About The Joy of English

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English
1756 – online edition

This online version of Johnson's Dictionary (1756) was put together by whichenglish.com and the author of The Joy of English.

It was produced by combining OCR and sophisticated GREP, in addition to pure, time-consuming search-and-replace grunt for formatting and clean-up. It is by no means a clean, perfect text reproduction (yet) but it is an ongoing project. The sheer volume of code behind these pages (137,000 lines of code) means that there is only so much one man can do. The overall integrity of the contents of the dictionary is here.

A few notes about this online version of the dictionary. First, it is not perfect. Most of the 47,000 headwords will be highlighted in bold and each definition in separate p-tags. Many did not succeed during conversion and the sheer volume of entries prohibits be from doing them all manually one by one. Second, not every word came out accurately in the OCR process and so many definitions will have garbled words and entries. Again, the volume here means that the time it would take to fix manually would be enormous. At present it is not just feasible for one person (me) to clean up. Third, not ALL of the entries ARE actually garbled. This is because the spelling of the 1700s was different from what we recognize today. The most notable difference here is the letter s, printed at the time as ſ because it is a long s. So, instead of appearing as sensual. Samuel Johnson's Dictionary rendered it as ſenſual. So these are not mistakes – it just takes a little getting your head round it.

Today's letter s was at the time of printing Johnson's Dictionary typically rendered ſ. So, sounds looks on these pages as ſounds, English looks like Engliſh. This is not mistake. Equally italic long s looks like Shakʃpeare in the word Shakespeare.

English long s

As you can see from these 18th-century chiselled gravestones, the f (left) and long s (right, between i and h) are distinctly different. So, please don't be offended if you see ſuck, it is merely 18th-century suck.


Anyway, I hope you enjoy browsing. Jesse.


This page last updated: 20 October 2014



M. Has, in Engliſh, one unvaried ſound,
by compreſſion of the lips ; as,

MACAROONE. ʃ. [macaronte, Italian.]
1. A coarſe, rude, low fellow ; whence
macaronick poetry.
2. A kind of ſweet biſcuit, made of flower,
almonds, eggs, and ſugar.

MACA'W-TREE. ʃ. A ſpecies of the palmtree.

MACA'W. ʃ. A bird in the Weſt Indies.

MACE. ʃ. [mazza, Sax. mafa, Spaniſh.]
1. An enſign of authority worn before migiſtrates. Spenſer.
2. [Maſſue, French ; maſſa, Latin.] A
heavy blunt weapon ; a club of metal. Knolles.
3. [Macis, Latin.] A kind of ſpice. The
nutmeg is incloſed in a threefold covering,
of which the ſecond is mace. Hill,

MACEA'LE. ʃ. [mace and ale.] Ale ſpiced
with mace. Wiſeman.

MA'CEBEARER. ʃ. [maeeand bearer.] One
who carries the mace. Spectator.

To MA'CERATE. v. a. [rracero, Latm.]
1. To make lean ; to wear sway. Harvey.
2. To mortify ; to harraſs with corporal
^ardſhip?. Burton.
3. To Oeep almoſt to folution, either with
Or without heat, Arbuthnot.

MACEKA'TION. ʃ. [from macerate.]
1. The act of wafting, or making lean.
2. Mortification; corporal hardſhip.
3. Maceration is an infuſion either with
or without heat, wherein the ingredients
are intended to be almoſt wholly diſfolved.

MA'CHINAL. a. [from machiha, Latin.]
Relating to machines.

To MA'CHINATE. v. a. [machinor, Lat.]
To plan ; t'l contrive,

MACHINa'TION. ʃ. [machinatio, Latin.]
Artifice ; contrivance; malicious ſcheme.
Sandy!. Spratt.

MACHrNE. ʃ. [machina, Latin ; machine.
1. Any complicated piece of worknnanſhip.
s. An engine. Dryden.
3. Supernatural agency in poems. Pope.

MACHI'NERY. ʃ. [from machtne.]
1. Enginery ; complicated woikmanſhip,
2. The machine>y ſignifies that part which
the deities, angels, or demons, act in a
poem. Pope. .

MA'CHINIST. ʃ. [machinifie, French.] A
conſtriiſtor of engines or machines.

MA'CILENCY. ʃ. [from vacUent.] {^SAaneſs.

MA'CILENT. a. [wji<:/7«/wi, Latin. f Lean.

MA'CKF.REL. ʃ. [mac^eretj, Dutt^i.] A
fe3-fiſh. Gay.

MA'CKERELGaLE. a. ſtrong breeze. Dryden.

MA'CROCOSM. ʃ. [fxa^tfo; and Wssr/zo? ]
The whole world, or viſible fyftem, in oppofltioH
to the microcoſm, or world of man.

MACTA'TION. ʃ. [maHatus, L^un.] The
act of killing for ſacrifice.

MACULA. ʃ. [Latin.]
1. A ſpor. Burnet.
2. [In phyſick.] Any ſpots upon the ſkin,
whether thoſe in fevers or ſcorbutick habits.

To MACULATE. v. a. [mjcu.'o, Lit'in.]
To ſtiin ; to ſpot.

MACULA'TION. ʃ. [from macuhfe.] Stim ; ſpot ; taint. Shakʃpeare.

MA'CULE. ʃ. [macula, hiUn.] A ſpot ; a ftain.

MaD. a. [jemaad, Saxon.]
1. Diſordered in the mind ; broken in the
underſtanding ; diſtracted. Taylor.
2. Over-run with any violent or umeafonahie
deſire. Rymer.
3. Enraged ; furiou?. Decay of Piety.

To MAD. v. a. To make mad ; to make
furious; to enrage. Sidney.

To MaD. v. n. To be mad ; to be furious. Milton.

MAD. ʃ. [maXu, Saxon.] An earth worm. Ainsworth.

MA'DAM. ʃ. [ma dame, French, my
dame.] The term of compliment uſed in
addreſs to ladies of every degree. Spenſer. Phillips.

MA'DBRAIN. v. a. [mad and brain.]

MA'DBRAINED. ʃ. Diſordered in the
mind ; hotheaded. Shakʃpeare.

MA'DCAP. ʃ. A madman ; a wild hotbrained
fellow, Shakʃpeare.

To MADDEN. v. n. [from mad.] To become
mad ; to act as mad. Pope. .

To MA'DDEN. ʃ. a. To make mad.

MA'DDER. ʃ. A plant.

MADE. participle preterite of make. J^bn,

MADEFA'CTION. ʃ. [madefacioy Latin.]
The z€t of making wer. Bacon.

To MA'DEFV. v. a. [n:adefio ^hiKin.] 'To
moiſten ; to make wet.

MADGEHOWLET. ʃ. An owl. ^/Vw.

MA'DHOUSE. ʃ. [madzn6ho,fe.] A houſe
where madmen are cured or confined. L'Eſtrange.

MA'DLY. ad. [from mad.] Without underſtanding. Dryden.

MA'DMAN. ʃ. [mad !^nd man.] A man deprived
of his underſtanding.
LEſtrcirge. South.

MA'DNESS. ʃ. [from mad.]
1. Diſtraction ; loſs of underſtanding ; perturbation
of the focultius. Locke.
2. Fury; wildneſs ; rage. King Charles.

MADRI'ER. ʃ. A thick pUnk armed with
iron plates, having a cavity ſuſſicient to
xective the ir.outh of the pcurd when
charged, with which it is applied againſt a
gate Bailey.

MA'DRIGAL. ʃ. [madrigal, Spiwdiini Fr.]
A p.-\rtorai ſong. Dryden.

MA'DWORT. /. [madaniii'ort.] An herb.

MAE'<E. ad. It is derived from the Saxon
mrji, famous, great. Gibſon.

To MATFLE. I. ;r. To ſtammsr. Amftv.

MAFFLER. ʃ. [from the verb.] A ſtammerer,
A nſworth,

MAGAZINE. ʃ. [magjzin?, French.]
1. A ſto.-ehouſ?, commooly an arfenal or
armoury, or repoficory of proviſions. Pope. .
2. Of late this word has ſignified a mifceU
laneous pamphlet, from a periodical mifcellany
named the Gentleman's Magazine,
by Edward Cave.
Mage. ſ. [mjgus, Latin.] A magician. Spenſer.

MA'GGOT. ʃ. [ma«u, Saxon.]
1. A ſma!l grub which turns into a fly. Ray.
2. Whimfy ; caprice ; odd fancy. Arbuthnot.

MA'GGOTTINESS. ʃ. [from maggotty.]
Tfte ſtate of abounding with maggots.

MA'GGOTTY. ad. [from maggot.]
1. Full of maggots.
2. Capricious ; whimfical. Njrris,

MA GICAL. ʃ. [from migick.] Ading, or
performtd by ſecret and mvihble powers. Dryden.

MAGICALLY. ad. [from magical.] Accordint ;
to the rites of magick. Camden.

MA'GICK. ʃ. [magia, L^im]
1. The art of putting in action the piwer
of ſpirit;. Rogers.
2. The ſecret operations of natural powers, Bacon.

MA'GICK. a. Incantating; necromantick.

MAGI'CIAN. ʃ. [magicus, Latin.
; One ſkilled in magick ; an enchanter ; a ne.
cromancer, Locke.

MAGIShakſp.RIAL. a. [from w^^/y?^'-, Lat.]
1. Such as fui s a mjfte.'. KmgChar.'es,
2. Lofty ; arrogant} proud ; inſolent
; deſpotick. South.
3. Chemically prepared, after the manner
of a magif^erv. Grew.

MAGISTE'RIALLY. ad. [from magijlerijl.]
Arrogantly. South.

MAGISTE'RIALNEESS. ʃ. [from magi-
Jicrial.] Haughtineſs ; airs of a mafter.
Goverment of the Tongue.

MAGISTERY. ʃ. [magtflerium,\^-\r.] Magiperf
is a term made uſe of by chemi.ts to
f^gnify fom£tim«s a very fine powder, and
ſometimes refios and re/inous ſubſtances ; but the genuine acceptation is that preparation
of any body, wherein the whole,
or moſt p:irt^ is, by tbs addition of foms
4. F .hat.
what, changed Into a body of quite another
kind. ^ircy, Boyle.

MA'GISTRACY. ʃ. [imig^jiratus, Latin.]
Office or digoity of a magiſtrate. Ben. Johnson.

MA'GISTRALLY. ad. [tnagiſtrabf, i w
Latin.] EJeſpotically ; authoritatively ;
magiftenally. B ſhop Bramhal.

MA'GISTRATE. ʃ. [^r^^/^r^w, Latr; ]
A man publickly invelled with authority ;
a govei nur. Decc!,y of Piety.

MAGNAUTY. ʃ. [mag^alia. Latin.] A
great thing ; Ibmething above the common
rate. Brown.

MAGNANI'MITY. f. [inagnanmtn, Lat.]
Greatneſs of mind ; bravery ; ek vation of
foul. Spenſer, Swift.

MAGNA'NIMOUS. a. [mag«amwus, Lat.]
Great of mind ; elevated in ſentiment
; brave. Grew.

MAGNA'NIMOUSLY. aJ, [from m<2gnastimous^]
Bravely ; with greatneſs of mind.

MA'GNET. ʃ. [wa^w^j, Latin.] Theiodeſto e ; theii ne thatattracts iron, Dryden.

MAGNE'TICAL. ʃ. . ,t

1. R-l:.ting to die magnet. Newton.
2. Hwing powers correſpondent to tht.le
of the magnet. Newton.
3. Attr<idtive; having the power to draw
thines diſtant. Donne.
4. Mjgnetick is once uſed by WLliun for

MA'GNETISM. ʃ. [from x^.^gnet.] Power
of the Jodeltoiie
5 power of auraction. Glanville.

MAGNIFI'ABLE. a. [from m^gfify.] To
be extolled or praiſed, Unuſual Brown.

MAGNI FICAL. ʃ. a. [magni/icus, Latin.]

MAGNI'flCK. ʃ. [Uuflnousi grand.
1 Chron.

MAGNITICENCE. ʃ. [magwficentia.hzt..
Gr^nd.-ur <f appearance ; ſple^^dour. Milton.

MAGNIFICENT. a. [magnijicus, Latin.]
1. G> and in appearance ; I'piendid
5 pomp.'

US. }iuditon.
7. Fond of ſplendour ; fetting greatneſs to
ſhow- Sidney.

MAGNI'FICENTLY. ad. [from msgmfi.
cent. I t^jmpolifly ; ſplendidly. Grew.

MA'GNIFICQ. ʃ. [Italian.] A grandee of
Ve.nce, Shakʃpeare.

MA'GNIFIER. ʃ. [from magnify.]
1. One that praiſes ; an encomiafl; an
extoller. Brown.
2. A glaſs that encreaſes the bulk of any
3. To raiſe in pride or pretenſion. Dan.
4. To encreaſe the bulk of any objea to
the eye. Locke.

MAGNITUDE. ʃ. [magnitudo, Latin.]
1. Grcatnei's
; grandeur. Milton.
2. Comparative bulk. Raleigh, Newton.

MA'GPIE. f. Iſtomfie, and mjg, contracted
from Margaret.] A bird ſometimes taught
to talk. Peacham.

MAGYDARE. ʃ. [magudaris, Latin.] An
herb. Ainſworth.

MAID. ʃ. r r ^ o T

MA'IDEN. ʃ. ^' C^^^' ma^stoen. Sax.]
1. An unmarried woman ; a virgin. Dryden.
7. A woman fervant. Prior.
3. Female.

MAID f. A ſpecies of ſkate fiſh.

1. Conſiſting of virgins. Addiſon.
2. Freſh ; new ; unuſed ; unpolluted.Shakʃpeare.

MA'IDES'HAIR. ʃ. [matden nn^ hair.] A
plant. Peachanio


MA'IDENHODE. ( ʃ. [from 772a;den.]

1. Virginity ; virgin purity; freedom from
contamination, Fairfax, Shakſp, Milton.
2. Newneſh ; freſhneſs ; uncontaminated
ſtate, Wotton.

MA'IDENLIP. ʃ. An herb. Jinjworth,

MAIDENLY. a. [maiden and like.] Like a
maid ; gentle, modeſt, timorous, decent,Shakʃpeare.

MAIDHOOD. ʃ. [from maid.] Virginity.Shakʃpeare.

MA'IDMARIAN. ʃ. [puer ludius,LM\n.]
A kind of dance. Ten.ple,

MA'IDPALE. a. [maid and paie.] Pale like
a ſick virgin. Shakʃpeare.

MAIDSE'RVANT. ʃ. A female fervant. Swift.

MATE'oTICAL. ʃ. ^c a ^ I ^ ^ [from inaj(Jiy.]

To MA GNIFY. v. a.
1. To make great ;
amplify ; to ^xtoi.
[tKagniJjco, Latin.]
to exaggerate ; to Bacon.
]. To exalts to elevate ; to raiſe
jration^ Milnri-,

1. Auguſt ; having dignity ; grand ; imperial. Denham.
2. Siately ; pompous ; ſp'endid. Hooker.
3. Sublime ; elevated ; lofty. Dryden.

MAJESTICALLY. ad. [from m^jejlical.]
With digiJiiy ; wi'h grandeur. Cran'vilie.

M'AJESTY. ʃ. [Tnajepas, L^^tm.]
1. Dignity ; grandeur ; greatneſs of appearance, Milton.
2. Power ; ſovereignty. Dar,iel.
3. Dignity ; elevation. Dryden.
4. The title of kings and queens.Shakʃpeare.

MAIL. ʃ. [Kail'.e, French.]
3. A coat of fletl network worn for defence. Fairfax.
2. Any arm car. Gay.

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3. A poſtnian's buodle; a bag.

To MAIL. v. a. To arm dcſenſively ; to
cover, as with armour. Shakʃpeare.

To MAIM. v. a. [mekaigner, to maim, old
Fren.] To deprive of any neceſſary part; to cripple by loſs of a limb. Shakʃpeare.

MAIM. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Privation of ſome eHeiiti.!! part ; lameneſs,
produced by a wound or amputation. Hooker.
2. Injury ; miſchief. Shakʃpeare.
3. E.Tential defe>fl. Hayward.
Main. a. [magne, old French.]
f. Principal ; chief i leading. Hooker.
2. Violent ; ſtrong ; overpowering ; vaft.Shakʃpeare.
3. Groſs ; containing the chief part.
^b^ke'p are,
4. ITiportant ; forcible. Daiies,
Main. ſ. .
1. The groſs ; the bulk ; the greater part. Locke.
2. The fum ; the whole ; the general. King Charles.
3. The ocean. Prior.
4. Violence ; force, Hudibras.
5. A h-ind at dire, Shakʃpeare. Dorfet,
6. The continetit. Bacon.
7. A hamper. JI tficorth.

MA'iNLAND. ʃ. [main ?, and land.] Conti.
nent. Spenijtr.

MA'INLY. ad. [from main.]
1. Chiefly ; principally. Woodward.
2. Greatly ;
powerfully. Bacon.

MA'INMAST'. ſ. [main and moj}.] The
chief or middle maft. Dryden.

MAINPERNABLE. a. Bailable ; that may
be admitted to give ſurety.

MAINPERNOR. ʃ. Surety ; bail. Daniel.

MA'INPRISE. ʃ. [mainandpris, French.]
Deliviry into the cuſtody of a friend^ up'
ſecurity given f >r appearance. Daiiet.

To MA'INf»R!SE. 1', a. To bail.

MA'iNSAIL. ʃ. [rr.a:n and;^//.] The fail
of the mair.maſh y^&s,

MA'INSHIET. ʃ. [maimt)dJJje^t] The
ſheet or f.-il of the mainmaft. Dryden.

MA'INYARD. ʃ. [mam and yard.] The
yard of rh; mainmail. Arbuthnot.

To MAINTA'IN. v. a. [maintenir, French.]
1. To preſerve ; to keep. Harviy.
2. To defend ; to hold out ; to make g. od.
3. To vindicate ; tojufiify. Shakʃpeare.
4. To ) continue ; to keep up. Dryden.
5. To keep up ; to ſupporl the expence of.Shakʃpeare.
6. To ſupport with the conveniences of
li'V. South.
7 To preſerve from failure. B'jcl-more,

To MAINTA'IN. v. a. To ſuppoit by argument
; to afTat Bs a tenet. VrjdcK,
xM A K

Maintainable, a. [from maintain.]
D.-^fcnfJhle ; jwftihable. t^ayward,

MAINTAINER. ʃ. [from maintain ; Supporter
; f her ſht-r. i>f>enſert

MAINTENANCE. ʃ. [maintenanty Fr.]
1. Supply of the nect-fT-nes of life ; fuftenance
; fuftentati'jn. Hooker.
2. Support ; protection ; defence. Spenſer.
3. Contiouance; ſecurity from failure. South.

MA'INTOP. ʃ. [main and top.] The top of
the mainmaft. Addiſon.

MA'JOR. a. [w/r^r, Latin.]
1. Greater in number, quantity, or extent. Hooker.
2. Greater in dignity. Shakʃpeare.

MA'JOR. ʃ.
1. The officer above the captain.
2. A mayor or head officer of a towrt.
3. The firſt proportion of a ſyllogiſm,
containing fr.me generality. Boyle.
4. Ma-}ov.- gen ral. The general officer
of the ſecond rank. Tatler.
5. Major-^o/to. One who holds occa«.
fiOT^Hv the place of mafter of the houſe.

MAJORA'TION. ʃ. [from majcr.] Encreaſe
; enlargement. Bacon.t,

MAjO'RITY. ʃ. [from Kajor.]
I- The ſtate of being greater. Greta,
2. The greater number. Addiſon.
3. Anceſtry. Brown.
^i Full age ; end of minority. Davies.
5. Firſt rank. Shakʃpeare.
C» The office of a maj^r.

MAIZE. or Iridi.^n fVheaf. ſ. Miller.

To MAKE. z\a. [macan, Saxon ; machen,
Ger.'nan ; maken, Dutch.]
1. To create. Geneſis.
2. To f.rm of materials. Hooker.
3. To compoſe : as, materials or ingredients. Waller.
4. To form by art what is not natural. Spenſer.
5. To produce as the agent. Hooker.
6. To produce as a cauſc. Ptont,
7. To do; to perform ; to practiſe ; to uſe. Luke.
8. To cauſe to have any quality. Clarenden.
9. To bring into any ſtate or condition. Locke.
10. To form ; to ſettle. Rowe.
11. To hold ; to keep. Dryden.
12. To ſtcure from diſtreſs ; to eftablifl.
in riches <r happineſs. Shakʃpeare.
13. To ſuffer ; to incur. Dryden.
14. To commit. Sh,^k.jp-atet
15. To compel ; to force ; to condram. Locke.
; 6. To intend ; to purpoſe to do. Dryden.
17, To raiſe as profit from any thing.Shakʃpeare.
4. F » i3. To

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to arrive at. Dryden, Milton.
to gain by force. Tetr.pU. Luke.
32. To Make away.
39, To gam.
20. To force ; 21. To exhibit.
22. To pay ; to give.
a3. To put ; toplatei. Bacon.
24. To turn to ſome uſe. Dryden.
25. To inclins; todiſpoſe. Brown.
a6. To prove as an argument. Hooker.
27. To repreſent ; to ſhow. Baker.
s8. To tonflitute. Locke.
29. To amount to. Gal.
30. To mould ; to form. Bacon.
31. To Make tixvay. To kill; to deſtroy. Sidney.
To transfer.
33. To Make account. To reckon; to
believe. Bacon.
34. To Make account of. To eftcem ; to
35. To M^ViJ-frtewith. To treatwithout
ceremony. Dur.ciaJ.
36. To Make good. To maintain; to
defend; tojuſtify. Knolles.
37. To Make good. To fulfil; to accompliſh.Shakʃpeare.
38. To Make light of. To ton/ider as of
no conſequence. Matibciv.
39. To Make lovs. To court; to play
ihe gallant. ^iddiſon,
40. To Make merry. To feaſt ; to partake
I f an entertainment. Shakʃpeare.
41. To Make much of. To cheriſh ; to
42. To Ma kt. of.
how to underſtand.
43. To Make of.
44. To Make of.
count ; to eſteem.
45. To Make of. To cheriſh
46. To Make O'ver.
hands of truſtecr.
47. To Make over.
What to make of, is. Addiſon.
To produce from ; to. Addiſon.
To conſider ; to ac-. Dryden.
to ſofter. Knolles.
ſettle in the. Hudibras.
To transfer. Hammond.
4S. To Make cut. To cleai ; to explain
; to clear to one's felt. Arbuthvot.
49. To Make out. To prove; to evince. Locke.
50. To Make Jure of. To conſider as
certain. Dryden.

CI. oMAKzfure of To ſcture to one's
56. To Make I//). To ſhape. Arbuthnot.
57. To Make up. To ſupply ; to repair,
58. To Make up. To clear. Rogers.
59. To Make up. To i»ccompliſh ; to
conclude ; to complete. Locke.

To MAKE. v.n.
1. To tend; to travel; to go anyway; to tuſh. Shakʃpeare.
2. To contribute. H-iiift,
3. To operate ; to act as a proof or argument,
or cauſe,
4. To concur. Hooker.
5. To ſhow ; to appear ; to carry appearance. Arbuthnot.
6. To Make away with. To deſtroy ; to
kill. Addisſon.
7. To MAKE/or. To advantage ; to favour. Bacon.
8. To Make up. To compenfate ; to be
inflead. 6tvift,

MAKE. f. [from the verb-] Form; ſtructure
; nature. G/tJt.ville,

MAKE. f.
[maca, Saxon.] Companion. Ben. Johnſon.

MA'KEBATE. ʃ. [tr.ake and delate.] Breeder
of quarrels. Kiidney,

MAKER. ʃ. [from make.]
1. The Creator. Milton.
2. One who makes any thing. Pope. .
3. One who fets any thing in its proper
Itare. Ajcham,

MA'KEPEACE. ʃ. [make u and peace.] Peacemaker
; reconciler. Shakʃpeare.

MAKEWEIGHT. ʃ. [make indavagbt.]
Any ſmaJi thing thrown in to make up
weight. PhMpi.

MALACHl'TE. ʃ. This flone is green, fo
as in colour to reſemble the mallow, fja-
^cL-^n ; ſometimes it is veined or ſpotted.

MA'LADY. ʃ. [maladie. Vrench.] Adiſeaſe.
a diftempcr ; a diſorder of body ; ſickneſs. South.

MALA'NDERS. ʃ. j; from mal andare,
leal.] A dry ſcab on the partem of horſes.

MA'LaPERT. a. [mai and pert.] Saucy ;
quick with impudence. Dryden.

MA'LAPERTNESS. ʃ. [from malopeit.]
Livelineſs of reply without decency ; quick
impudence ; faucineſs.

MA'LAPERTLY. ad. [from malapert.]
Impudently ; faucily.

To MALA'XATE. I'. a. [^aXaxTa,.] To
foften, or knead to (oftneſs.
52. To Make up.

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MALECONTE'NT. v. a. [mu
>. ; ttnt.] Dilcon-
^ [mule and lon-

tented ; difl.dtis.fied. Shakʃpeare.

MALECONTE'NTEDLY. ad. [ixy^mmaU.
corttrt.] With dikontent.

MALECONTE'NTEDNESS. ʃ. [from mahcor.
tdKt.] Diſtontentconeſs
; want of affection
to government. Spenſer.

MALEDICTED. a. [n:aIed:S}us, Latin.] Accurſed.

MALEDl'CTION. ʃ. [rKalcJ,aion,Tvtnch.]
; execration ; deniinciation of evil.

MALEFA'CTION. ʃ. [vw/^and/ano, Lat.]
A crime ; 20 ifr'eiicc. Shakʃpeare.

MALEFA'CTOR. ʃ. [maU in^faclo, Lat.]
An utionſer againſt iaw ; a criminal. Roſcommon.

MALEFJCK. v. a. [w^/./c^j, Lat.] Mif-

MALC'FIQUE. [chityous ; hurtful.

MALEPRA CTICE. ʃ. [maU and fraaice,;
Practice contrary to rules.

MALE'VOLENCE. ʃ. [malevolentij, Lat.]
Ill will ; inclination to hurt others ; malignity.Shakʃpeare.

MALE'VOLENT. a. [malevoLs, Lat'.] Lldiipoſeri
towards otherr. Dryden.

MALE'VOLENTLY. ad. [from mal^-uo-
Unce] Milignly; malignantly. Ilo-ut/,

MA'LICE. ʃ. [maice French.]
1. Badneſs or Ocſign ; deliberate mikhief. Taylor.
2. Ill intention to any one ; deſire of hurti' Jg. Shakʃpeare.

To MA'LICE. v. ſ. [from the noun.] To
regard with ill will, Spenſer.

MALICIOUS. a. [maLcieuXy French ; m-ilitiojus,
Latin.] ill-diſpoſed to any one ;
intending ill. Shakʃpeare, Milton.

MALI'CIOUSLY. ad. [from maliciius.]
With malignity; with, intention of miſchiff. Gulliver.

MALICIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from Tnal.chus.]
Milice ; intention of mikhief to another.

MALl'GN'. 0. [mil gne^ French.]
1. Unfavourable ; ui fliſpoſed to any one ; malicious. South.
2. Infedious ; fatal to the body ; pelliſential. Bacon.

To MALI'GN. v. a. [from the adjective.]
1. To regard with envy or malice. Scutt.
2. To mi:chief ; to hurt; to harm.

MALI'GNANCY. ʃ. [from mahgK.^nt.]
1. Malevolence ; malice ; unfavourableneſs.Shakʃpeare.
2. Dtſtruflive tendency, Hijtman.

MALI'GNANr, a. [maUgnant^ French.]
;. Malign ; envious ; unpropuious ; malicit.
us. I'/aitu
2. HoHiie to life : as, malignant fevers.


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1. A man of ill intention ; malevolently
dilpoſed. ſkokIT.
2. It was a word uſed of the defenders of
the church and monarchy by the rebel fectarics
irt the civil wars.

MALI'GNANTLY. ad. [(Tom malgnartt.l
With ill intention ; maliciouſly ; miſchicvcully.

MALI'GNER. ʃ. [from nui/ign.]
1. One who regards another with ill will. Gulliver.
2. Sircaflical cenſurer.

MALI'GNITY. ʃ. [mahgni'ie, French.]
1. Mdiice ; maliciouſnefi. Tukell.
2. Contrariety to life ; deſtructive tendency. Hayward.
3. Evilneſs of nature. South.

MALI'GNLY. ad. [from malign.] Enviouſly
; with ill will. Pepe»

MA'LKIN. ʃ. A dirty wench, Shakſp.

MALL. ʃ. [mallui, Lat. a hammer.]
1. Altroke; a blow. Uudibras.
2. A kind of beater or hammer, [wa;/,
French.] Addiſon.
3. A walk where they formerly played
with malls and balls, Pope.

To MAILL. v. a. [from the noun.] To beat
or ſtrike with a mall.

MA'LLARD. ʃ. [ir.ahrt, French.] The
drake of the wild duck. Walton.

MALLEABI'LITY. ʃ. [from malleable.]
Quality of enduring the hammer. Locke.

MA'LLEABLE. a. [walUahle, French ,- from.
mall us, Latin. a hammer.] Capable of being.
ſpread by beating : this is a quality
poITeiied in the moſt eminent degree by
gold. Shiincy.

MA'LLEABLENESS. ʃ. [from maUablt.]
Qiisliry of enduring the hammer. Locke.

To MA'LLEATE. v. a. [from ma/leus,
Latin.] To hammer, Denham.

MALLET. ʃ. [malleus, Latin.] A woodea
hammer, Boyle.

MA'LLOWS. ʃ. [malva, Latin ; malcpe,
S2X3n.] A plant.

1. A ſort of grape. See Vine.
2. A kind of wine. Shakʃpeare.

MALT. ʃ. [mealz, Saxon.] Grain Iteeped
in water and fermented, then dried on a
kiln. Bacon.

MALTDUST. ʃ. [t is an enrichcr of barren
land. Mortimer.

MALTFLOOR. ʃ. [ws/: and /ojr.] A floor
to dry mall. Mortimer.

To MALT. v. H.
1. To make malt,
2. To be made malt. Mortimer.

MA'LTHORSE. ʃ. A dull dolt. Shakſp.

MA'LTMAN. ʃ. [item malt.] One w'htf

MA'LTSTER. ʃ. makes malt. Swift.

MALVA'CEOUS. a. [mslva, Latin.] Re«
latiQg to mallows.


MALVERSATION. ʃ. [French.] Bad
rtiifts - mean artifices.

MAM. If. [mamma, L^iin.] The for.d

MAMMA'. ʃ. word for mother, P'ior.

MA'MMET. ʃ. [from mam or m^mma'.] A
puppet, a figure dreſſed up. Shakʃpeare.
Mammiform, a. [mamma and forma,
Latin.] Having the ſhape of paps or dugs.

MAMMILLARY. a. [w;(2«»?;/ am, Latin.]
Belonging to the paps or dugs.

MA'MMOCK. ʃ. A large ſhapeleſs piece.

To MA'MMOCK. i/. a. [from the noun.]
To tear ; to pull to pieces. Shakſpeare.

MA'MMON. f [Syriack.] Riches.

MAN. ʃ. [man, mon, Saxon.]
1. Human being. Creech.
2. Not a woman. Shakʃpeare.
3. Not a boy. Dryden.
4. A fervant ; an attendant ; a dependant. Raleigh, Cowley.
5. A word of familiarity bordering on contempt.Shakʃpeare.
6. It is uſed in a looſe ſignification like the
French o«, one, any one. Milton.
7. One of uncommon qualifications. Addiſon.
S. A human being qualified in any particular
manner, I Samuel.
9. Individual. Watts.
30. Not a beaſt, Creech
11. Wealthy or independant perſon.
12. A moveable piece at cheſs or draughts.
j^. Man of war, A ſhip of war. Carew.

To MAN. n/. a. [from the noun.]
1. To furniſh with men. Daniel.
9. To guard with men. Shakʃpeare.
3. To fortify ; toſtrengthen. Milton.
4. To tame a hawk. Shakʃpeare.
5. To attend ; to ſerve ; to wait on. Ben. Johnson.
6. To direct in hoſtility '^^io''^6\n\,\Shakſ.

MA'NACLES. ʃ. [marica from mafius,
Latin.] Chain for the hands. Ecc-iuf.

To MA'NACLE. v.-a. [from the noun.]
To chain the hands ; to ſhackle. Shakſp.

To MA'NAGE. v. a. [menager, French.]
1. To condudt ; to carry on. SStillingfleet.
2. To train a horſe to graceful action. Knolles.
3. To govern ; to make tradable.
4. To weild ; to move or uſe ejfily. Newton.
5. To huſbapd ; to make the objea of
_. Dryden.
6. To treat with caution or decency. Milton.

To MA'NAGE. -y. w. To ſuperintend affairs
; to tranſact. Dryden.

MAN-VGE. ʃ. [menage, French.]
1. Conduſt ; adminiſtration. Bacon.
%, Uſe ; inſtrumentaljty.
3. Government of a horſe Pt^ackam,

MA'NAGEABLE. a. [from matiagc]
1. Eaſy in the uſe. Akwlot!,
2. Governable ; traflable.

MA'NAGABLENESS. ʃ. [from mafiage.
1. Accommodation ^0 eaſy uſe. Boyle.
2. Traflabteneſs ; eaſineſs to be governed

MA'NAGEMENT. ʃ. [menagement , Fr.]
1. Conduſt ; adminiſtration. Swift.
1. Pradlice ; tranſaction ; dealing. Addiſon.

