ; exprpfiy, ; Shakʃpeare, Hall.

DEFI'NITIVENESS. ʃ. [from defniiive.]

DEFLAGRABI'LITY. ʃ. [from dejlagr',.
Latin.] ComWuftibility, Bo'jk.

DEFLAGRABLE. a. [itcxn d,fiigro,lAt.]
Having the quality of wafh'jg away Viſhoily
in fire. Boyle.

DEFLAGRA'TION. ʃ. [d.fijgraUo, Lat.]
octting fire to leveral things 10 their preparation.

To DEFLE'CT. ʃ. ». [defi ao, Latin.] To
turn aſide ; to deviate tioin a true courſe. Blackmore.

DEFLE'CTION. ʃ. [from <fy?.J?o, Latin.]
1. Deviation ; the act of tursing aſide. Brown.
2. A turning aſide, or out of the way.
3. [In navigation.] The departure of a
ſhip from its true courſe,

DEFLE'XURE. ʃ. [fro:Ti d.-ficSo, Latin. ;
A bending down : a turning aſide^ or one
oJ the way. D'/f

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DEFLORA'TION. ſ.{d^florJtion, Fr.]
1. The act of deflouring.
4. A fde(aion of that which is moſt valuaable. Hale.

To DEFLO'UR. v. a. [definer, French.]
1. To raviſh ; to takeaway a woman's
virginity. Eccluſ. xx. 4.
2. To take away the beauty and grace of
any thing. Taylor.

DEFLO'URER. ʃ. [from defour.] A raviſ-
her. Addiʃon.

DEFLU'OUS. a. [dfiuvs, Latin.]
1. That Hows down,
2. That falls off.

DEFLU'XION. ʃ. [d.Jiuxio, Latin.] A
defluxion. Bacon.

DE'FLY. [from deft.] Dexterouſly ; Skilfully.
Properly defly. Spenſer.

DEFOEDA'TION. ʃ. [from defesdus, Lat.]
The act of making filihy ; pollution. Berkley.

DEFO'RCEMENT. ʃ. [from /ow.] A
withholding of lands and tenements by

To DEFORM. v. a. [defoimr, Latin.]
1. To disfigure; to make up!y. Shakʃpeare.
2. To diſtonour ; to make ungraceful.

DEFORM. a. [deformit, Lum ] U^ly; disfigured. ^peKJir. Milton.

DEFORMATION. f. [dejsrmatio, Latin.]
A 'efacing.

DEFO'RMEDLY. ad. [from deform. ~\ In an
ugly nianner.

DEFO'RMEDNESS. ʃ. [from defo-med.]

DEFO'RMITY. ʃ. [d(fr^atit, Latin.]
1. Ugl.nelV ; iil-favouredneſs. i>baW.f>-:are,
2. Ridiculouſneſs. Dryden.
3. Irregubrity ; inorJinateneſs. King Charles.
4. Diſhonnar ; diſgrace.

DEFO'RSOR. ʃ. [from ſctccu,-, French.]
One that overcomes and cafl^th out by
force. Btourt.

To DEFRA'UD. v. a. [defrcudo, Latin.]
To rob or deprive by a wile or Crick. Pope.

DEFRA'UDER. ʃ. [from defraud.] A deceiver, Blackmore.

To DEFRA'Y. v. a. [defriyer, French.]
To be»r the charges of, X Mac.

DEFRAYER. f. [from (/f/r.?/.] One that
diſcharzes exptftces.

DEFRA YMENT. ſ. [from defray.] The
payment of expences.

DEFT. a. [scrpr, Saxon.] Ojſolete.
1. Neat ; hai dſome ; ſpruct,
2. Pſi.per ; fitting. Shakʃpeare.
3. Ready ; dextciciis. Vrydtn,

DE'FTLY. ad. .-,Lm deft.] Oj'oI to
1. Neatly ne>:; rouſly.
1. Ia a ſk !tul mH.nntr. Shakʃpeare.

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DEFUNCT. a. idefur,a,t, Latin.] Dea^ =
deceaſed. Hud hras

DEFU'NCT. ʃ. [from the adjective.] One
that js deceaſed ; a dead man, or woman.

DEFU'NCTION. ʃ. [from dfuna.] Death.Shakʃpeare.

To DEFY'. -z: a. [dffier, Fr.]
1. To call to combat ; to challenpe. Dryd.
2. To treat with contempt ; to (light. Shakſpeare.

DEFY'. ʃ. [from the verb.] A challenge ; an invitation to fight. Dryckr

DEFY'ER. ʃ. [hoa^dfy.] A challenger's'
one that invites to fight. South.

DEGENERACY. f. [from degenerath, Lat ;
1. A departing from the virtue of our anceſtors.
2. A forukiug of that which is good.
3. Meanneſs. Addiſon.

To DEGL'NERATE. lu v. [d-generer, Fr^]
1. To f.ll from the Vl^^ue of our anceii-
2. To fall from a more noble to a bafe
''ate. Tilhtion.
3. To fall from its kind ; to grow wild or
''^'«-. Bacon.

DEGE'NERATE. ad. [from the verb.]
1. Unlike his ancertors. Swift.
2. Unwor'hy ; baſe. Milton.

DEGE'NERATENESS. ʃ. [from dcgen^.
^ife.] Degeneracy ; ſtate of being growti
wild ; or I ut of kind. D/<.

DEGE'NERATION. ʃ. [from degerera^e.]
1. A deviation from the virtue of one's
2. A falling from a more excellent ſtate eo
one of leſs worth,
3. The thing changed from its primitive
ft-^fe. Brown.

DEGE'NEROUS. a. [from degener, Lat.l
1. Degenerated; fallen from vir;ue.
2. Vile ; baſe ; infamous ; unworthy.

DEGE'NEROUSLY. a. [from degererou:.]
In a degenerate manner ; bafely { meanly.
D.cay affutyl

DEGLUTl'TION. ſ. [d^lutimn, Fr.] The
ait or power of iWaJlowing. ^-huthriot

DEGRADATJO.V. ſ. [drradtitlon, Fr.l
1. A deprivauoB of an offi.e or dignity.
2. D-generacy; bafeneſs. S-'wh

To DEGRA'DE. v. a. [d. grader, French, ; 1. To puc one from his degree, fitckh,
2. To leſſen ; to diminiſh the value of.

DECRE'E. ʃ. [d:gri^ French.] '
1. Quality ; rank ; itation.''
PfaUs. V.Ak.--.
2. The fi:. te and condition ij; v.hith a thing
's. Bucov.
3. .4.

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D E 1

3. A ſtep or preparation to any thing. Sidney.
4. Order of liiieag€ ; deſcent of family. Dryden.
5. The orders or cUffes of the angeis. Locke.
6. Meafuie ; proportion. Dryden.
7. [Ill geometry.] The three hundred
and fijiticth part of the circumference of a
circle. Dryden.
8. [In arithmetick.] A <ff^r« condlis of
three figures, of three places compreh nding
units, t(.-ns and hundieds. Cocker.
iO. flnmuſick.] The intervals of ſounds.
; I. The vehemence or flackneſs of the hot
or cold quality of a plant, mineral, or
other mixt body. South.
By UEGRE ES. 'ad. Gradually ; by little
and little. Newton.

DEGUSTA'TION. ʃ. [dcgu/ladoy Latin.]
A tartinsr.

To DEHO RT. w. a. [iWo-^or, Latin.] To
difluade. Ward.

DEHORTA'TION. ʃ. [from dehortor. Lat.]
Diduafion ; a tounielling to the contrary.

DEHO'RTATORY. a. [from dchortor, Lat.]
Belonj'ing to dilluafiin.

DEHORTER. ʃ. [from <^f/^orr.] A diffuader
; an advil'er to the contrary.

DE'ICIDE. ʃ. [from dcus and cxdo, Latin.]
D;ath of our bkiied Saviour. Prior.

To DEJE'CT. v. a. [djirio, Latin.]
1. To caſt down ; to affliit ; to grieve.Shakʃpeare.
2. To make to look fad. Dryden.

DEJE'CT. a. [dejeauSjhM'm.] Call down ;
alliicted ; lowſpirited.

DEjE'CTEDLY. ad. [from d,j,a.] In a
drie<f^<'d nianner ; afflicledly. Bacon.

DEJE'CTEI'NESS. ſ. Lowneſs of ſpirit.s.

DEJE'CTION. ʃ. [d.jcC^.on, Fr. from d^-
; do, Lat.]
1. A lowf.eſs of ſpivits ; melancholy. Rogers.
2. Weakneſs ; inability. Arbuthnot.
3. A rtool. F'jy-

DEJE'CTURE. ʃ. [from d'jeB.I The excrements. Arbuthnot.

DEjERA TION. ſ. [from d^jao, Lat.] A
taking of a ſolemn oath.

DEIFICATION. ʃ. [dificatlon, French.]
The act of deifying, or makine a god.

DEIFORM. a. [honidcus^aA forma, Lat.l
Of a gndlike form.

To DEIFY. v. a. [d-ifier, Fr.]
1. To fhake » eod of; to adore as god. South.
1. To prnife extciV.vely, Bacon.

To DEIGN. v.n, [fron, i^v.^wr, Fr.] To
vouchfdfe; to think, wcrsf). Milnr,


To DEIGN. v. a. To grant ; to pertain . Shakʃpeare.

DEI'NTEGRATE. v. a. [from de and intepro,
Latin.] To diminiſh.

DEIPAROUS. a. [daparus, Latin.] That
brings forih a god ; the epithet applied to
the bleſſed Virgin.

DE'iSM. ſ. [d^iſme, French ] The opinion
of thoſe that only acknowledge one
Cod, without the reception of any revealed
religion. Dryden.

DEIST. ʃ. [dnfte, French.] A man whe ;
follows no particular religion, but only acknowledges
the exiſtence of God. Burnet.

DE'ISTICAL. a. [from ^.Z/?.] Belonging
to the herefy of the deids. Waits,

DEITY. ʃ. [date, French.]
1. Divmity; the nature and elTence of
God. Hooker.
1. A fabulous god. Shakʃpeare.
3. The ſuppoſed divinity of a heathen god. Spenſer.

DELACERA'TION. ʃ. [from ddacero, Lat.]
A tearing in pieces.

DELACRYMA'TION. ʃ. [d;lacrymatio,
Lat.] The wateriſhneſs of the eyes,

DELACTA'TION. ʃ. [dilaBatio, Latin.]
A weaning from the btealf. DiSf,

DELA'FSED. a. [ddapjus, ] Bearing or
falling down, DiEi,

To DELA'TE. v. a. [from idatus. Latin.]
To carry ; to convey. Bacon.

DELA'TION. ʃ. [delatio, Latin.]
1. A carrying ; conveyance. Bacon.t
2. An acciifation ; an impeachment.

DELA'TOR. ʃ. [dilator, Latin.] An accuſer
; an informer.

GGmernment of the Tongue.

To DELA'Y. v. a. [from delayer, French.]
1. To deter ; to put ofl. Exodus.
2. To hinder. to fniſtrate. Dryden.

To DELA'Y. 1'. n. To ſtop ; to ceaſe fronx
action. Locke.

DELA'Y. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A deferring; procraftination. Shakſp.
2. Stay ; ſtop. Drydell,

DELA'YER. ʃ. [from delay.] One that

DELE'CTABLE. a. [ddeaabili;, Latin.]
Pieaſina , delightful.

DELE'CTABLENESS. ʃ. [from dileEiahle.]
Ddlightfulneſs ; pleaſanrneſs.

DELE'CTABLY. ad. D-hghtfully ; pleaſantly.

DELECTATION. ʃ. [ddaatio, Latin.]
F.taſme ; delight.

To DELEGATE. t\ a. [delego, Latin.]
1. To ſend away.
2. To ſend upon an embafiy.
3. To mtruſt ; to comsiit to another. Taylor.
4. To iup'-^'B'^^ jixJges to a ocirticuiar cauſe.

DE'LEGATE. /. [Jekgatus, Latin.]
1. A deputy ; a commiſhoVier ; a vicar. Taylor.
2. [In law.] Di-Ugaies are perſons delegated
or appointed by the king's commiſſion
to fit, upon an appeal to him, in the
court of Chancery. BIount.

DE'LEGATE. a. [delegatus, Latin ] Deputed. Taylor.

DELEGATES. [Court of.] A court wherein
aJl cauſes of appeal, by way of devolution
from either of thearchbirtiops, are deoded,

DELEGATION. ʃ. [dl-gam, Latin.]
1. A ſending away.
2. A putting in commiſſion.
3. The afiignment of a debt to another.

DELENIFI'CAL. a. [A.hnlfirm, Latin.]
Having virtue to aſſwage, or caſe pain.

To DELE'TE. lua. [jx^mdcko, Lat.] To
blot out. DiEi.

DEF.ETE'RIOUS. a. [dJeterius, Latin.]
Diadly ; deſtructive. Brown.

DELE'TERY. a. Dertruaive ; deadly. Hudibras.

DELE'TION. ʃ. [</.7nfl, Latin.]
1. A<S of r^fing or blotting out.
a- A deſtruction. Hale.

DELhE C / [from '©elwan, Sax. to dig ]
1. A mine ; a quarry, Ray.
2. Earthenware; counterfeit China ware.

DELIBA'TION. ʃ. [delibatio, Latin.] An
eiray ; a taſte.

To DELI'BERATE. v. v. [delibere. Lat.]
To think, in order to choice ; to hefitate. Addiſon.

DELI'BERATE. a. [deliberatus, Latin.]
1. CircumſpeiS ; wary ; advifed ; diſcreet.
2. Slow ; tedious ; not ſudden. Hooker.

DELI BERATELY. ad. [from deliberate.]
Circumſpectly ; a^vnedly ; wanly. Dryd.

DELI'BERATENESS. ſ. [from deliberate.]
Citcumſpedtion ; warineſs ; coolieſs ; caution. King Charles.

DELIBERATION'. ʃ. [del,berat,o, Latin.]
The act of deliberating ; thought in order
to choice. Hciirnioid.

DELIBERATIVE. a. [del:herat:vm, Lat.]
Pertaining to deliberation ; ape to conſider.

DELI'BERATIVE. ſ. [from the adjective.]
The diſcourſe in which a queſtion is deliberated. Bacon.

DE'LICACY. ʃ. [dellcatfffe, French.]
1. Daintineſs; finenefb in eating. Milton.
1. Any thing highly pleaſing to the ſenſes. Milton.
3. Softneſs ; feminine beauty, Sidney.
4. Nicety ; minute accuracy. Dryden.
5. Neatneſs ; elegance of dreſs.
6. Politeneſs; gentleneſs of manners.
7. Indulgence ; gentle treatment. Ttnſk,

8. Tenderneſs ; ſcrupulouſneſs ; mercifulne(.'.
q. Weakneſs of conſtitution.

DE'LICATE. a. [dtlnat, Fi
1. fine; not coarſe ; confiding of ſmall
parts. Arbuthnot.
2. Beautiful ; pleaſing to the eye.
3. Nice ; pleaſing to the taſte ; of an
agieoble flavour. Tiylor,
4. Diinty; deſirous of curious njeats.
5. Ohoici- ; (e'lcQ. ; encellent.
6. Pſ^lite ; gentle of manners.
7. Soft ; effeminate ; unable to bear hardſhips.Shakʃpeare.
8. Pure; dear. Shakʃpeare.

DE'LICATELY. ad. [from delicate.]
1. Beautifully. Pope. .
2. Finely ; not coaſely.
3. Daintijy. Taylor.
4. Choicely.
5. P-litely.
6. Effeminnt'-ly.

DE'LICATENE^SS. ſ. [from delcate.] The
ſtate of being delicate ; tenderneſs ; ſoftneſs
; effeminacy. Deuteronomy.

DE'LICATES. ʃ. [from delicate ] Niceties; raretits ; that which is choice and dainty. King.

DELTCES. ʃ. p!. Idclicia, Latin.] Pieaſures. Spenſer.

DELI'CIOUS. a. [dl.ceux, Fr.] Sweet; delicate ; that affords del.ght
; agreeable. Pope.

DELI CIOUSLY. ^J. Tfrom dAiciouu] Sweetly
; pleifanty; delghtfully. Revelations.

DELI'CIOUSNESS. j^ [from delicious.] Delight; pleaſure ; j'>y. T.ylor.

DELIGATION. ʃ. [ddlgatie, Latin.] a
binding up. J'i'ijewan,

DELI'GHT. ſ. [delice, Fr.]
1. Joy; content; ſatisfailion. Samuel.
2. Th^t which gives delght. Shakʃpeare.

To DELI'GHT. 1. a. [djIeBor, Latin.]
To pleaſe ; to content ; to ſatisfy. Pſalms. Locke.

To DELI'GHT. v. a. To have delight or
pleaſure in. Pſalms.

DELIGHTFUL. a. [from delight andfJ/.]
Pleaſant ; charming. Sidney.

DELI'GHTFULLY. ad. Pleaſantly ; chatniinely
; with delight. Milton.

DEL'IGHTFULNESS. ʃ. [from delight.]
Pleaſant ; comfort ; ſatisfaction. Ttllomfon.

DELI'GHTSOME. a. [from delight.] Pleaſant
; delith'ful. Grew.

DELI'GHTSOMELY. ad. [from del>ghtfov.
e.] Ple2f3ntly ; in a delighful manner.

DELI'GHTSOMENESS. ʃ. [frnm delightfame.]
PleaDntneſs ; delightfulneſs.
To DELI'NEATE. v. a. [delineo, Latin.]
1. To draw the firſt draught of a thing ; to deſign.
I i .. To

2. To paint in colours ; to repreſent a
true likeneſs Brown.
3. To ſkſcribe. Raleigh.
B^LINEA'TION. ſ. [deIincatlo, Lat.] The
fi'ft draught of a thing. Mortimer.

DELI N«:iyENCY. ſ. [delhijuentia, Latin.]
A fault ; failure in duty. Sandys.

DELI'NQUENT. ʃ. [from J«//'n^BC«j, Lat.]
An offender. B^1. Johnſon.

To DE'LIQUATE. v. a. [dehqueo, Lat.]
To melt ; to be difTolved. Cudworth,

DELIQUA'TION. ʃ. [ddiquatio, Latin.]
A melting ; a diflblving.

DELI'S^JlUM. f. Latin. [a chymical term.]
A diſtillation by the force of fire.

DELl'RAMENT. ſ. [dellramentum, Lat.]
A doting or fooliſh idle rtory. Did.

To DELI'RATE. 1'. n. [deino, Lat.] To
dote ; to rave.

DELIRA'TION. ʃ. [deliratioy Lat.] Dotage
; folly.

DELIRIOUS. a. [delinu;, Lat.] Lightheaded
; raving ; doting. S'zuijt.

DELIRIUM. ʃ. [Latin.] Alienation of
mind ; dotage. Arbuthnot.

To DELI'VER. v. a. [ddvrcr, Fr.]
1. To give ; to yield ; to ofler, Dryden.
2. To caſt away ; to throvir off. Pope. .
3. To furreuder ; to put into one's hands.
4. To fave ; to reſcue. Shakʃpeare.
5. To ſpeak ; to tell ; to relate ; to utter. Swift.
6. To diſburden a woman of a child.

To DELI'VER ovr. v. a.
1. To put inlo another's hands. Shakſp.
'Z. To giiie from hand to .hand. Dryden.

To DELI'VER up. v. a. To ſurrender ; to
give up. Shakʃpeare.

DELI'VER ANCE. ſ. [deHvrance, Fr.]
1. The act of delivering a thing to ano.
2. The act of freeing from captivity,
Jiavery, or any oppreſſion ; reſcue. Dryden.
3. The act of ſpeaking ; utterance.

SI. Shakʃpeare.
4. The act tof bringing children. Shakʃpeare.

DELIVERER. ʃ'. [from deliver.
1. A faver ; a reſcuer ; a preſerver. Bacon.
2. A relater ; cnt- that communicates
ſomething. Boyle.

DELI'VERY. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The act of delivering, or giving.
2. Releaſe ; reſcue ; laving. Shakʃpeare.
3. Afuriender; giving up. Clarenden.
<}. Utterance ; pronunciation ; ſpecch. Hooker.
:;. Uſe of the limbs; activity. fVoiton.
6. Childbirth. Iſaiah.

DELL. ʃ. [from dal, Dutch.] A pit ; a
valley, Spenſer. 'Znkell,


DELPH. ʃ. A fine ſort of earthen war?.

DELU'DABLE. a. [from delude.] Liable
to be deceived. Brown.

To DELU'DE. v. a. [deludo, Latin.]
1. To beguile; to cheat ; to deceive. Dryden.
2. To diſappoint ; to fruſtrate.

DELU'DER. ʃ. [from delude.] A beguiler ; a deceiver ; an impoſtor. Gratwille.

To DELVE. v. a. [&elpan, Saxon.]
1. To dig ; to open the ground with a
ſpade. Philips.
2. To fathom ; to fift. Shakʃpeare.

DELVE. ʃ. [from the verb.] A ditch ; a
pitfal ; a den. Ben. Johnſoti,

DE'LVER. ʃ. [from delve.] A digger.

DELUGE. ʃ. [dduge, French.]
1. A general inundation. Burnet.
2. An overflowing of the natural bounds
of a river. Denham.
3. Any ſudden and refiflleſs calamity.

To DE'LUGE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To drown ; to lay totally under water. Blackmore.
2. To overwhelm ; to cauſe to ſink. Pope. .

DELU'SION. ʃ. [delufio, Latin.]
1. A cheat ; guile ; deceit ; treachery.
2. A falſe repreſentation ; illuSon ; errour. Prior.

DELUSIVE. a. [from dehfus, Lat.] Apt
to deceive. Prior.

DELU'SORY. a. [from delufus, Lat.] Apt
to deceive. Glanville.

DE'MAGOGUE. ʃ. [h[xayu,yk-] A ringleader
of the rabble. South.

DEMA'IN. 1 ʃ. [domain, Fr.] That

DEME'AN. f land which a man holds

DEME'SNE. ʃ. originally of himſelf. It is
ſometimes uſed alſo for a diftindlion between
thoſe lands that the lord of the
manor has in his own hands, or in the
hands of his leffee, and ſuch other lands
appertaining to the ſaid manor as belong
to free or copyholders. Philips, Swift.

DEMAND. ʃ. [demande, French.]
1. A claim ; a challenging. Locke.
2. A queſtion ; an interrogation.
3. The calling for a thing in order to purchafe
it. Addiſon.
4. [In law.] Theaſkingof what is due.

To DEMA'ND. v. a. [demander, Fr.] To
claim ; to aſk for with authority, Peacham.

DEMA'NDABLE. a. [from demand.] That
may be demanded ; requeſted ; a/lied for. Bacon.

DEMA'NDANT. ʃ. [from demand.] He
who is ador or plaintifi in a real action.
Sp ctator.

DEMA'NDER. ʃ. [dmandtur, Fr.]
I . One that requires a thing with authc.
2. One

«. One that aſks for a thing in order to
purchaſe it. Carew.
3. A<3unner,

DEME'AN. ʃ. [from Jemencr, French.] A
mien ; prefence ; carriage. Spenſer.

To DEME'AN. v. a. [from demener, Fr.]
2. To behave ; to carry one's felf. Milton.
2. To leffen ; to debaſe ; to undervalue.Shakʃpeare.

DEME'ANOUR. ʃ. [dmener, Fr.] Carriage
; behaviour. Clarenden.

DEME'aNS. ſ. pi. An eſtate in goods or

To DEME'NTATE. v. n. [dements, Lat.]
To grow mad.

DEMENTA'TION. ʃ. [dementatio, Latin.]
State of being mad, or frantick.

DEME'RIT. ʃ. [denaite, Fr.] The oppoſite
to merit ; ill-defer cing. Spenſer.

To DEME'RIT. v. a. To deſerve blame
or puniſhment.

DEME'RSED. a. [from damrjui.] PIunged.

DEME'RSION. ʃ. [demerfio, Latin.] A

DE'MI. inſeparable particle, [d'^w/, French.]
Half ; as, demigod, that ib, half human,
half divine.

DF.'MI-CANNON. ʃ. [demi and cannon.]

DEMI-CANNON Lowejl. A great gun that
carries a ball thirty pounds weight.

DE MI CANNON Ordinary. A great gun.
It carries a ſhot thirty-two pounds weight.

DK'MI.CANNON of the great eft Size. A
gun. It carries a ball thirty- fix pounds
weight. Wiſhins,

DE MI-CULVERIN of the hiveji Size. A
gun. It carries nine pounds weight.

DEMI-CULVERIN Ordinary. A gun. It
carries a ball ten pounds eleven ounces

DE'MI- CULVERIN. elder Ssrt. A gun.
It carries a ball twelve pounds eleven
ounces weight. Clarenden.

DE'MI DEVIL. ʃ. Rilf adevil. Shakſp.

DE'MI GOD. ʃ. [demi and god.] Partaking
of divine nature ; half a god.

DE'MI LANCE. ʃ. [demi and lance.] A
light lance i a ſpear. Dryden.

DEMI-MAN. ſ.Half a man. Knolles.

DEMI-V;OLF. ʃ. [deini 3nii 1110!/.] Half
a wolf. Shakʃpeare.

DEMI'SE. ʃ. [from denutre, demts. Fr.]
Death ; deceaſe. Swift.

To DEMI'SE. v. a. [dems, Fr.] To grant
at one's death ; to bequeath. Swift.

DEMI'SSION. ʃ. [den:ijfn, Lat.] Degradation
; diminution of dignity. L'Eſtrange.

To DEMIT. v. a. [demitto, \A\:\a.] To
depreſs. Brown.

DEMOCRACY. ʃ. [^r^fxr^^-Ma.] One of
the three forms of guvefnments that in

Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com


which the ſovereign power is lodged In the
body of the people. Temple

DEMOCRA'TICAL. a. [From democracy.]
Pertaining to a popular government ; po-
Pular. Brown.

To DEMO'LISH. v. a. [demolir, Fr.] To
throw down buildings ; to raze ; to de-
^foy- nHot fin.

DEMO'LISHER. ʃ. [from demolijT.] bae
that throws down buildin^.'.

DEMOLI'TION. ʃ. [from °demolijb.] The
ad: of overthrowing buildings. Swift.

DE'MON. ʃ. [damon, Lat.] Aſpirits generally
an evil ſpint. Prior

DEMONI'ACAL. ʃ. or ; i '

DEMONI'ACK. ʃ. '' L^'' '^'.
1. Belonging to the devil ; deviliſh,
2. Influenced by the devil. Millen.

DEMO'NIACK. ʃ. [from the adjective.]
-One poſſeſſed by the devil. Berkley.

DEMO'NIAN. a. Deviliſh. Milton.

DEMONO'CRACy./: [Jai/^av and x-alii;.]
The power of the devil.

DEMONO'LATRY. ʃ. [J. I'^jty and Xs7^:ia.]
The worſhip of the devil.

DEMONO'LOGY. ʃ. [J^/^av and Xay©-.]
Diſcourſe of the nature of devils.

DEMO'NSTRABLE. a. [demonſtrabilis,
Latin.] That which may be proved beyond
doubt or contradiction. Glanville.

DEMONSTRABLY. ad. [from demons
fruble.] In ſuch a manner as admits of
cer'ain proof. Clarenden.

To DEMONSTRATE. v. a. [demonjiro,
Lat.] To prove with the highe/t degree
of certainty. Addiſon.

DEMONSTRA'TION. ʃ. [demorſtratio,
1. The higheſt degree of deducible or argumental
evidence. Hooker.
2. Indubitable evidence of the ſenſes or
reaſon. Thomſon.

DEMO'NSTRATIVE. a. [demonſtrat,vu(,
1. Having the power of demonſtration; invincibly concluſive. Hooker.
1. Having the power of expreſſing clearly. Dryden.

DEMONSTRATIVELY. ad. [from demcnjlrati-
1. With evidence not to be oppoſed or
doubted. South.
1. Clearly ; plainly ; with certain knowledge-. Brown.

DEMONSTRA'TOR. ʃ. [from demorſtrate.]
One that proves ; one that teaches.

DEMO'NSTRATORY. a. [from demon.
Jirr.to] Having the tendency to demonſtrite.

DEMU'LCENT. a. [demu/cens, Latin.]
S-iftening ; mollifying ; afiuafive.
; i . T»

New Page - Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com
to DEMU'R. 1'. n. [der^eurer, Fr.] To name ; to give a name to. HamtnorJ.
1. To delay a proceſs inlaw by doubts and DENOMINA'TION. ſ. [denominaiio, Lat.]
chjtctions. JF.Lton. A naine given to a thing. Rogers.
2. To pauſe in uncertainty ; to fuipeod DENOMINATIVE, a. [^from denominate.'.
determination. Eaywu'-d. i. Tnac which gives a name ; that which
3. To l dtiubt
; to have ſcruples. Berkley. confers a diſtinct appellation.

To DEMU'R. v. a. To doubt of. Milton.
2. That which obtains a diſtinct appella-

DEMUR. ʃ.; [from the verb.] D.jubt ; he- tirn. Cocker.
fitaa.m. South. DENOMINA'TOR. ſ. [{torn denominate.]

DEMURE. a. [des maurs, Vr.^^ The giver of a name. Brown.
1. Snbsr; decent. Fp'nfrr. DENOMINATOR of a Froſſion, is the
2.'Grzve ; 3ffeQ.e6\y n)cic.!\ Bi^conaiwiſ'. number below the line, ſhowing the na-

To DEMURE. r'. . [from the noun.] To
look with an affrfled^modefty. Shakʃpeare.

DEMU'RELY ^-'d. [from demure]
I With jffcaed morteſty ; folfmnly. Bac
1. Solemnly. Shakʃpeare.

DEMU'RENESS. ʃ. [from demure.]
1. Modeliy ; ſub'-rneſs i
gravity of aſpefl.
2. Affeded mcidrdy.

DEMU'RRER. ʃ. [dn'r'ei'rer, Fr.] A kind
of piuſe upon a point of ditficulty in an
action. ,

DEN. ʃ. [ſcen, Saxon.]
1. A cavern or hollow running horizontally. Hooker.
2. The cave of a wild beaſt. Dryden.
ture and quality of the parts which any
integer is ſuppoied to be divided into. Harris.

DENOTA'TION. ʃ. [denotatio, Lat.] The
act of denoting.

To DENO'TE. v. a. [densto, Latin.] To
mjrk ; to be a figti of ; to betoken.

To DENOU'NCE. ^. a. [denumio, Latin ;
denoncer^ French.]
1. To threaten by proclamation.
Deuteronomy Decay of Viet),
2. To give information againſt. Ayliffe.

DENOU'N-'EMENT. ʃ. [from denounce.]
The act of proclaiming any menace. Brown.
Den may ſignify either a valky or a DENO'UNCER. ſ. [from denounce. [One
woody place. Gibſon.

DEN.VY. ʃ. Denial ; refuſal. Shakʃpeare.

DENDRO'LOGY. ʃ. [Jr.J^ov and ao;^©-]
The natural hiftury of trees.

DENI'ABLE a. [it.^md.ny.] That which
mav be denied. Brown.

DENl'AL. ſ. [fr'^m deny.]
1. Negation ; the contrary to confeflion.
1. Refuſal ; the contrary to gr int.Shakʃpeare.
Abjuration ; contrary to acknowledg-
.f adherence. South.

DENIER. ʃ. [(m deny.]
1. A contudidor ; ah opponent. Watts.
f. One that does not own or acknowledge. South.
3. A refuſer ; one that refuſes. King Charles.

DENIE'R. ʃ. [from devjy-us, Latin.] A
ſmall denomination of French money.Shakʃpeare.

To DENIGRATE. v. a. [denlgro, Lann.]
To blicken. Brown. Boyle.

DENIGRA'lIONT. ſ. [denigratio, Latin.]
A bla krning, or making black. Boyle.

DENIZATION. f. [from d.n/^en.] The
att of iritranchiſing. Davieu

DE'NIZEN. ʃ. / [from di-'nfddyn, a man

DE'NISONa of the city.j A fieeman ; one jiifraiK-hifcd. Davies.

To DE'NIZEN. v. a. To infranchife ; to
make free. Dontii.

To DENG'MINATE. I'.a- fd.nomiiw^LiU]
that dedares ſome menace. Dryden.

DENSE. a. [denfus, Latin.] cloſe ; compift
; approaching to ſolidity. Locke.

DE'NSITY. ʃ. [detjjitas, Latin.] cloſeneſs ;
compactneſs ; dole adhefion. Newton.

DE'NTAL. a. [dentalis, Latin.]
1. Belonging or relating to the teeth.
2. [In grammar.] Pronounced principally
by the agency of the teeth. Holder.

DE'NTAL ʃ. A ſmall ihell-fiſh. Woodward.

DENIE'LLI. ʃ. [Italian.] Modillons.
Sf>i Eliitor.

DENnCULA'TION. ſ.]denticuluu%, Lat.]
The ſtate of being fe: with ſmall teeth. Grew.

DENTI'CULATED. a. [denticulatus,\,i\.]
Set with fniiU teeth.

DE'NTIFRICE. ſ. [dini^n&frko, Latin.]
A powder made to ſcour the teeth. Ben. Johnſon.

DENTI'TION. ʃ. [dentitio, Lat.]
1. The act of breeding the teeth.
2. The time at which childrens teeth are

To DENU DATE. v. a. [druudo, Latin.]
To divert ; to ſtrip. Decay of piety.

DENUDA'TION. ʃ. [from dir.udaie.] The
ait of ſtripping.

To DENU'DE. v. a. [denude, Latin.] To
ſhip ; to make naked. Clarenden.

DENUNCIATION. ʃ. [dnunciatio, Lat.]
The act of denouncing ; a publick me.-
naccc Ward.


DENUNCIA'TOR. ʃ. [from denunclo, Lat.]
1. He that proclaims any threat.
2. He that lays an information againſt
another. Ayliffe.

To DE NY. V. a. [denier, Fr.]
1. To contradict an accuſation ; not to
confeſs. Geneſu.
2. To lefuſe ; not to grants Dryden.
3. To abnegate ; to diſown. Jojhua.
4. To renounce ; to dil'regard ; to treat
as foreign <ir not belonging to one. Sprat.

To DEOBSTRU'CT. v. a. [deohjlruo, Lat.]
To clear from impediments. More,

DIO'BSTRUENT. ʃ. [deobjlruem, Latin.]
A medicine that has the power to reſolve
viſcidities. Arbuthnot.

DE'ODAND. ʃ. [dco dandum, Latin.] A
thing given or forfeited to God for the pacifying
his wrath, in caſe of any misfortune,
by which any Chriſtian comes to a
violent end, without the fault of any reaſonable
creature. Cowel,

To DEO PPILATE. v. a. [de and o^^pilo,
Lat.] To deobſtruct ; to clear a paſſage.

DEOPPILA'TION. ʃ. f from deoſpilaie.]
The act of clearing obſtructions. Brown.

DEO'PPILATIVE. a. [from dco/p:/ate.]
Dei b/lruent, Harvey.

DEOSCULA'TION. ʃ. [deafculatlo, Latin.]
The act of killing. Stillingfleet.

To DEPA'INT. v. a. [deptint, Fr.]
1. To picture; to deſcribe by colours. Spenſer.
2. To deſcribe. 6'jy.

To DEPA'RT. rv. n. [depart, Fr.]
1. To go away from a place. Sufanna.
2. To dtfift from a practice. Kings.
3. To be l')ft ; to periſh. Efdras.
4. To delert ; to revolt ; to fall away ;
to apoſtadfe. Iſaiah.
5. To defilt from a reſolution or opinion. Clarendon.
6. To dye ; to deceaſe ; to leave the
world. Cemjis.

To DEPA'RT. v. a. To quit ; to leave; to retire from, Ben. Johnson.

To DEPA'RT. v. a. [partir, Fr.] To divide
; to ſeparate,

DEPA'RT. ʃ. [depart, French.]
1. The act of going away. Shakʃpeare.
1. Death. Shakʃpeare.
3. [With chymifts.] An operation io
named, becauſe the particles of ſilver are
departed of divirit-d from gold.

DEPA'RTER. ʃ. [Um^ depart.] O.ae that
refines metals by ſeparation.

DEPA RTMENT. ʃ. [departement, Fr.]
Separate allotment ; buſineſs afiigned to a
particular peribn. Arbuthnot.

DEPA'RTURE. ʃ. [hocR depart.]
1. A going away. Shakʃpeare.
2. Death ; deceaſe ; the i€i. of leaving

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the preſent ſtate of exiſtence. Sidney, Addiʃon.
3. A forſaking ; an abandoning. Til/ohon.

DEPA'SCENE. j. [depaj.ens, Lat.] Feeding

To DEPASTURE. v. a. [from depjfcor,
Lat.] To eat up ; to confume by feeding
upon it. Spenſer.

To DEPA'UPERATE. a/, a. [depaupcro,
Lat.] To make poor. Arbuthnot.

PEPE'OTIBLE. a. [from dep^Bo, Latin.]
Tough ; clammy. Bacon.

To DEPE'INCT. v. a. [drpimdre, Fr.] To
paint ; to deſcribe in colours. Spenſer.

To DEPEND. v. n. [d-.pendeo, Lat.]
1. To hang from. Dryden.
2. To be in a ſtate of ſervitude or e.xpectstion. Bacon.
3. To be in ſuſpenfe. Bacon.
4. To Depend upon. To rely on; to
it to. Clarenden.
5. To be in a ſtate of dependance.Shakʃpeare.
6. To reſt upon any thing as its cauſe. Rogers.

DEPE'NDANCE. ʃ. , rr

-' [I'^oi J./>^W.]
1. The Hate of hanging down from a ſupporter.
2. Something hanging upon another.D';y^,
3. Concatenation; connexion; relation of
one thing to anothrr. Locke.
4. State of being at the diſpofal of another. Tillotſon.
5. The things or perſons of which any
man has the dominion. Bacon.
6. Reliance; truſt ; confidence. Hooker

DEPENDANT. a. [from depend.] In the
power of another. Hoohr

DEPE'NDANT. ʃ. [from depend.] One
who lives in ſubjection, or at the diſcretion
of another. Clarendon.

DEPE'NDENCE. 1 , r. , , , '
depe'ndency. S ^' ^ '^ ' ^'-J
1. A thing or perſon at the diſpofal or
diſcretion of another. Collier.
2. State of being ſubordinate, or ſubjectl. Bacon.
3. Th't which is not principal ; that
which is ſubordinate. Burnet.
4. C incjtenation ; connexion. Shakʃpeare.
5. Relation of any thing to another. Burnet.
6. Tfufts reliance ; confidence. Stillingfleet.

