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Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language 1755 – online edition

This online version of Johnson's Dictionary (1756) was put together by whichenglish.com and the author of The Joy of English.

It was produced by combining OCR and sophisticated GREP, in addition to pure, time-consuming search-and-replace grunt for formatting and clean-up. It is by no means a clean, perfect text reproduction (yet) but it is an ongoing project. The sheer volume of code behind these pages (137,000 lines of code) means that there is only so much one man can do. The overall integrity of the contents of the dictionary is here.

A few notes about this online version of the dictionary. First, it is not perfect. Most of the 47,000 headwords will be highlighted in bold and each definition in separate p-tags. Many did not succeed during conversion and the sheer volume of entries prohibits be from doing them all manually one by one. Second, not every word came out accurately in the OCR process and so many definitions will have garbled words and entries. Again, the volume here means that the time it would take to fix manually would be enormous. At present it is not just feasible for one person (me) to clean up. Third, not ALL of the entries ARE actually garbled. This is because the spelling of the 1700s was different from what we recognize today. The most notable difference here is the letter s, printed at the time as ſ because it is a long s. So, instead of appearing as sensual. Samuel Johnson's Dictionary rendered it as ſenſual. So these are not mistakes – it just takes a little getting your head round it.

Today's letter s was at the time of printing Johnson's Dictionary typically rendered ſ. So, sounds looks on these pages as ſounds, English looks like Engliſh. This is not mistake. Equally italic long s looks like Shakʃpeare in the word Shakespeare.

English long s

As you can see from these 18th-century chiselled gravestones, the f (left) and long s (right, between i and h) are distinctly different. So, please don't be offended if you see ſuck, it is merely 18th-century suck.


Anyway, I hope you enjoy browsing. Jesse.


This page last updated: 20 October 2014


B. is pronounced by preſſing the
whole length of the lips together,
and forcing them open with a
ſtrong breath.

BAA. ʃ. [See the verb.] The cry of a

To BAA. v. n. [balo, Lat.] To cry like a
ſheep. Sidney.

To BA'BBLE. v. n. [babbelen, Germ.]
1. To prattle like a child. Prior.
2. To talk idly. Arbuthnot, Prior.
3. To tell ſecrets. L'Eſtrange.
4. To talk much. Prior.

BA'BBLE. ʃ. [babil, Fr.] Idle talk ; ſenſeleſs
prattle. Shakʃpeare.

BA'BBLEMENT. ʃ. [from babble.] Senſeleſs
prate. Milton.

BA'BBLER. ʃ. [from babble.]
1. An idle talker. Rogers.
2. A teller of ſecrets. Fairy Queen,

BABE. ʃ. [baban, Welch.] An infant. Dryden.

BA'BERY. ʃ. [from babe.] Finery to pleaſe
a babe or child. Sidney.

BABISH. a. [from babe.] Childiſh. Ascham.

BA'BOON. [babouin, Fr.] A monkey of
the largeſt kind. Addiſon.

BA'BY. ʃ. [See Babe.]
1. A child ; an infant. Locke.
2. A ſmall image in imitation of a child,
which girls play with. Stillingfleet.

BA'CCATED. a. [baccatus, Lat.] Beſet
with pearls. Having many berries.

BACCHANA'LIAN. ʃ. [from bacchanalia,
Lat.] A drunkard.

BACCHANALS. ʃ. [bacchanalia, Lat.]
The drunken feaſts of Bacohus. Pope.

BACCHUS BOLE. ʃ. A flower not tall,
but very full and broad-leaved.

BACCI'FEROUS. a. Berry-bearing. Ray.

BA'CHELOR. ʃ. [baccalaureus.]
1. A man unmarried. Dryden.
2. A man who takes his firſt degrees.
1. A knight of the loweſt order.

BA'CHELORS. Button. Campion ; an herb.

BA'CHELORSHIP. ʃ. [from bachelor.] The
condition of a bachelor. Shakʃpeare.

BACK. ʃ. [bac, bæc, Sax.]
1. The hinder part of the body. Bacon.
2. The outer part of the hand when it is
ſhut. Donne.
3. Part of the body ; which requires
cloaths. Locke.
4. The rear. Clarenden.
5. The place behind. Dryden.
6. The part of any thing out of fight. Bacon.
7. The thick part of any tool. Arbuthnot.

BACK. ad. [from the noun.]
1. To the place whence one came. Raleigh.
2. Backward from the preſent ſtation. Addiʃon.
3. Behind ; not coming forward. Blackmore.
4. To ward things part. Burnet.
5. Again ; in return. Shakʃpeare.
6. Again ; a ſecond time. Dryden.

To BACK. v. a.
1. To mount a horſe. Shakʃpeare.
2. To break a horſe. Roſcommon.
3. To place upon the back. Shakʃpeare.
4. To maintain ; to ſtrengthen. South.
5. To juſtify ; to ſupport. Boyle.
6. To ſecond. Dryden.

To BA'CKBITE. v. a. [from back and bite.]
To cenſure or reproach the abſent.Shakʃpeare.

BA'CKBITER. ʃ. [from backbite.] A privy
calumniator ; cenſurer of the abſent. South.

BACKCA'RRY. Having on the back. Cowell.

BACKDOOR. ʃ. [from back and door.]
The door behind the houſe. Atterbury.

BA'CKED. a. [from back.] Having a back. Dryden.

BA'CKFRIEND. ʃ. [from back and friend.]
An enemy in ſecret. South.

BACKGA'MMON. ʃ. [from bach gammon,
Welch, a little battle.] A play or game
with dice and tables. Swift.

BA'CKHOUSE. ʃ. [from back and houſe.]
The buildings behind the chief part of the houſe. Carew.

BA'CKPIECE. ʃ. [from back and piece.]
The piece of armour which covers the back. Camden.

BA'CKROOM. A room behind. Moxon.

BA'CKSIDE. ʃ. [from back and ſide.]
1. The hinder part of any thing. Newton.
2. The hind part of an animal. Addiſon.
3. The yard or ground behind a houſe. Mortimer.

To BACKSLI'DE. v. n. [from hack and
ſlide.] To fall off. Jeremiah.

BACKSLI'DER. ʃ. [from backflide.] An
apnſtate. Prov.

BA'CKSTAFF. ʃ. [from ^ar. and >/; becauſe,
in taking an obſervation, the obſerver's
backs turned towards the fun.]
An inſtrument uſeful in taking the fun's
altitude at fea.

BA'CKSTAIRS. ʃ. The private flairs in
the houſe. Bacon.

BA'CKSTAYS. ʃ. [from lack and ſtay.]
R'lpes which keep the mafts from pitching

BA'CKSWORD. ʃ. [from back and ſword.]
A ſword with one ſharp edge.

BA'CKWARD. v. a. [back and peapb,

1. With the back forwards. Gen. ix.
2. To wards the back. Bacon.
3. On the back, Dryden.
4. From the preſent ſtation to the place be-
hind. iShakʃpeare.
5. Regreffively. Newton.
6. To wards ſomething part. South.
7. Out of the progreffive ſlate. Davus,
8. From a better tea worſeſtate. Dryden.
9. Paft ; in time paſt. Locke.
10. Perverſely. Shakʃpeare.

1. Unwilling; avetfe, Atterbury.
2. Hefitating. Shakʃpeare.
3. Sluggiſh ; dilatory. Watts.
4. Dull ; not quick or apprehenſive. South.

BA'CKWARD. The things paſt.Shakʃpeare.

BA'CKWARDLY. ad. [from backward.]
1. Unwillingly ; averſely. Sidney.
1. Perverſely. Shakʃpeare.

BA'CKWARDNESS. ʃ. [from backward.'l
Dulneſs ; ſhipgiſhneſs. Atterbury.

BA'CON. ʃ. The fleſh of a hog faked and
dried. Dryden.

BAD. [iiaad, Dutch.]
1. Ill ; not good. fopt.
2. Vitious ; corrupt, Prior.
3. Unfortunate; unhappy. Dryden.
4. Hurtful ; uawholeſome. Addiſon.
5. Sick.

BADE. [TJ^e preterite of bii.

1. A mark or cognizance worn. Atterbury.
2. A token by which one is known. Fairfax.
3. The mark of any thing. Dryden.

To BADGE. t'. a. To mark, Shakʃpeare.

BADGER. ʃ. A brock. Brown.

BA'DGER. ʃ. One that buys corn and victuals
in one place, and carries it into another.

BA'DLY. ad. Not well.

BA'DNESS. ʃ. Want of good qualities. Addiʃon.

To BA'FFLE. v. a. [beffler, Fr.]
1. To elude. South.
2. To confound. Dryden.
3. To cruſh. Addiʃon.

BA'FFLE. ʃ. [from the verb.] A defeat. South.

Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com


BA'FFLER. ʃ. [from baffle.] He that ptiM
to confuſion. Govemmenl of theTongus,

BAG. ʃ. belje, Sax.]
1. A fack, or pouch. South.
2. That part of animals in which ſome
particular juices are contained, as the poiſon
of vipers. Dryden.
3. An ornamental purſe of ſilk tied to
men's hair. Addisſon.
4. Atterm uſed to ſignify quantities ; as a
bag of pepper.

To BAG. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To put into a bag, Dryden.
2. To load with a bag. Dryden.

To BAG. nj. n. To ſwelf like a full bag. Dryden.

BA'GATELLE. ʃ. [lagatclU, Fr.] A tnfle. Prior.

BA'GGAGE. ʃ. [baggage, Fr.]
1. The furniture of an army. Bacon.
2. A worthleſs woman. Sidney.

BA'GNIO. ʃ. [bagno, Ital.] A houſe for
baching, and ſweating, Arbuthnot.

BA'GPIPE. ʃ. [hag and pipe.] A muſical
inſtrument, confilling of a leathern bag,
and pipes, Addiʃon.

BAGPIPER. ʃ. [from bagpipe.] One that
plays on a bagpipe. Shakʃpeare.

BAIL. ʃ. Bail is the freeing or fetting at
liberty one arretted or impriſoned upon
action either civil or criminal, under ſecurity
taken for his appearance.

To BAIL. v. a. from the noun.]
1. To give bail for another.
2. To admit to bail. Clarenden.

BAILABLE. a. [from bjt!.] That may bo
ſet at liberty by bail.

BA'ILIFF. ʃ. [bai/iie, Fr.]
1. A ſubordinate officer. Addiſon.
2. An officer whoſe buſineſs it is to execute
arrefls. Bacon.
3. An imder-fteward of a manor.

BA'ILIWICK. ʃ. [haillie, and pic, Sax.]
The place of the jurisdiction of a bailiff. Hale.

To BAIT. v. a. batin, Sax.]
1. To put meat to tempt animals.
2. To give meat to one's felf, or horfts,
on the road. Fairy Qjieen.

To BAIT. v. a. [from battre, Fr.] To let
dogs upon. Shakʃpeare.

To BAIT. v. f!.
1. To flop at any ptace for refreſhment ; Par. Lcfl.
2. To clap the wings. Shakʃpeare.

BAIT. ʃ.
1. Meat ſet to allure animals to a fnare.Shakʃpeare.
2. A temptation ; an enticement. Addiʃon.
3. A refreſhment on a journey.

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BAIZE. ʃ. A kind of coarſe open doth.

To BAKE. v. a. [b«can. Sax.]
1. To heat any thing in a cloſe place. Iſaiah.
2. To harden in the fire. Bacon.
3. To harden with heat. Dryden.

To BAKE. T, ff.
1. To do the work of baking. Shakſp.
2. To be baked. Shakʃpeare.

BAKEHOUSE. ʃ. Aplacefor baking'bread.

BAKER. ʃ. [from to bake.] He whofe
trade is to bake. South.

BALANCE. ʃ. [balance, Fr.]
1. A pair of ſcales.
2. The act of comparing two things,
3. The overplus of weight. Bacon.
4. That which is wanting to make two
parts of an account even.
5. Equipoife. Pope. .
6. The beating part of a watch, Locke.
7. In agronomy. One of the ſigns. Libra.

To BA'LANCE. v. a. [balancer, Fr.]
1. To weigh in a balance. L'Eſtrange.
2; To counterpoife. Newton.
3. To regulate an account. Locke.
4. To pay that which is wanting. Prior.

To BA'LANCE. ʃ. ». To hefitate ; to
fluduate. Locke.

BA'LANCER. ʃ. [from balance.'} Theperſon
that weighs.

BA'LASS. Rul>y. ſ. [balas, Fr.] A kind
of ruby.

BALCO'NY. ʃ. [hakon, Fr.] A frame of
wood, or ſtone, before the window of a
room, Herbert.

BALD. a. [bal, Welch.]
1. Without hair. Addiſon.
5. Without natural covering. Shakʃpeare.
3. Unadorned ; inelegant. Dryden.
5. Stripped ; without dignity.Shakʃpeare.

BA'LDERDASH. ʃ. Rude mixture.'

To BA'LDERDASH. v. a. To adulterate

BA'LDLY. ad. [from bald.] Nakedly
; meanly ; inelegantly.

BA'LDMONY. ʃ. Gentian ; a plant.

BALDNESS. ʃ. [from bald.]
1. The want of hair.
2. The loſs of hair. Swift.
3. Meanneſs of writing,

1. A girdle. Pof>e.
2. The zodiack. Spectator.

BALE. ʃ. [balle, Fr.] A bundle of goods. Woodward.

BALE. ʃ. [basl, Sax.] Mifery. ſ. S^een.

To BALE. 1;. n. To make up into a bale.

BA'LEFUL. a. [from bale.]
1. Sorrowful ; fad. Par.LoJl.
3. Full of Qiiichief. Fairy, Dryden.


BALEFULLY. ad. [from bale/ul.] Soiiow'
fuDy ; miſchievoully.

BALK. ʃ. [balk, Dut.] A great beam,

BALK. ʃ. A bridge of land left unploughed.

To BALK. 1^. a. [See the noun.]
1. To diſappoint ; to ſt uſtrate. Prior.
2. To miſs any thing. Drayton.
3. To omit. Shakʃpeare.

BA'LKERS. ʃ. Men who give a ſign which
way the Ihole of herrings is. Careu,\

BALL. ʃ. [bol, Dan.]
1. Any thing made in a round form.
2. A round thing to play with. Sidney.
3. A globe. Granville.
4. A globe borne as an enſign of ſovereignty. Bacon.
5. Any part of the body that approaches to
roundnef<;. Peacham.

Ball. ʃ. [bal, Fr.] An entertainment of
dancing. Swift.

BALLAD. ʃ. [balade, Fr.] A ſong.

To BA'LLAD. v. n. To make or fing ballads.Shakʃpeare.

BA'LLAD. SINGER. ʃ. One whoſe employment
it is to fing ballads in the ſtreets. Gay.

BALLAST. ʃ. [ballofie. Dutch.] Something
put at the bottom of the ſhip to keep
it ſteady. Wilkins.

To BA'LLAST. v. a.
1. To put weight at the bottom of a ſhip. Wilkins.
2. To keep any thing fleady. Donne.

BALLETTE. ʃ. [ballette, Fr.] A dance.

BA'LLIARDS. ʃ. Billiards. Spenſer.

BALLO'N. ʃ. r r,,,„„ r.

BALLO'ON.' ^^''''^''
1. A large round ſhort-necked veſſel uſed
in chymiſtry.
2. A ball placed on a pillar.
3. A ballof paſteboard, ſtuffed with conbuftible
matter, which, mounts in the air,
and then burſts.

BALLOT. ʃ. [balhtte, Fr.]
1. A little bailor ticket uſed in giving vote:.
2. The act of voting by ballet.

To BA'LLOT. v. r,. [balkter, Fr.] To
chooſe by ballot. Ifolton, Swift.

BALLOTA'TION. ʃ. [from ballot.] the
act of voting by ballot. (fonpr.

BALM. ʃ. [baunte, Fr.]
1. The fapor juice of a ſhrub, remarkably
odoriferous. Dryden.
2. Any valuable or fragrant ointment.Shakʃpeare.
3. Any thing that ſooths or mitigates pain,Shakʃpeare.
fir,t\S' The name of ; plant BALM Ml. Miller.


1. The juice drawn from the balfam tree.
2. A plant remarkable for the ſtrong balfamick

To BALM. v. a. [from halm..
1. To anoint with balm. Shakʃpeare.
4. To ſooth ; to mitigate. Shakʃpeare.

BA'LMY. a. [from balm.]
1. Having the qualities of balm. Milton.
2. Producing balm,
3. Soothing; ſoft. Dryden.
4. Fragrant ; odoriferous. Dryden.
5. Mitigating; affuafive. Shakʃpeare.

BA'LNEARY. ʃ. [balnearium, Latin.] A
bathing-room. Brown.

BALNEA'TION. ʃ. [from balneum, Lat.]
The act of bathing. Brown.

BA'LNTATORY. a. [halneatorius, Latin.]
Belonging to a bath.

BA'LSAM. j. [ba'/amum, Lat.] Ointment; unguent. Denham.

BA'LSAM. Apple. An Indian plant.

BALSA'MICAL. v. a. Unftuous; mitigat-

BALSAMICK. S ing. Hale.

BA'LUSTRADE. ʃ. Rows of little turned
piſhiE, called balufters.

BAMBOO. ʃ. An Indian plant of the reed

To BAMBO'OZLE. v. a. To deceive ; to
impoſe upon, Arbuth.nof.

BAMBO'OZLER. ʃ. A cheat. Arbuthnot.

BAN. ʃ. [ban, Teutonick.]
1. Publick notice given of any thing. Cctvel.
2. A curſe ; excommunication, Raleigh.
3. Interdiſhon. Milton.
4. Ban of the empire ; a publick cenlure
by which the privileges of any Gernun
prince are ſuſpended. Howel.

To BAN. v. a. [bannen, Dutch.] To curie
; to execrate. Kinllis.

BANA'NA. Tree. Plantain.

BAND. ʃ. [bende, Dutch.]
1. A tye ; a bandage. Shakſpeare.
2. A chiin by which any animal is kept
in reſtrainr. Dryden.
3. Any union or connexion. Shakʃpeare.rjp.
4. Any thing bound round another. Bacon.
5. A company of perſons joined together. Tathr.
6. In architecture. Any flat low moulding,
faſcia, face, or plinth.

To BAND. v. a. [from band.]
1. To unite together into one body or
troop. Milton.
2. To bind over with a band. Dryden.

BANDAGE. ʃ. [bandage, Fr.]
1. Something bound over another, Addiſon.
2. The fillet or roller wrapped over a
wounded member.

BANDBOX. ʃ. [band and box.] A ſlight
box uſed for bands and other thinirs of
tTfliſh weight. ; Addiſon.


BA'NDELET. ʃ. [bandeltt, Fr.] Any flat
moulding or fillet.

BA'NDIT. ʃ. in the plural banditti.

BANDI'TTO. ʃ. [bandito, Italian.] A man
outlawed. Shakʃpeare, Pope. .

BA'NDOG/. [band 3,and dog. [A maftiff. Shakſp.

BANDOLEERS. ʃ. [bandouUen, French.]
Small wooden cafes covered with leather,
each of them containing powder that is a
ſuſſicient charge for a muſket.

BATSIDROL. ʃ. [banderol, Fr.] A little flag
or ſtreamer.

BA'NDY. ʃ. [from lander, Fr.] A club
turned round at bottom for ſtriking a ball.

To BA'NDY. v. a.
1. To beat to and fro, or from one to another. Blackmore.
2. To give and take reciprocally. Shakſp.
3. To agitate ; to toſs about. Locke.

To BA'NDY. w. r. To contend. Eydibras.

BA'NDYLEG. ʃ. [from bar:der, Fr.] A
crooked leg. Swift.

BA'NDYLEGGED. a. [from bandylg.]
Having crooked leg;.

BANE. ʃ. [bar.a, Saxon.]
1. Poifon. Addiſon.
2. Miſchief ; ruin. Hooker.

To BANE. v. a. To poiſon, Shakʃpeare.

1. Poifonous,Pope. .
2. Deſtructive. Ben. Johnſon.

BA'NEFULNESS. ʃ. [from i,aneful.] Poilonouſneſs
; deſtrt;'?<iveneſs.

BA'NEWORT. ʃ. Deadly nightOiade.

To BANG. v. a. [i-engalc>:, Dutch.]
1. To beat ; to thump. Hott'ef.
2. To handle roughly. Shakʃpeare.

BANG. ʃ. [from the verb.] A blow ; a
thump. Hudibias.

To BA'NISH. v. a. [^;«/r, Fr.]
1. To condemn to leave his own country.Shakʃpeare.
2. To drive away. ''Iilioffon,

BA'NISHER. ʃ. [from bari/b.] He chat
forces another from his own country. <>ba!;,

1. The ad: of banithing another.
2. The ſtate of being baniſhed ; exile. Dryd.

BANK. ʃ. [banc, Saxon.]
1. The earth riſing «n each ſide of a
water. Crajhoiu.
2. Any heap of earth piled up. Samuel,
3. A bench of rowers. Waller.
4. A place where money is laid up to be
called for occaſionally. South.
5. The company of perſons concerned in
managing a bank.

To BANK. 1). a. [from the noun.]
1. To lay up money in a bank.
2. To indole with banks. [from fen,

BANK-BILL. ʃ. [from bank and bill.] A
note for money kid up in a bank, at the
fight of which the money is paid. S'u>tfi.

BANKER. ʃ. [from ianL] One that tidtlicks
in money. Dryden.

BA'NKRUPCY. ʃ. [from bankrupt.]
1. The ſtate of a man broken, or bankrupt.
2. The act of declaring one's felf bankrupt.

BANKRUPT. a. [l>and uereute, Fr.] In
dfebt beyond the power of payment.

To BA'NKRUPT. v. a. To break ; to
diſable one from satisfying his creditors. Hammond.

BA'NNER. ʃ. [bannierc, Fr.]
1. A flag ; a ſtandard. Milton.
2. A ſtreamer borne at the end of a lance.

BA'NNERET. ʃ. [from banner.'^ A knight
made in the field. Camden.

BA'NNEROL. ʃ. [from bandtrole, Fr.] A
little flag or ſtreamer. Camden.

BA'NNIAN. ʃ. A man's undrels, or morning

BA'NNOCK. ʃ. A kind of oaten or peaſe
meal cake.

BANQUET. f. [banquet, Fr.] A feaſt.

To BA'NQUET. v. a. To treat any cne
with feaſts. Uay%vard,

To BA'NQUET. v. «. To feaſt ; to fare
daintily. South.

BA'NQUETER. ʃ. [from banquet.]
1. A feafier ; one that lives deliciouſly,
2. He that makes feaſts.

BA'NQUET-HOUSE. ʃ. / r banquet

BA'NQUETING-HOUSE. ʃ. and houſe.^ A
houſe where banquets are kept. Dryden.

BANQUE'TTE. ʃ. A ſmall bank at the
foot of the parapet.

BA'NSTICLE. ʃ. A ſmall fiſh ; a ſtickleback.

To BA'NTER. v. a. [badiner, Fr.] To
play upon ; to rally. L'Eſtrange.

BANTER. f. [from ' the yerb.] Ridicule; raillery. L'Eſtrange.

BA'NTERER. ʃ. [from banter.] One that
banters. L'Eſtrange.

BA'NTLING. ʃ. [baimling.] A little chiid. Prior.

BA'PTISM. ʃ. [bjptifinus, Lat. ^a-Brli^r^ui?.]
1. Baptiſm is given by water, and that
preſcript form of words which the church
of Chriſt doth uſe. Hooker.
2. Baftijin is often taken in Scripture for
fufterings. Luke.

BAPTISMAL. a. [from baftijm.] Of or
pertaining to baptiſm. Hammond.

BA'PTIST. ʃ. [hcptifte,Yt. ectTrliri;-] He
that adITiinifters baptiſm. Milton.

BA'PTISTERY. ʃ. [iafijierium, Lat.] The
place where the lacrament of baptiſm is
adminiſtred. Milton.

To BAPTIZE. v. a. [baptifer, Fr. from
^itsTik^aj.] To chriften; to adminſter the

facrament of baptiſm. Milton. Rogers

BAPTI'ZER. ʃ. [from to iaptixe.] One
that chriftens ; one that adminſters baptiſm.

EAR. ʃ.; [htrre, Fr.]
1. A piece of wood laid croſs a paſſage to
hinder entrance. Exodus.
2. A bolt. Nehemiah,
3. Any obftacle. Daniel.
4. A rock or bank at the entrance of a
5. Any thing uſed for prevention. Hooker.
6. The place where cauſes of law are tried. Dryden.
7. An indoſed place in a tavern, where
the houſekeeper fits. Addiſon.
S. In law. A peremptory exception againſt
a demand or plea. Co-wel,
9. Any thing by which the ſtructure is
held together. Jonah,
10. Ban, i-n tnufiek, are ſtrokes drawn
perpendicularly acroſs the lines of a piece
of muſick ; uſed to regulate the beating
or meaſure of muſical time.

BAR SHOT. ʃ. Two half bulleti joined
together by an iron bar.

To BAR. 1;. a. [from the noun.]
1. To faſten orihut any thing with a bolt,
or bar. Swift.
2. To hinder ; to obſtruct. Shakʃpeare.
3. To prevent. Sidney.
4. To ſhut out from. Dryden.
5. To exclude from a claim. Hooker.
6. To prohibit. Addiſon.
7. To except. Shakʃpeare.
8. To hinder a ſuit. Dryden.

BARB. ʃ. [barbj, a beard, Lat.]
1. Any thing that grows in the place of
the beard. fValion.
2. The points that ſtand backward in an
arrow. Pope. .
3. The armour for horſes. Hayward.

BARB. ʃ. [contracted from Barbary.] A
Barbary horſe.

To BARB. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſhave ; to dreſs out the beard. Shak.
2. To furniſh horſes with armour. Dryden.
3. To jag arrows with hooks. Philips.

BA'RBACAN. ʃ. [harbacane, Fr.]
1. A fortification placed before the walk
of a town. Spenſer.
2. An opening in the wall through which
the guns are levelled.

BA'RBADOES. Cherry, [malphigia, Latin.]
A pleaſant tart fruit in the Weſt Indies.

BARBA'DOES. Tar. A bituminous ſubſtance,
differing little from petroleum. Woodward.

1. A man uncivilized ; a ſavage. Stillingfl.
2. A foreigner, Shakʃpeare.
3. A man without pity. Philips.


BARBA'RTAN. a. Savage. Pope. .

BARBA'RICK. a. [barbaneui, Lat.] Foreign; far-fetched. Milton.

BARBARISM. ʃ. [barharifmus, Lat.]
1. A form of ſpeech contrary to the polity
of language. Dryden.
2. Ignorance of arts ; want of learning. Dryden.
3. Brutality ; ſavageneſs of manners ; incivility. Davies.
4. Cruelty ; harHneſs of heart, Shakſp.

BARBA'RITY. ʃ. [from barbarous.]
1. Savageneſs ; incivility,
2. Cruelty ; inhumanity. Clarenden.
3. Impurity of ſpcfch. Swift.

BA'RBAROUS. a. [barbart, Fr.]
1. Stranger to civility; ſavage ; uncivilized.
2. Unacquainted with arts. Dryden.
3. Cruel ; inhuman. Clarenden.

Ba RBAROUSLY. ad. [from barbarous.]
1. Without knowledge or arts.
2. In a manner contrary to the rules of
ſpeech. Steſtrcy,
3. Cruelly ; inhumanly. Spectator.

BA'RBAROUSNESS. ʃ. [from barbarout.]
1. Incivility of manners. Temple.
2. Impurity of language. Brerewood.
3. Cruelty. H-ale.

To BA'RBECUE. v. a. Atterm for dref-
ing a hog, whole. Pope. .

BA RBECUE. ʃ. A hog dreſt whole.

BARBED. particip. a. [from to barb,'\
1. Furniſhed with armour. Shakʃpeare.
2. Bearded ; jagged with hooks. Milton.

BA'RBEL. ʃ. [from barb.] A kind of fiſh
found in rivers. Waltafi,

BA'RBER. ʃ. [from to barb.] A man who
ſhaves the beard. Motton.

To BA'RBER. v. a. [from the noun.] To
dreſs out ; to powder. Shakʃpeare.

joins the practice of furgery to the barber's
trade. Wiſeman.

BARBER-MONGER. ʃ. A fop decked
cut by his barber. Shakʃpeare.

BARBERRY. ʃ. [herberls, Lat.] Pipperjdge
buſh. Mortimer.

BARD. f. [bardd, Welch.] A poet. Spenſer.

BARE. a. [bape, Saxon.]
1. Naked; without covering. Addiʃon.
2. Uncovered in reſpect. Clarenden.
3. Unadorned ; plain ; ſimple. Spenſer.
4. Deteſted ; without concealment. Milton.
5. Poor ; without plenty. Hooker.
6. Mere. South.
7. Threadbare ; much worn.
8. Not united with any thing elſe. Hooker.

To BARE. v. a. [from the adjective.] To
ſtrip. Bacon.

BARE. preterite of to hear.

BA'REBONE. ʃ. [from bare, and bone]


1. With the face naked ; not maſked.Shakʃpeare.
2. Shameleſs ; unreſerved. Clarenden.

BAREFA'CEDLY. ad. [from barefaced.]
Openly ; ſhameleſly ; without diſguiſe. Locke.

BAREFA'CEDNESS. ʃ. [from barefaced.]
Effrontery ; atTurance ; audaciouſneſs.

BA'REFOOT. a. [from bart and foot.]
Without Ih^es. Addiʃon.

BAREFOOTED. a. Without ſhoes. Sidney.

BAREHEADED. a. [from bare and head.]
Uncovered in reſpect. Dryden.

BARELY. ad. [from ^.J^f.]
1. Nakedly.
2. Merely ; only. Hooker.

BA RENESS. ʃ. [from bare.]
1. Nakedneſs. Shakʃpeare.
2. Leanneſs. Shakʃpeare.
3. Poverty. South.
4. Meannefg of clothes.

BARGAIN. ſ. [bargaigneyTt.]
1. A contract or agreement concerning
fale. Bacon.
2. The thing bought and fold. L'Eſtrange.
3. Stipulation. Bacon.
4. An unexpected reply, tending to obſcenity. Dryden.
5. An event ; an upſhot. Arbuthnot.

To BARGAIN. v. n. To make a contract
for ſale, Addiſon.

BARGAINEE. ʃ. [from bargain.] He or
ſhe that accepts a bargain.

BA'RGAINER. ʃ. [from bargain.] The
perſon who proffers or makes a bargain.

BARGE. ʃ. [bargie, Dutch.]
1. A boat for pleaſure. Raleigh.
2. A boat for burden.

BA'RGER. ʃ. [from barge.] The manager
of a barge, Carew.

BARK. ʃ. [barck, Daniſh.]
1. The rind or covering of a tree. Bacon.
2. A ſmall ſhip. [barca, low Lat.] Granv,

To BARK. v. n. [beopcan, Saxon.]
1. To make the noiſe which a dog makes. Cowley.
2. To clamour at. Shakʃpeare.

To BARK. v. a. [from the noun.] To
ſtrip trees of their bark. Temple.

BARK-BARED. a. Stripped of the bark. Mortimer.

BA'RKER. ʃ. [from bark.]
1. One that barks or clamours, Ben. John..
2. One employed in ſtripping trees.

BA'RKY. a. [from bark.] Conſiſting of
bark. Shakʃpeare.s.

BA'RLEY. ʃ. A grain.

BA'LEYBRAKE. ʃ. A kind of rural play. Sidney.

BA'RLEY FROTH. ʃ. [barley and broth.]
Strong beer.Shakʃpeare.


BARLEYCORN. f. [from Barley Milton.]
A grain of barley. Tichll.

BARM. ʃ. [burm, Welch.] Yeaſt ; the ferfnent
put into drinic to make it work.Shakʃpeare.

BA'RMY. a. [from harm.] Containing
barm. Dryden, Bacon. ſ. [bejin, Sax.] A place or honfe
for laying up any ſort of grain, hay, or
ſtraw. Addiʃon.

BA'RNACLE. ʃ. [benpn, a child, and aac,
an Oak.] A bird like a gooſe, fabulouſly
ſuppoſed to grow on trees. Berkley.

BARO'METER. ʃ. [from 5a;-®- and (xi-

TJov.] A machine for meaſuring the
weight of the atmoſphere, and the variations
in it, in order chiefly to determine
the changes of the weather.

BAROME'TRICAL. a. [from Urometer.]
Relating to the barometer. Denham.