MA'NAGER. ʃ. [from manage..
1. One who has the conduct or directioo
of any thing. South.
2. A man of frugality ; a good huiband. Temple.

MA'NAGERY. ʃ. [menagerie, French.]
1. Conduſt ; dircclion ; admiinſtration. Clarenden.
2. Hufbandry ; frugality. Decay of Piety.
3. M?nner of uſing. Decay of Piety.

MaNATION. ʃ. [wanatio, Latin.] The
aSt of iffuing from ſomething elſe.

MA'NCHE. ʃ. [French.] A fleeve.

MA'NCHET. ʃ. [michet, French. Skimer.]
A ſmall loaf of fine bread. More,

MANCHlNE'EL^rff. ſ. [mancanil/a, Lat.]
It is a native of the Weſt Indies, and grows
equal to the ſize of an oak: its wood,
which is fawn out into planks, and brought
to England is of a beautiful grain, will
poliſh well and laſt long. In cutting down
thoſe trees, the juice of the bark, which
is of a milky colour, muft be burnt out
before the work is begun ; for its nature
is ſo corrofive, that it will raiſe blifters on
the ſkin, and burn holes in linen ; and
if it ſhould happen to file into the eyes of
the labourers, they are in danger of lofing
their fight : the fruit is of the colour and
ſize of the golden pippen : many Europeans
have loft their lives by eating it, which will
corrode the mouth and throat : cattle never
ſhelter themſelves under them, and ſcarcely
will any vegetable grow under their ihade. Miller.

To MA'NCIPATE. v. a. [mancipo, hzt..
To enſlave , to bind ; to tie- Hale.

MANCIPATION. ʃ. [from mar.cipate..
Slavery ; involuntary obligation.

MA'NCIPLE. ʃ. [manceps, Latin.] The
ileward of a community ; the purveyor.

MANDA'MVS. f [Latin ] Awritgranted
by the king, ſo called from the initial

MANDARI'N. ʃ. A Chineſe nobleman or

MA'NDATARY. ʃ. [mandatairey French.]
He to whom the pope has, by virtue of
his prerogative, and his own proper right,
given a mandate ^or his benefice, Ayliffe.

MANDATE. ʃ. Xmandatum, Latin.]
1. ComMAN
1. Command. HoweV,
< 1. Precept ; charge ; commiſſion, lent or
tranſmitted. Dryden.

MAISDA'JOR. ʃ. [Latin.] Dlreſtor. Ayliffe.

MA'NpATORY. a. [mandate, Latin.]
Precept ve ; ciirect>ory.

MA'NDIBLE. ʃ. [mjnd:bula, Latin.] The
jaw ; the inltiument of maaducation.

MANDI'BULAR. ʃ. [from marJibula^hii.]
B-Jonging ti> the jaw,

MANDlLION. f. [mandlg'ione, Italian.] A
ſoldier's coat.

lyiA'NDREL. ʃ. [mar.drin, French.] Mandreli
are mads with a long wooden ſhank,
to fit flift into a round hole that is made
in the work, that is to be turned.

MA'NDRAK:E. ʃ. [mandrageraiy Lat.] The
root of this plant is ſaid to bear a reſemblance
to the human form. The reports
of tying a dog to this plant, in order to
root it up, and prevent the certain death
of the perſon who dares to attempt ſuch a
deed, and of the groans emitted by it
when the violence is ofiered, are equally
fabulous. Miller, Donne.

To MA'NDUCATE. v. a. [manducoy Lat.]
To chew ; to eat.

MANDUCA'TION. ʃ. [manducatio, Lat.]
Eating. Taylor.

MANE. [macne, Dutch.] The hair which
hangs down on the neck of horſes. Knolles.

MA'N EATER. ʃ. [man and eat.] A cannibal
; an anthropojh^igite.

MA'NED. a. [from the noun.] Having a

MA'NES. ʃ. [Lat.] Ghoft ; ſhade. Dryden.

MA'NFUL. a. [man and full. ; Bold ; flout ; daring. Hudibras.

MA'NFULLY. ad. [from manful'] Boldly ;
ſtoutly. Ray.

MA'NFULNESS. ʃ. [from marful] Stoutneſs
; boldneſs.

MANGCO'RN. ſ. [merger), Dutch, to
miogle.] Corn of ſeveral kinds mixed,

MA'NGANESE. ʃ. Manganeje is properly
an iron ore of a poorer fort ; themoſt perfect
fort is of a dark iron grey, very heavy
hut brittle. Hill.
Mange./, [demangealpn^ French.] The
itch or ſcab in cattle. Ben. Johnson.

MANGEH. ʃ. [mangccire,Ytsnc\i.] The
pldce or vcffel in which animals ate fed
with corn. L'Eſtrange.

MA'NGINESS. ʃ. [ix^mmipgy.] ScabDineſs
\ infection with the mange.

To MA'NGLE. v.a, [mangtUn, Dutch.]
To lacerate ; to cut or tsar piece-meai .
lo butcher. Milton.

MA'NGLER. ʃ. [from mangle.] A hacker; Oi\t that ucarcys bun'j,iii)gly, luhll.


MA'NGO. ʃ. [mangfjiar, Fr.] A fruit of
the ille of I^st^, biought to Europe pickled. King.

MA'NGY. a. [from mange.] Infctted
with the mange \ ſcabby. Shakʃpeare.

MANHA'TER. ʃ. [man and hater.] Mifanthrope
; one that hates mankind,

MA'NHOOD. ʃ. [from mar.]
1. Human nature. Milton.
2. Virility
; not womanhood. Dryden.
3. Viril'ty
; not childh')cd.
4. Courage ; bravery ; reloJution ; fortitude. Sidney.

MANI'aC 1 a. [maniacus, Latin.]

MANI'ACAL. ʃ. Raging with madneſs. Grew.

MA'NIFEST. a. [manifeflus, Latin.]
1. Plain; open 3 not concealed. Kom,
2. Deteſted. Dryden.

MANIFE'ST. ʃ. [»2^«//>/?<j, Italian.] Declaration
; publick protectation, Dryden.

To MANIF£':5T. v. a. inanifeJler,¥T. mamfejlo,
Lat.] To make appear ; to make
publick ; to flicw plainly ; to diſcover. Hammond.

MANIFESTA'TION. ʃ. [from mamfeji..
Difcovery ; publication. lilotſon.

MANIFE'STIBLE. a. Eaſy to be made
evident, Brown.

MA'NIFESTLY. ad. [from manfeji.]
Clearly ; evidently. iiicft,

MA'NIFESTNESS. ʃ. [from manfeji.]
Perſpicuity ; clear evidence,

MANlFE'STO. ʃ. [Italian.] Publick protectation. Addiſon.

MA'NIFOLD. a. [many in6 fold.] Of different
kinds ; many in. number; multiplied.Shakʃpeare.

MANIFO'LDED. a.[mar.y^nAfo.d.] Having
many complicatio.^s. Uperfer,

MA'NIFOLDLY. ad. [from manifold.] In
a manifold manner. Sidtiey.

MANIGLIONS. ʃ. [in gunnery.] Two
handles on the back of a piece of ordnance. Bailey.

MA'NTKIN. ʃ. [mamiken, Dutch.] A little
m in. Shakʃpeare.

MA'iNlPLE. ʃ. [manipulus, Latin.]
1. A handful.
2. A ſmall band of ſoldiers,

MANI': ULAR. a. [from man'pulus, Lat.]
Rela'ing to a maniple.

MANKILLER. ʃ. [mun and kil.er.] Murderer. Dryden.

MANKIND. ʃ. [mamnAkind.]
1. The race or ſpecies of human beings.
2. Reſembling man not woman in form
or nature, Shakʃpeare.

MA'NLIKE. a. [mm and lik.] Having
the con.pletion of man. SiJuy.

MA'NLESS. a. [man and Ifs.] Wi:nout
men 3 nvt manned. B.-icon,


MA'NLINESS. ʃ. [from manly.] Dignity ; bravery ſtoutneſs. Locke.

MA'NLY. a. [from man.] Manlike ; becoming
a man ; firm ; brave ; ſtout ; undaunted
; undifmayed. Dryden.

MA'NNA. ʃ. Manna is properly a gum,
and is honi-y- like juice concreted into a lolid
form, feidom ſo dry but it adheres
more or leſs to the fingers in handling : its
colour is whitiſh, yellowiſh, or browniſh,
and it has in Cafte the ſweetneſs of ſugar,
and with it a ſharpneſs that renders it very
agreeable : it is the product of two different
trees, but which are of the ſame genus,
being both varieties of the aſh : the
fineſt manna of all is that which oozes naturally
out of the leaves in Auguſt. Hill.

MA'NNER. ʃ. [manure, French.]
1. Form ; method. Dryden.
2. Cuilom ; habit ; faſhion.
iVew TeJIament.
3. Certain degree. Bacon.
4. Sort; kind. Atterbury.
5. Micu ; caſtof the look. Clanjja,
6. Peculiar way. Clarenden.
7. Way ; fort. Atterbury.
S. Charadler of the mind. Addiſon.
9. Manners in the plural. General way
of life ; morals ; habits. L'Eʃtrange.
10. [In the plural.] Ceremonious behaviour
; ſtudied civility. Dryden.

MA'NNERLINESS. ʃ. [from mannerly.] Q].
viiity ; ceremonious complaifance. Hale.

MANNERLY. a. [from manner.] Civil
; ceremonious ; complaifant. Rogers.

MA'NNERLY. ad. Cwilly ; without rudeneſs.Shakʃpeare.

MA'NNIKIN. ʃ. [w^« and hlin, German.]
A little man ; a dwarf.

MA'NNISH. a. [from man.] Having the
appearance of a man ; bold ; mafculine ; impudent. Sidney.

MA'NOR. ʃ. [manoif, old French.] Manor
ſignifies, in common law, a rule or government
which a man hath over ſuch as
hold land within his fee. To uching the
original of theſe manors^ it ſeems, that,
in the beginning, there was a certain compaſs
or circuit of ground granted by the
king to ſome men of worth, for him and
his heiisto dwell upon, and to exercife
ſome juritdidlion. Cowel.

MANQUE'LLER. ʃ. [man and cpellan,
Saxon.] A murderer i a mankilier ; a
a manflayer, Carew.

MANSE. ʃ. [marfo, Latin.] A parfonage

I^ANSION. f. [man/to, Latin.]
1. Piace of reſidence ; abode ; hoDfe. Dryden.
1^, R'iſidence ; abode. Denham.

AIAN::L VUGHTi-R. ʃ. [man and Jlaugb.

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1. Murder ; deſtruction of the human
ſpecies. Afch-jm.
2. [In law.] The act of killing a man
not wholly without fault, though without

MANSLA'YER. ʃ. [man and fiay.] Murderer
; one that has killed another.

MANSU'ETE. a. [manfuetus, Lat.] Tame
; gentle ; not ſt;rocious. Hay,

M-VNSUETUDE. ʃ. [m^rfuetudo, Latin.]
Tameneſs ; gentJeneſs. Herbert.

MA'NTEL. ʃ. [mantel, old Fr.] Wo:k
raiſed before a chimney to conceal it. Wotton.

MANTELET. ʃ. [mante/ef, French.]
1. A ſmall cloak worn by women.
2. [In fortificaton.] A kind of moveable
penthouſe, made of pieces of timber
fawed into planks, which being about three
inches thick, are nailed one over another
to the height of almoſt fix feet, driven before
the pioneers, as blinds to ſhelter them. Harris.

MANTI'GER. ʃ. [mjmnd tiger.] A large
monkey or baboon. Arbuthnot.

MA'NTLE. ʃ. [r^antell, WelOi.j A kind
of cloak or garment. Hayward.

To MA'NTLE. v. a. [from the i>oun.]
To cloke ; to cover. Shakʃpeare.

To MA'NTLE. v. n.
1. To ſpread the wings as a hawk in pleaſure. Milton.
2. To joy ; to revel. Spenſer.
3. To be expanded ; to ſpread luxuriantly.
MrI' Oft.
4. To gather any thing on the ſurface ;
to froth. Pof>e.
5. To ferment ; to be in ſpr'ghtly agitation. Smith.

MA'NTUA. ʃ. A lady's gown. Fcfe.

MA'NTUAMAKER. ʃ. [mantua and mak.
er.] One who makes gowns for women. Addiʃon.

MA'NUAL. a. [manuals, Latin.]
1. Performed by the hand. Dryden.
2. uſed by the h-ind. Clarenden.

MA'NUAL. ʃ. A ſmall bcok, ſuch as may
be carried in the hand. Stillingfleet.

MANU'BIAL. a. [manubia, Lat.] Belonging
to ſpoil
; taken in war.

MANU'BRIUM. ʃ. [Latin.] A handle. Boyle.

MANUDU'CTION. ʃ. [manuduBio, Lat.]
Guidance by the hand. Brown, South.

MANUFA'CTURE. ʃ. [v:anus and facio,
1. The practice of making any piece of
2. Any thing made by art. Addiſon.

To MANUFA'CTURE. v. a. [manufac,
turer^ French.] To make by are and lab?
Hr ; to form by workmanſhip.


WIANUFA'CTURER. ʃ. [mavufaaurUry
French! A workman ; an artificer,

To MANUMI'SE. v. a. [marumiſto, Lat.]
To fee free ; to diſmiſs from llavcry,

MANUMI'SSION. ʃ. [mi2r.unaJ/,o,>, Fr. manumi^-.
o, Lat.] The act of giving liberty
to flwts Bacon.

To MANUMI'T. v. a. [manumitto, Lat.]
To releaſe from llovery. Dryden.

MANU'RABLE. a. [from manure.] Capable
of cultivation. Hale.

MANU'RANCE. ʃ. [from marure.] Agriculture
; cultivation, Spenſer.

To MANU'RE. v. a. [^manowvrer, T]
1. To cultivate by manual labour, Mi/ron,
2. To dung ; to fatten With cortip ſts. Woodward.

MANU>RE. ʃ. [from the verb ; Soil to
be laid on Lnds. Dryden.

MANU'REMliNT. ʃ. [from manure, \ Cul
'iVi on ; Hjprovement. fVott.r,

M^xNURER. ʃ. [from the verb. ; He
v<h^ manures laria ; a huft)andman.

MA'NUSCRIPT. ʃ. [manujcriptum, Lat.]
A book written, not printed. lyotton.

MA'NV. a. comp. more, ſuperl. moji. [maemj,
1. 0;nſiſtingof a great number ; numerous. Digby.
2. Marking number indefinite. Exodus.

MA'NY. j.
1. A multitude ; a company ; a great
numocr ; people. Spenſer.
2. Many is uſed much in com p( fit! n,

MANYCO'LOURED. a. [mjry ^n<i colour]
Hava,g many colcur--. Donne.

MANYCORNERi.D. a. [many and cornr.]
Poiyg n! ; laving many corners. Dryden.

MANYKE'ADED. a. [many and bead, ;
H'M g many h'dds. Sidney.

MANYLA'NGUnGED. a. [many and /an-
£W/.] H . -ag many languages. Pope. .

MANYPE'OPLED. a. [m ny and feopk.l
Numrrouſly populous. Sandys.

MANYTi'MEb. an adverbial phraſe. Or
tei ; fiequently Addiſon.
Map. ſ. [rraſtoy low Latin.] A geographical
pidure on which lands and fe^s are
delineated according to the longitude and
latitude. Sidney.

To MAP. v. a. [from the noun.] To delineate
; to ſee down. Shakʃpeare.

MAl'LE tree J. A tree frequent in hedgerowi. Mortimer.

MAVPERY. ʃ. [from map.] The art of
planning and deſigning. Shakʃpeare.

To MAR. v. a. [amypp.3n, Saxon.] To
injure ; to ſpoil ; to hurt ; to miichief ; to damage. D'^den.

MARANAiH.1. ſ. [Syriack.] It was a

form of the denouncing or anathematizing
among the Jews. Ht. Paul.

MARA'SMUS. ʃ. [fxapaa-fxh-] A confumption,
in which perſons waſte much of
their fobſtance. Quincy.

MA'RBLE. y. [rnarbre, French ; marmoff
1. Stone uſed in flatues and elegant buildings,
capable of a bright poliſh. Locke.
2. Little ball. of marble with which children
play. Arbuthnot.
3. A ifone remarkable for the ſculpture
or infoription
; as, 1 he Oxford wari./?..

1. Mide of marble. Walter,
2. Variegjtpd ſke m/r^/ir. Sidney.

To MA'RBLE. v. a. [n-.arbrer, Fr. from
th noun, ; To varicgaie, or vein like
marble. Boylea

MARBLEHE'ARTHD. a. [yr.arhle and
bear{.] Cruei ; inſenſible ; hard-hrjrted.Shakʃpeare.

MA'RCASITE. ʃ. The marcaſm is a ſolid
hard fi fill, ( f ^n oblcureiy and irregularly
ſolidceou3 ſtiufikire, of a bright glittering
appearance, and i^aturally found in con'inu.
ed beds among the veins of ores, or in the
fifTures of ſtone. Theſe are only three diftindl
ſpeciis of it ; one of a bright gold
colour, another of a bright ſilver, and a
third of a dead white: the ſilvery one
feems to be peculiarly meant by the writers
on the Materia MeJica, Marcaſm
is very frequent in the nanes of Cornwall,
where the wc !<m.°n call it mundiſk.
Kill. Nivtcft,

MARCH. ʃ. [tro.Ti Mars.] The third
month of the year. Peacham.

To MARCH. v.n. [marchtr, Fr.]
1. To move in miiitary form.Shakʃpeare.
2. To walk in a grave, deliberate, or
ſtately manner. Sidney. Dawes,

To MARCH. v. n.
1. To put in military movement. Boylei
2. To bring in reguiai proceſſion. Prior.

MARCH. ʃ. [mjrcher^ F'.]
1. Movement ; j.urney of ſoldiers. Blackmore.
a- Grave and ſolemn walk. Pote,
3. Deliberate or laborious walk, Addiſon.
4. Signals to move. Knolles.
5. Marches^ without fiogular. Borde-s ;
limits ; c<.nfine9. Davies.

MA'RCHER. ʃ. [from rircheur, French.]
Preſident of the marches or border?. Davies.

MA'RCHIONESS. ʃ. The wife of a marouis.Shakʃpeare.

MA'RCHPANE A [w^/^.^«% French.] A
kind of '.-,, L brc-id. ^idnfy.

MA'KCID. a. [mircid:iif i«atia.] Le^n ;
Dining ; withered. Dryden.
4. G MA'R.


MA'RCOUR. ʃ. [rriarcor, Latin.] Leanneſs ;
the ſtate of withering' i wufte oſ lieſh. Brown.

MARE. ʃ. [majie, Sax.)
1. The female t a horſe. Dryden.
2. A kind of torpor or (lagnation, which
f<.-ems to preſs the rtomach with a weight ;
the night hag. Drayton.

MA'RESCHAL. ʃ. [niarefchal, French.] A
chief commander of an army. Prior.

MA'RGARITE. ʃ. [margarita, Latin.] A
pr?arl. Peacham.

MA'RGARITES. ʃ. An herb.


MA'RGENT. > f. [margo, Latin.]

MA'RGIN. ʃ. 1. The border ; the brink ; the edge ; the,
verge. Spenſer.
2. The edge of a page left blank. Hammond.
3; The edge of a wound or fore. Shakſp.

MA'RGINAL. ʃ. [tnarginul, Fr.] Placed,
or written on the margin Watts.

MA'RGINATED. a. [margir.aiiis, Latin.]
Having a margin.

MA'RGRAVE. ʃ. [marck and graff, Ger.]
A title of fuvereignry.

MA'RIETS. ʃ. A kind of violet,

MA'RIGOLD. ʃ. [Mary and gold.^ A yellaw
flower. Cleaveland.

To MA RINATE. v. a. [mariner, Fr.]
To fait fiſh, and then preſerve them in oil
or vinfgar. King.

MARI'NE. a. [jnarinus, Latin.] Belonging
to the fea. H'ooaxvard,

MARI'NE. ʃ. [la marine, Fr.]
1. Sea affairs. Arbuthnot.
2. A ſoldier taken on ſhipboard to be employed
in deſcents upon the land.

MA'RINER. ʃ. [from ff2ſtrd, Lat.] A ſeaman
; a ſailor. Swift.

MA'RJORUM. ʃ. [marjoran^iy Lat.] A
fragrant plant of many kind?. Peachatr.

MA'RISH. ʃ. [tnarais, French.] A bog ;
a fen ; a ſwamp ; watry ground. Hayward, Knolles, Sandys, Milton.

MA'RISH. a. Moriſh; fenny ; boggy ; ſwampy. Bacon.

MA'RITAL. ʃ. [wjnVttJ, Latin.] Pertaining
to a hufoand. /lyliffe,

MA'RITATED. a. [from maritu!, Latin.]
Having a huſband.
J5aS1me.'-1 —-.^«'-]
1. Performed on the ſea ; marine. Raleigh.
2. Relating to the ſea ; naval. M'^otton.
3. Bordering on the fea. Chapman. Milton.

MARK. ʃ. [marc, Welſh.]
1. A token by which any thing is known. Spenſer.
2. A token ; an impreſſion. Addiſon.
3. A proof ; an evidence, Arbuthnot.

4. Notice taken.
5. Conveniency of notice, Carewt
6. Any thing at which a mifllle weapon
is directed, Du'vies,
7. The evidence of a horſe's age. Bacon.
8. [Marque, French.] Licence of reprifals.
9. A fum of thirteen ſhillings and fourpence. Camden.
10. A character made by thoſe who cannot
write their name?. Dryden.

To MARK. v. a. [merken, Dutch ; nieajican,
1. To impreſs with a token, or evidence. Grew.
1. To note ; to take notice of. Rom. Smi,

To MARK. v. n. To note ; to take notice. Dryden.

MA'RKER. ʃ. [from marh'.
1. One that puts a mark on any thing.
2. One that notes, or takes notice,

MA'RKET. ʃ. [anciently written wz^rw?, of
mercatus, Lat.]
1. A publick time of buying and ſelling. Spenſer. Wifd.
2. Purchaſe and ſale. Temple.
3. Rate ; price. Dryden.

To MA'RKET. v. n. To deal at a market ; to buy or ſells,

MA'RKET-BELL. ʃ. [market and hell.]
The bell to give notice that trade may
begin in the market. Shakʃpeare.

MA'RKET- CROSS- ʃ. [market and croſs.]
A croſs ſet up where the market is held,Shakʃpeare.

MA'RKET-DAY. ʃ. [market and day.]
The day on which things are publickly
booght and fold. Addiſon.

MA'RKET-FOLKS. ʃ. [market and folh.]
People that come to the market.Shakʃpeare.

MA'RKET-MAN. ʃ. One who goes to the
market to ſells or buy. Swift.

MA'RKET-PLACE. ʃ. [market and ^/^of .]
Place where the market is held, Sidney.

MA'RKET-PRICE. ʃ. [market and price

MA'RKETRATE. ʃ. of rate.] The price
at which any thing is currently fold. Locke.

MA'RKET-TOWN. ʃ. A town that has
the privilege of a ſlated market ; not a
village. Gay.

MA'RKETABLE. a. [from market.]
1. Such as may be ſold ; ſuch for which a
buyer may be found. Shakʃpeare.
2. Current in the market. Decay of Piety.

MARKMAN. ʃ. [w.^r^t and';?M«.] A

MA'RKSMAN. I man ſkilfui to hit a
marie, Herbert.

MARL. ʃ. [marl, Welſh ; merge!, Dutch.]
A kind of clay, which is become fatter,
and of a more enriching quality, by a better
fermentation, and by is having lain

fo deep io the earth as not to have ſpcnt or
weakened its fertilizing quality. iQuincy.

To MARL. v. a. [from the noun.] To
manure with marl. Child,

To MARL. v. a. [fi«m marline.] To faſten
the fails with marline

MARLINE. f. Imeyfin, >Skinner.] Long
wreaths of uiitwiſted ht'mp ciipped in pitch,
with which cables are guaided. Dryden.

MA'RLINESPIKE. ʃ. A ſmall piece of
iron for f^ftening ropes together.

MA'RLPIT. ʃ. [rr.arUnd. fit.] Pit out of
which marl is dug. Woodward.

MA'RLY. a. [from »J<7f/.] Abounding with
marl. Mo timer.

MA'RMALADE. ʃ. / [marmelade, French.]

MA'RMALET. ʃ. The pulp of quinces
boiled into a conliittance with ſugar.

MARMORA' nON. ſ. lmarm<.ry Latin.]
1. cruſtation with marble.

MARMO'REAN. a. [martnoreus, Latin.]
Made of marble.

MA'RMOSET. ʃ. [marmouſet, French.] A
ſmall monkey. Shakʃpeare.

M.4RM0'T. 7 ʃ. [Italian.] The mar-

MARM0'T70. ^ 'o'^o. or lus alpinus,
as b;g or bigger than a rabbit, which <ibſconds
all winter, doth live upon its own
far. Ray.

MA'RQUETRY. ʃ. [warqueterie, French.]
Checquered work ; work inlaid with variegation.

MA'RQUIS. ʃ. [marquis, French.]
1. In England one of the ſecond order of
nobility, next in rank to a duke.
Pea J: m.
2. Marquis is uſed by Shakſpeare for »jirchicnef!.

MA'RQUISATE. ʃ. [m^rjuj/at, French.]
The ſo gniory of a ma quis.
Ma'RRER. y. [from mar.] One who ſpoils
or hurts, yljcl.am,

MA'RRIAGE. ʃ. [mariage,?tenth.] The
act of uniting a man and woman for life. Taylor.

MA'RRIAGEABLE. a. [from marriage.]
1. Fit for wtdlock ; of age to be married. Swift.
2. C^psble of uni^n. Milton.

MA'RRIED. a. [from marryJY Conjugal ;
connubial. Dryden.

MA'RROW. ʃ. [mep3. Saxon.] The bones
have either a large .avity, or are full of
little cells : in b'th the one and the other
there 19 an oleagenous ſubſtance, called
martoty Quincy.

MARROWBONE. ʃ. [bone and m^trrow.]
1. B' oe bnilea for the marrow,
2. In burleſque language, the knees. L'Eſtrange.

MA'RROWFAT. ʃ. A kind of pea,

MARROWLEiS. a. [ITQmmarroii\] Void
of marrow, Shakʃpeare.


To MARRY. v. a. [muritr, Fr.]
1. To join a man and a woni JO. Giy.
2. To diſp'ife of in marriage. Bacon.
3. To take for huſband or w fe.Shakʃpeare.

To MA'RRY. v. n. To enter into the
conjugal ſtate. Shakʃpeare.

Mars '
^^^ '^ived from the Saxon

MAS ' \ ^^rrc. a fen. Gibfon,

MARSH. ʃ. [meppc, Saxon.] A fen ; a
bog ; a ſwamp. Drayton.

MARSH. MALLOW. ʃ. [aihaa, Latin.]
A piarif.

MARSH MARIGOLD. ʃ. [populago, Lat.]
A fl wer. Dryden.

MA'RSHAL. ʃ. [marefchal, Fr.]
1. The chief officer of arms. Shakʃpeare.
2. An officer who regulates combats in the
J'fts. Dryden.
3. Any one who regulates rank or order
at a fe-ift. Spenſer.
4. An harbinger; a purfuwant. Sidney.

To MA'RSHAL. 'v,a. [from the noun.]
1. To arrange ; to rank in order. Glanville.
2. To lead as an harbinger. Shakʃpeare.

MA'RSHALLER. ʃ. [hmmarfral.^ One
that arranges ; one that ranks in order.

MA'RSHALSEA. ʃ. [from rrarjkal] The
priſon in Southwark belonging to the mar-
ſhdl of the kin. 's houſhold.

Ma'RSHALSHIP /, [from marlhal] Tht
office of a marſhil.

MARcHE'LDER. ʃ. A gelderrofe.

MARSHROCKET. ʃ. Aſpecksoſwater.

MA'RbHY. a. [from m^r/. ;
1. Boggy ; wet ; fenny ; ſwampy. Dryden.
2. Produced in marſhes. Dycn,

MART. ʃ. [contr.aed from market.]
1. A place of publick traffick. Hooker.
2. Bargain ; purchaſe and f4e. Shakſp.
3. Letters of mart.

To MART. v. a. [from the noun.] To
; to buy or ſells. Shakʃpeare.

MA'RTEN. 1 f r , r T
martern. 1 ^- [--'^'Fr.]
1. A large kind of weefel whoſe fur is
much valued,
2. [Martelet,Yt.] A kind of ſwallow that
builds in houſes ; a martlet. Peacham.

MA'RTIAL. a. [martial, Fr. martialit,
1. Warlike; fighting; given to war ;
brave. Spenſer, Chapman.
2. Having a warlike ſhow ; fulling war. Pope.
3. Belonging to war ; not civil. Bacon.
4. Borrowing qualicies from the planet
Marg. Brown.
4. G a . 5, HavMAS

5. Having parts or properties of iron,
which is v lit-d Mars by the chemiſts.

MA'RTIALIST. ʃ. [from martta!.] A
Warrior ; 3 fighter. Howel.

MARTINGAL. ʃ. [martingaUy French.]
It is a brodd ſtrip made h&. to the girths
under the belly of a horf.', and runs between
the two legs to faſten the other end,
unrler the nolchind of the bridle.

MARTI'NMrt.-). ʃ. [Muttin and «;«/}.] The
feali of Sr. Martin ; the eleventh of November,
commonly martHmafi of martleniafs. Tuſſer.

MA''<TINET 7 ʃ. [martinet, French.] A

IWAllILET. ʃ. kind of ſwallow.Shakʃpeare.

MA'RTNETS. ʃ. Small li-^es faſtened to
the leefch of the fail to bring that part
of the leetch which is next to the yardarm
cloſe up to the yard. Bailey.

MA'R TYR. ʃ. [^aplu^.] One who by his
deach bears witneſs to the truth. King Charles.

To MARTYR. v. a. [from the noun.; 1. To pur. to death for virtue.
2. To ifiurcter ; to deſtroy. Suckling.

MA'RTYRDOM. ʃ. [ixc.m martyr.] The
death of a martyr ; the honour of a martyr. Hooker.

MARTYROLOGY. J.' [tnartyrologium,
Lit ; A regiſter of martyrs. Stillingfleet.

MARTYRO'LOGIST. ʃ. [martyrologifte,
French.] A writer of martyrology.

MA'RVEL. ʃ. [merveille, French.] A
wonder ; any thing aſtonithing. Shakʃpeare.

MARVEL nfPeru, A flower

To MA'RVEL. v. v. [merveiller ^ French.]
To wonder ; to be aſtoniHied. Shakʃpeare.

Ma'RVELLOUS. a. [merveilleux, Fr.]
1. Wonderful ; Arange ; alto'nithing.Shakʃpeare.
3. Surpaſſing credit. Pope. .
3. The marvellous is any thing exceeding
natural power, oppoſed lothe probable,

MA'RVELLOUSLY. ad. [from marvellous.]
Wonderfully. Clarendon.

MA'RVELLOUSNESS. ʃ. [from mar-uel-
/otti.] W nderfulneſs ; ſtrangeneſs ; aſtoni/

MA'SCULINE. a. [mafculin, Fr.]
1. Male; not female. Milton.
2. Reſembling man ; virile ; not ſoft ; not
effemindte. Addiʃon.
3. The gender appropriated to the male
kind in any word.

MA'SCULINELY. ad. [from mafculine, ]
Like a man. Ben. Johnſon.

MA'SCULINENESS. ʃ. [from m^Jculme.]
M^ niſhneſs ; male figure or behaviour.

MASH. ʃ. [mafche, Putch.]
1. The ſpace between the threads of a ntt». Mortimer.
2. Any thing mingled or beaten together
into ATi und.ftinguiſhed or confuſed body.
3. A rri xture for a horſe. Mortimer.

To Mash. v. a. [mafcher, French.]
1. To best into a confuſed mafs. More.
1. To mix malt and water together in
brewing. Mortimer.

MASK. ʃ. [maſque^ French.]
1. A cover to diſguiſe the face ; a vifor,Shakʃpeare.
2. Any pretence or ſubterfuge. Prior.
3. A feffive entertainment, in which the
comp^^ny is maſked. Shakʃpeare.
4. A revel; a piece of mummery. Milton.
5. A drrimatick performance, written in a
tragick ſtile without attention to rules or
probability. Peacham.

To MASK. v. a. [maſquer, Fr.]
1. To diſguiſe with a maſk or vifor. Hooker.
2. To cover ; to hide. Crajhaiu.

To MASK. v. n.
1. To revel ; to play the mummer. Priori.
2. To be diſguiſed any way.

Ma'SKER. ʃ. [from majk.] One who revels
in a maſk ; a mummer, Donne.

MA'SON. ʃ. [mapn, French.] A builder
with ſtone. Wotton.

MA'SONRY. ʃ. [ma^orferie, Fr.] The
cract or performance of a mafon.

MASQUERA'DE. ʃ. [fiem maſque, Fr.]
1. A diverlion in which the company is
maſked. Pope. .
2. Difguiſe. Felton,

To MASQUERA'DE. v. «.[from the noun.]
1. To go in diſguiſe. L'Eſtrange.
2. To aſſemble in maſks. Swift.

MASQUERA'DER. ʃ. [from maſquerade.]
A perſon in a maſk. L'Eſtrange.