DEPE'NDENT. a. [dependens,' Lat.] Hanging
down. Peacham.

DEPE'NDENT. ʃ. [from dependent, Lat.]
Oie ſubordinate. Rogers.

DEPE'NDER. ʃ. [from depend.] A dependant; one that repoſes on the kindfieſs
of another. Shakʃpeare.


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DEPERDI'TION. ʃ. [from </i/>f.-irVai, Lat.] DEPOPrLVTOR. ſ. [from , depcfulatt.l
Loſs ; di-rtruclio'i. Brown. A diſpeopler ; a deſtroyer of mankind.

DEPHLEGMA'TION. ʃ. [from dephUgm.]

To DEPO'RT. v. a. de^orter, Fr.] To
An operation which takts away from the carry ; to demean. Pope.
phlegm any ſpintuous fluid by repeated DEPO'RT. ſ. [from the verb.] Dmeandiſhllition.
S^uvxy. Boyle. our ; behaviour. Milton.

To DEPHLE'GM. 1 v. a.'[dephhgmo, DEPORTATION./, [deportatio, hitin.]

To DEPHLE'GMATE. ʃ. [ow Latin.] To i. Tranſportation ; exile into a remote
clear from phlegm, or aqueous inſipid part of the dominion,
matter. Boyle.
2. Exile in general, ylyliffe.

DEPHLEGMEDNESS,/. [< rom dephlegm,-] DEPO'RTMENT. ſ. [deptrtement, Fr.]
The quality of being freed from phlegm. i. Conduct; management. Wotton.
2. Demeanour; behaviour. Sioi/t,

To DEPI'CT. v. a. [d^pingodep!£}ui?2. hit.]

To DEPO'SE. v. a. [dcpono, Latin.]
1. To paint ; to portray. Taylor.
2. To deſcribe to the mind. Fcitou.

DEPILATORY. ʃ. [de and pVus, Latin.]
An appl'cation u(ed to take away hair.

DE'PIl-OLJi. a. [Jeand/>;/ui, Lat.] Without
hair. Bacon.

DEPLANT.A.'TION. ʃ. [deplanto, Latin.]
The act of taking plants up from the bed.

DEPLE'TION. ʃ. [depUo dcpLtus, Latin.]
The act of emptying. Arbuthnot.

DEPLORABLE. a. [from dipy-o, Lat.]
I Lamentable; fad ; calamitous ; milerable
; hopeleſs. Clarenden.
2. Contemptible; deſpecable : as, deplorable

DEPLO'RASLENESS. ʃ. [from deplorable.]
The llaie of being deplorable.

DEPLORABLY. ad. [from deplorable.]
Lamentably ; miſerably. South.
1. To lay down ; to lodge ; to let fall. Woodward.
1. To degrade from a throne. Dryden.
3. To take away; to divefl:. Shakʃpeare.
4. To give teſtimony ; to atteſt. Shakʃpeare, Bacon.
5. To examine any one on his oath.Shakʃpeare.

To DEPO'SE. v. n. To bear witneſs. Sidney.

DEFO'SITARY. ʃ. [depojttarius, Latin.]
One with whom any thing is lodged in
truſt. Shakʃpeare.

To DEPO'SITE. v. a. [depofitum, Lat.]
1. To lay up ; to lodge in any place.
Garth. Berkley.
2. To lay up as a pledge, or ſecurity.
3. To place at intereſt. Sprat,
To lay aſide. Decay of Piety.

DEPLO'RATE. a. [deploratus, Lat.] La- J)EPO'SITE. ſ. [dſpofitum, Lat.]
mentable ; -hopeleſs. L'Eſtrange. ^^ i. Any thing committed to the truſt and

DEPLORA' nON. ſ. [from deplore.] The care of another.
act of deploring

To DEPLO'RE. v. a. [d.-pkro, Lat.] To
lament ; to bewail ; to bemoan. Dryden.

DEPLORER. ʃ. [from deplore.] A lamenter
; a mourner.

DEPLUMA'TION. ʃ. [dplumatio, Lat.]
1. PIucking off the feitneſs.
2. [In furgery.] A ſwelling of the eye
lids, accompa.nied with the fall
hairs. Phillp.

To DEPLU'ME. v. a. [de and pluma, Lat.]
To ſtrip of its feathers.

To DEPO'NE. v. a. [depoKo, Latin.]
1. To lay down as a pledge or ſecurity.
2. To riſque upon the ſucceſs of an adventure.

DEPONENT. ʃ. [from deptro, Lat.]
1. One that depiifes his telliniony in a
court of juſtice.
2. [In grammar.] Such verbs a« have no
active voice are called deponents. Cldrke.

To DEPO PULATE. !'. a. [drpopuler, Lat.]
2. A pledge ; a pawn ; a thing given as a
3. The ſtate of a thing pawned or pledged. Bacon.

1. The act of giving publick teſtimony.
2. The act of degrading a prince from
of the DEPOSITORY. ſ. [from depoſite.] The
place where any thing is lodged, Addiſon.

DEPRAVATION. ʃ. [d prai'nth, h-it.]
1. The act of making any thing bad. Swift.
2. Degeneracy ; depravity. South.
3. Defamation. Shakʃpeare.

To DEPRA'VE. I'. a. [depravo, Lat.] To
vitiate ; to corrupt. Hooker.

DEPRA'VEDNESS. ʃ. [from d<prave.]
Corruption ; taint ; vitiated ſtate. Hammond.

DEPRA'VEMENT. ʃ. [from deprave.] A
vinateH ſtitr, Bacon.
To unpeople; to lay wafle.'. Bacon.

DEPRAVER. /, \_from dprave.] A cor-

DES'OPULATION. ʃ. [from depopulate.] rupter.
The act of unpeopling ; havock ; waflc, DEPRA'VITY. ſ. [from d-prave.] Cor-
Ptillipi, z-uption.

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To DE'PRECATE. v. ?;. [Jc^rxor, Lat.]
1. To pray earneſtly.
2. To aſk pardon for.

To DE'PRECATE. v. a.
1. To implore mercy of. Prior.
2. To beg off ; to pray deliverance from. Smalridge.

DEPRECA'TION. ʃ. [defrccatlo, Latin.]
Prayer againſt evil. BroKw.

DE'PRECATIVE. v. a. [from dei>recato]

DEPRECATORY. ʃ. That ſerves to deprecate. Bacon.

DEPRECA'TOR. ʃ. [de^irecator, Lat.] An

To DEPRECIATE. v. a. [depretiare,^^^;
1. To bring a thing down to a lower price,
2. To undervalue. Addiſon.

To DE'PRECATE. v. a. [dcfradar:, Lat.]
1. To rob ; to pillage.
2. To ſpnil ; to devouf. Bacon.

DEPREDA'TION. ʃ. [defraiatlo, Lat.]
1. A robbing ; a ſpoiling. Hayward.
2. Voracity ; wafts. Bacon.

DEPREDATOR. f. [deprcedator, Lat.] A
robber ; a devourer. Bacon.

To DEPREHE'ND. v. a. [deprehcvdo, Lat.]
1. To catch one ; to take unawares. Hooker.
2. To diſcover ; to find out a thing. Bacon.

DEPREHE'NSIBLE. a. [from deprehend.]
1. That may be caught.
2. That may be underſtood.

1. Capableneſs of being caught.
2. Intellia;ibleneſs.

DEPREHE'N'SION. ſ. [dcprebenfio, Lat.]
1. A catching or taking unawares.
2. A diſcovery.

To DEPRE SS. v. a. [from depreſſus, Lat.]
1. To preſs or thruſt down.
2. To let fall ; to let down. I^iirton,
3. To humble ; to deject ; to ſink. Addiʃon.

DEPRE'SSION. ʃ. [deprejpo, Lat.]
1. The act of preliing down.
2. The ſinking or falling m of a ſurface. Boyle.
3. The act of humbling ; abafement. Bacon.

DEPRE'SSION of ai Equation [in algebra]
is the bringing it into lower and more
ſimple terms by diviſion.

DEPRE SSOR. ſ. [deprefor, Latin.] He
that keeps or preſſes down.

DEPRIVATION. ʃ. [dom deani pri-Mtio,
Latin.] The act of depriving, or taking
away from. Berkley.

DEPRIVATION. [in law.] is when a
clergyman, as a biftiop, parfon, vicar or
prebend, is depoſed from his preferment.

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To DEPRI'VE. -f. «. [from de and triv^,
Latin.] ^ .
1. To bereave one of a thing. Clarenden.
2. To hinder ; to debar from. Dryden.
3. To reieaſe ; to free from. Spenſer.
4. To put out of an office. Bacon.

DEPTH. ʃ. [from deep, of diep, Dutch.]
1. Deepneſs ; the meaſure of any thing
from the ſurface downwards. Bacon.
2. Deep place ; not a ſhoai. Dryden.
3. The abyfs ; a gulph of infinite protundity,
4. The middle or height of a ſeaſon. Clarendon.
5. Abſtruſeneſs ; obſcurity. Addiʃon.

To DE'PTHEN. v. a. [diepen, Dutch.]
To deepen. £),£;

To DEPU'CELATE. v. a. [depucelcr, Fr.] To deflower. /),(f/

DEPU'LSION. ʃ. [depulfiov, Lat.] A beating
or thruſting away.

DEPU'LSORY. a. [from depulfus, Latin.]
Putting away.

To DETURATE. v. a. [depurer,Ttench.]
To purify ; to cleanſe. Boyle.

DEPURATE. a. [from the verb.]
1. Cieanfed ; freed from dregs.
2. Pore ; not contaminated. Glanville.

DEPURATION. ʃ. [depuratio, Lat.] The
act of ſeparating the pure from the impure
part of any thing. Boyle.

To DEPU'RE. -o'. a. [defurer, Fr.]
1. To free from impurities,
2. To purge. lialeigB.

DEPUTATION. ʃ. [deputation, Fr.]
1. The act of deputing, or ſending with
a ſpecial commiſſion,
2. Vicegerency. South.

To DEPUTE. o. a. [deputer, Fr.] To
ſend with a ſpecial comniinion ; to impower
one to tranſact inilead of another.

DEPUTY. ʃ. [depute', Fr, from deputatus,
1. A heutenant ; a viceroy. Hale.
2. Any one that tranſacts buſineſs for another. Hooker.

To DEQUA'NTITATE. v. a. [from ce
and quant^ta^, Lutin.] To diminiſh the
quantity of. Bronvr

DER. In the beginning of names of places.
is detived from tjeoji, a wild beaſt, unleſs
the place ſtands upon a river ; then
from the B itiſh rt'ar, i.e. water. Gibſon.

To BERA'CINATE. v. a. [deraciner, Fr.]
To pluck or tear up by the roots. Shakſp.

To DER-A'IGN. 7 v. a. To prove ; to

To DERA'lN. I juſtify. BIjunr.

DERA'Y. ʃ. [from deprayer, ?T.] Tumult; dilorHer ; noiſe.

To DERE. ?^. fl. '[>t>?nijn, S:xcn.] To
h. rt. Obfalets. , i>pe'fer,

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DERELI'CTION. ʃ. [^frf/'fl.'o, Lat.] An

To DE'ROGATE. ʃ. r. To detr?.a
f. rfaking or leaving. Hakei

DERELICfrS. y. pi [In law.] Such goods
a 3>-e wilfiiUv thrown away. Di^.

To DCRl'DE. -o. a. [dmdeo, Latin.] To
laugh at ; to mock; to turn to ridicule.

DERI'DER. ʃ. [from the verb.] A mocker ; a (coffer. Hooker.

DERI'.-ION. ſ. [derifio, Latin.]
1. The act of deriding or laughing at.
2. Contempt ; ſcorn ; a laughlng-ſtock.
Jrremldh. Milton.

DERI'SIVE. a. [from deride.] Mocking ; ſcoffin^. ^opc.

DERISORY. a. [deriforius, Lat.] Mockine
; ridiculing.

DERI'VABLE. n. [from d.ri'ue.] Attainable
by right of deſcent or derivation. South.

DERIVATION. ʃ. [derivatio, Lat.]
1. A dmining of water. fiurvet.
2. The ti-acing of a word from its original. Locke.
3. The tracing of any thing from its
lource; ti'^'
4. [In medicine.] The drawing of a humour
from one part of the body to another,

DERIVATIVE. a. [derii>at!'vus, Latin.]
Derived or taken from another. Ha/f.

DERl'VATIVE. ſ. [from the adjective.]
The thing or word derived or taken from
^no'her. South.

DERIVATIVELY. ad. [from derii;ariw.]
In a derivative manner.

To DERI'VE. v. a. [driver, Fr. from deri-
vo, Lat.]
1. To turn the courſe of any thing. South.
2. To deduce from its original. Bojle

DEROGATE. a. [from the verb.] Leffened
in value. Shakʃpeare.

DEROGA'TION. ʃ. [derogatio, Lat.]
1. The act of breaking and making void
a former law. South.
1. A diſparaging ; lelTening or taking away
the worth of any perſon or thing. Hooker.

DERO'GATIVE. a. [dercgativus, Latin.]
Derogating ; leſſening the value. Brown.

DERO'GATORILY.ar/. [from derogatory.]
In a detr;ifting manner.

DERO'GATORINESS. ʃ. [from derogatory.]
The act of derogating.

DEROGATORY. a.]derogatorlu!, Lat.]
That leſſens the value of. Brown.

DE'RVIS. ʃ. [dervh, French.] ATurkiſh
prieſt. Sandys.

DE'SCANT. ʃ. yifcanfo, Italian.]
1. A ſong or tune compoſed in parts. Milton.
2. A diſcourſe ; a diſputation ; a diſquiſition
branched out into ſeveral diviſions
or heids. Qovommerrt of theTongue.

To DESCEND. v. «. [deſcenao, Lat.]
1. To come from a higher place to a
lower. Matthew.
2. To come down. Samuel.
3. To come ſuddenly ; to fall upon as an
enemy. Pepe.
4. To make an invafion. Dryden.
5. To proceed from an original. Collitr.
6. To fall in order of inheritance to a
fuccpfTor, Locke.
7. To extend a diſcourſe from general to
particular conſiderations. Dnay of Piety.

To DESCE ND. 1: a. To walk downward
upon any place. Milton.

DESCE'NDANT. ʃ. [dſcendant, Fr.] The
ofY pring of an anceſtor. Bacon.
To communicate to another, as from DESCENDANT, a. [defcerdcBi, Lat.]
the origin and fou>ce. South.
To communicate to by deſcent of blood.
To ſpread from one place to another. Davies.
[In grammar.] To trace a word from
if origin.

To DE'KIVE. t: r.
1. To come from : to owe Its origin to. Prior.
2. To deſcend from. Shakʃpeare.

DERIVER. ʃ. [from derive.] One that
draws or fetchi's from the original. South.

DIIRN. a. [\>s^\\n, Saxon.]
1. Sad ; folitary.
2. Barbarous ; cruel.

DERME'R. a. Laft. ^''#.

To DE'ROGATE. i'. a. [dercga, Latin.]
Falling; ſinking; coming down. Eay.
2. Proceeding from another as an original
or ancftnr. Pcj)^.

DESCE'NDIBLE. a. [from deſcend.]
1. Such as rray be deſcended.
2. Tranfmifllble by inheritance. Hale.

DESCE'NSION. ʃ. [deſcenfio, Latin.]
1. The act of falling or ſinking ; deſcent.
2. A declenficn ; a Ae%r?iA-ilton. Shakʃpeare.
3. [In aſtronomy.] Right (/tyir^fi/io?: is the
arih of the equator, whi<h deſcends with
the f'gn or ſtar below the horizon of a
direct ſphere. Oblique deſcenſion is the
arch of the equator, which deſcends with
the ſign below the horizon of an oblique
ſphere, Oxcnam.

DESCE NSION.]L. a. [from dejcenſion.]
Reiaring to dcſcen't.
To do an aa contta'Ty to a preceding DESCE'NT. ſ. [deſcenfus, Latin.]
law or cuftnm. Hfile. 1. The act of paſſing from a higher place.
2. To leſſen the worth of any perſon or Blackmore.
thing ; todiſpara-e. a- Progreſs

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S. Progreſs downwards. Locke.
3. O'jligiiity
; inclination. Woodcari,
4. L)Wcfl: pljce. Shakſpeare.
5. Invafion ; hjfiik entrance into a kingdom.
Wolton. dar^nclort.
6. Tran-fmiſſion of any thing by ſucceſſion
and inheritance. Locke.
7 The ſtate of proceeding from an original
or progenitor. ^i'/ce- bu-y.
8. Birth ; extratflion ; proceſs of lineage.Shakʃpeare.
9. Offspring ; inheritors. Milton.
10. A ficgle ilep in the ſcale of genealgy. Hooker.
1 1
A rank in the ſcaJe or order of being. Milton.

To DESCRI'Bj;. v. a. l-de^aibo, Latin.]
1. To mark out any thing by the mention
of its properties, TJ'atts,
E. To delineate ; to mark out : as a
torch waved about the head dejcriba a
3. To diſtribute into proper heads c^r diviſions.
4. To define in a lax manner,

DESCRIBER. ʃ. [from deſcribe.] He that
deſribes. Brown.

DESCRI'ER. ʃ. [from the verb.] A diſcoverer.
a detecter. Crujliuiv,

DESCRIPTION. ſ. [deſcriptio, Lat.]
1. The act of deſribing or making out
any perſon or thing by perceptible piOperties.
2. The ſentence or paſſage in which any
tiling is deſcrlbed. Dryden.
3. A lax d.finitwn. Watu,
4. The qualities expre.Ted in a deſcription.

To DESCRY'. v. a. [def:rier, Fr.]
1. To give notice of any tiling ludden'y
Si. To ſpy out ; to examine at a diſtancee,
3. To deteſt
; to fiad out any thing concealed.
4. To diſcover .: to perceive by the eye :
to fee any thing distant or a''frnt. Raleigh. Dirby. Prior.

DESCRY'. ʃ. [from the verb.] Dif.overy ; thing d'ifcovered. ' UluLlieure,

To Dti'SECRATE. v. a. [d^ficr. Lati.]
To divert from the purp^;fe to Vkhiſh any
thing is onfecrated.

DESECRATION. f. {horn def crate] The
abolition of conſecration.

DE'SERT. ʃ. [dejertuvi, Lat.] A wilderncl's ; folilude ; waſte country ; uninhabited
plate. S'ake'p.aie,

BE'SERT. a. [defa-ius, Latin.] Wild ; waſte ; folitary. D'Uterunomy.

To DESE'RT. v. a. [deſerter, Fr. d^fro,

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1. To forſake ; to fall away frf^m ; i:o
quit meanly or treacherquſly, Dryden.
% To leave ; to abandon. B.tirLy,
3. To quit the army, or regiment, in
which one is enlifted.

DESERT. ʃ. [f>,)m the adjeffive.]
1. Qualities or condudt conſidered witli
reſpect to rewards or puniſhme.Tt? ; de- .
gree of merit sr demerit. Hooker.
2. Proportional merit ; claim to reward.
3. Efcell nee ; right to reward ; virtue.

DESE'RTER. ʃ. [from de^e,t.]
1. He that has fLrfak.en his cauſe or his
paft. Dryden. .
2. He that leaves the army in which lj€
is erjided. DiCcy ej Fifty.
3. He that forſakes another. Pop!.

Dl'SE'RTION. ʃ. [from d fn^]
1. The ift of foif.-.king or sbindoning a
cauſe or port. Rogers.
2. [la theol' gv.] Spiritual deſpnndency ; a ſenſe of the dereli'tim of God ; an
opinion that^ace is wit! drawn. Swift.

DESE'RTLESS. a. [from rf/c^r.] Without
ms-rit. Dryden.

To DE^E'RVE. v. a. [df^rfir, Fr.]
1. To be worthy of either giod or ill. Hooker. Otii'^y.
2. To be worthy of reward. Su^b.

DESE'RVEDLY. fli. [ironi deſerve.] Wor-.
thily ; acrording to dgfnt. M.] on.

DESE'RVER. ʃ. [from d.ſerve.] A maa.
who meiits rewards. Swift.'

DESICCANTS. ʃ. [f^om d./i.^ate.] Applications
that dry up the flow of fores; daers, I'/tjeman.

To DE'SICCATE. v. a. [d-f.cco, Latin.].
To dry up. Hale.

DESICCATION. ʃ. [from defecate.] Ths
a^^ of mailing d.y, Bacon.

DESICCATIV'E. a. [Uesmdejiifate.] That.
v.hioh has the power of drying.

To DESI'DERATE. ʃ. «. [dejidn. Lat.]
T'j V ant ; to m k. Cheyvc,

DESI'DIOSE. a.- [d-Jidiofui', Latin.] l-Jle ; lazv ; h-avy. '

To DESi'GN. v. a. [d ſigno, Lat. dejjiner, F.]
1. To purpoſe ; to intend any thing.
2. To form or order with a particular
_ _. Stillingfleet.
3. To devote intentionally. QjtenJon,
^. To plan ; to prvijedl.
1;. To m.)rk out. Locke.

DESIGN. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. An intention ; a pu-poſe.
2. A ſche.me ; a plan of actioR. Tdlot's,
3. A ſcheme formed to the detrment of
another. Locke.
4. The idea which an artiſt endeavours tQ
execute 01 expreſs, Addiʃon.
K ſo DEil'C HD

DESI'GNABLE. a. [def.gno, Lat.] Diftlngui/
hable ; capable to be particularly noarlted
out. Drgby.

PESIGNA'TION. ʃ. [defigvatio, Lat.]
1. The act of poiniing or maikintr fut. Swift.
2. Appointmep.t ; direction. Bacon.
3. Imp' rt ; intention. Locke.

DE-i'GNEDLY. ad [from d^ſign} Purpifely
; intentionallj ; not inadveilently ;
not Icrtuitouſly. -i^^^-

/. ' [from deftgn. 1
1. A plotter ; a contriver. Decc-y af P'tty.
2. One that forms the idea of any thing
in printing or ſculpturs. Addiʃon.

DESIGNil^'G. parr a. [from :///^.] Infidif. s ; treacherous; dccsicli'I. iSot.'-.-'-n.

DESI'GNLESS. s. [from dfjtg'^.] Unknowing
; inadvertent.

DESI'GNLE-.SLY. ad. [from defgvhjs.]
Without intention ; ignntantly ; inadvertently.

DESI'GNMENT. ʃ. [from deſign.]
1. A ſcheme of holblity. Shakʃpeare.
2. A plot i
a malicious intention. Hayward.
3. The idea, orſketch of a work. Dryden.

DESl'RABLE. /J. [from deſtre.l.
1. Pleaſing ; delightful. Addiʃon.
2. That which is to be va.Tied with earneſtneſs.

DESIRE. ʃ. [deſir, Fr. deſiderium, Latin.]
Wiſh ; eagerneſs to ( btain or enjoy, Locke.

To DESI'RE-. v. a. [dcfirer, fr.]
3. To wiſh ; to long tor, Dcure'-orqmy,
s. To expreſs wiſhes ; to appear ^) hng. Dryden.
3. To afic ; to intreat, Shakʃpeare.

DESIRER. ʃ. [from deſire.'^ One that is
eact'.' of any thing. Shnkr''pe:rc,

DESI'ROUS. a. [from rf-^/yr^.] FuUo.^ <iefire
\ eager; longing at^i-. Hooker.

DESl'ROUSNESS. ʃ. [from dfjir-ous.] Fulneſs
of deHrt;.

PESI'ROUSLY. aJ. [L-^m dejircus.] Eagerly
; vjit. defuf.

To DESl'ST. v. a. [drftlli}. Latin.] To
ceaſe from any thing ; to Hop. mihcn.
D'SrSTANCE. ſ. [Uo?i> dsfijl.] Th- act
of d-'hfling; c(-(riM(\n. Boyle.
DiiSi'TIVE. a. [dcjhui, Latin.] Ending; concluded, alls.

DESK. ʃ. [d:fck, a table, Dutch.] An inclining
table for the uie of writers or
readers. Walton.

DE'SOLATE. o. [de'o'.ztu, Latin.]
1. 'Without inhabitants ; uninhabited.
2. Deprived of inhabitants ; laid w -fie,
3. .iolitary ; without ſociety.
1u DE'SOLA VE. ij. a. [drjofo, Lat.] To
deprive of i.rihabJtanis. TIcmf^n,

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DE'SOLATELY. ad. [from defobte.] In
a delolate nianner.

DESCLA'TION. ʃ. [from dcfdaie..
1. Deihuction of inbabitants. 5/>'/<'«
2. Gloomineſs ; ſadneſs ; melancholy. Sidney.
3. A dace wafled and forſakrn. yeremiah,

DESPAIR. ʃ. [difejpoir, Fr.]
1. Hopeleiineſs ; dt-ſpondence. Corhiſhian',
2. That which caules deſpair ; that of
which there is no hope, Shakʃpeare.
3. [In theology] L^fs of confidence in
the mercy of God. ^prat.

To DE.SPAIR. v. }j. [di-ſpero, X^at.] To
he t iſhrtut hope ; to oeſpond. Wake.

DESPA'IRER. ʃ. [from deſpair.] One withnot
h'ipe. Dryden.

DESPAIRFUL. a. [deſpair indfuil.] Hopeleſs.
Q-f'.lete. Sidney.

DEbPATRINGLY. ad. [from deſpair-,jg^.
In a manner betokening hopeleſneſs. Boyle.

To DESPA'TCH. v. a. [dcpefcher, Fr.]
1. To ſend away haftily. Teirp'^.
2. To ſend out of the world ; to put to
death. Shakʃpeare.
5. To perform a buſineſs quickly.
M^Kcahees. Locke.
4. To conclude an aflair with another.Shakʃpeare.

DESPA'TCH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Hafty execution. Gratnville,
2. Conduſt ; manappment, Shakʃpeare.
3. ^v'^reſs ; hnfty meffenger or meifagc.

DESPA'j CHFUL. a. [from deſpatch.] Bent
T hafte. Pope.

DE'SPERATE. a. [deſperatus, Lat.]
1. Without hope, Shakʃpeare.
2. Wichout careof fafety ; rafli. Hammond.
3. Irretrievable; unfurmountable; irrecoverjhie. Locke.
4. Mad ; hot-brained : furious. Spenſer.

DESPERATELY. ad. [from delp-rsie.]
1. Furi.uilly ; madly. Brown.
1. In a great degree : this ſenſe is ludicrous.

DE'SPEllATENESS. ʃ. [from deſperate.]
Mjdneſs ; fury ; precipitance. Hammond.

DESPERA'TION./, [from (/.f'^^t-'fl.v.j Hope- ;
lefn.ffs ; dsff'air ; deſpondency. Hammond. ,^.

DE'SITCABLE. a. [deſpecabilli, Lat.] Con-
temrtible ; vile ; mr;:n ; foidid ; v;orthleſs!. Hooker.

DES PI'CABLENESS. ʃ. [fi om deſpecjkk.]
Meanneſs ; vileneſs. Dcjs of Pidy,

DE'SPICABLY. ad. [from deſpUable.]
Mvanly ; ſordidly. Addiʃon.

DESPI'SABLE. a. [from deſplfe.] Contemptible; deſpecable; regaided with contempt. Arbuthnot.

To DESPISE. v. a. [deſpefer, old French.]
1. To ſcorn ; to conttmn, Jererriab.
2. To abhor. Shakʃpeare.


DESPI'SER. ʃ. [{torn deſpife.] Contemner; ſcorner, 'iSwift.
Despite. ſ. [ſpijt, Dutch ; depit, Fl]
1. Malice} anger ; malignity. Sprat,
2. Defiance. Blackmore.
3. Aift of inailce. Md'on,

To DESPI'TE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
vex ; to affrunt: Raleigh.

DESPITEFUL. a. [deſpete and fu/i.] Ma-
Jicious ; (uU of ſplecn. ji>i 'Sharks.

DESP'ITEFULLY. ad. [from d^pitcf:,/.]
Mdliciouſly ; malignjHtly. Matthew.

DESPITEFULNESS. ʃ. [from deJpiuful]
Mjlice ; hate ; inaiignity, TVijdom.

DESPITEOUS. a. [from deſpete.] Malicious; lurious. Spenſer.

To DESPG'IL. v. a. [deſpolw, Latin.] To
rob ; to deprive. iSpenſer.

DESPOLIATION. ʃ. [from d.ſtoho, La.]
The act of deſpoiling or ſhipping.

To DESPO'ND. v. n. [diſpo^dta, Lat.]
1. To deſpair ; to loſe hope. Dryden.
2. [In theology.] To Itfe hope of the
divine mercy. Pſ'atts.

DESPO'NDENCY. ʃ. [from deſpondair.]
Deſpair ; hopelelheis.

DESPO'NDENT. a. [d^ffondt7:s, Latin.]
Deſpairing ; hopeleſs. Btr:tley.

To DESPO'NSAIE. ʃ. a. [d,f(,orfo, Lat.]
To betroth ; to affiance.

DESPONSA'IION. ſ. [from deſponfate.'.
The betrothing perſons to each other.

DE'sPOT. ſ. [S^ic-TTci^c] Anabfoiute prince ;
as, the dcj'pot of Servia.

DESPOTICAL.7 a. [from diſp^t.] Ab-

DESPOTICK. ʃ. folute in power ; unlimited
in authority. South.

DESPOTICALNESS. ʃ. [from deſpoccal.]
Abſolute authority.

DE'STOTISM. ʃ. [deſpvt;f,;is, Fr. from deſpot.]
Ahfolute power.

To DESPUMATE. v. a. [deſpume, Lat.]
To throw off parts in foam.

DESPUMATION. ʃ. [from ^//iandr^.]
The act of throwing off excr^mentitious
parts in ſciim or foam.

DESQUAMATION. f. [from }\vama , Lat.]
The act of ſcating toul bones.

DESSE'RT. ʃ. [J^yT'erre, French.] The Jaft
courſe at an entertainment. ^'g'

To DE'STINA TE. v. a. [deftir.o, Latin.];io
dcfipn for any particular end. Hay.

DESTINATION. f. [from defiir.au.] The
purpoſe for which any thing is appointed.

To DE'STINE. v. si. [defiino^ Lat.]
1. To doom ; to app^'inc unalterably to
any fl;ite. Milton.
2. To appoint to any uſe or purpoſe. Arbuthnot.
3. To devote ; to doom to puaiſhment or
miſery. Prior.
4. To rix unalterably, Pntr,

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DE'STINY. ʃ. [dejline^, Fr.]
1. Ths power that Ipins the life, and d.»
termines the fate. Shakſpeare.
2. Fate ; invincible neceſlity. Dc.nhamt
3. Doom ; condition in future time.Shakʃpeare.

DE'STITUTE. a. [rt'ry?;/ato, Latin.]
1. Forſaken ; abandoned. tlooker.
2. In want of. Dryden.

DESTITUTION. ʃ. [from djiituie.]
Want ; the'frate in which fumething is
wansed. Hooker.

To DESTRO'Y. v. a. [deſtruo, Latin.]
1. To overturn a city
; to raze a building. Geneſis.
2. To lay wade ; to make deſolate.
3. To kill. D'Utr, ii. 21. Hale.
4. To put an end to ; to bring to nought. Berkley.

DESTROYER. ʃ. [from deJJroy.] The
pc-ifon that deſtroys. Raleigh.

DESTRUCTIBLE. 0. [from deſtruo, Lat.]
LisMe 10 . ei'ruction.

DESTRUCriai'LTY. ſ. [from deſiruSible.]
Liab'eneſs to delhuſtion.

DESTRUCTION. ʃ. [d-firuaio, Latin.]
1. The act of deliroying ; waſte.
2. M'jrrfc; ; maflacre. fJ'jlUr,
3. The ſtate of being deſtroyed.
4. A deſtroyer ; a depopulaior. Pſalrm,
5. Tin 'hroioiy.] Eternal death. Mattk.

Dc'STRU'cf. ! v^. <a. [dtjhua.'vus, low
Latin.] That which deſtroys ; wulteful ;
caiJing ruin and devdſtation. Dryden.

DESTRU'CTIVELY. ad. [from dejiruft-
/I'f.j Ruaiouſly ; mikhievouſly.
Dicay of Piety.

DESTRU'CTIVENESS. ʃ. [from deſtri:a-
/rc] The quality of deſtroying or ruining.
Decav of Piety.

DESTRU'CTOR. ʃ. [from d^ffroy.] Deib< yer ; c n'umer. Boyle.

DESUDATION. ʃ. [dfudatio, Latin.] A
p ,tu1'e ano inordinate iweatmf.

DESU'ETUDE. ʃ. [c^./i/i^.We, Latin.] Csffation
f ojD b::ing JccuſtomeJ. Half,

DESU'LTORY. la. [defulteriu!,LAt.]

DE>ULTO'Pn.IOUS. S Removingfrnm thing
to thing ; LHlettled ; immethocical.

T3 DE.SUME. v. a. [defumo, Latin.] To
take tri.'in any thing. Hale.

To OETA'CH. 1: a. [detach.r, Fr.]
1. To fepjia'e; to diftngage. ffoodw'ard,
2. To Irjid out p^^rt of a greater body of
nin on i^n expedition. Addiʃon.

DETA'CHMENT. ʃ. [from dctaub ] A
body of troops ſent out from the main arniv, Blackmore.

To BETA'IL. J. a. [detaiUer, French.] To
relate particularly ; to particuiarile. Cheyne.
1) E T

DETA'IL. ʃ. [dctm!, French.] A nnm.tc
and particular account. fVo^dward.

To DETA'IN. v. n. [detheo, Lat.]
S. To keep that which belongs to another.
2. To withold; to keep back. Broome.
3. To retrain from depai ture. yudges,
4. To h' Id in cuftf.dy.

DETA'INDER. ʃ. [from d'tain.] The name
of a writ for huldin^ one 'in culludy.

DETAINER,/. [Uoi-n detain.^ He that
holds back any one's right ; he that detains. Taylor.

To DETE'CT. v. a. [dit.atu, Latin.] To
diſcover; to find out any crime or aiti'fice.


DETE'CTER. ʃ. [from deteH.] A diſcoverer
; one that finds out what another defues
to hide. Dscay of Piety.

DETECTION. ʃ. [from dJcS.]
1. Difcovery of guilt or fraud. Sprat,
2. D ſcovery bf any thing hidden.


'DETE'NTION. ʃ. [from d tain.]
1. The iidl ct keeping what belongs to
dnother. ShuMfiearf.
a. C'-nfinement ; reſtraint. Bacon.

To DETER. v. a. [delerrco, Latin.] To
diſcourage from any thing. U ilhtjon.

DETE'RMENT. ʃ. [uom dcicr.] Cauſe of
dilcouragement. Boyle.

To DETE'RGE. -a, a. [daergo, Latin.] To
cleanſe a fore, Wiſeman.

DETE'RCENP. a. [from d.terge.]' That
which clranfs<;. Arbuthnot.

DETERIORA'TION. ʃ. [from i f^;/oS
L^rin.] The act of making any thing worfe.

DETE'RMINABLE. a. [tn.m- d-termhic.]
That which may be certainly dec;dtd.

To DETE'RM'INATE. v. a. [dete' miner,
French.] To limit ; to fix. Shakefpeare.

DETE'RMINATE. a. [daeimiriatus, Lat.]
1. Limited ; <!etfrniined. Bei.tcy.
2. Eftabliſhed j. ſettled by rule. U.O'.hr.
3. Deciſive ; concluſive. Shakʃpeare.
4. fixed ; refolute. Sidney.
5. Rf Ivcd. Shakʃpeare.

DETE'R?.^! LATELY. ad. [ham d^termirjCc]
Refolutely ; with fixed reſolve.
Stiinfy, TiU'o'fon,

DETERMINA'TION. ſ. [/rom deterMtiatf- ;
1. Abiolute cifeſſion to ; certain end;
2. The reſult of deliberation.
lld!e. CaJawy. % jiKlic'sl de^lll -r. GuUi'ver.

DETERMINATIVE. a. [from determinate.
1. 7~f)3t which uncontrclably direifls to a
cprra n end. D'amhall,
3. That which makes a limitation, Watu,
I> E T

DETE RMINATOR. ſ. [from determhe-l
One who determines. Brown.

To DETERMINE. v. a. [determiner, Yr,i\
1. To fix ; to ſettle. Shakʃpeare.
2. To conclude ; to fix ultimately, ^ca/^,
3. To bound ; to confine. Atterbury.
4. To adjuſt ;, to limit. Lock;.
5. To direct to any icertain point.
6. To influence the choice. Locke.
7. To reſolve. i Sam,
^. To decide. Locke.
9. To put an end to ; to deſtroy. Shakſ.

To DETE'RMINE. v. „.
1. To conclude ; to form a final conclufion. Milton.
2. To end ; to come to an end. Haytcardr,
3. To come to a deciſion. Shakʃpeare.
4. To end conſequentially. Temple.
5. To reſolve concerning any thing. Shak.

DETERRA'TION. ʃ. [de and terra, Lat.]
Difcovery of any thing by removal of the
earth. Woodward.

DEFE'RSION. ʃ. [from ditergo, Latin.].
The ^Ci of cleanſing a fore, Wiseman.

DETE'RSIVE. a. [from deterge.] Having
the power to clesnfe.

DETE'RSIVE. ʃ. An application that has
the power of cleanſing wounds. Wiſeman.

To DETE ST. v. a. [detefier, Latin.] To
hate ; to abhor. South.

DETESTABLE. a. [from iti^y?.] Hateful ; abhorred. Hayward.

DETE'STABLY. ad. [from detejiable.]
Hatefully; abominably. South.

DETESTATION. f. [from detejl.] Hatred ;
abhorrence ; abomination.

DETE'STER. ʃ. [from detejl.] One that

To DETHRO'NE. v. a. [J/?rowr, French.]
To divert of regality ; to throw down from
the throne.

DETI'NUE. ʃ. [rater.ue, French.] A wtit
that lies againſt him, who, having giods
or chattels delivered him to keep, refuiis
to deliver them again. Cov.'sl,

DETONATION. f. [^c/ow, Latin.] Somewhat
more forcible than the ordinaiy
crackling of falts in calcination ; as in
the going off of the pulvis or aurum fulniinan-^,
or the like. Quincy,

To DETOXIZE. t>. a. [from detono,La{.]
; To calcine with detonation. Arbuthnot. /

To DETO'RT. v. a. [detortus, oſ detorqiuo,
Latin.] To wrefl from the origirtal iſhport. Dryden.

To DETRA'CT. v. a. [dctraaim, Latinu]
To derogate ; to take away by envy and
calumnv. Bac'.9.