BA'RON. ʃ. [Baro, Lat.]
1. A degree of nobility next to a viſcount.
2. Barer is an officer, as barons of the
3. There are alſo barens of the cinque
ports, that have places in the lower houſe
of parliament.
4. Baron is uſed for the huſband in relation
to his wife. Cowel.
5. A baron of beef is when the two firloins
are not cut aſunder, DSi,

BA'RONAGE. ʃ. [from baron.] The dignity
of a baron.

BA'RONESS. ʃ. [baroneffa, Ital.] A baron's

BA'RONET. ʃ. [of baron and et, diminutive
termination.] The loweſt degree of
honour that is hereditary ; it is below a
baron, and above a knight.

BA'RONY. ʃ. [Laronnie, Fr.] That honour
or lordſhip that gives title to a baron.

BA'ROSCOPE. ʃ. [&^(^ and e-M^mit^.]
An inſtniment to ſhow the weight of the
atmoſphere. Arbuthnot.

BA RRACAN. ʃ. [bouracan, Fr.] A ſtrong
thick kind of camelot.

BA'RRACK. ʃ. [harracca. Span.] Building
to lodge ſoldiers.

BARRATOR. ʃ. [old Fr. barateur, a cheat.]
A wrangler, and encourager of law ſuits. Arbuthnot.

BARRATRY. ʃ. [from barrator.] Foul
practice in law. Hudibras.

BA'RREL. ʃ. [baril, Welch.]
1. A round wooden veſſel to be flopped
cloſe. Dryden.
2. A barrel of wine is thirty one gallons
and a half; of ale, thirty two gallons ;
of beer, thirty fix gallons, and of beer
Vinegar, thirty four gallon'.
3. Any thing hollow, as ih; ia<-rel of z

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4. A cylinder. Moxon.

To BA'RREL. v. a. To put any thing »n
3. l'ael. Spenſer.

BARREL-BELLIED. a. Having a large
l'y- Dryden.

BA'RREN. a. [bape, Saxon.]
1. Not proliſick. Shakſp.eart.
2. Unfruitful ; not fertile ; ſterik, Po/n-,
3. Not copious ; ſcanty. Swift.
4. Unmeaning ; uninventive ; doll. Shak.

BARRENLY. ad. [from barren.] Unfruitfully.

BARRENNESS. ʃ. [from barren.]
1. Want of the power of procreation.
2. Unfruitfulneſs ; ſterility. Bacon.
3. Want of invention, Dryden.
4. Want of matter. Hooker.
5. In theology, want of renfibility. Taylor.

BA'RREN WORT. ʃ. A plant.

BA'RRFUL. a. [bar and full.] Full of obſtructions.Shakʃpeare.

BARRICADE. ʃ. [barricade, Fr.]
1. A fortification made to keep off an attack.
2. Any flop ; bar ; obſtruction. Denham.

To BARRICA'DE. v. a. [barricader, Fr.]
To flop up a paſſage. Gay.

BARRICA'DO. ʃ. [barricada, Span.] A
fortification ; a bar, Bacon.n,

To BARRICA'DO. v. a. To fortify ; to
''ar. Clarendon.

BA'RRIER. ʃ. [barriere, Fr.]
1. A barricade ; an entrenchment. Pope. .
2. A fortification, or ſtrong place. Swift.
3. A flop ; an obſtruction. Watts.
4. A bar to mark the limits of any place. Bacon.
5. A boundary. Pope. .

BARRISTER. ʃ. [from bar.] A perſon
qualified to plead the caules of clients \i\
the courts of juſtice. BIount,

BARROW. ʃ. [be/iepe, Saxon.] Any carriage
moved by the hand, as a banJ-bar~
row. Gay.

BARROW. ʃ. [be;i5, Saxon.] A hog.

To BARTER. v. n. [baratter, Fr.] To
traffick by exchanging one commo<lity for
another, CollUr.

To BA'RTER. v. a. To give any thing in
exchange. Prior.

BA'RTER. ʃ. [from the verb.] The ad or
practice of trafficking by exchange. Felton.

BA'RTERER. ʃ. [from barter.] He that
trafficks by exchange.

BA'RTERY. ʃ. [from barter.] Exchange
of commodities. Camden.

BA'RTRAM. ʃ. A plant ; pellitory.

BASE. a. [bas, French.]
1. Mean; vile; worthleſs. Peacham.
2. Dangerous ; illiberal ; ungenerous. Atterbury.

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3. Of low Cation ; of mean account. Dryden.
4. Bife-born ; born out of wedlock. Camden.
5. [Applied to metals ; ] without value. Watts.
6. [Applied to ſounds.] deep, grave. Bacon.

BASE-BORN. a. Boin out of wedlock. Gay.

Base-COURT. ſ. Lower court,

BASE-MINDED. a. Mean ſpirited. Camden.

BASE-VIOL. ʃ. An inſtrument uſed in
concerts for the baſe found. Addiʃon.

BASE. ʃ. [has, French.]
1. The bottom of any thing. Prior.
2. The pedeſtal of a flatuc. Broome.
3. Houfings. Sidney.
4. The bottom of a cone.
5. Stockings. Hudibras.
6. The place from which racers or tilters
run. Dryden.
7. The firing that gives a baſe found. Dryden.
8. An old ruſtick play. Shakʃpeare.

To BASE. v. a. [bafier, Fr.] To embaſe ; to make leſs valuable. Bacon.

BA'SELY. ad. [from ba^e.-\
1. Meanly ; diſhonourably. Clarenden.
2. In baſtardy. Knolles.

BASENESS. ʃ. [from baje.'.
1. Meanneſs ; vileneſs. South.
2. Vileneſs of metal. Swift.
3. Baftardy. Shakʃpeare.
4. Deepneſs of found. Bacon.

To BASH. a'.n. [probably from 6(r/<r.] To
be aſhamed. Spenſer.

BASHA'W. ʃ. Among the Turks, the vicerov
of a province. Bacon.

BA'SHFUL. a. [I'erhafftn, Dutch.]
1. Modeft ; ſhamefaced. Shakʃpeare.
2. Vitiouſly modeft. Sidney.

BA'SHFULLY. ad. [from bajhful.] Timorouſly
; modeftly.

BA'SHFULNESS. ʃ. [from bajhful.]
1. Modefty. Dryden.
2. Vitious or ruſtick ſhame, Dryden.

BA'SIL. ʃ. The name of a plant.

BA'SIL. ʃ. The angle to which the edge of
a joiner's tool is ground away.

BA'SIL. ʃ. The ſkin of a ſheep tanned.

To BA'SIL. v. a. To grind the edge of a
tool to an angle. ALxon.

BASI'LICA. j. [Sa«-i>vj««.] The middle
vein of the arm, Quincy.

BASI'LICAL. 7 a. [from ba/iUca.] The

BASI'LICK. ʃ. bafilick vein. Shakſp.

BASILICK. ʃ. [b.ſſiliqve, Tx. ^xriXiyr.]
A large hall, a magnificent church.

BASI'LICON. ʃ. [Sa.ai\iy.n.] Anointment
called Mo terrapharmacon. Wiſeman.

BA'SILISK. ʃ. [baiiafcus, Lat.]
1. A kind of ſerpent ; a cockatrice; ſaid
to kill by looking. Brown.

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2. A ſpecies of cannon. etrow»,

BASIN. a. [ba_fin, Fr.]
1. A ſmall veſſel to hold water for wathing,
or other uſes. Brown.
2. A ſmall pond. Spectator.
3. A part of the ſea indoſed in rocks. Pope.
4. Any hollow place capacious of liquids. Blackmore.
5. A dock for repairing and building ſhips.
6. Bajim of a balance ; the ſame with the

BA'SIS. ʃ. [baf, Lat.]
1. The foundation of any thing. Dryden.
2. The loweſt of the three principal parts
of a column. Addiʃon.
3. That on which any thing is raiſed. Denham.
4. The pedeſtal. Shakʃpeare.
5. The groundwork. Shakʃpeare.

To BASK. v. a. [backeren, Dutch.] To
waim by laying out in the heat, Milton.

To BASK. v. n. To lie in the warmth. Dryden.

BA'SKET. ʃ. [bafged, Welch.] A veſſel
made of twigs, ruflies, or ſplinters. Dryd.

BA'SKET- HILT. ʃ. A hilt of a weapon
fo made as to contain the whole hand. Hudibras.

BA'SKET.WOMAN. ʃ. A woman that
plies at markets with a baſket.

BASS. a. [In muſick.] grave ; deep.


BASS. ʃ. [by yuniut derived from ſome
Britiſh word ſignifying a ruſh ; perhaps
properly boſs, from the French boje.] A
mat uſed in churches. Mortimer.

BASS-RELIEF. ʃ. [bus zj^i relief.] Sculpture,
the figures of which do not Hand
out from the ground in their full proportion.

BA'SSET. ʃ. [iajet, Fr.] A game at
cards, Dennis.

BASSO'N. ʃ/. [iafon, Fr.] A muſical

BASSO'ON. i inſtrument of the wind kind,
blown with a reed.

BA'SSOCK. ʃ. Bafs,

BA'STARD. ʃ. [hafurdd, Welch.]
1. A perſon born of a woman out of wedlock,
2. Any thing ſpurious. Shakʃpeare.

1. Begotten out of wedlock. Shakʃpeare.
2. Spurious; ſupperftitious ; adulterate. Temple.

To BA'STARD. t, a. To convidt of being
a bartard. Bacon.

To BA'STARDIZE. i-. a. [from %?jrJ.]
1. To convid of being a baſtard.
2. To beget a baſtard. Shakʃpeare.

BA'STARDLY. ad. [from bafard.] In the
manner of a baſtard, Dor.r.e.

To BASTE. v. a. [baflonner, Fr.]
1. To beat with a ſtick. HudibrJi.
2. To drip butter upon meat on the ſpit.Shakʃpeare.
3. To few fl ghtly. [bajier, Fr.]

BASTINA'DE. I r Ti n ; r

BASTINA DO. I f' il^^fi'''^'^ ^'-
1. The act of beating with a cudgel. Sidney.
2. A Turkiſh puniſhment of beating an
offender on his feet.

To BASTINA'DE. ʃ. v. a. [from the noun ;
To BASTINADO. i baſtonner, Fr.] To
beat. ATiuthrot.

BA'STION. ʃ. [hafl,o«, Fr.] A hugemafs
of earth, uſually faced with fods, ſtanding
out from a rampart ; a bulwark. Harris.

BAT. ʃ. [bat, Saxon.] A heavy ſtick.

BAT. ʃ. An animal having the body of
a mouſe and the wings of a bird ; not
with feathers, but with a ſort of ſkin
which is extended. It brings forth its
young alive, and ſuckles them. Davies.

BAT-FOWLING. ʃ. [from hat and/ow/.]
Birdcatching in the night time. They
light torches, then beat the buſhes ; upon
which the birds flying to the flames, are
caueht. Peacham.

EATABLE. a. [from bate.] Diſputable.
Eatable ground ſeems to be the ground
heretofore in queſtion, whether it belonged
to England or Scotland.

BATCH. ʃ. [from bake.]
1. The quantity of bread baked at a time. Mortimer.
2. Any quantity made at once. Ben. Johnſon.

BATE. ʃ. [from dibate.] Strife ; contention.

To BATE. v. a. [contracted from abate.]
1. To leften any thing ; to retrench. Shak.
2. To ſink the price. Locke.
3. To lelTen a demand. Shakʃpeare.
4. To cut oft. Dryden.

To BATE. w. n.
1. To grow leſs. Shakʃpeare.
2. To remit. Dryden.

BATE. once the preterite of bite, Spenſer.

BA'TEFUL. a. [from bate aadfull.] Contentious. Sidney.

BATEMENT. ʃ. Diminution. Moxon.

BATH. ʃ. [ba«, Saxon.]
1. A bath is either hot or cold, either of
art or nature. Addiſon.
2. Outward heat, applied to the body.Shakʃpeare.
3. A veſſel of hot water, in which another
is placed that requires a ſofter heat than the
naked ſite. Quincy.
4. A ſort of Hebrew meaſurCj containing
ſeven gallons and four pints. Calmet,

To BATHE. v. a. \h.kun, Saxon.]
1. To waſh in a bath. South.
s. To ſupple or ſoften by the outward

application of warm liquors. Dryden.
3. To waſh with any thing. Dryden.

To BATHE. v. n. To be in the water,

BATING. prep, [from bate.] Except.

BA TLET. ʃ. [from bat.] A ſquare piece
of \<!Qo6 uſed in beating linen. Shakʃpeare.

BATO'ON. ʃ. [bdton, Fr. formerly ſpelt
1. A Itafr or club. Eaccn,
2. A truncheon or marſhal's flaff.

BATTAILLOUS. a. [from /wrra/Wf, Fr.]
Warlike ; with military appearance. Fairfax.

BATTALIA. ʃ. [battagtia, Ital.] The
order of battle. Clarenden.

BATTA'LION. ʃ. [bataillon, Fr.]
1. A diviſion of an army ; a troop ; a
body of forces. Pope. .
2. An army. Shakʃpeare.

To BA'TTEN. v. a.
1. To fatten, or make fat. Milton.
2. To fertilize. Philips.

To BATTEN. v. v. To grow fat. Garth.

BA'TTEN. ʃ. A batten is a ſcantling of
wooden ſtuff. Aicxon.

To BA'TTER. v. a. [battre, to beat, Fr.]
1. To beat ; to beat down. Waller.
2. To wear with beating. Swift.
3. To wear out with ſervice. Southern.

BATTER. ʃ. [from to haitir.] A mixture
of ſeveral ingredients beaten together. King.

BA'TTERER. ʃ. [from latter.] He that

BA'TTERY. ʃ. [batterie, Fr.]
1. The act of battering. Locke.
2. The inſtruments with which a town is
battered. Smith.
3. The frame upon which cannons are
4. In law, a violent ſtriking of any man.Shakʃpeare.

BATTLE. ʃ. [batai'le, Fr.]
1. A fight ; an encounter between oppoſite
armies. EccL/iafticus.
2. A body of forces. Bacon.
3. The main body. Hayward.

To BATTLE. v. a. [bataillir, Fr.] To
contend in fight. Prior.

BATTLE-ARRAY. ʃ. Array, or order of
battle. Addiʃon.

BATTLE-AXE. ʃ. A weapon ; a bill. Carew.

BA'TTLE-DOOR. ʃ. [door and battle.]
An inſtrument with a round handle and a
fiat blade. Locke.

BATTLEMENT. ʃ. [from iraitJe] A wall
with interflices. Notris.

BA'TTY. a. [from bat.] Belonging to a
bat. Shakʃpeare.

BA'VAROY. ʃ. A kind of cloke. Gap

BA'UBEE. ʃ. [In Scotland, a halſpenny.

BA'VIN. ʃ. A ſt'ick like thoſe bound up
in faggots. Mortimer.

BAWBLE. ʃ. [/^aaW/ttw, barbarous Latin.]
A gew-gaw ; a trifling piece of finery.

BA'WBUNG. a. [^von\ba'whk.] Triſhng; contemptible. Shakʃpeare.

BA'WCOCK. ʃ. A fine fellow. Shakſp.

BAWD. ʃ. [baude, old Fr.] A procurer
or procureſs. Dryden.

To BAWD. To », [from the noun.] To
procure. Swift.

BA'WDILY. ad. [from baiv,!yA Obſcenely.

BA'WDINESS. ʃ. [from ba-wdy.] Obſcenenffs.

B^A'WDRICK. ʃ. [See Baldrjck.] A
belt. Chapman.

1. A wicked practice of procuring and
bringing whores and rogues together.
2. Obſcenity, Ben. Johnson.

BA'WDY. a. [from baivd.] Obſcene ; unchaſte. Southern.

BAWDY-HOUSE. ʃ. A houſe where traffick

IS made by wickedneſs and debauchery. Dennis.

To BAWL. ro. n. [bah, Lat.]
1. To hoot ; to cry out with great vehemence.
Smith on Philips.
2. To cry 33 a froward child. L'Eſtrange.

To BAWL. v. a. To proclaim as a crier. Swift.

BA'WREL. ʃ. A kind of hawk, Dia.

BA'WStN. ʃ. A badger. D<a.

BAY. a. [hadlus, Lat.] A ^ay horſe is inclining
to a chelnut. Al bay horſes have
black mines. Dryden.

BAY. ʃ. [baye,. Dutch.] An opening into
the land. Bacon.

BAY. ʃ. The ſtate of any thing furrounded
by enemies. Swift, Thomfon.

BAY. ʃ. [In architecture, a term uſed to
ſignify the magnitude of a building. Biyi
are from fourteen to twenty feet long.Shakʃpeare.

BAY. ʃ. A tree.

BAY. ʃ. An honorary crown or garland. Pope.

To BAY. v. n.
1. To bark as a dog at a thisf. Spenſer.
2. To shut in. Shakʃpeare.

To BAY. v. a. To follow with barking.Shakʃpeare.

BAY Suit. Silt made of ſea water^ which
receives its conſiſtence from the heat of
the (iin, and is ſo called from its brown
couiur. Bacon.

BAY WINDOW. A window jutting outward. Shakʃpeare.

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BA'YARD. ʃ. [from bay.] A bay horſe.

BA'YONET. ʃ. [bayonette, Fr.] A AorC
ſword fixed at the end of a mu.<ket.

BDE'LLIUM. ʃ. [BU»Mv.] An aromatick
gum brought from the Levant. iJa/^/^^i.

To BR. v. n.
1. To have ſome certain ſtate, condition,
quality; as, the man « wife. Shakſp.
2. It is the auxiliary verb by which the
verb paſſive is formed. Shakʃpeare.
3. To exiſt; to have exigence. Dryden.
4. To have ſomething by appointment or
rule. Locke.

BEACH. ʃ. The ſhore ; the ſtrand. Milton.

BE'ACHED. a. [from beaeh.] Expoſed to
the waves. Shakʃpeare.

BE'ACHY. a. [from bfach.] Having beaches.Shakʃpeare.

BE'ACON. ʃ. [beacon, Saxon.]
1. Something raiſed on an eminence, to
be fired on the approach of an enemy. Gay.
2. Marks erected to direct iravigators.

BEAD. ʃ. [beaae, prayer, Saxon.]
1. Small globes or balls ſtrung upon a
thread, and uſed by the Romanifts to
count their prayers. Pof>e.
2. Little balls worn about the neck for
ornament. Shakʃpeare.
3. Any globular bodies. Boyle.

EEADTree, [Azedarach.] The nut is,
by religious perſons, bored through, and
ſtrung as beads ; whence it takes its name.

BE'ADLE. ʃ. [byi>el, Saxon ; a meſſenger.]
1. A meſſenger or ſervitor belonging to a
court. Cowel.
2. A petty officer in pariſhes. Prior.

BE'ADROLL. ʃ. [from bead and re//.] A
catalogue of thoſe who are to be mentioned
at prayers. Bacon.

BE'ADSMAN. ʃ. [from bean and man.] A
man employed in praying for another. Spenſer.

BEAGLE. ʃ. [bigle, Fr.] A ſmall hound
with which hares are hunted. Dryden.

BEAK. ʃ. [bcc, Fr.]
1. The bill or horny mouth of a bird. Milton.
2. A piece of braſs like a beak, fixed ac
the head of the ancient gallies. Dryden.
3. Any thing ending in a point like a beak.

BEAKED. a. [from beak.] Having a beak. Milton.

BE'AKER. ʃ. [from beak.] A cup with a
ſpout in the form of a bird's beak. Pope. .

BEAL. ʃ. [bolh, Ital.] A vſhelk or pimple.

To BEAL. nj. n. [from the noun.] To
ripen ; to gather matter.

BEAM. ʃ. [beam, Saxon ; a tree.]
1. The main piece of timber that ſupporH
the ho life, Dryden.
2. Any

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1. Any large and long piece of timber. Dryden.
2. That part of a balance, at the ends of
which the ſcales are ſuſpended. Wilklns.
4. The horn of a (lag. Denham.
5. The pole of a chariot. Dryden.
6. A cylindrical piece of wood belonging
to the loom, on which the wtb is gradually
rolled as it is wove. ' Chronidis,
7. The ray of light emitted from ſome
luminous body. Pope.

To BEAM. v. a. [from the noun.] T«
emit rays or beams. P<ife.

BEAM Ttee. Wildſervice.

BE'AMY. £. [from ^.-jw.]
1. Radiant; ſhining; emitting beams.
2. Having horns or antlers. Dryden.

BEAN. f. [ſuba, Lat.] The comhrion garden
bean. The horſe bean-

BEAN Caper, [fabago.] A plant.

To BEAR. t/. a. pret. / bore, or bare.
fbeofian, Saxon.]
1. To carry as a harden. IJaiob.
3. To convey or carry. Dryden.
jt To carry as a mark of authority, Shak.
4. To carry as a mark of diftintlion. Hale.
5. To carry as in ſhow. Shakʃpeare.
6. To carry as in txuft. jfohn.
7. To ſupport ; to keep from falling. Hooker.
8. To keep afloat. Geneʃis.
9. To ſupport with proportionate ſtrength. Arbuthnot.
10. To carry in the mind, as love, hate. Daniel.
11. To endure, as pain, without ſinking. Pſalm.

JS. To ſuffer ; to undergo. Job.
13. To permit. Dryden.
14. To be capable of ; to admit. Hooker.

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15. To produce, as fruit. Pof>e.
16. To bring forth, as a child. Geneſis.
17. To poſſeſs, as power or honour, Addiſ.
18. To gain ; to win. Shakʃpeare.
19. To maintain ; to keep up. Locke.
20. To ſupport any thing good or bad. Bacon.
21. To exhibit. Dryden.
22. To be anſwerable ior, Dryden.
23. To ſupply. Dryden.
24. To be the object of, Shakʃpeare.
25. To behave. Shakʃpeare.
26. To impel ; to urge, ; to puſh. Hayward.
27. To preſs. Ben. Johnſon.
28. To incite ; to animate. Milton.
29. To bear in hand. To amuſe with
faiſe pretences ; to deceive. Shakʃpeare.
30. To bear off. To carry away by force. Creech.
31. ſt bear out. To ſupport ; to maintain. South.

To BEAR. v. n.
1. To fufter pain, Pſ.f.
2. To be patient. Dryden.
3. To be fruitful or proliſick. Bacon.
4. To take efteſt ; to ſucceed. Guardian.
5. To tend,^ to be directed to any point. Boyle.
6. To act as an impellent. Wilkins.
7. To a<Sl upon. Hayward.
8. To be fituated with reſpect: to «thei
9. To bear up. To ſtand firm without
falling. Brorme.
lo. To bear with. To cuiure an unpleaſing
thing. Milton.

BEAR. f. fbcjia, Saxon.]
1. A rough ſavage animal, Shakʃpeare.
2. The name of two conſtellations, called
the ^rw/^r and /f^r btar -^ in the tail qf
the le/J'er bear, is the pole ſtar. Crsech,

BEAR-BIND. ʃ. A ſpecies of bindweed.

BEAR-FLY. ʃ. An infect. Bacon.

BEAR GARDEN. ʃ. [from ,^Mr and ^ar^f;!.]
1. A place in which bears are kept for
ſport. Spectator.,
2. Any place of tumult or mifrule.

BEAR'S BREECH. ʃ. [^canthui.] The
name of a plant,

BEAR'S-EAR. or Auricula. The name of
a plant.

BEAR'S FOOT. f, A ſpecies of hellebote.

BEAR'S- WORT.' / An herb.

BEARD. ʃ. [beapb, Saxon.]
1. The hair that grows qn the lips and
chin. Prior.
2. Beard is uſed for the face. Mudibraf.
3. He hat a big beard, he is old. Locke.
Sharp prickles growing upon the ears
corn. L'Eſtrange.
A barb on an arrow.
The beard of a horſe, is that part
which bears the curb of the bridle.
Farrier'' i DiB.

To BEARD. v. a. [from beard.]
1. To take or pluck by the bfiard. Sinik.
2. To oppoſe to the face. Swift.

BE'ARDED. a. [from beard.]
1. Having a beard. Dryden.
2. Having ſh^irp prickles, as corn. Mdton.
3. Barbed or jagged. Dryden.

BE'ARDLESS. a. [from btard.]
1. Withiiut a beard. Camden.
2. Youthful. Dryden.

BEARER. ʃ. [from to bear.]
1. A carrier of any thing. Swift.
2. One employed in carrying burthens.
3. One who wears any thing, Shakʃpeare.
4. One who carries the bidy to the grave.
5. A tree that yields its produce. Boyle.
6. In archired^ij-e. A poſt or brick wall
7. To raiſed
ra'ifed up between the one's of a piece of 7. To act upon with violence. Jonah, timber.
8. To enforce by repetition. Hooker.

BE'ARHERD. ʃ. [from bear and herd.]

A BEAT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
ir.sn that tends bears. Shakʃpeare.

BE'ARING. ʃ. [from bear.]
1. Theſitecr place of any thir^g with reſpect
to foncerhing elſe. P'f.
2. Geituie ; mien ; behaviour. Shak jp.

BE'ARWARD. ʃ. [(vottl 'bear and ward.]
A keeper of bears. Shakʃpeare.

BEAST. ʃ. [hcjh, Fr.]
1. An animal diſtinguiſhed from birds, infers,
fifties, and min. Shakʃpeare.
2. An irrational animal, oppoſed to man. Dryden.
3. A brutal ſavage man.

BE'ASTLINESS. ʃ. [from btajily.] Brutality. Spenſer.

BE'ASTLY. a. [from beaji.]
1. Brutal; contrary to the nature and
dignity of min. Ben. Johnson.
2. Having the nature or form of beaſts. Prior.

To BEAT. ʃ. a. preter. bcaJ, part. paff.
beat, or leaten. [battre, French.]
To ſtrike ; to knock. Dryden.
To puniſh with ſtripes. Locke.
To ſtrike an inſtrument of fnuſick.Shakʃpeare.
To comminute by blows. Broome.
To ſtnke ground, to rouze t'ame. Prior.
6. To t'oreai corn. Ruth,
7. To mix things by long and frequent agitation.
8. To batter with engines of war. Judgct.
9. To ddſh, as water, or bruſh as wind. Pope.
10. To tread a path. Blackmore.
11. To make a path by treading it. Locke.
12. To conquer; toſubdue; to vanquiſh.
13. To hatraſs ; to over- labour. Hakewell,
14. To lay, or prets. Shakʃpeare.
15, To dei-reſs. Addiſon.
16. To drive by violence, Dryden.
17. To move with fluttering agitation. Dryden.
18. To heat down. To leffen the price
demanded. Dryden.
19. To heat up. To attack ſuddenly.
20. To beat the baf. To walk ; to go on

To BEAT. ʃ. n.
1. To movein apulfstory manner. Collier.
2. To dafh, as a flood or florm. Bacon.
3. To knock at a door. Judges,
4. To throb ; to be in agitation. Shakʃpeare.
5. To fiuftuate ; to be in motion.Shakʃpeare.
6. To try diſhsrent ways ; to ſearch. Pope. .
7. Manner of ſtriking. Grew.

BE'ATEN. particif. [from beat.]

BE'ATER. ʃ. [from .Mf.]
1. An inffrument with which any thing is
comminuted or mingled. Mojcon,
2. A perſon much given to blows.

BEATI'FICAL. ʃ. fi. [beatificm, low Lat.]

BEATi'FlCK. ʃ. BIifsful. It is uſed only
of heavenly fruition after death. South.

BEATI'FICALLY. ad. | from beat'fcal.]
In ſuch a manner as to compleat happineſs. Hakewell.

BEATIFICA'TION. ʃ. Beatification is an
acknowledgement made by thePope. . that
the perſon beatified is in heaven, and therefore
may be reverenced as bleſſed.

To BEA'TIFY. v. a. [beatifico, Lat.] To
bleſs with the completion of celeftial enjoyment. Hammond.

BE'ATING. ʃ. [from beat.] Cotrection
by blows. Ben. Johnſon.

BEA'TITUDE. ʃ. [heatitudo, Lat.]
1. BIelledneſs ; felicity ; happineſs. Taylor.
2. A declaration of blcfledneſs made by
our Saviour to particular virtues.

BEAU. f. [beau, Fr.] Amanofdreſs. Dryden.

BE'AVER. ʃ. [bievre, Fr.]
1. An animal, otherwiſe named the cafior,
amphibious, and remarkable for his art in
building his habitation. Hakewcll.
2. A hat of the beſt kind. Addiʃon.
3. The part of a helmet that covers the
tace. [bavire, Fr.] Bacon.

BE'AVERED. a. [from beaver.'^ Coveted
with a beavtr. Pape,

BEAU'ISH. a. [from beau-l Befitting a
beau ; foppiſh.

BEAU'TEOUS. a. [from beauty.'^ Fair ; elegant in form. Prior.

BEAU'TEOUSLY. ad. [from heauteout..
In a beauteous manner. Taylor.

BEAU'TEOUSNESS. ʃ. [from beauteous.]
The ſtate of being beauteous. Donne.

BEAUTIFUL. Fair. Raleigh.

BEAU'TIIULLY. ad. [from beautiful.] In
a beautiful manner. Prior.

BEAU'TIFULNESS. ʃ. [from beautiful.]
The quality of being beautiful.

To BEAUTIFY. ʃ. a. [from beauty.] To
adorn ; to embelliſh. Blackmore.

To BEA'UTIFY. v. n. To grow beauriful. Addiſoji,

BEAU'TY. ʃ. [beaute', Fr.]
1. That aliemblage of graces, which pleaſes
the eye. Ray.
2. A particular grace, Dryden.
3. A

5. A beautiful perſon. Paradiſe Loft.

To BEAU'Ty. v. a. [from the noun.] To
adorn ; to beautify. Shakʃpeare.

BEAUTY-SPOT. ʃ. [from beauty and ſpot.]
A ſpot placed to heighten ſome beauty. Grew.

BECAFI'CO. ʃ. [becojigo. Span.] A bird
like a nightingale ; a fig-pecker. Po[>e.

To BECA'LM. v. a. [iu,mcalm]
1. To Ibll the elements. Dryden.
2. To keep a ſhip from motion. Locke.
3. To quiet the mind. Ph:Jtpi.

BECA'ME.The preterite ofi^«w.

BECA'USE. corjuvEi. [from by and cauſc.]
For this reaſon thut ; on this account that. Hammond.

To BECHA'NCE. v. a. [from be and chana-l
To befal ; to happen to. Shakʃpeare.

BE'CHICKS. ʃ. [Snx^-^ct.] Medicines proper
for relieving coughs.

To BECK. nj. a. [beacan. Sax.] To make
a (\in with the head. Shakʃpeare.

BECK. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A ſign with the head} a nod. Milton.
2. A nod of command. Pope. .

To BE'CKON. 1: n. To make a Ggn. Addiʃon.

To BECLI'P. v. a. [of be dyppan, Sax.] To

To BECOME. 11. a. pret. I became ^ camp,
pret. I hwue become.
1. To enter into ſome ſtate or condition.
Ceil. li. 7.
2. To become of. To be the fate of; to
be the end of. Raleigh.

To BECOME. v. a. [from be or by, and
cpemen, Sax.]
1. To appear in amanner ſuitable to ſomething. Dryden.
Z, To be ſuitable to the perſon ; to befit. Shakʃpeare. Sci/Hrgfcet.

BECO'MING. parti. ſ. [from b.come.]
That which pleaſes by an elegant propriety ; graceful. Suckling.

BECO'MING. ʃ. [from became.] Behaviour.Shakʃpeare.

BECO'MINGLY. ad. After a becoming

BECO'MINGNESS. ʃ. [from becomh:^.]
Elegant congruity ; propriety. Grew.

BED. ʃ. [beb, Sax.]
1. Something made to ſleep on. Bacon.
2. Lodging. Shakʃpeare.
3. Marriage. Ciurendon.
4. Banic of earth taiſed i.T a garden. Bacon.
5. The channel of a river, or any hollow. Addiʃon.
6. The place where any thing i« generated. Addiʃon.
7. A layer ; a ſtratum. Burnet.
g. To bring to BED. To deliver of a child.
9. To make the BhD. To put the bed in
order after it has been uſed.


To BED. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To go to bed with. Shakʃpeare.
2. To be placed in bed. Bacon.
3. To be made partaker of the bed. Bacon.
4. To ſow, or plant in earth. Mortimer.
5. To lay in a place of reſt. Donne.
6. To lay in order ; in ſtrata. Shakʃpeare.

To BED. v. a. To cohabit. Hi/eman.

To BCDA'BBLE. v. ^. [from dabble.] To
wet; to beſprinkle. Shakʃpeare.

To BEDA'GGLE. v. 0. [from daggh.]
To be mile.

To BEDA'SH. v. a. [from dafh.] To beſpatter.Shakʃpeare.

To BED'AWB. v. a. [from datvb.] To
befmear. Shakſpeare.