MASS. ʃ. [wa^^, Fr.]
1. A body ; a lump ; a continuous quantity. Newton.
2. A large quantity. Davies.
3. Bulk; vafl body. ^hot,
4. Congeries; aſſemblage indiſtinct. Dryden.
5. Groſs body ; the general. Dryden.
6. [Mijfa, Latin.] The f«rvice of the
Romiſh church. Atterbury.

To MASS. v. «. [from the noun.] To celebrate
mafsp Hooker.

MA'SSACRE. ʃ. [maffacrty Fr.]
1. Butchery ; indikriminate deſtruction. Milton.
2. Murder. Shakʃpeare.

To MA'SSACRE. v. a. [majfacrer, French.]
To butcher ; to flaughter mdiſcriminately. Decay of Piety, Atterbury.

MA'SSICOT. ʃ. [French.] Cerufs calcined
by a, moderate degree of fire j| of this there

are three forts, the white, the yellow, and
that of a golden colour, their difference
ariſing from the different degrees of fire
applied in the operation. They are uſed
in painting.

MA'SSINESS. ʃ. [from majfy.]

MA'SSIVENESS. [Weight ; bulk i ponderouſneſs.

MA'SSIVE. v. a. [majjlf, Fr. ; Heavy ;

MA'SSy. 3 weighty ; ponderous i bulky ;
continuous. Dryden.
Mast. ſ. [maji, mat, French ; ma'pt,
1. The beam or poſt raiſed above the veffeJ,
,10 which the fail is fixed. Dryden.
2. The fruit of the oak and beech. Bacon.

MA'STED. a. [from majl.^ Furniſhed with

MA'STER. ʃ. [meefter, Dutch ; maiſtrey
1. One who has fervants ; oppoſed to man
or fervanr, Shakʃpeare.> 2. A diretlor ; a governor. Eccluſ.
3. Owner ; proprietor. Dryden.
4. A lord ; a ruler. Guardian.
5. Chief ; head. Shakʃpeare.
6. P.neflbr. Addiſon.
7. Commander of a trading ſhip,
8. One uncontrouled. Shakʃpeare.
9. A compeilation of reſpect.Shakʃpeare.
10. A young gentleman, Dryden.
11. One who teaches; a teacher. South.
12. A man eminently ſkilful in practice or
ſcience. Davies.
13. A title of dignity in the univerſities ;
as, mafter of arts.

To MA'STER. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To be a mafter to ; to rule ; to govern.Shakʃpeare.
2. To conquer ; to overpower. Davies. CaUmy.
3. To execute with ſkill. Bacon.

MA'STERDOM. ʃ. [from rr.ajier.] Dominion
; rule. Shakʃpeare.

MASTER-HAND. ʃ. The hand of a man
eminently ſkilful. Pope.

MASTER-JEST. ʃ. Principal jeſt. Hudibras.

MASTER-KEY. ʃ. The key which opens
many locks, of which the ſubordinate
keys open each only one. Dryden.

MASTER-LEAVER. ʃ. One that leaves
or delerts his mafter. Shakʃpeare.

MASTER-SINEW. ʃ. A large fineCv that
furrounds the hough, and divides it from
the bone by a hollow place, where the
wind-galls are uſually ſcated.
Farrier.s DiSf,


MASTER. STRING. ʃ. Principal firing,

MASTER-STROKE. ʃ. Capital performance. Blackmore.

MA'STERLESS. a. [from majler.]
1. Wanting a mafter or owner. Spenſer.
2. Ungoverned ; unſubdued.

MASTERLINESS. ʃ. [from majitrly.] E.
minent ſkill.

MA'STERLY. ad. With the ſkill of a
maimer. Shakʃpeare.

MA'STERLY. a. [from majler.]
1. Suitable to a mafter ; artful ; ſkilful. Dryden.
2. Imperious ; with the ſway of a mafter,

MA'STERPIECE. ʃ. [mafter and piece, ]
1. Capital performance ; anything done
or made with extraordinary ſkill. Davies.
2. Chief excellence. Clarenden.

MA'STERSHIP. ʃ. [from majier.]
1. Dom nion ; rule ; power,
2. Superiority ; pre-eminence. Dryden.
3. Chief work. Dryden.
4. Skill ; knowledge. Shakʃpeare.
5. A title of ironical reſpect. Shakʃpeare.

MASTER-TEETH. ʃ. [m^ijler and te.tb.]
The principal teeth. Bacon.

MA'STERWORT. ʃ. A plant,

MA'STERY. ʃ. [from n:afier,-\
1. Dominion ; rule. Raleigh.
2. Superiority ; pre-eminence.
2. Tim, ii. 5, L'Eſtrange.
3. Skill, Tillotſon.
4. Attainment of ſkill or power, Locke.

MA'STFUL. a. [from maji.] Abounding
in maft, or fruit of oak, beech or chefnut. Dryden.

MASTICATION. ʃ. [mafiicatio, Latin.]
The act of chewing. Ray.

MA'STICATORY. ʃ. [mafiicatoire, Fr.]
A medicine to be chewed only, not ſwallowed. Bacon.

MA'STICH. ʃ. [maf}ic, French.]
1. A kind of gum gathered from trees of
the ſame name. Wiſeman.
2. A kind of mortar or cement. Addiſon.

MA'STICOT. ʃ. See Massicot.

MA'STIFF. y. wafhvei, plural, [moflin,
French.] A dog of the largeſt ſize ; a
bandog. Spenſer.

MA'STLESS. a. [from mafl.] Bearing no
maft. Dryden.

MA'STLIN. ʃ. Mixed corn ; as, wheat and
rye. Tuffer,

MAT. ʃ. [meatte, Saxon.] A texture of
fedge, flags, or ruſhes. Carczv.

To MAT. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To cover with mats. Evelyn.
2. To twiſt together ; to join like a mat. Drayton.

MA'TADORE. ʃ. [matador, Spaniſh.] A
hand of cards. Pope. .



MATACHIN. ʃ. [French.] Ar. old dance. Sidney.

MATCH. ʃ. [meche, Fr.]
1. Any thing that catches fire, Bacon.
2. A conteſt ; a game. Shakʃpeare.
3. One equal to another ; one able to
conteſt with another. Rogers.
4. One who Tuits or tallies with another.
5. A marriage. Shakʃpeare.
6. One to be married. Clarenden.

To MATCH. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To be equal to. Shakʃpeare.
2. To ſhow an equal. South.
3. To equal ; to oppoſe. Milcoti.
4. To ſuit ; to proportion. Roſcommon.
5. To marry ; to give in marriage. Donne.

To MATCH. v. n.
1. To be married. Sidney.
2. To ſuit ; to be proportionate ; to tally.

MA'TCFIABLE. a. [from match.]
1. Suitable ; equal ; ht Co be joined. Spenſer.
2. Correſpondent. Woodward.

MA'TCHLESS. a. [from match.] Without
an equal. Waller.

MA'TCHLESSLY. ʃ. [In a manner not to
be equalled,

MA'TCHLESSNESS. ʃ. [from matchleſs.]
State of being without an equal.

MATCHMAKER. ʃ. [tf^aich and make.]
2. One who contrives marr.agef. Hudibras.
2. One who makes matches to burn.

Mate. ſ. [maca, Saxon.; 1. A huſband or wife. Spenſer.
2. A companion, male or female. Milton.
3. The male or female of animals, Miltm.
4. One that fails in the ſame ſhip. Roſc,
5. One that eats at the ſame table.
6. The ſecond in ſubordination ; as, the
mafter's mate.

To MATE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To match ; to many. Spenſer.
2. To be equal to. Dryden.
3. To oppoſe ; to equal. Shakſpeare.
4. [Mattery French.] To ſub ue ; to
confound ; to cruſti. Shakʃpeare.

MATE'RIAL. a. [materiel, Fr.]
1. Conſiſting of matter ; corporeal ; net
ſpiritual. Davies.
2. Important ; momentous ; eſſential.


MATE'RIALS. ʃ. The ſubſtance of which
any thing is made. Brown.

MATERIALIST. ʃ. [from materia/.] One
who denies ſpiritual ſubſtances. Dryden.

MATE'RIALITY. ʃ. [v,aterialite% Fr.]
Corporeity ; material exiſtence ; not ſpirituality. Digby.

MATE'RIALLY. ad. [from material.]
X, In the ſtate of matter. Boyle.

2. Not formally. South.
3. Importantly ; eſſentially. Spenſer.

MATE'RIALNESS. ʃ. [from matenai]
State of being material ; importance.

MATE'RIATE. 1 a. [materiatus, Lat.]

MATE'RIATED. ʃ. Conſiſting of m><tter. Bacon.

MATERIA'TION. f. [from materia, Lat.]
The act of forming matter.

MATE'RNAL. a. [materncy Fr. materrus,
Lat.] Motherly ; befitting or pertaining
to a mother. Dryden.

MATE'RNITY. ʃ. [from maternm, Latin.]
The charat^er or relation of a mother,

MAT-F£LON. ʃ. A ſpecies of knapweed.

MATHEMA'TICAL. v. a. [mathematicus,

MATHEMA'TICK. I Lat.] Conſidered
according to the doctrine of the mathematicians. Denham.

MATHEMA'TICALLY. ad. [from mathematick.]
According to the laws of the
mathematical ſciences. Berkley.

MATHEMaTI'CIAN. ʃ. [mathematicus,
Lat.] A man verſed in the mathematicks. Addiſon.

MATHEMA'TICKS. ʃ. [/waSnfxa^iXfl.]
That ſcience which contemplates whatever
is capable of being numbered or meaſured. Harris.

MA'lHES. ʃ. An herb. Ainſworth.

MATHE'SIS. ʃ. [fAti^nci!;.] The doarinc
of mathematicks.

MA'TIN. a. [»2a^/«€, French.] Morning; uſed in the morning, Milton.

MA'TIN. ʃ. M rning. Shakʃpeare.

MA'TINS. ʃ. [mattnes, French.] Morning
wo I ſhip. Cleaveland. Stillingfleet.

MA'TRASS. ʃ. [matras, Fr.] A chemical
glaſs veſſel made for digeſtion or di.lillation,
being ſometimes bellied, and ſometimes
riling gradually taper into a conical figure.

MA'TRICE. ʃ. [matrix, Latin.]
1. The womb ; the cavity where the ſcetus
is formed. Bacon.
2. A mould ; that which gives form to
ſomething incloſed. Woodward.

MATRICIDE. ʃ. [matricidium, Lat.]
1. Slaughter of a mother. Brown.
2. A mother killer.

To MATRi'CULATE. v. a. [from matrix
cula, Lat.] To enter or admit to a memberſhip
of the univerſities of England. Walton.

MATRI'CULATE. ʃ. [from the verb.] A
man matriculated, Arbuthnot.

MATRI'CULATION. ʃ. [from matriculate.]
The act of matriculating. Ayliffe.

MATRIMONIAL. a. [matrimoniaU Fr- ]
Suitable to marriage ; pertaining to marri«
age ; connubial ; nuptial ; hymeneal. Dryden.


MATRIMO'NIALLY. ad. [from wa/r/wofiijl.
; According lo the oianncr or laws of
marriage. Ayliffe.

MA'TRIMONV. ʃ. [matrimoraum, Latin.]
Marriage ; the nuptial ſtate. Com, Prayer.

MA^TRIX. ʃ. [Lat.»r.^rr;f^, Fr.] Womb ;
a place where any thing »s generated or
formed. Brown.

MA'TRON. ʃ. [matrone, French.]
1. An elderly lady. Tatkr.
2. An old woman. Pope.

MA'TRONAL. a. [wa.'ronfl//. Uttn.] Suitable
to a matron ; conſtituc ng a matron. 5d.

MA'IRONLY. a. [inatron and Itke.] Elderly
; ancient. L'Eſtrange.

MAI RCySS. ʃ. Mautff-a are a ſort of ioldiers
i.ext in degree under the gunners, who
aſſiſt about the gun? in traverſing, ſpunging,
firing, and loading them. Bailey.

MATTER. ʃ. [materta, Latin.]
1. Body ; ſubſtance extended.
Dai'ies. Newton.
2. Materials; that of which any thing is
compoſed. Bacon.
3. Subject ; thing treated. Itllotſon.
4. The whole ; the very thing ſuppoſed.
5. Affair ; buſineſs : in a familiar ſenſe. Bacon.
6. Cauſe of diſturbance. Shakʃpeare.
7. Subject of ſuit or complaint. A£is.
8. I.-nport ; conſequence ; importance ;
moment. Shakʃpeare.
9. Thing ; object ; that which has ſome
particular relation. Bacon.
10. Qu^ellion conGdered. South.
11. Space or quantity nearly computed.

12. Purulent running. Wiſeman.
13. Ufion the Matt ZR. With reſpect
to the main ; neaily. Bipop Sanderſon,

To MA'TTEK. v.n. [from the noun.]
1. To be of importance ; to import. Ben. Johnſon.
2. To generate matter by ſuppuration. Sidney.

To MATTER. v. a. [from the noun.] To
regard ; not to neglect.

MATTERY. a. [from »2ar/«r.] Purulent
; generating matter. Harvey.

MATTOCK. ʃ. [mattuc, Saxon.]
1. A kind of toothed inſtrument to pull up
wood Shakʃpeare.
2. A pickax. Knolles.

MATTRESS. ʃ. [matras, French.] A kind
of quilt made to lie upon. Dryden.

MATURATION. ʃ. [from maiuro, Lat.]
1. The act of ripening ; the ſtateo growing
ripe. Berkley.
2. The ſuppuration of excrementitious or
extr:iv -rated juices into matter. Quincy.

MATUI^ATIVE. a. [from maturo, Lat.]
1. Popening; conducive to ripeneſs.

2. Conducive to the ſuppuration of a fore,

MATU'RE. a. [maturus, Latin.]
1. Rae ; perfeded by time. Prior.
2. Brought near to completion. Shakſp.
3. Well-diſpoſed ; fit for execution ; weli digeſtec^.

To MATU'RE. v. a. [wa'aro, Latin.] Ta
ripen ; to advance to ripeneſs. Bacon.

MATU'RELY. ad. [from mature.]
1. Ripely; completely.
2. With counlcl welldigeſted. Swift.
3. Early ; ſoon. Berkley.

MaTU'RITY. ʃ. [maturita:, -Lzun.] Ripeneſs; completion. Ro^e/s.

MA'UDLIN. a. Drunk; ſuddled. Southern.

MAUDLIN./. {ageratum, Lat.] A pbnt.

MA'UGRE. ad. [rralgre, F.-'cneh.] In ſpitc
of ; notwithſtanding. Burnet.

MAVIS. f. [wflat//j, French.] A thruſh. Spenſer.

To MAUL. v. a. [from malleus^ Lat.] To
beat ; to bruiſe ; to hurt in coarle or
butcherly manner. Dryden.

MAUL. ʃ. [malleui, Latin.] A heavy hammer.

MAUND. ʃ. [ma n't,, Saxon ; mande, Ft.]
A hand baſker.

To MAUNDER. v. n. [maudire, French.]
To grumble ; to murmur. mjeman.

MA'UNDERER. ʃ. [from wtfar^^r. ; A

MAUNDY-THURSDAY. ʃ. Thethurfday
before Good friday.

MAUSO'LEUM. ʃ. [Latin.] A pompous
funeral monument.

MAW. ʃ. [ma^a, Saxon.]
1. The ſtomach of animalSr- Sidney.
2. The craw of birds. Arbuthnot.

MA'WKISH. a. Apt togivefitiety. Pope. .

MA'WKISKNESS. ʃ. [from maivkiſh.]
Aptneſs to cauſe loathing.

MA'WMET. ʃ. A puppet, anciently an idol.

MA'W.MISH. a. Fooliſh ; idle ; naufcous»


MAW-WORM. ʃ. Gut-worms frequently
creep into the ſtomach ; whence they arc
called ſtomach or mazu-icormt. Harvsy.

MA'XILLAR. v. a. [maxillarii, Latin.]

MA'XILLARY. ʃ. Belonging to the jawbone. Bacon.

M.A'XIM. ʃ. [m'.ximum, Latin.] An axiom; a general principle ; a leading truth.

MAY. auxiliary verb, preterite wz/^ir. [ma-
3m, Saxon.]
1. To be at liberty ; to be permitted ; to
be allowed ; as, you tnay do for me all you
can. Locke.
2. To be poſſible. Bacon.
3. To be by chance. Shakʃpeare.:jpe3rt.
4. To have power. Bacr>n.
5. A word expreſilikg deſire. Dryden.


MAY-^^, Perhaps. Spenſer, Creech.

MAY. ʃ. [Maius, Latin.] The'fifth monih
of the year ; the confine of Spring and
Summer ; the early or gay pait of life.Shakʃpeare.

To MAY. tj. n. [from the noun. '] To
gather flowers on May morning, Sidney.

MAY-BUG. ʃ. [May and bug.] A chaffer.

MAY-DAY. ʃ. [May and day.] The firſt
of May. Shakʃpeare.

MAY-FLOWER. ʃ. [May and flower.] A
plant. Bacon.

MAY-FLY. ʃ. [May and fiy.] An infect.

MAY-GAME. ʃ. [May 2n6 game.] Diverſion
; ſport ; ſuch as are uſed on the firſt
of May. Bacon.

MAY-LILY. ſ. The ſame with lily of the

MAY-POLE. ʃ. [May and pole.] Pole to be
danced round in May.Pope. .

MAY-WEED. ʃ. [May and <iveed.] A ſpecies
of chamomile. Miller.

MA'YOR. ʃ. [»M_/or, Latin.] The chief magiſtrate
of a corporation, who, in London
and York, is called Lord Mayor, Knolles.

MA'YORALTY. ʃ. [from mayor.] The office
of a m-iyor. Bacon.

MA'YORESS. ʃ. [from mayor.] The wife
of a mayor.

MA'ZARD. ʃ. [wfl/c^o;>e, French.] A jaw.

MAZE. ʃ.
1. A labyrinth ; a place of perplexity and
winding paſſages. Thomſon.
2. Confuſion of thought ; uncertainty
; perplexity. Sidney.

To MAZE. w.tf. [from the noun.] To bewilder
; to conful'e. Spenſer.

MA'ZY. a. [from maze.] Perplexed ; confuſed. Dryden.

MAZER. ʃ. [?»flſpr, Dutch.] A maple cup. Spenſer.
M. D. Medicina DcSior, doctor of phyſick.

ME. The oblique caſe of ʃ. Pope. .

ME'ACOCK. ʃ. [tnci coq. Skinner.] An uxorious
or effeminate man.

ME'ACOCK. a. Tame ; timorous ; cowardly.Shakʃpeare.

MEAD. ʃ. [masbo, Saxon.] A kind of drink
made of water and honey. Dryden.

MEAD. ʃ. / [nia-'^e, Sajton.] Ground

ME'ADOW. ʃ. ſomewhat watery, not plowed,

MEADOW-SAFFRON. ʃ. [colchicum, Lat.]
A vlant. Miller.

MEADOW- SWEET. ʃ. [u!n:aria, Latin.]
A p.lant.

ME'AGEIt. ^. [maigre. Trench.]
1. Lean} wanting tiefli ; ſtarved. Dryden.
2. Poor ; hungry. Dryden.

To ME'AGER. v. a. [from the noun.] To
make lean. Knolles.

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ME'AGERNESS. ʃ. [from meager.]
1. Leanneſs ; want of fleſh.
2. Scantneſs ; bareneſs. j^acont

MEAK. ʃ. A hook with a long handle. Tuſſer.

MEAL. ʃ. [male, Saxon.]
1. The a<a of eating at a certain time.
2. A repaft. Shakʃpeare.d
g. Apart} a fragment. Bacon.
4. The flower or edible part of corn.

To MEAL. v. a. [meler, Fr.] Toſprinkle ;
to mingle. Shakʃpeare.

ME'ALMAN. ʃ. [meat aand man.] One that
deals in meal.

ME'ALY. a. [from meal.]
1. Having the taſte or ſoft inſipidity of
meal. Arbuthnot.
2. Beſprinkled, as with meal. Brown.

MEALY-MOUTHED. a. Soft mouthed ; unable to ſpeak freely, L'Eſtrange.

; reſtraint of ſpeech;

MEAN. a. [moene, Saxon.]
1. Wanting dignity ; of low rank or birth. Sidney.
2. Low-minded ; baſe ; ungenerous} ſpiritleſs. Smalridge.
3. Contemptible} deſpecable. Pope. .
4. Low in the degree of any property ; low
in worth. Dryden.
5. [Moyen, French.] Middle ; moderate ; without exceſs. Sidney.
6. Intervening ; intermediate. 1 Kings.

MEAN. ʃ. [moyen, French.]
1. Mediocrity ; middle rate ; medium,Shakʃpeare.
2. Meaſure ; regulation. Spenſer.
3. Interval ; interim ; mean time. Spenſer.
4. Inſtrument} meaſure} that which is
uſed in order to any end. Hooker.
c. By all Means. Without doubt ;
without hefitation.
6. By no Means. Not in any degree;
not at ail. Addiʃon.
7. Revenue} fortune. Shakʃpeare.
8. Mean-time. 7 In the iiiusrvening
Mean while ; time. Swift.

To MEAN. v. n. [meenen, Dutch.] To
have in mind ; to intend ; to purpo/e. Milton.

To MEAN. v. a.
1. To purpoſe; to intend; to deſign. Milton.
2. To intend ; to hint covertly ; to underſtand. Dryden.

MEA NDER. ʃ. Maze ; labyrinth^ fl-xuous
paflTige ; ſerpentine winding. Ha fi

MEA'NDROUS. a. [from mf<3«^cr.] Winding
; ſkxuous.

ME'ANING. ʃ. [JiQmmcrin.]
1. Purpoie ; intention, Shakʃpeare.
2. Hibiluai

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ft. Habitual infention. Roſcommin.
3. The ſenſe ; the thin;: undernoud. Pope. .

ME'ANLY. ad. [from tr.ea,:.]
1. Moderately ; not in a great degree. Dryden.
2. Without dignity ; poorly. Milton.
3. Without greatneſs of mind ; ungeaerouſly.
4. Without reſpect. /fj/fj.

ME'ANNESS. ʃ. [from mejn.]
1. Want of exceJience. Hooker.
2. Want of dignity ; low rank ; poverty. South.
3. Lowneſs of mind. ^out,b.
4. Sofcii^ncls ; niggardlineſs,

MEANT. perf. and part. p<iir. of to mean. Prior.

MEASE. ʃ. A ff?ffl/<r of herrings is five hundred. Ainsworth.

1. Meajhi are a critical eruption in a fever,
well known in the comnrion practice. Quincy.
2. A di'enfeof ſwine. Ben. Johnſon.
3. A difeaſe of trees. Mortimer.

ME'ASLED. a. [^Uommeojiei.^ Infeaed
with the meafles. Hudibras.

ME'ASLY. a. [from meapi.] Scaobed with
the m-.TIlch. Swift.

1. Such as miv be meaſureJ. Berkley.
2. Moderate ; in ſmall quantity,

ME'ASURABLENESS. ʃ. [from mtafurabler\
Quality or admitting to be me-fured.

ME'A UHABLY. ad. [from meajurable.]
Moderately. Eccluj.

ME'ASURE. ʃ. [mefure, French.]
1. Thdt by whith any thing is meaſured. Arbuthnot.
2. The rule by which any thing is adju (led
or proportioned. More,
3. Proportion} quantiry ſettled. Hcokdr,
4. A ſtated quantity} as, a meifure of
wine. Shakʃpeare.
5. Sufficient quantity. Shakʃpeare.
6. Allotment ; portion allotted. Milton. Tilhtjor.
7. Degree. yH^bot.
8. Proportionate time} roufical time. Prior.
9. Motion harmonically regulated. Dryd.
10. A ſtately dance. Shakʃpeare.
; I, Moderation; not exceſs, Shakſp.
32. Limit; boundary. Pſalms.
13. Any thing adjuſted. Taylor. Smah,
14. Syllables metrically numbered ; metre. Dryden.
75. Tune ; proportionare notes, Spenſer.
16. Mean of actioo ; mean to an end.
C J'cndc.v.
17. To have hard mrd/l^rt ; to be hardly
dedr bv.

To ME'.A SURE. 1', «. [w^/tr/r, French.]
1. To compute the quantity of any thing
by ſome ſettled rule. Bacon.
1. To paſs through ; to judge of extent by
marching over. Dryd<:r,
3. To judge of quantity or extent, orgreatneſs.
4. To adjuſt; to proportion. Taylor.
5. To mark out in ſtated q'jantities. Addiʃon.
6. To allot or diſtribute by meaſure. Matt,

Mt'ASURELESS. a. [from mea'ure.] Immenfe
; imrneafurable, Shakʃpeare.

ME'ASUREMENT. ʃ. [from meajure.]
Menfuration ; act of meaſuring.

ME'ASUREil. ſ. [from Tr.ejJure.] One that

ME AT. ʃ. [met, French.]
1. F14ih to beeaten. Bacon.
7. Food in general. Shakʃpeare.

ME'ATED. a. [from rftcat.] Fed ; foddered.

MEATHE. ʃ. [medd, Welili.] Drink.

MECHA'NICAL. v. a. [mechar-cus, Latin ;

MECKA'NICK. S (torn iucrx<.^n.]
1. Mean ; ſervile ; of mean occupation.
2. Conſtructed by the laws of mcchmick?. Dryden.
3. Skilled in mechanicks,

MECHA'NICK. ʃ. A manufaaurer ; alow
workman. iicucht

MECHA'NICKS. ʃ. [mechanica, Latin.]
Dr. Wallis defines mtcharacki to be the geometry
of :not . n.

MECHANICALLY. ad. lUt>m m:ckanich\
According to the laws of mechanifm. Ray, Newton.

MECHA'NICALNESS. ʃ. [from mechanick.]
1. Ag-eeubleneſs to the the laws of mechaniim.
2. Merinneſs.

MECHANICIAN. ʃ. A man profeſſing or
ſtudyii.g the conſtruction of machines. Boyle.

MECHA'NISM. ʃ. [mechaniſme, French.]
1. Action according to mechanick laws.
2. Conſtruction of parts depending on each
other in any complicated fabrick.

MECHO'ACAN. ʃ. A large roor, twelve,
or fourteen inches long, and of the thickneſs
of a man's \v ii^, ul'ually divided into
two branches at the bottom : it is brought
from the province of m-thoicun in S-'Uth
America : the root in powJer is a gentland
mild piirgative. LW, M E CO'NI UM . r. r^„ ^4. „ ;
1. Expreired i'jice of poppy. .
2. The firſt excrement of children.

ME DAL. f. [msdaiUe^ Frsach.]
1. An anci«n; <»ia. AJd'<''6r.
4. H »;. .

2. A piece ſtamped in honour of fotne remarkable

MEDA'LLICk. a. [item medal] Pertaining
to medals. Addiʃon.

MEDA'LLION. ʃ. [medalUon, Yrtnch.) A
\,x-t antique ſtamp or medal. Addiʃon.

MEDALLIST. f. Imedadltfte.-F^tnch.] A
man ſkilled or curious in medals. Addiſon.

To ME'DDLE. ʃ. «. [mtddchn^ Dutch]
1. To have to do. Bacon.
2. To jnterpole ; to act in any thing. Dryden.
3. To fnterpoſe or intervene importunely
or ofticiouſly. Prov.

To ME'DDLE. v. a. [from mfjlerj French.]
To mix ; to mingle. i>penſer.

ME'DDLER. ʃ. [from meddle.) Ooe who
bulies himſelf
n.-> concern.

the things in which he has MEDI'CINABLE. a.

ME'DICALLY. ad. [{tommedica!.] Phyfically
5 medicinally. Brown.

ME DICAMENT. ʃ. [mcdicamtrtum, Lat.]
Any thing uſed in healing ;
generally topical
applications. Hammond.

MEDICAME'NTAL. a. [from medicament..
Relating to medicine, internal or topical,

MEDICAME'NTALLY. ad. [from medicamental.]
After the manner of medicine. Brown.

To ME'DICATE. v. a. [?;:-Jw, Latin.] To
tinflureor impregnate with any thing medicinal. Rambler.

MEDICATION. ʃ. [from medicate.]
1. The z€t of tin^uring or impregnating
with medicinal ingredients. Bacon.
5. The uſe of phyſick. Brown, Bacon.
Intermeddling. Ainſworth.

MEDIA'S7INE. ʃ. The fimbriated body
about which the guts are convolved. Arbuthnot.

To MEDIATE. 'o.n. [from wfrf.'wi, Lat.]
1. To interpoſe as an equal friend to both
parties Ro^eru
2. To be between two. J^''gh'

To ME'DIATE. v. a.
1. To form by mediation. C'J'^endn.
2. To limit by ſomething in the middle. Holder.

ME'DIATE. r. [medial, French.]
1. Inter poſed ; intervening. Prior.
'2. Middle; between two extremes. Prior.
3. Adting as a means. Wotton.

Mti'DIATELY. ad. [from mediate.] By a
lecondary cauſe. Raleigh.

lilEDIA'TION. ʃ. [medlatior, French.]
i» Interpoſition; intervention ^ agency between
two partie?, practiſedby a common
friend. Bacon.
2. Agency; an intervenient power. South.
3. Interceſſion; entreaty for another.

MEDIA'TOR. ʃ. [mediateur.Titnch.]
1. One that intervenes between two parties. Bacon.
1. An interceflbr ; an entreater for another.
3. One of the characters of our bleſſed

MEDIATORIAL. v. a. [from

MEDIATORY. S Belonging to a mediator.

MEDIA'TORSHIP. ʃ. [from mediator.] The
offue of m-diator.

MEDIA'TRIX. j. [medius, Latin.] A female
mediator. Ainsworth.
Me Lie,/. [rW/ifu, Latin.] A plant. Miller.

ME'DICi^L. a. [medicus, Latin.] Phyfical ; re.c t .^.g to the art of hoi ng. Brown.
Having the power of. Bacon, Milton.

1. Having the power of healing; having
phyſical virtue. Milton.
1. Belonging to phyſick. Butler.

MEDICI'NALLY. ad. [from medicinal.]
Phyfically. Dryden.

ME'blCINE. ʃ. [medicine, French ; medicir.a,
Latin.] Any remedy adminiſtred by a phyſician. DrydenH

To ME'DICINE. v. a. [from the noun.]'
To operate as phyſick. Shakʃpeare.

MEDI'ETY. ʃ. [>;f^/fr/, French.] Middle
; participation of two extremes ; half. Brown.

MEDIO'CRITY. ʃ. [mediocritat, Latin.]
1. Small degree; middle rate; middle
ſtate. TWotton.
1. Moderation ; temperance. Hooker.

To MI-'DITATE. 1;. a. [meditor, Lat.]
1. To plan ; to ſcheme ; to contrive. Dryd.
2. To think on ; to revolve in the mind. Spenſer.

To ME'DITATE. y. «. To think ; to muſe ; to crntemplate. Taylor.

MEDITATION. f. [meditatio, Latin.]
1. Deep thought; cloſe attention; contrivance
; contemplation. Berkley.
2. Thought employed upon ſacred objects,
GranvilL' .
3. A ſeries of thoughts, occaſioned by any
objfd or occurrence.

MEDITATIVE. a. [from medicate.]
1. Addiʃon.
1. Expreſſing intention or deſign.

MEDITERRA'NE. n r ,. ,

1. Encircled with land. Brerewood.
2. Inland ; remote from the fea. Brown.

ME'DIUM. ʃ. [medium, Latin.]
1. Any thing intervening. Bacon.
2. Any'' thing uſed in ratiocination, in
order to a condufion, Bohr.
3. The

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3. The middle place or degree; the j'jft
temperature between extremes. h^Ejtr,

ME'DLAR. ʃ. [frejpiius, Latin.]
1. A tree. Miller.
2. The fruit of that tree. ClccLtland.

ME'DLY. ʃ. A mixture ; a mifecllany ; a
mingled mafs. Walflt.

ME'DLEY. a. Mingled ; confuſed. Dryd.

MEDULLAR. v. a. [meduUaire, French.]

MEDULLARY. ʃ. Pertaining to the marrow. Cheyne.

MEED. ʃ. [met), Saxon.]
1. Reward; recompence, Milton.
2. Preſent ; gift. Shakʃpeare.

MEEK. a. [minkr, Iſlandick.] Mild of temper; not proud ; not roHgh ; ſoft ; gentle. Collier.

To ME'EKEN. v. a. [from metk.] To
make meek ; to ſoften. Thomfon.

ME'EKLY.d^. [from meek.^ Mildly ; gently.

ME'EKNESS. ʃ. [from meek.] Gentkneſs; mildneſs ; ſoftneſs of temper. Atterbury.

MEER. ^, [SeeMERE.] Simple ; unmixed.

MEER. ʃ. [See Mere.] A Jake ; a boundary,

ME'ERED. a. Relating to a boundary.Shakʃpeare.

MEET. a.
1. Fit; proper; qualified. Now rarely
uſed. ^'l^itgift.
2. Meet with. Even with- Shakſp.

To MEET. v. a. ſttt. ; me: ^ I have met
particip. met.
1. To come face to face ; to encounter.Shakʃpeare.
3. To join anoth«r in the ſame p!ace.Shakʃpeare.
3. To cloſe one with another. Addiʃon.
4. To find ; to be treated with ; to light
on. fof.e,
5. To aſſemble from different parts. Milton.

To MEET. v. n.
1. To encounter ; to cloſe face to face,
2. To encounter in hoſtility.
3. To aſſemble ; to come together.
4. To MzzT with. To light on ; to find.
5. TtMzr.r 'zvitb. To join. Shakſp.
6. To Meet with. To encounter; to
engage. Shakʃpeare.
7. A lalinifm. To obviate. Bacon.
8. To advance half way. South.
9. To unite ; to join.