DETRA'CTER. ʃ. [from detraa.] One that
ta!^cs away another's reputation. Swift.

DETRA'CTION. ſ. [dctraa-.o, Latin; deiruSiiun,
DctrL>a.on, in the native impoſtaoce of the
woi^y Word, ſignifies the withdrav.'ing or taking
oft from a thing ; and, as it is applied t ;
the reputation, it denotes the impairing a
man in point of ſame. Ayliffe.

DETRA'CTORY. a. [from <f.frrtJ?.] Defamatory
by denial of deſsrt ; derogatory. Brown.

DETRA'CTRE.vS. ſ.]Ji^m detraa.] A
cenforious woman. Addiſon.

D'E'TRIMENT. ſ. [,htnmentum, Latin.]
Loft ; damage ; miſchief: Hooker, Evelyn.

DETRIME NTAL. a. [from detriment.]
Miſchievcas : harmful ; cauſing loſs.

DETRITION. ʃ. Uaero, detritus, Latin.]
The act of wearing ?.way.

To DETRUDE. -y. tf. [^fi'/Si/s, Latin.] To
thruſt down ; Co force into a lower place. Davies.

To DETRU'NCATE. v. a. [detruvco, Lat.]

To Itp ; to cut ; to .'hcrten.

DETRUNCA'TION. ʃ. [from dctmrcate.]
The act of lopping.

DETRU'SION. ʃ. [detru/o, Latin.] The
act of thruſting down. Kn/,

BETURBA'TION. ʃ. [detyrbc, Ltitin.] The
a(ct of throwing down ; degradation.

DEVASTATION. ʃ. [dcvap, Latin.]
Wafte ; havock. Garth.

DEUCE. ʃ. [deux, Frencif.] Two.Shakʃpeare.

To DEVE'LOP. ». a. [devehper, French.]
To dif«Bpge from ſomething that enfolds
and conceals. Dunciad,

DEVE'RGENCE. ʃ. [devergentia, Latin.]
Declivity ; declination.

To DEVE'IT. v. a. [dcvejier, French.]
1. To ſtrip; to deprive of clraih:. DfTh^n:.
2. To take away any thing good. Bacon,
3. To free from any thing bad. Prior.

DEVE'X. a. [devexus, Latin.] Bending
down ; declivous.

DEVE'XITY. ʃ. [from ^£W«.] Incurva.
tion downwards.

To DE'VIATE. v. r. [de via dccrderf, Lat.]
1. To wander from the right or common
way, Pope.
2. To goaſtray; to err ; to fin.

DEVIATION. ʃ. [from d.victe.]
1. The act of quit;ing the right way ; error. Cheyrc.
2. Variation from eftabliſhed rule. Hooker.
3. O^ence ; chliq^ity of conduct. C/arj/J«

DEVICE. ʃ. [de^-je, French.]
1. A contrivance ; a (trat?.gem.
1. A deſign ; a ſcheme formed ; project; ſpeculation.
3. The enablem on a ſhleli. Prisr.
4. Invention ; genius. Shakʃpeare.

DE'VIL. ʃ. [ti'p.l, Saxon.]
1. A fallen sngei ; 'be teiiifter nnrt ſpiiitual
eaeray of mankind. Shakʃpeare.

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2. A wicked man or woman. Shakʃpeare.^ſpe^rf,
3. A ludicrous term for miſchicf.

DE'VILISH. a. [from ^.W.]
1. Partaking of the qualities of t!>e devi).
2. An epithet of abhorrence or contemp't!

DE'VIUSRLY. a. [from devil,p.f in 3
manner fuiring the devil. South.

DE'VIOUS. a. [de-z;ita, Latin ]
1. Out of the common track. Holder.
2. Wanderiag ; roving ; rambling.
_ . Thomfon,
3. Erring ; going aſtray from reaitude.

To DEVI'SE. v. a. [devifer, Frenck.T'^To
contrive ; to form by a,t ; to invent.

To DEVI'SE. v. n. To conſider : to'cor.'
tr/ve. o y-

DEVI'SE ʃ. [deiuf,, a will.]
^^ ^ ^'2 f beqaaathing by
A . Co7Vt/,
2. Contrivance. To Hmker DEVI'SE. ^^. a. [from the noun. 1 To grant by wiiJ.

DEVl^SEK. ſ. [from dc^ifc.] A con rriver
an invenier. ^ '

DE'VIT.ABLE a. Id^itMlh, Lat.] pX ble to be avoided,

DEV?TATION. ſ. yevitath, Lat.] The act of e(capinr'. .

DEVO'ID. a. l-uwde, Fr.]
1. Empty ; vjcaflf ; void. Sp'vfer
2^_^Wuh.)uc auy tling, whether good or

DEvi'IR. ſ. lde.dr, French.]
1. Service. i^ ir
2. Aft ot-cn-ility or obfſquoufners. /V«.

To D2\'-0'LVE. v. a. ideld.o,' l^x\^f
1. i roll down. liW,^^,,^..
2. To move from one hand to another.

To DEVOLVE. n. To fall }n iltltn
inro new nands. Decay ofl'iety

DEVOLU'TION. ſ. [dc^rj^io, Latin.]
^ 1. The act of roijin- down. Woodward.
2. Removal from hand to hand. //«,>

DEVORA'TION. ſ. [from de^„o, Latin i The sft of devou ing, .

To DEVOTE. v. a. [d.z'.tus, Latin.]
1. To dedicate ; to conleciate. .f, Shakſpeare.
2. To sdaift ; to give up to ill. Grew.
5. To cnr'e^ to execrate. 2)n?V-.

DEVOTEDNESS. ſ. [from demote.] The
fiate (;f being devoted or dedicate^' Bo-'M

DEVOTE'?;. ſ. [divot, French.] One error.
f:o.jl!y or (upe.-.litiruſly religious ; a bicot.

DE.VO'TION. ſ. [dcvct^or,, Kr. ;
1. The lute of being conſecratei or dedj-
C'r< '.Sd.
2. PJet ;
to E W
2. Piety ; acts of religion. Dryden.
3. An act of external worſhip. Hooker.
4. Prayer ; expreſſion of devotion. Spenſer. SpiJt.
5. The ſtate of the mind under a ſtrong
ienfe of dcpendance upon God.
Lanv on Chrijl's PerJeBion.
6. Anadlof reverence, reſpe^^, or ceremony.Shakʃpeare.
7. Strong affection ; ardent love. Clarendon.
S. Diſpofal ; power. Clarenden.

DEVO'TIONAL. a. [from divotion.] Pertaining
to devotion. King Charles.

DEVO'TIONALIST. ʃ. [from devocion.]
A mill zealous without knowledge.

To DEVOU'R. v. a. [dcvsro, Latin.]
1. To eat up ravenouſly. Shakʃpeare.
1. To deſtroy or confume with rapidity
and violence. Joel ii. 3.
5. To ſwjUuw up ; to annihilate. South.

DEVOU'RtR. ſ. [from devour.] A confumer
; he that devours. Dccjy of Piety.

DEVO'UT. a. [dcvotus, Latin.]
1. Pious ; religious ; devoted to holy duties. Rogers.
2. Filled with pious thoughts. Dryden.
3. Exp-effivs of devotion or piety. Milton.

DEVO'UTLY. ad. [from devout.] Piuully ; with ardent devotion ; religioully. Donne, Addiſon.

DEUaE. ʃ. [more properly than deuce, Junius,
from Diijii's, the name of a certain
ſpecies of evil ſpitits.j The devil.

DEUTERO'GAIVIY. ʃ. [JiyTij-ojand yd{j.r>;.]
A feccjnd man iage.

DEUTERO'NOMY. ʃ. [Jcyre^o,- and vo/njc-]
The ſecond book of the law, being the
fifth book of M les.

DEUTERO'SCOi'Y. ſ. [? i'Tsroj and ^-^o-
Tria;.] The ſecond intention. Brown.

DEW. ʃ. [tji^p, Saxon] The moiſture
upon the ground. Pope. .

To DEW. v. a. [from the noun.] To wet
as with dew ; to moiſten. Spenſer.

DE'WBERRY. ʃ. [from deiv and beny.]
Rafberrics. Ilaitmcr. Shakʃpeare.

DEWBE'PRE'NT. part. [dm' and beſprcnr.]
S^irinkled with dew. Milton.

DE'WDROP. ʃ. [deiu and drop.] A drop
of dew which ſparkles at fun-rife. 1 ickell,

DE'WLAP. ʃ. [from lapping or licking the
1. The fleſh that hangs down from the
throat of oxen, Addiſon.
2. A lip fljccid with age. Shakʃpeare.

DEWLAPT. a. [from dewhp.] Fuimſhed
with dewhtps. Shakʃpeare.

D'a^'WWORM. ſ. [from deiv and luorm.]
A woim found in <lt-w. Walton.

DL'WY. a. [from dnv.]

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S. Reſembling dew ;
partaking of dew.
2. Moift with dew ; rofcid. Milton.

DEXTER. .1. [Latin.] The right; nqt
the left. Shakʃpeare.

DEXTE'RITY. ʃ. [dexterltas, Uam.]
1. Readineſs of limbs ; atlivity ; readineſs
to attain /Icill.
2. Readinf Is of contrivance. Bacon.

DE'XTEROUS. a. [dexter, Latin ]
1. Expert at any manual employment ; active ; ready.
2. Expert in management ; ſubtle ; full of
expedients. Locke.

DEXrEROUSLY. ad. [from dexterous.]
Expertly ; ſkilfully ; artfully. South.

DE'X TRAL. a. [dex'er, Latin.] The
right ; not the left. Browti.

DEXTRA'LITY. ʃ. [from dextral.] The
ſtate of being on the right ſide. Brown.

DIABETES. ʃ. [ha$Mln;.] A morbid copiouſneſs
of urine. Denham [belonging to author; copy control point].

DIABOLICAL. ʃ. t. [from diabolus, h^i.]

DIABO'LICK. ʃ. Deviliſh ; partaking of
the qualitifs of the devil, Ray.

DIACO'DIUM. ʃ. [Latin.] The ſryup of

DIACO'USTICS. ʃ. [haxti^tun.] The
dortrine of ſounds.

DIADEM. ʃ. [diadema, Lat.]
1. A tiara ; an enſign of royalty bound
about the head of eallern monarch''. Spenſer.
2. The mark of royalty worn on the
head ; the crown, Denham. Roſcomivon.

DIADE'MED. a. [from diadem.] Adorned
with -A di-idem. Pope.

DI'ADROAL. ʃ. [JiaJjo/xED.] The time in
whch any motion is performed, Locke.

DI---E RESIS. ſ. [JiaiVjr;?.] The ſeparati'
n or difjuneflion of ſyllables ; as j'Vr,

DIAGNO'STICK. ʃ. [hcyo,u.:r:tai.] A
ſymptom by which a diſcaſe is diſtinguiſhed
from others. Collier.

DIA'GONAL. a. [Jic^/OTio,-.] Reaching
fr'UTi one angle to another, Brown.

DIA'GONAL. ʃ. [from the adjedive.] A
line drawn from angle to angle. Locke.

DIAGONALLY. ad. [from diagonal.] In
a diagonal direction, Brown.

DI'AGRAM. ʃ. [}iay^afxy.a.] A delineation
of geometiical figures ; a mathematical
fcheme. Berkley.

DIAGRY DIATES. ſ. [from diagrydium,
Lat.] Strong purgatives made with diagrydium.

DI'AL. ſ. [diale, i^kinner.] A plate marked
with lines, where a hand or ſhadow ſhows
the hour. Glanville.

DIALPLATE. ſ. [diaUni plate.] That
on s which hours or lines ate marked. Addiʃon.


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DI'ALECT. ſ. [JirJxsHloj.]
1. The ſubdiviſion of a language.
2. Stile; manPier of exprellioD, Hooker.
3. Language ; ſpeech. South.

DIALECTICAL. a. [from diakFtick.] Logical
; argumental. Boyle.

DIALE'CTICK. ʃ. [?wX£k1<;(»;.] Logick ;
the act Of reaſoning.

DI'ALLING. ſ. [\:umdial.] The ſciaterick
ſcience ; the knowledge of ſhadcws.

DI'ALIST. ſ. [from dial.] A conrtnicter
f.fdia!'. Moxor.

DIA'LOGIST. ʃ. [from dialogue,'] A ſpeaker
in a dialogue or conference.

DI'ALOGUE. ſ. [JittAoj/oc'.] A conference ;
a converfation between two orinore.Shakʃpeare.

To DI'ALOGUE. v. n. [from the noin.]
To d'fcourſe with. Shakʃpeare.

DIA'LYSIS. ʃ. [oia'xv.rij.] The figure in
rhetorick by which ſyllables ov words are

DIA'METER. ʃ. [Jia and ^^It^o;.] The
line which, pafiing through the center of a
circle, or other curvilinear figure, divides
it into equal parts. Raleigh.

DIA'METRAL. a. [from diam.'tfir.] Deſcribiiii; (he oidmeter.

DIA'iMETRALLY. ad. [from diamtiral']
According to the direction of a diameter. Hammond.

DIAME'TRTCAL a. [from diameter.]
1. Deſcribing a diameter.
2. Obſerving the direction of a diameter.
Government of the Tongue.

DIAME'TRICALLY. i:J. [from diametrical.]
In a diametrical direction. Clarendon.

DI'AMOND. ʃ. [i:'.'»!.7n;, French ; adamas,
Latin.] The dittfnond, the moſt valuable
and harde'i of all the gems, is, when pure,
perfectly clear and pellucid as the juirell
water. The largeſt ever known is that in
the poireſſion of the great Mogul, which
weighs two hundred and ſeventy-nine carats,
and is computed to be worth ſeven
hundred and ſeventy-nine thouſand two
hundred and forty-four pounds.

DI'APASE. ſ. [JiaVa<4~v.] A chord including
all tones. Uper.fer.

DIAPA'hOM. ſ. [J;«Va{>Vv.] C-ajha-iv.

DrAPER. ſ. [diafrt, French ]
1. Lintn cloth woven in flb-wers, and other
figures. Spenſer.
2. A napkin. Shakʃpeare.

To DI AFER. v. a. [from the noun]
1. To variegate ; to djveifify. Hazuel,
2. To draw flowers upon deaths. Peacham.

DIAPKANE'ITY. ʃ. [from ^latf-avE/a, ]
T'anſparency ; pellucidneſs, Ray.

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DIAPHA'NICK. a. [hd and <}„.vSf. [
Tranſparent ; pellucid. Rakiah

DIA'PHANOUS. a. [}ii. and >{>a.vi;.] Tranſparent
; clear. Raleigh.

DIAPHORE'TICK. a. [hyip^r.r-.Ko;.] Sudoriſick
; promoting a perſpiration. Arbuthnot.

DI'APHRAGM. ʃ. [hda^^ayfju.]
1. The midriff which divides the upper ca-
vity of the body from the lower.
2. Any diviſion or partition which divides
a hollow body. Ti'ood^vard,

DIARRHOE'A. ʃ. [5<a7^o.«.] A flux of the

DIARRHOE'TICK. a. [from diarrhc^a'.]
Promoting the flux of the beliy ; foKuive ;
purgative. Arbuthnot.

DI'ARY. ʃ. [diarium, Latin.] An account
of every day; a journal. Tatler.

DIA'STOLE. ʃ. [hci,ro-hr.]
1. A figure in rhetorick, by which a ſhort
ſyllable is made long,
2. The dilati'.n of the heart. Ray.

DIA'STYLE. [?ia and ri'^oj a pillar.] A
ſort of edifice where the pillars fland at
juch a diſtancee from one another, that
three diameters of their thickneſs arc
allowed for intercolumraation. Harris.

DIATE'SSERON. ʃ. [of S'la and -rlcro-sja,
four.] An inter-.al in muſick, compoſed
of one greater tone, one leſſer, and one
greater femi- tone. Harris.

DIBBLE. ʃ. [from dirfel, Dutch.] A ſmall

DICA'CITY. ʃ. [dicacitns, Lat.] Pertneſs; laucineſs. DiS.

DI'BSTONE. ʃ. A little ſtone wfiich chill
dren throw at another i'lone, Locke.

DICE. ſ.The plural of J/f. See Die. Bentley.

To DICE. v.n. [from the noun.] To game
with dice. Shakʃpeare.

DICE-BOX. ʃ. [fl^/c^ and box.] The box
from whence the dice are thrown. Addiſon.

DI'CER. ʃ. [from dice.] A player at dire; a gameiler. Shakʃpeare.

DICH. ad. This word ſeems corruntc; from
dit for do it. Shakʃpeare.

DICHO'TOMY. ſ. [h-xpro.^U.] Dillributiqn
of ideas by p=iirs.

DI'CHER of Leather,
[dicra, low Lat.]
Ten hides. Diii.

To Dl'CTATE. v. a. [dia^, Latin.] To
del:ver to another with authority. Pope. .

Dl'CTATE. /. [ditYutum, Latin.] Rule or
maxim deliveied with authority. Prior.

DICTA'TION. ʃ. [from d;aate.] The afl
or practice of diſtating,

DICTATOR. ʃ. [Latin.]
1. A m-igrſhate of Rome made in times
of exigence, and invefled with abſolute auiho.
ity, ' WalLr.
2. One

S. One inveiled with abfo'ute autliority. Milton.
3. One whoſe credit or authority enables
liiin to diiectiItk: c(.ndact or tpiaion of
others. Locke.

DICTAT'ORIAL. a. [jKorf^ diEialor
'I Authoritative:
confident: dugrr.alicil.

DICTA'TORSHIP. ʃ. [froni dia^tor.]
1. The office of a diſtator. M''otton,
2. Authority ; inMent conſider-ce. Dryden.

DICTA'TURE. /- \_i':Batura, Latin.] The
office of a dictator.

DI'CTION. ſ. [diawn, Fr.] Stile ; language
; ex;ir<.flion. Dryden.

DI'CTIONARY. ʃ.: [daiorarium, Lat.]
A book containing the words of any language
; a vocabulary ; a word-book. Watts.

DID. of do. [t)ib, Sa>:on.] ,
1. The preterite of (fo. Shakʃpeare.
2. The ſign of the pieter-imperteſt tenfe. Dryden.
3. It is ſometimes uſed emphatically ^ as,
1 (/(£/r:a]ly love him.

DIDA'CTICAL. ? « [o'^.''' c ] Pre-

DIDA'CTION. ʃ. ceptive ; giving precepts:
as a didjBick poeai is a poem that gives
rules f>>r fume aiU ^'^a'-./,

DIDAPl'EE. 7. [from J^.] A biid tiut
dives into the watct.

DID.V.CALICK. o. [U.-.T^i-J-Xiiio;.] Preceptive
; rii. a:tk. Prior.
To Di'iJDhl.. f , a. [d'M^rn, Teut. zittern,
Germ.] To quake vulli cold ; to itiiv«r.
A provincial word. iiknindr.

DIDST. The ſecond perſon of the p.eter
tenfe of do. S.^eDiD. Dryden.

To DIE. -r. a. [B-'-S, Saxon.] To tinge ; to colour. Milton.

DIE. f. [from the verb.] Colour ; tiniluie; ſtain ; hue acquired. Ea.dn.

To DIE. ʃ. H. ['o.-d'oan, Saxoa.]
1. To Jofi lile ; 10 expire ; to paſs into
another ſtate of exiſtence. Sidney.
2. To pc-nCj by violence or diſeaſe. Dryden.
1. To be ptiniſhed with death. Ujmmond.
4. To be loll ; to penſh ; to come to nothing.
5. To finlc ; to faint. I -Saw.
6. rin theology.] To petifti everlaſtingly.
7. To languiſh with pleaſureor tenderneſs. Pope.
8. To vaniIT- Addiʃon.
9. [In the I'tile of lovers.] T^ languid
with affeſtion. I'mu'r.
ra. To wither as a vegetable. yobu,

II. To grow vapid, as liquor.
i;t£. ſ. i^\. di:e. [de, French.]
1. A fxnali cube, marked on its faces

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with niimbers from one to fix, which
ganneſters throw in play. South.
2. Hizird ; chjnce, Spenſer.
3. An, cubick body.

DIE. f. plur. </;<ri. The flamp uſed in coinage. Swift.

DI'ER. ʃ. [from die.'j One who follows the
trace i;f dying. U'alhr,

DIET. ʃ. [did'Hi, low Latin ; Ji'cura.]
1. F.'Od ; proviſions for the mouth ; v:<ctueIs. Raleigh.
2. Food regulated by the rules of medicine.

To DI'ET. 1-. a. [from the noun.]
1. To give.'o d f. Shakʃpeare.
2. To board ; to ſupply with diet.

To DI ET. v. n.
1. To eat by rules of phyſick-
2. To eat ; to feed. Rfi! on.

DI ET-DRINK. ſ. [diet in^ drink.] Medicated
liquors. Locke.

DI'ET. ʃ. [German.] An aſſembly of princes
or cliates. Raleigh.

DIETARY. fl. [from diet] Pertaining to
the rules of diet.

DI'ETER. ſ. [from ditt.] One who preſcribes
rules for eating. Shakʃpeare.

DIETE'TICAL. ʃ. /, [J<acn(T,;<^.] Relat-

DIETE'TICK. ʃ. ingtodiet; belonging to
the medicinal cautions about the uſe of
food. Arbuthnot.

To DIFFER. v.-n. [dffero, Latin.]
1. To be dillinguiſhed from ; to hrfve properties
and qualities not the fsm vtuh
thoſe of another. Addiſon.
1. To contend ; te be at variance. Rc-zve.
3. To be of a contrary opinien. Burnet.

DIFFERENCE. f. [diferentu, Latin.]
1. State of being diſtinct from ſomething. Hooker.
2. The quality by which one di/Fe-rs from
another. Raieigh.
3. The d ſproportion between one thing
a;:i another, Hayzi'ard.
4. Difuute ; dtbate ; quarrel. Sandys.
5. Diſtinction. Tillotſon.
6 Point in queſtion ; ground of controverſy.Shakʃpeare.
7. A I'lfjical diſhnſtion. Bacon.
1. Evidences of diſtinction ; difl'eiential
imrks. Davies.

To DIFFEREN'CE. v. a. To cauſe a dif-,
ference. Holder.

DIFFERENT. a. [from differ.]
1. Diſhnd; not the ſame. Addiſon.
2. Of many coutrary qual.ties. Fbiltps,
3. Unlike ; diſhm.lar.

DIFFERE'NTIAL Mf'i'£>^, confids in deſcending
from whole quantities to their infinitely
ſmall difterences, and comparing
to^ether theſs infinitely ſmall difterences,
of what kind forever they be. ' Harrlu


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DIT'FERENTLY. ad. [from difereſtt.] In
a eiid'e.tnt manner. Boyle.

DiFl-iaL. a. [r/jiclis, Latin.]
1. O.tticult ; haid ; not eaſy. Hudi'>ras.
2. Scrupulous. Bacon.

DIFFI'CILNESS. ʃ. [from diffcll.] D ffic.
il'v ſo be perſuaHed. Bacon.

DIFFICULT. a. [dfficiih, Latin.]
1. H.ud ; noteai- ; not facil. It is <//^.
cult in the eyes of this pe. pie. Zachar,
2. TifMiblef me ; vexatiius,
5. Har; to ple.fe ; pi-eviſh.

DIFFICULTLY .ad. [from diJicuU.] H=ir<l.
Iv ; with difficulty. Rogers.

DI'FFICULTY. ʃ. [from dificdii, French.]
1. Hardneſs ; contrariety to ealincCs. Rogers.
2. That which is hard to accompliſh. South.
3. Diſtreſs ; oppoſition. Dryden.
4. Pt-rp'exity in affdirs. yJddJ^n,
5. Oojtift on ; cavil. Swift.

To DIFFl'DE. v. r, [diffjo, Latin.] To
diffuill ; to hive no tonnoence in. Dryden.

DIFFIDENCE. ʃ. [i\^m difſide.] Diſtrult ;
waiic of confidence, Locke.

DI'FFIDENT. a. [from difjide-l Not confident ; not Certain. King Charles. Clarijfa.

To DIFFITCD. 1'. a. [otJF>ndoy Latin.] To
cleave in two,

DIFFi SSION. ʃ. [diffijfio, Latin.] The act
(1 cleaving.

DIFFLATION. ʃ. [diffijre, Latin.] The
act of (cattei ing With a blaſt <'f wind.

DI'FFLUi'NCE. ʃ. [fr-.m dtffljo, Lat.]

DI'FfLUENCy. I The quality of falling
away on all ſides. Brown.

DI'FFLUENT. a. [diffiuevs, Vii\n.] Flowing
evfiy way ; not fixed.

DIHORM. a. [i\om forma, Latin.] Coht
trary to uniform ; having parts of different
ſtruITture ; as a diſorm (lower, one of
which the leaves are unlike each other, Newton.

DIFFO'RMI FY. ſ. [from difform.] Diverlity
of form ; inegularicy ; dillimilitude.

DIFFRA'NCHISEMEN'T. ʃ. [franch je,
French.] The act vi taking away the
privil ges of a city.

To DIFFU'SE. v. a. [dtffufut, Lat.)
1. To pour out up.'n a plane. Burnet.
1. To ſpread ; to ſcattter. Milton.

DIFFU-'SE. a. [diffuj'us, Latin.]
li Scatered ; widely ſpread.
2. Copicus ; not concile.

DIFFUSED. f^-?. a. Wild, uncouth, irregular.Shakʃpeare.

DIFFUSEDLY. ad. [from difujcd.] Wide.
ly ; diſperfecily.

DIFFUSEDNESS. ʃ. [from dſyſcd.] The
&Hs of being diffuſed ; dil'perſwn.

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DIFFU'SELY. ad. [from d:f.fe.]
1 Wiaely ; extenfively.
4. C'lpiouſly; not concifely.

DIFFUSION. f. [from difi,fe.]
1. D ſperſion ; the ſtate of being ſcattered
every way. Boyle.
2. C ipioiiſneſs
; exuberance of nile.

DIFFU SIVE. a. [from df^f.]
1. Having the quality of ſcatterine any
thing every way. Dryden.
2. S<-.Attered ; diſperſed, South.
3. Er-ended ; in full extenſion. Milton.

DIFFU'SIVELY. ad. [from diffufiv.]
Widely ; exteriſively.

DIFFU'SIVENESS. ʃ. [from ///j7«Ai/^.]
1. Extenſion ; diſperſion.
1. Want of concifenef?. Addiſon.

To DIG. v. a. p.eter. dug, or d.'ggid; part.
p fl. d.g, or dggd [dyger, Daniſh.]
1. To pierce with a ſpade. Ezekiel.
2. To form by digging. PFbitgift,
3. To Cultivate the ground by turning it
with a ſpade. Temple.
4. To pierce with a ſharp point. Dryden.
; To gam by digging. Woodward.

To DIG. v. a. To work with a ſpade. jfob.

To DlGap. v. a. To thfcw up that which
is covered with esnh. Shakʃpeare.

DI'GEREVT. a. [dgerens, Latin.] That
wbi h has the po>^t-r of digclHrg.

DIGE'ST. ʃ. [dig.fta, Latin.] The pandeft
of the civil law. Bacon.

To DICE'S r. v. a. [d'gero. d'gefticm, Lat.]
1. To diſtribute into vari us chlfesorrepofitories; to range methodically.
2. To con^. ſt in the fiomach. Prior.
3. To ſoften by heat, as in a boiler : a
chemical term.
4. To range methedicaJly in the mind.
5. To reduce to any plan, ſcheme, or method.Shakʃpeare.
6. To receive without loathing ; not to
rejeifV. Prachem.
7. To receive and enjoy. Shakʃpeare.
8. [In chirurgery.] To diſpoſe a wound.
to j;enerate pus in order to a cure.

To DIGEST. v. n. To generate matter at
a wound.

DIGESTER. f. [from digej}.]
1. He that digeſts or concofts his fiod.
2. A ſtrong veſſel, wherein to boil, with
a veiy ſtrong heat, any bony ſubſtances, fo
as to rt-duce them into a fluid ſtate.
3. That which tauſes or ſtrengthens th«
conc'dtive power. Temflf.

DIGE'STIBLE. a. [from digeſt.] Capable
of being digeſted. Bacon.

DIGE'STION. ʃ. [homd<gefi.-\
1. The act of concofting food. Temple.
2. The preparation of matter by a chymical
heat. Blackmre.

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5. ReJuct)3n toa plan. Tewf'h.
4. The a<ct of diſpoling a wound to generate

DIGESTIVE. a. [from dgefl.l
1. Having the p 'Wer to cauſe digeflion. Brown.
2. Capable by heat to ſoften and fuudue. Hale.
-. Conſide rating ; metkcdiſing. Dryden.

DIGE'STIVE. ſ. laomdigeſt.] Anapphr
which diſpoſes a wound to generate
matter. W,fema„.
DiwG^R ʃ. [ from J-.] One that oeens
tl.e giound «ah a ſpade. B yl.

To DIGHT. v. a. [tihrin, to pvepjie,
Saxon. 1 To dreſs ; to deck ; toadnm.

DI'GIT. ʃ. [digitus, Latin.]
1. The meaſure of length containing three
fourths of an indi. ^V'^''
2. The twelfth part of the diameter of the
lun or monn.
9. Any of the numbers expvefled by fing'.e
tigures. ^.^

DI'( ITATED. a. [from <f'^?'ai, Latin.]
Branched cut into diviſions like fingers. Brown.

DIGLADIA'TION. ʃ. [dighdiatie, Latin.]
A combat with ſwords ; any quarrel.

DI'GNIFIED. ». [from dignify.] Iiv<;ft^d
with fimedinity. .T'^^'

DIGNIFICA'TION. ʃ. [from dignify.] Exalmtinn.

To DI'GNIFY. v. a. [from d gvui and Jaeio,
2. To advance; to prefer ; to exalt.
3. To honour ; to adorn. Eeti. Johnſo^.

DIGNITARY. f [ffowi dignut, L^un.] A
clergyman advanced to ſome dignity ; to
ſome tank above that of a parochial pneſt. Swift.

DI'GNITY. ʃ. [fl.^KiVai, Latin.]
1. Rank of elevation. //os/Yr.
2. Grandeur of mien. C/^/-'j7<i.
£. Advancement ; preferment ; high place.
^ Shakſp.arc.
A. [Among eccleſiaſticks.] That promotion
or p.eferment to which any jurildiction
is annexed. -y 'Jj'-'
r. M-ixims ; general principles. Brown.
g. [In aſtrology.] The planet JS in dignity
when it is in any ſign.

DIGNO'TION. ʃ. [from dignojco, Lat.]
Dilnnaion. ^''°'''-

To DIGRESS. v. a. [digreffus, Lat.]
1. To turn out of the rosd.
2. To depart from the main def.gn. Locke.
3. To wander ; to expatiate. Brenwood.
4. To tranſgreſs ; to deviate. Shakʃpeare.

DIGRESSION. o [dfgrrffio, Latin.]
1. A paſſ^te devifting Iro.-n the main tenour.

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2. Deviation. Bro^ait.

DIJUDICATION. ʃ. [dijudicatio, Latin.]
Jad^cial diftindlion.
Dii<.E. ſ. ['Die, Saxon.]
1. A channel to receive water. Popeo
2. A mound to hinder inundations.

To DILA'CERATE. 1;. a. [dibcero, Lat.]
To ti-ar ; to lend. Brozvti,

DILACERA'TION. ʃ. [from dilaceratio.
Latin.] The act of rendong in two. Arbuthnot.

To DILA'NIATE. v. a. [dihnio, Latin.]
To ruin ; to throw down.

DILAPIDATION. ʃ. [(i/;a;./Wij//e, Latin.]
The incumbent's ſuffering any edifices of
his eccleſiaftical living, to go to luin or decay. Ayliffe.

DILATABI'LITY. ſ.[from dJataile.] The
quality of admitting extenſion. Mtiy.

DILATABLE. a. [tiom dUaie.] Capable
of exteniion. Arbuthnot.

DILATATION. ʃ. [from dilatatio, Lat.]
1. The act of extending into greater ſpace. Holder.
2. The ſtate of being extended. Newton.

To DILATE. ʃ. a. [diijto, Latin.]
1. To extend ; to ſpread out. WaUei-i
2. To relate at large; to tell diffuſely and
copiouſly. Shakʃpeare.

To DILATE. v. n.
1. To widen ; to grow wide. Addiſon.
2. To ſpeak largely and copiouſly. Claren,

DIL.ATOR. ʃ. [from d<late.] That which
widens or extends. Arbuthnot.

DI'LATORINESS. ʃ.[from dilatory.] Slownefi
; ſtupgiſhneſs.

DI'LATORY. a. [diIateire,'Fitmh.]TzT.
dy ; flow ; fluggiſh. Hayward, Otway.

DILE'CTION. y. [diUaio, Latin.] The
act of loving. Boyle.

DILEMMA. ſ.[llUfxfjat.]
1. An argument equally concluſive by contrary
ſuppoſitions. Cowley,
2. A difficult or doubtful choice. Pope. .

DI'LIGENCE. ʃ. [diligcneia, Latin.] Induſtry
; alfiduity : the contrary to idleneſs.
i 2 Pet.

DI'LIGENT. a. [di/igei:s, Lat.]
1. C'lnfiant in application ; perfevering in
endeavour ; aſſiduous ; not hzy. Proi\
2. Conftantly applied ;
proſtcuted with
activity, Deuteronomy.

DI'LIGENTLY. ad. [from diligent.] With
alliduiiy ; with heed and perfeveiance. Dryden.

DILL. ʃ. [We, Saxon.]

DILU'CID. a. [diucidui, Latin.]
1. Cleat; plain; not opaque.
2. Clear ; plain ; not obſcure.

To DILU'CIDATE. v. a. [from dilucidare,
Latin.] To make clear or plain ; to explain. Brown.

DILUCIDA'TION. ʃ. [from ditudJatto.]
The act of making clear.

DILUENT. a. [Jiluent, Latin.] Having
the power to thin other matter.

Di'LUENT. ʃ. [from the adjeilive.] That
which thins other matter. Arbuthnot.

To DILUTE. v. a. [diiuo, Latin.] 1. To make thin. Locke.
2. To make weak. Newton.

DlLU/fER. ʃ. [from dilute.] That which
makes any thing eliz thin. Arbuthnot.

DILUTION. f. \_dilutio, L,t.] The act of
making any thing thin or weak. Arbuth.

DILU'VIAN. a. [from ^;V«w«m, Lat.] Relating
to the deluge. Burntt.

DIM. a. [bimme, Saxon.]
1. Not having a quick fight. Davies.
2. Dull of apprehenſion. Rogers.
3. Not clearly ſeen ; obſcure. Locke.
4. Obſtruding the act of viſion ; not luminous. Spenſer.
To DlM. i;. a. [from the adjective.]
1. To cloud ; to darken. Locke.
2. To make leſs bright ; to ohfcme, Spenſ.

DIME'NSION. ʃ. [diwenjio, Latin.] Space
contained in any thing ; bulk ; extent ; capacity. Dryden.

DIMENSIONLESS. a. [from dimenſion.]
Without any definite bulk. Riiltor,,

DEME'NSIVE. a. [dime/ifus, Latin.] That
which marks the boundaries or outlmes. Davies.

DIMICATION. ʃ. [dimicJth, Latin.] A
battle ; the act of fighting. Dict.

DIMIDIATION. ʃ. [dinidiatio, Lat.] The
act of halving. D:d,

To DIMINISH. ʃ. a. [ditnlnuo, Latin.]
1. To make leſs by abſciſſion or deſtruction
of any part. Locke.
2. To impair ; to leſſen ; to degrade. Mil.
3. To take any thing from that to which
it belongs : the contrary to add. D^ut.

To DIMI NISH. v. n. To prow leſs ; to
be impaired. Dryden, Pope. .

DIMI'NISHINGLY. ad. [from dimimjh.]
In a manner tending to vihfy. Locke.

DIMINUTION. ʃ. [d.mniutio, Latin.]
1. The act of making leſs. Hooker.
2. The ſtate of growing leſs. Newton.
3. Diſcredit ; loſs of dignity. Philips.
4. Deprivation of dignity ; injury of reputation. King Charles.
5. [la architecture.] The contraction
of a diameter of a column, as it aſcends.

DIMI'NUTIVE. a. [diminutivus, Latin.]
Small ; little. South.

DIMI'NUTIVE. ʃ. [from the adiective.]
1. A word formed to expreſs littleneſs ; as
tiianiken, in Engliſh a little man. Cotton.
2. A ſmall thing. Shakʃpeare.

DIMI'NUTIVELY. ad. [from dimmuthe.]
In a diiLiflutive manner,

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DIMI'NUTIVENESS. ʃ. [from d:mi,!utive.].-
Smalneſs ; littleneſs ; pettyneſs.

DI'MISH. a. [from J;..] Somewhat dim. Swift.

DI'MISSORY. a. [dlmijfurhs, L.tm.- ]
That by which a man is dilmJlied tcj another
junfcliſtion. Ayliffe.

DIMITY. ʃ. A fine kind of fufti.n, or
cloth of cotton. Wiſeman.

DI'MLY. a. [from dim.]
1. Not With a quick I'ght ; net with a
clear perception. Milton.
1. Not brightly ; not luminouny. Boyle.

DI'MNESS. ʃ. [from d:m.]
1. Dulneſs of ſight.
2. Want of apprehenſion ; ſtupidity. Decay of piety.

DI'MPLE. ʃ. [dint, a hole; dimk, a litile
hole. Skmrtr.] Cavity or depieHiun in the
cheek or chin. Grew.

To DI'MPLE. v. V. [from the noun.] T ;
ſink in ſmall cavities. Dryden.

DI MILLED. a. [from dimph.] Set with
diaiples. Shakſpeare.

DIMPLY. a. \fio\Ti dimple.] Full of dim.-
P'cf. J-yianon.

DIN. f. [tyn, anoiſe. Sax.] A loud noiſe ; a violent and continued found. Smith.

To DIN. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſtun With noile. Otway.
2. To impieſs with violent ^^4i continued
fe. Swift.

To DINE. v. n. [diner^ French.] To eat
the chief meal about the middle of the day. Clarendon.

To DINE. v. a. To give a dinner to ; to
feed. Dryden.

DINETICAL. a. [Jiv.l.xJj.] Whirling
round ; vertiginous, Ray.

To DING. v. a. pret. dung. [driuaen,
1. To daſh with violence.
2. To impreſs with force.

To DING. v. n. To blulter ; to bounce ; to huff. Arbuthnot.

DING-DONG. ʃ. A word by which the
found of bells is imitated. Shakʃpeare.

DI'NGLE. ʃ. [from oen, a hollow.' ] A
hollow between hills. Milton.