To BEDA'ZZLE. To make the fight dim
by too much luſtre. Shakʃpeare.

BEDCHA'MBER. The chamber appropriated
to reſt. Clarenden.

BEDCLO'ATHS. ʃ. Coverlets ſpread over
a bed. Shakʃpeare.

BE'DDER. ʃ. [from bed. The ne-

BE'DETTER. ʃ. ther-flone of an oil-mill.

BE'DDING. ʃ. [from bed.] The materials
of a bed. Dryden.

To BEDE'CK. -r. a. [from deck.] To
deck ; to adorn. Norris.

BE'DEHOUSE. ʃ. [from be'&e. Sax. a prayer,
ztv^houſe.] An hoſpitalor almfliouſe.

To BEDE'W. v. a. [from deiu.] To moiſten
gently, as with the fall of dew. Shakſ.

BE'DFELLOW. ſ. [from bed and fellow.]
One that lies in the ſame bed, Shakſp.

To BE'DIGHT. v. a. [from dight.] To
adorn ; to dreſs. Gay.

To BEDI'M. v. a. [from dim.] To obſcure
; to cloud ; to darken, Shakʃpeare.

To BEDI'ZEN. v. a. [from diaen.] To
dreſs out.

BE'DLAM. ʃ. [corrupted fromft Bethlehem,
the name of a religious houſe in London,
converted afterwards into an hoſpital for
the mud.]
1. A madhouſe.
2. A madman. Shakʃpeare.

BE'DLAM. a. Belonging to a madhouſe.Shakʃpeare.

BEDLAMITE. ʃ. [from bedlam.] A mad
man. Lewis.

BE'DMAKER. ʃ. [fr»m bed and mak-.] A
perfon in the univerſities, whoſe office it
is to make the beds. SpMator.

BE'DMATE. ʃ. [tcom bed and mate.] A
bedfellow. Shakʃpeare.

BE'DMOULDING. ʃ. f. [from bed

particular moulding. Builder^ DiB.

BEDPOST. ʃ. [from bed and pifl.] The
port at the corner of the bed, which ſupports
the canopy. Wifeman.

BE'DPRESSER. ʃ. A heavy lazy fellow,Shakʃpeare.

To BEDRA'GGLE. v. a. To foil the
deaths. Swift.

To BEDRE'NCH. v. a. be itiid'-ench.] To
drench ; to ſoak. Shakʃpeare.

BE'DRJD. a. [from bed and f/iff.] Confined
to the bed by age or ſickneſs. Shakʃpeare.

BE'DRITE. ʃ. The privilege of the marriage
bed. Shakʃpeare.

To BEDRO'P. v. a. [from be and drof.]
To beſprinkJe ; to mark with drops. Pope.

BEDSTEAD. f. \itam bed and ſtead.^ The
frame en which the bed is placed. Swift.

BE'DSTRAW. ʃ. The ſtraw laid under a
bed to make it ſoft. Bacon.

BEDSWE'RVER. ʃ. One that is falle to
the bed. Shakʃpeare.

BE'DTIME. ʃ. [from bed and time.] The
bourofrelK Milton.

To BEDU'NG. v. a. To cover with dung.

To BEDU'ST. v. a. [from be and duj}.]
To ſprinkle with duſt.

BE'DWARD. ad. [from bed and wai-J.]
Toward bed. Shakʃpeare.

To BEDWA'RF. v. a. To make 'little ; to ſtunt. Donne.

BEDWORK. ʃ. [from bed and work.]
Work performed without toil of the hands.Shakʃpeare.

BEE. ʃ. [beo, Saxon.]
1. The animal that makes honey. Luke.
2. An indufirious and careful perſon.

BEE-EATER. ʃ. [from bee and eat.] A
bird that feeds upon bees.

BEE-FLOWER. ʃ. [from bee and fiozuer.]
A ſpecies of tool-ſtones. Millar,

BEE GARDEN. ʃ. A place to ſet hives of
bees in. Mortimer.

BEE-HIVE. ʃ. The .afe, or box, in which
bees are kept.

BEE-MASTER. ʃ. One that keeps bees. Mortimer.

BEECH. ʃ. [bece, or boc, Saxon.] A tree. Dryden.

BE'ECHEN. a. [bucene. Sax.] Conſiſting
of the wood of the beech. Dryden.

BEEF. ʃ. [httuf, French.]
1. The flaih of black cattle prepared for
food, Swift.
2. An ox, bull, or cow, it has the plural
beeves. Raleigh.

BEEF. a. Conſiſting of the f\(.rn of black
cattle. Swift.

BEEF-EATER. ʃ. A yeoman of the guard.

BEEN. [been, Saxon.] The farticifle fr;-
ierite of To Be.

BEER. ʃ. [/>;>, Welch ; Liquor made of
malt and hops. Bacon.

BEET. ʃ. [beta, Lat ] The name of a plant.

BE'ETLE. ʃ. [hyr^I, Saxon.]
1. An inieft diftin^iiſhed by having bard

tafea or ſheaths, under which he folds his
wings. Shakʃpeare.
2. A heavy mallet. Stillingfleet.

To BE'ETLE. v. a. To jut out. Shakſp.

BEETLEBRO'WED. ^. Having prominent

BEETLEHE'ADED. Loggerheaded ; having
a ſtupid head. Shakʃpeare.

BE'ETLESTOCK. ʃ. The handle of a
beetle. Shakʃpeare.



BEEVES. ʃ. [The plural of beef.] Black
cattle ; oxen. Milton, Pope. .

To BEFA'LL. v. a. [t beſells, it hath befallen.]
1. To happen to. Addiſon.
2. To come to paſs. Milton.
3. To befall of. To become of. Shakſp.

To BEFIT. v. a. To ſuit ; to be fui table
to. Milton.

To BEFO'OL. v. a. [from be and fool.] To
infatuate ; to fool. South.

BEFO'RE. prep, [bipoji, Sax.]
1. Farther onward in place. Dryden.
2. In the front of ; not behind. Par, Loft.
3. In the prefenceof. Dryden.
4. In fight of. Shakʃpeare.
5. Under the cognizance of. Ayliffe.
6. In the power of. Dryden.
7. By the impulfe of ſomething behind.Shakʃpeare.
8. Preceding in time. Dryden.
9. In preference to. Hooker.
10. Prior to.

II. Superior to.

1. Sooner than ; earlier in time. Par. Loft,
2. In time paſt. Dryden.
3. In ſome time lately part. Hale.
4. Pieviouſly to, Swift.
5. To this time ; hitherto. Dryden.
6. Already. Dryden.
7. Farther onward in place. Shakʃpeare.

1. In a Hate of anticipation, or preoccupation,
2. Previouſly ; by way of preparation. Hooker.
3. In a ſtate of accumulation, or ſo as that
more has been received than expended. Bacon.
4. At firfi ; before any thing is done. L'Eſtrange.

BEFO'RETIME. ad. Formerly, i Sam.

To BEFO'RTUNE. v. n. To betide,Shakʃpeare.

To BEFO'UL. -K. a. To make 'foul ; to foil„

To BEFRIEND. v. a. To favour ; to be
kind to. Pope. .

To BEFRl'NGE. v. a. To decorate, as
with fringes. Pope. .

To BEG. v. n. [beggeretif Gsxm.] To live
upon alms. Luke.

To BEG. v. a.
1. To aſk ; to feek by petition. Matth.
2. To take any thing for granted. Burnet.

To BEGE'T. v. a. [ iegot, or hegat ; I
have begotten, [bejttan, Saxon.]
1. To generate ; to procreate. Iſaiah.
2. To produce, as effects. Shakʃpeare.
3. To produce, as accidents. Denham.

BEGETTER. ʃ. [from %.f.] He that
procreates, or begets. Locke.

BE'GGAR. ʃ. [from beg.-\
1. One who lives upon alms. Broome.
2. A petitioner. Dryden.
3. One who aflames what he does not
pr ve. Tilktfon.

To BE'GGAR. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To reduce to beggary ; to impoveriſh.
2. To deprive, Shakʃpeare.
3. To exhauft. Shakʃpeare.

BE'GGARLINESS. ʃ. [from beggarly. [The
ſtate of being beggarly.

BE'GGARLY. a. [from beggar.] Mean ; poor ; indigent. South.

BE'GGARLY. ad. [from beggar .'^ Meanly
; deſpecably. Hooker.

BE'GGARY. ʃ. [from beggar,'] Indigence. Swift.

To BEGIN. v. n. I began, or begun ; I have
begun, [bejinnan. Sax.]
1. To enter upon ſomething new. Cowley.
2. To commence any action or ſtate. Ezekiel, Prior.
3. To enter upon exiſtence.
4. To have its original. Pope. .
5. To take rife. Dryden.
6. To come into aft. Dryden.

To BEGIN. v. a.
1. To do the firſt act of any thing. Pope. .
2. To trace from any thing as the firſt
ground. Locke.
3. To begin luith. To enter upan. Government of the Tongue.

BEGI'NNER. ʃ. [from begis-.]
1. He that gives the firſt cauſe, or original,
to any thing. Hooker.
2. An unexperienced attempter. Hooker.

BEGI'NNING. ʃ. [from begin.]
1. The firſt original or cauſe. Swift.
2. The entrance into aft, or being. Denham.
3. The ſtate in which any thing firſt is. Dryden.
4. The rudiments, or firſt grounds. Locke.
5. The firſt part of any thing. Pspe.

To BEGl'RD. v. a. [ begirt, or begirded\
I have begirt,
1. To bind with a girdle. Milton.
2. To furround ; to encircle. Prior.
3. To ſtiut in with a fiege ; to beleaguer. Clarendon.

BE'GLERBEG: f. [TatkiOi.] The chief
goverRour of i. province among the Turks.

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To BEGNA'W. v. a. [from be and gnaw,.
To bite ; to eat away. Shakʃpeare.

BEGONE. interjea. Go away; hence ; t>D^/^''^ ^Addiʃon.

BEGOT. ʃ. The parti. paj:ve of the

BEGO'TTEN. ʃ verbi^ff

To BEGRE'ASE. v. a. To foil or dawb
with lat matter.

To BEGRI'ME. t. a. To foil with dirt
deep impreflect. Shakʃpeare.

To BEGUILE. v. a. [from he and guile.]
1. To impoſe upon ; to delude. Milton, South.
2. To deceive ; to evade. Shakʃpeare.
3. To deceive pleaſingly ; to amuſe. Davies.

BEGU'N. The particle paſſive of begin.

BEHA'LF. ʃ. [From ^.a)Of/, profit.]
1. Favour ; cauſe. Clarenden.
2. Vindication ; ſupport. Addiſon.

To BEHA VE. v. a. To carry ; to conduct.
2. Thejfalonians, Atterbury.

To BEHAVE. v. «. To act ; to conduct
one's felf.

BEHA'VIOUR. ʃ. [from behave.]
1. Manner of behaving one's felf, whether
good or bad. Sidney.
2. External appearance. iSam.xxi.
3. Gefture ; manner of action. Hooker.
4. Elegance oſ miners ; gracefulneſs. Sidney.
5. Conduſt ; general practice ; courſe of
life. Locke.
6. To ie upon ore's behaviiiur, A familiar
phraſe, noting ſuch a ſtate as requires great
caution. L'Eſtrange.

To BEHE'AD. t-. a. [from be and head.l
To kill by cuttit)g^ff the head. Clarenden.

BEHELD. partiap. paſſive, from beheld.

BE'HEMOTH. ſ.The hippopotamus, or river-
horſe. Jeb.

BE'HEN. ʃ. X, , .

^^'-'''. '°°'.

BEHE'ST. ʃ. [haj-, Saxon] Command; precept. Fairfax.

To BEHI'GHT. v. a. pret. behot, part, behight.
[from hatan.]
1. To promife. Spenſer.
2. To cntruſt ; to commit. Spenſer.

BEHl'ND. prep, [hi^an, Saxon.]
1. At the back of another. Knollef.
2. On the back part. Mark.
3. To wards the back. Judget.
4. Following another. 2 Sjm.
5. Remaining after the departure of ſomethiriR
elſe. Shakʃpeare.
6 Remaining after the death of thoſe to
whom it belonged. Pope.
7. At a diſtancee from ſomething going before. Dryden.
8. Inferiour to another, Hooker.
9. On the other ſide of ſomething. Dryden.

BEHlND. «(/. Out of fight. Locke.



BEHI'NDHAND. ad. [from behind and
1. In a ſtate in which rents or profits are
anticipated. Locke.
2. Not upon equal terms, with regaid to
forwardneſs. SpiSiitor,

To BEHO'LD. v. a. pret. / heheld, I have
beheld, or hibolden, [beheaiban, Saxon.]
To view ; to fee. Dryden.

BEHO'LD. tnterjia. See ; lo. Geneſis, Milton.

BEHO'LDEN. farti. a. [geboud.n, Dutch.]
Bound in gratitude. Shakʃpeare.

BEHO'LDER. ſ.Ihom behold.] Spectator, Atterbury.

BEHO'LDING. a. Beholden.

BEHO'LDING. ʃ. Obligation. Cartiu.

BEHO'LDINGNESS. j. [from behoMwg,
miſtaken for beho dsn.] The ſtate of being
obliged. Donne.

BEHO'OF. ʃ. [from 4.-i;oorf.] Profit ; advantage. Locke.

To BEHO'OVE. v. k. [behcpap, Saxon.]
To be fit ; to be meet. Hooker.

BEHO'OVEFUL. ^. [from behoof.] Uſeful ; profitable. Clarenden.

BEIHO'OVEFULLY. :,d. [Uovn bchoo'veful.]
Profitably ; uſefully. Spenſer.

To BEHO'WL. v. a. To howl at. Shakſp.

BE'ING. ʃ. [from be.]
1. Exiſtsnce ; oppoled to nonentity, Davies.
2. A particular ſtate or condition. Pope. .
3. The perſon exiſting. Dryden.

BE'ING. conjutiEi. [from be.] Since.

BE IT SO. A phraſe, juppoſe it to befo.Shakʃpeare.

To BELABOUR. v. a. [from be and labour.]
To be»t ; to thump. Swift.

BE'LAMIE. ʃ. [belamie. Ft.] A friend; an intimate. Spenſer.

BE'LAMOUR. ʃ. [bel amour, Fr.] A Gallant
; conſort. Spenſer.

BELA TED. a. [from be and late.] Benighted. Milton.

To BELAY. v. a.
1. To block up ; to ſtop the paſſage. Dryden.
2. To place in ambuſh. Spenſer.

To BELCH. v. n. [beaican, Saxon.]
1. To eject the wind from the ſtomach. Arbuthnot.
2. To iſſue out by eruſtation. Dryden.

To BELCH. 1!. a. To throw out from
the ſtomach. Pope. .

BELCH. f. [from the verb.]
1. The act of erud^ation,
2. A cant term for malt liquor. Dennis.

1. An old woman. Milton.
2. A hag. Dryden.

To BELE'AGUE'l.-y. a. [bekgg(ren,DviU]
To belkge ; to block up a plat(. Dryden.


BELE'AGURER. ʃ. [from beleaguer.] One
that befieges a place.

BELEMNI'TES. ʃ. [from Bi\^, a dart.]
Arrowhead, or finger-ſtone.

BELFLO'WER. ʃ. A plant.

BELFO'UNDER. ʃ. [from W/ and found.]
He whoſe trade it is to found or caſt bells. Bacon.

BE'LFRY. ʃ. [Beffroy, in French, is a
tower.] The place where the bells are
rung. Gay.

BELGA'RD. ʃ. [bcUe egard, Fr.] A ſoft
glance. Spenſer.

To BELI'E. v. a. [from be and lie.]
1. To counterfeit ; to feign ; to mimick. Dryden.
2. To give the lie to ; to charge with falſehood. Dryden.
3. To calumniate. Shakʃpeare.
4. To give a fali'e repreſentation of any
thing. Dryden.

BELI'EF. ʃ. [from belit-e.]
1. Credit given to ſomething which we
know not of ourſelves. Wotton.
2. The theological virtue oſ faith, or firm
confidence of the truths of religion. Hooker.
3. Religion ; the body of tenets held. Hooker.
4. Perfuafion ; opinion, Temple.
5. The thing believed. Baror,.
6. Creed ; a form containing the articles
of faith.

BELI'EVEABLE. a. [from believe.] Credible.

To BELI'EVE. v. a. [jelypan, Saxon.]
1. To credit upon the authority of another.
2. To put confidence in the veracity of
any one. Exodus.

To BELIEVE. t>. n,
1. To have a firm perſuafion of any thing. Geneſis.
2. To exerciſe the theological virtue of
fajth. Shakʃpeare.

BELI'EVER. ʃ. [from believe.]
1. He that believes, or gives credit. Hooker.
2. A profaflbrof chriftianity. Hooker.

BELI'EVINGLY. ad. [from to believe.]
After a believing nunner.

BELI'KE. ad. [from like, as by likelihood.]
1. Probably ; likely ; perhaps. Raleigh.
2. Sometimes in a ſenſe of irony. Hooker.

BELI'VE. ad. [bilive, Sax.] Speedily
; quickly. Spenſer.

BELL. ʃ. [bel, Saxon.]
1. A veiFel, or hollow body of caſt metal,
formed to make a noiſe by the iCt of ſome
inſtrument itriking againſt it. Holder.
2. It is uſed for any thing in the form of
a bell, as the cups of flowers. Shakʃpeare.
3. A ſmall hollow globe of metal pctforatr-

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C'i, and containing in it a folic! ball ; which,
when it is ſhaken by bounding againſt: the
^ lide?, gives a f. und. Shakʃpeare.
4. To kcar theb'll. To be the firſt.

To BELL. I/. «. [from the noun.] To growin
the form of a bell. Mortimer.

BELL-FASHIONED. a. [from bell and
fajhion,'^ Having the form of a bell. Mortimer.

BELLE. f. l^beau, btUe,Yr.~\ A young lady. Pope.

BELLES LETTRES. - f. [Fr.] Polite literature. Tatler.

BE'LUBON'E. [helk Sf boy^ne, Fr.] A woman
excelling both in beauty and goodrteſs. Spenſer.

BELLI'GEROUS. a. [i.-/%r, Lat.] Waging

To BE'LLOW. ʃ. r. [bellan, Saxon.]
1. To make a noiſe as a bull. Dryden.
2. To make any violent outcry. Shakʃpeare.
3. To vociferate ; to clamour. Tatler.
4. To roar as the fea, or the wind. Dryden.

BE'LLOWS. ʃ. [bi'13. Sax.] The inſtrument
uſed to blow the fire. Sidney.

B'ELLUINE. ^. lbel!uinui, Lat.] Beaſtly ;
brutal. Aitsrbury.

BE'LLY. ʃ. [halg, Dutch.]
1. That part of the human body which
reaches from the breaſt to the thigh, containing
the bowels.'Shakʃpeare.
2. The womb. Cotigreve.
3. That part of a man which requires Ibod. Hayward.
4. That part of any thing that ſwells out
into a larger capacity. Bacon.
5. Any place in which ſomething is incJoſed.

To BE'LLY. ʃ. n. To hang out ; to bulge out. Creech.

BE'LLYACHE. ʃ. [from belly and ache,'\
The cholick:

BE'LLYBOUND. a. Coftive.

BE'LLY-FRETTING. ʃ. [With farriers.]
The chafing of a horſe's belly wjth the

BELLYFUL. ʃ. [from hel'y and ////.] As
much food as fills the belly.

BE'LLYGOD. ʃ. [from belly and god.] A
glutton. Hakiiveil.

BE'LLY-ROLL. ʃ. [Trom belly and rs.//.]
A roll ſo called, as it ſeems, from entering
into the hollows. Mortimer.

BE'LLY-TIMBER. ʃ. Food, Prior.

BE'LMAN. j. [from bdl and man.] He
whoſe buſineſs it is to proclaim any thing
in towns, and to gain attention by linging
his bell. Swift.

BE'LMETAL. ʃ. [from ^f// and mefa/.] The
metal of which bells are made; being a
mixture of five parts copper with one of
pewter, Newton.


To BELO'CK. v. a. To faſten. Shakʃpeare.

To BELO'NG. v. a. ^belangen, Dutch.]
1. To be the property of. Ruth.
2. To be the province or buſineſs of. Shakʃpeare. Boyl',
3. To adhere, or beappendent to, Lulc.
4. To have relation to. 1 Sam.
5. To be the quality or attribute of. Cheyne.
6. To be referred to. 1 Cor

BELO'VED. Loved ; dear. Mihc.

BELO'W. prep, [from be and /aw.]
1. Under in piece ; not ſo high. Shakſp.
2. Inferiour in dignity. Addiſon.
3. Inferiour in excellence, Feiton.
4. Unworthy of ; 'unbefitting. Dryden.

BELO'W. ad.
1. In the lower place. Dryden.
2. On earth ; in oppoſition to heaven. Smith.
3. In hell ; in the regions of the dead.

To BELO'WT. v. a. [from be and /sw.'.]
To treat with opprobrious language.

BELSWA'GGER. ſ.A whorcmafter.ZJrj'^^r.

BELT. ʃ. [belt. Sax.] A girdle ; acindurc. South.

BELWE'THER. ʃ. [from bell and wether.]
A ſheep which leads the flock with a bell
on his neck. Hoicct,

To BEMA'D. v. a. To make mad. Shakſp.

To BEMIRE. v. a. [from be and mire.] To
drag, or incumber in the mire, Swift.

To BEMOAN. v. a. [from to'moan.] To.
Isment ; to bewail. Addiſon.

BEMO'ANER. ʃ. [from the verb.] A lamenter.

To BEMO'IL. v. a. [be and moil, from
moulder, Fr.] To bedrabble ; to bemire.Shakʃpeare.

To BEMO'NSTER. v. a. To make ' monſtrous.Shakʃpeare.

BEMU'SED. a. Overcome with muling. Pope.

BENCH. ʃ. [bene. Sax.]
1. A feat. Dryden.
2. A feat of juſtice, Shakʃpeare.
3. The perſons fitting on a bench. Dryden.

To BENCH. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To furniſh with benches. Dryden.
2. To feat upon a bench,Shakʃpeare.

BE'NCHER. ʃ. [from bench.] Thoſe gentlemen
of the inns of court are called benc
en, who have been readers. BIount,

To BEND. v. a. pret. bended, or bent, [ben-
'OJn, Saxon.]
1. To make crooked ; to crook. Dryden.
2. To direct to a certain point. Fairfax.
3. To apply. Hooker.
4. To put any thing wi order for \.]ie.

5. To incline. Pope. .
lA b To

6. To ſubdue ; to make ſubmiffive.
7. To bend the brow. To knic the brow. Camden.

To BEND. i>. n.
1. To be incurvated.
2. To lean or jut over. Shakʃpeare.
3. To reſolve ; to deternnine. Addiſon.
4. To be ſubmiffive ; to bow. Iſaiah.

BEND. ʃ. [/rum to bcrJ.]
1. Flexure ; incurvation. Shakʃpeare.
2. The crooked timbers which make the
ribs or (ide? of a ſhip.

BE'NDABLE a [from bend.] That may
be incurvated.

BE'NDER. ʃ. [from to bevd.]
1. The ()t;rf( n who bends.
2. The inſtrument with which any thing
is bene. ff'tlkins.

BE'NDWITH. ʃ. An herb.

BE NEAPED. a. [fr<^m nerp.] A ſhip is
ſaid to be beneaped, when the water does
not flow hi^h enough to bring her off the

BENE'ATH. p-ep. [benef{7, Saxon.]
1. Under ; lower in place. Prio--.
2. Under. Dryden.
3. Lower in rank, excellence, or dignity.
4. Unworthy of, Atterbury.

1. Ia a lower place ; under. Amos.
2. Below, as oppoſed to heavcn. Exodus.

BENEDICT. a. [l:cncdiaus, Lat.] Having

HI'ld and falubrious qualities. Bacon.

BENEDl'CTION. ʃ. [/;.n.<3;<S.<J, Lat.] .
1. BIciVing
; a decretoiy pr.enunciation of
happineſs. Milton.
2. The advantage conferred by blelfing. Bacon.
3. Acknowledgments for bleſſings received. Ray.
4. The form of inflituting an abbot,

BENEFA'CTION. ʃ. [from bcnefacio, Lat.]
1. The act of conferring a benefit.
2. The benefit conferred. Atterbury.

BENEFA'CTOR. ʃ. [from bencfacio, Lat.]
He that confers a benefit. Milton.

BENEFA'CTRESS. ʃ. [from benefaSior.]
A woman who confers a benefit.

BE'NEFICE. ʃ. [from /)e«-/of«;«, Lat.] Advantage
conferred en another, Thi-; word
is generally taken for all eccleſlaflical
livings. Dryden.

BE'NEFICED. a. [ham berefa.] PoffeH'ed
of a beni-fice. -^yl'ff^'

BENEFICENCE. ʃ. [from beneficent.] Ac
t:ve goodneſs. Dryden.

BENE'FICENT. ʃ. [from henefcus.] Kind ; doing good. Hale.

BENEFI'CIAL. a. [from beneficium, Lat.]
1. Advantaceous ; conferring benefits ; profitable. Tillotſon.
2. Helpful ; medicinal, ^Arbuthnot.


BENEFI'CIALLY. ad. [from benefidal.l
Advantageotifly ; helpfully.

BENEFI'CIALNESS. ʃ. [from benaficial.]
Uſefulneſs; profjt. Hak.

BENEFI'CIARY. a. [from benefice.] Holding
ſomething in ſubordination to another. Bacon.

BENEFI'CIARY. ʃ. He that is in poſſeſſion
of a benefice. Ayliffe.

BE'NEFrr. ſ. [benefic'tum, Lat.]
1. Akindneſs; a favour conferred. Milton.
2. Advantage ; profit ; uſe. tVifdof,
3. [In law] Benefit of clergy is, that a
man being found guilty of ſuch felony as
this bciufit is granted for, is burnt in the
hard, and fei tree, if the ordinary's commiſſioner
Handing by, do fay, hegit ut
cL-iLus. Cowe/,

To BE'NEFIT. v. a. [from the noun.] To
do yo' d to. Arbuthnot.

To BE'NEFIT. v. a. To gain advantage. Milton.

BENE'MPT. a. Appointed ; marked out. Spenſer.

To BENE'T. v. a. [from net.] To enfnare.Shakʃpeare.

BENEVOLENCE. ʃ. [bene-fokntia, Lat.]
1. Diſpoſition to do good ; kindneſs. Pope. .
2. The good done ; the charity given.
3. A kind of t<x. Bacon.

BENE'VOLENT. a. [benei^olens, Latin.]
Jsand ; having good will. Pope. .

BENE VOLENTNESS. ſ. The ſame with

BENGA L. ſ. A ſort of thin ſlight fluff,

BE'NJAMIN. ʃ. [Benxoin.] The name of
a tree.

To BENI'GHT. v. a. [from night.]
1. To ſurpriſe with the coming on of
night, Sidney.
2. To involve in darkneſs ; to embarraſs
by \f?T\t of light, Boyle.

BENIGN. a. [benigrus, Lat.]
1. Kind ; generous ; liberal. Milton.
2. Whokf me ; not malignant Arbuthnot.

BE'NIGN Difedfe, is when all the uſual
ſymptoms appear favourably. Sumcy,

BENI'GNESS'. ʃ. [from benign.] The ſame
with benignity.

BENl'GNITY. ʃ. [from knign.]
1. Graciouſneſs ; actual kindneſs. Hooker.
2. Salubrity ; wholeſome quality. Wiſeman.

BENIGNLY. ad. [from benign.] Favourably
; kindly. Waller.

BE'NIaON. ʃ. Ibenir, to bleſs.] BIeſſing
; benediction. Milton.

BE'NNET. ʃ. An herb,

BENT. ʃ. [from the verb to bend.]
1. The ſtate of being bent. Walton.
2. Degree of flexure.
3. Declivity. Dryden.
4. Utmoſt power. Shakʃpeare.
5. Appiicatioa

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5. Application of the mind. Locke.
6. Inclination ; diſpofitiiin towards ſomething. Milton.
7. Determination ; fixed purpoſe. Hooker.
8. Turn of the temper, or diſpoſition. Dryden.
9. Tendency ; flexion. Locke.
10. A ſtalk of graſs, tailed bcnt-grafi. Bacon.

BE'NTING 7'rW. [from bent.] The time
when pigeons feed on bents before peas are
ripe. Dryden.

To BENU'M. v. a. [benumen, Saxon.]
1. To make torpid. Fairfax.
2. To llupify. Dryden.

BENZO IN. ʃ. A medicinal kind of refin
imported from the Eaſt Indies, and vulgarly
called benjamin. Boyle.

To BEPA'INT. v. a. [from /-aw.] To cover
with paint. Shakſp.

To BEPI'NCH. v. a. [from f'r.ch.] To
mark with pinches. Chap'jian.

To BEFI'SS. v. a. [from pifs.] To wet
wih urine. Denham.

To BEQUE'ATH. v. a. [cpip, Saxon. a
will.] To leave by will to another, Sidney.

BEQUEST. ʃ. Something left by will.

To BERA'TTLE. nj, a. [from rattle.] To
rattle off. Shakʃpeare.

BE'RBERRY. ʃ. [berberis.] A berry of a
ſharp taſte, tiled for pickles. Ba on.

To BERE'AVE. v. a. preter. / bercaued,
or bereſt, [befieopim, Saxon.]
1. To drip of ; to deprive of. Berkley.
2. To take away .'rom. Shakʃpeare.

BERE'FT. frt, fsff. of bereave.

BE'RGAMOT. ʃ. [bsrgair.otte, Fr.]
1. A ſort of pear, commonly called burgamot.
2. A ſort of effence, or perfume, drawn
from a frcit produced by ingrafting a lemon
tree on a bergamot pear Hock.
3. A ſort of fnuff.

To BERHYME. v. a. [from rhyme.] To
celebrate in rhyme, or verſes. Pope.

BERLI'N. ʃ. A coach of a particular form. Swift.

To BERO'B. To a. [from rob.] To rob ; to plunder. Spenſer.

BE'RRY. ʃ. [bejii5, Saxon.] Any ſmall
fruit, with many leeds. Shakʃpeare.

To BE'RRY. v. a. [from the noun.] To
bear berries.

BE RTRAM. ʃ. Ballard pellitory.

BE'RYL. ʃ. [bcryilus, Lat.] A kind of
precious ſtone. Milton.

To BESCRE'EN. w. a. [from ſcreen.] To
(helter ; to conceal. Shakʃpeare.

To BESEECH. v. a. pret. I bejought, I
have bejought. [from pican, Saxon.]
Ii To entreat ; to fujjjlicate ; to implore.

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1. To bpg ; to afl:. Sprat.

To BESE'EM. v. a. [beziemen, Daitb.]
To become ; to be fit. Hooker.

BESE'LIN. ʃ.i«r/. Adapted ; adjuſted. Spenſer.

To BESE'r. v. a. pret. I befel ; I have he-
Jet, [bff-itran, Saxon.]
1. To beliege ; to hem in. A-^dfon,
2. To embarraſs ; to perplex. Roil'c,
3. To waylay ; to furtound. Locke.
4. To fall upon ; to harraſs. Spenſer.

To BESHRE'W. v. a. [befchryen, Germ.
to enchant]
1. To wiITi a cuife to. Dryden.
2. To happen ill to. Shakʃpeare.

BESIDE. ʃ. re i ; /-J 1

BESI'DES. ʃ. ^f- ^'°^ ^^ -^ '-.
1. At the ſide of another ; near. Fairfax.
2. Over and above. Hale.
3. Not according to, though not contrary. South.
4. Out of ; in a ſtate of deviation from. Hudibras.


1. Over and above. Tillotfi:.
2. Not in this number; beyond this claſs. Pope.

BESI'DERY. ʃ. A ſpecies of pear.

To BESI'EGE. I'. a. [from fiege.] Tobeleaguer
; to lay fiege to ; to beſet with
armed forces. Shakʃpeare.

BESI'EGER. ʃ. [from befiege.] One employed
in a fiege. Swift.

To BESLU'BBER. v. a. [from Jlubber.]
To dawb ; to ſmear. Shakʃpeare.

To BESME'AR. v. a. [from ſmear.]
1. To bedawb. Denham.
2. To foil ; to foul. Shakʃpeare.

To BESMI'RCH. v. a. To foil ; to diſcolour.Shakʃpeare.

To BESMO'KE. v. a.
1. To foul with ſmoke.
2. To harden or dry in ſmoke.

To BESMU T. v. a. [from jmut.] Ta
blacken with ſmoke or foot.

BE'SOM. ʃ. [bfj-m, Saxon.] An inſtrument
to ſweep with. Bacon.