ME'ETER. ʃ. [from meet.] One that accorts
another. IShakʃpeare.

ME'£,TLNG. ʃ. [from rr.eet..
1. An allembly ; a convention. Spratt.
5. A congreſs. Shaitjpeart,

3. A conventicle; an aſſembly of dJ/Tcnters.
4. A conflux : as» the meeting of two

MEE'TING- HOUSE./, [meeting and b^.uſe.]
Place where diffcnters aſſemble to worſhip. Addiſon.

MEETLY. ad. [from the adjective.] Fitly ; properly.

Mli'ETNESS. ʃ. [from w^r.] Fitneſs
; propriety.

MEGRIM. ʃ. [from Hemicrany.] Diſorder
of the head. Bacon.

To MEINE. v. a. To mingle.

ME'INY. ʃ. [meriju, Saxon.] A retinue; domeſtick fervants. Shakʃpeare.

MELANAGO'GUES. ʃ. [from /uaXcvo; and
aj'flu.] Such medicines as are ſuppoſed particularly
to purge off black choler.

MELANCHO'LICK. a. [from mclancholy..
Ddordered with melancholy ; fanciful
; hypochondriacal. Clarenden.

MELANCHO'LY. ʃ. [from (xi\c.o; and
1. A difeaſe ſuppoſed to proceed from a
redundance of black bile. uincy.
2. A kind of madneſs, in which the mind

JG always fixed on one object. Shakſpeare.
3. A gloomy, penfive, diſcontented temper. Taylor.

MELANCHO'LY. a. [melanco'-tque, Fr.]
1. Gloomy; diſmal. Denham.
2. DITeaſed with melancholy ; fanciful
; habituall dejected. Locke.

MELICE'RIS. ʃ. [fxiXiKtifl;.] MJiccrit is
a tumour incloſed in a cyftis, and confiſhng
of matter like honey : it gathers without
pain, and gives way to preliure, but
returns again. Shakſp.

ME'LILOT. ʃ. [melHot, Fr. mtlihtus, Lat.]
A pl^nt. M/Z/er.

To MELIORATE. v. a. [meliorer, French ; from mtliory Lat.] To better ; to improve. South.

MELIORA'TION. ʃ. [melioration, French.]
Improvement ; act of bettering. Bacod.

MELIORITY. ʃ. [from mehor,L\t.] State
of being better. Eicon,

To MELL. v. n. [meler^ Fr.] To mix; to
meddle. Spenſer.

MELLITEROUS. a. Productive of honey.

MELLIFICA'TION. ʃ. [mfllifco, Latin.]
The art or pr<i«ſtice of making honey,

MELLITLUENCE. ʃ. [ntd and jiu , Lat.]
A honied fl w ; a flow of ſweerneſs.

MELLI'FLUENT. v. a. [m.-l zrnifuo, Lat.]

MELLIFLUOUS. ʃ. Flowing with honey.

1. Soft with ripeneſs; full ripe, Digby.
2. Soft in found, Dryden.
3. Soft ; undtuous. Bacon.
4. H a 4 Drunk ;

4. Drunk ; melted down with drink.

To ME'LLOW. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ripen ; to mature ; to loften by ripereſs. Addiʃon.
2. To ſoften. Mortimer.
3. To mature to perfection. Dryden.

To ME'LLOW. t;. n. To be matured ; to
ripen. Donne.

ME'LLOWNESS. ʃ. [from w^/Aw.]
1. Maturity of fruits ; ripeneſs ; ſoftneſs
by maturity. I^igh'
1. Maturity ; full dge.

MELOCO'TON. ʃ. [m^/cfo/o;?.', Spaniſh.] A

MELO'DIOUS. a. [from »:^W_y.] Mafical
; harmonious-. Milton.

MELO'DIOUSLY. ad. [from melodious.]
Muficaily ; harmfinioiidv.

MELO'DIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from melodious.]
Harn-joniourneſs ; muſicalnefy,

ME'LODY. ʃ. [fxiXoo^i-a.] Muſick ; harmony
of found. Hooker.

ME'LON. ʃ. [milo, Latin.]
1. A plant. Miller.
t. The fruit. Numb.

MELON-THISTLE. [. A plant.

To MELT. v. a. [my t^n, Saxon.]
1. To diflulve ; to make liquid} commonly
by hear. Locke.
2. To dllolve ; to break in pieces. Burnet.
3. To ſoften to love or tenderneſs. Addiſ.
4. To wade away, Shakʃpeare.

To MELT. nj.n,
1. To become liquid ; to difToIve. Dryd.
c. To be ſoſtoned to pity, or any gentle
paſſinn, Shakʃpeare.
3. To be diflblved ; to Joſe ſubſtance,Shakʃpeare.
4. To be ſubdue(J by affliaion. /'fu/n:s.

ME'LTER. ʃ. [from w.v.'r.] One that melts
metals. Sidney.

ME'LTINGLY. ad. [from m'ting.] Like
ſomethini: melting. Sidney.

MELWEL. ʃ. A kind of fiITi.'

MEMBER. ʃ. [memLre^ French.]
1. A limb ; a part appendant to the body.
2. A part of a diſecurſe or period ; a head ; a claufc. Urates,
3. Aivy partof an integral. Addiſon.
4. One of a community. Addiſon.

MEMBRANE. ʃ. [mfm6rara, Uun.] A
memhrane is a web of ſeveral forts of fibres,
interwoven together fur the coveiing and
wrapping up ſome parts: the fibres of the
ip'-mhrares give them aneiafticiry, whereby
they can contract, and cloſely graſp, the
Dirts rhey contain. ^ircy, Brown.

MEMB.^ANA'CEO'JS. -> a. [memhrar.eux,

French.] Con-

MEMB.IA'NOUS. 3 fiftingofmemtiaijss,

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MEME'NTO. ʃ. [Latin.] A memorial notice
; a hint to awal.n the mem.0Ty. Bacon.

MEMO'IR. ʃ. [memoire, French.]
1. An account of tranſactions famiiiaily
written. Prior.
2. Hint ; notice ; account of any thing.

ME'MORABLE. a. [memorabiH$, Latin.]
Worthy of memory ; not to be forgotten.

ME'MORABLY. ad. lUvimmeworahU.] \t\
a manner worthy of memory.

MEMORANDUM. ʃ. [Latin.] A note
to help the mcmorj'. ISwift.

MEMO'RIAL. a. [viemorialii, Latin.]
1. Preleivative of memory. Broome.
2. Omtained in memory. Watts.

Mt-MO'RIAL. ʃ. A monument ; ſomething
to preſerve memory. S'tth.

MEMO'RLALIST. ʃ. [from memorial.] 0ns
who writes memoriars. i^p: ctator.

MEMORI'ZE. v. a. [from memory.] To recoid
; to commit to memory by writing. Wotton.

MEMORY. ʃ. [mimoria, Latin.]
1. The power of retaining or reco!lecting
tilings part
; retention ; reminiſcence ; recollection. Locke.
2. Exemption from ob'ivion, Shakſp.
3. Time of knowledge. Milton.
4. Memorial ; mo/ii.mental record. AddiſOtJ,
5. Reflection; attention. Not in uſe.Shakʃpeare.

MEN. the plural of m^in. Clarenden.

MEN-PLEASER. ʃ. [man andpleaſer.] One
too careful to pleaſe others, Eph.

To ME'NACE. v. a. [m.nacer, French.] To
th) eaten ; to threat. Shakʃpeare.

M£'NACE. ʃ. [7nenace,Yt. from the verb.]
Threat, Brown.

ME'NACER. ʃ. [menaceuryYT.] A threatener
; one that threats. Philips.

MENACE. ʃ. [French.] A colloction of
animals. Addiſon.

MENAGOGUE. ʃ. [fj-^vi^ and ayo,.] A
medicine that promotes the tlux of the

To MEND nf. a. [einendo, Latin.]
1. To repair from breach or decay.
2. Citron.
2. To correfl ; to alter for the better. Temple.
.3. To help ; to advance. Locke.
4. To improve ; to increaſe. Dryden.

To MEND. 11. n. To grow better ; to advance
in any good. Pope. .

ME'NDABLE. a. [from mend.] Capable of
being mended.

MENDA'CITY. ʃ. [from mendax^hMm.]
Falsehood. B'onvn.

MEANDER. ʃ. [from mend.] One who makes
a(iy change for the better. Shakſp.


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ME NDICANT. a. [merJuam, Lat.] Begging
; poor to a ſta:. of beggary. fiJJet.

ME'NDICANT. ʃ. [mendicant, French.] A
beggar ; one of ſome begging fraternity.

To ME'NDICATE. v. a. [mindico, Latin ; mendiery French.] To beg ; to aſk alms,

MENDrCITY. /. [menduitai^Lnxn.] The
Jife of a beggar.

MENDS for amends, Shakʃpeare.

ME'NIAL. a. [from meivy.] Belonging to
the retinue, or train of lervants.

ME'N!AL. ʃ. One of the train of fervants.

MENT'NGES. ʃ. [i^v,dy(^.] Tnt meringei
art the two membranes that envelope
the brain, which are called the pia mater
and dura mater ; the latter being the exterior
involuorum, Wiſeman.

MENO'LOGY. ʃ. [fAnwUyioy.] A regiſter
of months. Sfilltngfleet.

ME'NOW. ʃ. commonly minnoit.: A hih. Ainſworth.

ME'NSAL. a. [^menfalisy Latin.] Belonging
ro the table. Clarijj'a,

ME'NSTRUAL. a. [menfirous, Latin.]
1. Monthly
; happening once a month ; Idfting a mon^h. Berkley.
2. PertainJHg to a menſtruum. Bacon.

ME'NSTRUOUS. a. [nunſtrous^ Lzun.]

HIviiij; the catamenia. Brown.

ME'NSTRUUM. ʃ. All liquors are called
mtjiruumi which are uſed as diOblvcnts,
rr vo extrafl the virtues of ingredients by
infufinn, ri°co<ſtion. iQu:ncy. Ncioton.

MENSURABI'LITY. ʃ. [mnfurai>,l!i,PT.]
Cap .c;'> ji oting meaſured,

ME'NSURABLE. a. [m:nju>a, Lat.] Meafurablfi
; that may be meaſured. Holder.

ME'NSURAL. a. ,'from m-.ttjura, Latin.]
Relating to meaſure.

To ME'NbURATF. v. a. [ITom menfura,
Lr'iri. [To meaſure ; to take the dimen
'ion of an\ ti.ing.

MLiNSURA'TION. ʃ. [from »jf«/«ftf, Lat.]
Th'- act or practice of meaſuring ; reſult
of mea'uring. Arbuthnot.

ME'NTAL. rf. [OT.«m, Latin.] Iincliedual; ex Hing in the mind. MHton.

ME'MTALLY. ad. [from mntai] IntcilectuaLy
; in the mind ; nut praiftically, but
in thought or meditation, Berkley.

ME'NTIOi^. ʃ. [m'-ntio, Latin.] Oral or
written expreſſion, or recital of any thing. Rogers.

To ME'iN'TION. i/. a. [memionner, Fren.]
To write or expreſs in words or writing. Iſaiah.

MEPHI'TICAL. a. [m'pLitis, Uun.] Ill
favoured ; )+ inking, Quincy.

MERA'CIOUS. a. [meracui,U^.] Strong;

ME'RCABLE. a. [«j^rc3r, Latin.] To be ſold
or bought. DiS,

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ME'RCANTANT. ʃ. [m'rc:imantr,lu\.]
A foreigner, or foreign trader. Shakʃpeare.

ME'RCANTILE. a. Tradings commercial,

ME'RCAT. ʃ. [mercatuSjh^Un.] Market; '^f. Shratt,

ME'RCATURE. ʃ. [mercatura, Lat.] The
pra<ſtice of blying and ſelling.

ME'RCENARfNESS. ʃ. [from m'rcerary,.
Venality ; reſped to hire or reward, Boyle.

MERCENARY. a. [mercenarius, Latin.]
Venal ; hired ; fold for money. Haywood.

ME'RCENARY. ʃ. [mircenaire,Fxtnch.]
A hireling ; one retained or ſerving for pay.

MrRCER.'/. [mercuTy French.] One who
ſellss ſilks. nowell

ME'RCE^Y. ʃ. [mercerie, Fr. from m^rcer..
Tr^de of mercers ; dealing in ſilks. Graunt.

To ME'RCHAND. if.n. [marchMder,Yx.-\

T. traiifaa by traffick. Bacon.

ME'RCHANDISE. ʃ. [rrarckardlfs, Fr.]
1. Traffitk ; commerce ; trade. Taylor.
2. Wares ; any thing to be Dought or fold. Bacon.

To ME'RCHANDISE. z,. r. To trade ; to
traffick ; to exerciſe commerce. Brereiv,

ME'RCHANT. ʃ. [ma,chanc!,Yren<ih.] One
who trafficks to remote countries. Addiſ.

ME'RCHaNTLY. v. a. Like a mer-

ME'RCHANTLIKE-J chant. yi/«/w.

MERCHANT.MaN. ſ. A Aip of trade. Taylor.

MERCHANTABLE. a. [from merchant.]
Fit CO be b-.ught or fold, Brown.

ME'RCIABLE. a. This word in Spenſer.
figriifies mtrciful.

ME'RCIFUL. fi. [mfrryand////.] Compaf-
Tunace ; tender ; kind ; unwiſing to putt
iſh ; willing to pity and ſparc. Deut,

ME'RCIFULLY^. ad. [from mtreful]
Tenderly ; mJdly; with p:ty. Atterbury.

ME'RCIFULNESS.;} [from mirciful.^ Tenderneſs
; withngneſs lo ſpare. Hammond.

ME'RCILES^S. a. [from w.-rry. ; Void of
mercy ; pitileſs 3 hard hearted. Shakʃpeare, Denham.

MERCILESSLY. ad. frommcrcHeſs.] In a
manner void of pity.

ME'^CILESSNESS. ʃ. [from m^rcileful
Want L'i pity.

ME'RCURIAU. a. [tMercurlalis, Latin.]
1. Formed under the inlluence of Mercury
; aaive ; ſpnghtiy. Bacon.
2. Conſiſting of quickſilver.

MERCURIFICATION. a. [from mercury.
The act of mixing any thing with quickſilver. Boyle.

ME'RCURY. ʃ. [mercuriusy Latin.]
1. The chemiſt's name for quickſilver is
mncury. Hill,
2. Sprightly qualiticF,Pope. .

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3. A news paper.
4. It is now applied to the carriers ofnews.

ME'RCURY. ʃ. ſmercuria/is, Lat.] A plant.

ME'RCY. ʃ. [merci, French.]
1. Tenderneſs ; goodneſs ; pity; willingy
neſs to fave ; clemency ; mildneſs ; unwillingneſs
to puniſh. Pſalms.
2. Pardon.
_. Dryden.
3. Diſcretion ; power of afling at pleaſuj^e. Swift.

ME'RCY-SEAT. ſ. [mercy and feaf.] The
covering of the ark of the covenant, in
which the tables of the law were depoſited :
it was of gold, and at its two ends were
fixed the two cherubims, of the ſame metal,
which with their wings extended forwardS ;
feemed to form a throne. Exodus.

MERE. a. [mrus, Latin.] That or this only
; ſuch and nothing elle ; this only.

MERE or mer. [mepe, Saxon.] A pool or
Jake. Gi^fon.

MERE. ʃ. [mejae, Saxon.]
1. A pool ; commonly a large pool or lake. Camden.
1. A boundary: Bacon.

ME RELY. ad. [from mere.] Simply ; only ; Swift.

MERETRI'CIOUS. a. [meretncius, Latin.]
Whonih ; ſuch as is prattiſedby proſtitutes
; alluring by falſe ſhow.

MERETRI CIOUSLY. ad. [from meretricious..
Whoriſhly ; after the manner of whores.

MERETRI'CIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from meretri.
(ious.] Falle allurements like thoſe of

MERVDIAN. ʃ. [meridien, French.]
1. Noon ; mid-day. Dryden.
2. The line drawn from north to ſouth,
which the fun croffes at noon. Watts.
3. The particular place or ſtate of any
thing. Hale.
4. The higheſt point of glory or power. Waller.

1. At the pcintof noon. Milton.
2. Extended from north to ſouth. Boyle.
3. Raiſed to the higheſt point,

MERI'DIONAL. a. [merictionaly French.]
1. Southern. B^own.
%, Southerly ; having a ſoothern aſpecl. Wotton.

MERIDIONA'LITY. ʃ. [from merictional.]
Poſition in the ſouth ; aſped towards the

MERI'l^IONALLY. ad. [{lovn merictional.]
With a ſouthern aſpect. Brown.

ME'RIT. ſ. [meritum, Latin.]
1. Defertj excellence deferying honour or
reward. Dryden.
2. Reward deſcrvcd, I'ricr,

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3. Claim; right, r Dryden.

To ME'RIT. v. a. [msriter, French.]
1. To deſerve; to have aright to claim
any thing as deſerved. South.
2. To deſerve ; to earn. Shakʃpeare.

MERITO'RIOUS. a. [meritoire, Fr. from
merit.] Deferring of reward ; high in defer
t. Biſhop Sanderſon.

MERITO'RIOUSLY. ad. [from meritorious.]
In ſuch a manner as to deſerve reward. Wotton.

MERITO'RIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from meritori.
ous.] The act or ſtate of dcſcrving well. South.

ME'RITOT. ʃ. [ojcillt^m, Latin.] A kind of

ME'RLIN. ʃ. A kind of hawk. Sidney.

MERMAID. ʃ. [mer, the fea, and maid.]
A ſea woman. Davies.


ME'RRILY. ad. [from merry.] Gaily ; merrily ; theerfully ; with mirth. Granville.

ME'RRIMAKE. ʃ. [merry and make.] A
feſtival ; a meeting f^^r mirth. Spenſer.

To ME'RRIMAKE. v. a. To feaſt ; to be
jovial. G<iy.

ME'RRIMENT. ʃ. [from wtfrrj.] Mirth ;
gaiety ; cheerfulneſs ; laughter. Hooker.

ME'RRINESS. ʃ. [from merry.] Mirth ; merry diſpoſition. Shakʃpeare.

ME'RRY. a.
1. Laughing ; loudly cheerful ; gay of heart. Addiʃon.
2. Caufing laughter. Shakʃpeare.
3. Proſperous. Dryden.
4. To make Merry. To junket; to be
jovial. L'Eſtrange.

MERRY-A'NDREW. ʃ. A buffoon; a
zany; a jack- pudding, L'Eſtrange.

ME/RRYTHOUGHT. ʃ. [merry and
thought.] A forked bone on the body of
fowls. Eachard.

MESERA'ICK. ʃ. [iMicrdſw.] Belonging to
the myfentery. Brown.

ME'RSION. ʃ. [merfioy Latin.] The ad of

MESE'EMS. imperſonal verb. I think ; it
appears tome. Sidney.

ME'SENTERY. ʃ. [^srEvltpiov.] That round
which the guts are convolved. Arbuth.

MESENTE'RICK. a. [mefenterique, Fr.]
Relating to the mefentery. Cheyne.

MESH. ʃ. [maefche, Dutch.] The interllice
of a net ; the ſpace between the threads of
a net. Blackmore.

To MESH. v. a. [from the noun.] To
catch in a net ; to enfnare. Drayton.

ME'SHY. a. [from ITJ^y^.] Reticulated;
of net-work, Car.civ.

ME'SLIN. ʃ. [for mifcii^ane.] Mixed corn :
as^ A heat and rie. Hooker.


MESOLEU'CYS. ʃ. [fxtcr^MvA^.] A precious
ſtone, black, With a ſtreak of white
in the middle.

MESO'LOGARITHMS. ʃ. [fAr'^', xiy<^,
and api^fx'^.] The logarithms of the
cofines and tangents, ſo denominated by
KefiUr, Harris.

MESO'MELAS. ʃ. [/xsa^^iXa?.] A precious

ME SPJSE. ʃ. [probably miſprinted for rmf-r
f>rije ; mej'pr ity Fr.] Contempt ; ſcorn.

MESS. f. [ma, old French.] A diſh 3 a
quaatity of food ſent to table together. Decay of piety.

To MESS. v. ſt. To eat ; to feed.

ME'SSAGE. ʃ. [mejfage, Fr.] An errand ; any thing committed to another to be told
to a third. South, Dryden.

ME'SSENGER. ʃ. [mf^^^fr, French.] One
who carries an errand ; one who brings an
account or foretoken of any thing.

MESSI'AH. ʃ. [from the Hebrew.] The
Anointed ; the Chriſt. Watts.

MESSIEURS. ʃ. [Fr. plural of morfieur.]
Sirs; gentlemen.

ME'SSMATE. ʃ. [miſs and mate.] One
who eats at the ſame table.

MESSUAGE. ʃ. [mejfuagium, law Latin ]
The houſe and ground ſet apart for houſhold

MET. the preterite and part. o\ meet. Addiſon.

METAGRA'MMATISM. ʃ. [/x=7a and
yiilMfxa.] Anagrammatifm, or nietagrarr.
niatifm^ is a diifolution of a nanie truly
written into its letter?, as its elements,
and a new connexion of it by artificial
tranſpoſition, making ſome perfect ſenſe
applicable to the perſon named. Camden.

ME7^BASn. ʃ. [Greek.] In rhctorick,
a figure by which the orator paflcs from
one thing to another. DiB.

META'BOLA. ʃ. [^laCiX;;\] In medicine,
a chance of time, air, or diſeaſe.

METACARPUS. ʃ. [/..?/«>'«> Tn.v.] In anatomy,
a bone of the arrn made up of four
bones, which are joined lo the finfrerj.


METACA'RPAL. a. [from metacarpus.]
Belonging to the metacarpus. Di^.

METAL. ʃ. [mera!, French.]
1. Metails a firm, heavy, and hard ſubſtance,
opaks, fuſible by fire, and concreting
agjin whr;n cold into a ſolid body ſuch
as It was before, which is mi^leable under
the hammer. The meta.'s are fix in
number: 1. gold ; 2. filver ; 3- copper; 4. tin; 5. iron ; and, 6. lead.
2. Courage ; ſpirit. Chrendon.

METALE'PSIS. ʃ. [f^Cixn^a.] A cor.ti-

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nuation of a trope in one word through a
fucceſſion of /igo.fications,

META'LLICAL 7 a. [from metallum,

META'LLICK. ʃ. Lat.] Partaking of me.
; containing metal ; conſiſting of me-
.^- ffotton,

METALLIFEROUS. a. [metallumzu^ ſc.
ro, Latin.] Producing metals.

MEfA'LLINE. a. [from metal.]
1. Impregnated with metal. Bacon.
2. Confiliing of metaJ. Boyle.

ME'TALIST. ʃ. [m.-tala;le, Fr.] A worker
m metals ; one ſkilled in metalj. Moxon.

ME'TALLOGRAPHY. ʃ. [metallum and
and ypat««J A.r\ account or dcſcription of

META'LLURGIST. ʃ. [metallum and =.vov.] A worker in metals.

METALLURGY. ʃ. [metallum and Ipj^ov.]
The art of working metals, or ſeparating
them from their ore.

To METAMO'RPHOSE. t,. a. [fx^lafxcp.
<f>^a;.] To change the form or ſhape of
anything. ffotton,

METAMO'RPHOSIS. ʃ. [f.{l.uo',<f^^,;.l.
Transformation 3 change of ſhape.

ME'TAPHOR. ʃ. [;u=7a>o;«.] The ?pp'lll
ration of a word to an uſe to which, in
its original import, it cannot be put: as,
he iridUs his anger ; he deadens the fou.nd ; the ſpring aiuake: the flowers. A metaphor
is a fimjlc comprised in a word.

METAPHO'RICAL.? a. [metapho?,qZ\

METAPHO'RICK. ʃ. Fr.] Not literal; not according to the primitive meaning of
the word ; figurative. Hooker.

METAPHRA'SE. ʃ. [^{i^^.zcrr,.] A mere
verbal tranſlation from one language into
another. Dryden.

METAPHRA'ST. ʃ. [//.B^a^pa ,-'.;.] A literal
tranſlator ; one who tranſijtes word
for word from one language into another.


1. Verfed in metaphyſicks ; relating to
2. In Shakʃpeare. it means ſupernatural or

METAPHY'SICK. ʃ. [metapbyfiqut,

METAPHYSJCKS. [Fr. i^dx^^vj^Ar.]
Ontology; the doctrine of the ſteneral affe< f^ion5 <if ſubſtances exiOine. CleavelanS.

METATHYSIS. ʃ. [.ua'a^yV.;. ; Tranſtormation
; rnetamorphi fis.

METAPLASM. ʃ. [.u^^ay-Atcr-^.;.] A figure
in rhrtorick, wherein words or letters
are tranſpoſed contrary to their narurril
order. D J7,

METASTASIS. ʃ. [ixClxrific] TranQation
Of removal. Hirvey,


METATA'RSAL. a. [from metatarfus.]
Belonging to the metat^fus. Sha<p.

MKTATA'RSUS. ʃ. UfxiroL and ra^c-k.]
The middle of the io/^^ which is compoſed
of five ſmall bon-s conneded to thofe
of the firO pa't of the foot. Wiſemav.

METATHESIS. ʃ. [.aslri&c^ij.] A tranſpoſition.

To METE. T/. a. [metior^ Lat.] To mcafure
i to reduce to meaſure. Holder, Creech.

ME'TEWAND. ʃ. f. [mete and yard, or

ME'TEYARU. ʃ. [vjnd ] A flaffof a certain
length wherewith meaſures are taken.

To METEMPSYCHO'oE. nj. a. [from me.
ttmpjychojh.] To tranſlate from body to
body. Peacham.

METEMPSYCHO'SIS. ʃ. [f^(\-f^\'^'X''i'-'\
The tranſmigration of fouls from body to
body. Brown.

ME'TEOR. ʃ. [{x{lki^^a.] Any bodies in
the air or ſky that are of a fiux and tranſitorv
nature. Donne.

METEOROLO'GICAL. a. [fif>m weteorclogy.]
Relating to the ooclnne of
ir,eteors. Ilo^wel.

METEORO'LO GIST. ʃ. [from meteorohffv.]
A man ſkilled in meteors, or ſtudiousoftherr.

METEORO'LOGY. ʃ. [/uctcj;f« and xky:,;.]
The do^'hine of meteors. Brown.

METE'OROUS. a. [from meteor.] Having
the nature of a meteor. Miliar,

J/IE'TER. [' [from mtte.] A meaſurer.

METHEGLIN. ʃ. [meddyglyn, Wt](h.]
Di-ink rc.de of honey boiled with water
and fermented. Dryden.

ME'THINKS. verb imperſonal. I thmlc ; it ſeems to me. St^evjer,

ME THOD. ʃ. [methode, Fr. fxtio'^'^.]
The placing of ſeveral things^ or performing
ſeveral operations in the moſt convenient
order. ^^«^-

METHO'DICAL. a. [methodijue, Fr. from
method.] Ranged or proceeding in due or

;uft order. Addiſon.

tvIETHO'DlCALLY. ad. [from metkodt-
^aL] According to method and order,

To ME'THODISE. v. a. [from tnethod.]
Torepubte; to diſpoſe in order. Addiſon.

1. A phyſician who prafliles by theory. Boyle.
2. One of a new kind of puritans lately
arifen, ſo called from their profeſtion to
live by rules and in conſtdnt method.

METHO'UHT. The ^xct. oſ methinhs.

METONY'MICAL. a. [from metcriymy.]
Put by metonymy for ſomething elſe.

J\.tETONY'MICALLY. ad. [from wetony.
meal 1 Bv metonymy ; not literally. Boyle.

METO'NYMY. ʃ. [metonymie^ Fr. iM^rtvj-

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latin.] A rhetorical figure, by which one
word is put for another, as the matter for
for the materiate
i be diedbyjieel, that is,
by a ſword. TtUotjor.

METOPO'SCOPY. ʃ. [^It^ttov and a^i.
ttIx.] The ſtu^y of phyſiognomy.

METRE. ʃ. [^srpov.] Speech confined to
a certain number and harmonick diſpoſition
of ſyllables Afcham.

ME'TRICAL. ʃ. Imetricui, Latin.] Pertaining
to metre or numbers.

METRO'POLiS. ʃ. [fA,^Tno and^o'x,-.] The
mother city ; the chief city of any country
or diſtria. - Addiſon.

METROPOLITAN'. ʃ. [m^tropolttanu^ ;
Lat.] A biiiiop of the mother church ; an archbiſhop. Clarend&tik

METROPO'LITAN. a. Belonging to a
metropolis. Raleigh.

MErROPOLI'TICAL. a. [from metropolu,.
Chief or principal of cities. Knolles.

METTLE. ʃ. Spirit ; ſpritelineſs ; cou-
r^^^- Clarendon.

METTLED. a. Spritely ; courageous. Ben. Johnſon.

ME TTLESOME. a. [from tnett'e.] Spritely
; lively
; gay ; briik ; airy, Tatler„

METTLESOMELY. ad. [from mtttleJome,\

MEW. f,_ [mue, Fr.]
1. A cage ; an incloſure ; a place where
any thing is confined. Fairfax.
2. [Ma?p, Saxon.] A fea-fowl. Carenv.

To MEW. ny. a. [from the noun.]
1. To shut up ; to confine ; to impriſon ;
to incloſe. Spenſer.
2. To ſhed the feathers. Walton.
3. To cry as a cat. GreiVi

To MEWL. 1-'. M. [w/fla/fr, French.] To
ſquali as a chid. Shakʃpeare.

MEZE'REON. ʃ. A ſpecies of ſpurge lawrel.

MEZZ0TIN70. ʃ. [Italian.] A kind of
graving, ſo named as nearly reſembling
paint, the word importing half-painted ; it is dtne by beating the whole into aſperity
with a hammer, and then rubbing
it down with a ſtone.

MEYNT. ad. Mingled. Ohſolete. Spenſer.
Mi'ASM. ſ. [from [/.lalw-, ir,,^uin9^ to infett.
; Such particles or atoms as are ſuppoſed
to arife from difiempered, putrefying,
or poiſonous bodies. Katvey,

MICE. the plural of m:yuſe. i Sam.

MICHAELMAS. ʃ. ['M,chae!_ and ^ majs^]
The ſcaſt of the archangel Michael^ celebrated
on the twenty-ninth of September. Ca'-ew,

To MICHE. v. n. To be ſecret or covered.

Mi'CHER. ſ. [from m'che.] A lazy loiterer,
who fKulks about in corners and byplaces
; hedge-creeper. Sidney.


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MI'CKLE. a. [miccl, Saxon.] Much ;
great. Camden.

MICROCOSM. ʃ. f,u:xp(^ and xi^/x®-.]
The little world. Man is lo called.

MICROGRAPHY. ʃ. [(Uixp3c and ;^pa>a;. ;
The deſcription of the parts of ſuch very
frnall objects as are diſcernable only with
a microjcope. Grezv.

MICROSCOPE. ʃ. [/x.'xp©- and j-xoTTEa;.]
An optick inſtrument, contrived various
ways to give to the eye a large appearance
of many objects which could not otherwiſe
be leen. Berkley.

MICRO'METER. ʃ. [(aU^^ and ^E-rpov.]
An inſtrument contrived to mcaiure ſmall

MICROSCO'PICAL. v. a. [from microf-

MICROSCO FlCr-C. I cope.]
1. Made by a onicroſcope. Arbuthnot.
1. Ailifled by a microſcope. Thomſon.
3. Reſembing a miſcroſcope, Pope.

MID. a.
1. Middle ; equally between two extren^es.
1. It is much uſed in rompoſition,

MID-COURSE. ʃ. [mid zrni courſe.] Middle
of the way. Miicon,

MID- DAY. ʃ. [w/iand day.] Noon ; merjd.
an. Donne.

MI'DDEST. ſuperl, of mid, Spenſer.

MI'DDLE. a. [ir.jbble, Saxon.]
1. Equally dUtant from the two extreme?. Bacon, Rogers.
2. Intermediate ; intervening. Davies.
3. Micdle finger ; the long finger,

1. Part equally diſtant from two extremities.
2. The time that pafles, or events that
happen between the begmning and end. Dryden.

MIDDLE-AGED. a. [middle and age.]
Placed about the middle of life. iiiv:ft,

MI'DDLEMOST. a. [from middle.] B-ing
in the middle. Newton.

MIDDLING. a. [from middle.]
1. Of middle rank. L'Eſtrange.
2. Of moderate ſize ; having n»<>derate
qualities of any kind. daunt.
Mia:)LANa a. [w/^and land.]
1. That which is remote from the coaft,
2. In the midft of the land ; mediterranean. Dryden.

MIDGE. ʃ. [mjj', Saxon.] A gnar.

MID-HEAVEN. ʃ. [w/^and beavtn.] The
middle of the ſky. Milton.

MiDLEG. ʃ. [mid Ai^ Ug.] Middle of
the leg. Biichn,

Ml'DMOST. <7. [/romwj/W.] The D-addlc. Pope.

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MI'DNIGHT. ʃ. The depth of night ;
tv^'clve at night. Atterbury.

MIDRIFF. ʃ. [mi'ohp p;, Saxon.] The
diaphragm. Milton.

MID-SEA. ʃ. [mid and fea.] The Mediterranean
fea. Dryden.