DINING-ROOM. ſ.]dir,e7^rA ro-,n.] The
principal apartment of the houſe. Taylor.

DI'NKER. ʃ. [<//wr, French.] The chief
mea! ; the meal eaten about the rriiddl?
of the day, Taylor.

DINNER-TIME. ʃ. [dinner and iimc] The
time of dining. Pope.

DINT. ʃ. [ty.t, Saxon.]
1. A blow ; a ſtroke. Milton.
2. The mark made by a blow. D'-cde?!,
3. Violence; force ; power. jldavir.

To DINT. v. a. [from the r.uun.] Tu
ir.ark with a cavity by a blow. D'jme.

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DINUMERA'TION. ʃ. [dwumeratlo, Lat.]
The act of numbering out ſingly.

DIOCESAN. ʃ. [from dioceſs.] A birtiop
as he ſtands related to his oven clergy or
flock. Tacler.

DI'OCESS. ʃ. [d'ceceji'.] The circuit of
every biſhop's junfdi>;1ii>n. Cciu l.Whiig,tft.

DIOPTRICAL 7 / [^liipV' ] Afford-

DIOPTRICK. ʃ. ing a medium for the
fight ; sirifting the fight in the view of
diſtant ohj.-as. ^'''

DIO'PTRICKS. ʃ. A part of opticks,
treating of the different refractions of the
light. Havii.

DIORTHRO'SIS. ʃ. [Jjo'j^f-ws-i?.] An
operation by which crooked members are
made even. Hur'is.

To DIP. ʃ. ſ. particip. diſped, or di^.
[Bi par. Sax. dcofi:/!, D^tch.]
1. To immerge ; to put into any liquor.
2. To moiſten ; to wet. Milton.
1. To be engaged in any affair. Dryden.
4. To engage as a pledge. Dryden.

To DIP. v. 7!.
1. To link ; to immerge. L'Eſtrange.
2. To enter ; to pierce. Granville.
3. To enter ſlightly into any thing. Pope. .
4. To drop by chance into any maſs ; to
chuſe by chance.

DI'PCHICK. ʃ. [from ip and chiei.] The
name of « bird. Caretv.

DIPE'TALOUS. a. [ik and ishaXov.]
Having two flower-leaves.

DIPPER. ʃ. [from t/i/.] One that dips in
the water.

DI'PPING Needle. ſ. A device which ſhows
a particular property of the magnetick
needle. -P/.;/,/,.

DIPHTHONG. ʃ. [Ji'4>aovy^.] A coalition
of two vowels to form one found ; as, vain, leaf, Cafar. Holder.

DI'PLOE. ʃ. The inner plate or lamina of
the ſkull.

DIP'LOMA. ʃ. [JiirXcDiua.] A letter cr
writing conferring ſome privilege.

DIPSAS. ʃ. [from J4c«.] A ſerpent
whoſe bite produces unquenchable thirſt. Milton.

DI'PTOTE. ʃ. [JtwJtJIa.] A noun conſiſting
of two cafes only. Clari.

DI'PTYCH. ʃ. [Jlptyiha, Lat.] A regifter
of biſhops and martyrs. SStillingfleet.

DIRE. a. [dirui, Lat.] Dreadful; dilmal ; mourntul ; horrible. Milton.

DIRECT. a. [dir^Ruf, Latin.]
1. Strait, not crooked.
2. Not oblique. Berkley.
g. [In aſtronomy ] Appearing to an eye
in earth to move progreffively through the
zodiack, not retrcgade. Dryden.
4. Not collectet»l.

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5. Apparently tending to fom. ^nd. Sidney. Lor)u>
6 Open ; not ambiguous. Bacon.
7. P.ain ; expreſs.

To DIRE'CT. v. a. [<//r.^,w, Latin.]
1. To aim iri a ſtrant line. Pope.
2. To point agjifift as a mark. Dryden.
3. To regulate ; to adjuſt. Ecclus,
4. To preſcribe certain meaſure ; to mark
out a certain courſe. ^ob'
5. To order; to command.

DIRE'CTER. ʃ. [dirffior, Latin.]
1. One that directs.
2. An inſtrument that ſerves to guide any
manuTJ operation.

DIllECnON. ʃ. [direBio, Latin.]
1. Ami at a certain point. Smalridge.
2. Motion impreſſed by a certain impulfe. Locke.
3. Older ; command ; preſcription. Hooker.

DIRE CTIVE. a. [f.um derea.]
1. Having the power of direction. Bramhall.
2. Informing ; ſhowing the way. Thomſon.

DIRE'CTLY. ad. [from Jm<S ]
1. In a ſtrant line ; reſtiiineally. Dryden.
2. Immediately ; apparently ; without circumlocution. Hooker.

DIRE'CTNESS. ʃ. [from direct.] Straitneſs
; tendency to any point ; the nearell
way. bei.lify,

DIRE'CTOR. ʃ. [direRo', Latin.]
1. One that has authority over others ; a ſuperintendent. Swf:.
2. A rule ; an ordinance. Swift.
3. An inſtructor. Hooker.
4. One who is confulted in cafes of conſcience. Dryden.
5. An inſtrument in furgery, by whih the
hand is guided in its operation, Sharf.

DIRE'CTORY. ʃ. [from director.] The
book which the fjiſhous preachers publiſhed
in the rebellion for the direction of
their fett in afls of worſhip.
Oxford Reajons againſt the Covenant,

DI'RErUL. a. Dire; drtadiul. Pope. .

DI'RENESS. ʃ. [from diri.] Difms-lneſs ; horror ; hideouſneſs. Shakʃpeare.

DIRE'PTION. ʃ. [direptlo, Latin.] The
act of plundering.

DIRGE. ʃ. A mournful ditty ; a ſong of
lamentation. Sandys.

DIRK. ʃ. [an Earſe word.] A kind of
dagger. TickdU

To DIRKE. v. a. To ſpoil ;, to ruin. Spenſer.

DIRT. ʃ. [dryt, Dutch.]
1. Mud; filth; mire. Wake.
2. Meanneſs ; ſordidneſs.

To DIRT. v. a. [from the noun.] T«
fo'jJ ; to bemirci Swift.


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DI'RTPIE. ʃ. [dirt andz-iV.] Forms mcuWed
by children of clay. Suckling.

DI'RTILY. ad. [from dirfy.]
1. Naſtily ; fouſly ; filthily.
2. Meanly ; ſordidly ; ſhamefully. Donne.

DIRTINESS. ʃ. [from dirty.]
1. Naſtineſs ; filthineſs ; touſneſs.
2. Meanneſs ; bafeneſs ; ſordidneſs.

DIRTY. a. [from dirf.]
1. Foul; nafty ; fiithy. Shakʃpeare.
2. Sullied ; not elegant. Locke.
3. Mean; bale; deſpicable. Taylor.

To DI RTY. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To foul; to foil. Arbuthnot.
2. To diſgrace ; to ſcandalize.

DIRU'PTION. ʃ. [d'r„[>t,o, Lat.]
1. The act of burſting, or breaking.
2. The ſtate of burſting, or breaking,

DIS. An inſeparable particle, implying commonly
a privative or negative fagnifica:ion ; as, to arm, to difjr'n.

DISABI'LITY. ʃ. [from diſible.]
1. Want of power to do any thing ; weakneſs. Raleigh.
2. Want of proper qualifications fir any
purpoſe ; legal impediment. Sicfr.

To DISA'BLE. v. a. [du zr.d able.]
1. To deprive of natural force. Davies, Taylor.
2. To impair ; to diminiſh. Shakʃpeare.
3. To make unactive. Temple.
4. To deprive of uſefulneſs or ofncacv. Dryden.
5. To exclude as wanting proper qualifications. Wotton.

To DISABU'SE. v. a. [dii and abuſe.] To
ſet free from a miſtake ; to ſet right ; to
undeceive. Glanville. frailer,

DISACCOMMODA'TION. ʃ. [dis and accommodation.]
The Hate of being unfit
or unprepared. Hale.

To DISaCCU STOM. v. a. [dii and ac-
Ciiſton?.] To dertroy the force of habit
by difuſe or contrary pracctice,

DISACQUAINTANCE. ʃ. [dis and ac
quaintance.~^ Dilul: of familiarity. South.

1. Loſs ; injury to intereſt ; as, he fold
to diſadvantage.
2. Diminution of any thing deſirable, as
credit, ſame, honour. Dryden.
3. A ſtate not prepared for defence. Spenſer.

To DISADVA'NTAGE. v. a. To injure
in intereſt of any kind. Decay of piety.

DISADVA'NTAGEABLE. a. [from diſadvantage
1. Contrary to profit ; producing
loſs. Bacon.

DISADVANTA'GEOUS. a. [from diſadvantage.'.
Contrary to intereſt ; contrary
to convenience. Addiʃon.

DISADVAVTA'GEOUSLY. ad. [from dif.
advantageous.] ; In a manner contrary to
intereſt or profit. Government of the Tongue.

riety to profit; inconvenience.

DISADVE NTUROUS. a. Unhappy ; improſperou.-!. Spenſer.

To DISAFFE'CT. v. a. To fill with dif.
content ; to diſcontent. Clarenden.

DISAFFE'CTED. fart. a. Not diſpoſed to
zaal or affedlion. Stillingfleet.

DISAFFE'CTEDLY. ad. After a diſaffeded

DISAFFE'CTEDNESS. ʃ. [from dif>fefled.]
The quality of being diſaffected.

DISAFFE'CTION. ʃ. Want of zeal for
the reigning prince. Swift.

DISAFFIRMANCE. ſ.Confutation; negation, Hale.

To DISAFFO'REST. v. a. [dii and/or^/?.]
To throw open to common purpoſes, from
the privileges of a foreſt. Bacon.

To DI'^AGRE'E. 1/, «, [dis and agree,!
1. To difl'er ; not to be the ſame, Locke.
2. To differ ; not to be of the ſame opinion. Dryden.
3. To be in a ſtate of oppoſition. Brown.

DISAGREE'ABLE. a. [from diſagree.]
1. Contrary; unſuitable. Pope.
2. Unpleaſing ; offenſive. Locke.

DISAGREE ABLENESS. ʃ. [from ^iifagreeable..
1. Unſuitableneſs ; contrariety.
2. Unpleaſantneſs ; offenſiveneſs. South.

DISAGREEMENT. ʃ. [from diſagree.]
1. Difference ; diſhmiJitude ; owerfity ;
not identity. Woodward.
2. Difference of opinion. Hooker.

To DISALLOW. v. a. [dis and a/^w.]
1. To deny authority to any. Dryden.
2. To conſider as unlawful, Hooker.
3. To cenſure by ſome poſteriorafl. Swift.
4. Not to juſtify. South.

To DISALLO'W. v. a. To refuſe permiſſion
; not to grant. Hooker

DIS ALLOWABLE, a, [from diſallow.]
Not allowable.

DISALLO'WANCE. ʃ. Prohibition. South.

To DISA'NCHOR. v. a. [from dis and an.
chor.] To drive a ſhip from its anchor.

To DISANIMATE. v. a. [dis and animate.l
1. To deprive of life.
2. To diſcourage ; to deject, Boyle.

DISANIMATION. ʃ. [from diſanimate.]
Privation of life. Brown.

To DISANNU'L. v. a. To annul ; to deprive
of authority ; to vacate. Herbert.

DISANNU'LMENT. ʃ. [from dtjannul.l
The act of making void.

To DISAPPEAR. v. n. [diſparoltre, Fr.]
To be loft to view; to vaniſh out of fight. Milton.

To DISAPPO'INT. v... [diszDdaf>f$int.2
To defeat of expeilation ; to balk,

to I s

IMSAPPO'INTMENT. ʃ. [from dif:ippowt.]
Defeat of hopes} mifcarriage of expectations.

DISAPPROBATION. ʃ. [diisUaſpn^bation..
CenfMie ; condemnation. Pope. .

To DISAPPRO'VE. v. a. [diſapprover , Fr.]
To diſhke ; to cenfi)re. Pope. .
riSARD. ſ. [fejps. Saxon.] A prattler ;
a bojfting talker.

To DISA'^(M. v. a. [dejanner, Fr.] To
ſpoil or diveti of arms. Dryden.

To DISARRA'Y. v. a. [dis and array.]
To undrdls any one. Spenſer.

DISARRAY. f. [from the verb.]
1. Diſorder ; confuſion. Hayward.
2. Undreſs.

DISA'STER. ʃ. [de/aſtre, Fr.]
1. The blaA or ſtroke of an unfavourable
planet. Shakʃpeare.
2. Misfortune ; grief ; miſhap ; m.ferv. Pope. .

To DISA'STER. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To blaſt by an unfavourable ſtar. Sidney.
2. To afflict ; to miſchief. Shakʃpeare.

DISA'STROU-S. a. [from diſajier.]
1. Unlucky ; not fortunate. Hayward.
2. Unhappy ; calamitous ; miſerable. Denham,
3. Gloomy ; threathing misfortune. Milton.

DISA'STROUSLY. ad. [from diſajirouu]
In a diſmal manner.

DISA'STROUSNESS. ʃ. [from diſajitous.]
Unluckineſs ; unfortunateneſs.

To DISAVOU'CH. !>. a. To retract profeſſion
; to dilown. Daniel.

To DISAVO'W. v. a. To diſown ; to deny
knowledge of. ſhyivſtrd,

DISAVO'WAL. ʃ. [from diſavow.] Da-
nial. Oariff'a.

DISAVO'WMENT. ʃ. [from dtjawiv,']
Denial. Wotton.

To DISAU'THORISE. v. a. [dh and au.
Iconje ; To deprive of credit or autho-
rity. Wotton.

To DISBA'ND. v. a. [dis and band.]
1. To diſmiſs from military ſervice. Knolles.
2. To ſpread abroad ; to ſcatter. Woodward.

To DISBA'ND. v. n. To retire from military
ſervice. Clarendon. Thomſon.

To DISBA'RK. v. a. [deharquer, Fr.] To
land from a ſhip. Fairfax.

DISBELIEF. ʃ. [from dnhflieve.] Refuſal
of credit ; rieiiial of belief. Ti.'lo.'jon.

To DISBELI'EVE. v. a. [dis and believe.]
Not to credit ; not to hold due. hiawmond,

DISBELIEVER. ʃ. One whj refuſes belief. Watts.

To DISBE'NCH. v. a. To drive from a
fcil. Si.^hfl'cart,

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To DISBRA'NCH. v. a. [dn and hanch.]
To ſep^rate or break off. Evelyn.

To DISBUD. nj. a. [With gardeners.] T.> take
awby the ſprigb newly put forth. DiH.

To DISBU RDEN. ni. a. [dis and burden.]
1. To eaſe of a burden ; to unload. Milton.
2. To diſencumber, diſcharge, or clear. Hale.
3. To throw off a burden. Addiſon.

To DISRURDEN. v. a. To eaſe the mind.

To DISBU'RSE. v. a. [debourſer, Fr.] To
ſpend or lay out money. Spenſer.

DISBU'RSEMENT. ʃ. [debourſement , Fr.]
A f1:sbiirſing or laying out. Spenſer.

DISBU'RSER. ʃ. [from disburſ:.] One chac

DISCA'LCEATED. a. [diſcalceatus, Lat.]
Stripped of ſhoes.

DISCALCEA' I ION. ſ. [from diſcakeated ]
The act of pulling off the ſhocs. Brown.

To DISCA'NDY. v. 71. [from dis and candy ]
To diſſolve ; to melt. Shakʃpeare.

To DISCARD. v. a. [dis and card.]
1. To throvif out of the liand futh cards
as are uſeleſs.
2. To diſcharge or eject from ſervice or
employment. Swift.

DISCA'RNATE. a. [dis and caro, fle;'h ;
Jcarnate, Ita!.] Stripped of fleſh. Glanville.

To DISCA'SE. v. a. To ſtrip ; to undreſs.Shakʃpeare.

To DISCE'RN. v. a. [diſcerno, Lat.] 1. To deſcry ; to fee. Proverbs.
2. To judge ; to have knowledge of. Sidney.
3. To diftingniſh. Boyle.
4. To make the difference between. Ben. Johnſon.

To DISCE'RN. -y. n. To make diſtinction. Hayward.

DISCE'RNER. ʃ. [from di[cern.]
1. DlTcoverer ; he that deſcries. Shakſp.
2. Judge ; one that has the power of diſtinguiſh
np. Clarendon.

DISCE'RNIBLE. a. [from diſeem.] Dacoverable
; perceptible ; diſtinguiſhable ; apparent. y>o:uh.

DISCE'RNIBLENESS. ʃ. [from diſce>wb/e.]

DISCERNIRLY. ad. [from diſcernible. 1
Pr-rceutihly ; apparently. Hammond.

DISCE'RNING. fart. a. [from diſeem.'.
fiidicio'is ; knowing. Atterbury.

DISCERNINGLY. ad. Judiciouſly ; rationally
; arntely. Garth.

DISCERNMENT. ʃ. [from <//,rf.rM.] Judgment
; power of diſtinguiſhing. FreeHolder.

To DISCE RP. v. a. [diſcerfo, Lat.] To
tear in pieces.

DISCE'Ri'TIBLE. a. [from diſ}erp.] Frangible
; ffPJrabJe. Ayliffe.

DISCERPTIBI'LITY. ʃ. [from diſarptible.]
Liableneſs to be deſtroyed by difunioii of

DISCERPTION. ʃ. [from diſcerp.] The
act of pulling to pieces.

To DISCHA'RGE. v. a. [d [charger, Fr.]
1. To diſburden ; to exonerate. Dryden.
2. To unload ; to diſembark. Kings.
3. To give vent to any thing ; to let fly. Dryden.
4. To let off a gun. Knolles.
5. To clear a debt by payment. Locke.
6. To ſet free from obligation. L'Eſtrange.
7. To clear from an accuſation or crime ; to abſolve. Locke.
8. To perform ; to execute. Dryden.
9. To put away ; to obliterate; to deſtroy. Bacon.
10. To divert of any office or employment.

II. To diſmiſs ; to releaſe. Bacon.

To DISCHARGE. v. n. To diſmiſs itſelf; to break up. Bacon.

DISCHA'RGE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Vint ; explofion ; emiſſion. Woodward.
2. Muter vented. Sharp.
3. Difruption ; evaneſcence. Bacon.
4. Difmiſſion from an office.
5. Releaſe from an obligation or penalty. Milton.
6. A folution from a crime, South.
7. Ranſom ; price of ranfom. Milton.
S. Performance; execution. L'Eſtrange.
9. An acquittance from a debt.
10. Exemption ; privilege. Eccius,

DISCHA'RGER. ʃ. [from diſcharge.]
1. He that diſcharges in any manner.
2. He that fires a gun. Brown.

DISCINCT. a. [diſci>:aus, Latin.] Ungirded
; looſely dreflect. DiSi.

To DISCI'ND. v. a. [diſcindo, Lat.] To
divide; to cut in pieces. Boyle.

DISCI'PLE. ʃ. [diſci(>ulus, Lat.] Afcholar. Hammond.

To DISCI'PLE. v. a. To puniſh ; to diſcipline. Spenſer.

DISCI'PLESHIP. ʃ. [from diſdple.] the
ſtate or function of a diſciple. Hammond.

DI'SCIPLINABLE. a. [dtjcipUnabilis, Lat.]
Capable of inlhuſtion.

DI'SCIPLINABLENESS. ʃ. [from \diſciſh--
nal>!e.] Capacity of inſtruction. Hal-.

DISCIPLINA'RIAN. a. [from diſcipline.]
Pertaining to diſcipline. Granville.

1. One who rules or teaches with great
2. A follower of the preſtiyterian fectV, fo
called from their clamour about diſcipline.

DI'SCIPLINARY. a. [diſdplina, Latin.]
Pertaining to diſcipline. Milton.

DISCIPLINE. ſ. [d:/cicti»a, Lat.]

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1. Education; inſtruction ; the act of cultivating
the mind. Bacon.
2. Rule of government ; order. Hooker.
3. Military regulation. Shakʃpeare.
4. A ſtate of ſubjection. Rogers.
5. Any thing taught; art; ſcience. miiins.
6. Puniſhment ; chaſtiſement ; corredtion. Addiſon.

To DI'SCIPLINE. 1;. a.
1. To educate; to inſtruct ; to bring up. Addiſon.
2. To regulate ; to keep in order. Denham.
3. To puniſh ; to correſt ; to chaſtiſe.
4. To reform ; to redrels. Milton.

To DISCLAIM. v. a. [dls and claim.] Ta
difown ; to deny any knowledge of. Shakʃpeare, Rogers.

DISCLATMER. ʃ. [from diſcUim.] One
that diſclaim?, diſowns, or renounces.

To DISCLO SE. v. a.
1. To uncover; to produce from a ſlate
of latitancy to open view, Woodward.
2. To hatch ; to open. Bacon.
3. To reveal ; to tell. Addiſon.

DISCLOSER. f. [from diſcloje.] One that
reveals or diſcovers.

DISCLO SURE. ʃ. [from diſcloſe]
1. Dlcovery ; pr-duſtion into view. Bacon.
2. Ad of revealing any ſecret. Bacon.

DISCOLOR A'TION. ʃ. [from diſcokur.]
1. The act of changing the colour; {he
act of fl:.lining,
2. Change of colour ; ſtain ; die. Arbuthnot.

To DISCO'LOUR. v. a. [dccoloro, Latin.]
To change from the natural hue ; to ſtain. Temple.

To DISCO'MFIT. v. a. [defconfre, Fr.]
To defeat ; to conquer; to vanquiſh, Philips.

DISCO'MFIT. ʃ. [from the verb.] Defeat
; rout ; overthrow. Milton.

DISCOMFITURE. ʃ. [from di^mfit.]
Defeat; loſs of battle; rout; overthrow. Atterbury.

DISCO'MFORT. ʃ. [dis and comfort.] Uneaſineſs
; ſorrow ; melancholy ; gloom, Shakʃpeare.

To DISCOMFOR.T. v. a. To grieve ; to
fadiltn ; to deject. Sidney.

DISCOMFORTABLE. <z. [from iifcomfort.]
1. One that is melancholy and refuſes
comfort. Shakʃpeare.
2. That cauſes ſadneſs. Sidney.

To DISCOMME'ND. v. a. To blame; to
ce ifure. Denham.

DISCOMME'NDABLE. a. Blameable ;
ccnfnrable. Ayliffe.

; liableneſs to cenſure,

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DISCON\^ENIENCE./, Incongruity; diſproach
; cenſure. ylyhffc, agfemern. B>amhall.

DISCOMME'NDER. ʃ. One that diicom- DISCORD. ſ. [diſco,dia, h-M.]
Diſagreement ; oppofitun ; mutual an-

To DISCOMMO'DE. v. a. To put to inconvenience
; to moleft.

DISCOMMO'DIOUS. a. Inconvenient ; trouhl'iime. iSpenſer.

DISCOMMO'DITY. ʃ. [nconvenience ; di!advintage ; hurt. Bacon.

To DISCOMPOSE. v. a. [decompoſer, Fr.]
1. To diſorder ; to unſettle. Clarenden.
2. To ruffle ; to diforder. Swift.
3. To diſturb th;' temper. Dryden.
4. To iiftend ; to fret ; to vex. Swift.
5. To diſplici ; to diſcard. Bacon.

DISCOMPO'SURE. ʃ. [from diſioitipofi.]
Diſorder ; pcrtvtfbation, Clarend'jn.

To DISCONCE'RT. v. a. [dis and concert.]
To unſettle the mind ; to d:fcompoſe. Collier.

DISCONFO'RMITY. ʃ. Want of agreement. Hakewell.

DISCONGRU'ITY. ʃ. Diſagreement ; inconſiſtency. Hale.

DISCO'NSOLATE. a. Without comfort; hopei fs ; ſorrowful. Milton.

DISCO'NSOLATELY. ad. In a diſconfolate
manner ; c ^mfo-tleſly.

DISCO'NSOLATENESS. ʃ. The ſtate of
b? g dilconfolate.

DISCONTE'NT. ʃ. Want of content ; uneaſineſs
: t'le preſent ſtate. Pope.

DISCONTE N r. a. Uneaſy at the preſent
DISCO VERER. ſ. [from diſco'Oer.]
ger. Shakʃpeare.
2. Difference, or contrariety of qualities. Dryden.
3. [In mufick.] Sounds not of themſelves
pleaſing, but neceſſary to be mixed
with others. Peacham.

To DISCORD. v. ». [di'cordo, Lat.] To
diſagree ; not to ſuit with. Bacon.

DISCO'RDANCE. ʃ. [from diſcord.] Dif-

DISCO'RDANCY. % agreement ; oppoſition ; inconſiſlency.

DISCO'RDANT. a. [dfordjfii, Lat.]
1. Inconſiſtent ; at variance with itſelf. Dryden.
2. Oppoſite ; contrarious. Cheyne.
3. Incongruous ; not conformable. Hale.

DISCORDANTLY. ad. [flom diſcordant.]
1. I/iconſiſteatiy ; in diſagreement with itſelf.
2. In diſagreement with another. Boyle.
3. Peeviſhly ; in a contradictious manner.

To DISCO'VER. v. a. [defcouvrir, Fr.]
1. To ſhow ; to diſcloſe ; to bring to
light. Shakʃpeare.
2. To make known. Ifgiub.
3. To iind out ; to efoy. Pope. .

DISCO'VERABLE. a. [from diſcwer.]
1. That which may be found out. Watts.
2. Apparent ; expoſed to view. Berkley.
ſtate ; diſatisfied. Hayward.

To DISCONTE'NT. v. a. [from the noun.]
To diſſatisfy ; to make uneaſy. Dryden.

DISCONTE'N 1 ED. faruclp. a. Un=afy ; chearleſs ; malevolent. Tillotlon.

DISCONTE'NTEDNESS. ſ. Unsaſneſs ; want of eaſe. Addiʃon.

DISCONTE'NTMENT. ʃ. [from diſcontent.]
The ſtate of being diſcontenied. Bacon.

DISCONTI'NUANCE. ʃ. [from diſcontinue.]
1. Want of cohefion of parts ; diſruption. Bacon.
2. Ceflation ; intermiſſion. Atterbury.

DISCONTINUA'TION. ʃ. [from diſcmlinue.]
Difruption of continuity ; diſruption
; ſeparation, ]SleiL-ton.

To DISCONTI NUE. v. ti. Idiſcominuer,
1. To loſe the cohefion of parts. Bacon.
One that finds any thing not known
before. Arbuthnot.
2. A ſcout ; one who is put to deſcry the
enemy. Shakʃpeare.

DISCO VERY. ſ. [from diſcover.]
1. The act of linding any thing hidden. Dryden.
2. The act of reveifting or diſcloſing any
ſecret. ISouth.

To DISCOU'N.:EL. 1: a. [dis and counfei]
To diffuadc ; to give contrary advice. Spenſer.

DISCOU'NT. ʃ. The fum refunded in a
bargain. Swift.

To DISCOU'NT. v. a. To count back ; to pay bick again. Swift.

1. To diſcourage by cold treatment. Clarendon.
2. To abaft) ; to put to ſtjame. Milton.
2. To loſe an eftabliſhed or prefcnptive

DISCOU'NTENANCE. ſ.Cold treatment ;

1. To leave off ; to ceaſe any practice or
habit. Bacon.
2. To break off; to interrupt. IJold,r,

DISCONTINUITY. ʃ. Difunity of parts; want of cohefion. Newton. Jeremiah. unfriendly regard. Clarenden.

DISCOU'NTENANCER. ʃ. One that diſcourages
by cold treatment. Bacon.

To DISCOU'RAGE. v. a. [decourager, Fr.]
1. To depreſs ; to deprive of confidence. King Charles.

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2. To deter ; to fright from any attempt.

DISCOU'RAGER. ʃ. [from diſcourage.]
One that impreſſes difſidence and terror. Pope. .

DISCOU'RAGEMENT. ʃ. [from diſcourage.]
1. The act of deterring, or depreſſing hope.
2. Determent ; that which deters. Wilkim.
3. The cauſe ot depreſſion, or fear. Locke.

DISCOURSE. ʃ. yiſcours, Fr.]
1. The act of the underſtanding, by which
it pades from premifes to conſequences. Hooker.
2. Converfation ; mutual rntercourſe of
language ; talk. Herbert.
3. Effjfion of language ; ſpeech, Locke.
4. Atreaiife ; a difſcrcatian either written
or uttered. Pe^e.

1. To converſe ; co talk ; to relate.Shakʃpeare.
2. To treat upon in a ſolemn or ſet manner. Locke.'.
3. To reaſon ; to paſs from premifes to
conſequences. Davies.

To DISCOURSE. v. a. [from the noun.]
To treat of. Shakʃpeare.

DISCOURSER. ʃ. [from diſcourſe.]
1. Aſpeaker ; an haranguer. Shakʃpeare.
2. A writer on any ſubject. Brown.

DISCOU'RSIVE. a. [from diſcourſe.]
1. P.uTing by intermediate ſtops from premifes
to conlequrnces, Milian.
1. Containing dialogue ; interlocutory. Dryden.

DISCOU'RTEOUS. a. Uncivil ; nncomplaifjnt.

DISCOURTESY. ʃ. [ncivility ; rudeneſs. Sidney. lle'bert.

DISCOU'RTEOUSLY. ad. [from dfcourteous.]
Uncivily ; rudely.

DI'SCOUS. [from diſcus, Latin.] Broad ; flat; wide. Quincy.

DISCREDIT. ʃ. [decrediter, Fr.] Igriominv
; reproach; difgrjce. Rogers.

To DISCRE'DIT. v. a. [decrediter, Fr.]
1. To deprive of credibility ; to make
not truſted. Shakʃpeare.
2. To diſgrace; to bring reproach upon ; to /Iisme. Donne.

DISCREET. a. [dUcret, Fr.]
1. Piudent; circumſpedl ; cautious; (ober.
2. Modeft; net forward. Thomſon.

DISCREE'TLY. a</. [from decreet.] Hiudently
; cautiouſly. pyiillif.

DISCREETNESS.'/, [from diſcreet.] The
quality of beine diſcreet.
discrepance. ſ. [diſcrepantia, Latin.]
Difterence ; contrariety.

DISCREPANT. a. [dr.refans, Latin.]
Dificient ; eiifagf;:eing.

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DISCRETE. a. [diſcretus, Lat.]
1. Diftinil ; disjoined ; not continuous.
2. Disjunctive.
3. Diſcrete proportion is when the ratio
between two pairs of numbers or quantities
is the ſame ; but there is not the ſame
proportion betwee.a all the four ; thus,
6 : 8 t : 3 : 4. Harrit.

DISCRETION. ʃ. [from diſcretio, Lat.]
1. Prudence ; knowledge to govern or direct
one's felf ; wiſe management. Tiltomfon,-
2. Liberty of acting at pieaſure ; uncontrolled,
and unconditional power.

DISCRETIONARY. a. [from diſcrefion.]
Left at large; unlimited; unreſtrained.

DISCRE'TIVE. a. [diſcretus, Lat.]
1. [In logick.] Diſcretii-e propoſitions
are (uch wherein various, and ſeemingly
oppciſite judgments are made ; as, tra-
'velUrs rhas changa their climate, but not
their temper. Watts.
2. [In grammar.] D/crf^/wconjunctions
are ſuch as imply uppcſition ; as, not a
man bur d heaf.

DIS.RIMINABoE. a. [from diſcTiminate.]
Diftinjuiſhableby outward marks or tokens.

To DISCRI'MINAtE. v. a. [diſcrwnno.
1. To mark with nnteS of difference. Boyle.
2. To feie'l: or ſeparatefrom others. lioyUt

DISCRI'MINATENESS. ʃ. [it. mdijc, imitate.]

DISCRIMINA'TION. ʃ. [from diſcrimi.
ratio. Lat.]
1. The ſtate of being diftingiiif>ied from
other perſons or things. Stillingfleet.
2. The act of distinguiſhing one from another
; diſhnſtion. Addiſon.
3. The marks of diſtinction. Holder.

DISCRIMINATIVE. a. [from diſonmf.
1. That which makes the mirk of dfftinſtion
; characteriſtical. Woodward.
2. That which obſerves diſhnſtion. More,

DISCRI'MINOUS. c. [dom diſcrimen, Latin.]
Dangerous ; hazardous. Harvey.

DISCU'BITORY. a. [diſcubitorius, Latin.]
Fitted to the poſture of leaning. Brown.

DISCU'MBENCY. ʃ. [diſcumkns, Latin.]
The a^t of leaning at meat. Brows.

To DISCU'AIBER. v. a. [dis and cumber.]
To diieng-ige from any troubleibme weight
or bulk. Pope. .

To DISCU'RE. v. a. To diſcover, Spenſer.

DISCURSIVE. a. [dijcurjif, Fr.]
1. Moving here and there ; roving, ^iictfff.
2. Proceeding by tegular gradation from
premifes to conlequsnces. Mare,

DISCU'RSIVELY. ad. By due gradation
of argument. Hale.
M m iJSD

DISCU'RSO'RY. a. [«V;w'/.r, Lat.] Argumf
ntal ; rational.

DI'SCUS. ʃ. [Latin.] A quoit. Pep!.

To DISCU'SS. v. a. [dijcujfum, Utin.]
1. To exsm rtc ; to vintilato
2. To diſpeffe any humour or ſwelling.

DISCU'SjER. ʃ. [ttam djci.[s.] He that

DISCU' SION. ʃ. [from cVr.ari]
1. Dirquilit;oij ; examination ; vent''aion
of a qutflion. Prior.

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To DISENA'BLE. v. a. To deprive of
pow.'r. D'-yder.

To DISENCHA'NT. v. a. To f.ec Iroru
the fores of an enchantment.
!Siilnev. Denhant.

To DISENCU'iMBER. v. a. [dU and en-
CWr.h ; I To diſcharge from incumbrances ; to
diftuithen; to exonerate. SfrJir.
2. To free from obfiru£\ion of any kind. Addiʃon.
2. [In forgery.] D^f-'.ſſion is brealiing <.ut DISENCU'MBRANCE.X [from the verb.]
the huniOurs by ii;f=nlible tranſpirati n. FeeHorr. h-.>0i iocumbranre. Spt'f?alor.


To DISENGA'GE. v. a. [^dii and engage.]

DISCU SSIVE. a. [from diſcufs.] Hiving
the i>cvwer to diſcufs.

DISCU' rIENT. ſ. [diſcutienr, Latin.] A
medicine that has power to repel. Sltiincy,

To DISDA'SM. J', a. [dU'igt'cr, Fr.] to
fcorn ; to cor.ſider as unwdthy (t one's'
character. Addiſon.

DISDA'IN. ʃ. [jJfg>-o, I:al.] C->ntenipt ; ſci-.rn ; tniitemptuous nnger. EcC:US.

DISDA'INFUL. a. [d:fdji'> and/,//.] Contemptuous
; haughtily ſcornful ; infiignant.
To ſeparate from any thing with which
it is in union. - Burnet.
2. To withdraw the aſſeſlion ; to wean ; to abihact the mind. Aufbury,
3. To diſentangle ; to clear from itnpdinripts
or d.fiicukies. IV^ller.
4. To free from any thing that pawerfully
ftizrs the attention,

To DISENGA'GE. v. n.
frte ficiii.

DISENGA'GED. fart. a.
fore. Denham.
To ſet one's ſcif
Vacant ; at leidiſen
g^ge acuity of attention.

DISDA'INFULLY. ad. [horr\ diſdu'nful]

DISENGA'GEDNESS. ʃ. The quality
Contemptuotjl]y : with haughty I'corn.

DISDA'INFULNESS. ʃ. [from diJdainful]
Contempt ; haughty ſcorn. JJchstn.

DISEA'SE. ʃ. [J:i and m/t] Diftemper ;
malady ; ſickneſs. Swift.

To DISEA'SE. I'.a, [from the noun.]
1. To afHia with difeaſe ; to torment with
ſickneſs. - Shakʃpeare.
2. To put to pain; to pain ; to make uneaſv. Locke.

DISE'A'SEDNESS. ʃ. [from d;;,^«j/e<i.lSickneſs
; morbidneſs. Burnet.

DISE'DGED. a. [dis and edge.] BIunfed ; obtunded ; dulled. Shakʃpeare.

To DISEMBA'RK. -y. a. To carry to land. Shakſpeare.

To DISEMBARK. v. a. To land ; to go
on land. Pra>e.

To DISEMBI'TTER. n, a. [d!i and ,n-
Li:ttr.] To ſweecen ; to free from b'tternefr. Addiʃon.

DISEMBO'DIED. a. D.vefled of their

DISE.MCA'GEMEIST. /'. [from diſengage.]
1. Releaſe fri-m any engagement, or obligation.
2. Freedom of attention ; vacancy.

1. To ſet flee from impediments ; to diſembroil
; to clear from perplexity or difficulty. Clarendon.
2. To unfold the parts of any thing interwoven. Boyle.
3. To diſengage ; to ſeparate. Stillingfleet.

To DISENTE'RRE. v. a. 1 unbiiry. Brown.
2. To ſet free; to reſcue from (la-
^ ai:dy<:.
'V. a. To depoſe
To awaken fr-.ni a

To DISEMBO'GUE. '. . [diftnioudir,
old Fr.] To pour out at the mouth <>f a
river. Addtjnx.

To DISEMBO'GUE. v.n. To gain a vent; to flov.'. Cheyne.

DISEM BO'WELLED. pcirt. a. [i/sand evi-
bowd.] Taken from out the bowels. Philips.

to DISEMBROIL. v. a. [dehrouriler, Fi.]
To diſentangle ; to free from perplexity. Dryden.

to remove to liberty ; very.

from ſovereignty.

trance, or deep ſleep.

To DISESrO'USE. v. a. To ſeparate after
faith piigſited, Mikor.

DISESTtiEM. jr. [J.'s and eflecm.] .Slight
rei'trd. Locke.

To DISESTEri\/I. v. a. [from the noun.]
To regard lligndy. Clabmar.

DISE.SriiMA'nON. ʃ. fi/;i and ajiimjttio.
Lat.] D f .-ſp.ct ; difelteem.

DISFA'VOUR. ʃ. SJii an(i/!W«r.]
1. D ſo tjntenance junprbpuiout regird. Bacon.
2. A ſtate of ungraciouſneſs or unaccept- ;
ableneſs. S^tlman.
3. Want of beauty.
D 1 S

To DISFA'VOUR. v. a. [firm the noun.]
To diicuun'.enance ; to w.theJd or withdrnw
kiadncl'. t.vift,

DI FIGURA'TIONT. ʃ. [from dhfigurt..
1. The act of disfiguring.
2. The ſtate of being disfigured.
3. D.f.r-, tv.