To BESO'RT. v. a. [from /a/-;.] To ſuit
; to fit. Shakʃpeare.

BESO'RT. ʃ. [from the verb.] Company;
attendance ; train. Shakʃpeare.

To BESOT. v. a. [from fot.]
1. To infatuate ; to ſtupify. Milton.
2. To make todoat. Dryden.

BESO'UGHT. ifart. paſſive of i:,eech; which fee.] Milton.

To BESPA'NGLE. v. a. [from ſpargle.]
To adorn with ſpanglts ; to beſprinkle
with ſomething filining. Pope.

To BESPATTER. v. a. [from ſpatur.]
To ſpot or ſpnnkle with dirt or water.

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To BESPA'WL. v. a. [from Jpjivl.] To
dawb with ſpittle.

To BESPE'AK. v. a. [beffoke, or ieſpake
; I have beſpoke, or beſp'jken.
1. To order, or entreat any thing beforehand. Swift.
2. To make way by a previous apology. Dryden.
3. To forchoie. Swift.
4. To ſpeak to ; to addreſs. Dryden.
5. To bet( ken ; to ſhow. Addiſon.

BESPEAKER. ʃ. [from be/peak.] He that
beſpeaks any thing, T4'ottc,n.

To BESPE'CKLE. i/. a. [from //>«W«.] To
mark with ſpeckles or ſpots.

To BESPE'W. v. a. [from ſpezi\'\ To
dawb with ſpew or vomit.

To BESPICE. v. a. [from ^/'W.] To ſeaſon
with ſpices, Shakʃpeare.

To BESPI'T. v. a. [from ſpit.] To dawb
with ſpiitle.

To BESPOT. v. a. [from ſpot.] Tomaik
with ſpots. A'lortmtr.

To BESPRE'AD. v. a. [from ſpnad.] To
ſpread over. Derhcim.

To BESPRI'NKLE. v. a. [from ſpn,,kU.]
To ſprinkle over. Brown.

To BESPU'TTER. v. a. [from ſpuuer.]
To ſputter over ſomething ; to dawb any
thing by ſputtering.

BEST. a. theſuperlaiive of good, [betft,
2. Moſt good. Hooker.
2. The btji. The utmoſt power ; the
strongeſt endeavour. Bacon.
3. To wake the befi. To carry to its
greateſt perfection ; to improve to the utmoſt. Bacon.

BEST. nd. [from wc//.] In the higheſt
degree of goodneſs. Deuteronomy.

To BESTA'IN. v. a. [from /.!.'«.] To
mark with ſtains ; to ſpot. Shakʃpeare.

To BESTEAD. v. a. [from fead.]
1. To profit. Milton.
2. To treat ; to accommodate. Iſaiah.

BE'STIAL. a. [from b^afi.l
1. Belonging to a beaſt. Dryden.
2. Brutal ; carnal. Shakʃpeare.

BESTIA'LITY. ʃ. [from i^-yJA?/.] The quality
of beaſts, Arbuthnot.

BE'STIALLY. ad. [from heHial.^ Brutally.

To BESTI'CK. v. a. preter. I befiuck, I
hii\e hcjluck. [from y?/Vjl'.] Toſtick.over
with any thing. Milton.

To BESTi'R. v. a. [from /lir.] To put
into vigorous action. Ray.

To BESTOW. v. a. [beficden, Dutch.]
1. To give ; to confer upon. Clarenden.
2. To give as charity. Hooker.
3. To give in marriage. Shakʃpeare.
4. To give as a preſent. Dryden.
5. To apply. Swift.
6. To lay out upon. Deuteronmy,

7. To Liy up ; to flow ; to place, Ki>!?s,

BESTO'WER. ʃ. [from bcjkiu.] Giver ; diſpoſer. Stillingfleet.

BESTRA'UGHT. ʃ.arr/V;/>. Diſtracted'; mad.Shakʃpeare.

To BESTRE'W. v. a. farticip. pa[f. beſheiucd,
or bcfiro'zun. To ſprinkle over. Milton.

To BESTRI'DE. v. a. [beſtrid ; I have
btflnd, or befiridden.
1. To ſtride over any thing ; to have; any
thing between one's legs. TValier.
1. To ſtep over. Shakʃpeare.

To BESTUD. v. a. [from /W.] To adorn
with ſtuds. Milton.

BET. ʃ. [from beran, to encreaſe.] A
wager. Prior.

To BET. v. a. [from the noun.] To wager
; to ſtake at a wager. Ben. Johnson.

To BETA'KE. v. a. preter. I betook
; part.
pair, betak'.n.
1. To take ; to ſeize. Spenſer.
2. To have recourſe to. Hooker.
3. To move ; to remove. Milton.

To BETE'EM. v. a. [from ttem.] To bring
forih ; to beflow. Shakʃpeare.

To BETHI'NK. v. a. [bethought, [from
think. '\ To rccal to reflection. Raleigh.

To BETMRA'L. v. a. [horr\ thrall.] To
enſlave ; to conquer. Shakʃpeare.

To BETHU'MP. v. a. [from thump.] To
beat, Shakʃpeare.

To BETI'DE. v. a. pret. It betidtd, or bei:d
; pam palL bi-tid. [from rit>, Saxon.]
1. To happen to ; to befal. Milton.
2. To come to paſs ; to fall out ; to
happen. Shakʃpeare.
3. To become. Shakʃpeare.

BETI'ME. ʃ. , or 7 ; ,1

BETIMES. ʃ. '^- U''^'y ^ndtme.]
1. Seafonably ; early. Milton.
2. Soon ; before long time has palTed.
3. Early in the day. Shakʃpeare.

BE'TLE. ʃ. An Indian plant, called wa-

BE'TRE. ʃ. ter pepper.

To BETOKEN. v. a. [from token.]
1. To ſignify ; to mark ; to repreientt. Hooker.
2. To foreſhow ; to preſignify. [from fon,

BETONY. ʃ.. [betonicn, Lat.] A pl-snt.

BETO'OK. '[ir>(g. pret:: from betake.]

To BETO'SS. 1: a. [from toſs.] To diſturb
; to agitate, Shakʃpeare.

To BETRAYy. v. a. [trahir, Fr.]
1. To give into the hands of enemies. - Knolles.; 2. To diſcover ,that which has been eritrufled
to ſecrecy.
3. To make liable to' ſomething inconvenient. King Charles.
4. To ſhow ; to diſcover. Addiſon.


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BETRA'YER. ʃ. [from baray.] He that
betrays ; a traitor. Hooker.

To BETRI'M. v. a. [hamirim ] Todeck; to dreſs : to grace. Shakʃpeare.

To BETRO'TH. i>. a. [from troih.]
1. To contract to any one ; to affiance.
2. To nominate to a biſhoprick. yiyliffi'.

To BETRUST. v. a. [from truj},'\ loentruſt ;
to put into the power of another.

BETTER. a. the coirp.xrative of good,
[betejra, Saxon.] Having good qualities
in a greater degree tkan ſomething elſe.Shakʃpeare.

1. The ſuperiority ; the advantage. Prior.
2. lIT.prjvement. Dryden.

BE'TTER. a. Well, in a greater degree. Dryden.

To BE'TTER. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To improve ; to meliorate. Hooker.
2. To ſurpaſs ; to exceed. Shakʃpeare.
3. To advance. Bacon.

BE'TTER. ſ.Superiouringnodneſs. Hooker.

BE'TTOR. ʃ. [from to bet.] One that bys
bats or wagers. Addiʃon.

BE'TTY. ʃ. An inſtrument to brwk open
door?. Arbuthnot.

BETWE'EN. prep, [betp^-onan, Saxon.]
1. In the intermsdiate ſpace. Pop;,
2. From one to another. Bacon.
3. Belonging to two in partnerſhip. Locke.
4. Bearing relation to two. South.
5. In ſeparation of one from the other. Locke.

BETWI'XT. prtp. [betpyx, Saxon.] Between.

BEVEL. ʃ. In mafrnry and joinery, a

BE'VIL. y kindoffqjare, one leg of which
is frequently crooked. Swift.

To BE'VEL. .. <ar, [from the noun.] To
cut to a bevel anglo. Saxon.

BEVERAGE. ʃ. [from bs-oere, to drink,
Italian.] Drink ; liqucr to be drank. Dryden.

BE'Vy. ʃ. [beva, Italian.]
1. A flocic of birds.
2. A company ; an afTembty. Pope. .

To BEWA'IL. -y. <2. [from -Jtv.-//.] To bemoan
; to lament. Denham.

To BEWA'RE. v. a. [from be and wjr^.]
To regard with caution'; to be ſuſpicious
of danger from. Pope. .

To BEWE'EP. v. a. [from lueep.] To
weep over or upon. Shakʃpeare.

To BEWE'T. v. a. To wet ; to moiſten. Shakʃpeare./i>,

To BEWI'LDER. -zj, a. [from w/A^.'j To
Icfe in pathleſs places ; to puzzle. Blackmore.

To BEWITCH. v. a.
1. To injure by witchcraft, Dryden.
2. To charm ; to plesfe. Huiiny,

BEWITCHERY. ʃ. [from biuitch] Fafcin.
Ttion ; charm. South.

BEWITCHMENT. f. [from be-which.] Fafcination.Shakʃpeare.

To BEWRA'Y. iJ.a, [bepji-^an, Saxon.] '
1. To betray ; to diſcover perfidioudy. Spenſer.
2. To ſhow ; to make viſible. Sidney.

BEWRA'YER. ʃ. from beivray.] Betrayer
; diſcoverer. /dddiſon,

BEYO'ND. or p. [bc^-rn-B, Saxon.]
1. Before ; at a diſtancee not reached. Pope. .
2. On the farther ſide of. Deuteronomy.
3. Farther onward than, Hubert,
4. Paft ; out of the reach of. Bailey.
5. Above ; exceeding to a greater degree
than. Locke.
6. Above in excellence. Dryden.
7. Remote from ; not within the ſphere
of. Dryden.
8. To go beyond, is to deceive. Thejjakn,

BE'ZEL. ʃ. /t That part of a ring in which

BE'ZIL. ʃ. the ſtone is fixed.

BE'ZO.AR. ʃ. A medicinal ſtone, formerly
in high eſteem as an antidote, brought from
the Eaſt Indies.

BEZOA'RDICK. a. [ixoxnbex.oar,'] Compounded
With bir^.'.ar, Fbyer.

BIA'NGULATED. v. a. [from bir:ustand an

BIA'NGULOUS. ʃ. gulus, Lat.] Having
two corners or angles.

BI'AS. ʃ. [biais, Fr.] .
1. The weight lodged on one ſide of a
bowl, which turns it from theſtrant line.Shakʃpeare.
2. Any thing which turns a man to a particular
courſe. Dryden.
3. Prupenſion ; inclination. Dryden.

To BI'AS. v. a. [from the noun.] To lifeline
to ſome ſide. Watts.

BI'AS. ad. Wrong, Shakʃpeare.

BIB. ʃ. A fn<5ll piece of linen put upon
the breaſts of children, over their cloaths. Addiʃon.

To BIB. v. n. [biio, Lat.] To tipple ; ta
fip. Camden.

BIBA'CIOUS. a. [bibax, Lat.] Much addiſted
to drinking. /)/<.?,

BIBBER. ʃ. [from to bib.] A tippler.

BI BLE. ʃ. [from B'i^Ktcv, a book ; called,
by way of excellence. The Book.] The
facred volume in which are contained the
revelations of God. Milton. Wails.

BIBLIO'GRAPHER. ʃ. [from ' giS^ij and
y^::i>-ji.] .A tranſcriber.

BIBLIOTHE'CAL. a. [from bibliothcca,
Lat.] Belonging to a library.

BIBULOUS. -a. [bibuius, Lat.] That which
has the quality of drinking moiſturo.

BICA'PSULAR. a. [bicapfuhris, Lat.]' A
plant whole ked-pouch is divided into two

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BiCE-. ʃ. A colour uſed in painting.

BICI'PITAL. ʃ. n. .^,. r„,T

BICI'PITOU>. ʃ. l'P''' ^-^f-J
1. Having two heads. Brown.
2. It is applied to one of the muſcles of
the arm. Brown.

To BI'CKER. v. V. U'hre, Welſh.]
1. To ſkirmiſh ; tofight offand on Sidney.
2. To quiver ; to play backward and forward. Milton.

BI'CKERER. ʃ. [from the verb.] A ſkirmiſher.

BICKERN. ʃ. [apparently corrupted from
beakir<,iu'\ An iron ending in a point. Moxon.

BICO'RNE. v. a. [bicorms, Lat.] Having

BICO'RNOUS. S two horns. Brown.

BICO'RPORAL. a. [bicopor, Lat.] Having
two bodies.

To BID. v. a. pret. I bid, bad, bads, I have
iid. or bidden, [bi's'oin, Sa.xon.]
1. To deſire ; to aik. Shakʃpeare.
2. To command ; to order. Watts.
3. To offer ; to propoſe. Decay of Piety.
4. To proclaim Gci ; to offer
5. To pronounce ; to declare. Bacon.
6. To denounce. Waller.
7. To pray. John.

BI'DALE. ʃ. [from bid and ale.~\ An invitation
of friends to drink. Did.

BI'DDEN. f^art. paj]'. [from to bid.]
1. Invited. Bacon.
2. Commanded. Pope. .

BIDDER. ʃ. [from to bid.] One wlio offers
or propoſes a price. Addiʃon.

BIDDING. ʃ. [from bid.] Command; order, Milton.

To BIDE. v. (I. [bi^an, Saxon.] To enduie
; to fuft'er. Dryden.

To BIDE. v. n.
1. To dwell ; to live ; to inhabit. Milton.
2. To remain in a phce. Shakʃpeare.

BIDE'NTAL. a. [b:d,ns, Lat.] Having
two teeth. Swift.

BI'DING. ʃ. [from i;(/?.] R.eſidence ; habitation.

BIE'NNIAL. a. [biennis, Latin.] Of the
continuance of two years. Roy.

BIER. ʃ. [from to bear.] A carriage on
which the dead are carried to the grave. Milton.

BI'ESTINGS. ʃ. [byr^ns, Saxon.] The
tirfl milk given by a cow after calving. Dryden.

BIFA'RIOUS. a. [bifarim. Lat.] Twofold.

BI FERGUS. <2. [beſcrons, Lat'in.] Bearing
fruit twice a year.

BIFID. ʃ. a. [bifdus, Lat.] Open-

BIFI DATED. S 'g with a cleft.

BIFO'LD. a. [from bit:i(s, Lat. and fold.]
Twofold ; double, Shakʃpeare.'/^carc.

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BIFO'RMED. a. [biformis, Lat.] Compounded
of two forms.

BIFU'RCATED. a.[binui^nAf,rca.] Shnoting
out into two heads. M'^oodward,

BIFURCA'TION. ʃ. [binumnifurca.] Diviſion
into two.

BIG. a.
1. Great in bulk ; large. Thomfon.
2. Teeming ; pregnant. Wallcr.
3. Full of ſomething, Addiʃon.
4. Diftended ; ſwoln. Shakʃpeare.
c. Great in air and mien ; proud. /Ijcham,
6. Great in ſpirit ; brave. Shakʃpeare.

BIGAMIST. ʃ. [I^igamius, low Lat.] One
that has committed bigamy.

BI'GAMY. ʃ. [bigamia, low Latin.] The
crime of having two wives at once. Arbuthnot.

BIGBE'LLIED. a. [from big and Af//y.]
Pregnant. Shakʃpeare.

BI'GGIN. ʃ. [beguin, Fr.] A child':^ cap.Shakʃpeare.

BI'GLY. ad. [from big.] Tumidly ; haughtily. Dryden.

BI'GNESS. ʃ. [from big.]
1. Greatneſs of quantity. Hay,
2. Size ; whether greater or ſmaller. Newton.

BI'GOT. ʃ. A man devoted to a certain
party. Watts.

BIGOTED. a. [from %«] BIindly prepoirelſed
in favour of ſomething. Garth.

BI'GOTRY. ʃ. [from bigot.]
1. BIind zeal ; prejudice. Watts.
2. The practice of a bigot. Pope. .

BI'GSWOLN. a. [from big and ſtvoln.]
Turgid. Addiſon.

BI'LANDER. ʃ. [belandre, Fr.] A ſmall
veflei uſed for the carriage of goods. Dryd.

BI LBERRY. ʃ. [ti 13. Sax. a bladder, and
berry.] Whortleberry.

BI'LEO. ʃ. [from bitboa.] A rapier ; a
ſwoid. Shakʃpeare.

Bi'LBOES. ʃ. A ſort of flocks. Shakſp.

BILE. ʃ. [mlis, Latin.] A thick, yellow,
bitter liqui r, ſeparated in the liver, colle-
cted in the gall bladder, and diſcharged
by the common duſt. iQuincy.

BILE. ʃ. [bile, Saxon.] A fore angry
ſwelling. Shakʃpeare.

To BILGE. t: v. [from the noun.] To
(pring a leak.

BI'i^IARY. a. [from hiUs, Lat.] Belonging
to the bile. Arbuthnot.

BI'LINGSGATE. ʃ. Ribaldry ; foul Janguige. Pope.

BILI'NGUOUS. a. [bilinguis, Lat.] Having
two tongues,

BI LIOUS. a. [from bilis, Lat.] Cnnniling
of bile. Garth.

To BILK. v. a. [bdalcav, Gothick.] To
chiiU ; to defraud, Dryden.


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BILL. ʃ. [bile, Sax.] The beak of a fowl.

BILL. ʃ. [bille, Saxon.
; A kind of hatchet
with a hooked point. Temflc.

BILL. ʃ. [/„ll:i, French.]
1. A written paper of any kind, Shakʃpeare.
2. An account of money. Bacon.
3. A law preſented to the parliament. Bacon.
4. An act of parh'ament. Atterbury.
5. A phyſician's prefc'iption. Dryden.
6 An advertifement. Dryden.

To BILL. v. n. To careſs, as doves by
joining bilb. Ben. Johnson.

To BILL. v. a. To publiſh by an advertifement.


BI'LLET. ʃ. [bUkt, French.]
1. A ſmall paper ; a note. Clarindon.
7. Bdlet doux, or a ſoft bUht ; a love
letter. P(.p-,
3. A ſmall lag of wood for the cIiininL-y. Digby.

To BI'LLET. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To direct a fuidicr by a ticket where
he is to lodge. Shakʃpeare.
2. To quarter ſoldiers, Ckreudon,

BI'LLIARDS. ʃ. without a ſingular. [billard,
Fr.] A kind of play. Bnyh.

BILLOW. ʃ. [bilge, German.] A wave
ſwoli). D-^r.'oam.

To BI LLOW. v. n. [from the noun.] To
ſweli, or roil. Prior.

BI'LLOWY. a. Swelling ; turgid. Thomfon.

BIN. ʃ. [binne, Saxon.] A place where
bread or wine is repoſited. Swift.

BI'NARY. a. [from binus, Latin.] Two ;

To BIND. v. a. pret. / hound ; particip.
pair, bound, or bounden. [ti '©an. Sax.]
1. To confine with bonds ; to enchain.
8. To gird ; to enwrap. Proverbs.
3. To faſten to any thing, Jojirua,
4. To faſten together. Matthew.
5. To cover a wound with dreſſings. Wiseman.
6. To compel ; to conſtrain. Hale.
7. To oblige by ſtipulation. Pope.
8. To confine ; to hinder, Shakʃpeare.
9. To make coftive. Bacon.
10. To reſtrain. Fe ten,
11. To bind to. To oblige to ſerveſome
one. Dryden.
12. To hind over. To oblige to make appearance. Addiʃon.

To BIND. v. n.
1. To contract ; to grow ſtiff. Mortimer.
2. To be obligatory. Locke.

BIND. ʃ. A ſpecies of hops. Mortimer.

B1'NDER. ʃ. [from to bind.]
1. A man whoſe trade it is to bind books.
2. A man that binds ſheaves, Ckapman,

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3. A fillet ; a flired cut to bind with.
^ lyijemar..

BI'NDING. ʃ. [from bind.] A bandage. Tatler.

BI'NDWEED. ʃ. [con'vol'vulus, Lat.] The
name of a plant.

BI'NOCLE. ʃ. A telefcope fitted ſo with
two tubes, as that a diftdnt objed may be
ſeen with both eyes.

BINO'CULAR. a. [from binus and nculut,
Lat ] Having two eyes. Denham.

BIO'GRAPHER. ʃ. [/3;®.andj.pa<}.a;.j A
writer of lives. Addiſon.

BIO'GRAPHY. ʃ. [|?;^and j.pa^^.] Writing
the lives of men is called biography.

; ʃ. [Fr. from wsv nvach, a

BI'HOVAC. > double guard, Germ.] A

BI VOUAC. ʃ. guard at night performed
by the whole army. Harris.

BI'PAROUS. a. [from hinus and pario.]
Bi^'.gipg forth two at a birth.

BIPARTITE. a. [hinusttv\6 piirtior.] Having
two C'^rreſpo-'ident parts.

BIPARTI'TION. ʃ. [from hipntuc] The
act of dividing into two.

BIPED. ʃ. [hipes, Lat.] An animal with
two feet. Brown.

BIPEDAL. a. [b!p'da:i.', Lat.] Two feet
in length.

BIPENNATED. a. [from biniis and f^enna.]
Having two wings. Denham.

BIPE'TALOUS. a. [of hit and welaXcv.]
Confining of two flower leaves.

BI'QUADRATE. ʃ. The fourth power

BK^ADRA'TICK. ʃ. sriſing from the multiplication
of a ſquare by itfi^lf. Harm.

BIRCH Tree. ſ. [hpc, Saxon.] A tree.

BI'RCHEN. a. [from birch.] Made of
birch. His beaver'd brow a birchen garland
bears. Pope. .

BIRD. ʃ. [birit), orbjn's, Saxon.] A gel
n( ral term fur the feathered kind ; a fowl. Locke.

To BIRD. v. n. To catch bird?, Shakſp.

BI'RDBOLT. ʃ. A ſmall ſhot or arrow.Shakʃpeare.

BI'RDCATCHER. ʃ. One that makes it
his employment to take birds. L'Eſtrange.

BI'RDER. ʃ. [from bird.] A birdcatcher.

BI'RDINGPIECE. ʃ. A gun to ſhoot birdt
with. Shakʃpeare.

BI'RDLIME. ʃ. [from bird and lime.] A
glutinous ſubſtance ſpread upun twigs, by
which the birds that light upon them are
entangled. Dryden.

BI'RDMAN. ʃ. A birdcatcher. L'Eſtrange.

BI'RDSEYE. ʃ. The name of a plant.

BI'RDSFOOT. ʃ. A plant.

BI'RDSNEST. ʃ. An herb.

BI'RDSTONGUE. ʃ. An herb,

BI'RGANDER. ʃ. A fowl of the gooſe

BIRT. ʃ. A fiſh ; the turbot.

BIRTH. ʃ. [beopp, Saxon.]
1. The act of coming into life. Dryden!,
2. Extraction ; lineage. Den/.-am,
3. Rank which is inherited by.dei'cent. Dryden.
4. The con4ition in which any man is
born, Dryden.
5. Thing boin< Ben. Johnſon.
6. The act of bringing forth. Milton.

BI'RTHDAY. ʃ. [from binband djy.] The
daiy im which any one is born.

BI'RTHDOM. ʃ. Privilege of birſh. Shak.

BIRTH'KNIGHT. ʃ. [from birth AnAfiigbt.]
The night in which any one is born. Milton.

BI RTHFLACE. ʃ. Place where any one
is born. Swift.

BI'RTHRIGHT. ʃ. [from birth and right.]
The rights and privileges to which a man
is born ; the right of the firſt born.

BIRTHSTRA'NGLED. a. Strangled in
being born. Shakʃpeare.

BI'RTHWORT. ʃ. The name of a plant.

BI'SCOllN. ʃ. A confection.

BI'SCUIT. ʃ. [his and cuit.]
1. A kind of hard dry bread, made to be
carried to fea. Knolles.
2. A compoſition of fine flour, almonds,
and fugiir.

To BISECT. v. a. [binus and fro.] To
divide into two parts.

BISE'CTION. ʃ. [from the verb.] A geometrical
term, ſignifying the diviCon of
any quantity into two equal parts.

BI'SHOP. ʃ. [lifcop, Saxon.] One of the
hesd Older of the clergy. iSouth.

BI'SHOP. ʃ. A cant word for a mixture of
vine, oranges, and ſugar. Swift.

To BI'SHOP. v. a. To confirm ; to admit
ſolemnly into the church. Donne.

BI'SHOPRICK. ʃ. [bjj-copjnce, Sax.] The
diocefe of a billiDp. Bacon.

BI'SHOPSWEED. ʃ. A plant.

BISK. ʃ. [bifj-^e, Fr.] Soup ; broth. King,

BI'SMUTH. ). Marcafrte ; a hard, white,
brittle, miaeral ſubſtance, of a metalline
nature, found at Mifnia.

BI'SSEXTiLE. ʃ. [bii and ſextilis.] Leap
year Brown.

BI'SSON. a. BIind. Shakʃpeare.

BIPS'IRE. ʃ. [French.] A colour rnade of
chimney loot boiled, and thei? diluted with

BI'STORT. ʃ. A plant called fn^ke-weed.

BISTOURY. ʃ. [bjiouri, Fr.] A ſurgeon's
inflniment uſed in making incilions.

BISULCOUS. a. [bifulcui, Lat.] Clovenfooted. Brown.

BIT. ʃ. [bjcol. Sax.] A bridle ; the bitm
outh. Mdipr,

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BI r>. ʃ.
1. As much meat as is put into the mouli ;
at once. Arbuthnot.
2. A ſmall piece of any thing. Swift.
3. A Spaniſt Wftft Indian ſilver coin, valued
at ſevenpeiace halſpenny.
4. A bit the better or worfe. In the
fmalieft degree. Arbuthn,:.

To BIT. v, a. To put the bfidfe upon a

BITCH. ʃ. [bir^e, Saxon.]
1. The female of the canine kind, Spenſer.
2. A name of reproach for a woman.
^ Arbuthnot.

To BITE. tj. a. pret. I hit; part. palT. I
have bit, or bittev. [hir<n. Sax.]
1. To cruſh, or pierce with the teeth. Arbuthnot.
2. To give pain by cold. Roioe,
3. To hurt or pain with reproach. Roſcommon.
4. To cut ; to wound. Sha!;eſpesrf:
5. To make the mouth ſmart with an
acrid taſte. Bacon.
6. To cheat ; to trick. -fope,

BITE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The ſeizure of any t';!ng by the teeth. Dryden.
2. The act of a fiſh that takes the bait.

3. A cheat ; a trick. Swift.
4. A ſharper.

BITER. ʃ. [from bite.]
1. He that bites. Cimden,
2. A liſh apt to take the bait. Watcon.
3. A tricker ; a deceiver. SpecJator,

BITTACLE. ʃ. A frame of timbtr in the
fteerage, where the compaſs is placed. Diii.

BI'TTER. a. [biten, Saxon.]
1. Having a jiut, acrid, biting taſte, like
wormwood. Locke.
2. Sharp ; ciuel ; ſevere. Sprdt.
3. Calamitous ; miſerable. Dryden.
4. Sharp ; reproachful ; fatirical, Shak.
1;. Unpleaſing or hurtful. Watts.

BI'TTERGROUND. ʃ. A plant.

BITTERLY. <2fl'. [}'\'om bitter.]
1. With a bitter taſte.
2. In a bitter manner ; ſorrowfully ; calami
toudy. Shakʃpeare.
3. Sharply ; ſeverely. Sprat,

BITTERN. ʃ. [butour, Fr.] A bird With
long legs, which feeds upon fiſh. IFalton,

BI'lTERN. ſ.]from bitter.] A very bitter
liquor, which drains off in making

BI'TTER NESS. ʃ. [from bit!e>:]
1. A bitter tallc. Locke.
2. Mahce ; grudge ; hatred ; implacabi-
]ity. Clarenden.
3. Sharpneſs ; feverityof temper. Ctarend,
4. Satire; piquancy ; keenneſs of reproach,
5. Sorrow ;
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5. Sorrow ; vexation ; affliction. Jyjte.

BITTERSWEET. ʃ. An apple which has
a compounded taſte. South.

BI'TTOUR. ʃ. The bittern. Dryd.„.

BITU'MEN. ʃ. [Latin.] A fat xmdtuoos
matter dug out of the earth, or ſcummed
off Jakes. Woodwiard,

BI'TUMINOUS. a. Compounded of bitu-

BIVA'LVE. a. [hinu$ and I'alva.] Having
two valves or ſhutters ; ufrd of thoſe fiſh
that have two ſhellsj as oyflers. Woodward.

BIVA'LVULAR. a. [from iifahe.] Having
two valvep,

BI'XWORT. ʃ. An herb.

BI'ZANTINE. ʃ. [from iyxantium] A
great piece of gold valued at fifteen pound,
which the king oi^ereth upon high feſtival
diys. Camden.

To BLAB. v. a. [bhhheren, Dutch.] To
tell what ought to be kept ſecret. Swift.

To BLAB. To n. To tattle ; to tell tales.Shakʃpeare.

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BLAB. ʃ. [from the verb] A teltale. Milton.

BLA'BBER. ʃ. [from b!ab.-^ A. tattler ; a

To BLA'BBER. v. n. To whiftle to a horſe.

BLACK. a. [blac, Saxon.]
1. Of the colour of night. Proiierbs.
2. Dark. Kings.
3. Cloudy of countenance ; fuUen. HLji,
4. Horrible ; wicked. Dryden.
5. Difmnl ; mournful. Shakʃpeare.

BLACK-BRYONV. ʃ. The n^mc of a

BLACK-CATTLE. Oxen ; bulls ; and cows.

BLACK GUARD. a. A dirty fellow, .^ly./r.

BLACK LEAD. ʃ. A mineral found in the
lead-mines, much uſed for pencils.

BLACK PUDDING. ʃ. A kind of food
made of blood and grain.

BLACK-ROD. ʃ. [from Hack and red.] The
uſher belonging to the order of the garter; ſo called from the h/ack rod he carries in
his hand. He is uſher of the parliament.

BLACK. ʃ. [from the adjettive.]
1. A black colour. Nilvton,
2. Mourning. Dryden.
1. A blackamoor.
4. That part of the eve which is blick. Digby.

To BLACK. v. a.- [from the noun.] To
make black ; to blacken. Boyle.

BLA'CKAMOOR. ʃ. A negro.

BLA'CKBERRIED 77fa(i>. ſ. A plant.

1. A ſpecies of

BLA'CKBERRY. ʃ. The fru t. Gay.

BLA'CKBIRD. ʃ. The name of a bird.

To BLA'CKEN. v. a. [from hlack..
1. To .T.ake of a black cdour. Prior.
2. To darken. ^auii.
3. To defame. Houth,

To BLA CKEN. %: n. To grow black.

BLA'CKISH. a. [from black.] Somewhaiblack. Boyle.

BLA'CKMGOR. ʃ. [from 3/af^and M,3r.]
A neero. Milton.

BLA CKNESS. ʃ. [from Hack.]
1. Black colour. Locke.
2. Darkneſs. Shakʃpeare.

BLA'CKSMITH. ʃ. A ſmith that works
in iron ; ſo called from being very ſmutty. Spectator.

BLA'CKTAIL. ʃ. [from black and tad.] A
fiſh ; ru/i orPope. .

BLACKTHORN. ſ.The-floe.

BLA'DDER. ʃ. [bL'6>&}ie, Saxon.]
1. That vtiFel in the body which contain.
the urine. Ray.
2. A blifter ; a puftu'e.

BLA'DDER-NUT. ʃ. [JiaſhyLdendron, Lat.]
A plant.

BLA DDER SENA. ʃ. A plant.

BLADE. ʃ. [bl.f'6. Saxon.] The ſpire of
graſs ; the green ſhoots of corn. Bacon.

BLADE. ʃ. [blatie, German.]
1. The ſharp or ſtriking part of a wea.-
pon or inſtrument. Pete,
2. A bnſk man, either fierce or gay. L'Eſtrange.

BLADE of the Shoulder. 7 ʃ. The ſcapula,

BLADEBONE. i or icapular bone. Pope.

To BLADE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
lit with a. blade.

BLA'DED. a. [from blade.] Having blac'ei
or ſpirtrs. Shakʃpeare.

BLAIN. ʃ. [blejiine, Saxon.] A puftule ; a bliflcr. Milton.

BLATvIABLE. a- [from blami.] Culpable ; faulty. Dryden.

BLA'MABLENESS. ʃ. [from blamable.]

BLAMABLY. ad. [from hlamohle.] Culpably.