MI'DSHIPMAN. ʃ. Midſhipmen are officers
aboard a ſhip, while Itation, when
they are on duty, is ſome on the quarterdeck,
others on the poop, &c. They
are uſually young gentlemen, who having
ſerved their time as volunteers, are now
upon their preferment.

MIDIT. ʃ. Middle. raylor.

MIDST. a. [from middejl,-] Midmoſt
; being in the middle, Dryden.

MIDSTRE'AM. ʃ. [mid and T^r^^w.] Middle
of the ſtream. Dryden.

MI'DSUMMER. ʃ. [mid 2^ai fur:mer.] The
I'immcr ſolſtice. Swift.

MI'DWAY. ʃ. [mid and loay.] The part
of the way equally diſtant from the beginning
and end. Shakʃpeare.

MI'DWAY. a. Middle between two places,

MI'DWAY. ad. la the middle of the paffjge. Dryden.

MI'DWIFE. ʃ. A woman who aſſiſts women
in childbirth. Donne.

Ml'DWIFERY. ʃ. [from midwiſe.-\
1. Aſſiſtance given at childbirth.
2. Act of production ; help to produ<5tion-Child,
3. Trade of a midwife.

MI'DWINTER. ʃ. [mid and wintsr.] The
winter ſolſtice. Dryden.

MIEN. ʃ. [mine, Fr.] Air ; Icok ; manner,

MIGHT. the preterite of w^^'. Locke.

MIGHT. ʃ. [miſhr, Saxon.] Power ; iirength ; force. Ayliffe.

MI'GHTILY. ad. [from mighty.]
1. With great power ; powerfully; efHcsci-
uHy ; forcibly. Hooker.
2. Vehemently ; vigorouſly ; violently.Shakʃpeare.
3. In a great degree; very mMch. Spectator.

MrGHTir;ESS. ʃ. [from »7/^^ry.] Power; preatneſs; height of dignity. Shakʃpeare.

MIGHTY. a. [from m.gbt.'.
1. Powerful; ſtrong. Geneſif.
2. Excellent, or powerful in any a6V. D^y.

MIGHTY. ad, Oſ a great degree. Fnor.

MIGRATION. ʃ. [migratio, Latin.] Act of
changing place. MWoodward.

MILCH. a. [from mi^k.] Giving milk.

MILD. c. [n-i'b, Saxon.]
1. Kind ; tender ; good ; indulgent ; merciful
; compactionace ; not cruel. Rogers.
1. Soft ; gentle ; not violent. Pope.
3. Not acrid ; not cJrrofive ; not jcrimoniouſ. Arbuthnot.
4. X 4' No

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4. Hot ſharp ; mellow ; ſwest | haviag na
mixuire of acidity. Davies.

^1|LDEW. ʃ. [nvJbeape, Saxon.] M/WfW
)s a difeaſe that happens in plants, by a
dewy moiſture which tails, and by its acrifnony
corrodes, gnaws, f.nd ſpoils, the injnoit
f'lbftance of the plant : or, rmld&no is
rather a cunnete ſubitance, which exfiides
through the pores of the leave?. What
the gaideners commonly call vuldeiv is aft
5nfect, whii-h is frequently found in great
plenty, preying upon this exfudation.
Whenever a tree has been greatly afl-c<cted
by this inildey^t:^ it feldom recovers it in
two or three years. HiU.

T<> MI'LDEW. T, a. To taint with mii-
dew. Gay.

MI'LDLY. ad. [from m<d.]
1. Tenderly ; not fevevely, Dryden.
2. Gt-n Jy
; not violently. Bacon.

MIXDNEaS. ʃ. [from mild.'.
1. Gcntieneſs ; tenderneſs ; mercy ; clemency. Addiʃon.
2. Contrariety to acrim- ny.

MI LE. ʃ. [
nnlU pajfus, L^ t i n.] The u fu al
meaiuie of roads in En^la.-jd, one thouſand
fevtn hundred and fixty yards,

MI'LESTONE. ʃ. [mile and ſtone.] Stone
ſet to ma.k the miles.

MI'LFOIL. ʃ. [miilefolium, Lat.] A plant,
the ſame with yarrow. Dryden.

lyli'UARy. a. [milium, millet.] Small ;
reſembling a millet feed. Cl'(yf:e.

MI'LIARY fi'ver, A fever that produces
ſmall eruptions.

MI'LICE. ʃ. [French.] Standing force. Temple.

MIXITANT. a. [militam, Lat.]
-3. righting ; profecuting the buſineſs of a
fol flier, Spenſer.
^. Engaged in warfare with hell and the
Tyotld. Atterm applied to the church of
Chrifl: on earth, as oppoſed to the church
triumphant. p.ogers.
1. Engaged in the life of a ſoldier ; foldi»
erly. tlooke'-,
2. Suiting a ſoldier ; pe.uinJng to a foldjer
; warlike. Prior.
3. Efiected by ſoldiers. Bacon.

MiLl'TU. f.
[Latin.] The trainbands ;
the ſtanding force of a natioq. Clarenden.
imJK. ſ. [m.eelc, Sax.]
1. The liquor with which animals feed
their young from th? breaff,
Wi^ewan, Floyer„
2. Em>;irioji made by contufion of feeds. Bacon.

To l^ILIC. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To draw.rrjik from the breaſt by the

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?, To ſuck. Shakʃpeare.s.

MI'LKEN. a. [from mlk.] Conſiſting of
milk. Temple,

MI'LKER. ʃ. [from »r//^.] One that milks
animals. Dryden.

MI'LKINESS. ʃ. [from fr%.] S.ftneſs
Jike that of milk ; approach to the nature
of milk. Flayer.

MI'LKLl\rERED. a. [milk and Uvcr.]
Cowardly ; timorous ; faint-hearted. Shakſpeare.

MI'LKMAID. ʃ. [m//.^and maid.] Woman
employed in the dairy. Addiſon.

MI'LKMAN. ʃ. [milk and man,'] A man
who iells tniik.

MI'LKPAIL. ʃ. [milk and pail] Veſſel
into which cows are milked. Watts.

MILKPAN. ʃ. [milk and pan.] Vcflel in
which milk is keot in the dairy. Bacon.

MILKPO'TTAGe' ʃ. [milk and ſoſtage.]
Food made by boiling milK with water ana
oatmeal. Locke.,

MILKSCORE. ʃ. [milk and yi^or^-.] Account
of milk owed for, ſcoied on a board. Addiʃon.

MI'LKSOP. ʃ. [milk and jop.] A ſoft,
mild, effeminate, feeble-minded ma:). Spenſer.

MI'LKTOOTH. ʃ. [milkzn^ tooth.] Milkteeth
are thoſe ſmall teeth which come
forth before when a foal is about three
monthr. old. Farrier^ DiB,

MI'LKTHISTLE. ʃ. [milk and th.file
: plants that have a white juice. are named
milky.] An herb,

MI'LKTREFOIL. ʃ. An herb.

MILKVETCH. ʃ. A plant.

Ml'LKWEED. ʃ. [fK/VAand tveed.] A plant.

Mi'LKWHITE. a. [milk and whnc.] White
as milk, Dryden.

MI'LKWORT. ʃ. [milkinstvort.]
Milkrvort is a bell-ſhaped fljwer. Miller.

MILKWOMAN. ʃ. [milk and tvoman.] A,
woman whoſe buſineſs is to ſerve families
with milk, Arbuthnot.

MI'LKY. a. [from »;/«„]
1. Made of m^iik.
2. Reſembling malk, Arbuthnot.
3. Yielding milk, Roſcommon.
4. Soft
; gentle ; tender ; timorous. Shakʃpeare./i>,

MILKY- WAY. ʃ. [milky and way.] The
galaxy. The miUy'iuay is a broad white
path or track, encoropaſſing the whole
heavens, I and extending i>feif in ſome
places with a double path, but for the
mofi: part with a ſingle one. It hath been
diſcovered to corfiil of an innumerable
quantij^y of fixed flars, different in Situation
and magnitude, from the confuſed
mixture of whoſe light its whole colour is
.ſuppoſe.] to be occaHoned. The galaxy
hath uſually been the reycn in which nevy

flars have appeared ; which have then become
ioviſible apain Cfetch.
Mill. ſ. [fACXn.^ An engine or fabrick in
which corn is ground to meal, or any
other body is coniminuled. Hharp.

To MILL. v. a. [fio:n the noun ; jx-jXi.:.]
1. To grind ; to comminute.
2. To oeat up chocolate.
3. To ſtamp coin in the mints, AJdlJor,

Ml'LL COG. ʃ. The denticubtions on the
circumference of wheels, by which they
lock into other wheel;. Mortimer.

MILL- DAM. ʃ. [mil and dam.^ The
mound, by which the water is kept up to
rail'e it for the mill. Mortimer.

MI'LL- HORSE. ʃ. Hoi'fe that turns a
mill. Sidney.


MI'LL-TEETH. ʃ. [«/// and r«ri>.] The
grinders. Arbuthnot.

MILLENA'RIAN. ʃ. [from miiknatiuiy
Lat.] One who expc(fls the millennium.

Ml'LLENARY. a. [miLenalre, Fr.] Conſiſtingof
a thouſand. Arbuthnot.

MI'LLENIST. ʃ. One that holds Lhe millennium.

MlLLEiNNlUM. ʃ. [Latin.] A thouſand
years ; generally taken for the thouſand
years, during which, according to an ancient
tradition in the church, grounded on
a doubtful text in the Apocalyple, ourbleſſed
Saviour ſhall reign with the ſuithful
upon earth after the reiurredlion. Burnet.

MILLENNIAL. a. [from mil!ermum,L^^'\
Pertaining to the millennium.

MILLEPEDES. ʃ. [mile and pa, Latin.]
W(Jod-lice, ſo called from their numerous
feet. Mortimer.

Ml'LLER. ʃ. [from m/'//.] One who attends
a miil. Browa,

Ml'LLER. ʃ. A fly.

MILLER'S-THUMB. ʃ. A ſmall fiſh
found in brooks, called likewiſe a bulhead.

MILLE'SIMAL. a. [millejimui, Latin.]
Thouſandth. Watts.

Ml'LLET. ʃ. [milium, Lat.]
1. A plant. Arbuthnot.
2. A kind of fiſh. Carew.

MILLINER. ʃ. One who ſellss ribands and
dreſſes i-ir women. Tati'er,

MI'LLION. ʃ. [milllcgne, Italian.]
1. The number of a hundred myriads, or
i ten hundred thouſand. Shakʃpeare.
2. A proverbial name fox any very great
number. Locke.

MI'LLIONTH. a. [from million.] The ten
hundred thouſandth. Berkley.

MI'LLSTONE. ʃ. [mill and fiove.^ The
flone by which corn is comminuted.


MILT. f. [«.'7if, Dutch.]
It The ſperm of the male fiſh. Walton.

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2. fMiIr, Saxon.] The ſpUcn.

To MILT. v. a. [from the nuun.] To impregnate
the roe or ſpawn of the female

MI'LTFR. ʃ.: [from r/2//V.] The he of any
fiſh, riie Hie being called ſpawner. Wjhtcjn,

MILTWOXT. ʃ. An herb.

MIME. ʃ. [/^^-(^.] A buft>on who practiiVs
gerticulations, either repreſentatve of
ſome dction, or merely contrived to raiſe
mirth. Ben. Johnson.

To MIME. v. n. To play the mime. Ben. Johnson.

MI'MER. ʃ. [from mime.] A mimick ; a
buffoon. Milton.

MI'MICAL. a. [mimicus, Latin.] Imitative
; befitting a mimick ; acting the mimick. Dryden.

MIMICALLY. ad. [from wimical.] la
imitation ; in a mimical manner.

MI'MICfC. ʃ. [mimicus^Lat.]
1. A ludicrous imitator ; a buffoon who
copies another's act or manner. Prior.
2. A mean or ſervile imitator.

MIMICK. a. [n:i)}iicui, Latin.] Imitative. Swift.

To MI'MICK. v. a. [from the noun.] To
imitate as a buffoon ; to ridicule by a bur.
leſque imitation. Glanville.

MIMICKRY. ʃ. [from mimick.] Burleſque
imitation. SpeBater.

MIMO'GRAPHER. ʃ. [mimin and y^l<^..
A writer of farces.

MINA'CIOUS. a. [rranax, Lat.] Full of

MINA'CITY. ʃ. [from minax, Lat.] Diſpoſition
to uſe threats.

MINATORY. a. [j;;/n5r, Latin.] Threatening. Bacon.

To MINCE. v. a. [from miriſh.]
1. To cut into very ſmall parts. South.
2. To mention any thing ſcrupulouſly, by
a little at a time ; to palliate.


To MINCE. v. n.
1. To walk nicely by ſhort fleps. Pope. .
2. To ſpeak ſmall and imperfecty. Dryden.

MrNCINGLY.^i. [from mnce ] In ſmall
parts ; not fully. Hooker.

MIND. ʃ. [semin'D. Sax.]
1. Intelligent power. Shakʃpeare.
2. Liking ; choice ; inclination ; propcnliun
; efieſtion. Hooker.
3. Thoughts ; ſentiments. Dryden.
4. Opinion. GrjnuiHe,
5. Memory ; remembrancy. Atterbury.

To MIND. v. a. [from the nuun.]
1. To mark ; to attend. Roſcommon.
2. To put in mind ; to renriind. Burnet.

To MIND. -y. r. To incline ; to be diſpof-
Cd. Sffrfir.
4. I % MI'NDitJi

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Ml'NPED. a. [from mind.] Diſpoſea ; Inclined;
affeaed. rUlotſon.

MINDFUL. a. [mind d^ndfuU] Attentive; having memory. Hamaord.

MI'NDFULLY. ad. [from mindful.] Attentively.

MI'NDFULNESS. ʃ. [from mindful.] Attention
; regard.

MI'NDLESS. a. [from wind.]
1. Inattentive ; regardleſs. Prior.
2. Not endued with a mind} having no
intelle<aual powers, Davies.

MIND-STRICKEN. a. [mind and i Jiricken.]
Moved} affedVed in his mind. Sidney.

MINE. pronoun poſſeffive. [myn, Sax.] Belonging
to me. Dryden.

MINE. ʃ. [wwyBorwiynjWelfli.]
1. A place or cavern in the earth which
contains metals or minerals. Boyle.
- 2. A cavern dug under any fortification
that it may ſink for want of ſupport, or,
in modern war, that powder may be lodged
in it, which being fired, whatever is
over it may be blown up, Milton.
'To MINE. v. n. [from the noun.] To dig
mines or burrows. Woodward.

To MINE. v. a. To fap ; to ruin by mines ; to deſtroy by flow degrees. Shakʃpeare.

MI'NER. ʃ. [mineur, Fr.]
1. One that digs for metals. Dryden.
2. One who makes military mines.

MI'NERAL. ʃ. [minerale, Lat.] Fofiile body
: matter dug out of mines. f-Foodiaard.

MI'NERAL. a. Conſiſting of fofllle bodies.


MI'NERALIST. ʃ. [from mineral.] One
ſkilled or employed in minerals. Boyle.

MINERA'LOGIST. ʃ. [from w/Hfr^/ and
h6-y(^.] One who diſcourſes on minerals. Brown.

MINERA'LOGY. ʃ. [from minerai and
Xoy<^.] The d'i<ſtrine of minerals.

MINEVER. ʃ. Aſkin with ſpecksoſwhite.

To MI'NGLE. v. a. To mix; to join ; to
compound ; to unite with ſomething lo as
to make one mafs. Rogers, Thomfon.

To MI'NGLE. v. n. To be mixed ; to be
united with. Kozve.

MI'NGLE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Mixture ;
medley ; confuſed mafs. Dryden.

Ml'NGLER. f [from the verb.] He who

MIT.^IATURE. ʃ. [miniature. Fr.] Repreſentation
in a ſmall compaſs ; repreſentation
leſs than the reality. Philips.

MINIKIN. a. Small ; diminutive.Shakʃpeare.

MI'NIKIN. ʃ. A ſmall ſort of pins.

MI'NIM. ʃ. [from nanimusy Lat.] A ſmall
being ; a dwarf. Milton.

HU'NmUS. ʃ. [Latin.] A being of the
leaſt ſize, Shakʃpeare.

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MI'NION. ʃ. [mignon, French.] A favourite
; a darling} a low dependant. Swift.

MI'NIOUS. a. [from minimn, Latin.] Of
the colour of red lead or vermilion. Brown.

To MI'NISH. v. a. [from diminijb.] To
leflen ; to lop ; to impair. Pſalms.

MI'NISTER. ʃ. [minifer, Lat.]
1. An agent} one who is employed to
any end ; one who ads under another. Sidney.
2. One who is employed in the adminiſtration
of government. Bacon.
3. One who ſerves at the altar} one who
performs facerdotal fundlions. Addiſon.
4. A delegate ; an official. Shakʃpeare.
5. An agent from a fureign power.

To MI'NISTER. v. a. [miniſtro, Latin.].
To give; to ſupply ; to afford. Otway.

To MI'NISTER. v. n.
1. To attend ; to ſerve in any office,
X Cor,
2. To give medicines. Shakʃpeare.
3. To give ſupplies of things needful ; t9
give affiſtance. South, Smalridge.
4. To attend on the ſervice of God.

MINISTE'RIAL. a. [from minijier.]
1. Attendant ; acting at command. Brown.
2. Acting under ſuperior authority. Rogers.
3. Sacerdotal ; belonging to the eccleſiaſticks
or their office. Hooker.
4. Pertaining to minſters of ſtate.

MI'NISTERY. ʃ. [minifierium, Lat.] Office ; ſervice. Digby.

MINISTRAL. a. [from minifler.] Pertaining
to a minſter.

MI'NISTRANT. a. [from mimfier.] Attendant
; acting at command. Pope. .

MINISTRA'TION. ʃ. [from tnimſtro, Lat.]
1. Agency} intervention} office of aa
agent delegated or commifficned. To aylor,
2. Service} office} eccleſiaftical function,

MI'NIUM. ʃ. [Latin.] Melt lead in a
broad earthen velFel cnglazed, and flir it
till it be calcined into a grey powder ; this
is called the calx of lead ; continue the
fire, ſtirring it in the ſame manner, and it
becomes yellow ; in this ſtate it is uſed in
painting ; after this put it into a reverberatory
furnace, and it will calcine further,
and become of a fine red, which is the
common minium or red lead. Hill,
MrNlSTRY. ſ. [minifitriumy Lat.]
1. Office ; ſervice, Spratt.
2. Office of one ſet apart to preach ; ccclefiailical
function. Locke.
3. Agency; interpoſition, Bentky.
4. Eufinef?, Dr-^dp.ny

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5. Perfjns employed in the publick affairs
of a ſtate, Swift.

MINNOW. f. A veryſmallfiſh; apink:
The minnozvj when he is in perfed ſeaſon,
and not ſick, which is only preſently after
ſpawning, hath a kind of dappled or waved
colour, like a panther, on his ſides, inclining
to a greeniſh and ſky- colour, his
belly being milk-white, and his back almo(
t black. Walton.

MINOR. a. [Latin.]
1. Petty ; inconſiderdble. Broker.
1. Leſs ; ſmaller. Clarenden.

MI'N'OR>. ʃ.
1. One under age. Davies.
a- The ſecond or particular propclition in
the ſyllogiſm. Arbuthnot.

To MI'NORATE. v. a. [from minor, Lat.]
To leſſen. Glaninlle.

MINORA'TION. ʃ. [from minorau.] The
zt\ of Icfiening ; diminution. Brown.

MINO'RITY. ʃ. [from minor, Lat.]
1. The ſtate of being under age.Shakʃpeare.
2. The ſtate of being leſs. Brown.
3. Thf! ſmaller number.

MI'NOTAUR. ʃ. [mlnos and Marai.] A
monfter invented by the poets, halt man
and half bu!!. Shakʃpeare.

MI'NSTER. ʃ. [mmptepe, Saxon.] A monaftery
; an eccleſialtical fraternity ; a cathedral
church. The word is yet retained
at York and Lichfield.

MI NSTREL. ʃ. [mcnejlrll, SpaniHi.] A
muſician ; one who plays uponinſtruments. Sandys.

MI'NSTRELSEY. ʃ. [from minf.rel]
1. Muſick ; inſtrumental harmony.
2. A number of muſicians. Milton.

MINT. ʃ. [minre, S?.xon.]A plant.

MINT. ʃ. [Tr.uKte, Dutch.]
1. The place where money is coined. Addiʃon.
2. Any place of invention. Shakʃpeare.

To MINT. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To coin ; to ſtamp money. Bacon.
2. To invent
; to forge. Bacon.

MI'NTAGE. ʃ. [from mint.]
1. That which is coined or ſtamped.
2. The duty paid for coining.

Ml'NTER. ʃ. [from mint.] Coiner. Camden.

MI'NTMAN. ʃ. [mint and man.] One ſkilled
in coinage. Bacon.

Ml'NTMASTER. ʃ. [mint 3ni mafier.]
1. One who preſides in coinage. Boyle.
Z' One who invents. Locke.

Mi'NUt-T. ʃ. [menuetjFr.] A (lately regular
dance. Stepney,

MI NUM>. ʃ.

1. [with printers.] A ſmall fort of
printing letter.
2. [With muſicians.] A note of flow
time. Bailey.

MINUTE. a. [mlnutu!. Lat.] Sm^ll ; little ; flender ; ſmall in bulk. South.

MI'NUTE. ʃ. [mlnuium. Lat.]
1. The fixtieth part of an hour. Shakʃpeare.f»
2. Any ſmall ſpace of time. Seutb.
5. The firſt draught of any agreement ia

To MI'NUTE. To a. [minuter, French. ; To ſet down in ſhort hints. ^pe&ator.

MI'NUTE-BOOK. ʃ. [mmute and book.!
Book of ſhort hints.

MINUTE-GLAS.S. ʃ. [minute and g!afs.]
Glafs of which the ſand meaſures a minute

MINUTELY. ad. [from minu.e.] To a
ſmall point ; exactly. Locke.

MI'NUTELY. ad. [from mf^ute, th<: ſubſtantive.]
Every minute ; with very little
time intervening. Hammond.

MINUTENESS. f. [from rr.lnute.] Smallneſs
; exility ; inconſiderableneſs. Berkley.

MI'NUTE. WATCH. ʃ. A watch in wfeich
minutes are mure diſtinctly marked than
in common watches which reckon by the
hour. Boyle.

MINX. ʃ. A young, pert, wanton girl.Shakʃpeare.

MI'RACLE. ʃ. [mlraculurr, Lat.]
1. A wonder i ſomething above human
Power. Shakʃpeare.
2. [In theology.] An effect above human
or natural power, performed in atteſtation
of ſome truth. Berkley.

MIRACULOUS. a. [mlraculeux, Fr. from
miracle.] Done by miracle ; produced by
miracle ; effected by power more than natural. Herbert.

MIRA'CULOUSLY. ad. [from r^/V^.z.W.]
By miracle ; by power above that of nature. Dryden.

MIRA'CULOUSNESS. ʃ. [from miraculous..
The ſtate of being effected by miracle ; ſuperiority
to natural power.

MIRAD&R. ʃ. [Spaniſh, from mlrar, to
look.] A balcony. Dryden.

MIRE. ʃ. Imocr, Dutch.] Mud ; dirt. Roſcommon.

To MIRE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
wheJm in the mud. Shakʃpeare.

MIRE. f. [nr.y[ia. Sax.] An ant j'a pifmire.

MI'RINESS. ʃ. [from miry.] Dirtineſs; fullneſs of mire.

MI'RKSOME. ʃ. Dark; obſcure. Spenſer.

MI'RROR. ʃ. [yrarolr, Fr.]
1. A looking-glaſs ; any thing which exhibits
repreſentations of objt«fti by nflction. Davies.
2. It is uſed for pattern, ſkck-r,


MI'RROR-STONE. ʃ. [felemes, Latin.]
A kind of tranſparent ſtoae.

MIRTH. f. [myphlj?, Saxon.] Merriment ;
; gaiety ; laughter. Pope. .

MIRTHFUL. a. [mirth and full.] Merry; gay; cheerful. Ben. Johnſon.

MI'RTHLESS. a. [from mirth.] Joyleſs ;

MI'RY. a. [from mhe..
1. Deep in mud ; muddy. Temple.
It. Confiding of mire. Shakʃpeare.

MIS. an inſeparable particle uſed in compojition
to mark an ill ſenſe, or depravation
of the mciining: as, chancty \\n.k ^ mijchancey
ill Juck ; to hke^ to be pleaſed ; to
mijlike, To be oftended.

MISACCEPTA'TION. ʃ. [mn and acceptation..
The act of taking in a wrong ſenſe.

MISADVE'NTURE. ʃ. [mejawnture, Fr.]
1. Mif'chance ; misfortune ; ill luck ; bud
fortune. Chrendon.
t. [In law.] M^nOuighter.

MISADVE'NTUURED. a. [from m'Jadventure.]
Unfortunate. Shakʃpeare.

MISADVI'SED. a. [mis and advifed.] Ill

MISA'IMED. a. [ms and aim.] Not aimed
rightly. Spenſer.

Mi'SANTHROPE. ʃ/. [/^^^aWTr©-.]

MISA'NTHROPOS. i A hater of m^ri.
kind. Shakʃpeare.

MISA'NTHROPY. ʃ. [from mifantbrope.]

HItred.of mankind.

MISAPPLICA'TION. ʃ. [mis and application.
; Application to a wrong purpoſe. Bacon.

To MISAPPLY'. v. a. [mis and apply.]
To ap!>ly to wrong purpoles. Howel.

To MISAPPREHE'ND. nj. a. [ms and ap.
prebend,'^ Not to underſtand rightly. Locke.

MISAPPREHENSION. ʃ. [mis and apprehenſion.]
Miſtake ; not right apprehenſion. Glanville,

To MISA<^CRTBE. v. a. [mis and aſribe.l
To aſcribe falſly. Boyle.

To MISASSI'GN. v.c. [mis and oſſign.]
To afjign erroneouſly. Boyle.

To MISBECO'ME. -i.f. [mis and become.]
Not to become ; to be unfeemly ; not to
ſuit. Sidney.

MISBEGO'T. v. a. [begot or begotten,

MISBEGO'TTEN. ʃ. with mis.] Unlawfully
or irregularly begotten. Dryden.

To MISBEHA'VE/. v. v. [mis and behave.]
To act ill or improperly.

MISBEHA'VIOUR. ʃ. [vaszn^beba'viour.]
Ill conduct ; bad practice. Addiʃon.

MISBELI'EF. ʃ. [mis and beUcf.] Falfe religion
; a wrong belief.

MISBELI'EVER. ʃ. [wj» and i:.Vci'fr.] One
that holds a falſe religion, or believe.
wrongly, Dryden.

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To MISCALCULATE. v. a. [mis and cal-
cuiate.] To reckon wrong.

To MISCA'L. -y. a. [mis and call.] To name
improperly. Glanville.

MISCA'RRIAGE. ʃ. [mis and carriage.]
1. Unhappy event oſ an undertaking.

ft. Abortion ; act of bringing forth before
the rime. Graunt.

To MISCA'RRY. .v. n. [mis and carry.]
I . To fail ; not to have the intended event. Addiſon.
1. To have an abortion. Pope. .

MISCELLANE. ʃ. [mifcellaneus, Latin.]
Mixed corn. Bacon.

MISCELLA NEOUS. a. [mifcellaneus, Lat.]
Mingled ; compoſed of various kinds. Brown.

MISCELLA'NEOUSNESS. ʃ. [from mifceihneous]
Compoſition of various kinds.

MI'SCELLANY. a. [mifcellaneus, Latin.]
Mixed of various kinds. Bacon.

MI'SCELLANY. ʃ. A maſs formed out of
various kinds. Pope. .

To MISCA'ST. v. a. [mis and caſt.] To take
a wrong account of, Brown.

MISCHA'NCE. ʃ. [mis and chance.] III
luck , ill fortune. Soiitbt

MISCHIEF. ʃ. mefchef, old French.]
1. Harm ; hurt ; whatever is ill and injuriouſly
done. Bowe.
2. Ill conſequence ; vexatious affair. Swift.

To MI'SCHIEF. v. a. [from the noun.] To
hurt ; to harm ; to injure. Spratt.

MI'SCHIEFMAKER. ʃ. [from miſchiefzn.
make.] One who cauſes miſchief.

MI'SCHIEVOUS. a. [from miſchief.]
1. Harmful; hurtful; deſtrudtive ; noxious
; pernicious. South.
2. Spiteful ; malicious.

MI'SCHIEVOUSLY. ad. Noxiouny ; hurtfully
; wickedly, Dryden.

MI'SCHIEVOUSNESS. ʃ. [from miſchiet>.
ous.] .Hurtfulneſs ; perniciouſneſs ; wickedneſs. South.

MI'SCIBLE. a. [from mifceo, Latin.] Pofſible
to be mingled. Arbuthnot.

MISCITATION. ʃ. [mis and citation, ; Unfair
or h\\^ quotation. Collier.

To MISCl'TE. To a, [mis and cite, ; To
quote v^rong,

MISCLATM./- [inis &n<\ claim.] Miſtaken
elflim. Bacon.

M'ISCONCE/IT. 7 ʃ. [mis and conceit,

MISCONCE'PTION. ʃ. and conception, ;
Fdli'e opinion ; wrong notion. Hooker.

MISCO'NDUCT. ʃ. [mis and condua.:] Ill
behaviour ; ill management. Addiʃon, Rogers.

To MISCONDU'CT. v. a. [mis and eon.
duct.] To piafivage amiſsr

MISCONSTRU'CTION. ʃ. [tnit and eonfiruc.
ion.] Wrong interpretation of words
or things. Shakʃpeare.

To MISCO'NSTRUE. v. a. [mis and con-
/irue.] To interpret wrong. Raleigh.

MISCONTINUANCE. ʃ. ſwn and co«r;-
nuarce.^ CeITation ; intermiſſion.

MI'^CREANCE. ʃ. [from rmſcreance,

MI'SCREANCY. ^ or meſcroumey Fr. ; Unbelief ; falſe faith ; adherence to a falſe
religion. Spenſer.

MI'SCREANT. ʃ. [m-ſcrear.t, French.]
1. One that hoJds a falſe faith ; one who
believes in falſe gods. Hooker.
2. A vile wretch. Addiſon.

MHCREA'TE. v. a. [tri^s and created.]

MISCRE'ATED. ʃ. Formed unnacurally
or illegitimately ; made as by a blunder of
nature. Shakʃpeare.

MISDE'ED. ʃ. [m!s and deed.] Evilaction. Dryden.

To MISDE'EM. t'.^. [mis and deem.] To
judge ill of; to miſtake, Davies.

To MISDEME'AN. v. a. [mis and dem-^'n.]
To behave ill. Shakʃpeare.

MISDEMEA'NOR. ʃ. [nvs and demeav.]
Offence ; ill behaviour. South.

To MISDO'. v. a. f/?.fi and f/o.] Togo
wron«: ; to commit a crime. Milton.tt

To MISDO'. v. n. To commit faults.

MISDO'ER. ʃ. [txomm'Jdc] An oſſender
; a criminal. Spenſer.

To MISOO'UBT. v. a. [mh and doubt.] To
!'jſpe6> of deceit or dancer. Shakʃpeare.

MISDO'UBT-. ʃ. [m:: and douht.]
1. Suſpicion of crime or danger. Shakſp.
2. Ir/efolution ; hefitation. Shakʃpeare.

MISE f [trench.] IlTue. Law term.

To MISEMPLO Y. v. a. [mis and CKpky.]
To uſe to wrong purpoſes, Atterbury.

MISEMPLO'YMENT. ʃ. [;r/: and mycy.
ment.] Improper application. Hula;

Ml'SEPw. ʃ. [w/tfr, i.J'tin.]
1. A wretched perſon ; one overwhelmed
with calamity. Sidney.
7. A wretch ; a mean fellow. Shakſp.
3. A wretch covetous to extremiry.

MI'SERABLE. a. [mifirMe, French.]
1. Unhappy ; calanriitc-j£3 wretched. South.
2. Wretched ; worthleſs. Job.
3. Culpably pjrfimoraous ; ſtingv.

Ml'SERABLENESS. ʃ. [from ni:jcrable.]
State of m;ſcry.

MI'SERABLY. ad. [from m-f^rable.]
1. Unhappily
; cahmitouſly. Southi
2. Wretchedly ; meanly, Sidney.

MI'SERY. ʃ. [w//Vr„i, Latin.]
1. Wretchedneſs ; unhappineſs. Locke.
t. Calamity ; mjsfortune ; cauſeof miſery. Shakʃpeare.

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3. [From iw/Zirr.] Covctouſneſs ; avarice.

To MISFA'SHION. v. a. [mis inifaſhioK. ;
To firm v.rong. H^kewil/.

MISFO'RTUNE. ʃ. [mis and fortur.e.] Caiamity
3. ill luck 3 want of good fortune. Sidney.

To MISGW?. v. a. [Wj and <r;T;c.j To
fill Vt-ith doubt ; to deprive of conlioence. Milton.

MISGO'VERNMENT. ʃ. [mis and^cwrrm:
1. Ill adminiſtration of publick affairs, Raleigh.
2. Ill management. Taylor.
3. Irregularity ; inordinate behaviour. Shakʃpeare

MISGUI'DANCE. ʃ. [mis and guidance.]
Falfe direction. South.

To MISGUI'DE. v. a. [mis and guide.] To
direct ill ; to lead the wrong way. Locke.