To DISFI'GURE. v. a. [dli and fizure.]
To change any thing to a woiſp form ; to
deſcrm ; to mangle. Locke.

DI'SFI'GUR.EMENT. ʃ. [from diſigw,-.]
Defacement of beauty ; change of a better
form to a worf?, ; Suckiu-.g.

To DISFO'RES T. v. a. To reduce land
from the p-i\ileges of a foreſt to the ſtate
c\ common land.

To DISFRA'NCHISE. o. a. To deprive
of p-ivileges or immunities.

DISFR.ANCHi'SEMENT. ʃ. The act of
depriving of privileges.

To DISFU'RNISH. v. a. To deprive; to
url^Ufni{Il ; to ſhip. Knolles.

To DISGA'RNISH. v. a. [i/'jand^ar/?//o. ;
1. To ſtrip of <rnaments.
2. To take giios from a ſcrtreſs.

To DISGLO'RIFY. v. a. To deprive of
gi'-ry ; t 1 treat with indignity. Milton.

To DISGORGE. v. a.
1. To diſcharge by the mo'a'h. Dryden.
2. To pour out with violence. D.-rbain.

DISGRACE. ʃ. [dij-^race, F-.]
1. Shame ; ignominy ; diſhonour.Shakʃpeare.
2. State of diſhonour. Sidney.
3. Srate of being out of favour.

To DISGRA'CE. v. a. [from the n uin.]
1. To bring a reproach upon ; to diſhonour. Hooker.
1. To put out of favour.

DISGRA'CEFUL. a. [dif^race and /«7 ]
Shameful ; ij;nominious. laybr.

DISGRA'CEFULLY. ad. In disrate ; with
indignity ; ign.>min:ouſly, Ben. Johnſon.

DI-^GRA'CEFULNESS. ſ. [from diſgraccfii'.
I Ignomanv.

DISGRA'CER. ʃ. [from diſgrace.] .One
th:;t expoſes to ſhame, S':v!fi.

DISGRA'CIOUS. a. [dis and gracious.]
Unkind ; unfavourable, Stjksffearg.

To DISGUISE. ij. a. [deguif.r, Fr.]
1. To cunceal by an unufu.»l dreſs.Shakʃpeare.
2. To hide by s counterfeit appearance.
3. To disfigure ; to change the form. Dryden.
4. To deform by liquor. Specijtor.

DISGUrSE. ſ. [from the verb.]
1. A' dreſs contrived to conceal the perſon
that wears it, Addiſon.
3. A counterfeit ſhow. Dryden.

DISGUISEMENT. ʃ. [from diſguiſe.] Dreſs
of concealment. Sidney,

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DISGUrSER. ſ. [from diſgulje-'.
1. One iliit puts on a dilguile. Swift.
2. One that conceals another by a ilifgjifi;; oie ihat disfigures. SLakeſpe.jii,

DISGUST. ʃ. [dugout, Fr.]
1. Aveiſion of tfle palate from any thiig.
2. Ill-humour ; malevolence ; offence c^acc'v.
d. Locke.

To DIGU'ST. v. a. [d-gouter, Fr.] .
1. To riife ave fion in the ilomach ; to
2. To ſtrike with d.llike ; to offend.
3. To produce averſion. Swift.

DISGU'STFUL. a. Nauſeous. Swift.

DISK.. [oipc, Saxon; ^;/fi:j, Lat.]
1. A broad wide veſſel, in which ſolid
food is fe.'ved up at the talile. Dryden.
2. A de.'p hollow vslTel for liquid food.

3. The meat ſerved in a didi ; any particui-
ir kind of food. Shakʃpeare.

To DISH. --J. a. To ſerve in a diſh,Shakʃpeare.

DISH CLOUT. ʃ. [diſh and chut.] The
cloth with which the ' maids rub their
diſhe-. Swift.

DISH-WASHER. ʃ. The name of a bir^.

DISHAB'ILLE. a', [depabule, Fr.] Undrefl-
td ; l-joieiy or negligently diefied. Dry.der:,

DISHABILLE. ʃ. Undreſs ; looſe dreſs.

To DISH.4.'BIT. v. a. To throw out of
place. Shakʃpeare.

DISHA'RMONY.f.Contrariety to harmony.

DISHEARTEN. v. a. [dhzhA hsarten..
To diſtousage ; to deject ; to terrify. Milton. Stillingfleet. Thlujon.

DISHE'RISON. ʃ. The act of debarring
from inheritance.

To DISHE'RI. r. v. a. [d'n and inherit.]
To cut off from hereditary ſucceſſion. Spenſer.

To DISHE'VEL. i>. a. [dechevtkr, Fr.]'To
(prcad the liair diſorderly, Knolles. Smith.

DI'SHING. a. Concave. Moi timer.

DISHO'NEST. a. [dis and honfj}.]
1. Void of probity ; void of faith ; faithleſs. South.
2. Diferaced ; diſhonoured, Dryden.
3. D! graceful ; igni,minir«us. Pr.ps.

DISHONESTLY. ad. [ficm difnonrfl.] \
1. Without faith ; without prc-bity ; faith-
Jelly. Shakʃpeare.
2. Lewdly ; wantonly ; unchaflely. Ecc.u:.

DISHONESTY. ʃ. [from diſh.neji.]
1. Want of probity ; fiithieſsne^'s. ^wvyV.
2. Unchaſtity ; incontinence. Shakʃpeare.

DISHO'NOUR. ʃ. [dis and lor.our.]
1. Reproach ; disgrace ; ignominy. Boyle.
2. Reproach uttered ; cenfuie. Shakcjye.^re,
M m i Td

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To DTSHO'NOUR. v. a. [J/s and i««o«r.]
1. To diſgrace ; to bring ihame upon ; to
blaſt with infamy. Ecclui.
1. To violate chaftity.
3. To treat with indignity, Dryden.

DISHO'NOURABLE. a. [from diſhcour.]
1. Shamerul, reproaciitul ; ignominious. Daniel.
2. In a ſlateof neple<n or difeſteem. Ecdus.

DISHO'NOURER. ʃ. [from diſhonour.]
1. One that treats another with indignity. Milton.
2. A vii^lstor of chartity.

To DISKORN. 1: a. [dU and horn.] To
ſtrip of horns. Shakʃpeare.

DISHU'MOUR. ʃ. Peeviſhneſs ; ill hutnour.

DISIMPRO'VEMENT. ʃ. [dis and improvement.]
Redudlion from a better to a
worle ſtate. Norris.

To DISINCARCERATE. v. a. To ſet at
liberty. llar-ucy.

DISINCLINATION. ʃ. Want of aftection
; night diflike. Arbuthnot.

To DISINCLI'NE. v. a. [dh and iy.c'dnc]
To produce diflike to ; to make dif^ffefled ;
to alienate aflection from. Clarenden.

DISINGENU'ITY. ʃ. [from difit,g,nuous.]
Meanneſs of artifice ; unfairneſs. Clarenden.

DISINGE'NUOUS. a. [dis wA inger.uous.]
Unfair ; meaniy artful ; vicioiifly Inbtle ; iliiber?!. titilliv^Jlect.

DISINGE'NUOUSLY. ad. In a diſingerous

DISINGE'NUOUSNESS. ʃ. Mean ſubtilty
; low cratr. Government of the Tongue.

1. The act of cutting off from any hereditary
fucceſſion. Clarenden.
2. The Hate of being cut oft' from an
hereditary right. Taylor.

To DISINHE'RIT. v. a. To cut oft from
an hereditary right. Davies.

To DISINTE'R. v. a. To unbury ; to
take out of the grave. Addiʃon.

DISINTERE SSED. ʃ. [dli and intereffe, Fr.]
Without regard to private advantagi^ ; impartiai. Dryden.

DISINTERE'.SSMENT. ſ. [dis and interejl'tfyunt,
Fr.] DilVegird to private advantage
; difinterell: ; difintereſtedneſs.

DISI'NTEREST. ʃ. [r//j and interejl.]
1. What is contrary to ons's wiffi or
proſperity. ClanniUk.
2. IndifTerenre to profit.

DISI'NTERESTED. a. [from diſhterejl,']
1. Superior to legard of priv.'te advantage ; not influenced by private piotic. Swift.
2. Without any concern in an atTair.

DISINTERE'STEDLY.^id. In a dilintereſted

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DISINTERE'STEDNESS. ʃ. [from difinttreſted.'
; Contempt of private intereſt.

To DISI'NTRICATE. ʃ. a. [dii and ;«-
triraie.~\ To difintangle.

To DISINVI'TE. t>. a. [dis and invite.]
Toretr^dtsn invitation.

To DISJO'IN. t'. a. [d.joindre, Fr.] To
ieptirate ; to part from each other ; to
funder. Mdlon.

To DISJOINT. I'.a [///jand;o;n;.]
1. To put out of joint. Sandys.
2. To break at junfluies ; to ſepar.ue at
the part where these is a cement. Irene,
3. To break in pieces, Blackmore.
4. To carve a fowl.
5. To make incoherent, Sidney.

To DISJOINT. v. n. To fall in pieces.Shakʃpeare.

DISJOI'NT. fartk'p, [from the verb
; Separated ; divided. Shakʃpeare.

DISJUNCT. a. [diyurSlus, Latin.] Disjointed
; ſeparate.

DISJU'NCTION. ʃ. [from disjur.Bio, Lat.]
Difunion ; ſeparation ; parting. South.

DISJU'NCTIVE. a. [dnjuraiivus, Lat.]
1. Incapable of union, Gre'zv,
2. That which marks ſeparation or oppoſition
; as, I love him, or fear him. Watts.
3. [In logick.] A di^iunclive propoſition
is when the parts are oppoſed ; ar. It it
either day or nirrbr. Watts.

DISJUNCTIVELY. a. Diſhnaiy ; ſeparately. Decay of piety.

DISK. ʃ. [diſcui, Latin.]
1. The face of the fun or planet, as it
appears to the eye. Newton.
2. A broad piece of iron thrown in the
antient ſports ; a quoit, Grew.

DISKINDNESS. ʃ. [dmnikindneſs.]
1. Want of kindneſs ; want of afledlinn.
2. Ill turn ; injury ; detriment. Woodward.

1. Difinclination ; ab.''ence of afltilion. Spenſer, Hammond.
2. Difcord ; dinention ; diiagreement. Fairfax.

To DISLI'KE. v. a. [dis and lib.] To oifapprove
; to regard without atfedtion. Temple.

DISLI'KEFUL. a. [dij] ke ^^nifull.] Difaſteſted
; malign. Spenſer.

To DISLIKEN. v. a. [</a and Uhc.] To
make unlike. Shakʃpeare.

DISLIKENESS. ʃ. [disin^Ukeni\.] Diſſimilitude
; unlikeneſs. Locke.

DISLI'KER. ʃ. A diſapprover ; one that
is not pleaſed. Swift.

To DISLI'MB. 1'. n. [dii and lin.k.] To
dilaniate ; to tear liliſh fii-r,i limb.

To DISLI'MN. v. a. [dn isA Hmtt.] To
unpaint ; to ſtrike cut of a picture.Shakʃpeare.

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To DI'SLOCATE. v. a. [dis and kcus, Lat.]
1. To put out of the proper place.
7. To put out of ioint. Shakʃpeare.

DISLOCATION. ʃ. [from dljlocate.]
1. The act of diifting the places of things.
2. The ſtate of being diſplaced. Bumtt.
3. A luvation ; a joint put out. Crtzv,

To DISLO'DGE. v. a. [da s.r.d l^dge.]
1. To remove from a place, Woodward.
2. To remove from an habitation Dryden.
3. To drive an enemy from a ſtation. Dryden.
4. To remove an army to other quarters,Shakʃpeare.

To DISLO'DGE. v. a. To go away'to another
place. Alii'lon.

DISLOYAL. a. [dejloyal, Fr.]
1. Not true to allegiance ; fauhieſs ; falſe
to a ſovereign. Milton.
1. Diſhoneſt ; perfidious. Shakʃpeare.
3. Not true to the marriage-bed.Shakʃpeare.
4. Falfe in love ; not conſtant.

DISLO'YALLY. ad. [from diſoyaL] Not
faithfully ; diſobediently.

DISLO'YALTY. ʃ. [from dyJoya!.]
1. Want of fidelity to the Tovereign. King Charles.
2. Want of fidelity in love. Shakʃpeare.

DISMAL. <J. [dies ma/us, Lat. aneviid^y.]
Sorrowful ; dire ; horrid ; uncomfortable ; unhappy. Decay of Piety.

DISMALLY. ad. Horribly; ſorrowfully.

DI'SMALNESS. ʃ. [tiomdij'wal.] Hooker.

To DISMANTLE. v. a. [dis and mantle.]
1. To throw off a dreſs ; to ſtrip. South.
%, To looſe ; to unfold ; to throw open.Shakʃpeare.
3. To firip a town of its outworks. Hakewell.
4. To break down any thing external. Dryden.

To DISMA'SK. v. a. [dis and majk ] To
divert of a maſk, H'otton.

To DISMAY. v. a. [defmayar, Spaniſh.]
To terrify ; to diſcourage ; to affright. Raleigh. Deuteroromy.

DISMA'Y. ʃ. [d:[wayo, Spaniſii.] Fall of
courage ; terrour felt ; deſertion of mind. Milton.

DISMA'YEDNESS. ʃ. [from difmay.] D---
jettion of courage ; diſpiritedneſs. Sidney.

DI'SME. ʃ. [French.] A tenth ; the tenth
part ; tMhe. Shakʃpeare.

To DISME'MBER. v. a. [dis and member.]
To divide member from member ; to cut
in pieces. Swift.

To DISMI'SS. -:;. a. [dimijfus, Latin.]
1. To ſend away, j^lis,
2. To give leave of departure. Dryden.
3. To diſcard.


DISMI'SSION. ʃ. [from demijfi,, L^'t.]
1. Diſpatch ; act of ſending away. Dryden.
2. An honourable difLharge from any itHce. Milton.
3. Deprivation ; obligation to leave any
pafl or place. Shakʃpeare.

To DISMO'RTGAGE. v. a. [d,s andimort.
gage.] To redrem from mortgage, llowel.

To DISMO'UNT. v. a. [demonler, Fr.]
1. To throw oIT an horie. Shakʃpeare.
2. To throw from any elevation,
3. To throw cannon from its carriage. Knolles.

To DISMO'UNT. v. n.
1. To alight from an horſe. Addiſon.
2. To deſcend from any elevation.

To DISNA'TURALISE. v. a. [dis and na~
turalije.] To alienate ; to make alien.

DISNATURED. a. [</;'i and nature.] Unnatural
; wanting natural tenderneſs,Shakʃpeare.

DISOBE'DIENCE. ʃ. [dis and chedu'nce.]
\. Violation of lawful commands or prohibition
; breach of duty due to ſuperiours. Stillingfleet.
1. Incomplinnce. Blackmore.

DISOBEDIENT. a. [dis and obedient.]
Not obſervant of lawful authority. Kings.

To DISOBEY. v. a. [dis and obey.] To
break commands or tranſgreſs prohibitions. Denham.

DISOBLIGATION. ʃ. [dis and obligation.
Offence ; cauſe of diſguſt. Clarenden.

To DISOBLI'GE. v. a. [dis and oblige.]
To offend ; to diſguſt ; to give offence to. Clarendon. Clariffa,

DISOBLI'GING. participial a. [from dif~
chhge.] Difgufline ; unpleaſing; offenſive,
Government of the Tongue.

DISOBLI'GINGLY. ad. [hem diſ'obiiging.]
In a diſguſting or offenſive manner ; without
attention to pleaſe.

DISOBLI GINGNESS. ʃ. [from diJobUging.]
Oft'enfiveneſs ; readineſs to diſguff.

DISO'RBED. a. [dis and orb.] Thrown
out of the proper orbit. Shakʃpeare.

DISO'RDER. ʃ. [d.f.rdre, Fr.]
1. Want of regular diſpoſition ; irregularity
; confuſion. Spectator.
2. Tumult ; diſturbance ; buftle. Waller.
3. Negleft of rule; irregularity. Pope. .
4. Breach of laws ; violation of (landing
inſtitution. TJ-'ifdom,
5. Breach of that regularity in the animal
ceconomy which cauſes health, Cckn^fs ;
diſtemper, Locke.
6. Difcompofure of mind.

To DISORDER. v. a. [dis and order.l
1. To throw into confuſion ; toconfound; todisturb; to ruffle. Milton.
2. To make ſick,
3. To diſcompoſe ; to diſturb the mind,

I s

DISO'RDERED. a. [from diſorder.] Diſorderly
; irregular ; vicious ; looſe ; debauched.Shakʃpeare.

DISORDEREDNESS. ʃ. [rregufarity ;
want i^ii order ; confuſion. Knolles.

DISO'RDERLY. a. [from diſorder.]
1. Confuſed ; immethodical. Hale.
2. Irregular ; tumultuous. Addiʃon.
3. Lawleſs ; contrary to law ; inordinate; vicious. Bacon.

DISO'RDERLY. ad. [from diſorder.]
1. Without rule ; without method ; irregularly ; ronfuledly. Raleigh.
2. Without law ; inordinately. Theſſalonlani.

DISO'RDINATE. a. [di% and ord:nato]
Not living by the rules of virtue. Milton.

DISO'RDINAIELY. ad. Inordinately ; viciouſly.

DISORIENTATED.^, [^/s and crient..
Turned from the eaſt: ; turned from the
right dirciſhon. Harris.

To DISO'WN. v. a. [dis and otvii.]
1. To deny ; not to allow. Dryden.
2. To abrogate ; to renounce. Swift.

To DISPA'ND. v. a. ydiſpando, Lat.] To
diſplay ; to ſpread abroad.

DISI'A'NSION. ʃ. [from diſpanfus, Lat.]
The act of dilplaying ; difiufion ; dilatation.

To DIiPA'RAGE. v. a. [from diffar, Lat.]
1. To match -unequally ; to injure by
union with ſomething inferiour in excellence.
2. To injure by a compariſon with ſomething
of leſs value.
3. To treat with contempt ; to mock ; to flout. Mihcn,
4. To bring reproach upon; to be the
cauſe of diſgrace.
5. To marry any one to another of inferiour

DISPARAGEMENT. ʃ. [from dif/>j>-age.]
1. Injuricus union or comparilun uith
ſomething of inſcriour excellence. L'Eſtrange.
2. [In law.] Matching an h( u in marriage
ur.der his or her degree, or againit
decency. Sidney.
3. Reproach ; diſgrace ; indignity. J'Wotton.

DISPA'RAGER. ʃ. Of.e that diſgraces.

DISPARATES. ʃ. [dijparat.j.h^t.] Things
fo unlike that they cannot be compared
with each other.

DISPARITY. ʃ. [from ^;>jr, Lat.]
1. Inequality; difiſcrence in degree either
of rank or excellence. -Rogns.
2. Diſhmilitude ; unlikenefs.

To DISPA'RK. v. a. [dh and pr.rl.]
1. To throw open a park. Shakſpeare.
2. To ſet at kige without encloſure.

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To DISPA'RT. v. a.: [dis and pa,t ; difi.
pertior, Lat.] To divide in two ; to Separate
; to break. Dier.

DISPA'SSION. ʃ. [dis i^ryi pajſwn.] Freedom
from mental pertuibatKin. Temple.

DISPASSIONATE. a. [from dis and paj-
fionaie.] Cool; calm; m jderate ; temperate. Clarendon.

To DISPE'L. v. a. [diſpello, Latin.] To
drive by frattering ; to dilTipate. Locke.

DISPE'NCE. ʃ. [deſpence, Fc] Expence ;
coft ; charge. Spenſer.

To DISPEND. v. a. [diſpendo, Lu.] To
ſp.-nd ; to confume. Spenſer.

DISPE'NSARY. ʃ. [from diſpevfe.] the
chce where medicines aredilpenled. Garth.

DISPENSATION. ʃ. [from dilpenfatio, Latin.]
1. Diltribntion ; the act of dealing out
any thing. Woodward.
2. The dealing of God with his creatures ; method of providence. Ti;y.'tr,
3. An exemption from ſome law. Ward.

DISPENSATOR. ʃ. [Lain.] One employed
in dealing out any thing ; a diſtributer. Bacon.

DISPE'NSATORY. ʃ. [fioni A>c«p.] A
book in which the compoſition of medicines
is delciibed and directed ; a pl.mrir.acopeia,


To DISPE'NSE. v. a. [diſpenſer, Fr.]
1. To deal out ; to diſtrioute, Decay of Piety.
2. To make up a medicine.
3. To Dispense with. To excuſe ; to
grant diſpenfation for. Raleigh.

DISPE'NSE. ʃ. [from the verb.] D ſpenfation
; exemLtijn. Milton.

DISPE'NSER. ʃ. [from diſperfe.] One that
diſpenfes ; a diſtribucer. Spratt.

To DISPE'OPLE. v. a. [dis and per.ple.'[
To riepduJate; to emcty f people, Pope.

DISPE'OPLER. ʃ. [from 'dijpeopU.] A depopulatnr. Gay.

To DISPERGE. v. a. [d! pergo, Lat.] To
ſprinkle. Shakʃpeare.

To DISPERSE. 11. a. [diſperfus, Lat.]
1. To ſcatter ; to drive to ditTerent parts. Ezekiel.
2. To diſhpate. Milan.

DISPE'RSEDLY. ad. [from diſpnfid.] \n
a diſperſed manner. Hooker.

DISPE'RSEDNESS. ʃ. [from diſperf;.] The
ſtate of beini; dfuerfcd.

DISPE'RSENESS. ʃ. [from diſperfe.] Thinnef; ; ſo itteredncls. Brcreii aod,

DISPE'RSER. ʃ. [from diſperfe.] A ſcata
terer ; a ſp<-eader. Spectator.

DISPE'RSION. ʃ. [from diſperfio, Latin.]
1. The ^ft of feaitering or ſpreading.
2. The ſtate of faeijig ſcattered, Raleigh.
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To DISPI'RIT. v. a. [(lis and f;>irit.]
1. To diſcourage ; to dej^dt ; to depreſs ; to djnip. Clarenden.
2. To oppreſs the conſtitution of the boHy,


DISPI'RITEDNESS. ʃ.: [from diffirir.]
Want of vittour.

To DISPLA'CE. v. a. [:lh and fbce.]
1. To put out of place.
2. To put out of any ſtate, condition, or
dignity. Bacon.
3. To dilorder. Shakʃpeare.

DISPLA'CENCY. ʃ. [diſplicentia, Latin.]
1. Incivility i
2. Diſguſt ; any thing unpleaſing. Decay of piety.

To DISPLA'NT. v. a. [dis and fiant..
1. To remove a plant.
2. To drive a people from the place in
which they have ſtxed. Bacon.

1. The removal of a o^Kint.
2. The ejection of a people. Raleigh.

To DISPLA'Y. v. a. lJ,j}Uyfr, French.]
1. To ſpre^ri wide.
2. To exhibit to the fi?ht or mind. Locke.'.
3. To carve ; to cut up. Spenſer.
/). 'Vo talk without reltraint. Shakʃpeare.
5. To ſet out olleiitatioully to vi^-w. Shakʃpeare.

DISPLA'Y. ʃ. [from the verb.] An'exhibiti.-
n of any thing to view. Upetlalor.

DISPLE'ASANCE. ʃ. [from di'pleaj'e.] Anger
; diſcontent. Cspenfir,

DISPLEA'SANT. a. Unpleaſing; ofl'enfive.

To DISPLEASE. v. a. [dis and pkaje.]
1. To often d ; to make angry.
I Chron. 7ianfle.
2. To diſguſt ; to raiſe aveiſion. Lake.

DISi'LE'ASINGNESy. / [from d:ſpleaſit,g.]
OitVnfivenfls ; cjujlity of otJendi.'iJ. Locke.

DISPLE'ASUx^E. ſ. [from dnpcafe.]
1. Uneaſineſs ; pain received, Locke.
2. Oftence ; pain given. yudges,
3. Anger ; indignation. Knolles.
4. State of diff.race. Peacham.

To DISPLE'ASURE. v. a. To dif^Jeaſe ; n it to gain f'vour. Bacon.

To DISPLO'DE. v. a. [diſplodo, hiUrx.]
To diCpciſe with a loud noiſe ; to vent witli
violence. Mihcu.

DISPLO'SION. ʃ. [from d^ſkfus, Latin.]
the act of diſploding ; a ludden burit
with ncife.

DISPO'RT. ſ. [<//jandj/«rr.] PIay ; ſport; paiiime. Hayuijrd.

To DISPO'RT. v. a. [from the nbun.] To
divert. Shakʃpeare.

To DISPO'RT. v. n. To play ; to toy ; to
v.jnton. J'opf,

DISPOSAL. ʃ. [from diſpoſe.'[

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1. The act of diſpofing or regulating an'»
thing ; regulation ; didribotion. Milton.
2. Tile power of diſtribution
; the right of beſtowing. Atterbury.
3. Government; conduct-. Locke.

To DISPO S£. v. a. [diſpoſer, French.] ',
1. To employ to various purpoſes ; todif-
^''°-. Prior.
2. 1 o give ; to place ; to beſtow. Sprat.
3. To turn to any particular end or confeq'^^.
f.^- Dryden.
4. To adapt ; to lorm for any purpoſe. Spenſer.
5. To frame the mind. Clarendon. Smalridge.
6. To regulate; to adjuſt. Dryden.
7. 70 Diii-osE 0/. To apply to any Durpoſe ;
to transfer to any perſon, Swift.
8. vo DisrosE of. To put into the
hands of another. TatUr
9. To Dxspos2 f/. To give away.
^ WaUet.
10. 1:0 Dispose of. To employ to any
^''- Bacon.
11. To Dispose of. To place in any
condition. Dryden.
12. To Dispose 0/. To put away bJ
any means. Burn/:.

To DISPO'Sii. v.n, To bargain; to make
_ '« Shakʃpeare.

DISPOSE. ſ. [from the verb.]
1. Puwer ; management; diſpofal.Shakʃpeare.
2. Diſtribution ; all of gov;;rnment. Milton.
3. Diſpoſition ; cart of behaviour. Shakʃpeare.
4. Caf^ of mind ; inclination. Shakʃpeare.

DISPO'SER. ſ. [from diſpoſe.]
1. DiilfiDuter; giver ;' beſtower. Grauvt.
2. Governor ; regulator. Boyle.
3. One who gives to whom he pleaſes. Prior.

DISPOSI'TION. ʃ. [from <^;>/''''', Latin.]
1. Order; method ; diſtribution. Dryden.
2. Natural fitneſs ; quality. Newton.
3. Tendency to any act or ſtate. Bacon.
4. Temper of mind. Shakʃpeare.
5. Aftection of kindneſs or ill-will. Swift.
6. Predominant inclination. Locke.

DISPO'SITIVE. a. That which implied
dJpoljl Of any property; decretive.

DISPO SITIVELY. ad. [from diſp'ffil{^\
Diſtrihutively. Brown.

DISPO' ITOR. /, The lord of that figra
in which the planet is.

To DISPOSSE'SS. v. a. [dis und poſeſs. To ; put out of poſſeſſion ; to deprive to
diflVizf. Fairfax. Knolles. Milton.

DISPO'iURE. ſ. [from dſpof:.]
1. Dif.

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1. Diſhofa! ; government ; pnwer jmanafcment.
2. State ; porture. Wotton.

DISPRA'I-^E. ſ. Blame ; confurc. Addiʃon.

To DISPR A'lSE. v. a. To blame ; to cenſure.Shakʃpeare.

DISPRA'I^ER. ſ. A cenſurer.

DISPRA'ISIBLE. a. [from diſpralfe.] Unworthy
of commendation.

DISPRA'IbINGLY. ad. With blame.

To DISPRE'AD. v. a. [dh and Jfread.]
To ſpread different ways. Fojie,

DISPROFIT. ʃ. Loſs ; damage.
Disproof,/, [du tnd proof.] confatation
; conviſhon of errour or falſhood, Atterbury.

To DISPRO'PERTY. v. a. To diſpoſſeſs.

DISPROPO'RTION. ʃ. Unſuitableneſs
in quantity of one thing to another ;
want of i'ymmecry. Denham.

To DISPROPO'RTION. v. a. To mifmatch
; to join things unſuitable. SucUlvg,

in quantity. Suckling. Smal,

Aiitableneſs to fnmething elſe.

; not ſymmetrically,

DISPROPO'RTIONAL. a. Diſproportionable
; unſymmstrical.

with reſpect to quantity or value.

DISPROPO RTIONATE. a. Unſymmetrical
; unfuicable to ſomething elſe. Ray, Locke.

bly ; unſymmetrically.

DISPROPO'RTIONAIENESS. ʃ. U.:ſuitableni'fs
in bulk or value.

To DISPRO'VE. v. a. [dis t^ and prove.]
1. To confute an aſſertion ; to convict of
errour or falſhood. Hooker.
7. To convidl a praflicc of errour. Hooker.

DISPRO'VER. ʃ. [ficmd,[prove.] One that

DISPU'NISHABLE. a. Without penal reſtraint. Swift.

DISPUTABLE. a. [from dfjpi^te.]
1. Liable to conteſt ; tcntrovertible. South.
2. Lawful to be conteſted. Swift.

DI'SPUTAN T. y; [from c//7/>ttff ; d-.jputam,
Latin.] A controvertift \ an arguer ; a
reaſoner. Spectator.

DI'SPUTANT. a. Diſputing ; engaged in
controverfv. Milton.

DISPUTA'TION. ſ. [from diſputatio, Lat.]
1. The ſkill of controverſy ; argumentation. Locke.
2. ControYcrf/ ; argument?! cQ-.tefi,i>idr.'y.

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DISPUTATIOUS. a. [from d/juu.] Inclined
to dilpute ; cavilling. j-l.'difon,

DISPU'TATIVE. a. [twm dif/ute.] Diſpoled
to debate. Watts.

To DISPUTE. v.n. [dijfmo, Latin.] To
contend by argument ; to debate ; to coutrovert.

To DISPUTE. v. a.
1. To contend for. Hooker. To ller.
2. To oppoſe ; toqueſtion. Dryden.
3. To diſcufs; to think on. Shakʃpeare.

DI'jPU'TE. ſ. Conteſt ; controverſy. Locke, Berkley.

DISPU'TELESS. a. Undiſputed ; uncontrov:

DISPUTER. ʃ. Acontrcveitill; one given
to areument. Stillingfleet.

DIS'-iUALIFICATION. ſ. That which
riiſqualifies. Sf^'Bitor^.

To DI.SQUA LIFY. v. a. fd's and ^t^ai'fy.]
1. To make iinfits to diſable by ſome natural
or legal impediment. Swift.
2. To deprive of a right or claim by ſome
politive reſtriiſhon. Swift.

To DISQUA'NTITY. v. a. To leſſen.

DISQUPET. ʃ. Uneaſineſs ; reHkHneſs ; vexation ; anxiety. TiJUtfor.

DISQUI'ET. a. Unquiet ; une^fy ; reſtlef.Shakʃpeare.

To DISQUI'ET. v. a. To diſturb ; to make
uneaſy ; to vex ; to fret.
Dipba. Roſcommon.

DISQUIETER. ʃ. Adiilurocr; a harilJer.

DISQUIETLY. 'ad. Without reſt ; anxiouſly.Shakʃpeare.

DISQUI'ETNESS. ſ. Uneaſineſs ; reflledneſs
; anxiety. Hooker.

DISQUIETUDE. ſ. Uneaſineſs; anxiety. Addiʃon.

DISQUISI'TION. ʃ. [deſquifttio, Latin.]
Examination ; diſputative enquiry. Arbuthnot.

To DISRA'NK. v. a. To degrade from h.^s

DISREGA'RD. ʃ. Slight notice ; neglect.

To DISREGA'RD. v. a. To High t ; to
ccnitn.n. Sprat. Smalridge.

DISREGA'RDFUL. a. Negligent ; conrtemptuou.

DISREGA'RDFULLY. ad. Contemptuouſly.

DISRE'LISH. ʃ. [dn and re/iſh.]
1. Bad taſte ; naufcouſneſs. Milton.
2. Diſhke ; ſqueamiſhneſs, Locke.

To DISRE'LISH. v. a. [from the noun, ;
1. To infect with an unpleaſant talk. Rogers.
2. To want a fade of. Pope. .

DISREPUTA'TION. ſ. [dii and reputation.]
D. (grace ; diſhonour. Bacon. laykt,

DISREPU'TE. ʃ. [d'n and repute.] Ill charailer
; (JjiJiouQui- ; want of ^eputation. South.

DISRESPE'CT. ʃ. [d,s and re/pel?.] Incivility; wa.uot' reverence; ruJeneff.

DISRESPECTFUL. a. Irreverent; unc

DISRESPE'CTFULLY. aci. Irreverently.

To DISRO'BE. v. a. To undreſs ; to uncnvc-
r. PP'o:tan,

DISRUPTION. ʃ. [d'ruptio, Latin.] The
act ;f breaking aluriJer ; a breach ; rent.
R<iy. Blackmore.

DISSATISFA'CTION. ʃ. [da and jaajfaSior..

T.'ie itdte of being difT.n.-ried ; d ſcontent. Rcgns.

DISSATISFA'CTORINESS. ſ. [f.nm d^jjjti'fafiory
] In bjiiry to give cuiirent.

DISSATISFA'CTORY. a. [from diſfati/y.]
Unable to five content.

To DISATISFY. v. ^. [dis and fafis/y.]
To diiccment ; to diſpleaſe. CotUcr,

To DISiECT. v. a. [dipco, Latin.]
1. To cut in pieces. Roſcommon.
2. To divide and examine minutely. Atterbury.

DISSECTION. ʃ. [dffeSlio, Latin.] The
aft cif ſeparating the parts of animal bodies
; anatomy. Granville.

To DISSEIZE. v. a. [diſaiſer, French.]
To ditp;)ileſs ; to deprive. Locke.

DISSE'ISiN. ſ. [from d:Jf<,ifir, French.]
Aii urilawful diſpoffeiling a man of his
land, Couel.

DISSEIZOR. ʃ. [from diſhxe.] He that
Q!lp ll'-fles another.

To DISEMBLE. v. a. [djfimulo, Latin.]
1. To hide under falle appearance ; to pretend
that not to be which really is. Hayward.
a- To pretend that to be which is not. Prior.

To DISSE'MBLE. v. n. To play the hyp^'
crite. Rowe.

DISSEMBLER. f. [hoxr.dipmbk.] An hypocrite
; a man who conceals his true dil-
polition. Raleigh.

DISSE'MBLINGLY. ad. With diſhmulation
; hypocritically. Knolles.

To DISSE'MIMATE. v. a. [diffcmino, Lat.]
To ſcatter as feed ; to ſpread every wray. Hammond, Atterbury.

DISSEMINA'TION. ʃ. [diſſeminatio, Lat.]
The act of ſcattering like feed. Brown.

DISSEMIMA'TOR. ʃ. IJijJ'emhiator^ Lat.]
jHe that ſcatters ; a ſpreader. Decay of piety.

DISSENSION. f. [dljer^fio, Latin.] Difjgreement
; ſtnfe ; contention ; breach of
union. Knolles.

DISSE'NSIOUS. a. Diſpoſed to dikord ; contentious. Afcham.

To DISSENT. v. n. [diflcntio, Latin.]
1. To diſagree in opinion, Addiſon.

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2. To differ ; to be of a contrary nritnre, Hooker.

DISSENT. f. [from the verb.] D.ugreement
; difference of opinion ; ijeciaration
of difference of opinion. Bentley.

DISENTA'NEOUS. a. [inm d,Jfer,t.]
Difjgr- cable ; inconſiſtent ; contrary.

DISSE'NTER. ſ. [fr.-.„ dJJ.nt.-.
1. One that diſagrees, or declares his diſagref-
ment from an opinion. Locke.
2. One who, for whatever rpjf ns rc'uſes
the comnnunii-n of thi; Engliſh church.

DISSERTA'TION. / \dj]:rtotio, Latin.]
A orccuiife. Pope. .

To DISSE'RVE. v. a. f<f.-> and/^,-^f.] To
do ,njury to ; to miſchirf ; to harro. Clarendon. Rcp-r!,

DIS E'RVICE. ſ. [d,s and firvicf.] Ii,ju.
ry ; a { wt. Co):er.

DISSE'RVICEABLE. a. Injurious; miſch;; vi,u«.

DISSE'RVICEABLENESS. ʃ. Ljuiy ; h',rm; hv.r;. Adorns,

To DIS- IT /LE. v. a. To unſettle.

To DISbE'VER. v. a. [d:i and j.-jer ] To
part in two ; to break ; to divide ; to
ſeparate ; to diſunite.
6';Wn.v. Raleigh. Shakʃpeare.

DI'SSIDENCE. ʃ. \diJ[id,o, Latin.] Difcord
; diſagreement.

DISSI'LIENCE. ʃ. [dlſſi.lo, Latin.] The
act of ſtarting afund-:-.

DISSI'LIENT. a. [djTiliem, Latin.] Startir.
rlunder ; burſting in two.

DISSILITION. ſ. [^;^/;«, Latin.] The act
ot hiirliin^ in two. Boyle.

DISSI'MILAR. a. [i/i and //;;/:>.] Unlike
; heterogeneous. Boyle, Newton. Bcnt'^y,

DISSIMILARITY. ʃ. [ham dffimHar:-.
U'lhkeneſs; diſſimilitude. Cheyne.

DISSIMILITUDE. ʃ. Unlikeneſs ; want of
reſemblance. Stillingfleet, Pope. .

DISSIMULATION./ [di/Jirr,„/cuio, Lu.]
The act of diſſembling ; hypocrify. South.

D'ISSIPABLE. a. [from d/fipate.] Eaſily
ſcattered. Bacon.

To Dl'. SIPATE. v. a. [d-jp.patui, Ldtin.]
1. To ſcatter every way; to diſperfe, Woodward.
2. To ſcatter the attention. Savage't Life,
3. To ſpend a fortune. London.

DISSIPA'iION. ſ. :d,Jf.pjtlo, Latin.]
1. The act of diſperfion. Uafe.
2. The ſtate of being diſperſed. Milton.
3. Scattered attention. Swift.

To DISSO'CIATE. 1-. a. [dfodo, Latin.]
To ſeparate ; to diſunite ; to part. Boyle.

DISSO'LVABLE. a. [from d'jjohe.] Capable
of diſſolution. Newton.