To BLAME. -r. <i. [Wmer, Fr.] To cenſure
; to charge with a fault. Dryden.

1. Imputation of a fault. Hayward.
2. Crime. Hickif.
3. Hurt. Spenſer.

BLAMEFUL. a. [from i/jwr and /«'.'/.]
Crimnal ;
guilty. Shakʃpeare.

BLA'MELESS. a. [from blame.] Guiltleſs ; Innocent. Loctt.

BLA'MELESLY. ad. [from hlamehft] ln~
nocently. ffammoful

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BLA'MELESNESS. ʃ. [from blamelejs.] Innocence. Hammond.

BLA'MER. ʃ. [from blame.] A cenſurer. Donne.

BLAMEWO'RTHY. Culpable ; bJameable. Hooker.

To BLANCH. v. a. [blanchir, Fr.]
1. To whiten. Dryden.
2. To ſtrip or peel ſuch things as have
hafts. Wiſeman.
3. To obliterate ; topafsover. Bacon.

To BLANCH. v. n. To evade ; to ſhift,

BLANCHER. ʃ. [from blatich.] A white-

BLAND. a. [blandus, Lat.] Soft ; mild ]
gentle. Milton.

To BLA'NDISH. v. a. hland'or, Lat.] To
ſmooth ; to {uUcn. Milton.

BLA'NDISHMENT. ʃ. [from hlandiſh
blanditiiX, Lat.]
1. Act of fondneſs ; expreſſion of tendernets
by gefture. Milton.
2. Soft words ; kind ſpeeches. Bacon.
3. Kind treatment ; careſs. Swift.

BLANK. a. [blanc, Fr.]
1. White.
Paradiſe Loſt.
2. Unwritten, Milton.
3. Confuſed ; crufted ; P'^p^-
4. Without rhime. Shakʃpeare.

BLANK. ʃ. [from the adjective.]
1. A void ſpace. Swift.
2. A lot, by which nothing is gained. Dryden.
3. A paper unwritten. Paradiſe Loft,
4. The point to which an arrow is directed.Shakʃpeare.
5. Aim ; ſhot. Shakʃpeare.
6. Object to which any thing is directed,Shakʃpeare.

To BLANK. v. a. [from blank.]
3. To damp ; to confuſe ; to diſpirit. Milton.
2. To efface; to annul. Stehfer.

BLA'NKET. ʃ. [blanchecfe, Fr.]
1. A woolen cover, fi;ft, and looſely
woven. Temple.
2. A kind of pear.

To BLA'NKKT. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To covtr with a blanket. Shakʃpeare.
2. To toſs in a blankc. Pope. .

BLA'NKLY. a. [from blank.] In a blank
mariner; with whiteneſs ; with confuſion.

To BLAI?.E. -J. n. [hlaron, Dutch.] To
bellow ; to rojr. Skinner.

To BLASPHE'ME. v. a. [blaſpbemo, low
1. To ſpeak in terms of impious irreverence
of God.
2. To ſpeak evii of, Shakʃpeare.

To BLASPHE'ME. v. n. To ſpeak blaf-
Pr'ienjy, Shakʃpeare.

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BLASPHE'MER. ʃ. [from bhſpbeme.] 4
wretch that ſpeaks of God in impious and
irreverent terms. IT/w. i. ^2-

BLASPHE'MEOUS. a. [from blaſpheme.]
Impiouſly irreverent with regard to God. Sidney, Addiʃon.

BLA'SPHEMOUSLY. ad. [from blaſpbeme.]
Impiouſly ; with wicked irreverence. Swift.

BLA'SPHEMY. ʃ. [from ilaſpheme.] Blaſpbemy,
is an offering of ſome indignity
unto God himſelf. Hammond.

BLAST. ʃ. [from blaej-e, Saxon.]
1. A guſt, or puff of wind. Shakʃpeare.
2. The found made by any inſtrument of
wind muſick. Milton.
3. The ſtroke of a malignant planet. Jgh.

To BLAST. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſtrike with ſome ſudden plague. Addiſen.
1. To make to wither. Shakʃpeare.
3. To injure; to invalidate. Stillingfleet.
4. To confouna ; to ſtrike with terrour,Shakʃpeare.

BLA'STMENT. ʃ. [from bbji.] Sudden
ſtroke of infection. Shakʃpeare.

BLATANT. a. [blaitant, Fr.] Bellowing
as a calf. Dryden.

To BLA'TTER. v. n. [from blatero, Lat.]
To roar. Spenſer.

BLAY. ʃ. A ſmall whitiſh river fiſh : a

BLAZE. ʃ. [blape, a torch, Saxon.]
1. A flame ; the light of the flame. Dryd.
2. Publication. Milton.
3. A white mark upon a horſe.
Farrier's DiB,

To BLAZE. v. K.
1. To flame. Pope. .
2. To be conſpicuous.

To BLAZE. v. a.
1. To publiſh ; to make known. Mark.
2. To blazon, Peacham.
3. To inflame ; to fire. Shakʃpeare.

BLA'ZER. ʃ. [from blaxe.] One that
ſpreads reports, Spenſer.

To BLAZON. v. a. [blafonner, Fr.]
1. To explain, in proper terms, the figures
on enſigns armorial. Addiſon.
2. To deck ; to embelliſh. Garth.
3. To dilplay ; to ſet to rtiow, Shakʃpeare.
4. To celebrate ; to ſet out. Shakʃpeare.
5. To blaze about ; to make publick.Shakʃpeare.

BLA'ZON. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The art of drawing or explaining coats
of arms. Peacham.
2. Show \ divulgation ; publication.Shakʃpeare.
3. Celebration. Collier.

BLA'ZONRY. ʃ. [from ikwr.] The art
of blazcaing. Siackam,

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B L fe

To BLEACH. v. 0, [bieechen, Germ.] To
whiten. Dryden.

To BLEACH. v. ti. To grow white.

BLEAK. a. [blac, blsc, Saxon.]
1. Pale.
2. Cold ; chill. ^.M//fl».

BLEAK. ʃ. A ſmall river fiſh. Walton.

BLE'AKNESS. ʃ. [from bUak.] Coltineſs; chilneſs. Addiſon.

BLE'AKY.'fl. [from blea\. BIeak ^ cj'ld ]
chilj. Dryden.

BLEAR. a. [hhet, a blifter, Dutch.]
1. Dim with rhtum or water. Dryden.
2. Dim ; obſcure in general. Milton.

To BLEAR. v. a. [from the adjective.] To
maJce the eyes watry. Dryden.

BLE'AREDNESS. ʃ. [from bleared.] The
ſtate of being dimmed with rheum.

To BLEAT. v. n. [blstan. Sax.] To cry
as a ſheep. Dryden.

BLEAT. ʃ. [from the verb.] The cry of
a /Keep or lamb. Chapman.

BLEB. ʃ. [blaen, to ſwell, Germ.] A

To BLEED. va:, pret. [bled ; thawe bkd,
ble'nan, Saxon.]
1. To loſe blood ; to run with blood. Bacon.
2. To die a violent death. Pope. .
3. To drop, as blood. Pof>e,

To BLEED. v. a. To let blood. Fo^e,

To BLEMISH. v. a. [from blame, junius^]
1. To mark with any deformity. Sidmj.
2. To defame ; to tarniſh, with reſpect

TO reputation. Dryden.

ELE'MISH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A mark of deformity ; a fear, Wiseman.
2. Reproach ; diſgrace. Hooker.

To BLENCH. v. n. To Cirink ; to ſtart
back. Shakʃpeare.

To BLENCH. v. a. To hinder ; to obſtrud.

To BLEND. v. a. preter. I blended ; anci'
ently, blent. [blen.»an Saxon. ;
1. To mingle together. Biyle,
2. To confound. Hooker.
3. To pollute ; to ſpoil. Sfcjer.

BLE'NT. The obſolete participle of il^r.d.

To BLESS. v. a. [blej-pian, Saxon.]
1. To make happy ; to proſper. Dryden.
2. To wiſh happineſs to another, Dfitt.
3. To praiſe; to glorify for benefits received. Davies.
4. To wave ; to brandiſh. Spenſer.

BLE'SSED. particip. a. [from to blefi.]
Happy ; enjoying heavenly felicity,

BLE'SSED. Thiflle. A plant.

BLE'SSEDLY. ad. Happily. Sidney,

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BLE'SSEDNESS. ʃ. [from biffed..
1. Happineſs ; felicity. SiJney,
2. Sandity. Shakʃpeare.
3. Heavenly felicity. South.
4. Divine favour,

BLE'SSER. ʃ. [from %i.] He that HelTe,'.

BLE'SSING. ʃ. [from ^/f/i.]
1. Benediction.
2. The means of happiceſs. Denbam,
3. Divine favour. Shakʃpeare.

BLEST. parti . a. [from iiWi.] Happy. Pc/f.

BLEW. Thi preterite from blotu. Knolles.

1. Mildew. Temple.
2. Any thing nipping, or blading.


To BLIGHT. 1'. a. [from the noun.] To
bkirt ; to hinder from fertility. Locke.

BLIND. a. [bJinV,, Saxon.]
1. Without light ; dark. ^'gby.
2. Intellectually dark. Dryden.
3. Unſeen; private. Hooker.
4. Dark ; obſcure. Milton.

To BLIND. v. a.
1. To make blind. South.
2. To darken ; to obſcure to the eye. Dryden.
3. To obſcure to the underſtanding.

1. Something to hinder the fight. L'Eſtrange.
2. Something to miflead. Decay of Piety.

To BLI'NDFOLD. v. a. [from bar.d and
fold.] To hinder from feeing, by blinding
the eyes. ' Lpke.

BLI'NDFOLD. a. [from the verb.] Having
the eyes covered. Spenſer, Dryden.

BLI'NDLY. ad. [from blind.]
1. Without fight.
2. implicitely ; without examination.
2. Without judgment or direction. Dryden.

BLI'NDMAN'S BUFF. ʃ. A play in which
ſome one is to have his eyes covered, and
hunt out the reſt of the company. Hudibras.

BLINDNESS. ʃ. [from blind.]
1. Want of fight. Denham.
2. Ignorance ; intellectual darkneſs. Spenſer.

BLI'NDSIDE. ʃ. Weakneſs ; foible. Sw./r,

BLI'NDWORM. ʃ. A ſmall viper, venemous. Grew.

To BLINK. v. n. [blinc.kef,, Danini]
t. To wink. liudibmr.
2. To fee obſcurely. Pope. .

BLI'NKARD. ʃ. [from blink.]
1. That has bad eyes.
2. Something twinkling. Davies.

BLISS. ʃ. [bliffe, Sax. 1

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1. The higheſt: degree of happineſs ; the
happineſs of blefled fouls. Hooker, Milton.
2. Felicity in general. Pope. .

BLISSFUL. dT, [IMs full.] Happy in the
higheſt degree. Spenſer.

BLI'SSFULLY. ,7,i.rf,-omMfifr,I.] Happily.

BLI'SSFULNESS. ʃ. [from bhpful] Happineſs,

To BLI'SSOM. :' r. To caterwaal. Dia.

BUI'STER. ʃ. [hluyfler, Dutch.]
1. A puftule formed by raiſing the cuticle
from the ciiti«, Temjjle.
2. Any ſwelling made by the ſeparation of
a film or ſkin from the other parts. Bacon.

To BU'STER. v. a. [from the noun.] To
rife in blifters. Dryden.

To BLI'STER. -J. a. To raiſe blifters by
ſome hurt. Shakʃpeare.

BLITHE. a. [bliSe, Saxon.] Gay ; airy.
Hooker^Pope. .

BLITHLY. ad. [from blithe.] In a blithe

BLI'THNESS. ʃ. [from blithe..

BLITHSO.MENESS. ʃ. The quality of being

BLI'THSOME. a. [from blithe.] Gay; cheerful. Philips.

To BLOAT. -J. a. [probably from blezu.]
To ſwell. Addiſon.

To BLO.^T. v. n. To grow turgid. Arbuthnot.

BLO'ATECNESS. ʃ. [ixaxabhat.] Turgid.
neſs ; ſwelllng. Arbuthnot.

BLO'BBER. ʃ. [from hhb.] A bubble. Carew.

BLO'BBERLiP. ʃ. [blohhr, and lip.] A
thick lip. Dryden.

BLO'BBERLIPPED. v. a. Having ſwelied or

BLOBLIPPED. S thick lips. Grew.

BLOCK. ʃ. ybkck, Dutch.]
1. A heavy piece of timber.
2. A maſs of matter. .Addiſon.
3. A maiiy boily. Swift.
4. The wood on which hats are fornr>ed.Shakʃpeare.
K. The wood on which criminals are beheaded. Dryden.
6. An obſtruflion ; a ſtop. Decay of piety.
. A ſea term for a pully.
5. A blockhead. Shakʃpeare.

To BLOCK. i>. a. [bloquer, Fr.] To ſhut
Lp; to indofe. Clarenden.

BLOCK- HOUSE. ʃ. [from Idoa in<i bcuſe.]
A fortreſs built to obſtruct or block up a
pafs. Raleigh.

KLOCK-TIN. ʃ. [from block sad tin.] Tin
pine or unmixed. Boyle.

BLOCKA'DE. ʃ. [from blo.k ] A fiege
carried on by ſhutting up the pi ce. Taller.

To BLOCKADE. v. a. [from the no.m.]
To ſh'Jt up. Pope. .

BLO'CKHEAD. ʃ. [from block and head.]
A ſtupid fellow ; a dolt ; i man 'without
partjtPope. .

BLO'CKHEADED. a. [from blockhfaJ.' ;
Stupid ; dull. L'Eſtrange.

BLO'CKISH. [from block.] Stupid ; dulL Shakʃpeare.

BLOCKISHLY. ad. [ITQmblockf:>,\ In a
ftupid manner.

BLO'CKISHNESS. ʃ. Stupidity,

BLO'MARY. ʃ. The firſt forge in the ir»B
mills. Difi,

BLO'NKET. ʃ. [for blanket.] Spenſer.

BLOOD. ʃ. [blQ&, Saxon.]
1. The red licjuor thatciiculates in the bodies
of animals. Geneſis.
1. Child ; pregeny, Shakʃpeare.
3. Family ; kindred. Waller.
4. Deſcent ; lineage, Dryden.
5. Birth ; high extraction, Shakʃpeare.
6. Murder ; violent death, Shakʃpeare.
7. Life. 2 ^atn.
8. The carnal part of man. Maiſheir,
9. Temper of mind ; ſtate of the paflicns,
10. Hot ſpark ; man of fire. Bacon.
11. The iuice of any thing. Genfjis,

To BLOOD. v. a.
1. To ſtain with blood, Baioft,
2. To enure to blood, as a hound. Spenſer.
3. To heat ; to exaſperate. Bacon.

BLOOD-BOLTERED. a. [from hlood and
bolter. '\ BIood ſprinkled. Shakʃpeare.

To BLOOD LET. v. a. To bleed ; to open
a vein medicinally.

BLOOD-LETTER. ʃ. [horn blood let.] A
phlebotomift. Wiseman.

BLOOD-STONE. ʃ. The bloodſtone it
green, ſpotted with a bright bloodred. Woodward.

BLOOD-THIRSTY. a. Defirous to ſhed
blood. Raleigt.

BLO'ODFLOWER. ʃ. [kaniamkui, Lat.]
A plant.

BLOODGUI'LTINESS. ʃ. Murder. Spenſer-.

BLO'ODHOUND. ʃ. A hound that follows
by the ſcent, Southeme.

BLO'ODILY. a. [from tkcjy.] Cruelly. Dryden.

BLO'ODINESS. ʃ. [from bloody.] The ſtate
of being bloody. Sharp.

BLO'ODLESS. a. [from hlood.]
1. Without blood ; dead. Dryden.
2. Without flaughter. Waller.

BLO'ODSHED. ʃ. [from blood and /W. ;
1. The crime of blood, or murder. South.
2. Slaughter. Dryden.

BLO'ODSHEDDER. ʃ. Murderer. Ecclut.

BLO'ODSHOT. ʃ. .j. [from /'«£></ and

BLOOD SHOTTEN. i y'.«.'.] Filled with
blood burſting from its proper velTcls.

BLO'ODSUCKER. ʃ. [from hloodmdjuck.]
1. A leech ; a fiy ; any thing that ſucks

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2. A murderer. IJiy^'ord,

BLOODY. a. [Unxr.bboJ.]
1. Stained with blood.
2. Cruel ; murderon?. Pope.

BLOOM. ʃ. [blum, Germ.]
1. A bloffom.
2. The ſtate of immaturity. Dryden.

To BLOOM. v. n.
1. To bring or yield blolToms. Bacon.
1. To proiluce, as blolibms. Hooker.
3. To be in a <late of youth. Pope. .

BLO'OMY. a. [from blolm.] Full of blooms
; flowery. Pope. .

ELORE.'. ʃ. [from hlo-w.] Act of blowing ; blaſt. Chi[.man,

BLO SSOM. ʃ. [blfj-me, Sax.] The flower
that grows on any plant. Dryden.

To BLOSSOM. v. n. To put forth blofllims.

To BLOT. -J. a. [from blottir, Fr.]
1. To obliterate ; to make wiiting inviſible. Pope.
2. To efface ; to erafe. Dryden.
3. To blur. Ajcham.
4. To diſgrace ; to distigure. Roii-e.
5. To darkcn. Coieky,

BLOT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. An obliteration of ſomething written. Dryden.
2. A blur ; a ſpot.
3. A ſpot in reputation.

BLOTCH. f. [from b!ot.-\ A ſpot or puflulc
upon the ſk;n. liaruey.

To BLOTE. v. a. To ſmcke, or dry by
the Irnoke.

BLOW. ʃ. [blowe, Dutch.]
1. A itroke. Clarendon..
2. The fatal ſtroke. Dryden.
3. A ſingle action ; a ſudden event. Dryden.
4. The act of a fly, by which {he lodges
egesinfleſh. Chapman.

To BLOW. 1', n, pret. b!m'; particip. pafl.
blown. [blapan> Sax.]
1. To move with a current of air. Pope. .
2. This word is uſed ſometimes imperſonally
with it. Dryden.
3. To pant ; to puff. Pope. .
4. To breathe.
c. To found by being blown. Milton.
6. To play muſically by winJ. Numb.
7. To bktuover. To paſs away without
eſſect. Gramville,
8. To blow up. To fly into the air by the
force of gunpowder. latter.

To BLOW. -c. a.
1. To drive by the force of the wind. South.
2. To inflame with wind. I[aiah,
3. To ſwell ; to puff'into ſize. Shakʃpeare.
4. To found an inſtrument of wind muſick.

5. To warm with the breath, Shakʃpeare.

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6. To ff.read by report. Dryden.
7. To infelfl with the eggs of flies.Shakʃpeare.
8. To blow cur. To extinguiſh by wind. Dryden.
9. To blow up. To raiſe or ſwell with
brenth. Boyle.
10. To blow up. To deſtroy with gunpowdfr. Woodward.
11. To bick upon. To m?tke Hale. yidtiifont

To BLOW. v. a. [blopan, Saxon.] To
bloom ; to bloHbm. iValUr,

BLO'W'OING. ʃ. A child's play. Donne.

BLOWTH. ʃ. [from Wow.] BIoom, or
binflbm. Raleigh.

BLOWZE. ʃ. A ruddy fat-faced wench.

BLO'WZY. a. [from ^/oit'xc] Sun-burnt; high coloured.

BLUBBER. ʃ. [See BIob.] The part of
a whale thn contains the oil.

To BLU BBER. i: n. To weep in ſuch a
manner as to ſwell the cheeks. Swift.

To BLU'BBER. v. a. To ſwell the ch.ek;.
with wfeping. Sidr,e\',

BLU'DGEON. ʃ. A ſhort flick, with one
end loaded.

BLUE. a. [blaep, Sax. bleu, Fr.] One of
the ſeven original colours. Nctu'.or:,

BLUEBOTTLE. ʃ. [from blue and bottle.]
1. A flower of the bell ſhape. Rayr
2. A fly with a large blue belly. Prior.

BLU'ELY. ad. [from blue.] With a blue
colour. Swift.

BLU'ENESS. ʃ. [from blue.] The quality
of being blue. BoyJt.

BLUFF. a. Big ; ſurly ; bhiflering, Dryden.

To BLU'NDER. v. a. [ilunderen, Dutch.]
1. To miſtake groſsly ; to err very widely. South.
2. To flounder ; to ſtumble. Pope. .

To BLUNDER. v. a. To mix fooliſhly or
blindly. Utilling^.-et.

BLU'NDER. ʃ. [from the verb.] A groCs
or ſhameful m.ftake, Addiſon.

BLU'NDERBUSS. ʃ. [from blunder.] A £,un
that is diſcharged with many bullets. Dryden.

BLU'NDERER. ʃ. [.from blunder.] A blockhead.

BLU'NDERKEAD. ʃ. A ſtupid fellow. L'Eſt.

BLUNT. <t.
1. Dull on the edge or point ; not ſharp. Sidney.
2. Dull in underſtanding ; not quick. Bacon.
3. Rough ; not delicstp. Wotton.
4. Abrupt ; not elegant. Bacon.

To BLUNT. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To dull the edge or point. Dryden.
2. To repreſs, or weaken any appetite. 6'^di.

BLU'NTLY. a. [from ^,W,7.]
1. Without ſharpneſs.
2. C^arfciy ; plainly. Dryden.

BLUNTNESS. ʃ. [from 5/««.]
1. Want of edge or point. Eucklirg.
2. Coarfeneſs ; roughneſs of manners. Dryden.

BLUR. ʃ. [borra, Span, a blot.] A blot ; a ſtain. South.

To BLURT'. a. [from the noun.]
1. To Wot ; to efface. Locke.
2. To flajn. Hudibras.

To BLURT. v. a. To let fly without
thinking. Hakewell.

To BLUSH. v. n. [Wo/£», Dutch.]
1. To betray Hiame or confuſion, by a red
colour in the cheek. Smnh,
2. To carry a red colour. Shakʃpeare.

BLUSH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The colour in the cheeks. Pope. .
2. A ted or purple colour. Crcjhanv.
3. Sudden appearance. Locke.

BLU'SHY. a. Having the colour of a bluſh. Bacon.

To BLU'STER. v. v. [ſuppoſed from hhji.]
1. To roar as a florm. Spenſer.
2. To bully ; to puff.
'Govervmetit of the Tongue.

BLU'STER. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Roar ; noiſe ; tumult. Stv'/r.
2. Boafl: ; boifterouſneſs. Shakʃpeare.\

BLU'STERER. ʃ. A ſwaggerer ; a bylly.

BLU'STROUS. a. [from bli^fer.] Tumultuous
; noify. Hudibras.

BO. interj, A word of terrour. Temple.

BOAR. ʃ'. [bsp, Saxon.] The male ſwine. Dryden.

BOARD. ʃ. [bfiffid, Saxon.]
1. A piece of wood of more length and
breadth than thickneſs. Ternſk.
2. A table. Hakewell.
3. A table at which a council or court is
held. Clarendon.
4. A court of juriſdiction. Bacon.
5. The deck or tloor of a Aip. Addiʃon.

To BOARD. v. a.
1. To enter a fbip by firce. Denham.
2. To attack, or make the firſt attempt.Shakʃpeare.
3. To lay or pave with boards. Moxon.

To BOARD. v. v. To live in a houſe,
where a certain rate is paid for eatiog. Herbert.

BOARD-WAGES. ʃ. Wages allowed to
fervants to keep themſelves in victuah. Dryden.

EO'ARDER. ʃ. [from hoard.] A tabler.

BOA'RISH. a. [from ioar.] Swiniſh ; brutal
; crup). Shakʃpeare.

To BOA«ST. To diſplay one's own worth,
or actions. z Cor,

To BOAST. v. a.
1. To brag of. Atterbury.
2. To magnify ; to exalf. Pſalm.

1. A proud ſpeech. SpiHator,

2. Cauſe of boaſting. Potci

BQ'ASTER. ʃ. [from boajl.] A bragger. Boyle.

BO'ASTFUL. a. [from boaji and full.]
Oftentatious. Pope. .

BOASTINGLY. ad. [from boating.] Oftentatiouſly. Decay of Piety.

BOAT. ʃ. [bat, Saxon.] A veſſel to paſs
the water in. Raleigh.

BOA'TION. ʃ. [boare, Lat.] Roar ; noiſe ;

BO'ATMAN. ʃ. [from boat and man.l

BO'ATSMAN. ʃ. He that manages a boat. Prior.

BO'ATSWAIN. ʃ. [from boat and /wa;».]
An officer on board a ſhip, who has charge
of all her rigging, ropes, cables, anchors,

To BOB. v. a.
1. To beat ; to drub. Shakʃpeare.
2. To cheat ; to gain by fraud. Shakſp.

To BOB. ʃ. n. To play backward and forward. Dryden.

BOB. ʃ. [from the verb neuter.]
1. Something that hangs ſo as to play
looſely. Dryden.
2. The words repeated at the end of a
ftanza. L'Eʃtrange.
3. A blow. ylfcham.

BO'BBIN. ʃ. [bobine, Fr.] A ſmall pin of
wood, with a notch. Tatler.

BO'BCHERRY. ʃ. [from bob and cherry,'\
A play among children, in which the
cherry is hung ſo as to bob againſt the
mouth. Arbuthnot.

BO'BTAIL. Cut tail. Shakʃpeare.

BO'BTAILED. a. Having a tail cut. L'Eſtrange.

BO'BWIG. ʃ. A /liort wig. Spectator.

To BODE. v. a. [bobian. Sax.] To portend
; to be the omen of. Shakʃpeare.

To BODE. T/. ». To be an omen ; tofore-
ſhow. Dryden.

BO DEMENT. ʃ. [from bode.^ Portent ]
omen, Shakʃpeare.

To BODGE. 1'. n. T(» boggle. Shakʃpeare.

BODICE. f. [from bodies,'] Staysjawaiftcoat
quilted with whalebone. Prior.

BO DILESS. a. [from body.] Incorporeal
; without a body. Davies.

BO DILY. a. [from bcdy.]
1. Corporeal; containing body. South.
2. Relating to the body, not the mind. Hooker.
3. Real ; actual. Shakʃpeare.

BO'DILY. ad. Corporeally. ?Fafts.

BO'DKIN. ʃ. [bodiken, or ſmall body.] St.nver,
1. An inſtrument with a ſmall blade and
ſharp point. Sidney.
2. At\ inſtrument to draw a thread or ribbond
through a loop. Pope.
3. An inſtrument to dreſs the hair. Pope. .


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BO'DY. ʃ. [bo'012. Saxon.]
1. The material lubftance of an animal. Matthew. vi. 25.
2. Matter ; oppoſed to ſpirit,
3. A perſon ; a human being. Hooker.
4. Reahty ; oppoſed to repreſentation.
5. A collective mafs. Clarenden.
6. The main army ; the battle. Clarenden.
7. A corporation. Swift.
8. The outward cendition. i Cor. v. 3.
9. The main part. Addiſon.
10. A pandeft ; a general coheiſhon,

II. Strength; as, wine of a good' body.

BODY-CLOATHS. ʃ. Cloathing fv>r horſes
that are dieted. Addiſon.

To BODY. v, a. To produce in ſome form.Shakʃpeare.

BOG. f. [hog, ſoft, Iriſh.] Amarſh ; a fen
; a moraſs. South.

BOG-TROTTER. ʃ. [from % and trot.]
One that lives in a boggy country.

To BO'GGLE. v. a. [from iogii, Dutch.]
1. To ſtart ; to fly back. Dryden.
2. To hefitate. Locke.

EOGGLER. ʃ. [from boggle.] A doubter; a timorous man. Shakʃpeare.

BO GGY. a. [from bog.] Mar/liy ; ſwampy. Arbuthnot.

BO'GHOUSE. ʃ. A houſe of ofBce.

BOHEA. ʃ. [an Indian word.] A ſpecies of
tea. Pope. .

To BOIL. v. a. [bouUler, Fr.]
1. To be agitated by heat. Berkley.
2. To be hot ; to be ſervent. Dryden.
3. To move like boiling water. Gay.
4. To be in hot liquor. Shakʃpeare.
5. To cook by boiling. Swift.

To BOIL. v. a. To feeth. Bacon.

BO'ILER. ʃ. [from boil.]
1. The perſon that boils any thing. Boyle.
2. The veſſel in which any thing is boiled. Woodward.

BO'ISTERQUS. a. [byfter, furious, Dutch.]
1. Violent ; loud ; roaring ; ſtormy. Waller.
2. Turbulent ; furious. Addiſon.
3. Unwieldy. Spenſer.

PO'ISTEROUSLY. ted. [from boi/terous.]
Violently ; tumultuouſly. Swift.

BO'ISTEROUSNESS. ʃ. [from boiferous.]
Tumultuouſneſs ; turbulence.

BO'LARY. a. [from bole.] Partaking of
the nature of bole. Brown.

BOLD. a. [bal^, Saxon.]
1. Daring; brave; ſtout. Temple.
2. Executed with Ipirit. Roſcommon.
3. Confident ; not ſcrupulous. Locke.
4. Impudent; rude. Eccluſ. [\. 11.
5. Licentious. fral/er.
6. Standing out to the view, Dryden.
7. To make bold. To take freedoms.

To BO'LDEN. v. a. [from bold.] To make
bold. Af h

BOLDFACE. ʃ. [from bold^nAfa^AiZ'.
pudence; faucineſs. L'Eſtrange.

BO LDFACED. a. [from bold and face.]
^X^^'^'^- Bramhall,

BOLDLY. ad. [from bold.] In a bold man-

BO'LDNESS. ʃ. [from bold.]
1. Courage; bravery. Sidney.
2. Exemption from caution. Dryden.
3. Freedom ; liberty. 2 Cor. vii. 4.
4. Confident truſt in God. Hooker.
5. Amiranee. Bacon.
6. Impudence. Hooker.

BOLE. ʃ.
1. The body or trunk of a tree. Chapman.
2. A kind of earth. Woodward.
3. A meaſure of corn, containing fix bufli-. Mortimer.

BO'LIS. f [Lat.] 5o/m is a great fiery bail,
ſwifrly hurried through the air, and generally
drawing a tail after it.

BOLL. ʃ. A round ſtaik or ilem.

To BOLL. v. a. [from the noun.] Ta
rife in a ſtalk. Exodus.

BO'LSTER. ʃ. [bo!j-t]ie, Sax.]
1. Something laid in the bed, to ſupport
the head. Q^y.
2. A pad, or quilt. Swift.
3. Compreſs for a wound. Wiſeman.

To BO'LSTER. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To iapport the head with a bolder-
2. To ailord a bed to. Shakʃpeare.
3. To hold wounds together with acomprets. Shakſp.
4. To ſupport ; to maintain. South.

BOLT. ʃ. [boult, Dutch ; j^oAij.]
1. An arrow ; a dart. Dryden.
2. Lighthing; a thunderbolt. Dryden.
3. Bolt upright -^ that is, upright as an am Addiſon.
4. The bar of a door. Shakʃpeare.
5. Pit\ iron to fallen the legs. Shakʃpeare.
6. Alpotorftain. Shakʃpeare.

To BOLT. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſhut or fallen with a bolt. Dryden.
2. To blurt out. Milton.
4. To fetter ; to ſhackle. Shakʃpeare.
5. To fift ; or ſeparate with a five. Dryden.
6. To examine ; to try out. Hah.
7. To purify ; to purge. Shakʃpeare.

To BOLT. v. a. To ſpring out withſpeed
and I'uddenneſs. Dryden.

BO LTER. ʃ. [from the verb.] A fieve to
ſeparate meal from bran. Bacon.

BO LTHEAD. ʃ. A long ſtrant necked glaſt
veſſel, a matraſs, or receiver. Boyle.

BOLTING HOUSE. ʃ. The place where
meal is fifted. Dennis.

BO'LTSPRIT. or Bowsprit. ſ. A mal|
running out at the head of a ſhip, not
(landing upright, but allope. Sea Di£}.



BO'LUS. ʃ. [fljxo?.] A medicine, made up
inro a fok rridls, ijrgKr ttiaa iuſh. Sm/l.

BOMB. ʃ. [i.OT^fij, Lat.]
1. A loud noiſe. Bacon.
2. A hollow iron balJ, or <}ie]I, filled with
gunpowder, and furniſhed with a vent tor
3. tuſee, or wooden lube, filled with combuilible
matter ; to be thrown out i:on\ a
niortar. Ro'U.'C.

To BOMB. 11. a. To attack with bomb;-. Prior.

BOMB CHEST. ʃ. [from i^mb and ch,:ji.]
A kind <if chelt filled with bomb.'^, placca
under ground, to blow up in the air.