MISHA'P. ʃ. [wnand Zv/>,J III chance ; ill
luck. Spenſer.

MI'SHMASH. ʃ. Air,f. A low word. A

To MISINFE'R. t'. a. [;m and jW^r.] To
ii'fer wrong. Hooker.

To MISINFORM. v. a. [mis and irform.]
To deceive by falſe accounts. 2 Mac.

MISINFORMATION. ʃ. [from miſtrform.]
Falfe intelligence ; falſe accounts. South.

To MISINTERPRET. v. a. [trin and interpret.
; To explain to a wrong ſenſe. Ben. Johnſon.

To MISJO'IN. v. a. [mis -a: A join.] To
loin unficly or improperly. Dryden.

To PJISJU'DGE. v. a. [^^i^ and judge.] To
form t;:)fe opinions ; to judge ill. Pope. .

To MISLA'Y. w.^r. [w/i and /tf y.] To lay
in a wrong place. Dryden.

MISLA'YEr!. ʃ. [from mipy.] One that
puts in the wrong place. Bacon.

To MISLE'AD. v. a. [mis T^ and lead.] To
guide a wrong way ; to betray to miſchief
or miſtake. Bacon.

MISLE'ADER. ʃ. [itonxw'Jlead.] One that
leads to ill. ^Lakſpeare.

To MISLI'KE. i/.«a. [nh and like.] To diſapptce
5 to be not ple^fed with. Herbert.

MISLIKE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Difapproh..
U< :-,
; dillaſtp. Fairfax.

MISM'KER. ʃ. [from vajiike.^ One that
diiapproves. jijchami

Ml'SLFN. ʃ. [corrupted from mi(ce.!lane.]

MiX(-f1 corn. Mortimer.

To MI'SLIVE. v.r. [mis and Uve.] To
iivf 111. Spenſer.

To M1SMA'NAGE. v. a. [mis imd manage.
T manage ill. Locke.

MISMA'^JAGEMENT. ʃ. [mis and manage.
ment.] Ill linafiagement ; ill conduit. Locke.

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To MISMATCH. v. a. [niit and match..
To march unſuitably. Southern.

To MI«iNA'ME. v. a. [nui and nai»e.] To
caJl by the wrong name. Boyle.

mSNO'MER. ʃ. [French.] In law, an indi£
lment or any other act vacated by a
wrong name.

To MISOBSE'RVE. v. a. [nm and o3>i/e.]
Not to obſerve accurately. Locke.

MISO'GAMIST. ʃ. [fA.a-^ and >/a>©. ;
A marriage hater.

MISO'GYNY. ʃ. [(Ai7£ and yvvn.] Hatred
of women.

To MISO'RDER. v. a. [mt: and order.] To
condudl ill ; to manage irregularly.Shakʃpeare.

MISO'RDER. ʃ. [from the verb.] Irregugularity
5 tliſorderly proceedings. Camden.

MISO'RDERLY. a. [from mi/order.] Irregular.

To MISPE'ND. v. a. preterite and part,
paſſive »^///Jt«^ [m.<! and ſpend.]
1. To ſpend ill ; to waſte ; to confumc to

BO purpoſe. Ben. Johnson.
«. To waſte, with the reciprocal pronoun.

MISPE'NDER. ʃ. [from vnſpend.] One who
ſpends ill or prodigally. Norn's.

MISPERSUA'SION. ʃ. [wiand^e/„^/o„.]
Wrong notion ; falſe opinion. Decay of Piety.

To MISPLA'CE. v. a. [mis and flace.] To
pat in a wrong place, South.

To MISPRI'SE. v. a.
1. To miſtafee. Shakʃpeare.
2. To flight ; to ſcorn ; to deſpeie.Shakʃpeare.

<&nSPRI'SION. ʃ. [from miJprije:\
1. Scorn ; contempt. Shakʃpeare.
4. Miſtake \ misconception. Granville.
3. [In common law.) It ſignifies neglect,
negligence, or over fight. Miſprijion of
treaſon is the concealment, or not diſclofang,
of known treaſon ; for the which the
offendeis are to ſuffer impriſonment during
the king's pleaſure, loſe their goods and the
profits of their lands. Miſpriſionoi felony,
js the letting any perſon, committed for
treaſon or felony, or ſuſpicion of either,
to go before he he indicted. Cazvel.

To MISPROPO'RTION. v. a. [mis and
proforlicn.] To join without due proportion.

MISPRO'UD. a. ſptis and proud.] Vitiouſly
proud. Shakʃpeare.

To MISQUO'TE. v. a. [mis mi ^ucte.] To
quote falſly. Shakʃpeare.

To MISRECl'TE. v. a. [mis and recite.]
To recite not according to the truth.

To MISRE'CKON. v. a. [,nls and reckon.]
To reckon wrong ; to compute wrong.

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To MISRELA'TE. v. a. [tn''t and relate.'.
To relate inaccurately or fallly. Boyle.

MISRELA'TION. ʃ. [from w//''f/tf?f.] Falfe
or inaccurate narrative. Bipop Bramball.

To MISREME'MBER. v. a. [mis and re.
mimber.] To miſtake by uufting to memory. Boyle.

To MISREPO'RT. v. a. [mis and report.]
To give a faiſe account of. Hooker.

MISREPO'RT. ʃ. [from the verb.] Falfe
account ; faiſe and malicious repreſentation,

To MISREPRESE'NT. v. a. [mis and repreſent.]
To preſent not as it is ; to falſify
todiſadvantage. Swift.

1. The act of mifrepreſenting. Swift.
2. Account maliciouſly falſe. Atterbury.

MISRU'LE f. Tumult -, confuficn ; revel. Pope.

MISS. ʃ. [contracted from miſtreſs.]
1. The term of honour to a young girl. Swift.
2. A ſtrumpet ; a concubine ; aproſtitute. Hudibras.

To MISS. v. a. [mifen, Dutch.] Alijed
prefer, mi/i part.
1. Not to hit by the mind ; to miſtake. Milton.
2. Not to hit by manual aim. Pſipe,
3. To fail of obtaining. Sidney.
4. To diſcover ſomething to bc unexpectedly
wanting, 1 Sa??:,
5. To be without, Shakʃpeare.
6. To omit. Prior.
7. To perceive want of. South.

To MISS. v. n.
1. To fly wide; not to hit. Waller.
1. Not to ſucceed. Bacon.
3. To fail ; to miſtake.
4. To be loft ; to be wanting. Shakʃpeare. I Sam, Milton.
5. To mifcarry ; to fail. Milton.
6. To fail to obtain, learn, or find. Atterbury.

MISS. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Loſs; want.
2. Miſtake ; errour. Afcham,
Ml'SSAL. ſ. [mjfale^ Lat. m'ffd, French.]
The maſs book. Stillingfleet.

To MISSA'Y. v.n, [mis and fay.] To fay
ill or wrong. Hakewell,

To MISSE'EM. v.ti. [mis and fern]
1. To make falſe appearance. Spenſer.
2. To mifoeconr.e. Spenſer.

To MISS'ERVE. v. a. [mis andferrue.] To
ſerve unfaithfully. Arbuth.not.

To MISSHA'PE. v. a. part, misjh ^^ped and
misjbapen. [w/s unifbape.] To fiiape ill; to form ill ; to deform. Berkley.

MI'SSILE. a. [m'Jflis, Latin.] Thrown by
the hand ; ſtnkixjg at «liſtanc«Pope. .


^ir'SSIO^. ʃ. [mj/io, Latin.]
1. Commillion ; the ſtate of being ſent by
I'upreme authority. Milton. Aterbury.
2. Perſons ſent on any aceount. Bacon.
3. Dil'miſſion} diſcharpe. Bacon.
4. Faction; party. Not in uſe. Shakſp.

Ml'SSIONARY. ʃ. [wjjv,niire, French.]

MI'SSIONER. ʃ. One lent to propagate
religion. Dryden.

MI'SSIVE. a. [w#trr, French.]
1. Such as may be ſent, -^y/'jf^.
2. uſed at diſtancee. Dryden.

nn'SSI^E. ʃ. [French.]
1. A letter ſent : it is retained in Scotland
in that fer>{<r, Bacth,
2. A meffenger, ' Fbahfj^eare,

MISSPEAK. ly. a. [m'i in^ ſpeaK.] To
ſpeak wione. D-tnne,

MIST. f. [irjj-r, Saxon.]
1. A low thin cloud ; a ſmall th'n rain not
perceived in drops. Roſcommon.
2. Any thing that dims or darkeiv?. Dryden.

To MIST. v. a. [from the noun.] To cloud ;
to cover with a vapoar or ſteam. Shakſp.

MISTA'KABLE. a. [from m^jiake.^ Liable
to be conceived wrong. Brown.

To MISTA'KE. -y. ^. [mis and rj/i.] To
conceive wrong ; to take fornething for
that which it is not. Stillingfleet.

To MISTA KE. v. n. To err ; not to judge
right. Rat-agb,

MISTA'KEN. pret. and part, paff, of in ſink-,
for miſtaken. Shakʃpeare.

To be MISTA'KEN. To err. Waller.

MISTA'KE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Mifconceptioo; errour. Tilto'fori

MISTAKING LY. ad. [from mijiaking]
Erroneouſly ; falſly. Boyle

To MISTA'TE. v. a. [mis and Jiate.] To
ſtate wrong. Biſhop Sanderſon.

To MISTE'ACH. v. a. [mis and teach.]
To teach wrong. B'ſhop Sanderſon,

To MISTE'MPER. v. a. [mis and temper.]
To temper ill. Shakʃpeare.

Ml'STER. a. [from «fy?/V, trade, French.]
What miſer^ what kind. Spenſer.

To MISTE'RM. v. a. [mis and term.] To
term erroneouſly. Shakʃpeare.

To MISTHrNK. v. a. [m i in^ think.] To
think, ill ; to think wrong. Miltnn.

To MISTIME. t/. fl. [mis and time.] Not
to ti.Tie right ; not to adapt propcily with
regard to time.

MI'STINESS. ʃ. [ITommifiy.] Cloudineſs ;
<1 ate of being overcaſt. Bacon.

MI STION;. ʃ. [from mijlus, Latin;] The
ſtate of being mingled.

MISTLETO E. ʃ. [myprleran, Sax. vtlf.el.
Dirndl, bircl.m^, and lan, a tTcig.] A plant.
This plant is always produced tfom feed,
and is not to be cultivated in the earthy as
moH other pla.'Us, but will always grow

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vtp'-'n tree- ; fnm whence the ancients ac.
counted it a ſuper-plant, who thought i.
to be an excreſcence on the tree withou.
the feed being prcviouſly lodged there.
which ooinion is now generally confu cd.
The m'Jljfoe thruſh, which feeds upon the
berries of this plant in winter when it ii
ripe, doth opea the feed from tree to tree ; for the viſcous part of the berry, which
immediately furrounds the feed, doth
ſometimes faſten it to the outward part
of the bird's beak, which to get diſen^^aged
Of, he ſtrikes his oeak at the branches of a
neighbouring tree, and ſo leaves the feed
flicking by thi' vi(cous mar-.er to the bark,
which, if it lights upon a ſmc-oth part 0.
the tree, will faflcn itidf, and the following:
winter put out and grow : the trees
which this plant doth moſt readily take upon
are the apple, the aſh, and ſmie other
ſmooth rind trees : whenever a branch of
an oak tree hath any of theſe plants growing
upon it, it is cut oft, and preſerved by
the curious in their collections of natural
^curloiule^. MilUri

MISTLiKE. c. [w;yiand//^,?.] Reſembling
a li^T. Shakʃpeare.

MISTOLD. particip, paſt. of t::ijic'l.
mistook/ particip.. palF. oſ mjiake. Milton.

MI'STRESS. ʃ. [ma-Jir'-J^, French.]
1. A woman who governs ; correlative to
ſubje(5t or to fervant. A-buthnot.
2. A woman ſkilied in any thing. Addiſ.
3. A Woman teacher. Swift.
4. A woman beloved and courted.
5. Atterm of contemptuous addreſs.Shakʃpeare.
6. A whore ; a concubine.

MISTRU'ST. ʃ. [n:is? and tr^Jl.] Difſidence ;
ſuſpicion ; want of confidence. Milton.

To MISTRU'ST. v. a. [m,s andiruj^.] To
; to doubt ; to regard with difſidence.

MISTRU'STFtJL. a. [mijlrufi and fuH.]
Diſhdent ; doubtine. Waller.

MISTRU'STFITLNESS. ʃ. [ft^m mijlrujl-
/-'/.] D fHdence ; doubt. Sidney.

MISTRU'STFULLY. ad. [from mi/lru/}ful.]
With ſuſpicion ; with miſtruct.

MISTRU'STLESS. a. [from pijiruji.] C
fident unſuſped^ing. '^-

Ml'STV. a. [from mji .]
1. Clouded ; overſpread with mifis.
1. Obſcure ; dark ; not plain,

To MISUNDERSTa'ND. v. a. [»i,r and
uvderjland.] To mifconceivs ; to miſtake.

MISUXDERSTA'NDING. ʃ. [from m,f.
1. D.fſcrence; dif greem?nt. Swift.
4. K. a. Eirur ;

<2. Error ; mifconception. Bacon.

MISU'SAGE. ʃ. [from «;-/«/.'.]
1. Abuſe ; ill uſe,
2. Bid treatment.

To MISUSE. v. a. [mii and uſe] To treat
or uſe improperly ; to abuſe. South.
Misuse./, [froiii theverb.] Bad uſe; bad
treatment. Atterbury.

To MISWE'EN. v. n. [mis and wcev.] To
misjudge ; to diſtrulh Spenſer.

To MISWFND. v.n. [mn and |> n'^an,
Saxon] To go wrong. Fairfax.

MI'SY. ʃ. A kind of minera?. Hill.

MITE. ʃ. [natc, French i nnj:, Dutch.]
1. A fniaii infect found in cheeſe or corn ; a weevil. Philips.
2. The twentieth part of a grain. Arbuth.
3. Any thing prrverb;aily fnTiail. Dryden.
4. A ſmall particle. Ray.

MITE'LLA. ,.'. A plant.

MITHRJDA^TE. ʃ. Mihridate is one of
the capital medicines of the ſhops, conſiſting
of a great rumber of ,'ngredients, and
has its nan-,e from its inventor Mithridates,
king of Pontus. iDuincy.

MI'THRIDATE muprd. ſ. A plantT

MI'TIGANT. a. [w/W;^^ri, Latin.]Leraent ;

To MrTIGATE-. ». a .[mitigo, Lat. mitiger,
1. To ſoftE.n
; to make leſs rigorous. Hooker.
2. To alleviate ; to make mild ; to afluage.

3. To mollify ; to m.nke hi& fsvcre.

4. To cool ; to moderate. Addiſon.

MlITGA'TION. ʃ. [m{tigaUo,\.zx.] Abatement
of any thing penal, haiſh, or painful. Bacon.

Ml' PRE. ʃ. [piitre, Fr. mitra, Latin.]
1. An ornament for the head. Dryden.
2» A kind of epifcopai crown. Watts.

KIITRE. ʃ. /, ( Among workmen.] A kind

MITER. ʃ. of joining twvo boards together.

MITRED. a. [m//r/, Fr. from«/Vr<r.] Adorned
with a mitre. Prior.

Ml'TTENT. a. [mittens, Latin.] Sending
forth; emittinp. Wiſeman.

Ml'TTENS. ʃ. [mitains, French.]
1. Coarſe gloves for the winto Peach.
2. Gloves that cover the arai without
covering the^fingers.

MI'JTIMUS. [Latin.] A warrant by which
a juſtice commits an oflender to priſon.

To MIX. v. a. [n:!fceo,Ln\n.]
1. To unite diftereat bodies into one maſs ;
to put various ingredients together, a Efdr.
2. To form out of d.lYerent conſiderations. Bacon.
3. To join; to mingle. Shakʃpeare.

fcii'XEN. ʃ.; [mixen. Saxon.] Adungl^il| a

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MI'XTION. ʃ. [mixtion, French.] Mixttsre
confuſion of one body with another. Brown.

MI'XTLY. ad. [from »;/>.] With coalition
of different parts into one,

MI'XTURE. ʃ. [piixtura, LT^un.]
1. The act of mixing ; the ſtate of being
i«ixed. Arbuthnot.
2. A maſs formed by mingled ingredients.Shakʃpeare.
3. That which is added and mixed. Atterbury.

MFZMAZE. ʃ. A maze ; a labyrinth. Locke.

MI'ZZEN. ʃ. [ff;^;i77£,r, Dutch.] The wr?5-
z,cn is a mad in the flern of a ſhip : the
length of a mix-in mafi; is half that of the
main maft. Bailey.

Mi'ZZY. ʃ. A bog ; a quagmire. Ainſworth.

MNEMO'NICKS. ʃ. [|Uv>!//.oyix«\] The art
of memory.

MO. a. [ma, Saxon.] Making greaternumber
; more. Spenſer.

MO. ad. Further ; longer. Shakʃpeare.

To MOAN. ʃ. a. [from msenan, Saccon, to
grieve.] To lament ; to deplore.

To MOAN. v. n. To grieve ; to make lamentation. Thomfon.

MOAN. ʃ. Lamentation ; audible ſorrow,

MOAT. f. [/K5^/e, French.] A canal of water
round a houſe or caflle for defence.

To MOAT. v. a. [matter, French, from the
Boun.] To farround with canals by way of
defence. Dryden.

MOB. ʃ. [contrafled from moUle, Latin.]
The croud ; a tumultuous rout. Dryden.

MOB. ʃ. A kind of female head dreſſ.

To MOB. v. a. [from the noun.] To harraſs,
or overbear by tumult.

MO'BBISH. a. [from rr.ob.] Mean ; done
after the manner of the mob.

To MO'BLE. v. a. To dreis groſsly or inelegantly,Shakʃpeare.

MO'BBY. ʃ. An American drink made of

MOBILE. f. [CToWif, French.] The populace
; the rout ; the mob. L'' Eſtranircg

MOBi'LITY. ʃ. [mobilite, Fr, mobiUt'as,
1. Nimbleneſs ; activity. Blackmore.
2. [In cant language.] The populace. Dryden.
3. Fickleneſs ; inconftancy.

MO'CHO STONE. ʃ. Macho-fiofiex are
nearly related to the agat kind, of a clear
horny grey, wirli declinations rejjrefenting
nwdes, ſhrubf, and branches, in the ſubſtance
of the flonc. Woodwafd,

To MOCK. v. a. [mocquer^ French.]
i, To deride ; to iaugh at ; to rid:culr,Shakʃpeare.
». T.

2. To deride by imitation ; to mimick in
contempr, Shakʃpeare.
3. To defeat ; ſo eJude. Shakʃpeare.
4. To fool
; to tantalize ; t^pldyoncontemptiiou/
ly. Milton.

To MOCK. v. n. To make contemptuous
ſport. Joh,

WOCK./ [from the verb.]
1. Ridicule ; act of contempt; fleer; ſneer. ^rulotj'on.
2. Imitation ; mimickry. Crajhaiv.

MOCK. a. Fdlfe ; counteifeit ; not real.

MO'CKABLE. a. [from meek.] Expoſed to
derJion. Shakʃpeare.

MOCK PRI'VET. ʃ. . r,T ^ 'r r , Plants. yjir.Jzu,

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MO'DELLER. ʃ. [from model.] Phnncr
; /chenerj contriver. Sptjfaior

MO'DERATE. a. [moderatut, Latin.]
1. Tembtrate ; not exctlTive. EccluL
2. Not hot of temper. Hivr/t,
3. Not luxurious ; not expenfive. Shakʃpeare.
4. Not extreme in opinion ; not fanguine
in a tenet. Smalridge.
5. Phced between extremes ; holding the


MO'CKEL. a. [the ſame with mickk,]
Much ; many. Spenſer.

MO'CKER. ʃ. [from rrfsh.]
1. Ons who mocks ; a f.orner ; a ſcofrer.
2. A deceiver ; an elufory impoſtor.

MO'CKERY. ʃ. [n:ou2uerie, French.]
Derilion : ſcorn iporrive m. lit. ^Falts.
2. Ridicule ; contemptuous menimenc. Hooker.
3. Sportj ſubject of hughter, ^i^^^^^y/s^ijrf.
4. Vanity of attempt. Shakʃpeare.
;;. Imitation ; counterfeit appearance ; vain
fiiow. Shakʃpeare.

MOCKING-BIRD. ʃ. [mocking '^na hird.]
An American bird, which imitates the
nite of other birds.

MO'CKINGLY. ad. [from mockery.] In contempt
; petulantly ; with inlult.

MO'CKING-STOCK. ʃ. [mocking and
ſtock.] A butt for merriment.

MODAL. o, \_modale, Fr, modui/s, Latin.]
RelatITig to the form or mooe^ not the effence. Granville.

MODA'LITY. ʃ. [from modal.] Accidental
difference ; modal accident. Holder.

MODE. ʃ. [mode, Fr. modus, Latin.]
1. Form ; external variety ; accidental diſcrimination
; accidenr. Watts.
2. Gradation ; degree. Pope. .
3. Manner ; method ; form ; faſhion. Tayl.
4. State ; appearance. Shakʃpeare.
5. [Mode, French.] F-iliicn ; cullom. Temple,

MO'DEL. ʃ. [m-.dulus, Latin.]
1. A repreſentation in miniature of fo.mething
made or done. Addiſon.
2. A copy to be imitated. Hooker.
3. A mould ; any thing which ſhows or
g;ves the ſhape of that which it incl. fes,
4. Standard ; that by which any thing is
meaſured. South.

To MO'DEL. v. tf. f»2:rfr/tfr, French.] To
plan ; to ſhape ; to ſhould ; to form ; to
dsiinea:e» Addiſon, Hooker, Dryden.
[msderor, Latin ;
6. Of the middle rate.

To MO'DERATE. v. a.
mderer, French.]
1. To reeulue; to reſtrain : to ſtill ; to
pacify ; to quiet; to repreſsi Spenſer.
2. To make temparate. Blaiknii'e.

MO'DERATELY. ad. [from K.oderace.]
1. Temperately ; mildjy.
2. In a middle cegrte. WalUr,

MO'DERATENESS. ʃ. [from moderate.]
State of bein^ moderate ; tesnperateneſs.

MODERATION. f. [n:oderano, Latin.]
1. Forbefranceof extremity
; the contrary
temper to party violence. Atterbury.
2. C^lmneſs of mind ; equanimity. Milto. .
3. Frugality in expence.

MODERATOR. ʃ. [moderi:tor, Latin.]
1. The perſon or thing that calms or re-
Itrain-. ^ffalion,
2. One who preſides in a diſputation, to reſtrain
the contending parties ſmm indecency,
and confine them to the qutſtion. Bacon.

MO'DERN. ʃ. [moderr.e, French.]
1. Late i recent ; not ancient ; not antique. Bacon.
2. In Shakʃpeare. vulgar; mean ; common.

MO DERNS. ʃ. Thoſe who have lived lately,
oppof^d to the ancients. Boyle.

MO DERNI.^M. ʃ. Deviation from the ancient
and c'afljcal manner. Swift.

To MODERNISED. v. ^. To adapt ancient
comprfuicns to modern perlbns <,t things.

MO'DERNNESS. ʃ. [from modem.] Novelty.

MO'DEST. a. [modefle, French.]
1. Not arrogant ; not prifumptuous.
2. Not impudent; not forward. Dryden.
3. Not looſe ; not unchafle. Addiſoni,

MO'DESTLY. ad. [from wode/I.]
1. Not arrogantly ; not preſumptuouſly.
2. Not impudently ; not forwardly ; with
moderty. Shakʃpeare.
3. Not looſely ; not Iſwdly.
4. Not exceffively ; with moderation.

MO'DKSrY. ʃ. [n.uijl^, Fr. md^fl. s, Lat.]
1. Not arrogance ; not preſumptubuſneſs,
N jt irrpujenc
4. K a
not forward neh
3. Mode.

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5. Moderation ; decency. Shakʃpeare.
4. Chaftiry; purity of rnanneis. Dryden.

MODES'! Y- PIECE. ʃ. A natrow lace
which runs along the upper pait of the
ftays before. Addiſon.

MO'DiCUM. ʃ. [Latin.] Small portion ; pit ranee. Dryden.

MODIFI'ABLE. a. [from modify. X i:hiX.
may'biedi^erfifiedby accidental differences. Locke.

MO'DIFICABLE. a. [from modify.] Diverfiftible
by various mfldes.

MODlFICA'TiPN. ʃ. [modiſcaiioTt, Fr.]
The act of modiiving any thing, or giving
it new accidental'difference?. Newton.

To MODIFY. -y. a. [modifier, French.]
1. To change the form or accidents of any
; to ſhape. l-Jtivttn.
2. To ſoften ; to moderate. Dryden.

JvlODI'LLON. ʃ. [French.] Mod'ſhns, m
architediur?, are litde brackets which are
often ſet urrder the Corinthian and connpoſite
orders, and ſerve to ſupport the projecture
of the larmier or drip. Harm's.

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To MOIL. v. a. [mouilkr,
1. To dawb With dirt.
7. To weary.

MO'DISH. a. [from wo^e.] Faſhionable ; fleſh in the uterus.
^am proportion.
2. Sound modulated ;
formed according to the reigning cuſtom. Addiſon.

MO DISHLY.. ad. [from modip.^ Faſhio-

MODISHNESS. ʃ. [from modiſh.] Affectation
of the faihion.

To MO'DULATE. v. a. [mo^K/or, Latin.]
To form foupd to a certain key, or to certain
notes. Anon,

MODULATION. ʃ. [dommoduhte i
lation, French.]
3. The act of forming any thing to cer-. Woodward.
Jgrceable harmony.

MO'DULATOR. ʃ. [from modulate.] He
who fqtmz ſounds 10 a certain key ; a tuner.

.MO'DULE. ʃ. [modulus, LiVn.] An empty
repreſentation ; a model. Shakʃpeare.

MO'DUS. ʃ. [Latin.] Something paid as a
compenfation for tithes on the ſuppoſition
of being a modeiaie equivalent, Swift.

MO'DWALL. ʃ. A bird.

J^IOE. a. [ma, Saxon. See Mo.] More; a
greater number. Hooker.

^O'HAIR. ʃ. [7;2C'Z)er^, French.] Thread or
ikifi made of camels or other hair;Pope. .

MO HOCK. ʃ. The name of a cruel nation
of America given to ruffians who were
imagined to infect the ſtreets r.f London. Gay, Dennis.

MOI'DERED. a. Crazed.

MO'IDORE. ʃ. [j;!o.-Jf, French.] A Portu-
V ^1 coin, rated at one pound ſeven ſhillings.

JWO'IETY. ʃ. [moitie', French, from moierty

J-'the middle.] Hilf ; one of two equal parts.

To MOIL. v. n. [m'iuilhr, French.]
1. To labour in the mire. Bacon.
7. To toil ; to drudge. L'Eſtrange.;,

MOIS r. a. [moijie, French.]
1. Wet, not djy ; wet, not liquid ; wet in
a finall degree. Fofie,
2. Juiry ; fucculent.

To MOIST. ʃ. . a. [from wo?/?.] To

To MOISTEN. ʃ. ma|ce damp ; to make
wet to a ſmall degree ; to damp. Shakſp.

MO'ISTENER. ʃ. [from jnoifien.] The per.
fon or thing that moiſtcns.

MO'ISTNESS. ʃ. [from moiji.] Dampneſs ; wetneſs in a ſmall degree. '

MO'ISTURE. ʃ. [moiteur, Fr. from moiſt ]
Small quantity of water or liquid. Sidney.

MOK^S of a net. The meſhes.

MOKY. a. Dark.

MOLE. ʃ. [mcel, Saxon.]
1. A n:o'e is a formleſs concretion of extra -
vafated blood, which grows uijto a kind of. Quincy.
2. A natural ſpot or diſcolouration of the
body. Pope. .
2. A mound ; a dyke, Sandys.
4. A little beaſt that works under ground. More.


MOLECAST. ʃ. [mole 2ii6 ca/i.] Hillock
caſt tip by a mole. Mortimer.

MO'LECATCHER. ʃ. [mole 2nd catcher.]
One whole employment is to catch moles'.

MO'LEHILL. ʃ. [mole ^n6 Bill.] Hillock
thrown up by the mole working under
ground. ' Fairfax',

To MOLE'ST. v. a. [mole/ler, French. ; To
diſturb ; to trouble ; to vex. Locke.


Sl A'TION. ʃ. [moleflia, Latin.]
Diilurbance; uneaſineſs cauſed by vexation. Norris.

MOLE'STER. ʃ. [from mohji.] One who

MO LETRACK„ ʃ. [mnle and track ] Courſe
of the ſwole uwder ground. Mortimer.

MO'LEWARP. ʃ. [7«o/fi and peop.pan, Sax.]
A mole. Drayton.

MO^LLIENT. a. [moViens, Latin.] Softening.

MO'LLIFIABLE. a. [from molfify.] That
may be ſoftened,

MOLLIFICA'TION. ʃ. [from wo////y.]
; . The act of mollifying or ſoftening. Bacon.
1. Pacification ; mitigation. Shakʃpeare.

MOLLIFIER. ʃ. [from moihfy.]
1. That which ſoftens ; that which appeaſes.
2. He that pacifies or rrwtigates.

To MO'LLiFY. v. a. [mllio, y&im.]
1. To

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1. To ſoften ; to make fofr,
2. To alFwagf. Iſaiah.
3. To apportfe; to pacify ; to quiet. Spenſer.
4. To qualify ; to Icflcn any thing har(h
or buiHcnlbme. Clarenden.

MO'LTEN. Dart, pafl, from melt. Bacon.

lAOn.Y. ʃ. '[m:ly, Latin.] Moly^ or wild
garlick, is of I'evcral forts; as the great
mcly of Homer, the Indian moly, the mo!y
of Hungary, ſcrpcucs n.oly, the yellow
T^oly. Mortimer.

MOLO'SSES. ʃ. [rr.eVaZKo, Italian.]

MOLASSES. i Treacle ; the ſpume or
frum of the iuice of the lugar-cane.

MOME. ʃ. A dull, ſtupid blockhead ; a
ſtock, a poſt. Shakʃpeare.

MOMENT. ʃ. [m:ment, Fr. m.mentutn,
1. Conſequence ; importance ; weight; value. Berkley.
1. Force; impuiſive weight. Ben. Johnſon.
3. An indiviſible particle of time. Prior.

MUME'NTALLY. ad. [from mcmintum,
Latin.] For a moment. Brown.

MOMENTA'NEOUS. 1 a. [momentanus,

MO'MEN'TANY. i Latin.] Lifting
but a moment. Bacon.

MO'MENTARY. a. [from moment

JDg for a moment ; done in a moment. Dryden.

MOME'NTOUS. a. [itoxn momentum, hzX.]
Important ; weighty ; of conſequence. Addiſo01.

MO'MMERY. ʃ. [momerie, French.] An
entertainment in which maſkers play frolicks.

MO'NACHAL. a. [from yax^Kk.] Monaſtick ;
relating to monks, or conventual orders.

MO'NACHLSM. ʃ. [monadiſme, Fr.-[The
ſtate of monks ; the monaſtick life.

MO'NAD. ʃ. f. [(uovaf.] An indiviſible

MO'NADE. ʃ. thing. More,

MO'NARCH. ʃ. [/^5vapx''-]
1. A governor inveſted wuh abſolute authority
; a king. Temple.
2. Onefuperior to the reſt of the ſame kincl. Dryden.
5. Preſident. Shakʃpeare.

MONA'RCHAL. a. Suiting a monarch
; regal ; princely ; imperial. Mi-toi.

MONA'RCHICAL. a. [{xovapx^nk-] Veiled
in a ſingle ruler. Broim.

To MO'NARCHISE. v. n. [from mnnarc/j.]
To play the king. Shakʃpeare.

MO'NARCHY. ʃ. [monarcl>ie,Tr. y.ovafx,i'<^.]
1. The government of a ſingle perſon. Atterbury.
2. Kingdom ; empire. Shakʃpeare.

TVrO'NASTERY. ʃ. [monajierium, Latin.]
Houſe of religious retirement ; convent.

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MONA'STICK. v. a. [mona^icus, Uun.l

MONA'STICAL. ʃ. Religiouſly rccJule.

MONA'STICALLY. ad. [from monajlick.]
Reciuſely ; in the manner of a monk. Swift.

MO'NDAY. ʃ. [from won and day.] Tire
It'Cftnd day of the week.

MONEY. ʃ. [mcneta, Latin.] Metal coined
for the purpoſes of commerce. S:L'i/\

MO'NEYBAG. ʃ. [money and I'ag.] A large
purſe. Shakʃpeare.

MO'NEYCHAXGER. ʃ. [money and change..
A broker in money. Arbktbnot,

MO NEYED. a. [from morey-l Rich in money
: often uſed in oppoſition to thoſe who
are poſſeded of lands. Locke.

MONEYER. f. [from money.]
1. One that deals in money ; a banker,
2. A coiner of money.

MO'NEYLESS. a. [from money.] Wanting
money ; pennylcls. Sifife.

MO'NEYMATTER. ʃ. [money and matter.]
Account of df^btor and creditor. A'hutb,

MO'NEYSCRIVENER. ʃ. [money and jcri.
'vener.] One who raiſes money for others. Arbuthnot.

MO'NEYWORT. ʃ. A plant.

MO'NEYSWORTH. ʃ. [money md worth.]
Something valuable. L'Eſtrange.

MO NGCORN. ʃ. [man J, Saxon. and corn..
Mixed corn: as, wheat and rie.