DI'SSOLUBLE. a. [dijohh:!::, Latin.] Capable
of reparation of one part from .nnothcr,


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DISSOLUBI'LITY. ʃ. [fo^m rI'ffoluh/e.]U- DISSUA'SION. ſ. [riiffu^/.o, Uu^] Urgency
ableneſs to ſuffer a diiuraon vi paitr,

To DISSO'LVE. v. a. [J'Jo'fo, Latin.]
1. To defboy the form of any thing by
diianiting the parts. Woodward.
2. To break ; to diſunite in any manner.
2. Pet.
3. To looſe ; to break the ties of any
thing. Milton.
4. To ſeparate perſons uni;^d. Shakʃpeare.
5. To break up alVcmbhes. Bacon.
6. To ſolve ; to clear. D<irul,
7. To break an enchantment. RUUon.
8. To be relaxed by pleaſure. Dryden.

To DISSO'LVE. v. n.
1. To be melted. AUifon.
2. To fall to nothing. Shakʃpeare.
3. To melt away in pleaſures.

DISSO'LVENT. a. [U-cvndiJJ'ohe.] Having
the power of diſſolving or nitlting. Ray.

DISSO'LVENT. ʃ. The power of difuniting
the parts of any thing. Arbuthnot.

DISSO'LVER. ʃ. That which has the
piw;r of dinblvine. Arbuthnot.

DISSO'LVIBLE. a~. [Uam difſolve. [Liable
to periſh by dilTulurion. HjU.

DI'SSOLUTE. .- [diJfoluius,LiUr.] Locke.
wanton ; unreſtrained ; luxurious ; debaucheJ. Hayward. Rogers.

DI'SSOLUTELY. ad. [from dJj'Jute.]
Lnafeiv ; in debauchery. IV'^dom.

DISSOLUTENESS. ſ. [fro:-n^;^«'a'«.] Loofeneſs
; laxity of manners ; debauche . Locke.

DISSOLUTION. ʃ. [d[IJolutio, Latin.]
1. The act of liquefying by heat or moiſture.
3. The ſtate of being liquefied.
3. The ſtate of melting away. Shakʃpeare.
4. Deſtruction of any thing by the ſeparation
of its parts. South.
o\ rer.fcn'or imj-ortunity agair.Rany thing; dehortation. Both,

DISSCASIVE. a. [from difuadc] Deho.'tat^'
ty ; tending to deter.

DISSU'ASIVE. ſ. Dthortation ; argument
to turn the mind off from any purpole. Government of the Tongue.

DISSY'LLABLE. ʃ. [Jijand caAXapn.] A
word of two ſyllables. Dryden.

DI'STAFF. ʃ. L'^irra.p, Saxon.]
1. The ſt^ft from which the flax is drawn
in ſpinning. Fairfax.
2. It is uſed as an emblem of the female
ſex. ſkivcl.

DlVrAFF THISTLE. ſ. A thiſtle.

To DISTA'IN. v. a. [dis and7?a.v;.]
1. To liaiii ; to tinge. Pope. .
2: To blot ; to fully with infamy. Spenſer.

DISTANCE. ʃ. [d'Jlavce, French ; diſiant'a,
1. D'fijrce is ſpace conſidered between
any two beings. Luke.
2. Remoteneſs in place. Prior.
3. The ſpace kept between two antago.-
iJlfts in fencing. Shakʃpeare.
4. Contrariety ; oppoſition. Shakʃpeare.
5. A ſpace marked on the courle whera
horſes run. L'Eſtrange.
6. Space of time. Prior.
7. Remoteneſs in time. Smalridge.
8. Ideal d:siunf>ion. Locke.
9. Reſpect ; diſtant behaviour. Dryden.
10. Retraction of kindneſs ; reſerve. Hfilion,

To DI'STANCE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To place remotely ; to throw off fn^m
the view. Dryden.
2. To leave behind at a race the length uf
a diſtancee. Gijy.
e. The ſubſtance formed by diflblving any DI'STANT. a. [d':f>ans, Latin.]
P . n , T) .- ;_ . 1 , _ - _
body. Bacon.
6> Death; the reillution of the body into
its conſtituent elements. Raleigh.
7. IXlruction. Hooker.
S. lireach of any thing compared. South.
9. The act of breaking up an aſſembly.
10. Loofeneſs of manners. Atterbury.

DI'SSONANCE. ʃ. [^d:ffovance, French.] A
mixture of harfn, unhatmonious ſounds. Milton.

DISSONANT. a. [dipnans, Latin.]
1. Harſh ; unharmonious. Thomfon.
2. Incongruous ; diſagreeing. llakcwill.

To DISSUA'DE. v. a. [d'JJuadeo, Latin.]
1. To dehort ; to owe; t by leafon or importunity
from any thing. Shakʃpeare.
3. To reprtſent any thing as unfit. Milton.

DISSUA'DER. ʃ. [from d-Juade.] He that
Remote in place ; nut near. Pope. .
2. Remote in time either part or future.
3. Remote to a certain degree ; as, ten
miles difiant.
4. Reſerved ; fly.
5. Not primary ; not obvious. Addiſon.

DISTa'STE. ſ. [dn and tjfie ]
1. Averſion of the palate ; diſgufr. Bacon.
2. Diſhke ; uneaſineſs. Bacon.
3. Anger; alienation of affeif^ion. Bacon.

To DISTA'STE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To fill the mouth with nauſeouſneſs.Shakʃpeare.
2. To diſhke ; to loath. Shakʃpeare.
3. 7'o ofl'end ; to diſguſt. Davies.
4. To vex: to exaſperate. Pope.

DISTA'STEFUL. a. [dijiaf.e and full]
1. Nauſeous to the palate ; diſguſting. Granville.
2. O.Tenfive ; unpleaſing. Davies.
5 3. MalisD
^. A^ilienant; malevo'ent. Brown.
Distemper. ſ. [,y,i and ten-pe,-.]
1. A d.ſproportjonate mixture of parts.
2. A difeaſe ; a malady. Suc'itling.
3. Want of cue temperature. Raleigh.
4. Bad conlhcution of the mind.Shakʃpeare.
5. Want of due ballance between coniraxies. Bacon.
6. Depravity of inclination, King Charles.
7. Tumultuous diſorder. (P'a'ler.
8. Uneaſineſs. Shakʃpeare.

DISTE'MPER. v. a. [dii and uinpcr..
1. To diſeaſe. Shakſpeare.
2. To diſorder. Boyle.
3. To diſturb ; to rulile. Dryden.
4. To delhoy temper or moderation. Addiʃon.
5. To make diſatTected. Shakſpeare.

DISTE'MPERATE. a. [dis^nAtewperate.l
Immoderate. Raleigh.

DISTE'MPERATURE. ſ. [from dljlemp.r-
1. Intemperateneſs ; exceſs of heat or
cold. yll,Ut.
2. Viole.Tt tumultuouſneſs ; outrageouſneſs.
3. Perturbstion of the mind. Shakʃpeare.
4. Confuſion ; commixture of extremes.Shakʃpeare.

To DISTE'ND. v. a. [diftendo, ViUn.] To
ſtretcli out iw breadtii. Thomſon.

DISTENT. f. [from i.^f^i.] TI^e ſpjce
through which any thing is ſpread. Wotton.

DISTE'NTION. ʃ. [difie^tlo, Latin.]
1. The act of ſtretching in breadth. Arbuthnot.
2. Breadth ; ſpace occupied.
3. The act of ſeparating one part froi«i
another. Wotton.

To DISTHRONIZE. v. a. [d'mvA throne..
To dethrcpe. Spenſer.

DISTICH. ʃ. [di/};chon, Latin.] Amuplet ;
a couple of lines ; an epigram confiding
only of two verſes. Cu^.d^n.

Tm DISTI'L. v. a. [diſhſh, Latin.]
1. To drop ; to fall by drops. Pope. .
2. To rtuw gently and ſilencly. Raleigh.
3. To uſe a ililj. Shakʃpeare.

To DISTI'L. v. a.
1. To let fall in drops. yob. Drayton.
2. To force by fire through the veſſcis of
diſtillation. Shakʃpeare.
3. To draw by diſtillation. Boyle.

DISTILLATION. ʃ. [diſhUatio, Latin.]
1. The act of dropping, or falling in drops,
2. The act of pouring out in dr.ps.
3. That s which fal sin drops,
4. The ai^ of diſtilling by fire, Newton.
5. The ſubitance drawn by the ſtill,Shakʃpeare.

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DISTI'LLATORY. a. [from dJS^Ll Belonging
to d (Hllation. '£o,k.

DISTI'LLER. ſ. [from «'//?//.]
1. Oae who practiſes the trade of diſhili.np. Boyle.
2. One who makes pernicious inflammatory ſpirit?.

DISTI'LMENT. ʃ. [from diflL ] That
which is drawn by diſtillation. Shakʃpeare.

DISTI'NCT. a. [dfan^us, Latin.]
1. Different ; not the on\e. SciiUngJl.'at.
2. Apart ; not copjuſt. Clarendon. Tilktfon.
3. Clear; nnconfufcd. Milton.
4. Spotted ; variegated. Milton.
5. Marked out ; ſpecified. Milton.

DISTINCTION. ʃ. [diJli?;a:o, Latin.]
1. Note of difference.
2. Honourable note of ſuperiority.
3. That by which one differs from another. Locke.
4. Preference or ncgleifl in compariſon with
loIT.ethir^g elſe. Dryden.
5. Separation of complex notions. Shakʃpeare.
6. D:vifi<jn into different parts. Dryden.
7. Notation of difference between things
ftemingly the ſame. Morris.
7. D:!cernment ; judgment.

DISTI'NCTIVE. a. [from diflirB.l.
1. That which makes difti/iſhonor difference. Pope.
2. Having the power to diſtinguiſh
; judic'ous. Bacon.

DISTI'NCTIVELY. ad. In right order ; not confuftdly. Shakʃpeare.

DISTI'NCTLY. «d. [from difina.]
1. Not confuſedly. Newton.
2. Plainly; dearly. Dryden.

DISTI'NCTNESS. ʃ. [from diſl;a.]
1. Nice obſervation of the difference between
thing?. Ray.
2. Such ſeparation of things as makes them
eaſy to be obſerved.

To DISTI'NGUISH. v. a. [dftin^uo, Lat.]
1. To note the diverſity of things. Hooker.
2. To ſeparate from ctfiers by ſome maik
of honour. Prior.
3. To divide by proper notes of diverſity. Burmf.
4. To know one from another by any

5. To diſcern critically; to judge.Shakʃpeare.
6. To conſtitute difference ; to ſpecificate. Locke.
7. To make known or eminent.

To DISTI'NGUISH. i;. n. To make diſtinction
; to find or ſhow the difference. Child.

DISTI NGUISHABLE. a. [from djiin.
N c 2 1. Capable

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1. Capable of being diſtinguiſhed.
By!e. TUe.
2. Worthy of not? ; worthy of .tgard.

DISTI'NGUISHED. part. a. Erninen' ; extraordiiiary. Rogers.

DISTI'NGU'ISHER. ſ. [from Jiſingi>7j/}.]
1. A i'lilici.us (ibfeive ; one tlut accurately
difre: Hi one thing from another.
2. H.- tlMt ſeparates one thing from another.
r liy jri^T narl.s of iliverfity. Brown.

DISTINGUISHINGLY. ad. With di'nt.cdon.
P p-

DISTI'NGUISHMENT. ſ.Diſhnaion ; obfeivjtor
>d.fterence. Gruunt.

To DISTO'RT. v. a. [diſtrlu!, Latin.]
1. To writhe ; to twili ; to oelorm by !-
regula, motions. South.
2. To put cue of the true direction or
prfiure. '^IiliotjOn,
3. To wreſt from the true meaning. Peacham.

DISTO'RTIONT. ʃ. [diſtortio, Lat.] Irregular
motion by which the face is vi rithed,
or the parts diſordered. J-'rio-.

To DISTRA'CT. v. a. fin. f.aj)'. difi-aBed:.
andenily d:Jh\::iiiſht. [d:jiruic:ii<, Latin.]
3. To pull different ways at once.
2. To ſeparate ; to divide. Shakʃpeare.
3. To turn from a ſingle direction towards
various pL'ints. Sju'/J.
4. To fill the ti ir.d with contrary conſider-
itions ; to peipKx.
Fj'j'.ms. Milton, Locke.
5. To mke maj. Locke.

DISTRA CTEDLY. ad. [from difima.]
IvJiJly ; fiHni.tkly. Shakʃpeare.

DISTRA'CTEDNESS. ʃ. [from diſuaa.]
Til It >e of big riifiraflei! ; madneſs.

DISTRA'CTION. ſ. [dJlr^Bio, Latin.]
1. Tt/:deiuy to dillcenc part.-. ; ſeparation.Shakʃpeare.
2. Confuſion ; ſtate in which the attention
is called diffvie.'-.t ways. Dryden.
g, Pei tiirbat on of mind. Taller,
4. Madneſs ; ſmntickneſs ; loſs of the wjts. Atterbury.
.5. Diſturbance; tumult ; difference of fen.
timen's. Clarendon.

To DISTRA'IK. v. a. [from diſtringo,
L = t,ii.j 'I 1 ize. Shakʃpeare.

To DISTRA IN. 'v,?!. To make ſeizure

DISTR-.'lNr.R. ʃ. [from dip-ain.] He that

DISTRA'INT. ʃ. [fi'>m d'ſtr.ur^,^ Seizure.

DISTRAUGHT. f-art. a. [horn diſiraa.]
D,i!r3'->:d. Uamdin.

DISTRE'SS. ʃ. [drfinffe, French.]
1. The ac\of r.-.-kinga 1 ;gsl fsizure.
2. Atternp,ulfioi-. by whKb a man if aflurfdto
appear in court, or to pay a debt.

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3. The thing ſeizeii by law.
4. Calami-y ; n :kry; miſfortune. Shiiii.

To DIS T RESS. I!, a. [from the noun.]
1. To piDlVcute by law to a felzuie.
2. To hdiraſs; to make n, ferahie,
Dci ttronety,

DISTRE'SSFUL. a. [dij}>efi and fJl] Mi,
ferable ; full of trouble ; lull of milcry.

To DISTRI'BUTE. v. a. [diſtri!:uo, Ut.~\
To di v,de s mongſt more than (wo ; to deal
out. Spenſer. Woodward.

DISTRIBU'TION'. ſ. [</.y/V.^'.f;o. Latin.]
1. The act of diſtributing or dtalinn ouc
ty o hers. Swift.
2. At; 'If giving in chr.tity. Atterbury.

DISTRIBUTIVE. a. [from dft-ibjie.]
Thai which is employed in jHig ing to
othcTS their portions ; iS, di^r^buti've ]u([-
ice. Dryden.

DISTRI'BUTIVELY. ad. [from d.pit^ulive.]
1. By diſtribution.
2. Mng y ; particularly. Hooker.

DI'STRICT. ʃ. [d:Jit.aus, Latin.]
1. The c icoit within which a man may
be ctarpelled to appearance.
2. Circuit of authority ; province. Addiſon.
3. Reg-en ; country ; territory. Blackmore.

To DISTRUST. v a. [dis and trl.|i.^^ To
regwd with difſidence ; not to truſt. Wi^i.

DISTRUST. ſ. [from the verb.]
1. Loſs of credit ; loſs of confidence. Milton.
2. Suſpicion. Dryden.

DISTRU'STFUL. a. [diſtruct and full.]
1. Apt to diſtruſt ; ſuſpicious. Boyle.
2. Not confident ; diffident. Government of the Tongue.
3. Diffident of himſelf ; tin oious. Pope. .

DISTRU'STFULLY. ad. In a diftruſtful

DISTRU'STFULNESS. ʃ. The ſtate of being
diſtructful ; w.<nt of ci nſidence.

To DISTURB. v. a. [dfturbo, low Latin.]
1. To perplex ; to d. (quiet. Co/'liep,
2. To confound ; to put into irregular motions.
3. To interrupt ; to hinder,
4. To turn ofi' fr>.m any diſt-iſhpn. Milton.

DIS RU RBANCE. ʃ. [fn m diſiurh.]
1. Perplex, !v ; interruption of tranqijility. Locke.
2. Cnnfi;rK)n ; diſo-der. Watts.
3. Tuinuh ; violation of peace. Milton.

DISTU'Ri^ER. ʃ. [from djiuri.]
1. A vi.Jator of peace ; he that cauſes tumults. Glanville.
2. He that cauſe pertuibation o^mmd.Shakʃpeare.

To DISTU'RN. v. a. [dn and turn.] To
turn oft', Daniel.


DISVALUA'TION. ʃ. [a/i and valuarloa.]
Difgrace: ; oinunution of reputati.>ii. Bacon.

To DISVA'LUE. v. a. [<//j and t/-- '«.] To
uni'i . ill Government of the Tongue.

To DIVE'LOP. v. a. [d.vt-/o/>er, French.]
To iM -.vpr.

DISU MON. ʃ. [dis and union.]
1. Separation ; disjiinilion. Glanville.
2. Brearh f concord.

To DISUNITE. v. a. [cUs and unite.]
1. To ſeparate ; to diville. Pope.
2. To ^)irt friends.

To DISUNITE. v. n ydis and unite.]
To fail aiunder ; to become ſeparate. 8cuth.

DISU'NITY. ʃ. [dti and unity.] A ſtate of
«du. 1 f.'u 'A'n. ' More.

DISU'S^g'e. [dii i'^A ufjge.] The gra.'u-tl
cefl'a ion of ui'e or cuſtom. Hooker.

PISU'.-,E. ʃ. [dii and uje.]
1. Ceſſation of uſe ; want of prrft ce.
2. Ceſſation of cuſtom. Arbuthnot.

To DISU'SE. v. a. [rf'jpnd uje.]
1. To ceife en make uſe of. Dryden.
2. To cuſtom. Dryden.

To DISVO'C'CH. v. a. [.'//Jarld^l3^<c6.] To
deſtroy the credit of ; to conttart €i.Shakʃpeare.

DIMWI'TTED. a. [dis and wlt.] De.
prived of ihs wits ; mad ; diſtracted. Dryden.

DIT. ʃ. [d:cLt, Dutch.] A dit'y ; a poem. Spenſer.

DITCH. ʃ. [OK, Saxon.]
1. A trench cut in the groimd ufuTIly between fields. Arbuthnot.
2. Any long narrow receptacle of water. Bacon.
3. The moat with which a town is furrounded. Knolles.
4. Ditch is uſed, in compoſition, of any
thing worth leſs, Shakʃpeare.

To DITCH. v. a. To make a ditch. Swift.

DITCH DELIVERED. ad. Brought forth
in a ditch. Shakʃpeare.

DITCHER. ʃ. [from ditch.] One who
digs ditches. Swift.

PITHY RA'MBICK. ʃ. [diihyra:7ibus, Lat.]
1. A f ing in honour of Bacohus.
2. Any poem written with wildneſs, Cowlry,

DITT VNOER. ʃ. Pepperwort,

DlTT-\Ny. ſ. [dicifimr.us, Latin.] An
I- b. More.

PITTItD. a. [from rtWfj'-J Sung ; adapted
tt> miifuK. Milton.

DI'T IT. ʃ. [dicht,'Dyi:c\\] A poem to be
funii ; fl ſting. Hooker.

DIVA'N. An Arabick word.]
1. The council of the oriental princess
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2. Any council aſſembled. Pope. .

To DIVA'RICATE. v. a. [di'varicatus.
Latin ; To be parted into two. Woodward.

To DIVARICATE. v. a. To divide into
two. Grew.

DIVARICA'TION. ʃ. [divaricatio, Latin.]
1. Paitition into ſwo. Ray.
2. Dvilion of opinion'. Brown.

To DIVE. v. a. [tjippan, Saxon.]
1. To link voluntarily under water. Dryden.
2. To go under water in ſearch of any
thing. Raleigh.
3. Tv go deep into any queſtion, or ſciencti.
Djiiiet. Blackmore.
4. To immerge into any buſinef' or rondi-
'i'^' Shakʃpeare.
To 1. tVE. v. a. To explore by liivintr. Denham.

DI'VER. ʃ. rfrom divc.]
1. One that ſinks voluntarily under water,
1. One that goes under water in ſearch of
e-''ure. Woodward.
3. He that enters deep inta Jcnowl&lge or
'^''''^, Wotton.
T ' DIVE'RGE. v. a. [diverge, Latin.] To
leaJ various v.ays from one point,

DIVE'RGENT. a. [from di-oergens, Lat.]
TfnHJng to various uar;s from one point.

DI'VERS. a. [i//i;f'^a.<, Latin.] Several; fundry ; more than one. Wjoitzift.

DI'VERSE. a. [dt-ucrUs, Latin.] .
1. Different from another, Daniel.
2. Different from itſelfj multiform. Ben. Johnſon.
3. In different direction?. Pope. .

DIVERSIFICATION. f. [from di-uerjijy.]
1. The act of changing forms or qualities. Boyle.
2. Variation ; variegation.
3. Variety of forms ; multiformity.
4. Change ; aheration. Hale.

To DIVERISI'FY. v. a. [diwrfifier, Fr.]
1. To make dilTerent from another ; to
dillinguiſh. Addiʃon.
2. To make difi'^rent from itſelf ; to varifg-'
te. Sidney.

DIVE'RSIO^r. ſ. [from diwrt.]
1. The act of turning any thing off from
its courſe. Bacon.
2. The cauſe by which any thing is turned
from its proper courſe or tendency. Denham.
3. Sport ; ſomething that unbends the
mind. Waller.
4. (In war.] The act or purpoſe of drawing
the eiie.ny off from ſome deſign, by
threuti;ning or attacking a diftsnt part,

DIVE'RSITY. ʃ. [dtverjite', Fr. from di.
vtrfi'.aiy Latin.]
1. DifferD
1. Difference; diſſimilitude ; unlikenvfs.

IIo kc.
2. Variety. Arbuthnot.
3. Dirlindlion of being ; not identity. i\S|-f.
4. Variegation. Ti/^.

DI'VERSLY. ad. [from diverſe.]
1. In different ways; differently; vari-
ouOy. i'Fotroa.
2. In different directions.

To DIVE'RT. v. a. [Jiwrto, Latin.]
1. To turn ofITrom any direction or cuurſe. Locke.
2. To draw forces to a different part.
3. To withdraw the mind. Philips.
4. To pleaſe ; to exhilarate. Swift.
5. To ſubvert ; to dc-ſtroy. Shakʃpeare.

DIVE'RTER. ʃ. [from the verb.] Anything
that diverts or alleviates. Walton.

To DIVERTl'SE. v. a. [divertifer, Fr.]
To pleaſe ; to exhilarate ; to divert. Dryden.

DIVE'RTISEMENT. ʃ. [divertij.ment, ii\
Diverſion ; delight ; pleaſure.
Govern.ment of the Torpue.

DIVE'RTIVE. ij. [from divert.] Recreative
; amuſive. Rugtrs.

To DIVX'ST. nj. a. [dev.'fiir, Trench.] To
ſtrtp ; to make naked. Denham.

DIVE'STURE. ʃ. [from divji] The act
of putting oft. By'-c.

DIVI'DABLE. a. [from di'vide.] Separate; different ; parted. Shakʃpeare.

DIVI'DANT. a. [from divide.] D-flerent
; ſeparate. Shakʃpeare.

To DIVl'DE. v. a. [divido, Latin.]
1. To pare one wh^jle into different pieces.
I Kings, Locke.
2. To ſeparate ; to keep apart ; to ſtand
as. a partition between. Dryden.
3. To diſuniteby diſcord. Luke.
4. To deal out ; to give in ſhares. Locke.

To DIVI'DE. 'V- « To part ; to funder ;
to break ſtiendſhip. Shakʃpeare.

Dl'VIDEND. ſ. [from divide.]
1. A ſhare ; the part allotted in diviſion. Decay of Piety.
2. Di-^ider,d is the number givtn to ue
parted or divided. Cocker.

DIYl'D^K. ſ. i^rom divide.]
1. That which parts any thing into pieces. Digby.
2. A diſtributer ; he who deals out to
each his fiiare. Luke
3. A diſuniter. Simjt.
4. A particular kind flf compaſſes,

DIVI'DUAL. a. [dii'iduiis, L-.ti.n.] Divided
; ſhared or participated in common with
others. Addiſon.

DIVINA'TION. ʃ. [divirtcilio, Litfn.] Pre-
C&lon or foretelling of future things. Hooker.

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DIVI'NE. adj. [divirius, Latin.]
1. Partaking of the n:;ture of God. Dryden.
2. Proceeding from God; not n?-iu;al ;
nut human. Hooker.
3. Excellent in a ſupreme degree. Davies.
4. Prefagtful ; divining; preſcient. Milton.

1. A miniffer of the goſpel ; a prieſt ; a.
clergyman. Bacon.
2. A man iliilkd in divinity ; a theolngun.

To DIVINE. -y. iz. [divino, Latin.] To
foretcl ; to foreknow. Shakʃpeare.

To DIVI NE. <v. n.
1. To utter prognofiication. Shakʃpeare.
1. To feel prefiges. &bake\i,eare,
3. To conjeifiure ; to g'leſs, Dryden.

DlV^rNGLY. ad. [hoT\^^dlv^ne.]
1. Cy the aef:ncy or intiuence of Ccd. Berkley.
2. Excellently ; in the ſupreme degree. Hooker, Milton.
3. In a manner noting a deiiy. yiddfon,

DIVI'NENESS j. [from di^'ine.]
1. Divinity; participation of the divine
nature. Grew.
2. Excellence in the ſupreme degree.Shakʃpeare.

D'IVI'NER. ʃ. [from diiir.e.]
1. One tint profeffes d.vination, or the art
of revealing ctcult things by ſupernatural
means. Brown.
2. Conie(f\urer ; gueffer, Locke.

DlVi'NERESS. ʃ. [from diviner.] A prophetsfs. Dryden.

DIVINITY. ʃ. [diviniie, French, d.vinitai,
I Participation of the nature and excellence
of God ; deity ; godhead, Stillingfleet.
2. The Deity ; the Supreme Being ; the
Cauſe of cauſts.
3. Falfe god. Prior.
4. Ctfleſhal being. Cheyne.
5. The ſcience of divine things ; theology.
6. Something ſupernatural. Shakʃpeare.

DIVISIBLE. a. [divifihili:, Latin.] Capable
of being divided into parts ; ſeparable. Berkley.

DIVISIBI'LITY. ʃ. [dJvifbiliie, French.]
The qu.jlicy of admitting diviſion,

DIVI'SIBLENESS. ʃ. [from diviſible.] Diviſibiliiv. Boyle.

DIVISION. ʃ. [d:fifio, Latin.]
1. The act of dividing any thing into parts.
2. Ejdras.
2. The ffate of being divided.
3. That by which any thing is kept ppart ;
4. The

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4. The part which is ſeparated from the
reli by dividing. Addiſon.
5. Difunion ; difecrd ; difTeience.
Deccy of Piety.
6. Parts into which a diſcouile isdiftn.
buted. Locke.
7. Space between the notes of muſick; juſt tuns. v
8. Diſtinction. Exodus.
9. [In anthmetick.] The ſeparation or
parting of any number or quantuy given,
into any parts ailigned. Cocker.
10. Subdiviſion ; d.uinctionof the gcneial
into ſpecies. Shakʃpeare.

DIVl'iOR. ʃ. [Jiv.Jer, Latin.] The nun,-
ber given, by which tliC dividend is divided.

DIVORCE. ʃ. [divorce, Fr.]
1. The legal ſeparation ct huſbanJ and
wife. Dryden.
2. Separation ; difunion. King Charles,
3. The Icntence by which a marriage is
4. The cauſe of any penal ſeparation. Shakʃpeare.

To DIVO'RCE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſeparate a hulba.'^.d or wife fri.ai the
2. To force aſunder ; to ſeparate by violence. Hooker.
3. To ſeparate from another. JJooker.
A. To take away. Shakʃpeare.

DI'VO'RCEMENT. ʃ. [hcmJiv.rc/.] Divorce
; ſeparation of nurriage. Deuteron,

DIVO'KCER. ʃ. [from divorce.] The perſon
or caule which proQuces di voice or fsparatioi).

DIURLTICK. a. [fiy.-.T(^.o;.] Having
the p>'wer to provoke urine. AiL'uibnot.

DIU'lvNAL. <i. [diu.-nus, Latin.]
1. Relating to the day. Bacon.
2. Conftii'jting the dty. Prior.
3. Performed la a dly j. daily ; quotidian.

DIU'RNAL. ʃ. [diurfial, French.] A journal
; a dsy- bock.

DIU'RNALLY. ud. [from diunia!.] Daily ;
every day. latlir.

DIUTU'RNITY. ʃ. [diutarnitas, Latin.]
L.eiiiith of duration. Brown.

To DIVU'LGE. v. o. [di'uuho, Latin.]
1. To pubiiſh ; to make publick. Hooker.
2. To proclcMm. Miltoi.

DIVU'LGER. ʃ'. [from d!-ju!ge.] A publiſher. King Charles.

DIVU'LSION. ʃ. [<//i,'b/>, Latin.] The
act of plucking awjy. Brciitt.

To DIZEN. i/.fl. [flom digit.] To drels ; to deck. Swift.

Dl'ZZARD. ʃ. [{TCand:zz.y.] A blockhead
i a foci.

DI'ZZlNESS. ʃ. [ftvmdizz).] Giddineſs.


DI'ZZY. a. [sipj, Saxon.]
1. Giddy ; vertiginous. Miltont,
2. Caufing giddineſs. Shakʃpeare.
3. Giddy ; thoughtieſs. Milton.

To DI'ZZY. v.-a. To whirl round ; tn
make giddy. Shakʃpeare.

To DO. v. a. preter. <//(/ ; part. pair, done,
[t)on, Sax. doen, Dutch.]
1. To practice or act any thing good ot
b-id. Pſalms.
2. To perform ; to achieve. Collier.
3. To execute ; to diſcharge. Shakʃpeare.
4. To cauſe. ^^enſer,
5. To tranſact. Acis,
6. To produce any efl'edl to another.Shakʃpeare.
7. To have recourſe to ; topract>ife as the
hft effort. Jeremiah.
8. To perform for the benefit of another.
9. To exert ; to put forth. 2 T;,v.',
10. To manage by way of interccurſe ot
dealing. Boyle. Roiue.

11. To gain a point; to eſſectby influence.Shakʃpeare.
12. To make any thing what it is not.Shakʃpeare.
To finiſh ; to end. Duppa.
To conclude ; to ſettle. TiHotjoit.
This phraſe, -nhat to 00 -zvith, ſignifies
how to beltow ; what uſe to make of; what courſe to take ; how to employ; wh'ch way to gee rid of. Tilloijin,

To DO. I-, n.
1. To act or behave in any manner well
or ill. Temple.
2. To make an end ; to conclude. Spectator.
3. To ceaſe to be concerned with ; to ceaſe
ro C3re about. Stillingfleet.
4. To fare ; to be with regard to ſickneſs
or health. Shakʃpeare.
5. To ſucceed ; to fulfil a purpoſe. Collier.
6. To DO is uſed for any verb to fave the
rep:titi'an of the word; as, I fiall coire,
bat 'f I do i:or, go away ; that is, if I
come not. Arbuthnot.
7. Do is a word of vehemeat command,
rneit retjueft ; as, help me, do ; make
hcijie, do. 7ci
8. To Do is put before verbs ſometimes expletively
; as, / do love, or, / Iqijc ; /
did love, or, / loved. Bacon.
^. Sometimes emphatically ; ar, 1 60 bste
nim, but will not wrang him. Shakʃpeare.
10. Sometimes by way of oppoſition ; as,
/ did loTo him, liut [corn him now,

DO'CIBLE. a. [dorilis, Latin.] Tradlable; d'cile ; eaſy to be taught. M.lton.

DO'CIELENESS. ʃ. [from d<i:ibk.] Teachablsneſs
; docility. Wulioit,

DO'CiLE. u. [dmilis, Latin.]
1. TeachD
1. Teachable ; eaſily inſtruded ; tractaMe.
2. With to.

DOCI'LirV. ſ. [Ac/////, Fr. from ^of/.Vf.'s,
Lat.] Aptneſs to be taught ; iCddii,, (s
to learn. Cr'io.

DOCK. ʃ. [» >cca, Saxon.] An herb. Swift.

DOCK. ʃ. The ſlump of the tail, whah
rem'iins after docking. Grc:'.'.

DOCK. ʃ. [As foIT.e'jmog'ne, of ^ox^'-o^-]
A phoe where water is let in or out at
pleaſure, where ſhii;s are bai't or laid up.

To DOCK. r,'.a, [ftcnulock, a tail.]
1. To cut off a tail.
2. To cut any thing ſhort. Swift.
3. To cut oft a reckoning.
4. To lay the ſhip in a dock.

DO'CKET. ʃ. A direction t>ed upon goods ;
a fummary of a luger writing.

DO'CTOR. ʃ. [d.clo', Latin.]
1. One that has taken the higheſt degr-e
in the faculties of divinity, law, or phyſick.
In ſome univerſities they have doctors
of muſick. Shakʃpeare.
2. A nun ſkilled in any profeflion.
3. A phyſician ; one who undertakes the
cure of d iſeaſes. Shakſpeare.
A. Any able or learned man. Digb,

To DO'CTOR. v. a. [from the noun.] To
phylick ; to cure.

DOCTO'^AL. a. [doFioraUs, Lat.] Relating
tn the degree of a doft'>r.

DO'CIORALLYT c^. [from djaorah] In
manser of a doflcr. HizLlv.ll,

DO'CTORSHIP. ʃ. [from daor \ The
tank of a doilor. CLvendon.

DO'CTRINAL. a. [doBrlna, Latin<]
1. Cotaning doſtr.ne. South.
2. Pcrtaining to the act or means of teaching. Hooker.

DO'CTRINALLY. ad. [from doBrine.] In
the /orm of . cCTrine ; pofuively. Ray.

DOCTRINE. ʃ. [d anna, Latin.]
1. The principles or poſitions of any felfl
orm^fter. Atterbury.
2. The act of teaching. Mark.

DO'CUMENT. ʃ. [do^umeJitum, Lat.]
1. ['lecept ; inſtruillu n ; direction. Watts.
2. Precept in an ill feiile ; a precept magil'erislly
dogmatical. Gov. of the Tongue.

DO'DDER. ʃ. [tout,-ren, to ſhoot uu, Dutch. Skinner.]
DJder is a fi.-igul.T plant :
when it firſt ſhaots from the feed it has
little roots, which pierce the earth near
the roots of other plants ; but the capillaments
of which it is f'lrmeH, ſoon
after clinging about theſe plants, the roots
wither away. Fmm this time it jiropagates
itſelf along the llalks of the plant.
cntnngling itſelf about thi.m in a vtr.
cnnnlicated m<:n.Ter. It has no leaves.

DO'DDSRED. a. [from dodder. [Overgri.'.
v:i with dodder. Dryden.

DODE'CAGON. ʃ. [?a.'J;Haand^a)w'a.] A
figure of twrly ſides.

DODECA 1 EMORION. ſ. [J.jj£-ta1«,u.';io-.'.]
The twelfth part. C euh.

To DODGE. v. n. [from dog.]
1. To uſe craft ; to deal with terg verfatioi.Hall.
2. To ſhift place as another approach.-s. M: 'ion.
3. To play faſt and looſe ; to raiſe xpectations
and diſaupoint them. Swift.

DO'DKIN. ʃ. [duy:kev, Dutch.] A doitkin
or little doit ; a low coin. Lily,

DO'DMAN. ʃ. The name of afiſh. Bacon.

DOE. ʃ. ['Di, Saxon.] A ſhe-deer ; the
female .;f a buck. Bacon.

DOE. ʃ. [from To do.] A feat ; what ne
has to do. Hudibras.

DO'ER. ʃ. [from To d^.]
1. One that does any thing good or bad. South.
2. Aſtor ; agen^. Hooker.
3. An active, or buſy, or valiant perſon. Knolles.
4. One that habitually performs or praenſes. Hooker.

DOES. The third perſon from do, for doth. Locke.

To DOFF. v. a. [from do off.]
1. To put off dreſs. Milton, Dryden. P.ove,
2. To ſt rip. CraJJ:>azu.
3. To put away ; to get rid of. Shakʃpeare.
4. To delay ; to refer to another time. Shakʃpeare.

DOG. ʃ. [d:igghe, Dutch.]
1. A domeſtick aamial remarkably various
in his ſpecies. Locke.
2. A conflellaciorx called Sirius, or Canicula,
riſing and fetting with the fun
during the dog days. Brown.
3. A reproachful name for a man.Shakʃpeare.
4. To give or ſend to the DoG s ; to throw
away, 'io go to the Dogs ; to be ruined,
deftmyed, or devoured. Pope. .
5. It is uſed as the male of ſeveral ſpecies
; as, the J«^ fox, the <-/ef otter.

To DOG. v. a. To hunt as a dog, infidi-
(uifly and indefatigably. Herbert.

The teeth in the human
head next to the grinders ; the eyeteeth. Arbuthnot.

DOG-TRICK. ʃ. [d-g and trick.] An ill
turn ; ſurly or brutal treatment. Dryden.

DOGBANE. ʃ. [di>g and Ihine.] An herb.

DOGBERRY'-TREE. Cornelian- cherry.

DOGBRIAR. ʃ. [dog and briar.] The
briar that bears the hip.


DO'GCHEAP. a. [dag and cheap-l C^heap
as do^s meat. DryiUr.

DO'GDAVS. ʃ. [dfi^ and day!.] The days
in which the dogllar riſes ai:d fets with
the fun. Clarenden.

DOGE. ʃ. [a%<-, Italian.] The title of
the chief magiltrate oſ Venice and Genoa. Addiʃon.

DO'GFISH. ʃ. [from d':g and // ] A
ſhark. Woodward.

DO GFLY. ſ. A voracious biting fly.

DO'GGED. a. [from dog.] Sullen ; four; moroſe ; ill-humoured
; gloomy. Hudibras.

DO'GGEDLY. ad. [txfmd.gg.d.] Sullenly ; gloomily.

DO'GGEDNESS. ʃ. [from ^o^^r^.] Gloom
of mind ; iuUenneſs,

DO'GGER. ʃ. A ſmall ſhip with one maft.

DO'GGEREi. a. Vile ; deſpecable ; mean. Dryden.

DOGGEREL. ʃ. Mean, deſpecable, worth-
\ih verſe;. Swift.

DOGGISH. a. [from dog ] Curriſh ; brutal.

DOGHE'ARTED. a. [dog and heart.]
CrucJ ; pitileſs ; malicious. Shakʃpeare.