BOMB-KETCH. ʃ. / A kind of ſhip,
Bomb vessel. S ſtrongly built, to bear
- the {hodi. of a mortar. Adtlijo'i.

BO'MBARD. ʃ. [b'jmbardu'y Lat.] Aj,reat
gun. Knolles.

To BOMBA'RD. v. a. [from the noun.]
To attack with bomb<:. Addiʃon.

BOMBARDI'ER. ʃ. [from hon:hord.] The
engineer whole employment U is to ſhooc
bombs. Tjiltr.

BOMBARDMENT. ʃ. [from bombard.]
Aa attack made by throwing bombs. Addiʃon.

BO'MBASIN. ʃ. [bomba/iH, Fr.] A ſlight
(ilken Uuff.

BOMBAST. ʃ. Fuftian; bigwords. Di^Kre.

BO'MBAST. a. High founding.Shakʃpeare.

BOMBULATION. ʃ. [from bombus/Ui.]
Sound ; noifc. firow.

BONAROILi.f. A whore. Shakʃpeare.

BONU'SUS. ſ. [Lat.] A kind of butTdlo.

BOACURE'-fIEN. ʃ. French.] A ſpecies
of pear, ſo called, piobibly; from the
name of a gardenci.

BOND. ʃ. [bonb, Sax.]
1. Cords, or chains, with which anyone
is bound. Shakʃpeare.cjpfdrc.
3. Ligament that holds any thing together. Locke.
Union ; connexion. Mortimer.
Imprifunment ; captivity. _

Cement of uuion ; caule of union.Shakʃpeare.
A writing of obligation. _ Dryden.
Law by which any man is obliged. Locke.

BOND. a. [gebiintoen, Saxon.] Captive ; in a ſervilc ilate. I C.5r,

BONDAGE. f. [from bond.] Captivity; impriſonment. Sidney, Pope. .

BONDMAID. f. [from bond.] A woman
ſlave. Shakʃpeare.

BO'NDM.'IN. ʃ. [from hond.] A man Have. Dryden.

BONDSERVANT. ʃ. A ſlave. Leviticus.

BONDSE'RVICE. ʃ. Slavery. i Kings.

BO'NDSLAVE. ſ.A man in ſlavery.


BO'NDSMAN. ʃ. [from bond and man.] One bound for another. Denham.

BONDWOMAN. A woman ſlave. Ben. Johnſon.

BONE. ʃ. [ban, Saxon.]
1. The loiid parts of the body of an animal.
2. A fragment of meat ; a bone with as
much fltſh as adheres to it. Dryden.
3. To be upon the bores. To attack. L'Eſtrange.
4. To makt no bones. To make no ſcruple,
5. Dee. Dryden.

To BO>IE. -J. a. [from the noun.] To take
out the bones from the fleſh.

BO'NELACE. ʃ. [the bobbins with which
lace is woven being frequently made of
bones.] Flaxen lace, Speciatsr,

BO'NELESS. a. [from bane.] Without
bunes. Shakʃpeare.

To BO NESET. v n. [from bone and jet.]
To refl'To a bone out of joint ; or join a
bone broken. Wiſeman.

BO'NESETTER. ʃ. [from bonrfet.] A chiru-
geon. Denham.

BONFIRE. ʃ. [bon, good, Fr. and /re]
A tire made for triumph. South.

BO'NGRACE. j. [honn.- grace, Fr.] A covering
tor the foiehead. Hakewell.

BONNET. ʃ. [bonet, Fr] A hat ; a cap.


BO'NNET. [In fortification.] A J:ind of
little ravelin.

BO'NNETS. [In the ſea language.] Small
lails ſet on the courſes on the mizzen,
mainfail, and forefail.

BONNILY. ad. [from bor.ny.] Gayly ; hjndfumely.

BONNINESS. ʃ. [from bonny.] Gayety ;

BO'NNY. ad. [from bon, bonne, Fr.]
1. Handſome ; beautiful. Shakʃpeare.
2. Gay; merry. Shakʃpeare.

BONNY-CLAfiBER. ʃ. Sour buttermilk. Swift.

BO'MUM MAGNUM. ʃ. A great plu«i.

BONY. a. [from bone.]
1. Confiding of bones. Bay.
2. Full of bones.

BO OBY. ʃ. A dull, heavy, ſtupid fellow,

BOOK. ʃ. [boc, Sa.x.]
1. A volume in which we read or write. Bacon.
2. A particular part of a work. Burnet.
3. The rcgifler in which a trader keeps an
account, Shakʃpeare.
4. Jnbouki. In kind remembrance. y-Wf/'/an.
5. Without btok. By memory. Hooker.

To BOOK. v. a. To regifter in a book.

BOOK-KEEPING. ʃ. [from book and ke^p.]
The art of keeping accounts. Harm,


BO'OKBINDER. ʃ. A man whaſe profelijon
it is to bind boriks.

BO'OKFUL. a. [.'Vom took and fuU.]
Croude.1 with undigeſted knowledge. Pop'.

BO'OKISH. a. [Lomboak.] Given to books. Spectator.

BO'OKISHNESS. ʃ. [from bock-Jh.l^ OverftuJicuin.

BOOKLE'ARNED. a. [from book and. ham]
eti.^ Verfed in books. ^ii-f!.

BOOKLE'ARNING. ʃ. [from br^ok and
karning.'^ Skill in literature ; acauaintance
with bookf. Sid'i:ey.

BOOKMAN. ʃ. [from book and tnan.] A
man whoſe profeſſion is the ſtudy of books. Shakeʃ.peare.

BOOKMATE. ʃ. Schoolfellow, Shakʃpeare.

BO OKSELLER.' ʃ. He whoſe profeſſion ;t
is to ſells books. ff'altcv.

BO'OKWORM. ʃ. [from bock and liwm.]
1. A mite ih4t cats holes in books.
2. A fludent too cloſely fixed upon books.

BOOM. ʃ. [from boom, a tree, Dutch.]
1. [In fea-langiiaee.] A long pole oſed to
I'^read out the ciue of the lUidding fail.
2. A pole with buſhes or baikef, ſet up
as a mark to ſhow the ſailors how to fleer.
3. A bar of wood laid troſs a hjrbour.

To BOOM. v. n. To ruſhwith vi.koce.

BOON. f. [from bene, Sax.] A gift ; a
grant. ^Jdijuii.

BOON. a. [hon. Fr.] dy ; merry. Milton.

BOOR. ʃ. [bier, Dutch.] A lout ; a clown,

BO'OKISH. a. [from i;:r.] Clowniſh ; ruJtick.Shakʃpeare.

BOORISHLY. ad. After a clowmſh manner.

BO'ORISHNESS. ʃ. [from bo'.riſh.] Coarfeneſs
of mannrr^.

BOOSE. ʃ. [b P13. Saxon.] A ſtall for a

To BOOT. -L-. a. [bet, Sison.]
1. To profit ; to advantage. Hooker, Pope. .
2. To enrich ; to benefit. Shakʃpeare.

BOOT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Profit ; gau) ; advantage. Shakʃpeare.
2. To boot. [V:th advantage ; over and
above. Herbrt.
3. Baoty or plunder. Shakʃpeare.

BOOT. ʃ. [hotte, French.] A covering for
the leg, ul\d by horſemen. Milton.
Boo r of a couch. The ſpace bstwcea the
coachman and the conch.

To BOOT. -7/. a. To put on bootf. Shak.

BOOT HOSE. ʃ. [from boot and bofe.]
Stockmgs to ſervefor boots. Shakʃpeare.

BOOT TREE. ʃ. Wood ſhaped like a leg,
to be driven into beets for ſtrecching thfm.

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BO'OTCATCHER. ʃ. [from boot and c^tch.]
The perſon whoſe buſineſs at an inn is to
pull off the bi.ots of paſſeugers. Swift.

BOOTED. ad. [from Zoof.] In boots. Dryden.

BOOTH. ʃ. [boed, Dutch.] A houſe built
of boards or boughs, Swift.

BO'OTLESS. a. [from b^ct.]
1. Ufdeſs ; un3va;!ing. Shakʃpeare.
2. Without ſucceſs. Shakʃpeare.

BOOTY. f. [huyt, Dutch.]
1. PIunder; pillage, Dryden.
2. Things gotten by robbery, Shakʃpeare.
3. To play booty. To ioſe by defian.Z),7i/t-n.

BOHE'E:\ /. r<j/Vj_y BoPEEp/is tolook
out, and draw back, as if fr ghted. Dryden.

BORACHIO. ʃ. \_ly,rracho, Spaniſh.] A
drunkard. Cofurreve.

BO'RAELE. a. [from bsre.] That may be

BO'RAGE. ʃ. [JrombomgOj Lat.] A plant.

BO'RA'dEZ. ʃ. The vegetable lamb, generally
known by .the name of yl^r.us
Scs'tb.cus. Br'aur,,

BO'R.JX. ʃ. [bor,7x, low Latin.] An artificial
ialt, prt-jMred from fal armoni<iC,
racre, calcined tjrtar, lea fult, and alum,
dillbived in wine. ^uhicy

BO'RDEL. ʃ. [bordecl, Teut.] A brc'thel
; a bawdyhouſe. South.

BORDER./ [bord, German.]
I The outer pait or edge of any thing. Dryden. ,
2. The edge of a country. i^per.j'ir.
3. The outer part of a garment adorned
with needlework.
4. A bank raiſed round a garden, and fe:
with rt )we-s. Wallr.

To BO'RDER. v. r. [from the noun.]
1. To confine upon. Kt,c'!it.
2. To approach nearly to. Tiltoifon.

To BO'RDER. v. a.
1. To adorn with a border.
2. To reach ; to touch, Ea'ei<rh.

BO'RDERER. ʃ. [from io'der.] He thac
dwelie on the borders, Philips.

To BO'RDR.-^GE. v. a. [from border.] To
plunder the borders. Sf-cr.jcr.

To BORIL. v. a. [bcprn, Saxon.] 'To
p'cref in a hole. Digby.

To BORE. v. n.
1. To make a hole, Wi'k'iis.
2. To puſh forward towards a certain
point. Dryden.

BORE. ʃ. [from the vrrb.]
1. The hole made- by boring. Milton.
2. The inſtrument with which a hole is
bored, Moxon.
q. The fze of any hole. Eac^n.

BORE. I'atprttrate oſ bear. Dryden.

BO'REAL. a. lisrealis, Lat.] NorLhevn. Pope.

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BOiREyJS. ʃ. [Latin.] The north wind. Milton.

BO'REE. ʃ. A kind of dance. Swift.

BO RER. ʃ. [from bore.] A piercer. Moxon.

BORN. The participle paſſive of bear. Swift.

To be BORN. v. ». p^Jf. To come into
life. Locke.

BO'ROUGH. ʃ. [bojVnoe, Sax.] A town
with a corporation.

BO'RREL. ʃ. A mean fellow. Spenſer.

To BO'RROW. v. a.
1. To take ſomething from another upon
credit. Nche;mah.
a..ro aſk of another the uſe of ſomething
for a time. Dryden.
3. To take ſomething of another. fP'atti.
4. To uſe as one's own, though not belonging
to one. Dryden.

BO'RROW. ʃ. [from the verb.] The
thing borrowed. Shakʃpeare.

BORROWER. ʃ. [from borrow.]
1. He that borrows. Milton.
2. He that takes what is another's. Pope. .

BO'SCAGE. ʃ. [bojcage, Fr.] Wood, or
woodlands. U'ottoii.

BO'SKY. a. [bofijue, Fr.] Woody. Milton.

BO'SOM. ʃ. [b- j-me, Saxon.]
1. The breaſt ; the heart. Shakʃpeare.
2. An incloſure. Hooker.
3. The folds of the dreſs that cover the
breaſt. Exodus.
4. The tender affections. Milton.
5. Inclination ; deſire. Shakʃpeare.

BOSOM. in compoſition, implies intimacy ;
confidence; fondneſs. Ben. Johnson.

To BO'SOM. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To incloſe in the bofom. Milton.
2. To conceal in privacy. Pope. .

BO'SON. ʃ. [corrupted from bcat(ivain,'\. Dryden.

BOSS. ʃ. [boffe, Fr.]
1. A ſtud. Pope.
2. The part riſing in the midft of any
tl.-ing. Job.
3. A thick body of any kind. Moxon.

EO'SSAGE. ʃ. [in architedure.] Any ſtone
that has a proj' dture.

BO'SVEL. ʃ. A ſpecies of crowfoot.

BOTA'NICAL. ʃ. ^. [Bord'.yj, an herb.]

BOTA'NICK. i Relating to herbs ; ſkilled
m herbs. Addiʃon.

BOTANIST. ʃ. [(xaTahota7iy.] One ſkilled
in plants. Woodward.

BOTANO'LOGY. ʃ. [SsravoXcj/ia.] Adiſcourſe
upon plants.

BOTCH. ʃ. [boxza, Italian.]
1. A ſwelhng, or eruptive diſcoloration
of the ſkin. Donne.
2. A part in any work ill finiſhed. Shak.
3. An adventitious part clumfily added. Dryden.

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To BOTCH. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To mend or patch cloaths clumfily. Dryden.
2. To put together unſuitably, or unſkilfully. Dryden.
3. To mark with botche?. Garth.

BOTCHY. a. [irora botch.] Marked with
botches. Shakʃpeare.

BOTH. a. [batha, Saxon.] The two. Hooker.

BOTH. con;. As weH. Dryden.

BO'TRYOID. a. [Bol.vKllr)';.^ Having the
form of a bunch of crapes. Woodiſdtd.

LOTS. f Small worms in the entrails of
horſes. Shakʃpeare.

BOTTLE. ʃ. [bouteille, Fr.]
1. A ſmall veiiel of glaſs, or other matter. King.
2. A quantity of wine uſually put into a
bottle ; a quart. Spectator.
3. A quantity of hay or graſs bundled up. Donne.

To BO'TTLE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
incloſe in bottles. Swift.

BO'TTLEFLOWER. ʃ. A plant.

BO'TTLESCREW. ʃ. [from bottle and
Jcreiv.'] A ſcrew to pull out the cork. Swift.

BO'TTOM. ʃ. [bctm, Saxon.]
1. The loweſt part of any thing.
2. The ground under the water. Dryden.
3. The foundation ; the ground-work. Atterbury.
4. A dale ; a valley. Berkley.
5. The deepert part. Locke.
6. Bound ; limit. Shakʃpeare.
7. The utmoſt of any man's capacity.Shakʃpeare.
8. Thelaſt refort. Addiʃon.
9. A veſſel for navigation. JS,'orris,
10. A chance ; orſecurity. Clarenden.
11. A ball of thread wound up together. Mortimer.

To BO'TTOM. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To build upon ; to fix upon as a ſupport.
2. To wind upon ſomething. Shakʃpeare.

To BO'TTOM. v. a. To reſt upon as its
ſupport. Locke.

BO'TTOMED. a. Having a bottom.

BO'TTOMLESS. a. [from ^o//oot.] Without
a bottom ; fathomleſs. Milton.

BOTTOMRY. ʃ. [in navigation and commerce.]
The act of borrowing money on
a ſhip's bottom.

BO'UCHET. ʃ. [French.] A ſort of pear.

BOUD. ʃ. An infect which breeds in malt.

To BOUGE. v. n. [bouge, Fr.] To ſwell

BOUGH. ʃ. [boj, Saxon.] An arm or
large ſhoot of a tree. Sidney.

BOUGHT. preter. of tt buy.

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BOUGHT. ʃ. [from to low.]
1. A twi.1
; a link ; a knot. Milton.
2. A flexure. Brown.

BOU'lLLON. ʃ. [French.] Broth ; foup.

BOULDER Walh. [in architedure.] Walls
built of round flints or pebbles, laid in a
ſtrong moi-tar.

To BOUNCE. v. V.
1. To i\\\ or fly againſt any thing with
great force. Swift.
2. To make a ſudden leap. Addiʃon.
3. To boaft ; to bully.
4. To be bold, or ſtrong. Shakʃpeare.

BOUNCE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A ſtrong ſudden blow. Dryden.
2. A ſudden crack or noiſe. Ga
3. A boail ; a threat.

BO'UNCER. ʃ. [from bounce] A boafter ; a b'ally ;
an empty threatner.

BOUND. ʃ. [from hind.]
1. A limit ; a boundary. Pope. .
2. A limit by which any excurſion is reſtrained. Locke.
5. A leap ; a jump ; a ſpring. Addiʃon.
4. A rebound. Decay of Piety.

To BOUND. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To limit ; to terminate. Dryden.
2. To reſtrain ; to confine. Shakʃpeare.

To BOUND. v. n. [bondir, Fr.]
1. To jump; to ſpring, Pope.
2. To rebound ; to fly back. Shakſp.

To BOUND. v. a. To make to bound.Shakʃpeare.

BOUND. participle paſſive of bind. Knolles.

BOUND. .?. [a word of doubtful etymology.]
Deſtined ; intending to come to
any place. Temple.

BOUNDARY. ʃ. [from hound.] Limit; bound. Rogers.

BOUNDEN. participle paſſive of hind. Rogers.

BOUNDING-STONE. ʃ. A ſtone to

BOUND-STONE. ʃ. play with. Dryden.

BO'UNDLESNESS. ʃ. [from boundleſs.]
Exemption from limits. South.

BO'UNDLESS. a. [from hound.] Unlimited
; unconfir.ed. South.

BO UNTEOUS. a. [from bounty.] Liberal
; kind ; generous. Dryden.

BOUNTEOUSLY. ad. [from boumeous.]
Liberally ; generouſly. Dryden.

BO'UNTEOUSNESS. ʃ. [from bounteous.]
Munificence ; liberality. Psalms.

BO'UNTIFUL. a. [from bounty and >//.]
Liberal ; geuerous ; munificent. Taylor.

BO UNTIFULLY. v. [from bountiful.] Liberally.

BO'UNTI FULNESS. ʃ. [from bountful]
The quality of being bountiful ; generoſity.

BO UNTIHEAD. ʃ. Goodneſs ; virtue.

BO UNTIHOOD. ^ Spenſer.

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BOUNTY. ʃ. [bontc, Fr.] Generoſity ; liberality ; munificence. Hooker.

To BOURGEON. v.n. [burgcctiner,-Fx.]
To iprout ; to ſhoot into branches, liowel,

BOURN. ʃ. [borne, Fr.]
1. A bound ; a limit. Shakʃpeare.
2. A brook ; a torrent. !ip:nier.

To BOUSE. v. a. [iw_>/.«, Dutch.] To
drink lavishly. Spenſer.

BOUSY. a. [from 'houſe.] Drunken. King.

BOUT. ʃ. [^botta, Italian.] A turn ; as
much of an action as is performed at one
time. Sidney.

BO'UIEFEU. ʃ. [French.] An incendiary. King Charles.

BO'UTISALE. ʃ. A ſaleat a cheap rate. Hayward.

BOUTS RIMEZ. [French.] The laſt words
or rhjmes of a number of verſes given to
be filled up.

To BOW. v. a. [biijen, Saxon.]
1. To bend, or infleft. Locke.
2. To bend the body in token of reſpect
or ſcibmiſhor. Iſaiah.
3. To bend, or incline, in condeſcenſion.
4. To depreſs ; to crufii, Pope.

To BOW. v. n.
1. To bend ; to ſuffer flexure.
2. To make a reverence. Decay of Piety.
3. To ſto ip. Judges,
4. To ſink under preſſure. Iſaiah.

BOW. ʃ. [from the verb. It is pronounced,
like the verb, as wow, how.] An act of
reverence or ſubmiſſion. Swift.

BOW. f.
pronounced bo.
1. An inſtrument of war. Alleync.
2. A rainbow. Geneſis.
3. The inſtrument with which ſtring-inſtruments
are ſtruck. Dryden.
4. The doubling of a firing in a flip-knot. Wiſeman.
5. A voke, Shakʃpeare.
6. Bo'w of a pip. That part of her
which begins at the Inof, and compaſſing
ends of the ſtern, and ends at the ſternmoll
parts of the forecaſtle.

BOW BENT. a. [from boio and bent.]
Crooked. Milton.

BOW HAND. ʃ. [from bow and hand.]
The hand that draws the bow. Spenſer.

BOW-LEGGED. a. [from bow and %.]
Having crooked legs.

To BOWEL. ^'< o. [from the noun.] To
pierce the bowels. Thomfon.

BO'WELS. ʃ. [hyavx, Fr.]
1. Inteſtines; the veſſels and organs within
the body. Samuel.
2. The inner parts of any thing, Shakſp.
3. Tendenieis ; compaſſion. C'.aret:don,

BO'WER. ʃ. [from bough.]
1. An arbour. P'f^'
2. It ſeems to ſignify, iaSpt::fer, allow; 0:5 a ſtroke

a ſtroke : bourrer, Fr. to fall upon. Spenſer.

BO'WER. ʃ. [from the hew of a ſhip.]
Arcn .r lu called.

To BO'WER. v. a. [from the noun.] To
embower. Shakʃpeare.

BO'WERY. a. [horn loiocr. [Full of
bowers. TickelL

BOWL. ʃ. [buelir, Wekli ]
1. A veſſel to hold liqucis. Fritcn.
2. The hollow part of any thing. Sicfi.
3. A baſin, or fountain. Bacon.

BOWL. ʃ. [houſe, Fr.] A round maſs rolled
alone the ground. Htrbirt,

To BOWL. v. a. [from the naun.]
1. To phy at bowls.
2. To th'ow howls at any thing. Shakſp.

BO'WLDER STONES. ʃ. Lumps or fragments
of ſtones or marble, rounded by
being tumbled to and again by the aClion
of the water. E'^ooda-ad.

BO'WLER. ʃ. [from IotjL] He that plays
at b>wls.

BO'WLINE. ʃ. A rope faſtened to the
middle part of the outſide of a fail.

BO'WLING-GREEN. ʃ. [from bowl and
greev.] A level piece of ground, kept
ſmooth for bowleſs. Berkley.

BO'WMAN. ʃ. An archer. ſiren.uh.

BO'WSPRIT.' ʃ. Boltſprit ; which fee.

To BO'WSiEN. v. a. To drench ; to
ſoak. Ccir.'iV.

BO'WSTRING. ʃ. The firing by which
the bow is kept bent,

BO'WYER. ʃ. [from kiv.]
1. An archer. Dryden.
2. One whoſe trade is to make bows.

BOX. ʃ. [box, Saxon.] A tree.

BOX. ʃ. [box, Saxon.]
1. A caſe made of wood,, or other matter,
to hold any thing. Pope.
2. The caſe of ifie mariners compaſs.
3. The cheil into which money given Is
put. i^'pe'ijl'-.
4. .Seat in the olayhoiife. Pope. .

To BOX. v. a. [from the noi;n.] To incloſe
m ?. box. Swift.

BOX. ʃ. [bock, a chi'ek, Welch.] A blow
on the head given with t.'ae hand.
Bramha 7

To BOX. v. n. [from the noun ; To fight
with the tift. ^peiloiior,

BOXEN. a. [from i..]
1. Midf f box. Gay.
2. Reſembling box. Dryden.

BOXER. ʃ. [from box- ], A man who
fi.hts with his lift.

BOY. ʃ.
1. A male <hlld ; not a pirl.
2. One in the ſtate of adolefesnce : older
than an 'nfar.t. Dryden.
3. A word of contempt for young men. Locke.


To BOY. v. n. [from the noun.] To 3.
apiſhly, or like a boy. Shakʃpeare.

BO'YHOOD. ʃ. [from boy.] The liate of
a bny. Swift.

BO'YISH. a. [from koy.]
1. Belonging to a buy. Shakʃpeare.
2. Childiſh ; tsiſhng. Viydm.

BO'YISHLY. ad. [from %//^.] Chiidifl?-
iv ; triflingly.

BOYISHNESS. ʃ. [f,om boyiſh.] Childiſhneſs
; triflingneſs.

BO'YISM. ʃ. [from ipy.] Puerility Childiſhneſs. Dryden.

BP. An abhrevinidn of biſtrnp.

BRA'BBLE. ʃ. [brabbder, Dutch.] A clamor us conred. Shakʃpeare.

To BRABBLE. t. «. [from the noun.]

To C! ntefl noifily,

BRA'BSLER. ʃ. A clamorous noify fellow.

To BRACE. v. a. [eml.r^Jſcr, Fr.]
1. To bind ; to tic cloſe with bandages. Locke.
2. To intend ; to ſtrain up. Holder.

BRACE. ʃ. [Irom the verb.]
1. Ciaduie ; bandage.
2. That which holds any thing tight. Denham.
3. Br.]ces of a coach. Thick in raps of
leiither on which it hangs.
4. Bkace . [in printing.] A crooked line
inclofing a p..lTage ; as in a triplet.
<;. Warlike preparation. Shakʃpeare.
6. Tenſion ; tightneſs. Holder.

BRACE. ſ.A pair ; a couple. Dryden.

BRA'CELET. ʃ. [bracelet, Tt.] An ornament
fir the arn.s. Boyle.

BRA'CFR. ʃ. [from brace.] A cindure ;
a bandjge. Wiſeman.

BRACH. ʃ. [breque, Vr.] A bitch hound.


BRA'CHAL. a. [from brachium, Lat.] Belonging
to the arm.

BRACHYGRAPHY. ʃ. [S^r^x^i and -y^d-
<{>ij.] The art or practice of writing in
a ſholt compaſs. Granville.

BRACK. ʃ. A breach. Digb-

BRA'CKET. ʃ. A piece of wood fixed for
the ſupport of ſomething. Mortimer.

BRA'CKI'SH. a. [brack, Dutch.] Salt;
forre>v hat fjlr. Herbert.

BRACKISHNESS. ʃ. [from brack\p.] Saline
fs. Cheyne.

BRAD. ʃ. A ſort of nail to floor rooms
with. Moxon.

To BRAG. v. n. [bra^geren, Dutch.] To
bo)if ; to diſplay oftentatiouſly. Samierfon,

BRAG. ʃ. [from 'the verb.]
1. A boaft ; a proud expreſſion. Bacon.
2. The thing boafted. Milton.

BRAGGADOCIO. ſ.A pufEng, boaſting
fellow. Dryden.



IRA'GGART. a. [from .V.f_^.] Bo^flful ; viinly oftetitatirus. Dji:i:e.

BRAGGART. ʃ. [from brag.] A baafter. Shakʃpearears.

BRA'GGER. ʃ. [from brag.] A boaiicr.

BRA'GLESS. a. [from hrag.] Without a
bjaih Shakʃpeare.

BRA'GLY. ad. [from brag.] Finely.
5/-. ſ. .

To BRAID. v. a. [bjicx'&in, Saxon ; To
weave together. Milton.

BRAID. f. [from the verb.] A texfarc
; a knot. Prior.

BRAID. a. Deceitful. Shakʃpeare.
Brails. ſ. [S.-a term.] Small ropes reeved
through blocks.

BRAIN. ʃ. [iptjsn, Saxon.]
1. That Collection of veſſels and rrpans
in the head, from which ſenſe and muti'.n
arif% Shakʃpeare.
2. The unde; (landing, Ham-noml.
3. The afil'cltofis. Shakʃpeare.

To BRAIN. v. ſ. To kill by b.-ating ut
the brains. Pope.

BRA'XISH. a. [from -^n:;«.] Hotheaded; 'utious. S!:ake''p;jTe.

BRAINLESS. a. [from brain.] Silly.

BRA'INPAN. ʃ. [from brain -^ni pan] The
ſk;iil containing the brains. Dryden.

BRAINSICK. a. [from brain and ſick]
Acidleheai'ed ; giddv. ^ Knolles.

BRAISSICKLY. ad. [from brairſick.]
Weakiy ; Keidily. Shakʃpeare.

BRA'INSICKNESS. ʃ. [from brair/t.k.]
Iiid ſcretion ; giddineſs,

BRAKE. The preterite o{ break. Knolle;.

BRAKE. ʃ. Fern ; brambles. Dryden.

1. An inſtrument for dreſſing hemp or flix,
2. The handle of a ſhip's pump.
3. A bake^'s kneading trough.

BRA'KY. a. [from bruke.] Thorny ; prickly ; rough. Ben. Johnson.

BRA.'MBLE. ʃ. fbpemk)-, Sax. rubus. La:.]
1. Blackberry buſh ; dewberry buſh ; raſpberry
buſh. Mi'iar.
2. Any roueh prickly ſhrub, Ct-^.

BRA'MBLING. ʃ. A bird, called alf.'a
mountain chafii:,ch. Dici

BRAN. ʃ. [brcniia, Ital.] The huſks of
corn ground. Wotton.

BRANCH. ʃ. [branche, Fr.]
1. The ITioot of a tree from one of the
main boughs. Shakʃpeare.
2. Any d;Itinct article, Rogers.
3. Any part that ſhocts out from the reff. Raleigh.
4. A ſmaller river running into a larger. Raleigh.
5. Any part of a fariliy deſcending in a
foliateiai line. Carew.

6. The ofl'-pring; the deſcendan».C'<7/^j<r«;.
7. Tbs dntler^ .r ſhgots of a flag's horn.

To BRANCH. v. n. [from the ninin.]
1. To ſpread ill branches. Milton.
1. To Ipiead inro ſeparate parts, Locke.
3. To ſpeak diffuhveiy. Spectator.
4. To have horns ſhooting out. Milton.

To BRANCH. v. a.
1. To div:ds as into branches. Bac.n,
2. To adorn with needlework. Stieiiler

1. One that ihocts out into branches.
2. In falconry, a young hawk, [branchier,

BRA'NCHINESS. ʃ. [from branchy 1 Pi.].
neſs ;f broncfics.

BRANCHLESS. a. [f.nui brar.ch.]
1. Without ſhootf Or boughs.
2. Naked^. Shakʃpeare.

BRA NCr-IY. a. [from branch.] Full of
branches furesillng,

BRAND. f. [bjij,^, Saxon.]
1. A ihck lighted, or lit to be lighted. Dryden.
2. A ſword. Milton.
3. A thunderbrI^ Granville.
4. A mark made by burning with a hot Bacon, Dryden.

To BRAND. v. a. [brar.den, Dutch.] To
ma;kwith .T note of infamy, yiturbury

BRAWDGOOSE. ʃ. A kind of wild fowl

To BRANDISH. t:. a. [from brand, a
1. To v^ave or ſhike. iimitb
2. To play with; to flourift, Locke.

BRA'NDLING. ʃ. A particular worm.
„^ ,
<. Walion,

BRA NDY. ʃ. A ſtrong liquor diſtilled from
^^'^s- Swift.

BRANGLE. -f. Squabble; wrangle. Swif/.

To BRA'NGLE. -. n. To wrangle ; to

BRANK. ʃ. Buckwheat, Mortimer.

BRA'NNY. a. [from b-ai.] Having the
appearance of bran, Wiſeman.

BRA'SIER. ʃ. [from ^-.:/.]
1. A manufacturer taat works in hraſs.
2. A pan to hold coals. Arbuthnot.

BRASIL. or BRAZIL. ʃ. An American
w.jud, commonly ſupp.>ftd t > have been
thus denominated, ter.auſe firſt broughc
from BtaCl.

BRASS. ʃ. [bp p, Saxon.]
1. A yeilow metal, made by mixin;; crpper
with lapif caliininaiis. Bacon.
2. Impudence.

BRA'SSINESS. ʃ. [frotn brjJTy.] An ap.
pearance like braſs.

BRA'SSY. a. [from hrajs.]
1. Partaking of urali. Woodward.
2. Hard as braſs, i, a<eʃpeare,
3. ImBRA
3. Impudent,

BRAST. ʃ.>c7<7/f!>. a. [from for/?.]
Burft ; broken. Spenſer.

BHAT. ʃ.
1. A child, ſo called in contempt.
Roſeemmon. 2. The progeny ; the offspring. South.

BRAVA'DO. ʃ. A boaft ; a brag.

BRAVE. a. [orave, Fr.]
1. Co'irageo'is ; daring; bold. Bacon.
2. GaJlan!: ; having a noble mien.Shakʃpeare.
3. Magnificent ; grand. Denhami,
4. Excelient ; noble. Sidney, Digby.

BRAVE. ʃ. [brat'e, Fr.]
1. A hetlor ; a man daring beyond prudence
or fieneſs. Dryden.
2. A boaft ; a challenge. Shakʃpeare.

To BRAWE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To defy ; to challenge. Dryden.
2. To carry a boaſting appearance. Bacon.

BRA'VELY. ad. [from bra've.] In a brave
manner ; courageouſly ; gallantly. Dryden.

BRA'VERY. ʃ. [it'^ra brave.l
1. Courage ; magp.::nimity. Addiſon.
2. Splendour ; magnificence. Spenſer.
3. Shew; oftentation. Bacon.
4. Bravado ; boaft. Sidney.