MO'NGER. r. [manjejie, Saxon. a trader.]
A dealer ; a ſeller : as, a Jiſhmoiiger. Hudibras.

MO'NGREL. a. [from marj, Saxon. or
mengcn, to mix, Dutch.] Of a mixed breed. Dryden.

MO'NIMENT. ʃ. [from woneo, Latin.] It
feems to ſignify inſcription in Spenſer.

To MO'NISH. v.a.[mor.:o, Latin.] Toadmoniſh.

MO'NISHER. ʃ. [from moniſh.] An admoniITier
; a monitor.

MONITION. ʃ. [monitio, Latin.]
^l. Information ; hint. Holder.
2. Inſtruction ; document. UE/trange.

MO'NITOR. ʃ. [Latin.
; One who warns
of faults, or informs of duty ; one who
gives uſeful hints. It is uſed of an upper
fcholar in a ſchool commiſſioned by the
mafter to look to the boys. Locke.

MO'NITORY. a. [monitoriui, Lat.] Conveying
uſeful inſtruc^ionj giving admonition. L'Eſtrange.

MO'NITORY. ʃ. Admonition 3 warning. Bacon.

MONK. ʃ. [fro-axh'] One of a religious
community bound by vows to certain obſt-
rvances. Knolles.

MO'NKEY. ʃ. [monikin, a little man.]
1. An ape ; a baboon ; a jickinape?. An
animal beaiing ſome lelcmbiance of man. Granville.
2. A

E. A word of contempt, or flight tcindneſs.Shakʃpeare.

MO'NKERY. ʃ. [from monk.] Themonaſtick
life. Ball,

MO'NKHOOD. ʃ. [monk and hood.] The
character of a monk. Atterbury.

MO'NKISH. a. [from monk.] Monaſtick; pertaining to m<>nks. Smith.

MONK'S-FOOD. ʃ. A plant.

MONK'S- RHUBARB. ʃ. A ſpecies of

MO'NOCHORD. ʃ.- \_fjiov<B- and yji^K.] An
inſtrument of one {Iring.

MONCyCULAR. v. a. [^pv@>- and oculus.]

MONO'CULOUS. ʃ. One-eyed. Glanville.

MO'NODY. ʃ. fjwovftj^;'..] Apoemfungby
one perſon not in dialogue.

MONO'GAMIST. ʃ. [y.n(^ and ya^<^.]
One who diſallows ſecond marriages.

MONO'GAMY. ʃ. [jacVaj and yafxiao. j.
Marriage of one wife.

MO'NOGRAM. ʃ. [,ao'v©^and ypa'ia.Mci.] A
cypher ; a character compounded of fevera!

MO'NOLOGUE. ʃ. [,wov(^ and -Koy^.] A
Icene in which a perſon of the drama ſpeaks
by himſelf ; a foliloquy. Dryden.

MO'NOMACHY. ʃ. [^oyo/c.ftx.'ct.] A duel ;
a ſingle combat.

MO'NOME. ʃ. [In algebra, a quantity that
has but one denf.niinatlon oſ name, tlarrn.

MONOPE'TALOUS. a. [/xov(^ and Qrira.
7voy.] It is uſed for ſuch^fl .weis as are formed
out of one leaf, howſoever they may be
feemingly cut into ſmall ones.

MONOPOLIST. ʃ. [jmnofiohur, French.]
One who by engroſſing or patent obtains
the fole power or privilege of vending any

To MONO'POLIZE. v. a. [f^oi^ and
crwAio] To have the fole power or privilege
of vending any commodity. Arbuth.

MONO'PTOTE. ʃ. [ixo\^ and mlZ^ii.]
Is a noun uſed only in ſome one oblique
cafe. Clarke.

MONO'STICH. ʃ. [,^jvoV'XO'''«] A compoſition
of one verſe.

MONOSYLLA'BICAL. <?. [from vionojyl
lable.] Conſiſting of words of one ſyllable.

MONObY'LLABLE. ʃ. [^-cov(5>. and o-i^xxa-
^n.] A word of only one ſyllable. Dryden.

MONOSY'LLABLED. a. [from monojyl.
lable.] Conſiſting of One ſyllable. Cleaveland.

MONOTTONY. ʃ. [/i^ovolcvia.] Uniformity
of found ; want of variety in cadence. Pope.

MO'NSIEUR. ʃ. [French.] Atterm of reproach
for a Frenchman. Shakʃpeare.

MONSO'ON. ʃ. [msrjon, French.] Mon-
Joons are ſhifting trade winds in the Eaſt Indian
ocean, which blow periodically ; ſome
for half a year one way, others but for
M o N
thrse months, and then /bift and blow for
fix or three months directly contrary. Harris, Ray.

MO'NSTER. ʃ. [mcnjirum, Latin.]
iv Something out of the common order of
nature. Locke.]
2. Something herrible for deformity, wickedneſs,
or miſchief. Pope. .

To MO'NSTER. v. a. [from the noun.]
To put out of the common order of things.Shakʃpeare.

MONTRO'SITY. ʃ. The ſtate of be-

MONSTRU'OSITY. [ing monſtrou?, or
out of the common order of the univerſe. Bacon.

MONSTROUS. a. [monſtrofusj Latin.]
1. Deviating from the ſtated order of nature. Locke.
2. Strange ; wonderful. Shakʃpeare.r,
3. Irregular
; enormous, Pope.
4. Shocking} hateful. Bacon.

MO'NSTROUS. ad. Exceedingly ; very
much. Bacon.

MO'NSTROUSLY. ad. [from mon^rmi.]
1. In a manner out of the comnfon oider
of nature} ſhockingly ; terribly ; horribly. South.
2. i'o a great or enormous degree. Dryd.

MO'NSTROUSNESS. ʃ. [from matfiroui..
Enormity ; irregular nature or behaviour.Shakʃpeare.

MC^NT^Nr. ʃ. [French.] Atterm in fencing.Shakʃpeare.

MONIE'RO. ʃ. [Spaniſh.] A horſeman's
cap. Bacon.

MONTE'TH. ʃ. [from the name of the inventor.]
A veſſel in which'glaITesarewalhcd. King.

MONTH. ʃ. [mona^, Saxon.] A ſpace of
time either meaſured by the fun or moon :
the lunar month is the time between the
change and change, or the time in which
the moon comes to the ſame point : the folar
month is the time in which the fim palTes
through a ſign of the zodiack ; the calendar
months, by which we reckon time, are
unequally of thirty or ont-and- thirty days,
except February, which is of twenty -eight,
and in leap year o^ twenty- nine.

MONTH'S mind. ʃ. Longing deſtre.Shakʃpeare.

MONTHLY. a. [from month.]
1. Continuing a month ; performed in a
month. Berkley.
2. Happening every month. Dryden.

MO'NTHLY. ad. Once in a month.

MGNWIR. ʃ. [French.] in horſemanſhip,
a flone as high as the ſturups, which Italian
riding- mafters muunt their horſes
from. -D/iS.

MONUMENT. ʃ. [mvuhpt^ French.]
1. ^'^1

7. Any thing by which the memory of perſons
or things is preſerved ; < memorial. King Charles.
2. A tomb ; a cenotaph. Sandys. Prpe.

MONUME N PAL. a. [from monumtrr. ;
1. Memorial; preferving memory. Potf.
1. Ratfed in honour of the dead ; belonging
to a tcmb. C''aJ}}aiv.

MOOD. ʃ. [ti:odus, Latin.]
1. The form of an argument. B >k'f.
2. Stile of moſick. Muton.
3. The change the verb undergoe?, to ſignify
various intentions of the mind, is called
tnooj, Ciurke.
4. Temper of mind ; ſtate of mind as
affected by any paſſiou ; diſpofitien. Addiſon.
5. Anger ; rage ; heat of mind. Hooker.

MOODY. a. [from mW.]
1. Angry ; out of humour. Shakʃpeare.
2. Mental ; intellectual.

MOON. ʃ. [y.r.r.]
1. The changing luminary of the night,
called by poets Cynthia or Phcebe. Shakʃpeare.
2. A month.

MOON- BEAM. ʃ. [mcomnd beam.] Rays
of lunar light. Bacon.

MOON-tALF. ʃ. [moomni ca'f.]
1. A monfter ; a faiſe conception : ſuppoſed
perhaps anciently to be preduced by the
influence of the moon. Shakʃpeare.
2. A dolt ; a ſtupid fellow, Dryden.

MOON-EYED. a. [moon and eye.]
1. Having eyes afreflect by the revolutions
of the mocn.
2. Dim-eye^ ; purblind,

MOONFE'RN. ʃ. A plant.

MOON-FISH. ʃ. Moon-fiſh is ſo called,
becauſe the tail ſin is ſhaped like a half
moon. G'-etu,

MO'ONLESS. a. [from moor.] Not enlightened
by the moon. Dryden.

MO'ONLIGHT. ʃ. [rn^onind light.] The
light aff 'rded by the moon. Hooker.

MO'ONLIGHT. a. liluminated by the
moon. Fc^e.

MOONSHINE. ʃ. [moor and pine.]
1. The luihc of the mo^n. Shakʃpeare.
2. [In burlelque.] A month. Shakʃpeare.

MO'ONSHINE. v. a. [ntocmnd ſhire.] UMO'ONSHINY.
5 lummated by the moon. Clarendon.

MO'ONSTONE. ʃ. A kind of ſtone.

MO'ONSTRUCK. a. [moon andſtruck.]
Lumuck ; affected by the moon. Milton.

MOON-TREFOIL. ʃ. [mcdicago, Latin.]
A plant. Miller.

MO'ONWORT. ʃ. [moon and worf.ySu.
tion'lower, honesty. MiHrr.

MOONY. a. [t'tommocn.] Lun«ted ; b.7-
^^ O R
Jng a creſcent for the ſtandard refcmlJing
the moon. Philtf,t.

MOOR. ʃ. [wofr, Dutch ; modder, Teutonick,
1. A marſh ; a fen ; a bog ; a track of
low and watry grounds. Spenſer.
2. A negro ; a black-a-moor.Shakʃpeare.

To MOOR. v. a. [n:orer, French.] To faſten
by anchors or otherwiſe. Dryden.

To MOOR. v. a. To be fixed,- to be ſtationed. Arbuthnot.
To hlow a MOOR. To found the horn in
triumph, and call in the whole company
of hunters. Ainſworth.

MO'ORCOCK. ʃ. [moor 2nd ic.k.] The male
of the moorhen.

MO'ORHEN. ʃ. [moor and ben.] A fowl
that feeds in the fens, without web feer.

MO'ORISH. ʃ. [from mocr.] Fenny ; marſhy ; watrv. Ha/e.

MO'ORLAND. ʃ. [mior and land.] Marfli ; fen ; watry ground. Hivi/t,

MO'ORSTONE. ʃ. A ſpecies of granite.

MO'ORY. a. [from moor.] Marſhy ; fenny ; Fairfax.

MOOSE. ʃ. The large American deer.

To MOOT. v. a. To plead a mock cauſe ;
to ſtate a point of law by way of exercife,
as was commonly done in the inns of courc
at appointed times.

MOOT caſe or point. A point or caſe unfe'tled
and diſputable. Locke. MOO TED. a. PIucked up by the root.

MO'OTER. ʃ. [from moot.] A d;ſputer of
moot points.

MOP. ʃ. [myppa, Welflj.]
1. Piecesof cloth, or locks of wool, fired
to a long handle, with which maids, clean
the floors. Swift.
2. A wry mouth made in contempt.Shakʃpeare.
To r.fOP. ::, a. [from the noun.] To rub
with a mop.

To MOP. v. a. [from nuk.] To make
wry mouths in contempt. Shakʃpeare.

To MOPE. v. n. To be ſtupid ; to drowſe ; to be in a conſtant daydream. Rozve.

To MOPE. v. a. To make ſpiriileſs ; to
deprive of natural powers. Locke.

MO'PE-EYED. a. BIind of one eye.

MO'PPET. If, A puppet made of rags

MO'PSEY. ʃ as a mop ^ a fondling name
for a girl. Dryden.

MO'FU-. ʃ. A drone ; a dreamer. Swift.

MO'RAL. a. [moral, Fr. rrortz/n, Latin.]
1. Relating to the practiceof men towards
each other, as it may be virtuous or criminal
; goid or bad, Hooker.
2. ReaM
ft, Reafonlng or inſtru6ling with Ttg\i^. to
vice, and virtue. ^i)j^ /fejrtf.
3. Popular ; ſuch as is known in general
buſineſs of life. lillo'ſon.

MO'RAL. ʃ. ,
1. Morality ; practice or dodlnne of the
duties of lire. .P\^°^'
2. The doctrine inculcated by a fisftion ; the accommodation of a tablt; to form the
moral?. Swift.

To MO'RAL. v. n. [from the adjefti^'e.]
To mjraiife ; to make moral reflectllons.Shakʃpeare.

MO'RALIST. ʃ. [marfl///^ French.] One
who teaches the duties of life. Addiſon.

MORA'LITY. ʃ. [rnora i;/, Fr. from n.«-
1. The doctrine of the duties of life ; e-
\ thicks. ^'^^f';-
2. The form of an action which makes it
the ſubject of reward, or puniſhment. South.

To MO'RALIZE. i>. a. [moralifer, Fr.] To
apply to moral purpoſes ; to explain in a
moral ſenſe. L'Eʃtrange.

To MO'RALIZE. v. n. To ſpeak or write
on moral ſubjects.

MORALI ZER. ʃ. [from moralix^f.] He
who moralizes.

MO'RALLY. ad. [from moral.]
1. In the ethical ſenſe. Rymer.
2. According to the rules of virtue. Dryden.
5. Popularly. L'Eſtrange.

MO'RALS. ʃ. The practice of the duties
of lite ; behaviour with reſpect to others. Smith.

MORA'SS. ʃ. [rncwaiiy French.] Fen ; bog ;
moor. ^'''^

MORBID. ʃ. [mrhiduSf Lat.] Dfeaſed ; in a ſtate contrary to health. Arbuthnot.

MO'RBIDNESS. ʃ. [from morbid.] Slate of
being difesfed.

MORBI'FICAL. 1 O' I morbus and fdcioy

MORBI'fICK. ʃ. Lat.] Caufing dileaſes. Arbuthnot.

MORBO'SE. a. [morbofus, Lat.] Proceeding
from diſeaſe; not healthy.

MORBO'SITY. ʃ. [from morlofuSj Lat.]
Difea(ed ſtate. Brown.

MORDACIOUS. a. lrr.crd.^x,Uu] Biting; apt to bite.

MORDA'CITY. ʃ. [n^ord,Jcitas, Lat.] Biting
quality. Bacon.

MORDICANT. ʃ. [mordicant, Fr.] Biting ;
acrid. ^y^''

MORDICATION. ʃ. [from morduarc.]
The act of corroding or bitiug. Bacon.

MORIE. a- [majie, Saxon.]
1. In greater number ; in greater quantity
; in greater degree. Shakʃpeare.
^, Greater. ^^'-'^.

MORE. ad.
X, To a greater decree. Macon,

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2. The particle that forms the comparative degrep ;
as, wjre happy. Bacon.
3. Again ; a ſecond time. Tatler-,
4. Longer ; yet continuing ; with the negative
particle. Shakʃpeare.

MORS. ʃ.
1. A greater quantity ; a greater degree.Shakʃpeare.
2. Greater thing ; other thing. Locke.
3. Second time ; longer time.

MORE'L. ʃ. [Jolanum, Lat.]
1. A plant.
2. A kind of cherry. Mortimer.

MO'RELAND. ʃ. [mcjalanb, Saxon.] A
mountainous or hilly country,: a trail of
Staffordſhire is called the Morlaxds,

MOREO'VER. ʃ. [more and ever.] Beyond
what has been mentioned. Shakʃpeare. PſalmSa

MORGLA'Y. ʃ. A deadly weapon. Airf,

MORI'GEROUS. a. [ffzor;^.'r«j, Latin. ' ;
Obedient ; obſequious.

MORION. f. [Fr.] A helmet; arm.oi^r
for the head ; a caique. Rakigbi

MORI'SCO. ʃ. [wm/«, Spaniſh.] A dancer
of the morris or mooriſh dance. Shak.

MO'RKIN. ʃ. A wild beaſt, dead through
ſickneſs or miſchance. Baiief.

MO'RLING. ʃ. Wool plucked from a

MO'RTLING. ʃ. dead ſheep. Ainſworth.

MO'RMO. ʃ. [fAopfxcH.] Bugbear ; fahe

MORN. ʃ. [marine, Saxon.] The firſt
part of the day; the morning. Lee.

MORNIN^G. ʃ. The firſt part of the day,
from the htil appearance of light to the
end of the firſt fourth part of the fun's
daily cowr(e. Taylor.

MO'RNING-GOWN. ʃ. A looſe gown
worn before one is formally dreſſ'ed, u^dd.

MO'RNING-STAR. ʃ. The planet Venus
when ſhe ſhines in the morning. Spenſer.

MOROSE. a. [morofus, Latin.] Sour of
temper ; peeviſh ; fullen. Wattn

MORO'SELY. ad. [from momje.] Sourly
; peeviſhly. Gov. of the Tongue.

MORO'SENESS. ʃ. [from m'.roje.] S.urnafs
; peevi Oineſs. Watts.

MORO'oITY. ʃ. [worpA/aj, Lat.] Morofcneſs
; fourueſs; peevirtineſs. Clarenden.

MO'RRIS. ʃ. [that is, moinjh

MO'RRIS DANCE. ʃ. dance.]
1. A dance in which bells are gingled, or
ſlaves or ſwords claſhed, which was learned
by the Mcors.
2. ISHne mens Morris. A kind of play
with nine hole; in the ground. iShakʃpeare.eʃpeare.

MO'RRIS-DANCER. ʃ. [morrii and dance.]
One who dances a la morejco, the moorifti
dance. Temple.

MORPHEW. ʃ. [morpbee, Fr.] A ſcurf
on the face.

MO'RROW. ʃ. [mojigen, Saxon.]
3. I. The

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1. The day after the preſent Say. Cowley.
2. To Morrow. O.'i th- day after this
current day. Prior.

MORSE. f. A ſea-horſe. Brown.

MO'RSEL. ʃ. [morſellsus, low Latin.]
1. A piece lie for the mjuth ; a mouthful. Souch.
2. A piece ; a meal. L'Eſtrange.
3. A ſmall quantity. Boyle.

MO'RSURE. ʃ. [moTjure, Fr. mJrfura, Lat.]
The act of biting.

MORT. ʃ. [worte, Fr.]
1. A tune founded at the death of the
game. Shakʃpeare.
2. A great quantity.

MO'RTAL. a. [mortalis, Lat.]
1. Subject to death ; doomed ſometime to
die. I Cor.
2. Deadly; deſtruclive ; procuring death. Bacon.
3. Bringing death. Pope. .
4. Human; belonging to man. Milton.
5. Extreme ; violent. Dryden.

MO'RTAL. ʃ. Man ; human being.

MORTA'I.ITY. ʃ. [from morta\'\
1. Subjection to death ; ſtate of a being
ſubject to death. Watts.
1. Death. Shakʃpeare.
3. Power of deſtruflicn. Shakʃpeare.
4. Frequency of death. Graunt.
5. Human nature. Pope. .

MORTALLY. ad. [from mortal.
1. Irrecoverably ; to death. Dryden.
1. Extremely ; to extremity, Granville.

MO'RTAR. ʃ. [mortarium^ Lat.]
1. A ſtrong veſſel in which materials are
broken by being pounded with a peflle. Ray.
2. A ſhort wide cannon cut of which
bombs ate thrown. GlansoilU.

MO'RTAR. ʃ. [morttr, Dutch ; mortler.
French.] Cement made of lime and ſand
with water, and uſed to join ſtones or
bricks, Mortimer.

MO'RTGAGE. ʃ. [wor^anda^^e, French.]
1. A dead pledge ; a thing put into the
hands of a creditor. Arbuth.not

2. The fiatp of being pledged. Bacon.

To MORTGAGE. v. a. To pledge ; to
put to pledge. Arbuthnot.

MORTGAGE'S. ʃ. [from wcr/^^^e.] He
ihst takes or receives a mortgage. '^ItrnpL-,

MO'RTGAGER. ʃ. [from mortgage. ~^ He
that gives a ſhortnege.

MORTITEROUS.' ^. [noTtif<r, Latin.]
rat'l ; deadly; deſtructive. Hammond.

MORTIFlCA'TION. ʃ. [mortification, Fr.]
1. The ſtate of couuotiog, or loling the
vital qualities ; gangiene. Milton.
2. Defliuflion of active qualities. Bacon.
3. The adi of ſubduing the body by hard-

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Alps and iraceratinns. Arbuthn'it»
4. Humiliation ; fiDJection of the oafli-
«ns- Ttliotjvn.
5. Ve\-iti.-in; trouble. L'Eſtrun^e.

To MO'RTIFY. i>. a. [worr/^r, Fr.]
1. To leihoy v ul quaiiaes.
2. To deſtroy adivc p-Avers, or efl'ential
<la''ti- Bacon.
3. To ſubdue inordinate p.'.flion?.Shakʃpeare.
4. To macerate or harraſs the boHy to
compliance with the mind, Brown.t
5. To humble
; to depreſs ; to vex. Addiſon.

To MO'RTIFY. v. r.
1. To ganjjrene ; to corrupt. Bacon.
2. To be lubdued ; to die away.

MO'RTISE. ʃ. [,nortai\e, Fr.] A hole cut ,
into woed that another piece rnay be put
into it. Shakʃpeare, Ray.

To MO'RTISE. v. a. To cut with a mortife; to jom with a mortife. Drayton.

MO'RTMAIN. ʃ. [morte and main, Fr.]
Such a ſtate of poſſeflion as makes tt unalienable,

MO'RTi-'AY. ʃ. [mortandpay.] Dead pay ; pivment not made. Bacon.

MO'RTRESS. ʃ. A diſh of meat of various
kinds beaien together. Bacon.

MO'RTUARY. ʃ. [mortuaire, Fr, n-.crtuariuni,
Latin.] A gift left by a nun at his
death to his pariſh church, for the recompence
of his perſonai tythes and ofierings
not duly paid.

MOSA'iCK. a. [mojaique, Fr.] Mcfaick Is
a kind of painting in ſmall pebbles, cockle?,
and ſhells of fundry cokursl Milton.

MO'SCHAIEL. ʃ. A phnt,

MOSQUE. f. [n.o;chit, Turkiſh.] A Mahometan

MOSS. ʃ. [mccf, Saxon.] A plant.
Though r:oJs was formerly luppct'eito be
only an excreſcence produced from the
eirth and trees, yet it is no leſs a perfect
plant than thoſe of greater magnitude,
having roots, flowers, and feeds, yet cannot
be propagated from feeds by any art. Miller.

To MOSS. v. a. [from the noun.] To
cr ver With moſs. Shakʃpeare.

MO'SSINESS. ʃ. [from woffy.] The flats
ct being covered or overgrown with moſs. Bacon.

MOSSY. <7. [from rra/j ] Overgrown with
moſs. Pope. .

MOST. a. the ſuperlitive of worf. [mjtfr,
Sax^ n.] Conſiſting of the greatelt number
; conſiſing of the grcateſt quantity. Pope.

MOST. ad.
1. Th<r particle noting the foperlative degree
; as, the moji incentive, Cheynr.
4. L a. In

2. In the greateſt degree. Locke.

MOST. ʃ.
1. The greateſt number, Al<itfo.
2. The greateſt value. L'Eſtrang'.
3. The greateit degree ; the greateſt quantity. Bacon.

MO'STICK. ʃ. A paintex's ſtaff. Ainſworth.

MO'STLY. aJ. [from wf.] For the ?,reateſt
part. Bacon.

MO'STWHAT. ʃ. [rnofl and whatr^ For
the moil part. Hammond.

MOTATION. ʃ. - Aa of movirg.

MOTE. ʃ. [rnor, Saxon.] A ſmall particle
of matter ; any thing proverbially little. Bacon.

MOTE for might. Spenſer.

MOTH. ʃ. [rno-5, Saxon.] A ſmall winged
infea that eats cloths and hangings. Dryden.

MOTHER. ʃ. [mo^op, Saxon ; tnoider,
1. A v.'oman that has born a child ; correlative
to ſon or daughter. Shakʃpeare.
2. That which has prodqced aay thing. Arbuthnot.
3. That which has preceded in time : as,
a mother church to chapels.
4. That which requires reverence and obedience,
5. Hyfterical paſſion. Graw.t.
6. A familiar term of addreſs to an old
7. Mother in laiv. A huſband's or
wife's mother. yJinſwoitb.
2. [Moedery Dutch.] A thick ſubſtance
concreting in liquors ; the lees or ſcum
concreted. Dryden.

MO'THER. a. Had at the birth ; native.Shakʃpeare.

To MO'THER. v. n. To gather concretion. Dryden.

MOTrtER of pearl. A kind of coaſe
pearl ; the ſhell in which pearls are generated.

MO'THERHOOD. ʃ. [from mother.] The
office or chaiafter of a mother. Donne.

MO'THERLESS. a. [from mother.] Deftitute
of a mother. Waller.

MO'THERLY. a. Belonging to a mother ;
ſuitable to a mother. Raleigh.

MO'THERLY. ad. [from mother,'] In manner
of a mother. Donne.

MO'THERWORT. ʃ. [cardiaca, Latin.]
A plant. Miller.

MO'THERY. a. [from mother.] Concreted ; full of concretions ; dreggy ; feculent:
uſed of liquurs,

MOTHMU'LLEIN. ʃ. [blattariay Latin.]
A plant. Miller.

MO'THWORT. ʃ. [ny^ib and wort.] An

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MO'THY. a. [from moth.] Full of moths.Shakʃpeare.

MO'TION. ʃ. [mctio,hzt.]
1. The set of ch.:inging place.
2. Manner of moving the body ; port ; gaiv. Waller.
3. Change of poſture
; gſtion. Dryden.
4. Tendency of the mind ; thought. South.
5. Propoſal made. Shakʃpeare.
6. ImpoITo communicated. Dryden.

To MOTION. nj. a. [from the noun.] To

MOTIONLESS. a. [from motion.] Wanting
motion ; being w'ithout motion. Blackmore.

MO'TIVE. a. [motivus, Lat.]
1. Cauiing motion ; having moment. Hooker.
2. Having the power to move ; having
power to change place. Wilkim.

MO'TIVE. ʃ. [motif, Fr.]
1. That which determines the choice; that which incites the action. Shakʃpeare.
Z- Mover, Shakʃpeare.

MO'TLEY. a. Mingled of various colours,Shakʃpeare.

MO'TOR. ʃ. A mover. B^oJvn.

MO'TORY. a. [motctius, Latin.] Giving
morion. R'y,

MOTTO. f. [wo.'/o, Italian.] A ſentence
added to a device, or pretixed to any
thing written. Addiſon.

To MOVE. v. a. [moveo, L-it.]
1. To put out of one place into another; to put in motion. Job,
2. To give an impulfe to. Decay ofPiay.
3. To prcpole ; to recommend. Dj'vi s,
A. To perſuade: to prevail en the mind. Knolles.
5. To aITetl ; to touch pathetically ; to
Itir paITicn. Shakʃpeare.
6. To make angry. Shakʃpeare.
7. To put ioto commotion. Ruth,
8. To conduil regularly in motion. Milton.

To MOVE. v. r.
1. To go from one place to another.Shakʃpeare.
2. To walk ; to bear the body, Dryden.
3. To go for w ud. Dryden.
4. To change the poſture of the body in
ceremony. EJiher,

MO'VEABLE. a. [from wot;^.]
1. Capable of being moved ; not fixed
; portable. Addiſon.
2. Changing the time of the year. Holder.

MOVEABLES. ʃ. [meubles, Fr.] Goods ; furniture ; diſtinguiAed from real or immoveable
poffeſſions. Shakʃpeare.

MO»VEABLENE-vS. ʃ. [from moveable.]
Mobility; pofijbiiiity to be moved.

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AlCyVEABLY. ad. [from rr.oveabL.] So
-s ;; '.y be nriui.ed. Grew.

JMO'VELESS. a. Unmov'd ; not to be put
out o1 'he place. Boyle.

MO'VEM t NT. ʃ. [mouvement, Fr.]
1. Manner of moving. Pope. .
2. Motion.

MO'VENT. a. [movens, Latin.] Movinc:.

MO'VENT. ʃ. [mo'vens, Lat.] Thnwh^ch
moves another. Glanvilie.

MO'VER. ʃ. [from move.]
1. The perſon or thing that gives motion.
2. Something that moves, or ſtands not
ftil). Dryden.
3. A propoſer. Bac.n,

MO'V ING. fd'?. a. Pathetick ; touching ; adapted to affett the p.fiii)ns. Blackmore.

MOVINGLY. a. [from moijirg.] Patheticaily
; in ſuch a manner' as to leize the
p-sJii.n.-:. Addiſon.

MGUGHT for might.

MOULD. f. [w.f^f/, Swediſh.]
1. A kij;d > f concrerim on the top r.r out-
Lide of things kepc motiouleſs and damp.
2. Earth ; foil ; ground in which any th;ng
grows. Sandys.
3. Matter of which any thing is made. Dryden.
4. The matrix in which any thing is caſt; in which any thing receives its form.
5. Caft ; form. Prior.
6. i Ge lucure or contexture of the ſkull.

To MOULD. nj. a. [from the noun, ; To
contract coucreted matter ; to gilher

TTi ' cl. Bacon.

To MOULD. v. a. To cover with mould. Knolles.

To MOULD. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To form ; to ſhape ; to model.
2. To knead : as, to mould bread,

MO'ULDABLE. a. [from mould.] What
m'V be niouided. Bacon.

MO'ULDER. ʃ. [from miuld.] He who
n M'UiO.s.

To MOULDER. o'. «. [hon) mould.] To
be tunicu to du(t ; to pcriſh in duit, Clarenden.

To MOULDER. -t-.tf. [from mould.] To
turn ta duſt. Pope. .

MO'ULDINESS. ʃ. [from mouldy.] The
lta:c of being mouldy. Bacon.

MO'ULDING. ʃ. [from mouJd.] Ornamenta)
cavities in wo. d ir itone. Mojc'^n.

MO'ULDWARP. ʃ. [moi'D and pec ppan,
Saion.] A m.ole ; a ſmall animal that
throws up the earth, M^uhon.

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MOULDY. ʃ. [from OT3tt/i.] Overgrown
With concretions, Addiſon.

To MOULT. v. n. [inuyten, Dutch, ; To
ſhed or change the feathers ; to loſe feathers. Suckling.

To MOUNCH. ʃ. ^ . c: . r

MOUND. f. [mun&ur, Saxon. to defend.]
Any thing raifsd to fortify or defiind. Milton.

To MOUND. v. a. [from the noun.] To
f. 1 rify with a mound.

MOUNT. ʃ. [mmt, Lat.]
1. A mountain ; a hill. Dryden.
2. An artificial hill raiſed in a garden, or
other place. Knolles.
3. A publick treaſure ; a bank. Bacon.

To MOUNT. v. n. [monterj Fr.]
1. To riſe on high. Shakʃpeare.
2. To tower ; to be built up to great elevation.
3. To g?t on horſeback. Shakʃpeare.
4. [For omouiH.] To riſe in value.'Pope. .

To MOUNT. v. a.
1. To raile aloft ; to lift on high.Shakʃpeare.
2. To aſcend ; to climb. Dryden.
3. To place on horſeback, Dryden.
4. To embelliſh with ornament..
5. To Mount guard. To do duty and
watch at any particular poſt.
6. To Mount a cannon. To ſet a piece
on its wooden frame for the more cafy carriage
and management in firing it.

MOUNTAIN./ [w:;r.'j?;(r;;f, French.] .
large hiil ; a val: protuberance of the earth,Shakʃpeare.

MO'UNT.AIN. a. [montanus, Latin.]'Found
on the mountaV,.;, Shakʃpeare.

MOUNTAINEER./ [from mo:^n.'a!n.]
1. An inhabitant of the mountains. Berkley.
2. A ſavage
; a free booter ; a ruſtick. Milton.

MO'UNTAINET. ʃ. [from mountain.] A
hiiiock. Sidney.

MO'UNTAINOUS. a. [from mountain.]
1. K.lly ; full of mountain-^. Burnet.
2. Large as mountains
; huge; bulky. Prior.
3. Inhabiting mounf^ain?. Bacon.

MO'UNTAINOUSNESS. ʃ. [from mcunlamcus.]
Stale of being full of mcun-
^^'s. Brerewood.

MOUNTAIN- PARSLEY. ʃ. [^r,ofel,nuni,
Ln.] A plant.

MO'LNTAIN-ROSE. ʃ. [chamarkodcdendrcn,
Lat.] A plant.

MO UNTANT. a. [mou'ans, Lat.] Riſing
on high. Shakʃpeare.

MO'UNTEBANK. ʃ. [n^cntare in banco,
4. La I. A

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T, A doſtor tUat mounts a bench in the
market, and boalts his infallible remedies
and cures. Huaih-a!,
2. Any boaflful and falſe pretender.

To MO'UNTEBANK. v. a. [fio'^i the
noun.] To cheat by falſe boafts or pretences,Shakʃpeare.

MO'UNTENANCE. ʃ. Amount of a thing. Spenſer.

MOUNTER. f. [from JKianr] Oneih^t
mounts. Drayton.

MO'UNTY. ʃ. [woB^eV, Frer.ch.] Th-^ rife
of a hawk. Sidney.