DOGHO'LE. ʃ. [dog and bole.] A v.le
Jiole. Pope. .

DOGKE'NNEL. ſ. [dog and kennel.] A
liitle hut or houſe for dcgs. TatLr.

DO'GLOUSE. ʃ. [d^g iniloufi.] An infedl
that harbours on dog?.

DO'GMA. ʃ. [Latin.] Eftabliſhed principle ; ſettled notion. Dryden.

DOGMA'TICAL. ʃ. cu [from dogrna ] Au-

DOGMA'TICK. ^ ihontative ; mapirterial
; poſitive. Boyle.

DOGMATICALLY. nd. [from dogmatical.]
Magifterially ; poſitively. South.

DOGMA' TICALNESS. ʃ. [from dogmaticul.]
M igifterialr.e's ; mock authority.

DOGMATIST. ʃ. [dcgTonjle, Fr.] A
magifterial teacher ; a bold advancer of
principles. Watts.

To DOGMATI'ZE. v. a. [from dcrvti.]
To aiiert poſitively ; to teach ma^illerially. Blackmore.

DOGMATIZER./ [from dogrratiiie.] An
affertt-r ; a magifterial teacher. Hammond.

DOGRO'SE. ʃ. [dog and nfe.] The flower
of the hin. Durham.

DO'GSLEEP. ʃ. [dog t and pif.] Pretendc-d
ſleep. Milton.

DO'GSMEAT. ʃ. [dog and meat.] Refuſe ; vile ſtuit. Dryden.

DO'GSTAR. ʃ. [d g and ſtar.] The flar
which ^ives name to theoogdays. Addiſon.

DO'GSTOOTH. ʃ. A plant. Mdkr.

DO'GTROT. ʃ. A gentle trot like that of
a drg. Hudibras.

DOGWEA'RY. a. Tired as a dog,Shakʃpeare.

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DO'LLY. ʃ. A ſpecies oſ wooilen Ituff, fo
called, 1 ſuppoſe, from the name of the
fiXiX (!;aker.

DO'INGS. ʃ. [from To do.]
1. Things done ; events ; tranſa6>ions.Shakʃpeare.
2. Feats ; actions : good of bad. Sidney.
3. Behaviour; conduct. Sidney.
4. Stir; burtle; tutrult. Hooker.
1;. Activity ; merriment.

DOIT. ʃ. [di^yt, Dutch.] A ſmall piece of
money. Shakʃpeare.

DOLE. ʃ. [from deal; txlan, Saxon.]
1. The act of diſtribution or dealing.
2. Any thing dealt out or distributed.

3. Proviſions or money diſtributed in charity. Dryden.
4. BIows dealt out. Milton.
5. [from dclcr.] Grief ; ſorrow ; miſery.Shakʃpeare.

To DOLE. nj. a. [from the noun.] To
deal , to diſtribute. DiSi.

DO'LEFUL. a. [dole and full.]
1. Sorrowful ; diſmal ; expreſſing grief. South, Dryden.
2. Melancholy ; afflitled ; feeling grief. Sidney.
. DJfma! ; imprelTing ſorrow. Hooker.

DO'LEFULLY. dd. [tiom doleful.] ^lt\ a.
Holeful manner.

DO'LEFULNESS. ʃ. [from doleful.].
1. Sorrow ; melancholy,
2. Q^erulouſneſs.
3. Uifmal.neſs.

DOLESOAiE. a. [from dole.] Melancholy
; elo my ; difm.-.!. Pope. .

DOLESOMELY. ad. [from doleſome.] In
a Holef me manner.

DO'LESOMENESS. ʃ. [from doleſome.]
Gl. om i

DOLL. ʃ. A little girl's puppet or baby.

DOLLAR./. [daler, Dutch.] A Dutch
and G.-rnisn coin of different value, from
ab ut two ſhillings and ſixpence to four
and ſixpence.

DOLORI'FICK. a. [do'orlfc^s, Lat.] That
which ca:ires grief or pain. Ray.

DOLOROUS. a. [from doLr, Latin.]
1. Sorrowful ; doleful ; diſmal. Milton.
2. Pnnful. More.

DO'LOUR. ʃ. [do'cr, Latin.]
1. Grief ; ſorrow. Shakʃpeare.
2. Lamentation; complaint.
3. Pain ; pan?. Brown.

DOLPHIN. ʃ. [delpbin, Lat.] The name
of a fiſh. Peiichom.

DOLT. ʃ. [dol, Teutonick.] A heavy ſtupid
fellow ; a thickfcul. Shakʃpeare.

DOLTISH. a. [from dok.] Stupid ; njcin ; blockiſh. Sliincy.

DO'MAELTi. a. [doniabilit, Lat.] Tameable

DOMA'IN. ʃ. [domaine, Fr.]
1. Dominio.. 3 Tnpire. Millon.
2. Pofleſſion ; eſtate. Dryden.

DOME. ʃ. [dome, French.]
1. A building ; a houſe ; a fabrick. Prior.
2. A hemiſphereal arch ; a cupola.

DOME- ! ICAL. ʃ. r, „ r„l
1. Belonging to the houſe ; not relating
to things publick. Booker.
2. Private ; not open. Hooker.
3. Inhabiting the houſe ; not wild. Addiſ.
4. Nof foreign ; inteſtine. Shakʃpeare.

To DOMESTICATE. v. a. [from d>me.
ſick.] To make domeſtick ; to withdraw
from the publick. Chr:ea,

To BO MrPY. v. n. To tame.

DO'MINANT. a. [deminant, Fr.] Predominant; preſiding ; aſcendant.

To DO'MINATE. m. a. [dominatut, Lat.]
To pieduminate ; to prevail over the reſt. Dryden.

DOMINA'TION. ʃ. [dominat'w, Lat.]
1. Power ; dominion. Shakʃpeare.
2. Tyranny ; inſolent authority. ^^M^.winor.
3. One highly exalted in power : iift;d of
anglii k beingf. Milton.

DO'MINATIVE. a. [from daminate.] Imperious
; nfolent.

DOMINA'IOR. ʃ. [Latin.] The preſiding
power. Camden.

To DOMINE'ER. v. n. [dominor, Lat.] To
rule with infolence ; to ſwell; to act without
riintrol. Prior.

DOMINICAL. a. [dominicalis, Latin.]
That which notes the Lord's day, or
Sunday. Holder.

DOMINION. ʃ. [dominium, Latin.]
1. Sovereign authority ; unlimited power.
2. Right of poſſeſtion or uſe, without
being accountable, Locke.
g. Territory ; region ; diſtrict. Davies.
4. Predominance ; aſcendant. Dryden.
<;. An order of angels. Co'.-Jfum.

DON. ʃ. [Jow/nut,' Latin.] The .Spaniſh
title 'or d gentleman ; as, Uon Quixote.

To DON. I-, a. [To do on.] To put nn. Fairfax.

DONARY. ʃ. [donarium, lu.] A thing
given to ficred uſes.

DONATION/ [donatio, Ui.]
1. The act of giving any thing. South.
2. The grant by which any thing it given. Raleigh.

DO'NATIVE. ʃ. [dona/i/ Fr.]
1. A gift ; a largeA ; a preſent. Hooker.
2. ! In law.] A benefice me-ely given
and cojldted by the patron to a man, with-
«ut the oidinaiy. Cowci,


DONE. fart. fajj'. of the verb. To io, Spenſer.

DONE. interjeSi. The word by which a
wager is concluded ; when a wager is offered,
he that accepts it fays done. Cleaveland,

DONJON. f. [now dungeon. ~\ The higheſt
and ſtrongeſt tower of the caſtle, in which
priſoners were kept. Chaucer.

DO NOR. ʃ. A giver ; a beflower. Atterbury.

DO'ODLE. ʃ. A trifler ; an idler.

To DOOM. v. a. [toeman, Saxon.]
1. To judge. MillOft.
2. To condemn to any puniſhment ; to
fentence. Smith.
3. To pronounce condemnation upon any. Dryden.
4. To command judically or authoritatively.Shakʃpeare.
5. To deſtine ; to command by uncontrolable
authority. Dryden.

DOOM. ʃ. [tiom, Saxon.]
1. Judicial ſentence ; judgment. Milton.
2. The great and final judgment,Shakʃpeare.
3. Condemnation. Shakʃpeare.
4. Determination declared. Shakʃpeare.
5. The ſtate to which one is deſtined. Dryden.
6. Ruin ; deſtruction. Pope. .

DO'OMSDAY. ʃ. [doom and day.]
1. The day of final and univerſal judgment
; the laſt, the great day. Brown.
2. The day of ſentence or condemnation.Shakʃpeare.

DO'OMSDAY-BOOK. ʃ. [doom/Jay and
book.] A book made by order of William
the Conqueror, in which the estates of
the kingdom were regiſtered. Camden.

DOOR. ʃ. [.& n, Saxon.]
1. The gate of a houſe ; that which opens
to yield entrance. Denham.
2. Ii familiar language, a ho\i(e,Arbuthnot.
3. Entrance ; portal. Dryden.
4. Paffage ; avenue ; means of approach. Hammond.
5. Oaco/ Doors. No more to be found ; fairly ſent away. Locke.
9. At the Door of anyone. Imputable ; chargeable upon him. Dryden.
7. Next Door to. Approaching to ; near to. L'Eſtrange.

DO'ORCASE. ʃ. [door and cafe.] The
frame in wh'ch the door is incloſed. Moxon.

DO'ORKEEFER. ʃ. [door and keeper, ]
Porter ; one that keeps the entrance of a
hniife. Taylor.

DOQU'ET. ʃ. A paper containing a warrant. Bacon.

DO'RMANT. a. [dormant, Fr.]
1. Sleeping, Congreve.
2. In a deeping poſture. Grew.
3. Private ; not publick. Bacon.
4. Concealed ; not divulged, Swift.
5. Lea'iing; not perpendicular, Cleveland.

DO'RMITORY. ʃ. [donnitorium, Lat.]
1. A place to ſleep in ; a room with
imny beds. Mortimer.
2. A buriil place. Ayliffe.

DO'RMOUSE. ʃ. [dsrmis and Tr.ouſe.] A
ſmall animal which paſſes a large part of
the Winter in ſleep, Ben. Johnson.

DORN. ʃ. [froni dorriy German, a thorn.]
The nanie of a fiſh. Carew.

DO'RNICK. ʃ. [of Dtornick in Flanders.]
A ſpecies of linen cloth uſed in Scotland
for the table.

To DORR. v. a. [tor, ſtupid,Teutun:ck.]
To deaſen or ſtupify with noiſe, Skinner.

DORR. ſ. A kind 'of flying inf«« ; the
hedge-chafer. Grew.

DO'RSEL. ʃ. [from dorfum, the b^ck.]

DOR'ER.^ A pannier ; a baſket or bag,
one of which hangs on either ſide a beait
of b^irrhen.

DORSIFEROUS. ʃ. [dtrfum and fero,

DOJRSrt-AROUi. ʃ <r f^-'o, Lat.] Having
the property of bearing or bringing
forth on the oack : uſed of plants that
have the feeds on the back of their leaves,
a: .'p'O.

DORTURl!. ſ. [from dormiture -^ dorio'r,
Ft.] A donnitory ; a place to Deep in. Bacon.

DOSE. ʃ. rj,V;?.]
1. So much of any medicine as is taksn
at ont time. Quincy.
2. As much of any thing as falls to a
man's lot, Hudibras.
3. The utmoſt quantity of ſtrong liquor
tbar a man can ſwallow.

To DOSE. v. a. To proportion a medicine
prope»ly to the patient or diſeaſe.

DOSSIL. ʃ. [from d.rfei] A pledget ; a
nodule or lump of lint. PI-'iſeman.

DOST. [the ſecond perſon of do ] Addiʃon.

DOT. ʃ. [from jot, a point.] A ſmall
point or ſpot made to mark any place in
a writing.

To DOT. v.-n, [from the noun.] To make
dots or ſpots.

DO'TAGE. ʃ. [fron-i dote.]

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I L fs of underſtanding ; imbecillity of
mind. Davies. Suckiing,
2. Exceffive fondneſs, Dryden.

DO'TAL. a. [dotalis, Latin.] Relating to
the portion of a woman ; conſtituting her
portion. Garth.

DOTARD. f. [from (/off ] A man whofe
8ge has impaired his intellects ; a tivichild. Spenſer.

DOTA'TION. ʃ. [dotatio, Lat.] The at!
of giving a dowry.

To DOTE. v.Ti. [dcten, Dutch.]
1. To have the intellect impaired by age
or paſſion. Jeremiah.
2. To be in love to extremity. &iani-i.

To Dote upon. To regard with excellivc
fondnei's. Burnet.

DO' PER. ʃ. [dom dote.]
1. One whoſe underſtanding is impaired
by years ; a dotard. B non,
2. A man fondly, weakly, and exc Hi- ly
in love. Boyle.

DO'TINGLY. ad. [from doting.] Fondly. Dryden.

DO'TTARD. ʃ. A tree kept low by cutting. Bacon.

DO'TTEREL. ʃ. The name of a bird. Bacon.

DOUBLE. a. [dcub'c, French.]
1. Two of a fort ; one correſponding to
the other. Ecclus.
2. Twice as much ; containing the ſame
quantity repeated. Ben. Johnson.
3. Having more than one in tlis ſame
order or parallel. Bacon.n.
4. Twofold ; of two kinds, Dryden.
5. Two in number. Davies.
6. Having twice the effect or infliiance.Shakʃpeare.
7. Deceitful ; ading two pzyts, Shakʃpeare.

DOUBLE-PIE. '^. / That in whi n the
defendant alleges for himſelf tw > ſeveral
matters, whereof either is ſuſſicien' to
eſſecthis deſire in debarring the plainmtiff.

DO'UBLE-BITING. a. B.ung or cuinng
on either ſide. Dryden.

DOUBLE BUTTONED. a. [double and
buttoned.] Having two rows of buttons. Gay.

DO'UBLEDEALER. ʃ. A deceitful, ſubtle,
in/iiiious fellow ; one who fays one thing
and thinks another. L'Eſtrange.

DO'UBLE DEALING. ʃ. Artifice ; diffimuiation
; low or Wicked cunning. Vtipe,

To DOUBLE-DIE. v. a. To die twice
over. Dryden.

DO'UBLE-HEADED. a. Having the flowers
growmt! one to another, Mortimer.

To DO'UBLE LOCK. v. a. [double and
'Ock T > ih of the lock twice. Tjtler,

DOUBLE-MINDED. a. Deceitful ; infidi'ius.

DOUBLE SHINING. a. Shining with
double iuHre. Sidney.

DO'UBLE TONGUED. a. D^ceitful ; giving
contrat'y acccounts of the ſame tuing. Dryden.

To DO'UBLE. v. a.
1. To enlarge any quantity by adiiition of
the fjnie quantify. Shakʃpeare.
2. To contain twice the quantity. Dryden.
3. To repeat ; to add. Dryden.
4. To add one to another in the ſame order
or parallel. Exodus.
5. To f Id, Prior.
Q a 6. T.

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6. To paſs round a headhnd. Knolles.

To DO'UBLE. v. n.
1. To increaſe to twice the quantity.
2. To enlarge the ſtake to twice th- ſmn
in play. Dryden.
3. To wind in running. Bacon.
4. To play tricks ; to uſeflsighis, Dryden.

1. Twice the quantity or number. Graunt,
2. Strong beer 0^' twice the common
ſtrength. Shakʃpeare.
3. A rick ; a ſhift ; an artifice,

DO'UBLENESS. ʃ. [f(om do-Jl-.] The
ftite f Oring double. Shakʃpeare.

DO'UBLER. ʃ. [from diuh.'e.] He that
douolef any thing.

DO'UBLET. ʃ. [from doub'e.]
1. The inner garment of a man ; the
waiſtrojt. Hudibras.
1. Two ; a pair. Grew.

[French.] A Spaniſh coin
cont iiing the value I'f iwopiHoles.

DO'UBLY. iid. [from dcubU.] In twice
the quantity ; to twee the degree. Dryden.

To DOUBT. -u-n. [d-^ubter, F.]
1. To quection ; to bi in uncertainty.
2. To queſtion any event, fearing the
Viwrfl. Shakʃpeare, Knolles.
3. To fear ; to be apprehenſive.
Oiway. Buhr.

A. To ſuſpect; to have ſuſpicion. Daniel.
5. To hehtrffe ; to be in ſuſpenfr. Dryden.

To DOUBT. v. a.
1. To hold queſtionable ; to thii:k u.ncertain,
2. To fear ; to ſuſpefl. Bacon.
3. To diſtruct. Shakʃpeare.

DOUBT. f. [from the vrb.]
1. Uncertainty of mind ; ſuſpenfe. South.
2. Queilion ; point unſettled. Foj>c.
3. Sctupie ; perplex. ty ; irreſolution.Shakʃpeare.
4. Uncertainty of condition. Deuteronomy.
c. Suſpicion ; apprehenſion of ill.
6. Difficnityobjected. Blackmore.

DOUB'LER. ʃ. [from doubt. ^ One who
entertain? ſcruples.

DOUBTFUL. a^ {^doubt fix\^ full.y
1. Dubious ; not ſettled in opinion.Shakʃpeare.
2. Ambiguous ; not clear in its meaning,
fl. That about which thete is doubt ;
queſtionable ; uncertain. Bacon. South, Dryden.

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A N it fi-cui. i
not without ſuſpicion. Hooker.
r. K^' confident ; not without ſcir. Milton.

DOUBTFULLY ad. [from doub'jul.]
1. Dabioully ; iuefoiutely.

2. Ambigtioudy ; with- urirertnnty of
meaning. 6'pertfer.

DOUBTFULNESS. ʃ. [from d:-:dfu>.]
1. DubiOulneſs ; ſuſpenfe ; inſtability of
opinion. Watts.
2. Ambiguity ; uncertainty of meaning. Locke.

DO'UBTINGLY. ad. [from doi:it.] In a
Diubring manner ; dubiouſly. Bacon.

DO'UBTLESS. a. [f:^m doubt.] Without
fear ; without apprehenſion of danger.Shakʃpeare.

DOUBTLESS. ad. Without duubt ; unqueſt' nabl>'.

DOUCET. ʃ. [doucet, Fr.] Acuftard.

DOUCKER. ʃ. A bird that dips in the
water. Ray.

DOVE. ʃ. yufo, old Teutonick ; dafb. German.]
1. A wild pigeon.
2. A pigeon.

DO'VECOT. ʃ. [dove and «.'.] A ſmall
building in which pigeons are bred and
k'pt Shakʃpeare.

DO'VEHaU.E. ſ. [dove and iow;.] A
houſe foi pigeons. Dryden.

DOVETAIL. ʃ. [dove and /«//.] A form
of joining two bodies together, where that
which is inferted has the form of a wedge

DOUGH. ʃ. ['Bih, Saxon.]
1. The paſte of bread or pies, yet uabak.
d. Dryden.
2. My c-ike is DouGH. My affair has
miſtarried. Shakʃpeare.

DOUGHBA'KED. a. [dough and b^ked..
Unnniſhed ; not hardened to perfection ; f.ft. Donne.

DO'UGHTY. a. ['©hris, Saxon.] Brave ;
noble ; illuſtrious ; eminent. Spenſer.

DO'UGHY. a. [from do:^gh.] I'-ibund ;
Tot't ; unhardened. Shakʃpeare.

To DOUSE. v. a. To put over head ſuddenly
in the water.

To DOUSE. v. n. To fall ſuddenly into
the water. Hudibras.

DO'WAGER. ʃ. [douairlere, Fr.]
1. A widow with a jointure. Shakʃpeare.
1. The title given to iad;es who ſurvive
th'ir hiifl-.nds. Shakʃpeare.

DO'WDY. ʃ. An aukward, illd.elied, inelegant
woman. Hhijieſpeu/e,

DO'WERY. ʃ. J- {^'' Fr.]
1. That which the wife bringeth to her
hufoin'! in maniage. Pope. .
2. That which the wid^w pbrteſſes. Bacon.
3. The grits of a huſband for a wif?.
4. E iH wment ; gift. DatiiBs,

DO'WERED. a. To itioned ; ſupplied with
a poition. tihok'-jpaice.



DO'WERLESS. a. [from aower.] Withci:
t a fortune. Shakʃpeare.

DOWLAS. ʃ. A coarſe kind of liuen.

DOWN. ʃ. [^^aff, Daniſh.]
1. Soft feathers, Wotton.
2. Any thing that ſooths or mollifies. Southern.
3. Soft wo!, or tender h»ir. Prior.
4. The ſoft fibres of pknts which wing
the feeds. Bacon.

DOWN. ʃ. [sun, Saxon.] A large open
plain or valley. Sidney, Sandys.

DOWN. prep, fa'euna, Saxon.]
1. Along a deſcent ; from a higher place
to a lower. Shakʃpeare.
2. To wards the mouth of a river, Knolles.

DOWN. ad.
1. On the ground ; from the height to a
lower (iiuanon. Milton.
2. Tending towards the ground.
3. Cat of fight ; below the horizon.Shakʃpeare.
4. To a total maceration. Arbuthnot.
5. into diſgrace ; into declining reputation.
6. [Anſwering to I'p.] Here and there. Pſalms.

DOWN. interj.ci. An exhortation to deft'uction
or demolj-ion. Shakʃpeare.

DOWN. [To go.] To be digeſted ; to re
lecei'.ed. Locke.

To DOWN. v. a. [from the particle.] lo
knoJc ; to ſubdue ; to conquer. Sidney.

DO'WNCAST. a. [down and caſt.] Bent
down ; diiected to the ground. Addiʃon.

DO'WNFAL. ʃ. [^doTcn and fail.]
1. Ruin ]
fall from liate. South.
2. A bi.dy of things falling. Dryden.
3. Deſtrmſtion of fabricks. Dryden.

DOWNFALLEN. participial a. Ruined; fallen. - Carew.

DO'WNGYRED. a. [dozen and gynd..
Let aown in circular wrinkles. Shakʃpeare.

DOWNHIL. ʃ. [^ow« and /b;7/.] Dcelfvicy
; deſcent. Dryden.

DO'WNHIL. a. Declivous; deſcending.

DO'WNLOOKED. ' a. [dov.'n and look.]

HIV.rig a dejetled countenance ; fullen ; meianchdv. Dryden.

DO'WNLYING. a. [d.-wn and lie.] Ab. ut
to be in rravjil of childbirth.

DO'WNRIGHT. ad. [down and riobt.]
I Strait or right down. Hudibras.
2. I1 plain terms. Shakʃpeare.
3. Completely; without flopping ſhurt. Arbuthnot.

1. Plain ; open; apparent; und.fguiſed. Rogers.
2. Directly tending to the point. Ben. Johnſon.
3. Unceremonious; honslliy ſurly-.^t/ti'^'jon.

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or lin:al de-

Shakſpeare. Dryden.
Diyrief. Sidney.

flumber ;

1. Plain ; without palliation, B^--

DO'WNSITTING. ʃ. [^.w«and>.] Rell ; 'Po'e. Pſ.z!ms.

DO'WNWARD. ʃ. , .

'OJnſp:ai'&, Sax.]
1. To wards the center. Nc-wron.
2. From a higher ſituation to a lov^cr. Milton.
3. In a courſe of ſucceffive

1. Muvii-jg wn a declivity.
2. Declivius ; bending.
Dſpvefled ; dejected.

VNV. a. [from doiun]
1. Coveied with down or nap. Shakʃpeare.
2. Made of down orfofr feathers. Dryden.
3. Sjft; tender; ſoothing. Cmjhaiu.

DOWRE. 1 c r,

DOWRY. ʃ. J- i^''''^' French.]
1. A portion g'ven with a wife. Sidney.
2. A reward paid for a wife. Cotv/i ;

DOXO'LOGY. ʃ. [a-;?a and 7,6y^.] A
form of givinj; glory to God. Stillingfleet.

DO'XY. ʃ. A whore ; a looſe wench. Shakſpeare.
t'- n. r&psep, Saxon.] To
to be half aſleep. L'Eſtrange, Pope. .
V. a. To ſtupify ; to duIJ. Clarendon.

DO ZEN. ʃ. [douxaine, Fr.] The number
of twelve. Raleigh.

DOZINESS. ʃ. [from doxy ] Sleepineſs
; drouſineſs. Locke.

DOZY. a. S!eepy ; droufy ; fluggiſh. Dryden.

DRAB. ʃ. [to drabbe, Saxon. Ises.] A whorea
ſtrumpec. Pof-e

DRACHM. ʃ. [drachma, Lat.]
1. An old Rotnats coin. Shakʃpeare.
2. The eighth part of an ounce.

DRACUiNCULUS. ʃ. [Latin.] A worm
bred in the hot countries, which grows to
many yards length between the ſkin and

DRAD. a. Terrible; d.eaded. Spenſer.

DRAFF. ʃ. [&;^0J:, Saxon.] Any thing
thrown away. Ben. Johnſon.

DRA'FFY. a. [from draff.] Worthleſs; dressy.

DRAFT. a. [corrupted for d-augbt.]Shakʃpeare.

To DRAG. v. a. [BrisS'n, Saxon.]
1. To pull along the giound by main force. Denham.
2. To draw any thing burthenſome. Smith.
3. To draw conteniptuoully along. Stillingfleet.
4. To pull about with violence and ignommy. Clarendon.
5. To P'jU roughly and forcible. Dryden.

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To DRAG. v. n. To hang ſo low as to
trail or (;! ate upon the ground. Moxon.

DRAG. ʃ. [from the verb ]
1. A net drawn along the bottom of the
water. -- Rogers.
2. All inſtrum«nt with hooks to catch
hold of things under water. f'Faki^n,
3. A kind of car drawn by the hand. Moxon.

DRA'GNET. ʃ. [drag and net.] A ntt
which is drawn aJon; the bottom of the
water. Mav.

To DRA'GGLE. v. a. [from d^ag.] to
make dirty by dragging on the ground.

To DRA'GGLE. w. n. To grow dirty by
berng drawn along the ground, Hudibras.

DRA'CON'. ʃ. [d''<-co, Latin.]
1. A kind of winged ſerpent. Rowc,
2. A fisrce violent man or wnmari.
5. A conſtellation near the North pole.

DRA'GON. ʃ. [dracuncului, Latin.] A
plant. Miller.

DRA'GONLET. ʃ. A little dragon. Spenſer.

DRA'GONFLY. ʃ. A fierce flinging fly. Bacon.

DRA'GONISH. a. [from Jra^ow.] Hating
the form of a dragon. Shakʃpeare.

DRA'GONLIKE. a. Furious; fiery.Shakʃpeare.

DRA'GONSBLOOD. ʃ. [d-agon n^^hlood]
A refin moderately heavy, friable, aril
duſky red ; but of a bright ſcarlet, when
powdered : if has litti. fn-elU and is of a
refincius and aſtringent taſte. Hill.

DRAGON-MEAD. ʃ. A plant. MilUr.

DRAGON-TREE. ſ. Pſimrree. Miller.

DRAGOON. ʃ. [from dra^en, Cermin.]
A kind of ſoldier that ſerves mdiHcrfntiy
either on foot or horſeback. TutLr.

To DRAGO'ON. v. a. To perfecute by
abandoning a place to die rage of ſoldiers. Prior.

To DRAIN. v. a. [trairer, French.]
1. To dr-'W off grsdudlly. Bacon.
2. To empty by drawing gradually away
what it contains. Roſcommon.
'3. To make quite dry. ^luift.

DRAIN. ʃ. [from the verb.] The channel
through which liquids are gradually drawn.

PRAK'E. y. [of uncertain etymology.]
1. The male of the dm k. Mortimer.
2. A ſmall piece 'A artillery. Clarendon.

DRAM. ʃ. f fronti drachm, drach}m, Lat.]
1. In weight the eighth part of an ounce. Bacon.
2. A ſmall quantity. Dryden.
3. Such a quantity of diſtilled ſpirits a is
uruaiiy drank at once. Swift.
4. Spirits ; diſtilled liquors. Pope. .

To DRAM. t>. n. To drink diſtilled ſpirits.

DR'AMA. ʃ. [Jfa/i« ] A poem accommvd.
ted to action ; a poe.T. in > hich tl.f
action is not related, but repreſented ; and
in which therefore ſuch rules are to be obſerved
as make the repreſentation pro-
''able. Dryden.

DRAMATICAL. v. a. [from </.-/«. 1 Re-

DRAMA TICK. ^ preſented by adi.n. Bentley.

DRAMA'TICALLY. ad. [from dramu,ck.-\
Repreſentativeiy ; oy reprefeatatun.

DRAMATIST. ʃ. [from dr,n,a.] '^The
'uth ; of dom^-ick compoſitions. Burnet.

DRANK. [the preterite of a<ink.]

To DRAPE. v. r. [drap, Fr.] To make
':''';'' Bacon.

DRAPER. ʃ. [from dope.] One who ſellss
c't^^- Bo,U. HoKud,

DRA'PERY. ʃ. [drai.p,rie, Fr.]
1. Ciothwork ; the trade of making cloth. Bacon.
2. Cloth ; fluffs of wool. Arbuthnot.
3. Thedreſs of a piclurc, or ſtaOi'. Prior.

DRA'PET. ʃ. [from drap-e.] Cloth ; cover-
'ef- Spenſer.

DRA'STICK. a. [S-j-a^'Ji^'.] Poperiul ;

DRAVE. [the preterite of ifr/'yp.] Co-joiey.

DRAUGH. ʃ. [corruptly written 'ov dr^^ff.l
Retii(e; ſwill. Shakʃpeare.

DRAUGHT. _/: [from r/wv.]
1. The act of drinking. Dryden.
2. A quantity of liquor diank at oi.ce. Boyle.
3. Liquor drank for pleaſure. Milton.
4. The act of drawing or pulling carnages. Temple.
5. The quality of being drawn. Mortimer.
6. Repreſentation by picture. Dryden.
7. Delineation ; ſketch. S'Mth.
8. A pidure d.a'An. South.
9. The ^itt it (weeping with a net. Hale.
10. The qu^iiC;ty of fiſhes taken by once
drawing the net. L'Eſtrange.

II. Tile act of /liooting with the bi.w.
12. Diverſion in war ; the act of diſtuibing
the main defigii. Spenſer.
13. Forces drawn oft' from the main army ; a detachment. Addiſon.
14. A ſink ; a drain. Matthew.
15. The depth which a vedel draws, or
ſinks into iho water. Dryden.
16. [In tie plural, dr.mghls.'j A kind
of dI.ty rt'ftmK'ing cheſs.

DRAUGHTHOUSE. ʃ. [draught and houſe.]
A luule in which filth is Htpoſited. Kings.

To DRAW. y- a. pret d-tty ; part. paIT,
d'wzvn. Csji^ijan, Saxon.]
1. To pull along ; not to carry. Samuel.
2. To pull forcibly ; to pluck. Atterbury.
3. To britig by violence ; to drag. James..
4. To raiſe out of a dccp p!acf« Jeremiah.
5. To luck. - ' Eccluu
6. To attract ; to call towards Itfelf. Bacon, Suckling.
7. To inHale. AUfon.
8. To take from any thing containing. Chronicles,
9. To take from a caſk. Shakʃpeare.
10. To pull a ſword from the ilieath. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.
11. To letout any liquid. ffiJiman,
12. To take bread out of the oven. Mortimer.
13. To uncloſe or Aide back curtains. Dryden.
14. To cloſe or ſpread curtains, Sidney.
15. To extract. Cheyne.
16. To procure as an apent caafe. Locke.
17. To produce as an efficient cauſe. Thomfon.
18. To convey ſecretly. Raleigh.
19. To protrad ; to lengthen. Felton.
20. To utter lingeringly. Dryden.
21. To repreſent by pitlure. f^a/Ier.
22. To form a repreſentation. Dryden.
23. To derive from Tome original. Temple.
24. To deduce as from poſtulates. Temple.
25. To imply. Locke.
26. To allure- to entice. Pſalms.
27. To lead as a motive. Dryden.
28. To perſuade to follow. Shakʃpeare.
29. To induce. Daniel.
30. To win ; to gain, Shakʃpeare.
31. To receive ; to take up. Shakʃpeare.
31. To txtort ; to force. Addiſon.
33. To wreſt ; to dift rt. Wkiigifte.
34. To compoſe ; to form in writing. Pope.
35. To withdraw from judicial notice.Shakʃpeare.
36. To eviſcerate ; to embowel. King.
37. To Draw in. To apply to any purpoſe
by didorti'n. Locke.
38. To Draw in. To central ; to pull
bick. Gay.
39. To Draw in. To inveigle ; tointice. Swift.
40. To Draw off. To extract by dilHllation. Addiſon.
41. To DvLAVf nff. To withdraw; to abihaft.
42. To Draw on. To occallon ; to invite. Hayward.
43. To Drawob. To cauſe by degrees.
44. To Draw ever. To raiſe in a ſtilJ. Boyle.
45. To Draw over. To perſuade to revolt. Addiʃon.
46. To Draw oa?. To protr^ft ; to
leng'hen. Shakʃpeare.
47. To Draw out. To pump out by infinuation. Sidney.
48. To Draw out. To call to action ; to detach for ſervice, Dryden.
49. To range in battle.' CJlier,
50. To Draw up. To form in order of
battle. C'wrrndo'U
51. To Draw up. To form in writing.

To DRAW. 1'. n.
1. To perform the ouice of a beaſt if
draught. Dcutaor.on'v.
2. To act as a wright. Addiſon.
3. To contract ; to /brink. Bacon.
4. To advance ; to move. Milcou.
5. To drsw a ſword. Shakʃpeare.
6. To prdiftife the art of delineation. Locke.
7. To take a card out of the pack ; to
take a lot, Dryden.
8. To make a fore run by attraction,
9. To retire ; to retreat a httie. Chrendon,
10. To Draw 0^. To retire ; to retrear.
ir. To Draw on. To advance ; to approach. Dryden.
12. To Draw Bj>, To form trcops into
regular order.

DRAW. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The act of drawing.
?. The l'ot or chance drawn.

DRA'WBACK. ʃ. [d'aiv and l>ack.] Monty
paid hack for ready payment. Swift.

DRA'WBRIDGE. ʃ. [dran^ and h-tdge.]
A bridge made to be lifted up, to hinder
or admit communication at pleaſure. Carew.

DRA'WER. ʃ. [from draw.]
1. One employed in procuring water from
the well. Det-ter^nm^.
2. One whoſe buſineſs is to draw I'quors
from the caſk. Ben. Johnſon.
3. That which has the power of aur.!dtion.
4. A box in a cafe, out of which it is
drawn at pleaſure. Locke.
5. [lc\ the plural.] The lower part of a
man's dreſs. Locke.

DRA'WING. ʃ. [from draw.] Delineation ; repreſentation. Pip'.

DRA'WINGROOM. ʃ. [draw and room.'.
1. The room in which company airembles
at court. Pope.
1. The company aſſembled there,

DRAWN. [paiticiple from rt'^jti.'. ;
1. Equal ; where each party takes his
own (t<.ke. AaJifan.
2. With a ſword drawn. Shakʃpeare.
g. Open ; put alide, or unclo'ed. Dryden.
4. Evilcerated. Shakʃpeare.
5. Induced as from ſome motive. Spenſer.

DRA'V.'WELL. ʃ. [draiu and lo-tl.] A
deep Well ; a well out of which water j$
dmwn by a long cord. Grew.

To DRAWL. 1). n. [from draiu ] To utrcr
any thing in a flow way. Pope. .

DRAY. ʃ. [bfi^S. Saxon.] The

DR.A'i'CART. ʃ. tar on which beer is carlied.

Pv E

DRA'Y HORSE. ʃ. A horſe which dnnvs
a dray. Tafl^''-

DRA'YMAN. ʃ. [<lrjy and >kj«.] One
ihar attends a dray. Sonro.

DRA'ZEL. ſ.|fromd''</_;'Z#, Fr.] Alow,
mean, worthleſs wretch. Hudibras.

DREAD. ʃ. [.&)! &, Saxon.]
1. Fear; terrour ; affright. 7:l!o!jo';,
2. H.:bicual fear ; awe. Gfy.^Jiu
7. The perſon or thing (eared. Prior.

DREAD. i>. [op^'o. Saxon.]
1. Ttrribls ; ffgniful. Milton.
7. Awfui ; venerable in the higheſt degree.

To DREAD. v. a. To fear in an exceliivs
degree. Wake.

To DREAD. v. n. To be in fear. Deuteronomy.

DRE'ADER. ʃ. One that lives in tear. Swift.

DRE'ADFUL. a. [d-ejd and fill.] Terrible ; fneutlul. Granvil'e.

DRE'ADFULNESS. ʃ. Terribleneſs ; fnghtfulneff. Hakewell.

DRE'ADFULLY. iL [from d'-ccJful.]
Terribl» : 'rebtfuilv. Dry''^''^'

DRE'ADLESNESS. }. [from dfc^dUll.]
Fearleſneſs ; intrepidity, Sidney.

DRE'ADLESS. a. Fearleſs ; unaffrightrd ; intrepid, Upeiijer.

DREAM. ʃ. [drcom, Dutch]
1. A phantsfm of ſleep ; the thoughts of
a flceping man. Dryden.
2. An Idle fancy. Shakʃpeare.

To D«EAM. v. n.
1. To hjve the repreſentation of ſamerhing
in (Ipep. Tatur.
2. To tt-ar.lc ; to imingine. Bun-.tt.
3. To think idly. Smith.
4. To be nj?.g:fti ; to idle. Dryden.
To dREAM. i'. a. I0 fee in a dre^im. Dryden.

DRE'AMER. ʃ. [from drejm.]
1. One who his dreams. Locke.
2. An iciie fanciful man. Shakʃpeare.
3. A mope ; a man loft in wild im.^gmation. Prior.
4. A fliiggard ; an idler.

DRE'AMLESS. a. With'jut dream.s. Camden.

DREAR. a. ['Dj-ii, J-.15 , Saxon ] Moornful ;
clifn.d. Mdron.

DRE ARIHEAD. ʃ. Hnrrour ; diſmalneſs.

DRE'ARIMENT. ʃ. [from dreary.]
1. Sorrow ; diſraalneſs ; melancholy. Spenſer.
2. Hnrrour; dre^id ; ter:otir. Spenſer.

DRE'ARY. <'. [oji .'pis, Sax n.]
1. S)rrowful; .mtrel: ra. Spenſer.
r. Gl'omy ; oi.mal; horrid. Frier.

D^EDOE. ſ. A Icinti 01 net. Careio.

To DREl->^£. '' Fo ^'ther with a
di-cdge. Carew.