BRAVO. ʃ. [bravo, Ital.] A man who
murders for hire. Goziem. of the Tongue.

To BRAWL. tJ. r. [brouiller, Fr.]
1. To quarrel noifily and indecently. Shakʃpeare, Watts.
2. To ſpeak loud and indecently. Shakſp.
3. To make a noiſe. Shakʃpeare.

BRAWL. ʃ. [from the verb.] Qviarrel
; noiſe ; ſcurrility. Hooker.

BR.A'WLEls. ʃ. [from iz-aw.'.] A wrangler.

BRAWN. ʃ. [of uncertain etymology.]
1. The fleſhy or muſculous part of the
body. Peacham.
2. The arm, ſo called from its being muſculous.Shakʃpeare.
g. Bulk ; muſcular ſtrength. Dryden.
4. The fleſh of a boar. Mortimer.
5. A boar.

BRA'WNER. ʃ. [from braivn.] A boar
killed ſo r the table. King.

BRA'WNlNESS. ʃ. [from i^raw«y.]Sttength; hardneſs. Locke.

BRA'WNY. a. [from brawn.'^ Mufculous; titſhy ; bulky. Dryden.

To BRAY. v. a. [bfucan, Saxon.] To
pound ; or grind fniail. Chapman.

To BRAY. -y. n. [bro^re, Fr.]
1. To make a noiſe as an afs. Dryden.
2. To make an offenſive noiſe. Congreve,

BRAY. ʃ. [from the verb.] Noife ; found.Shakʃpeare.

BRA'YER. ʃ. [from bray.]
1. One that brays like an afs, Fo^U

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2. With printers, an inſtrument to temper
the ink.

To BRAZE. v. a. [from brajs.]
1. To folder with braſs. Moxon.
2. To harden to impudence. Shakʃpeare.

BRA'ZEN. a. [from brajs.l
1. Made of braſs. Peacham,
2. Proceeding from braſs. Shakʃpeare.
3. Impudent.

To BRA ZEN. v. «, To be impudent ; to
bully. Arbuthnot.

BRA'ZENFACE. ʃ. [from ^rj«e«and/;c:'.]
An impudent wretch. Shakʃpeare.

BRA'ZENFACED. a. [from brazenfjcc.]
Impudent ; ſhameleſs. Shakʃpeare.

BRA'ZENNESS. ʃ. [from brazen.-\
1. Appearing like braſs.
2. Impudence.


BREACH. ʃ. [from break ; breche, Fr.]
1. The act of breaking any thing. Shak.
2. The ſtate of being broken. Shak.'Jp.
3. A gap in a fortification made by a battery. Knolles.
4. The violation of a law or contract. South.
5. An opening in a coaft. Spenſer.
6. Difference ; quarrel, Chrenden.
7. Infraction ; injury. Clarenden.

BREAD. ʃ. [bfieo'o, Saxon.]
1. Food made of ground corn. Arbuthnot.
2. Food in general. PhiUpi,
3. Support of life at large. Pope. .

BREAD-CHIPPER. ʃ. [from bread and
chip.] A baker's fervant. Shakʃpeare.

BREAD CORN. ʃ. [from bread and forn.]
Corn of which bread is made. Hayward.

BREADTH. ʃ. [from bjiab, Saxon.] The
meaſure of any plain ſuperficies from fidg
to ſide. Addiʃon.

To BREAK. v. a. pret. I broke ; or brake ; part, pair, broke, or broken, [bfieccan, Sax.]
1. To part by violence. Mark.
2. To burſt, or open by force. B-irnct,
3. To pierce ; to divide. Dryden.
4. To deſtroy by violence. Burnet.
5. To overcome ; to furmount. Gay.
6. To batter ; to make breaches or gaps
in. Shakʃpeare.
7. To cruſh or deſtroy the ſtrength of the
body. Tiltotſon.
8. To ſink or appal the ſpirit. Philips.
9. To ſubdue, Addiʃon.
10. To crufti; todiſable; to incapacitate. Clarendon.
ir. To weaken the mind. Felton,
12. To tame , to train to obedience.
May's y~trgil.
13. To make bankrupt. Davies.
14. To crack or open the ſkin, Dryden.
15. To violate a contract or promife.Shakʃpeare.
j6. To

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16. To infringe a law. Dryden.
17. To intercept ; to hinder the eft'ed of. Dryden.
18. To interrupt, Dryden.
19. To ſeparate company. Atterbury.
20. To diffolye any union. Cs l-tr.
21. To reform. Gmv.
22. To open ſomething new. Bacon.
23. To break the back. To diſable one's
fortune. Shakʃpeare.
24. To break a deer. To cut it upac table.
25. To breskfajl. To eat the firſt time
in the day.
26. To break ground. To open trenches.
27. To break tht heart. To deſtroy with
grief. Dryden.
28. To brejk the neck. To lux, or put out
the neck joints. Shakʃpeare.
29. To break off. To put a ſudden flop.
30. To break off. To preclude by feme
t;bftacle, Addiʃon.
31. To break up. To diflblve. Arbuthnot.
32. To break up. To open ; to Jay open.
33. To break up. To ſeparate or difband.
34. To break upon the wheel. To puniſh
by ſtretching a criminal upon the wheel,
and breaking his bones with bats.
35. To break wind. To give vent to
wind in the body.

To BREAK. v. ſt,
1. To part in two. Shakʃpeare.
2. To burſt. Dryden.
3. To burſt by dathing, as waves on a
xock. Pope. .
4. To open and diſcharge matter. Harvey.
5. To open as the morning. Donne.
6. To burſt forth ; to exclaim. Shakſp.
7. To become bankrupt. Pope. .
8. To decline in health andſtrength.5'w//?.
9. To iſſue out with vehemence. Pope. .
10. To make way with ſome kind of ſuddenneſs. Hooker, Samuel.
11. To come to an exphni^tion. Ben.
12. To fall out ; to befriends no longer. Ben. Johnson. Pr:cr.
13. To diſcard. S-u.-fr.
14. To break from. To ſeparate from
wits ſome vehemence. RoſcGmmon.
15. To break in. To enter unexpectedly. Addiſon.
16. To break looſe. To eſcape from captivity. Milton.
17. To break off. To deſiſt ſuddenly. Taylor.
18. To break off from. To part from with
violence. Shakʃpeare.
19. To break out. To diſcover itſelf in
ſudden effects. South.
20. To break out, To have erupticu; from
the b&dy.

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21. To break out. To become ilCTolate.
22. To break up. To ceaſe , to i^^^^i
23. To break up. To difTolve itſelf IV-tt
24. To break up. To begin holidays. ..
cr , ^ ^'^^'ffiearf. 2-. To break -u.'ith. To part friendftio
with any. c /

BREAK. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. State of being broken ; Spenſer.
2. A pauſe ; an interrupti.-;n.
3. A line drawn, noting that the ſenſe iſuſpended.

BRE'AKER. ʃ. [from break.]
1. He that breaks any thing. Sou'b
2. A wave broken by rocks or facdbanks'

To BRE'AKFAST. r. [from break a.d
fafi.] To eat the firſt mtil in the day.

BRE'AKFAST. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The iirſt meal in the day. Wct^on,
2. The thing eaten at the firſt meal. ,
3. A meal in general. Divdn

BREAKNECK. ʃ. A ſteep place endangering
the neck. Shakʃpeare.

BRE'AKPROMISE. ʃ. One that i^.kes a
practice of breaking his promife. Shakʃpeare.

BREAM. ʃ. [brame, Fr.] The name of a

BREAST. ʃ. [bjiecpr, Saxon.]
1. The middle part of the human body,
between the neck and the beJIy.
2. The dugs or teats of ſtomen which
contain the mljk. 'y,^.
3. The part of a beaſt that is under the
neck, between the forelegs.
4. The heart ; the conſcience. Dsdtn.
5. The paſſions. QkuUy.

To BREAST. v. a. [from the noun.] To
meet in front. Shakʃpeare.

BRE'ASTBONE. ʃ. [from brecjl inibonc.]
The bone of the breaſt ; the rternum. Peacham.

BRE'ASTHIGH. a. [from breaji and kigh.]
Up to the breaſt. Sidr.cc

BRE'ASTHOOKS. ʃ. [from hreafl and huk.]
With ſhipwrights, the compafiing timbers
before, that help to ſtrengthen the ſtem,
and all the forepart of the ſhip. Harris.

BRE'ASTKNOT. ʃ. [from irea,^ zed kr.ot.]
A knot or bunch of ribbands worn by
women on the breaſt. Addisſon.

BRE'ASTPLATE. ʃ. [from breaji and piate.]
Armour for the breaſt. C'jtvhy.

BRE'ASTPLOUGH. ʃ. A plough uſed tor
paring turf, driven by the breaſt. Mortim.

BRE'ASTWORK. ʃ. [from breaſt and lick.]
Works thrown up as high as the bresil id
the defendants, da'^erjcn.

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BREATH. ʃ. rhji.«.-. Saxon.]
1. The air drawn in and ejstted out of the
hidy. Utakſpeare.
2. Iafe, Dryden.
3. The ſtate or power of breathing freely. Dryden.
4. Reſperation. Milton.
5. Rel'pite
; paufL- ; relaxation. Shakſp.
6. B-':eze; moving air. u^Ut'j(,n.
7. A ſingle ad ; an inſtant. Dryden.

To BREATHE. v. n. [from b'-eath.]
1. Tr. draw in and throw out tii.; air by
the lungs. Pope.
2. To live. Slj<ik4[>ea' e.
3. To reſt. Rojiowmon.
4. To paſs by breathing. Shakʃpeare.

To BREATHE. v. a.
1. To iiifi-irtf into one's own body, and
expire nut ct i'. Dryden.
2. To inject by brcs'hing. DlCJ)' of Ficy.
3. To ejtrt by brcatia.og,
4. To exercife, Shakʃpeare.
5. To move or aflu-.te by breath. Prior,
6. To utter privately. Shakʃpeare.
7. To ylvc air or vent to. Dijd.n.

BRE'ATHER. ʃ. [from breathe.]
1. One that breathes, or hves. Shakʃpeare.
2. One that utters any thing. Shakʃpeare.
3. liiſpirer ; one that animates or infuſes
by iril'piration, Norris.

BRE'ATHING. ʃ. [from breathe.]
1. Aipiration ; ſecret prayer. Pti.r.
2. Breathing place ; vent. Diylfn.

BRE'ATHLESS. a. [from breath..
1. Oat of breath ; ſpent with ijbour. Spenſer.
2. D-ad. Pnoy.

BRED. latiicip, paJT. [from /!? breed.

BREDE. ʃ. See Braid. ^dd,j.„.

BREECH. ʃ. [ſuppoſed from bpscnn, Sax.]
1. The lower part of the body, Hufzi'/ud.
2. Bri:eches. 8haL-ſpfate,
3. The hinder part of a piece of ordnance.

To BREECH. v. a. [from the noun, ;
1. To put into breeches.
2. To fit any thing with a breech ; as, to
breech a gun.

BRE'ECHEsi. ſ. [bpec, Saxon.]
1. The gaimeut worn by men over the
lower part of the body. Shakʃpeare.
2. To wear the breeches, is, in a vile, to
ufurp the authority of the huſband.

To BREED. <y. a. prefer. I bred, I have
bred, [bpaban, Saxon.]
1. To jjrocrcate ; tt.' generate, Roſcommon.
2. To occaſion ; to cauſe ; to produce.
Af ham.
3. To ontrive ; to hatch ; to plot. Shak.
4. To fMO'iuce from one's lelf, Locke.
5. To ^ive birth to. Hooker.

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6. To educate ; to quality by cdi'icati.on. Dryden.
7. To bring up ; to take care of. Dryden.

1. To bring young. Sp.Eiutor.
2. To encreaſe by new prfduflion. Ra 'cigk.
3. To be produced ; to have birth. Z?f;,7/. v.
4. To ra fe a breed. Moi tim^r.

BREED. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A caf. ; a kind ; a ſubdiviſion of
ſpecie?. Roſcommon.
2. Progeny ; f:fr»pring. Shakʃpeare.
3. A number produced at once ; a hatch. Grew.

BRE'EDBATE. ʃ. [from breed and bate.]
Onf. that breeds q'aarrels. Shakʃpeare.

BRE'NDER. ʃ. [from breed.]
1. That which produces any thing, Shak.
2. The perſon which brings up another.
3. A female that is proliſick. i^buk-Jp.
4. One that takes care to raiſe a breed. Temple.

BRE'EDING. ʃ. [from ,^rffr/.]
1. Education ; inſtru<ction ; ijualifications.Shakʃpeare.
2. Manners ; knowledge of ceremony.
3. Nurture. Milton.

BREEiE. ſ. [bpioj.a, Saxon.] A flinging
fly. Dryden.

BREEZE. ʃ. [biezxa, Ital.] A gentle gale. Dryden.

BRE'EZY. ad. [from breix\] Fanned with
giles. Pol e.

BREME. a. Cruel; ſharp ; fever?. Spenſer.

BRENT. a. Birnt. Spenſer.

BRET. ʃ. A U(h of the turbua kind.

BRE'THREN. ʃ. [Thi plural oſ brother.]. Swift.

BRE'VIALY. ʃ. [brevialte, Fr.]
1. An abridgement ; an epitome. Aybffe.
2. The book containing the daily lervice
of the church of Rome.

BRE'VIAT. ʃ. [from /Td-y/i.] A ſhort compendium. Decay of piety.

BRE'VIATURE. ſ. [from brevio, Lat.] An

BREVI'ER. ſ.A particular ſizeofſmall
letter uſed in printini.

BRE'VITY. ʃ. [brc'L'ftas, Lat.] Concifeneſs
; ſhortneſs. Dryden.

To BREW. v. a. [brouiuev, Dutch.]
1. To make liquors by mixing ſeveral ingredients. Addiʃon.
2. To prepare by mixing things together. Pope.
3. To contrive ; to plot. M^'otion.

To BREW. v. n. To perform the office of
a brewer. Shakʃpeare.


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B R 1

BREW. ſ. [from the verb.] Manner of
br-wing. Bacon.

BRE'WAGE. ʃ. [from Ire'zu.] Mixture of
various things. ^hikf/fiesre.

BRE'WER. A man whoſe profcirion it is
to make b>er. TiHotion.

BRE'WHOUSE. ʃ. [from breio and hruſe.]
A houſe ap&roprijted to brewing. Baioii.

BRE'WING.'/. [from ^rrty.] Quantity of
Jiquor brewed.

BRE'WIS. ʃ. A piece of bread foalced in
boiling fat pottage, made of fdlted meat.

BRIBE. ʃ. [Bribe, in trench.] A reward
given to pervert the jad(2menti Waller.

To BRIBE. v. a. [from the noun.] To gain
by bribes.

BRI'BER. ʃ. [from in'be.] One that pays
tor corrupt 'practices.

BRI'BERY. ʃ. The crime of taking rewards
for bad practices. Bacon.

BRICK. ʃ. [briſk, Dutch.]
1. A maſs of burnt clay. Addiſon.
2. A loaf ſtaped like a brick.

To BRICK. -J. a. [from the noun.] To lay
with bricks. Stuifi'

BRI'CKB.^T. ſ. [from Zr/d and bat.] A
piece of brick. Bacon.

BRI'CKCLAY. ʃ. [from brick and day.]
Clay uſed f^r making brick. Woodward.

BRI'CKDUST. ʃ. [from bnck and duj].]
Duft made by pounding bricks. Spe&citor,

BRICK-KILN. ʃ. [from brick and kiln.]
kiln ; a place to burn bricks in. Decay of Piety.

BRI'CKLAYER. ʃ. [from i//<.and lay.] A
brick- mafon. Donne.

BRI'CKMAKER. ʃ. [from brick and make]
One whoſe trade is to make bricks.

BRI DAL. a. [from bride.] Belonging to
a wedding ; nuptial. TValfo^Pope. .

BRI'DAL. ʃ. The nuptial feſtival. Herbert.

BRIDE. ʃ. [bpyb, Saxoni] A woman new
married. Smith.

BRI'DEBED. ʃ. [from bride &T.A bed.] Marriage-
bed. Prior.

BRI'DECAKE. ʃ. [from bride ^ni cake.] A
cake diilnbuted to the guefls at the wedding. Ben. Johnson.

BRI'DEGROOM^/v [from bride and^roow.]
A new married man. Dryden.

BRI'DHMEN. ʃ. The attendants on

BRI'DEMAIDS. ʃ. the bride and brideprofim.

BRI'DESTAKE. ʃ. [from bride and flake.]
A poſt fee in the ground, to dance round. Ben. Johnson.

BRI'DEWELL. ʃ. A houſe of corre<5lion. Spectator.

BRIDGE. ʃ. [bpK, Saxon.]
1. A building raiſed over water for the
convenience of pali'age. Dryden.
2. The upper part of the nofe. Bacon.


^. The ſupporter of the firings in ſtringe ;
inrtruments of muflck.

To BRIDGE. 1,. a. [from the noun.] To
raiſe a bridge over any place. Milton.

BRI'DLE. ʃ. [br,de, Fr.]
1. The headftail and reins by which a horſe
is reſtrained and governed. Dryden.
2. Atiſhjint; a curb ; a check. Claren,

To BRI'DLE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To guide by a bridle. Addiſon.
2. T<i red rain ; to govern. JKider,

To BRI DLE. v. a. To h.'ld up the head,

BRI'DLEHAND. ʃ. [from bridle and band.]
The hand which holds the bridle in riding.

BRIEF. a. [bre'vis, Lat.]
1. Short ; concife. Collier.
2. Contracted ; narrow. Shakʃpeare.

BRIEF. ʃ. [bnef, Dutch.]
1. A writing of any kind. Shakʃpeare.
2. A ſhort extract, or epitome. Bacon.
3. The writing given the pleaders, containing
the cjfe. Swift.
4. L-rters patent, giving licence to a charit.
ble coUcflion.
5.' [In muHck.] A meaſure of quantity,
which contains two ſtrokes down in beating
time, and as many up. Harris.

BRI'EFLY. ad. [from brief.] Conciftly ;
in few words.

BRI'EFNESS. ʃ. [from brief] Concifeneſs
; ſhortneſs. Camden.

BRI ER. ʃ. A plant, Dryden.

BRI'ERY. a. [from ^mr.] R)ugh} full
of briers.

BRIGADE. ʃ. y>rigade, Fr.] A diviſion
offerees ; a body of then. PhiliDs,

BRIGADI'ER General. An officer ; next in
order below a major general.

BRI'GAND. ʃ. [brigand, Fr.] A robber.

1. ff.^ i^,-^„^ ;

BRI'GANTIN'E. ʃ. '' ' ^ '
1. Alight veſſel ; ſuch as has been formerly
uſed by corfairs or pirates. 0f7(vjv.
2. A coat of mail, Milton.

BRIGHT;. a. [beopr, Saxon.]
1. Shining ; glittering ; full of light. Dryden.
2. Clear; evident. /Jatit,
3. Illuſtrious ; as, a bright reign,
4. Witty ; acute ; a bright genius.

To BRIGHT'EN. 1'. a. [from bright.]
1. To make bright ; to make to ſhine. Dryden.
2. To make luminous by light from withhout.
3. To make gay, or alert. Milton.
4. To make illurtrious. Swift.
5. To make acute.

To BRI GHTEN. 1'. n. To grow bright ; to clear up,

BRI'GHTLY. ad. [from bright] Splendidly; with luſke, Pope.

BRI'GHTNESS. ʃ. [from bright.]
1. Luſtre ; ſpl«ndour. South.
1. Acut'Ticls. Piior.

BRI'LLIANCY. ʃ. [from brilliant.] Luſtre ;

BRI'LLIANT. a. lhnUant,Yt.] Shining; ſpaikling. Dorjef,

BRILLIANT. ʃ. A diamond of the fineſt
cut. Dryden.

BRILLIANTNESS. ʃ. [from brilliant..
Splendour ; luſtre.

BRIM. ʃ. [brim, Icehndiſh.]
1. The edge of any thing. Bacon.
2. The upper edge of any veſſel. Crajhiity.
3. The top of any liquour. Jojhuah.
4. The bank, of a fountain. Drayton.

To BRIM. v. a. [from the noun.] To fill
the top. Dryden.

To BRIM. v. n. To be full to the brim. Philips.

BRrMFUL. a. [from brim and full.] Full
t<i the top. Addiſon.

BRI'MFULNESS. ʃ. [from briwful. Fnlneſs
to the top. Shakʃpeare.

BRI MivIER. ʃ. [from brim.] A howl full
to the top. Dryden.

BRIMSTONE. ʃ. Swlphur. ^/bſwj'-r.

BRI^vbTONY. a. [from britnjionc] Full
of biimſtonc.

BRI'NDED. a. [brin, Fr. a branch.]
Streaked ; tabby. Milton.

BRI'NDLE. ʃ. [from brinded.] The ſtate
of heinc brinded. Clarijli.

BRI'NDLIiD. a. [from brindie.] Banded; ſtreaksd. Milton.

1. Water impregnated with fait. Bacon.
2. The fea. Milton.
3. Tears, Shakʃpeare.

BRI'NEFIT. ʃ. [from ^r/ne and pit.] Pit
of fait water. Shakʃpeare.

To BRING. v. a. [hpm^an, Sax. preter.
I Lro.'gkt
I part. ^iti. brought \ bpjht,
Saxiui. I
1. To fetch from another place. Teirplf,
2. To convey in one's ov;n hand ; not to
ſend. Dryden.
3. To produce ; to procure. Bacon.
4. To cauſe to come. Stillingfleet.
5. To introduce. Tattler,
6. To reduce ; to recal, Spectator.
7. To attract ; to draw along. Newton.
S. To put into any particular ſtate, S-^i/t,
9. To conducV. Locke.
10. To recal; to fun:mon5. Dryden.
11. To induce; to prevail upon. Locke,
iz. To biing\about. To bring to pifs ; to
effjdt. ^'Jdrfon,
; 3. To hri!:g firth. To give birth to; to prod in e. Milton.
14. To bring in. To reduce, Spenſer.
1 1. To bring in. To aft' ffd gain, ^<}u;lt,

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16. To bring off. To clear; to procure.
to be acquitted. T'lllotfora
17. To bring on. To engage in aini>'n.
18. To bring ever. To draw to a new
party. Swift.
19. To bring out. To exhibit ; to ſhow.Shakʃpeare.
20. To bring under. To ſubdue ; to repreſs. Bacon.
ai. To bring up. To educate ; to inſtruct. Sidney.
2a. To bring up. To bring into practiſe. Spectator.

BRI'NGER. ʃ. [from bring.] The perſon
that brings any thing. Shakſp.arc.

BRINGER OP. Inſtructor ; educator.

BRINISH. a. [from brine.] Having the
taſte of brine ; fait. Shakʃpeare.

BRI'NISHNESS. ʃ. [from briniſh.] Saltneſs.

BRINK. ʃ. [brink, Daniſh.] The edge of
any place, as of a precipice or a river. Atterbury.

BRI'NY. a. [from brine.] Salt. Addiʃon.

BRISK. a. [bruf<^ue, Fr.]
1. Lively; vivacious; gay. Denham.
2. Powerful ; ſpirituous. Philip.
3. Vivid ; bright. Newton.

To BRISK UP. f'. n. To come up b»iſkly.

BRI'SKET. ʃ. [brichet, Fr.] The b.eaſt of
an animal, Mortimer.

BRI'SKLY. ad. [from brijk.] Aftively ; vigorouſly. Boyle, Ray.

BRI'SKNESS. ʃ. [from brif<.]
1. Livelmeſs ; vigour ; quickneſs. South.
1. Gayety, Dryden.

BRI'STLE. ʃ. [bpij-tl, Sax.] The ſtiff
hair of ſwine. Grew.

To BRI'STLE. v. a. [from the niui.] To
ereſt in bridles. Shakʃpeare.

To BRI'STLE. To «. To fland eredl as
bridles. Dryden.

BRI'STLY. a. [from brijlle.] Think (tt
with briftles. Berkley.

BRI'STOL STONE. A kind of ſoft diamond
found in a rock near the city of
Briſtol. Woodward.

BRIT. ʃ. The name of a fiſh. Cirew.

BRITTLE. ,z. [bjiittan, Saxon.] Fragile; apt to break. Bacon.

BRI'TTLENESS. ʃ. [from h-ittlt.] Aptneſs
to break, Boyle.

BRIZE. ʃ. The gadfly. Spenſef.

BROACH. ʃ. [broche, Fr.] A ſpir. Dryden.

To BROACH. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſplit ; to pierce as with a ſpit. Hakewell.
2. To pierce a veſſel in order to draw the
3. To

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3. To open any ſtore. Knolles.
4. To give our, or utter any thing. Swift.
5. To let out any thing. Hudibras.

BRO'ACHER. ʃ. [from broach.]
1. A (pit. Dryden.
2. All opener^ or utteier of any thing.
Decay of Fifty.

BROAD. a. [bjrat,, Saxon.]
1. Wide; cxlenQed in breadth. Temple.
2. Large. Locke.
3. Cicsr ; open. Decay of Piety.
4. Groſs ; coaſe. Dryden.
5. Obſcene ; fulfom. Dryden.
6. Bold ; not delicate ; not reſerved.Shakʃpeare.

BROAD at long. Equal upon the whole. L'Eʃtrange.

BROAD CLOTH./, [from iJrojrf and c.V^.]
A fine kind of cloth. Swift.

To BRO'ADEN. v. a. [from hroad.] To
grow broad. Thomfon.ton,

BRO'ADLY. ad. [from iroaJ.] In a broad

BRO'ADNESS. ʃ. [(fOv^ broad..
1. Breadth ; extent fr<im ſide to ſide.
2. Coarfeneſs ; fulf>^mneſs. Dryden.

BRO'ADSIDE. ʃ. [from broad and ſtde.^.
1. The ſide Ota ſhip. Walter.
1. The volly of ſhot fired at once from the
fi'^e of a ſhip.

BRO'ADSWORD. ʃ. A cutting ſword,
w!th a broad blade. Wiſeman.

BRO'ADWISE. '/. [from irffcJ andWf.]
According to the direction of the breadth. Boyle.

BROCADE. ʃ. [brocado. Span.] A ſilkeii
fluff, variegated. Fi^e,

BROCA'DED. a. [from brocade.]
1. Drelt in brocade.
2. Woven in the manner of a brocade. Gay.

BRO'CAGE. ʃ. [from broie.]
1. The gain gutcen by promoting bargains,
2. The hire given for any unlawful office. Bacon.
3. The trade of dealing in old things.
Ben Johnſon.

BRO'CCOLI. ʃ. A ſpecies of cabbage. Pope.-

BROCK. ʃ. [bfioc, Saxon.] A badger.

BRO'CKET. ʃ. A red deer, two years old.

BROGUE. ʃ. [l>,og, Iriſh.]
1. A kind of ſhoe. Swift.
2. A corrupt dialect.

To BROIDER. v.^a. [brod:r,FT.] To
adorn with figures of needle-wotk. Exodus.

BRO'IDERY. ʃ. [from braider.] Embroidery
; flower- work. Ticiell.

BROIL. ſ.Ibrmtler, Fi.] A tumult; a
^uajiel, yf'ekc.

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To BROIL. v.a, [bruler, Fr.] Todrff,
or cook by laying on the coals. Dryden.

To BROIL. v. n. To be in the heat. ihnk.

To BROKE. v. n. To contracl buſineſs io-

BRO'KEN. [p,irti.paff. oſ break.] Hooker.

BRO'KENHEARTED. a. [from brcken and
beart.] Having the ſpirits cruſhed by
grief or fear. Iſaiah.

BRO'KENLY. ad. [from broken.] Without
any regular ſeries. HokezvelU

BRO'KER. ʃ. [from to brck^.]
1. A factor ; one that docs buſineſs for
ariOther. Tetr.ple.
2. One who deals in old houſhold goods.
3. Apimo; a match-maker. Shakʃpeare.

BKO'KERAGE. ʃ. [from broker.] The
pay or reward of a broker.

BRO'NCHOCELE. ʃ. [^poyxo^rx^.] A tumour
of that part of the aſpcra arteria,
called the bronchos.

ERO'IvCHIAL. v. a. [^pcVK:^] Belonging

BRO'NCHICK.5 to the throat, yiArbuthnot.

BRONCHO'TOMY. ʃ. [2p:^xof and tJ^v.v.]
That operation which opens the windpipe
by incilion, to prevent fuffucation. Sh irp,

PROND. ʃ. See Brand. Spenſer.

BRONZE. ʃ. [brotix;] Fr,
1. Braſs. Pope. .
2. A metal. Prior.

BROOCH. ʃ. [broke, Dutch.] A jewel ; an ornament of jewels. Shakʃpeare.

To BROOCH. v. a. [from the noun.] To
adorn with jewels. Shakʃpeare.

To BROOD. v. n. [bp-rdan, Saxon. ;
1. To fit on eggs; to hatch them. Afilton.
2. To cover chikens under the wing. Dryd.
3. To watch, or conſider any thing anxiouſly. Dryden.
4. To mature any thing by care. B.Kun,

To BiiOOD. f. ſ. To cheriſh by care ; to hatch. Dryden.

BROOD. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Offspring ; progeny. Fairfax.
2. Generation. Addiſon.
3. A hatch ; the number hatched at once. Spectator.
4. Something brought forth ; aproduction. Shakʃpeare.
5. The act of covering the eggs, Shakſp.

BRO'OOy. a. [from brood.] In a ſtate of
fitting on the eggs. B.ay,

BROOK. ʃ. [tji.)C, Saxon.] A running water
; a rivulet. I.oike,

To BROOK. v. a. [bpucan. Sax.] To
bear ; to endure. i)Outh,

To BROOK. v.n. To endure ; to be content. Sidney.

BROOKLIME. ſ. [becaburfa, Lat.] Afoit
of water. SpteJivell.

BROOM. ʃ. [bpom, Saxon.] A ihrub
; a belom ſo called from the matter of which
it i« made. yirl.urhn«t.

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BRO'OMLAND. ʃ. [irswK and Isii^.] Land BRUISE. ſ. A hurt with ſomethinrr ^^lnt
that bears broorti, Mortimer. and heavv. L'lyaen.

BR'O'OMS TAFF. ʃ. The fiaff to which BRU'ISEWORT. ſ. Comfrey.
the hroom is bound.

BRO'OMY. a. [from LrocK.] Full of broom. Mortimer.

BROTH. ʃ. [bfi./g, Sax.] Liquour in which
fiL'/li i- bnled. SouthLn:e.

BROTHEL. - ? ʃ. [bordel, Fi.] A

BRO THELHOUSE. ^ bawdyhouſe.

BRO'THER. ʃ. [bprSrri, Saxon.] PIural,
brothers, or b>iti.'rcn,
1. One born of the ſame father or mother,
2. Any one cloſely united. Shakʃpeare.
3. Any one releinbling another in manner,
lorm, or profeſſion. Proverbs.
4. Brother is uſed, in theolcgical language,
tor TOAn in general.

BROTHERHOOD. ʃ. [from brother and
1. The ſtate or quality of being a brother.Shakʃpeare.

BRUIT. ʃ. [bruit, Fr.] Rumi>ur ; roife ; report. Sidney.

To BRUIT. ʃ^ a. [from the noun.] To
rep.nt ; to noiſe abroad,Raleigh.

ER.U'M.^L. ,T. [foiw^j/n, Lat.] Bel nging
to the winter. Brown.

BRUNETT. ʃ. [bruvetie, Fr.] A woman
with a brown complexion, yUadifon.

BRUNT. ʃ. [Irttrji, Dutch.]
1. Shock ; violence. South.
2. BIow ; rtroke. Hudibras.

BRUSH. ʃ. [brojle, Fr, from brufcus, Lat.]
1. An inſtrument for rubbing. StillingJicet.
2. Arudeafidult; a ſhock. Clartr.d'jn,

To BRUSH. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſweep or rub with a brufl). ShakeJp,
1. To ſtrilce with quickneſs. Spenſer, Pope. .
3. To paint with a brufli. Pope. .

To BRUSH. v. n.
1. To move with hafte. Priof.
2. To fly over ; to jkim lightly. Dryden.
Z- An aITociation of men for any purpoſe ; BRU'SHER. ſ. [from bruJJj.'^ He that uſes
a fraternity. Davies a bruſh. Bacon.
3. A claſs of men of the ſame kind,

2. [from brother.'^ NjIufach
as becomes or befeems
Den ham.
ad. After the manner of

ral to brothers :
a brother.

a br'jſher.

BROUGHT. [farti. paſſive of hnritr.] Knolles.