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D R e

DREDGER. f. [from dredge.] One v~!ig
iiſhes witl) a dredge

DRE'GGINESS. ʃ. [from dreggy.] Fulneſs
of d'egs ' r ifes ; feculf-nce.

DREGGI'.H. a. [from dregi] Foul with
l^e'^ ; tec'jlent.

DREGGY. a. [from drega.] Containing
dreg! ; conſiſting c.f dregs ; feculent. Boyle.

DREGS. ʃ. [tji-j-ten, Saxon.]
1. The f'diirient of liquors ; the lees; the grounds. Davies, Sandys.
2. Any thing by which purity is corrupted. Bacon.
3. Droſs ; ſweepings ; refuſe. Rogers.

To DREINT. v. a. To emj ty. Southern.

To DRENCH. v. a. ['ojiencan, Saxon.]
1. To waſh ; to ſoak ; to ſteep. Milton,
2. To ſaturate with drink or moirtuve. Philips.
3. To phyſakby violence. Mortimer.
Drench. ſ. [from the verb.]
1. A draught ; ſwill. Milton.
2. Phyſick for a brute. Shakʃpeare.
3. Phyſick that muft be given by violence. King Charles.
2. A channel of water.

DRE'NCHER. ʃ. [from drench.]
1. One that dips or iteeps any thing.
2. One that gives phvAck by foice.

DRENT. participle. Drowned. Spenſer.

To DRESS. v. a. [d-'J/'er, Fr.]
1. To clothe ; to inveſt with clonths. Dryden.
2. To clothe pompouſly or elegantly. Taylor.
3. To adorn ; to deck ; to embelliſh.

4. To cover a wound with medicaments. Wiseman.
5. To CMTV ; to rub. ^J'ayiar.
6. To rcili!y ; to adjuſt. Milton.
7. To prepare for any purpoſe. Mortimer.
8. To tiiin ; to fit any thing for ready
uſe. Mortimer.
9. To prepare viifluals for the table. Dryden.

DRESS. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Cloaths' ; garment; hjliit.
Government of ike Tongue.
2. Splendid cliiaths ; habit of ceremony. '
3. The ſkill of adjuſting dreſs. Pope. .

DRE'SSER. ʃ. [i'l-om drrf.]
1. One employed in putting on the cloaths
of another. Dryden.
2. One employed in regulating, or adjuiting
any thing, Luke.
3. The bench In a kitchen on which me;t
4. urel>. Swift.

DRE'SSING. ʃ. The application made to
a fore. Wiſeman.

DRE'SSINGROOM. ʃ. The room in'which
clothes are put ua. Swift.


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DREST. pjr(. [from ^-./i.]

To DRIB. v. a. To crop ; to cut off. Dryden.

To DRI'BBLE. v. a. [d'yfb, DanltTi.]
1. To tail in drops. Woodward.
2. To fall weakly >ind ſlowly. Shakʃpeare.
3. To ſlaver as a child or ideoc.

To DRI'BBLE. v. a. To throw down \n
drops. Swift.

DRI'BLEt. ſ. [from dnLUe.] A t'lnall
fum ; odd money in a I'um. Dryden.

DRI'ER. ʃ. [from dry.] That which has
the quality of abforbing liioifture ; a deficcative.

DRIFT. ʃ. [from ^r/W]
1. Force iITipcllent ; impulfe. South.
2. Violence ; coaſe. S.penfir,
3. Any thing driven at random. Dryden.
4. Any thing drivea or born along in a
body. Pope.
5. A ſtorm ; a ſhower. Shakʃpeare.
6. A heap or ſtratuni of any matter thrown
together by the wind,
7. Tendency, or aim of action. t>ur,id.
8. Scope of a dilcDurie. Tidotfor. Swift.

To DRIFT. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To drive ; to urge along. E-l's.
2. Thrown together on heaps. 7i)'^n:Jo>i.

To DRILL. v. a. [d/ilUn, Dutch.]
1. To pierce any thing with a drill. TAox'mi.
2. To perforate ; to bore ; to pierce. Blackmore.
3. To make a hole. A'oxo.
4. To delay ; to put off. Addiſon.
5. To draw from fiep to fiep. South.
6. To drain ; to draw ſlowly, 'Thon:fon,
7. To range troops, Hudibras.

DRILL. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. An inſtrument with which holes are
bored, Boyle.
2. An ape ; a baboon, Locke.
3. A ſmall dribbling brock. Sandys.

To DRINK. v. n. preter. drank. or diunk; part. paſt. drunk, or drunken, [ejiincan.]
1. To ſwallow liquors ; to qucncn thirfi.
2. To be entertained with liquors.Shakʃpeare.
3. To be an habitual drunkard.
4. To Drink to. To ſalute in drinking.

To DRINK. v. a.
1. To ſwallow : applied to liquids. South.
2. To ſuck up ; to abforb. Guy.
3. To take in by any inlet ; to hear ; to
fee. Pope. .
4. To act upon by drinking. South.
5. To make drunk. Kings.

DRINK. ʃ. ['from the verb.]
1. Liquor to be ſwallowed : oppoſed to
meat. Milton.
ia Liquor of any particular kind, Fiiilips,

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DRI'NKMONEY. ʃ. Money given to buy
liqi'f^-r. jlfLuiLr.ot.

DRI'NKABLE. a. [from drink ] P „abie.
DiaNKEi<. ſ. [from drn.k.^ One that
dnnki to exceſs ]
a di unknrd. 80:1th,

To DRIP. v. n. [drippen, Dutch.]
1. To fall in drops.
2. To have drops falling from it. Prior.

To DRIP. v. a.
1. To let fall in drops. Swift.
1. To drop fat in roaſting. Wotton.

DRIP. ʃ. That which faifs in drops. Mortimer.

DRI'PPING. ʃ. The fat which houſewives
gather from roaſt meat. Swift.

DRI'PPINGPAN. ʃ. The pan in which
the tat of roaſt meat is caught. Swift.

To DRIVE. v. ti. prelerkc drove, anciently
drj-ne; part. fz[i~.drii;e-n, or d'ove. Djiipm,
1. To produce motion in any thing by violence.
2. To force along by impetuous prefuire,
3. To expel by force from any place.
4. To force or urge in any direction,
5. To guide and regulate a carriage.
6. To make animals march along under
guidance. Addiſon.
7. To clear any place by forcing away
vaiat is in it. Dryden.
S. To force ; to compel. K'iKrCtjur'.e',
9. To diſtreſs ; to ſtranren, Spenſer.
10. To urge by violence, not kinaneſs. Dryden.
ir. To impel by influence of paſſion. Clarendon.
12. To urge ; to preſs to a conclufi.-n. Digby,
13. To carry- on. Bacon.
14. To purify by motion. L'Eſtrange.
1 ^. To Drive o«f. To excel. KmUts,

To DRIVE. i>. n.
1. To go as impelled by any txternil agent. Brown.
2. To ruſh with violence, Dryden.
3. To paſs in a carriage. Milton.
4. To tend to ; to cor.^der as the ſcope
and ul'imate deſign. Locke.
5. To aim ; to ſtrike at with fury, Dryden.

To DRI'VEL. ʃ. V. [from dr p.]
1. To ſlaver; to kt the ſpiitk ſc^lJ ia
drop5. Grew.
2. To be weak or fooLih ; to dote.Shakʃpeare.

DRIVEL. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Slaver ; moiſture ſhed from the m^^^utb. Dryden.
2. A fool ; an ideot ; a driveller. Sidney.

DRI'VELLER. ʃ. [from drivi!.] A fool ;
an ideot. Swift.

DRI'VEN. Participle of dri-.s.

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DRIVER. ʃ. [from drive.]
1. The perſon or inſtrument who gives
any motion by violence.
2. One who drives beaſts. Sandys.
3. One who drives a carriage. Dryden.

To DRI'ZZLE. v. a. [i:i\'den, German.]
To rt'ied in ſmall fl'W i^rops. Shakʃpeare.

To DRIZZLE. ru. n. To fall in ſhoi t How
drops. Addiſon.

DRI'ZZLY. a. [from drl^^zde.] Sheding
ſmall vain. Dryden.

DROiL. ſ. A drone ; a fluggard.

To DROIL. -z/. 71. To work fluggiſhly and
fl(jwiy. Government of the Tongue.

DROLL. ʃ. [drokr, French.]
It One whoſe buſineſs is to raiſe mirth by
petty tricks ; a jeſter ; a buſtoon. Prior.
2. A farce ; ſomething exhibited to raiſe
mirth. Swift.

To DROLL. v. n. [d> ole , Vr.] To jeft; to play the buffoon.

DRO'LLERY. ſ. [from droll.] Idle jokes ; bufl'oonpry. Govfrnment of the Tongue.

DRO'MEDARY. ʃ. [dromedaire, Italian.]
A ſort of camel ſo called from its ſwiftneff,
becauſe it is ſaid to travel a hundred
miles a day, and ſome affirm one hundred
and fifty. Calmet. Kings.

DRONE. ʃ. [bpoen, Saxon.]
1. The bee which makes no honey.
2. A flaggard ; an idler. yAddiſon.
?. The hum, or inſtrument of humming.

To DRONE. 1/. n. To live in idleneſs. Dryden.

DRO'NISH. a. [from drone.] Idle » fluggiſh. Dryden.

To DROOP. v. ti. [droef, ſorrow, Dutch.]
1. To languiſh with ſorrow. Handys.
2. To faint ; to grow weok.
Ropommon. Pope. .

DROP. ʃ. [srioppa, Saxon.]
1. A globule of moiſture ; as much liquor
as falls at once when there is not a continual
ſtream. Boyle.
2. Diamond hanging in the e^r. Pol)s.

DROP SERENE. ſ. [gutia frcna, Latin.]
A difeaſe of the eye, proceeding from an
inſpifTation of the humour. Milton.

To DROP. v. a. [tjjioppan, Saxon.]
1. To pour in drops or ſingle globules. Deuteronomy.
2. To let fall. Dryden.
3. To let go ; to diſmiſs from the hand,
or the poſſeſſion. Watts.
4. To utter (lightly or caſually. Amos,
5. To infert indirectly, or by way of digreſſion. Locke.
6< To intermit ; to ceaſe. Collier.
1. To quit a mafier. L'Eſtrange.
2. To let go a dependant, or companion. Addiſon.

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9. To ſuffer to van'iſh, or come to nothing;. Swift.
10. To bedrop ; to ſpetkle ; to variegate. Milton.

To DROP. v. n.
1. To fall in drops, or ſingle globules.Shakʃpeare.
2. To let drops fall. Pſalms.
3. To fall; to come from a higher place. Cheyne.
4. To fall ſpontaneouſly. Milton.
5. To fall in death ; to die ſuddenly.Shakʃpeare.
6. To die. Digby.
7. To ſink into ſilence ; to vaniſh ; to
come to nothing. Addiſon, Pope. .
8. To come unexpe<fledly, i>pe5}ator,

DROPPING. ʃ. [from drop.]
1. That which falls in drops. Dowc
2. That which drops when the continuous
ſtream ceaſes, Pe/Se.

DRO'PLET. ʃ. A little drop. Shakʃpeare.

DRO'PSTONE. ʃ. Spar formed into the
ſhipe of drops. Woodward.

DRO'PWORT. ʃ. A plant.

DRO'PSICAL. a. [from dropfy.] Dlfeaſed
with a dropfy. Arbuthnot.

DRO'PSIED. a. [from diopfy.] diſeaſed
with a dropfy. Shakʃpeare.

DROPSY. f. [hydrops, h^X.] Acollection
of water in the body. £Quincy.

DROSS. ʃ. ['&p>7-, Saxon.]
1. The recrement 'or deſpumation of inetals. Hooker.
2. Ruft ; incruſtation upon metal. Addiʃon.
3. Refule ; leavings ; ſweepings ; feculence
; corruption. Milton.

DRO'SSINESS. ʃ. [from drojjy.] Fouſneſs ; feculence ; ruft. Boyle.

DROSSY. a. [from droſs.]
; . Full of ſcorious or recrementitlous parts. Davies.
2. Worlhleſs ; foul ; feculent. Donne.

DROTCHEL. ʃ. An idle wench ; a fluggid.

DROVE. ʃ. [from dri've.]
1. A body or number of cattle. Hayward.
2. A number of ſheep driven. S'^uth.
3. Any collection of animals, Milton.
4. A crowd ; a tumult. Dryden.

DRO'VEN. part. a. [from drive.] Shakſp.

DRO'VER. ʃ. [from drove.] One that fats
oxen for ſale, and drives them to market. Dryden.

DROUGHT. ʃ. ['Sjiujo'ae. Saxon]
1. Dry weather ; want of rain. Bacon, Sandys.
2. Third ; want of drink. Milton.

DROUGHTINESS. ʃ. [from droughty-l
The ſtate of wanting rain.

DRO'UGHTY. a. [from drought.]
1. Wanting rain ; fultry. Ray.
2. Thirſty ;

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S. Thirf^y ; dry with thirſt. Philipu

To DROWN. v. a. [^puneman. Saxon.]
1. To fuffo'cate in water. King Charles.
2. To overwhelm in water. Knolles.
3. To overflow; to bury in an inundation. Dryden.
4. To immerge. Davies.
5. To ioſe in ſomething that overpowers
or covers. Wotton.

To DROWN. v. n. To be fuffocated in
waters. ^njctam.

To DROWSE. v. a. [^rw/fn, Dutch.] To
make hdvy with flicp. Milton.

To DROWSE. v. n.
1. To flumber ; to grow heavy with ſleep. Milton.
2. To look heavy ; not cheerful. Shakʃpeare.

DRO'WSILY. ad. [from dro-wfy.]
1. ſShakſp.ly ; heavily. Dryden.
2. Sluggiſhly
; idly ; flathfully ; hzily. Raleigh.

DRO'WSINESS. ʃ. [{Tcmdro-:u[y.]
1. Sleepineſs ; heavineſs with ſkcp.
2. Idleneſs ; indolence ; inactivity. Bacon.

DRO'WilHED. ſ. SJecpineſs ; inclination
to ſleep. Spenſer.

DROWSY. a. [from d'owfe.]
1. Sleepy ; heavy wich ſleep , lethargick.
t, Heavy ; lulling ; cauſing ſleep. Addiſir.
5. Stupid
; dull. Atterbury.

To DRUB. v. a. [druber, to kill, Daiiiſh.]
To threfli ; to beat ; to hang. Uudibrus.

DRUB. f. [from the verb.] Aihump; a
knock ; a blow. Addiſon.

To DRUDGE. i-. n. [draghen, to carry,
Dutch.] To labour in mean offices ; to
toil without honour or dignity. Otway.

DRUDGE. ʃ. [from the verb.] One employed
in mean labour. Shakʃpeare.

DRU'DGER. ʃ. [from drudge..
1. A mean idbourer.
2. The box out of which flower is thrown
on roaſt meat.

DRU'DGERY. ʃ. Mean labour ; ignoble
toil. Southern.

DRU'DGINGBOX. ʃ. The box out of
which flower is ſprinkled upon road meat.
King^t Cookery.

DRU'GINGLY. ad. ' Labonouſly ; toilſomely.

DRUG.'/, \drogue, French.]
1. An ingredient uſed in phyſick ; a medicinal
ſimple. Smith.
2. Any thing without worth or value; any thing of which no purchafer can bs
found. Dryden.
3. A drudge. Shakʃpeare.

To DRUG. v. a. [from the noun.]

1. To feafcn with medicinal ingredients,

2. To tinflure with f mething itie/ilive.
__.„^ RJihcn,

DRUGGET. ʃ. A ſlight kind of woollen

DRU'GGIST. ʃ. [from drug.] O.oe Ao
ſellss phyſical drugs. S.yie

DRU'GSTER. ʃ. [from drug.] One who
ſellss piiyfical (imples. /itierbury.

DRU'JD. ʃ. y,no, Oiks.] The prieſts and
philolophers of the sntient B it(^ns. DRUM. ſ. [from >Ke, D.niſh.]
1. An iniirument of military muſick.
2. The tympanum of the ear.

To DRUM. fv. V.
1. To beat a drum ; to beat a tune on s
2. To beat with a pulfatory motion.

To DRU'MBLE. 1: v. To drone ; to bs
_ f^ga'ſh. Shakʃpeare.

DRU'MFISH. ʃ. The name of a fiſh. Woodward.

DRU'MMAJOR. ʃ. [drurmri^riiajor.] The
chief drummer of a regirr:ent. Chaveland.

DRU'MMAKER. ʃ. He who deals in drums. Mortimer.

DRU'MMER. ʃ. He whoſe ofTice is to beat
the drum. (p^.

DRUMSTICK./ Idruman^ flick.] The
ftck with which a drum is beaten.

DRUNK. a. [from drink.]
1. Intoxicated With ſtrong liqueur; inebriated. Dryden.
2. Drenched or ſaturated with moiſture. Deuteronomy.

DRUNKARD./ [from ^r<...] Onegivrt
to exceſſive uſe of ſtrong liquors: South.

DRU'NKEN. a. [from drink]
1. Intoxicated with liquor
; inebriated. Bacon.
2. Given to habitual ebriety.
3. Saturated with moirture. Shakʃpeare.
4. Done in a ſtate vi irubnafion. Swift

DRU'NKENLY. ad. [from drunken.] ]„ a
drunken manner. Shakʃpeare.

DRU'NKENNE.nS. ſ. [from drunken.] .
1. Intoxication with ſtrong liquor. Taylor.
2. Habitual ebriety, Watts.
3. Intoxication, or inebriation of any
kind ; diſorder of the faculties, Spenſer.

DRY. a. [t.pi3. Saxon.]
1. Arid ; without wet ; without mniflure :
not wet ; not moiſt. Bacon.
2. Without rain. Addiʃon.
3. Not ſucculcnt; not juicy, Shakʃpeare.
4. Without tears. Dryden.
5. Thirſty ; athirſt. Shakʃpeare.
6. Jejune i barren; plain; unembelhfli-. Ben. Johnſon.

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7. Hard; ſevere. Kua'i.'ras.

To DRY. v. a.
1. To free from moiſture ;
to arefy ; to
fuficcate. . Bacon.
2. To exhale msifture. Woodward.
3. To wipe away moiſture, Denhain.
4. To ſcorch with thirſt. Iſa!oh.
5. To drain; 10 extiaufr. Thi'.'i^^.

To DRY. v. a. To grow dry ; to loſe moirt-
11 re.

DRY'ER. ʃ. [frotn^O'] That which has
the quality of abforbing moiſture. To mſk,

DRYEY'ED. a. [Jry and eye.] Without
tear?; without weeping. Milton.

DRY'LY. ad. [from dry'\
1. Without moiſture.
2. Coldly ; frigidly ; without affectloti. Dryden.
3. Jeiuriely ; barrenly. Pi'p^-

DRYNESS. ʃ. [from ^-j.]
1. Wjnt of moiſture ; ficcity. Bentley.
2. W nt of fucculence. Shakʃpeare.
3. Want of embelhſhment ; want of pathos.
J^'- y-'f^'-f^-
4. Want of ſenſibility in devotion ; aridity.

DRY NURSE. ʃ. [dry and rnrf^]
1. A wiman who brings up and feeds a
child without the breaſt.
2. One who takes care of another.Shakʃpeare.

To DRY'NURSE. v. a. To feed without
tht; breaſt. Hudibras.

DRY'oHOD. a. Without wet feet ; without
treading above the ſhoes in the water. Sidney.

DUAL. a. [duaUs, Latin.] Expreſſing the
number two. Clarke.

To DIB. v. a. ['^ubban, Saxon.]
1. To make a man a knight. Camden.
2. To confer any kind of dignity. Cleaveland.
rU3. ſ. [from ibe verb.] A blow ;
a knock. Hudibras.

DUBIO'SITY. ʃ. [from dul,io-us.] A thing
dnuhtfol. Brown.

DU'BIOUS. ʃ. [dubiiis, Latin.]
1. D'ceiiſhl ; nnt ſettled in an opini'jn.
2. Uncertain ; that of which the tiuth is
not fully known. Denham.
5. N't'plain; not clear. M-J.fon.

DUBIOUSLY. ad. [from atZ'/caj.] Uncertainly
: without any determination. Swift.

DU'BIOUSNESS. ʃ. Uncertainty ; doubtfiilr.

DU'BITABLE. a. [dub'ito, Latin.] Doubtful
unc^rrain ; what may be doubted.

DUBi'tATION. ʃ. [(^;/ijwno, Latin.] The
ad of doubting ; doubt. Cft-zi.'.

DU'CAL. a. Pertaining to a duke.

DU'CAT. ʃ. [from duke.] A coin ſtrlick
by dukcs : in ſilver valued at about four

ſhillings and fix pence ; in gold at nine
ſhilllngs and fix pence. Bacon.

L'UCK. ʃ. [duckcr, to dip, Dutch.]
1. A water fowl, both wild and tame. Dryden.
2. A word of endearment, or fondneſs.Shakʃpeare.
3. A neclination of the head. Milton.
4. A ſtone thrown obliquely on the waters. Arbuthnot.

To DUCK. ʃ. rt. [from the noun.]
1. To dive under water as a duck. SpeyiJ.
2. To drop down the head, as a duck. Swift.
3. To bnw low ; to cringe. Shakʃpeare.

DU'CKER. ʃ. [from duck ]
1. A diver.
2. A cringer.

To DUCK. v. a. To put under water.

DU'CKINGSTOOL. ʃ. A chair in which
fcolds are tied, and put under water. Dorfet,

DU'CKLEGGED. a. [duck and leg.] Short
legged. Dryden.

DU'CKLING. ʃ. A young duck. Ray.

DUCKMEAT. ʃ. A common plant growf-.
ing in ſtanding waters.

DE^CKCO' Y. ʃ. Any means of enticing and
enfnaring. Decay of Piety.

To DUCKO'Y. v. a. [miſtaken for rt'cfuy.]
To entice to a fnarr. Grew.

DU CKSFOOT. ſ. Black ſnakeroot, or mayapple. Miller.

DUCKWEED. ʃ. Duckmeat. Bacon.

DUCT. ʃ. [duSiu!, Latin.]
1. Guidance ; direction. HamiKotid.
2. A palTa;^e through which any thing is
conducted. Arbuthnot.

DU'CTILE. a. [duailis, Latin.]
1. Flexible ; pliable. Dryden.
2. Eaſy to he drawn out into a length. Dryden.
4. Traiflable : obſequious ; complying. Philips.

DU'CTILENESS. ſ. [from duaile.] Flexibility
; duſtility. Donne.

DUG fl'LITY. ʃ. [from di^aiie'.]
1. Ciuality of ſuffering exrenlion ; flexibility. Watts.
2. Obſequiouſneſs ; compliance.

DUDGEON. ʃ. [dolch, German.]
1. A ſmall dagger. Shakʃpeare.
2. Malice; fullenneſs ; ill will. Hudibras. L'Eſtranie.

DUE. a. Participle paſſive of owe, \du; French.]
1. Owed ; that which any one has a right
to demand. Smalridge.
2. Proper : fit ; appropriate. Atterbury.
3. Exail ; without deviation. Milton.

DUE. ad. [from the adjective.] Exactly ;
directly : duly. Shakʃpeare.


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CUE. ʃ. [from the adjective.]
1. That which belongs to one ; that which
may be juſtly claimed. Swift.
2. Right ; juſt title, Milton.
3. Whatever cuſtom or law requires to be
ocne. Dryden.
4. Cuſtom; tribute, Addiſon.

To DUE. v. a. To pay as due. Shakʃpeare.

DU'EL. ʃ. [duellum, Lznn.] A combat between
two ; a ſingle fight. WaUer.

To DU'EL. v. n. [from the noun.] To fight
a ſingle combat. Locke.

To DU'EL. v. a. To attack or fight with
ſingly. Afi'ton.

DU'ELLER. ʃ. [from dud.] A ſingle combatant. Decay of Piety.

DU'ELLPST. ʃ. [from </««/.]
1. A ſingle combatant. Suckling.
2. One who profeſſes to live by rules of
honour. Ben. Johnſon.

DUE'LLO. ʃ. [Italian.] The du-J ; the
rule of duelling. Shakʃpeare.

DUE'NN.1. ſ. [Spaniſh.] An old woman
kept to guard a younger. Arbuthnot, Pope. .

DUG. ʃ. [^deggia, to give ſuck, Iſlandick.]
A pap ; a nipple ; a teat. Creech.

DUG. freterit. and pei't. paj]', of dig. Addiʃon.

DUKE. ʃ. [due, 'Eremh; (/«.y, Latin.] One
of the higheſt order of nobility in England. Daniel.

DU'KEDOMr. ſ. [from duke.]
1. The ſeigniority or poſſeſſions of a duke.Shakʃpeare.
2. The title or quality of a duke.

DULBRAINED. a. [du.'Undifrain.] Stupid
; doltiſh ] fooliſh. Shakʃpeare.

DULCET. a. [du/cis, Latin.]
1. Sweet to the taſte ; luſcious. Alihon,
2. Sweet to the ear ; harmonious.Shakʃpeare.

DULCIFICA'TION. ʃ. [from duUify.] The
act of ſweetening ; the act of freeing from
acidity, filtneſs, or acrimony. Boyle.

To DU'LCIFY. v. a. [dulcijier, French.]
To ſweeten ; to ſet free from acidity. Wiſeman.

DU'LCIMER. ʃ. [doximello, Skinner] A
miifical inſtrument played by ſtriking the
braſs wires with little ſticks. Daniel.

To DU'LCORATE. v. a. [from dulas,
Latin.] To ſweeten ; to make leſs acrimonius. Bacon.

DULCORA'TION. ʃ. The act of ſweet.
ening. Bacon.

DU'LHEAD. ʃ. [dull 3T\.] head.] A blockhead
; a wretch fooliſh and ſtupid. Afcham,

DU'LIA. ʃ. [JaAEi'a.] An inferiour kind of
odoration Stillingfleet.

DULL. a. [dwl, Welſh.]
1. Stupid ; doltiſh ; blockiſh ; unapprehenſive. Bacon.
2. Blunt ; obtuſe, Herbert. Sidney. Matthew.
3. Unready ; aukward.
4. Hebetated ; not quick.
5. Sad ; melancholy.
6. Sluggiſh ; heavy; flow of motion. Spenſer.
7. Greſs ; cloggy ; vile, Shakʃpeare.
8. Not exhilerating ; not delightful.
9. Not bright. Shakʃpeare.
10. Drowfy ; ſleepy.

To DULL. v. a. [from the adjective.]
1. To ſtupify ; to infatuate. AJcham.
2. To blunt ; to obtund. Bacon.
3. To fidden ; to make melancholy.
4. To hebetate ; to weaken, Spenſer.
5. To damp ; to clog. Hooker.
6. To ra«ke weary or fliw of motion.
7. To fully brghtneſs, Bacon.

DU'LLARD. ʃ. [from dulL] A blockhead; a dolt a ſtupid fellow. Shakʃpeare.

DU'LLY. ad. [from dull.]
1. Stupidly; doltiſhly. Dryden.
2. Slowly ; ſluggiſhly. Bacon.
3. Not vigorouſly ; not gaily; not brightly ; not keenly,

DU'LNESS. ʃ. [from d,ll.]
1. Stupidity ; weakneſs of intellect ; in-
'ioc'lity. South.
2. Want of quick perception. Bacon.
3. Drowfineſs ; inclination to ſleep.Shakʃpeare.
4. Sluggfſhneſs of motion.
5. D;mncfi ; wanr of luſtre.

DU'LY. ad. [from due.]
1. Properly ; fi;Iy. Spenſer, Rogers.
2. Regularly ; exactly. Pope. .

DUMB. a. [—)n, Mime, Saxon.]
1. Mute ; incapable of ſpeech. Hooker.
2. Deprived of ſpeech. Dryden.
3. Mute ; not uſing words, Roſcommon.
4. Silent ; refuſing to ſpeak. Dryden.

DUMBLY. ad. [from dumb.] Mutely ;

DU'MBNESS. ʃ. [from dumb.]
1. Incapacity to ſpeak.
2. Omiſſion of ſpeech ; muteneſs. Shakſp.
3. Refuſal to ſpenk ; ſilence. Dryden.

To DU MBFOUND. v. a. [from dumb.]
Til confuie ; to ſtrike dumb. Spenſer.

DUMP. f. [from dom, ſtupid, Dutch.]
1. Sorrow ; melancholy ; ſadneſs. Hudibras.
2. Abſence of mind ; reverie. Locke.

DU'MPISH. a. [hnm dump.] Sad; melancholly
; ſorrowful. Herbert.

DU'MPLING. ʃ. [from dump, heavineſs.]
A ſort of pudding. Dryden.,

DUN. a. [-©un, S.t)ron.]
1. A colour partaking of brown and black. Newton.
2. Dark; gloomy. Milton.

To DUN. v. a. [bunan, Saxon. to clamour.]
To claim a debt with »eheraence
and importunity. Swift.


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DUN. ʃ. [from the verb.] A clamorous,
importunate, troubleſome creditor. Philips.

DUNCE. ʃ. A dullard ; a dolt ; a thickſkul. Stillingfleet.

DUNG. ʃ. [^otne^, Saxon.] The excrement
of animals uſed to fatten ground. Donne.

To DUNG. v. a. To fatten with dung. Dryden.

DU'NGEON. ʃ. [from donjon. '\ A cloſe
priſon : generally ſpuke of a priſon ſubteraneous. Addiʃon.

DU NGFORK. ſ. [duvg and fork.] A fork
to tol's out dung from ſtables. Mortimer.

DU'NGHILL. ʃ. [dur,^ and hill.]
1. An heap or accumulation of dung. South.
2. Any mean or vile abode, Dryden.
3. Any ſituation of meanneſs. Sandys.
4. A term of reproach for a man meanly
born. Shakʃpeare.

DU'NGHIL. a. Sprung from the dunghil ; mean ; low. Spenſer.

DU'NGY. a. Full of dung ; mean ; vile ; baſe. Shakʃpeare.

DUNGYARD. ʃ. [dung and yard.] The
place of the dunghil. Mortimer.

DUNNER. ſ. One employed in ſoliciting
petty debts. Spectator.

DUO'DECUPLE. a. [duo and decuplus, Lat.]
Conſiſting of twelves. Arbuthnot.

DUHE. ʃ. [dupe, French.] A credulous
man ; a man eaſily tricked. Dunciad.

To DUPE. v. a. To trick ; to cheat. Pope.

DU'PLE. a. [duplus, Latin.] Double ; one

To DU'PLICATE. -y. ff. [duplico, Latin.]
1. To double; to enlarge by the repetition
of the firſt number or quantity. Granville.
2. To fold together.

DU'PLICATE. ʃ. Another correſpondent
to the firſt ; a ſecond thing of the ſame
kind, as a tranſcript of a paper.


DUPLICATION. ʃ. [from duplicate.]
1. The act of doubling. Hale.
t. The act of folding together.
3. A fold ; a doubling. Wiſeman.

DU'PLICATURE. ʃ. [from duplicate.] A
fold ; any thing doubled. Ray.

DUPLICITY. ʃ. [dupUc:s, Latin.]
1. Doubleneſs ; the number of two. Watts.
2. Deceit; doubleneſs of heart.

DURABI'LITY. ʃ. [durabilii, Latin.] The
pawer of laſting ; endurance. Hooker, Raleigh.

DU'RABLE. a. [durabilis, Latin.]
3. Laſting ; having the quality of long
continuance. Raleigh, Milton.
2. Having ſucceffive exiſtence. Milton.

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DU'RABLENESS. ʃ. Power of laſting. Woodward.

DU'RABLY. ad. [from durable.] In a laſting
manner. Sidney.

DU'RANCE. ʃ. [from ^/arf/Te, law French.]
1. Impriſonment ; the cuſtody or power of a jaylor. Congreve.
2. Endurance ; contiauance ; duration. Dryden.

DURA'TION. ʃ. [duratio, Latin.]
1. A fore of diſtancee or length the idea
whereof we get from the fleeting perpetually
perithing parts of ſucceſſion. Locke.
2. Power of continuance. Rogers.
3. Length of continuance. Addiʃon.

To DURE. v. «. [duro, Latin.] To laſt; to continue. Raleigh.

DUREFUL. a. [from endure and full.]
Laſting; of long continuance. Spenſer.

DU'RELESS. a. [from dure.] Without
continuance ; fading. Raleigh.

DU'RESSE. ʃ. [French.]
1. Impriſonment ; constraint.
2. [In law.] A plea uſed by way of exception,
by him who being caſt: into priſon
at a man's ſuit, or otherwiſe by threats,
hardly uſed, ſeals any bond to him during
his reſtraint.

DU'RING. prep. For the time of the continuance. Locke.

DU'RITY. ʃ. [durete', French.] Hardneſs; firmneſs, Wotton.

DURST. The preterite of dare. Stillingfleet.

DUSK. a. [duyfter, Dutch.]
1. Tending to darkneſs.
2. Tending to blackneſs ; dark coloured. Milton.

DUSK. ʃ. [from the adjective.]
1. Tendency to darkneſs ; incipient obſcurity. Spectator.
2. Darkneſs of colour. Dryden.

To DUSK. v. a. [from the noun.] To
make duſkiſh.

To DUSK. v. a. To grow dark ; to begin
to loſe light.

DU'SKILY. ad. [from duſky.] With a tendency
to darkneſs.

DU'SKISH. a. [from a'///.]
1. Inclining to darkneſs ; tending to obſcurity. Spenſer.
2. Tending to blackneſs. Wotton.

DU'SKISHLY. ad. Cloudily ; darkly. Bacon.

DUSKY. a. [from duſk.]
1. Tending to darkneſs ; obſcure. Prior.
2. Tending to blackneſs ; dark coloured. Newton.
3. Gloomy ; fad ; intellectually clouded. Berkley.

DUST. ʃ. [feupt, Saxon.]
1. Earth or other matter reduced to ſmall
pax titles. Bacon.

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2. The grave ; the ſtate of diſſolution. Milton.
3. Mean and dejected ſtate. x Sam,

To DUST. -</. a. To free from duſt ; to
ſprinkle with duſt,

DU'STMAN. ʃ. One whoſe employment is
to carry away the duſt Gay.

DUSTY. a. [from duſt.]
1. FilJed wich duſt ; clouded with duſt. Dryden.
2. Covered or ſcattered with duſt.cThomſon.

DUTCHESS. ʃ. [ducheſſe, French.]
1. The Iddy of a duke. Swift.
2. A lady who has the ſovereignty of a dukedom.

DUTCHY. ʃ. [duche, Tttnch.] Atterritory
which gives title to a duke. Addiʃon.

DUTCHYCOURT. ʃ. A court wherein all
matters appertaining to the dutchy of Lancaſter
are decided. Cowel.

DUTEOUS. a. [from duty.]
1. Obedient ; obſequious. Prior.
2. Obedient to good or bad purpoſes.Shakʃpeare.
3. Enjoined by duty, Shakʃpeare.

DUTIFUL. a. [duty and /-//.]
1. Obedient ; ſubmi.Tive to natural or legal
ſuperiours. Swift.
2. Expreſſive of reſpect ; giving token of
reverence ; reverential, Sidney.

DUTIFULLY. ad. [from dutiful.]
1. Obediently ; ſubmiſhvely,
2. Reverently ; reſpectfully. Sidney.

DU'TIFULNESS. ʃ. [from dutiful.]
1. Obedience; ſubmiſſion to juſt authority. Dryden.
2. Reverence; reſpect, Taylor.

DUTY. ʃ. [from due.]
1. That to which a man is by any natural
or legal obligation bound. Locke.
2. Act or forbearances required by religion
or morality. Taylor.
3. Obedience or ſubmiſſion due to parents,
governors, or ſuperiours. Decay of Piety.
4. Act of reverence or reſpect. Spenſer.
5. The buſineſs of a fuldier on guard. Clarendon.
7. Tax ; impoſt ; cuſtom ; toll. Arbuthnot.

DWARF. ʃ. [.&pecp3. Sax.]
t. A man below the common ſize of men. Brown, Milton.
2. Any animal or plant below its natural
bulk. L'Eſtrange.
3. An attendant on a lady or knight in romances. Spenſer.
4. it is uſed often in compoficion ; as.

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To DWARF. v. a. To hinder from grow-
ing to the natural bulk. Addiſon.

DWA'RFISH. a. Below the natural bulk ; low; ſmall; little. Berkley.

DWA'RFISHLY. ad. [from dwarfiſh.] Like
a dwarf.

DWA'RFISHNESS. ʃ. [from dwarfiſh, ]
Minuteneſs of ſtatuie ; littkneſs. Glanville.

To DWELL. v. n. preterite f/ii'^//, or diuMed,
duclia, Iſlandick,
1. To inhabit ; to live in a place ; to reſide
; to have an habitation. Leviticus, Peacham.
2. To live in any form of habitation. Hebrews.
3. To be in any ſtate or condition. Shak.
4. To be ſuſpended with attention. Smith.
5. To fix the mind upon. Pope. .
6. To continue longſpeaking. Swift.

To DWELL. v. a. To inhabit. Milton.

DWE'LLER. ʃ. [from dwell] An inhabifance. Bacon.

DWE'LLING. ʃ. [from dwell.]
1. Habitation ; abode. Dryden.
2. State of lite; mode of living. Daniel.

DWE'LLINGHOUSE. ʃ. The houſe at
which one lives. Ayliffe.

To DWI'NDLE. v. ti, [-Bpnan, Saxon.]
1. To ſhrink ; to loſe bulk; to grow
little. Addiſon.
2. To degenerate ; to ſink. Norris, Berkley, Swift.
3. To wear away ; to loſe health ; tog'ow
feeble. Gay.
4. To fall away ; to moulder off, Clarendon.

DY ING. The participle of die,
1. Expiring; giving up the ghoſt.
2. Tinging ; giving a new colour.

DY'NASTY. f. [v>a-zU.] Goverment ;
ſovereignty. Hale.

DY'SCRASY. ʃ. [J'^IT/jaj-i'a.] An unequal
mixture of elea.eots in the blood or nervous
juice ; a diſtemperature. FUyer,

DYSE N FERY. ʃ. [ov^v.-n^U.] A looſsneſs
wherein very ill humours flow > ſt by
ſtooi, and are alſo ſometimes attended with
blood. Arbuthnot.

DYSPE'PSY. ʃ. [^vev!-\-U.] A difficulty
of d gtſtion.

DY'SPHOisTY. ʃ. [^jT<^-Aa.] A difficulty
in ſpeaking.

DYSFiNO'EA. ʃ. [^yVm-aw.] A diſhculty
of breathing.

DYSURY. ʃ. [Jys-sgk.] A difficulty in
making urine, Harvey.