BROW. ʃ. [tHT''. Saxon.]
1. The arch of hair over the eye. Dryden.
2. The forehead. JFalur.
3. The general air of the countenance,Shakʃpeare.
4. The edge of any high place. [Fottoii,

To BROW. v. a. To be at the edge of.

BRU'SHWOOD. ʃ. [from brufo and wood.]
Rf.ugh, ſhrubby thickets. Dryden.

BRUSHY. a. [from bruſh.] Rough or
ſhaggy. Ii!:e a biuſh. Boyle.

To BRU'STLE. v. a. [bja-;pt'nn, Saxon.]
To crackle. Skinner.

BRU TAL. a. [brutal, Fr. from brute.]
1. That which belongs to a brute. L'Eſtrange..
2. Savage; cruel; Inhuman. Dryden.

BRUTA'LITY. ʃ. [brutalite, Fr.] Savagereſs
; churhſhneſs, Locke.

To BRUTA'LIZE. v.n, [brutalizer, Fr.]
To grow brutal or ſavage. Addiʃon.

To BRUTA'LIZE. v. a. To make brutal
or fava^e.

To BRO'WBEAT. v. a. [from hroia and BRU'TALLY. ad. [from brutal.] Churbcat.]
To depreſs with flern look. South.

ERO'WBQUND. a. Crowned. Shakʃpeare.

BRO'W.SICK. a. Dejeded. Suckling. Brown, a. [bj^un, Saxo;l.] The name
of a colour. Peachcim,

BRO'WNBILL. ʃ. The ancient weapon of
the Engliſh loot. - Hudibra^.

BRO'WNESS. ʃ. [from broicn.] A brown
colour. Sidney.

BRO'Vv^N STUDY. ʃ. [from bro%vn and
pdy.] Gloomy meditations. Norns,

To BROWSE. v.'a. [broujer, Fr.] To eat
branches, or ſhrubs. Sfether.

To BROWSE. v. n. To feed. Shakʃpeare. Black'vore.

BROWSE. ʃ. Branches, 'fit for the t^.od of
goats. Philips.

To BRUISE. v. a. [brifer, Fr.] To cru.li
er ip.aiigle with a heav^y blow. Mikot:,
iftly ; inhumanly

BRUTE. a. [brut:,.', Lat.]
1. Senfeleſs ; unconfcious
2. Savage ; irrational.
3. Rough ; ferocious,

BRUTE. }; Arbuthnot, Berkley.
Bolder. Pope.
A creature without reaſon. Milton.

BRU'TENESS. ʃ. [from brute.] Brutality. Spenſer.

To BR.U'TIFY. v. a. To make a man a
brute. Congreve,

BRU'TISH. a. [from brute.]
1. Beftial ; releinbling a beafi:,
2. Roupli ; ſavage ; ferocious, Gre'iU.
3. Groſs ; carnal. South.
4. Ignorant ; untaught. Hooker.

BRU'TISHLY. ad. [from irutiJJj.] In the
manner of a brute. a. Charles.

BRU'TISHNESS. ʃ. [from brutiſh.] Erur
Ulity ; ſavageneſs. Sprats

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BRyONY. ſ. [bryonla, Lat.] A plant.

BUB. ʃ. [a cant word.] Strong malt liqueur. Prior.

BU'BBLE. ʃ. [khile, Dutch.]
1. A rrridil bladder of water, Newton.
1. Any thing which wants foiidity and
firmneſs. Bacon.
3. A cheat ; a falſe ſhow. iiivtfi,
4. The perſon cheated. Prior.

To BU'BBLE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
rife in bubbles. To run with a gentle
noiſe. Dryden.

To BU'BBLE. v. a. To cheat. Md-.fon'.

BU'BBLER. ʃ. [from bubhli.] A cheat.

BU'BBY. ʃ. Aivoman'sbream Arbuitn't.

BU'BO. ʃ. [Qut.-2\.] The groin from the
bending of the thigh to the I'crotura ; all
tumours in that part are called buboes,

BURONOCE'LE. ʃ. [(3:iC>!v, and v^{\n.^^ A
particuUr kind of rupture, when the inteſtines
break down into the grom. Sharp,

BUCANI'ERS. ʃ. A cant word for the privateers,
or piratss, of America.

BUCK. ʃ.; [baucLe, Germ, fuds.]
1. The liquour in which cloaths are waſhed,Shakʃpeare.
2. The deaths waffled in the liquour.Shakʃpeare.

BUCK. ʃ. [bivch, Welch.] The male of
the fallow deer ; the male of rabbets, and
other animals, ' Peacham,

To BUCK. v. a. [from the noun.] To Waft
clothes. Shakʃpeare.

To BUCK. 1'. n. To copulate as bucks and
(Joes, Mortimer.

BU'CKBASKET. ʃ. The baf^et in which
cloaths are carried to the wadi. Shakſp.

BU'CKBE.^^N. ſ. A plant ; a ſort of tnfiil.

BU'CKET. ʃ. [haquet, Fr.]
1. The veſſel in which water is drawn out
of a well. Shakʃpeare.
2. The veſſels in which water is carried,
particularly to quench a fire. Dryden.

BU'CKLE. ʃ. [b^vccl, Welch.]
1. A link of metal, with a tongue or catch
made to faſten one thing to another. Pope. .
2. The ſtate of the hair criſped and curled.

To BU'CKLE. v. a.
1. To fallen with a buckle. Phllips.
2. To prepare to do any thing. Spenſer.
3. To join in battle. Hayward.
4. To confiae, Shakj'ftars,

To BU'CKLE. v. V. [backen, Germ.]
1. To bend ; to bow. Shakʃpeare.
^. To buckk tr. To apply to. Locke.
3. To buckle with. To engage with. Dryden.

BUC'KLER. ʃ. [^w.TV.'/jWelch.] A ſhield. Addiſon.


To BU'CKLER. v. a. [from the noun.] To
ſupport ; to defend. Shakʃpeare.

BU'CKMAST. ʃ. The fruit or mall of the
beeth tree,

BU'CKRAM. ʃ. [bougran, Fr.] A fort of
ſtrong linen cloth, fliffened with gum. Shakʃpeare.cipctirf,


BU'CKTHOilN. ʃ. A tree.

BUCO'LICK. a. Paſtoral.

BUD. ʃ. [bouton, Fr.] The firſt ſhoot of a
p!<int ; a gim. Pir.r.

To BUD. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To put forth young ſhoots, or gems.
2. To be in the bloom. Shakʃpeare.

To BUD. To a. To inoculate. 'JeinfJe,

To BUDGE. v. r. l^bouger, Fr.] To ſtir.Shakʃpeare.

BUDGE. a. Stiff; formal. Milton.

BUDGE. ʃ. The dreiled ilcin or fur of

BU'DGER. ʃ. [from the verb.] One that
moves or itirs.

BU'DGET. ʃ. [bogetf^, Fr.]
1. A bag ſuch as may be eaſily carried. £.:,
2. A Ucre, or ilock. L'-E/irm g-e,

BUFF. ʃ. [from buJ;li!o.]
1. Leather prepared from the ſkin of the
buffalo ; uſed for wa.R belts, pouches, Ciic. Dryden.
2. A military coat. Shakʃpeare.

To BUFF. v. a. [buſe, Fr.] Tolfrilie.

BUFFALO. ʃ. [Ital.] A kind of wild 'ox. Dryden.

BUTFET. ʃ. [buffetto, Ital.] A blow with
the fift. Dryden.

BUFFET. ſ. A kind of cupboard. Pope. .

To BU'FFET. ʃ. n. To box ; to bear. Oitc-y.

To BU'FFET. v.n. To play a boxicgmatch.Shakʃpeare.

BU'FFETER. ʃ. [from ^#^] A box-^r.

BU FFLE. ʃ. [be:'j]le, Fr.] The ſame with

To BUFFLE. v.n. [from the noun.] Ta
puzzle. 5ii'//;-.

BUFFLEHEADED. a. Dull ; ſtupid.

BUFFOON. ʃ. [buffon, Fr.]
1. A man whole prote<hon is to make
ſport, by low jeſts and antick pdlurts ; a
jackpudding. J-ftJtts,
2. A man that practiſes indecent raillerv,


BUFFO'ONERY. ʃ. [from buffoon.]
1. The prafticc of a buffoon, Locke.
2. L'Hvji'fls; ſcurrile mirth. Di<,dai.

BUG. ʃ. A (linking infect bred in n!d
houſtiold fluff. r pe.

BUG. ʃ. [bug, Welch.] Afrij-hMul

BU'GBEAR. I object; ; falſe terrou . Po)^,

BU'GGINESS. ʃ. [from buggy.] The ſtate
of being infected with bugs


Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com


BU'GGY. a. [from bug.] Abounding with

BU'GLE. ʃ. [from bujen. Sax.]

BU'GLEHORN. % A hunting h^in. -Iicketi,

BU'GLE. ʃ. A thining bead of black glaſs.

BU'GLE. ʃ. A plant.

BU GLOSS. The herb ox-tongue.

To BUILD. v. a. preccr. 1 hurt, I have built,
[hilden, Dutch.]
1. To make a fabrick, or an edifice. Hooker.
2. To -ra'.fe any thing on a ſupport or fouu-
Cation. Boyle.

To BUILD. v. n. To depend on ; to reſt
©n. Hooker.

BUILDER. ʃ. [from iuilJ.] He that builds ;
an architect. Denham.

BUl'LDING. ʃ. [from build.] A falri.k ; an C'iifice. Prior.

BUILT. ʃ. Txhe form ; the ſtruaure.

BULB. ʃ. [bulbus, Lat.] A round body, or
root. Evelyn.

BULBA'CEOUS. a. [bulbaceas, Lat.] The
fame with bulbous.

BU'LBOUS. a. [from bulb.] Containing
bulbs. Eveiya.

To BULGE. v. n.
1. To take in water ; to founder. Dryden.
3. To jut out. Moxon.

BL'LIMY. ʃ. .In enormous appetite.

BULK. ʃ. [bulk'. Dutch.]
1. Magnitude ; i\zi ;
quantity. Raleigh.
2. The groſi ; the majority. iSwift.
3. Main/abvick. Shakʃpeare.

BULK. ʃ. A part of a building jutting out. Arbuthnot.

BU'LKHEAD. ʃ. A partition made acroſs
a fli'p with boards. Harris.

BU'LKINESS. ʃ. [from bulky.] Greatneſs
of ilature, or ſize. Locke.

BU LKY. a. [from bulk.] Of great ſize or
flature. Dryden.

BULL. ʃ. [bulle, Dutch]
1. The male of black cattle. May.
2. In the ſcriptural ſenſe, an enemy powerful,
and violent. Pſaims,
3. One of the twelve fgns of the zodiack.
4. A letter publiſhed by thePope. , Atterbury.
5. A blunder. Pvfe.

BULL. in compoſition, generally notes large

BULL-BAITING. ʃ. [from /«//and bait.]
The ſport of baiting bulls with digs.

BULL-BEGGAR. ʃ. Something terrible.

BULL DOG. ʃ. A dog of a particular form,
remarkable for his courage. Addiſon.

BULL-HEAD. ʃ. [from bvU and head.]
1. A fiii-.u ielkw.

2. The name of a fiſh. Walton.

BULL-WEED. ʃ. Knapweed.

BULL-WORT. Biſhops-weed.

BU'LLACE. A wild four plum. Bacon.

BU LLET. ʃ. [boukt, fr.] A round bail of
metal. Knolles.

BU LLION. ʃ. [bdlon, Fr.] Gold or ſilver
in the lump unwrought. Locke.

BULLI' TION. ʃ. [from bullio, Lat.] The
act or ſtdte of bciſhng. Bacon.

BU'LLOCK. ʃ. [from bull.] A young bull.
« Temple.

BU'LLY. ʃ. A ncify, bluftering, quarrelling
fellow. yiddiſen.

To BU LLY. v. a. [from the noun.] To
overbear with noiſe or menace?. King.

BU'LRUSH. ʃ. [from bull and rup.] A
large tuſh. Dryden.

BU'LWARK. ʃ. [boltverckc, Dutch.]
1. A fortification ; a citadel. .Addiſon.
2. A ſecurity. Shakʃpeare.

To BU'LWARK. To fortify. Addiʃon.

BUM. ʃ. [bomme, Dutch.]
1. The part on which we lit. Shakʃpeare.
2. It is uſed, in compoſition, for any thing
mean or low, as bumbailiff.

BUMBA'ILLIFF. ʃ. [from bum and bailiff.]
A biſhff of the mtanelt kind ; one that is
employed in arrells, Shakʃpeare.

BUMBARD. ʃ. [bombard.]

BUMBAST. ʃ. [bomhafi.]

BUMP. ʃ. A ſwelling ; a protuberance. Dryden.

To BUMP. v. a. [from iflwiaj, Lat.] To
make a loud noiſe. Dryden.

BU'Ml'ER. ʃ. A cup filled. Dryden.

BU'MHKIN. ʃ. An awkward heavy ruſtick.


BU'MPKINLY. a. [from humhn.] Having
the manner or appearance of a ciown.

BUNCH. ʃ. [buncker, Daniſh.]
1. A hard lump ; a knob. Boyle.
2. A clufter, Shakʃpeare.
3. A number of things tied together.Shakʃpeare.
4. Any thing bound into a knot. Upevfer,

To BUNCH. v. ſt. To grow out in protub rances. Woodward.

BUNCfiBA'CKED. a. Having bunches on
the back.

BU NCHY. a. Growing into bunches.

BU'NDLE. ʃ. [by.>3!e, Sax.]
1. A number of things bound together.
1. Any thing rolled up cylindrically.
m Sfeflator,

To BU'NDLE. v. a. To tie in a bundle. Locke.

BUNG. ʃ. [birg, Wekh.] A flopple for a
barrel. Mortimer.

To BUNG. To flop.


BU'NGHOLE. ʃ. The hole at which the
barrel is fillea. Shakʃpeare.

To BU'NGLE. v. n. To perform clumfily. Dryden.

To BUNGLE. v. a. To botch ; to manage
clumfilv. Shakʃpeare.

BU'NGLE. ʃ. [from the verb.] A botch ; an awkwardneſs. Ra\'.

BUNGLER. ʃ. [LiL'tigler, Welch.] A bid
workman. Peathaw.

BU NGLINGLY. ad. Clumfily ; awkwafd-
]v. Eerjiey.

BUNN. ʃ. Akindof ſweetbread. Gjy.

BUNT. ʃ. An incieaſing cavity, Cartiu,

To BUNT. To (well out.

BUNTER. ʃ. Any low vulgar woman.

BU'NTING. ʃ. The name of a bird.Shakʃpeare.

BUOY. ʃ. [icue, or ioye, Fr. A piece o-f
cork or wood riuat;ng, tied to a weight. Pope.

To BUOY. v. a. To keep afloat. King Charles.

To BUOY. v. a. To float. Pope. .

BUO'VANCY. ʃ. [from buoyant.'^ The
quality of tioating. Denham.

BUO'YANT. a. Which will not ſink. Dryden.

BUR. ʃ. [bourre, Fr.] A tough head of a
plant. M'cttoT;,

BURBOT. ʃ. A fiſh full of prickles.

BU RDEL.AlS. ʃ. A ſort of grape.

BU'RDEN. ʃ. [bypSen, Sax.]
1. A load. Bacon.
1. Something grievous, Locke.
3. A birih. Shakʃpeare.
4. The verſe repeated in a ſong, Dryde«,

To BURDEN. v. a. To load ; to incumber.
Cor, viii,

BU'RDENER. ʃ. [from burden.'[A loader ;
an oppreſſour.

BU'RDENOUS. a. [from burden.]
1. Grievous; oppreſſive. Sidney.
2. Uſeleſs. Milton.

BU'RDENSOME. a. Grievous ; troubleſome. Milton.

BU RDENSOMENESS. ʃ. Weight ; unea.

BU RDOCK. ʃ. See Doc k .

BUREAU'. ʃ. [bureuu, Fr.] A ch^ft of
drawers. Swift.

BURG. ſ.See Burrow,

BU'RGAGE. ʃ. [from burg.] A tenure
proper to cities and towns. Hale.

BU'RGAMOT. ʃ. [bcrgamotts, Fr.] A ſpecies
of pear.

BURGANET. or Bur go net. [from bcurgmote,
Fr, ; A k.nd of helmet,Shakʃpeare.

[bourgeois, Fr.]
1. A citzen ; 4 oi.rgeſs. Addiſln.
2. A wpeof .1 1' rticular fiz'^,

EU'RGESS. ʃ. [lo.rgeoii, Fr.]
1. A ctizt;,! ; a frswTian yf a city.

3. A repreſentative of a town corporajf,

BURGH. A corporate town or burrow. '

BU'RGHER. ʃ. [from burgh.] One wh.»
has a right to certain privileges in this or
that place. Knolles, Locke.

BU'RGHERSHIP. ʃ. [from burgher.] The
prA'ilege of a burgher.

BU'RGLARY. ʃ. Robbing. houſeby night,
or breaking in with an intent to rob.

BUTxCOMASTER. ʃ. [from burg an.
mifter.] One employed in the government
of a city, Addiʃon.

BU'RIAL. ʃ. [from 1-0 /«ry.]
1. The act of burying ; ſepulture ; inter-
Wienr. Dryden.
2. The act of placing any thing under
e.rth. Bacon.
3. The church ſervice for funerals, Ayliffe.

BU'RIER. ʃ. [from bury.] He that buriey.Shakʃpeare.

BU'RINE. ʃ. [French.] A graving cool.
Government of the Tongue.

BU'RLACE. ʃ. [for burdJais. A fort of

To BURL. v. a. To dreſs cloth as fullers

BURLESQUE. a. [burhre, ItaJ. to jefl.]
Jocular ; tending to raiſe laughter, Addiſon.

BURLE'SQUE. ʃ. Ludicrous language. Addiʃon.

To BURLE'SQUE. v. a. To turn to ridicii'e. Broome.

BU'RLINESS. ʃ. Bulk ; blufler.

BU'RLY. a. Great of ſtature. Co-why.

To BURN. v. a. [bepnan, Saxon.]
1. To confume with fire. Sharps
2. To wound with fire. E^oaus,

To BURN. ʃ. n.
1. To be on fire. Rowe;
2. To be inflamed with paſſion. Shak/ſp.
2. To act as fire. IShakʃpeare.

BURN. ʃ. A hurt cauſed by fire, Boyle.

BU RNER. ʃ. [from bum.] A perſon that
burns any thing.

BU'RNET. ʃ. TiSe name of a plant.

BU'RNING. ʃ. State of inflammation.

BU'RNING-GLALS. ʃ. A glaff which collects
the rays of the fun into a narrow
compaſs, and io increaſes their force.

To BU'RNISH. v. a. [lurmr,Yi.] To poll
fii. Dryden.

To BU'RNISH. v. n. To grow bright or
glotTy. i\ciflm

To BU'RNISH. v. a. To grow.

D'-yder, CongrefC,

BU'RNrSKCR. ʃ. [from h-n'^.]
1. The perſon that burniſhes or poliſhes.
2. The
fe u s
t. The ta<-l with which bookbin>krs give
a gkil'i to the leaves of books ; it is comITiodly
a dog's tvoth feV in a ſtick.

BURNft. [pjrtiat. paj. of Ai/rf>.]
Burr. ʃ. The looe or lap ai the ear.

BU'RREL. r. A ''irt of pear.

BU'RREL Fly . Oxrty ; gadbee ; breeze.

BURREL S, bot. Small bullets, nails, ſtones,
dilcharf.ed out of the ordnance. Uartis,

BU'RROW. ʃ. [bujis, Saxon.]
1. A ctjrpcrato town, that is not a city,
but (uch as ſends burgefles to the parliairient.
A place ſc?ced or fortiiied. Temple.
1. The holes made in the ground by
conie.s. Shakʃpeare.

To BU'RROW. iJ.ti. To mine, as conies
or rahbite. Mortimer.

BU'RSAR. ʃ. [hrfariu!, Lat.] The treahirer
ot a college.

BURSE. ʃ. [^o»r/e, French ] An exchange
whpre merchants meet. Phillifs.

To BURST. f- n. I An.y? ; I have burjl, or
lurjlen. [bupj-tan, Saxon.]
1. To bnak, or fly open. Protierhi,
2. To fly aſunder. Shakʃpeare.
3. To break -away ; to ſpring-Pope. .
4. To come ſuddenly. Shakʃpeare.
5. To begin an action violently. Arbuſhmt.

To BURST. 1). a. To break ſuddenly ; to
make a auith and violent difvuption.

BURST. ʃ. A ſudden diſruption. M>hov\

BURST. ʃ. particip. a. diſeaſed with

BU'RSTEN. ʃ. a hernia or rupture.

BU'RSTNESS. ʃ. A rupture.

BU'RSTWORT. ʃ. An herb good againſt

BUP>.T. / A fiat M\ of the turbot kind.

BU'RTHEN. ʃ. See Burden.

BU'RY. ʃ. [from buj-.j. Sax.] A dwelling;.
p!aLe. PiiLips,

To BU'RY. v. a. [bypj^-an. Sax.]
1. To inter ; to put into a grave. Shakſp.
2. To inter with rites and ceremonies.
3. To conceal ; to hide. Shakʃpeare.

BUSH. ʃ. [b-at, Fr.]
1. A thick ſhrub. Spenſer.
2. A bough of a tree fixed up at a door,
to ſhow that liquors are fold there. Sh:ik.

To BUS^. v. a. [from the noun.] To
grow thick. Milton.

BU'SHEL. ʃ. [bo[[feau[Fr.]
1. A meaſure containing eight gallons ; a
Itrike. Shakʃpeare.
2. A large quantity. Dryden.

BU'SHINESS. ʃ. [inm hffjy-'l The quality
of being buſhv.

BU'SHMENT. ʃ. [from bufJ^.I A thicket.

BU'SHY. a. [from hujh.]
1. Thick i fuU of inaall branches. SflfSB.

1. Full of buſhes. DrydeHt

BU'SILESS. a. [fvomiafy.] At leiſure. Shakʃpearea

BU'SILY. ad. [from buſy.] With hurry ;
a£^ively. Dryden.

BU'SINESS. ʃ. [from huly.]
1. Employment ; multiplicity of affairs.
2. An affair. Shakʃpeare.
3. The ſubieifl of aſſion, Locke.
^ij. Serious engagement. Prior.
5. Right of action. TJEſtrange.
6. A matter of queſtion. Bacon.tk
7. To da one's buſineſs. To kill, deſtroy.
or ruin him.

BUSK. ʃ. [b'4<fue, Fr.] A piece of fleel
or whalebone, worn by Women to ſtrengtheh
their /lays. Donne.

BUSKIN. ʃ. [broſkiv, Dutch.
1. A kind of half boot ; a ſhoe whicji
comes to the midleg. Sidney.
2. A kind of high ſhoe wore by the ancient
actors of tragedy. Smith.

BU'SKINED. a. Dreſſed in buſkins. Milton.

BU'SKY. a. Woody. Shakʃpeare.

BUSS. ʃ. [bus, the mouth, Iriſh.]
1. A kifs ; a ſalute with the lips. Pope. .
2. A boat for fithing. [fvj]s, German.]

To BUSS. v. a. To kifs. Shakʃpeare.-.

BUST. ʃ. [buſto, Ital.] A ſtatue repVefenting
a man to his breaſt. yiddfortt

BU STARD. ʃ. [bijiarde, French.] A wild
turkey. Maiswel/,

To BU'STLE. v. «. To be buſy ; to flir. Clarendon.

BU'STLE. ʃ. [from the verb.] A tumult, ;
a hurry. South.

BU'STLER. ʃ. [from b^Pe.] An active
flirring man.

BU'SY. a. [t-yrsun, Saxon.]
1. Emphyed with earneſtneſs. Knolles.
2. Boftling ; aflive ; meddling. Davies.

To BU'SY. v. a. To employ ; to engage.
DiCay of Piety.

BU'SYBODY. ʃ. A vain, meddling, fantaſticai
perſon. lay or,

BUT. corjuna. [bute, buican. Sax.]
1. Except. Baconat
2. Yet ; nevertheleſs. Bacem,
3. The particle which introduces the minor
of a ſyllogiſm ; now, Bramhall,
4. Only ; nothing more than. Ben. Joinſon.
c. Thdn. Guardian.
6. But that. Dryden.
7. O'.herwile than that. Hooker.
8. Not otherwiſe thaft. Dryden.
9. By any other means than, Shakſp.
10. If it were not for this. Shakʃpeare.
11. However; howbeit. Dryden.
J2. Otherwiſe than. Shakʃpeare.
13. Even; not longer ago than. Lf>cke,
14. Yet it may be objeded. Berkley.
i5. But
i;. But for; had not this been. Waller.
But. ſ. [bout, French.] A boundary. Holder.

BUT. ʃ. [In fea. language.] the end of
any plank which joins to another. Harris.

BUT-END. ʃ. The blunt end of any thing. Clarendon.

BU'TCHER. ʃ. [boucher, Fr.]'
1. One that kills animals to ſells their fleſh.
1. One that is delighted with blood. Locke.

To BUTCHER. v. a. To kill ; to murder. Shakſp.

BU'TCHER'S-BROOM. or Kneeholl'y.

BU'TCHERLINESS. ʃ. [from but.htrly.'.
A butcherly manner.

BU'TCHERLY. a. [from iutcher.] Cruel ;
bloody ; barbarous. /ijcham,

1. The trade of a butcher. Pope.
2. Murder ; cruelty, Shakʃpeare.cffeari,
3. The place where blood is ſhed. Shak.

BUTLER. ʃ. [bouteiller, Fr.] A fervant
employed in furnithing the table. Swift.

BUTLERAGE. ʃ. The duty upon wines
imported, claimed by the king's butler. Bacon.

BUTMENT. ʃ. [aboutemtnt, Fr.] That
part of the arch which joins it to the upright
pier. Wotfun,

BUTT. ʃ. [tut, Fr.]
1. The place on which the mark to be
ſhot at is placed. Dryden.
2. The point at which the endeavour is
directed. Shakʃpeare.
3. A man upon whom the company break
their jeſts. Sffctator.
4. A ſtroke given in fencing. Prior.

BUTT. ʃ. A veſſel ; a barrel containing
one hundred and twenty-fix gallons of wine.Shakʃpeare.

To BUTT. v. a. To ſtrike with the head. Wotton.

BUTTER. ʃ. [butte|ie, Saxon.] An
undluous ſubſtance made by agitating the
cream of milk, till the oil ſeparates from
the whey.

to BUTTER. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſmear, or oil with butter. Shak.
2. To encreaſe the Aakes every throw. Addiʃon.

BUTTERBUMP. ʃ. A fowl ; the bittourn.

BUTTERBUR. ʃ. A plant.

BUTTERFLOWER. ʃ. A yellow flower
of May. Cav.

BUTTERFLY. ʃ. [buttppple^e, Saxon']
A beautiful infeſt. Spenſer.

BUTTERIS. ʃ. An inſtrument of ſteel
uſed in paring the foot of a hnrfe.

BUTTERMILK. ʃ. The whey that is ſeparated
from the cream when butter is made.

BUTTERPRINT. ʃ. A pie«e of carved
wood, uſed to maik butter, Lmke,

BUTTERTOOTH. ʃ. The great broaa

BUTTERWOMAN. ʃ. A woman that fe.h

BUTTERWORT. ʃ. A plant ; fanicle.

BUTTERY. a. Having the appearance or
qualities of butter. Flayer,

BUTTERY. ʃ. [from l>ufter.] The room
where provisions are laid up. Biatnpjlon,

BUT TOCK. ʃ. The rump ; the part neac
the tail. Knolles.

BUTTON. ʃ. [botiion, Welch.]
1. Any knob or ball. Boyle.
7. The bud of a plant. Shakʃpeare.

BUTTON. ʃ. The fea-urchln. Ainsworth.

To BUTTON. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To dreſs ; to cioath. fVottorim
2. To fdfien With buttons.

BUTTONHOLE. ʃ. The lo-p in wKich
the button of the cloaths is caught.

BUTTRESS. ʃ. [from ahoytir, Fr.]
1. A prop ; a wall built to ſupport another. Bacon.
4. A prop ; a ſupport. South.

to BU' TTRESS. v. a. To prop,

BUTWINK. ʃ. The name of a bird.

BUTYRA'CEOUS. a. [butyrum, Lat. butter.]
Having the qualities of butter.

BUTVROUS. a. Having the properties of
butter. Floyerm

BU'XOM. a.
1. Obedient ; obſequious. Milton.
2. Gay ; lively ; bri/Ic. Crajhaiv.
3. Wanton ; ; 'lly. Dryden.

BU'XOMLY. ad. [from buxom.] Wantonly
; amorouſly.

BU'XOM NESS. ʃ. [from buxom.] Wantonneſs
; amorouſneſs.

To BUY. v. a. preter. I bought ; I have
bought, [birjean. Sax.]
1. To purchafe; to acquire by payings
price, .Addiſcr,
2. To manage by money. South.

To BUY. v. n. To treat about a purchafe. Shakʃpeare.

BUYER. ʃ. He that buys ; a purchafer. Wotton.

To BUZZ. v. V. [bixzen, Teut.]
1. To hum ; to make a noiſe like bees.
2. To whiſper; to prate. Shakʃpeare.

To BUZZ. v. a. To ſpread ſecretly. affc-Wg^,'

BUZZ. ʃ. A hum ; a whiſper ; a talk. Addiſcti,

BU'ZZARD. ʃ. [bward, Fr.]
1. A degenerate or mean ſpecies of hawk. Dryden.
2. A blockhead ; a dunce, Ajcham,

BU ZZER. ʃ. [fi»m iuxx.] A ſecret whiſpercr. Shakʃpeare.

BY. prep. [H, hs. Saxon.]
1. it notft'xhe silent. Lcikt. ^ .. It
2. It notes the inſtruirjCnt, Dryden.
3. It notes the cauſe. Addiſon.
4. It notes the means by which any thing
is performed. Shakʃpeare.
5. It ſhows the manner of an adln n, Dryden.
6. It has a ſignification, noting the method
in which any ſucceffive action is performed. Hooker, Knolles.
7. It notes the quantity had at one time. Locke.
8. At, or in; noting place. Bacon.
9. According to. Bacon.
10. According to ; noting proof. Berkley.
11. After ; noting imitation or conformity.
32. From ; noting judgment or token.
33. It notes the fum of the difference between
two things compared. Locke.
34. Not later than ; noting tiAie. Sy&^n/ff.
34. Beſide ; noting paſſage. Addiſon.
36. Beſide; near to ; in prefence ; noting
17, Before himſelf, it notes the abience of
ail' others. y^Jcham,
35. It is the fdemn form of ſwearing. Dryden.
39. At hand. Boyle.
20. Ii: is uſed in forms of obtening. Smib.
21. By proxy of; noting fuofiituiioo. Broome.
22. In the ſame direction with; Gmv.

BY. ad.
1. Near ; at a ſmall diſtancee. Dryden.
2. Beſide ; paIT;ng. Shakʃpeare.
3. In prefence. Sidney.

BY AND BY. In a ſhort time. Sidney.

BY. ʃ. [from the prepoſition.] Some'hir,.
nut the direct and immediate objeil of
regard. Bacon, Boyle. Dryden.U

BY. in compoſition, implies ſomething out
of the direct way.

BY-GOVERNMENT. ʃ. An affair which
is not the main buſineſs.

BY-END. ʃ. Private intereſt \ ſecret advantage.


BY-GONE. a. [a Scotch word.] Paft.Shakʃpeare.

BY-LAW. y. B\^-hiui are orders made for
the cood of thoſe that make them, farther
than the publick law binds. dtvef,

BY-NAME. ʃ. A nicknam.e. Can:den.

BY-PATH. ʃ. A private or obſcure path. Shakʃpeare.

BY-RESPECT. ʃ. Private end or view. Dryden.

BY-ROOM. ʃ. A private room witmn.Shakʃpeare.

BY SPEECH. ʃ. An incidental or caſual
ſpeech. Hooker.

BY STANDER. ʃ. A looker on ; one unconcerned. Locke.

BY-STREET. ʃ. An obſcure ſtreet. Gay.

BY-VIEW. ʃ. Private felf-intereſted purpoſe. Atterbury.

BY-WALK. ʃ. A private walk ; not the
i-'iiin road. Broome.

BY-WAY. ʃ. A private and obſcure way ; Spenſer, Herbert.

BY-WEST. , Weſtward ; to the weſt of. Davies.

BY-WORD. ʃ. A faying ; a proverb. Atterbury.

BYE. ʃ. Dwelling. - Gihfir,

BY'ZANTINE. See Bizantine.