To MOURN. v.tj. [mxijxnan, Saxon. ;
1. To grieve ; to be ſorrowful. Bacon.
2. To wear the habit oſ Corrow, -Pope. .
3. To pieſerve appearance of grief.
2. Sam.

To MOURN. -y. a.
1. To gr eve for; to lament. ^Addiʃon.
2. To utter in a ſorrowful manner. Milton.

MOUp:.NE. ʃ. [wor;?:-, French.] The round
end of a ſtafi'j the' part of a lance to which
the lieel part is fixed. Sidney.

MO'URNER. ʃ. [from mo'.rn.]
1. O.e that mourns ; one that grieves.Shakʃpeare.
2. One who follows a funeral in black. Dryden.
3. Something uſed at funeral?. Dryden.

MO'URWFUL. a. [mourn 2. and full.]
1. Having the appearance of ſorrow. Dryden.
2. Caufing ſorrow. Shakʃpeare.
3. Sorrowful ; feeling forrovy. Prmr.
4. Bc^tokening ſorrow ; expreſſive of grief.Shakʃpeare.

MO'URNFULLY. ad. [from mourvfu'.]
S ri-ov.f'iliy ; with ſorrow. Shakʃpeare.

MO'URNFULNE.SS. ʃ. [from mournful..
1. S; rrow ; grief.
2. Sh woffenef; appearance of ſorrow.

MO'URNING.' ʃ. [from m.urn.]
1. Ldmentatio). ; ſorrow. 2 Efdras.
2. The dreſs of ſorrow. Dryden.

MO'URNINGLY. ad. [from mourmng.]
With the appearance of furrowing.Shakʃpeare.

M<3USE. plural w«. ſ. [m^^y, Sxon.]
Th'' ſmalleſt of all beaſts ; a little animsi
haunting houſes and corn held;. Denham.

T MOUSE. -y. ». [from the noun.] ^ To
C3t<n mijre Shakʃpeare.

MO U: Ef it^ISfT. ʃ. [moiije and bura ] MfttrU
er ; one '')<t hunts mice, Shakʃpeare.

MO'USE HOLE. ʃ. [mcuje and hole.] Small
hole. Siiluriiijieet.

MOUSER. ʃ. [f^'-m «'/f«
; 0^^= ^^.^^3.

MO'USETAIL. ʃ. An herb.

MO'USE-TRAP. ʃ. [mouſe and trap.] A
fnare or. gin in which mice are taken. Hale.

MOUTH. ʃ. [muiS, Saxon.]
1. The apertuiein the head of any animal
at which the food is received. Locke.
1. Thecpenmgj that at which any thing
enters ; the entrance. Arbuthnot.
3. The inſhument of ſpeaklng. L'Eſtrange.
4. A ſpeaker ; a rhetorician ; the p.-mcipal
era It r. Addiſon.
5. C'y ; voice. Dryden.
6. Di.O^ortion of the mouth ; wry face. Addiʃon.
7. Down in the Mouth, Dejedfed ;
clouded. L'Eſtran^e.

To MOUTH. v. n. [from the noun-] To
ſpeak big ; to ſpeak in a ſtrong and loud
voice ; to vociferate. Addiʃon.

To MOUTH. v. a.
1. To utter with a voice affe<^edly big. ,. Shakʃpeare. s.
2. To chew ; to eat, Shakʃpeare. i-.
3. To ſeize in the mouth, Dryden.
4. To form by the mouth. Brown.

MO'UTHED. a. [from mouth.] Furniſhed
with a mouth. Pope. .

MO'UTH-FRIEND. ʃ. [mouth and/m«^.]
One who profeffes friendſhip without in- .
tending it. Shakʃpeare.

MO -VTil^\Jh. ʃ. [mouth and full.] .
1. What the mouth contains at oner, .
2. Any proverbialiy ſmall quafitity. L'Eſtrange.

MO'UTH-HONOUR. ʃ. [mouth and ho.
nour] Civility outwardly expreſſed v;ith.
out fincerity. Shakʃpeare.

MO'UTHLESS. a. [from mouth.] Without
a mouth.

MOW. ʃ. [mope, Saxon. a heap.] A loft
or chamber where hay or corn is laid up». Tuſſer.

To MOW. v. a. preter, mouoed, part. n:o%on,
[map^n, Saxon.]
1. To cut with a ſcythe. Spenſer.
2. To cut down with ſpeed and violence. Dryden.

To MOW. v. a. [from the noun.] Toput
in a mow.

To MOW. v. a. To gather the harveſt.

MOW. ʃ. [moii, Fr.] Wry mouth ; diſrortei
face. Common Prayer, Shakʃpeare.

To MOW. v. r, [from the noun.] To
make mouths ; to diſtort the face.

To MO'WBURN. v. n. [mow and '^um.]
To ferment and heat in the mow for want
of being dry. Mortimer.

MO'WER. ʃ. [from wcw.] One who cuts
with a ſcythe. Shakʃpeare.''-peare.


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MO'XA. ʃ. An Indian noſs, uſed in the
cure of the gout by burning it on the part
aggrieved. Tempte.

MO YLE. ʃ. A mule ; an apimaJ generated
between the horſe and the afs.
Carſw. Miiy.

Mb'CH. a. [mucho, Spaniſh. ; Large in
t^uanlitj' ; long in tinDC
; many in nunr^er. L'Eſtrange.

MUCH. afl.
1. In a great degree ; by far. lih.
2. To a certain degree. Mark.
3. To a great degree. Bike',
4. Often, or long. Grov He.
5. Nearly. Ten.ſh.

MUCH. ʃ.
1. A great deil ; multitude in rumHer ; abundance in quantity. Dryden.
-2. More than enough ; a heavy ſervice or
burthen. A^ill on.
3. Any aflknable quantity or degree.
4. An uncommon thing; ſomething
Itrangf. Tdhtſcr.
5. To make Much of. To treat w:»h regard ; to foniiie. ' S.'J'-ey.

MiJCH 'Jf one. Ot equal value ; of e'^ual
inrtiisnc., Dryden.

MU'CnWKAT- ad. [nMch and .vhat.]
Nedriy. Atterbury.

MI/CHEL. a. [I r muckk or mick e. [mycel,
Saxon.] Much. Spenſer.

MUCID. ʃ. [mucid'js, Lat.-j Sl^my; n-u>y.

MU'CIDNESS. ʃ. [ftcm mucid.] Slimineſs
; muITdneſs. Ainſworth.

MU'CILAGE. ʃ. [nucl/jge, Fren;b.] A
ſlimy or viſcous body ; a boay w th moiſtnre
fufnctent to hoM it together, Evelyn.

MUC1L ACINOUS. a. [mucil gir.>-ux^ Fr.
from m'iilage. ; Slimy ; vncous ; fofc
with forrre degree of tendcity. Gmv.

MUCiL A'CIN'OUSNESS. ʃ. [from muci-
/i/jj/fjovf. ; S'limmeſs ; viſcoſity,

MUCK. ʃ. [mcox, Saxon.]
1. Dung for manure of grounds. Granville.
Z, Any thing low, mem, and filthv. Spenſer.
3. To run a Muck, ſignifies, to rt:n madly
and attack all that we meet. Dryden.

To MUCK. v. a. To manure with mu- k ;
to dung. Tvjf-r,

MU'CKENDHR. ʃ. [wjuc^orV, French, ; A
handler: hief. Do'jet.

To MU'CKER. v. n. To ſcramble for money
^ to hoard up.

MU'CKERER. ʃ. [from micker.] One that

MU'CKHILL. ʃ. [muck and bill.] A dunghil.

MUCKINESS. ʃ. [from mucky.] Ndfyueſs ;

MU'CKLE. a. [mycel, Saxon.] Much.

MU'CKSWEAT. ʃ. Profuſe ſweat.

MU'CKWORM. y. [murk and w^m.]
1. A worm that lives in dung.
2. A miſer ; a curmudgeon. Swift.

MU'CKY. a. [from 7n:/cit.] Nafly ; fiithy. Spenſer.

MUCOUS. a. [mucofus, Latin.] Si.my
; viſco-as. Brown.

MU COUSNESS. ʃ. [from mucous.] SJimc ;

MUCRO. ʃ. fL^rin.] A r) 'int. Brown.

MU'CRONA'l ED. a. [v:ucro, Latin.] Nirr'.> weri to a ſharji point. ^l^oouzcarj.

MU'CULENT. a. [from mucus, Lat.] V.fco'i?
; llimy.

ML'CUS. ʃ. [Latin.] Is moſt properly uſed
.Jor that which flows from the papil,arr
proceiies through the os crioriforme xrxn
the noſtrils ; but it k alſo uſed for gr.y /limy
liquor or moiſture. A huti vof,

MUD. ʃ. [mAddir, Dutch.] T he flme and
uiigmous matter at tae bottoca of fliJI water. Addiſon.

To MUD. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To bury in the flime or nAid.Shakʃpeare.
2. To make turbid ; to pollute with dirr. Granville.

MUDDILY. ſtrf. [from muddy.] Tuioid.
Iv ; with fuui mixture. Dryden.

MU'DDINE.S. ſ. [from muddy.] Tarbidreſs
; fouf^neſs cauſed by m.ud, dregs, or
Ifd^enr. Addiſon.

To MU'DDLE. v. a. [from mud.]
1. To make turbid ; to foul. Prior.
2. To make half drunk ; to cloud or Au-
Pify- Arbuthnot.

MU'DDY. a. [from mud ]
1. Turb.d ; foul With mud. Shakʃpeare.
2. Impure i dark ; groſs. Shakʃpeare.; 3. Soiled with mud, Dryden.
4. Dark ; not bright. Swift.
5. C;nL'dy ; dull. Shakʃpeare.

To MU'DDY. v. a. [from mud.] To make
muody ; 10 cloud ; to diſturb. Grew.

MU^SUCKER. ʃ. [mud and ſuck.] A fea.
^'^'- Dryden.

Ml'DW'A'LL. ʃ. [»3«iand wj//.] A wall
biiilt without mortar. Souch

MUDWA'LLED. a. [mudaaiwaU.] Hav.l
ing a mudwiii. Prior.

To MU2. v. a. [muer, Fr.] To mcult; to change feathers.

MUFF. y: [m.v/, Swediſh.] A ſoft cover
for two hands in winter. Cleaveland.

To MUFFLE. v. a.
1. To cover from the weather. Dryden.
2. 1 biin-ifo.'d. Shakʃpeare.„
3. To ' i.'ictal
; to involve. Handys,

To MUFFLE. v.T,. [mafeler, moffrler,
Dutch.] To ſpeak inwardly ; to ſpeaK:

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without clear and diſtinct articulation.

MU'FFLER. ʃ. [from muffi.]
1. A cover for tha face. Arbuthnot.
2. A part of a woman's dreſs by which
the face was covered. Shakʃpeare.

MUFTI. ʃ. [a Turkiſh w6rd.j The high
prieſt of the Mahometans.

MUG. ʃ. A cup to drink in. Gay.

MU'GGY. ʃ. c. [a cant word.] Moift ;

MU'GGISri. ʃ. damp ; mouldy. Mortim,

MU'GKOUSE. ʃ. [mug ixA houje,-\ An
alehouſe ; a low houſe of entertainment.

MU'GIENT. a. [mugicns, Latin.] Bellowing. Bacon.

[Spaniſh.] One begot between
a white and black.

MU'LBERRY. ʃ. ^ r u c 1 MUXBERRY tree. S / [^''n^^r-iS, Sax.]

MULCT.. ʃ. [mulSia, Latin.] A Er.t ; a penalty
: uſed cammonly of pecuniary penalty. Dryden.

To MULCT. v. a. [mulao, Latin.] To
puniſh with fine or torfeiturc. Bacon.

MULE. ʃ. [tiiulc, Fr. mula, Lat.] An animal
generated between a he afs and a mare, or
ſometimes between a horſe and a ſhe afs. B.ay.

MULETE'ER. ʃ. [muletier, French.] Maledriver
; hcrfe-boy. Shakʃpeare.

MULIEBRITY. j\ [«a-yc3r/i, Latin.j Womanhood
; the contrary to virility.

To MULL. v^a. [n.ollitus,'Latin.[
1. To ſoften, as wine whcij burnt and
ſweetened. Shakʃpeare.
2. To heat any liquor, and ſweeten and
ſpice it. Gay.

MU'LLAR. ʃ. [mouhur, French.] A ſtone
held in the hand with which any powder
is ground upon a horizontal flone, Peacham.

MULLE'IN. ʃ. [vethnfcumy Latin.] A plant. Miller.

MULLET. ʃ. [n.ulus, French.] A ſea fiO). Pope.

MULLi'GRUBS. ʃ. Twiſing of the guLs. Ainsworth.

MU LLO JK. ʃ. Rubbiſh. ./iinſworth.

MULSE. ʃ. Wine boiled and mingled with
honey. £>«??.

MULl'A'NGULAR. a. [multus^nd ar-gulus,
Latin.] Ma.jy cornered ; having many corners
; polyg nal.

MULTA'VGULARLY. ad. [from multar.-
gular.] F-ji};;on-\lly ; with many corners,
G e'zv.

MUTA'x^GULARNESS. ʃ. [from multangu/
ar.] The ſtate of being pui^gonal.

MULTICA'PSULAR. «. [m.lcusand capfula,
Latin.] Divided into many partitions or

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MULTICA.'VOUS. a. [mu!(us and cavu!.
Latin.] Full of iioles.

MULTIFA'RIOUS. a. [mu/iifarius, Lat.]

FJaving great multiplicity ; having diiferent
reſpeas. More. E'vel-^n,

MULTIFA'RIOUSLY. ad. [from multffanous.]
With multiplicity. Berkley.

MULTIFA'RIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from mt^hifarious.
; Mukipiied diverſuy. Noms.

MULT1TIJ3OUS. a. [?««/;?y?<iw, Latin.]
Having many parlltions ; cltlt into many
branches. Bacon.

MU'LTIFORM. a. [multiformh, Latin.]
Having various ſhapes or appearances. Milton.

MULTIFO'RMITY. ʃ. [muInforwt!, Latin.]
Divertity of ihapcs or appearances ſublifting
in the f-ame thing,

MULTILA'TERAL. a. [multus andiateralis,
Latin.] Having many ſidef.

MULTIFLOQlUOUS. a. [multiIo<^ous,Liti.]
Very talkative.

MULTING'MINAL. a. [multusandnomen,
Latin.] Having many name.;.

MULTI'PAROUS. ʃ. ' [mu/tiparus, Latin.]
Bringing many at a birth. Bacon.

MULTiPi:'DE. ʃ. [multipeda,hit\n.] An
infeit vk'ith many feet. Bailey.

MU'LTIPLE. df. [multiplexyh-ilm.] Atterm
in arithmetic^, when one number contains
another ſeveral times: as, nine is the wa/-
tip!e of three, containing it three times.

MU'LTI PLIABLE. a. Itnuldpfiatk, Fri
from muitipiy.] Capable to be multiplied.

MULTJFLI'ABLENESS. ʃ. [from muhipH'
ahh-l Capacity of being multiplied.

MULTIPLICA'BLE. a. [from muitiplico,
Latin.] Capable of being arithmeticaily

MULTIPLICA'ND j. lnjuiiiplicandus, Lat.]
The number to be multiplied in arithmetic
k. Cocker.

MULTIPLICA'TE. ʃ. [from muhip'ico,
Latin.] Coiiiifting of more than one.

MULTIPLICA'TION. ʃ. [muhiptuacto,
1. The act of multiplying or increaſing any
rjuir;ber by addition or production of more
of die fjir.c icHid. Brown.
2. [In arithmetick.] The incre^fing of
any one number by another, ſo often as
tht.e are units in that number, by which
tne one :s inc-ej-fed. Cocker.

MULriPLICA'TQ]^. ſ. [from muhiplico.
Latin.] The number by which another
number is multiplied.

MULTI - LI'CITY. ʃ. [multip Hcile', French .]
1. More than one of the ſame kind. South.
3. State of being many. Dryden.

MULTIPLI'CIOUS. ʃ. [multiplex, Latin.]
Manifold. Brown.


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MULTIFLI'ER. ʃ. [from »2i///;».]
1. One who rcultiplies or increa/ics the
number of any thing. Decay of Piety,
2. The multiplicator in arithmetick.

To MU'LTIPLY. v. a. [>ru!nfHrc, Latin.]
1. To incre;ile in number; to make more
by generation, accuniulation, or addition. Milton.
2. To perform the proceſs of arithmetical
multiplication. Brown.

To MU'LTIPLY. v. n.
X To grow in number. WifJ.
2. To increafe themſelves. Shakʃpeare.

MULTI'POTENT. a. [muL'us and poſens,
Latin.] J-Living manif^Jd power. Shakſp.

MLJLTIPRE'SENCE. ʃ. [multus and pru:.
Jertij, Latin.] The power or act of being
prel'ent in more places than one at the
lame tinnt'. Hall.

MULTI'SCIOUS. a. [wulrijcius, Latin.]
Having variety of knowlcfige.

MULTISlLI'OyOUS. a. [ir.uUvi and JUiqua,
Latin.] The ſame with cornicuJate :
uſed of plants, whoſe feed is contained in
many diſhnft feed-veſſels.

MU'LTITUDE. ʃ. [mu'.titudo, Latin.]
1. The ſtate of being many ; the ſtate of
being more than one.
2. Number ; many ; mere than one. Hak,
3. A great number \ looſely and indefinite-
Jy. Watts.
4. A crowd or throng ; the vulgar.

MULTITU'DINOUS. a. [from »:.v/:/Va^e.]
1. Having the appearance of a multitude.Shakʃpeare.
2. Manifold. Shakʃpeare.

MULTI'VAGANT. v. a. ^viuhiiagui, Lat.]

MULTI'VACOUS. ^ That wanders or
Itrays much abroad.

MULTI'VIOUS. a. [wK/r«andr/j, Lat.]
Having mdny ways ; manifolo.

MULTO'CULAR. <j. [wultus and oculus,
Latin.] Having more eyes than two. Denham.

MUM. interject. A word denoting prohibition
to ſpejk ; ſcience ; huſh. Hudibras.

MUM. ʃ. [mumt7:e, German.] Ale brewed
with wheat, Mortimer.

To MU'MBLE. v.Ji. [mompehn, Dutch.]
1. To ſpeak inwardly ; >.o grumble ; to
mutter. Shakʃpeare.
2. To chew ; to bite ſoftly. Dryden.

To MUMBLE. v. a.
1. To utter with a low inarlkulate voice,Shakʃpeare.
2. To mouth gently. Pope. .
3. To flubber over ; to ſuppreſs ; to utter
im perfectly. Dryden.

MU'MBLER. ʃ. [from mumble.] One that
ſpeiks inarticulately ; a mutterer.

MUMBLINGLY. ^a. [from mumblirg,1
Wuh inafticuiate utterance,

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To MUMM. v. a. [mumme, Danish.] Ta
miſk ; to frolick in diſguiſe. Spenſer.

MU'MMER. ʃ. [mumrre, Dinirti.] A maſker ;
one whii perr'o.ms frJicks in a perſonated
drels. Milton.

MU'iMMfKY. ʃ. [wofrrr/V, French.] Maſking
; frdick in m ſks ; to iery. Bacon.

MU'MMY. ʃ. [mumii^ Fr. rr.umea, Latin
; lium the Arabitk. ;
1. A dcail body preſerved by the Egyptian
art of embanjing. Bacon.
2. Mummy is uſed among gardeners for a
ſort of wax uſed in the planting and grafting
of trees. Chambers.

To MUMl'. v. a. [«o«2^f///7, Dutch.]
1. To nibble ; to bi.c quick ; to chew with
a continued njotion. Ot%uav,
2. To talk low and quick.
3. [l^ cant language.] To go a begging.

MU'MPER. ʃ. ABeggir.

MUMl'S. ʃ. [mompeUn, Dutch.] Sullenneſs; ſilenc anger. Srinner,

MUMPS. ʃ. The ſquinancy. Ainſworth.

To MUNCH. v. a. [wj^^^r, French.] To
chew by great m.outhful?. Shakʃpeare.

To MUNCH. v. n. To chew eagerly by
f r.'£t mouthful?. Dr'fden MUNCHEK. ſ. [from munch.] One that

M.UND. ʃ. Peace, from which our lawyers
call a breach of the peace, mundbrech : io
Eacimund is happy peace ; ^thelmund,
noble peace ; /Elmund, all peace. Gibfon.

MUNDA'NE. a. [mundanus^Ln.] Belonging
to the world. GlanvWe

MUNDA'TION. ʃ. [mu::dus, Latin.] The
act of deanfing.

MUNDA'TORY. a. l^rom mundus, hit.!
Having the power to cleanſe.

MU'NDICK. ʃ. A kind of marcafue or ſcmimetal
found in tin mines.

MUNDIFICA'TION. ʃ. [mundus and facio,
Lanr:.] Cleanfing any body. Quincy.

MUNDITICATIVE. a. [n.urJus anTfacio,
Latin.] Cieanfing ; having the power to
cleanſe. Bacon.

To MU NDIFY. v. a. [mundus and facio,
Latin.] To cleanſe ; to make clean. Harvey.

MUNDIVAGANT. a. [mundigavus, Lat.] Wandering through the world,

MUNDU'NGUS. ʃ. Stinking tobacco. Bailey.

MU'NERARY. a. [f^om munus, Latin.]
Having the nature of a gift.

MUNGREL. ʃ. Any thing generated betv.-
een different kinds; anything partaking
of the qualities of different caui'es or
P^ents, Shakʃpeare.c,

MU'NGREL. a. Generated between different
natures ; bafe-bornj degenerate.Shakʃpeare.

MUNICIPAL. a. [mun':cipa!i!,hn\n.] Belonging
to a coſpcracion, Dryden.


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MUNFFICENCE. ʃ. [munl/lcema, Lnio.]
Libprality ; the act of giving. Addiſon.

^UNI'FICENT. a. [mumficus.hriUn.] Liheril
; generous. Atterbury.

-lUNrFICENTLY. ad. [from mur:ifi.ent.]
; geflerouny,

/lU'NIMENT. ʃ. [nnniwentum, Latin.]
1. Fortification ; ſtrorg hold.
2. >upport ; defence.

oMUNITE. ʃ. a. [munio, Latin.] To fortifv
; to ilreijgthen. A word not in uſe. Bacon.

MUNI'TION. ʃ. [iimnUlo, Latin.]
1. Fortification ^ ſtrong hold. Ha/e.
2. AmnnunitioH ; materials for war. Fairi

lU'NNION. ʃ. Munnions are the upright; pofls, that divide the lights in a window
I frame. Moxon.

MU'RAGE. ʃ. [from murm, Lat.] Money
paid to keep wills in repair.

/MURaL. a. [mura/is, Lat.] Pertaining to
/ a wall. Evelyn. MU^R DEx^. ſ. [mr;iSn|T, Saxon.] The act
of killing a maii unlawfully, Shakʃpeare.

To MU'RDER. v. a. [from the nouo. ;
1. To kill a man unlawfully. Dryden.
2. To deſtroy ; to put an end to.Shakʃpeare.

MU'RDERER. ʃ. [from warier.] One who
has filed human blood unlawfully. Sidney.

MU'RDERESS. ʃ. [from murderer.] A woman
that commits murder. Dryden.

AIU'RDERMENT. ʃ. [from murder.] The
act of killing unlawfully.

MU'R.DEROUS. a. BIoody ; guilty of murder. Shakʃpeare, Prior.

MURE. ʃ. [mur, Fr. murui, Lat.] A wall.
Not in uſe. Shakʃpeare.

To MURE. v. a. To indoſe in wails.

MU'RENGER. ʃ. [murus, Latin.] An ov.erfeer
of a wall,

MURIA'TICK. a. Partaking of the taile
or nature of brine. Arbuthnot.

MURK. ʃ. [moik, DaniHi.] Darkneſs ; want
of light. Shakʃpeare.

3V1URK. ʃ. Huſks of fruit. Ainf^vorth.

MU'RKY. a. [morck, Daniſh. ; Dark; cioudv ; wanting i.ghr. Addiſon.

MU'RMUR. ʃ. [murmur, Latin.]
1. A low ſhrill noiſe. Pope. .
1. A complaint half ſuppreſſed. Dryden.

To MU'RMUR. v.Ti. [murn:uro,L:iUn.]
1. To give a low ſhrili found. Pope. .
2. To grumble ; to utter ſecret diſcontent,

MU'RMURER. ʃ. [from trurmur.] One
who repines ; a grumbler ; a repiner.
Gov. of (be Tongue. Blackmore.

MU'RNIVAL. ʃ. Four cards.

MURRAIN. ʃ. The plague in cattle.

MURRE. ʃ. A kind of bird, Carc^i\

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MU'RREY. Fr. morelloy Italian ; tmm moro, a moor.] Dnkly red; Boylea,

MU'RRION. ʃ. [often written morion.] A
helmet : 'a caſque. King.

MUKTH of Corn. ſ. Plenty of grain.

MU'SCADEL. v. a. [mujcat, muſcade!, Fr.

MU'SCADINE.5 mofcatelio, Italian.] A
kind of ſweet grape, ſweet wine and-ſweet

MU'SCLE. ʃ. [mufcle, Fr. muſcuks, Latin.]
1. Mufcle is a bundle of thin and parallel
plates of fi -fiiy threads or fibres, incloſed by
one common membrane : all the fibres of
the ſame plate are parallel to one ancther ;
and tied together at extremely little diſtancees
by ſhort gnd tranſverſe fibres : the
fleſhy fibres are compoſed of other ſmalltr
fibres, incloſed likewiſe by a common membrane
: each ItfTt-r fibre conſiſis of very
ſmall veficles or bladders, into which we
ſuppofa the veins, arteries and nerves to
open. ShtiKcy,
1. A bivalve ſhell fiſh. Eakcimlh

MUSCO'SITY. ʃ. [rmfco^ut, Latin.] Moffineſs.

MUSCULAR. a. [from wa/«//:^J, Latin.]
Performed by muſchs. Arbuthnot.

MUSCULARITY. f. [from muſcular.] The
ſtate of having muſclcs. Grew»

MU'SCULOUS. a. [jnujcuUux, Fr. mujculofui.
Lit in.]
1. Full of raufcles
; brawny,
2. Pertaining to a muſcle. More,

MU^E. ʃ. [from the verb.] .
1. Deep thought ; cloſe attention ; abſence
of mind. Milton.
2. The power of poetry/ ^, Cowley.

To MUSE. v. n. [muſer, Fr.]
1. To ponder ; 10 think cloſe ; to ſtudy in
ſilence. Hooker.
2. To be abſent of mind. Shakʃpeare.
3. To wonder ; to be amazed. Shakſp.

MU^SEFUL. a. [from ſk/^.] Deep thinkmg. Dryden.

MU'SER. ʃ. [from muſe.] One whomuſes ;
one .-?pt to be abſent of mind.

MU'SET. ʃ. [i.T hunting.] The place through
which the hare goes to relief. Bailey.

MU SEUM. f. [/-Jt.-c-a'.cv.] A repofjtory of
learned cnriofities.

MU'SHPn-OOM. ʃ. [moufc/jeron, French.]
1. Miſhrocms are by curious naturaiifts
efleemed prrfeirb plants, though their fl'jwers
and feedi have not as yet been diſcovered. Milton.
2. An upftart ; a wretch rifen from the
dunghill. Bacon.

MU'SHROOrv^STONE. ʃ. [i?,uproom uni.
ſtone.] A kind of faril.

MUSTCK. ʃ. [fj,3ai-A.rl.]
1. The ſcience of harinonical ſounds. Dryden.
2. Inſtrumantalorvo&al harmony. Milton.


MU'SICAL. a. [mujical, Fr. from muſick.]
1. Hdrmonious 3 mei^di
ſweet ſo 11 nd-
Belonging to muſick. AUiif'!'

MU'ilCALLY. ad. [from muſica'.] Harmoniouny
; with ſwcet fjuwd. A'hLfon,

MU'SICALNESS. ʃ. [^(wm muſicaL] Harmuny

MUSICIAN. f. [w«/rtt.', Latin.] One ſkilled
in harnjo/iy ; one who pertoims upon
inſtriiments of muſick. Bacon.

MUSK. ʃ. [mujchio, Italian ; mu^, French.]
Ma/J: is a dry, light and friable ſubilance
of a da k blackiſh colour, with ſome tinge
of a purpiuh or blood colour in ir, feeling
ſomewhjf ſmooth or unttu' us : its ſmcil
is highl, perfumed: it is brcughc from the
Eill I/idies : the animal which produces it
is of the ſize of a cotrmon goat. /////.

MUSK. ʃ. [m,.fcj, Latin.] Cape hyacinth
or t;rape fi-wer. Milton.

MU'SKAPPLE. ʃ. A kind of apph.

MU'SKCAT. ʃ. [mujk and cat.] The animai
from which muſk is gor.

MU'SKCHERRY. ʃ. A knt of cherry.

MU'SKET. ʃ. [mu^'^jutt, French.]
1. A foldie.'s hjndgun. Bacon.
a A male hiwk of a ſmnH kind, Shakſ.

MUSKETE'ER. ʃ. [from trujkci.] A l.oifr
whoſe weapon is his muiket. Ci-arendon.

MU KETO'ON. ʃ. [moujquetcn,?:tnch.]
-i biu.-derbufs ; a ſhortgun of a large bote.

MU'SKINESS. ʃ. [from mufK.] The ſcent
of n.- ſk.

MUSKMELON. ʃ. [mi^ſk and m-f/cn.] A
f ajr.-nc m Ion. Bac^rt.

MU'SKPEAR. ʃ. [mujk and fear.] A frajiranr
p- t.

MUSKROSE. ʃ. [m^/andro/>.] A roſe fo
caiieu, 1 ſuppoſe, from its fragrance. Bacon, Milton, Boyle.

MU'SKY. a. [from mujk.] Fragrant ; (weec
if !(.ent. M.lton,

MU'oLlN. ʃ. A fine fluff made of cotton. Gay.

MU'SROL. ʃ. [waW^ French.] Thenofebar.
d of a horſe's bridle. Bailey.

MUSS. ʃ. A Scramble. Shakʃpeare.

MUSblTA'TION. ʃ. [rnuJJito, Lat.] Murmur
; grumble.

MU'bSULMAN. ʃ. A Mahometan believer.

MUST. 'verbtrrperfeii. [muffn, Dutch.]
To be obliged. It is only uſed bcff re a
verb. Muji is of all perſons and tenfes,
and uſed of perſons and things. Gniv,

MUST. ʃ. [mu/ium, Latin.] New wine ;
new wort. Dryden.

To MUST. v. a. [miusy Welſh, ſtink.ne.]
To mould ; to make mouldy. Mortimer.

To MU.sT. v. n. To grow mouldy,

MU^TA'CHES. ʃ. [mujiaches, Fr.] Whiſkcrs
; hair on the upper lip, ^^pcſtr.

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MUSTARD. ʃ. [mivjlafd, Weiſh ; moujlard,
French.] A pldnt. The fl wer conrii's of
four leaves, which are placed in form tf a
creſt. Swift.

To ML'STER. v. a. To aſſemble in order
to form an army, Blackmore.

To MU'STER. v. a. [moufieren, Dutch.]
1. To review forcer. Lo.ke.
2. To bring together. Shakſp. WoodiL\

MUSTER. ʃ. [from the verb./
1. A review of a bfdy offerees. B.ychr.
2. A regider of forces muftcred. South.
3. A ci>]le<f>ioi): ay, a rr.ujur of peacocks.
4. To p7fs Mv ST EK. To be allowed.

MU'STERBOOK. ʃ. [f?:uj};r and look.] A
boi.k in whah 'he fortes are r< g:ftered.Shakʃpeare.

MU'STERM ASTER. ʃ. [muflfrand m'./.]
One who ſuperintends ine mufter to prevent
frauds. fCri'L'es.

MU'STIiR-ROLL. ʃ. [mu/icr and roi.] A
reg ({er of forces. Pope.

MC'SITLY. ad. [from mujly.] Mouldily.

Mu'STINESS. ʃ. [from wt-y?;'.] Mould; damp f iiinef?. Evelyn.

MU'STY. a. [from mufi.]
1. Mwuldy ; fj;uilea with darsp ; moiſt and
fetid. Bacon.
7. Srale ; ſpoiled with age, Hafvty.
3. V pid with fetidnet's. Pſtf,
4. Dull ; heavy ; wac.ting activity ; wanting
practice in the occurences of life.

MUTABILITY. ʃ. [^K.'<;/./7/>/, French.]'
1. Changeableneſs ; not c ntinuance in the
fame Hate. Hooker. Su:JiIing. S'iJlingf,eeu
2. Inconftancy ; change of mind. Shakſp.

MU'TABLE. ^'. [mutabuii, Latin.]
1. Subject to change ; alterable. South.
2. loconflant ; unſettled. Shakſp, Milton.

MU'TABLENESS. ʃ. [fom mutable!]
Changeat.feaels ; uncertainty.

MUTATION. ʃ. [wi.r^r/'.n, French ; r?«-
f.7r;o, Latin.] Change
; alteration. B.jcok.

MUTE. a. [mutt, Fr. n.utus, Latin.] S.l«iot ;
not vocal ; not having the uſe of voice. Dryden.

MUTE. r,
1. One that has no power of ſpeech,Shakʃpeare.
2. A letter which can make no found. Holder.

To MUTE. v.n, [»:«r/>, French.] To dung
a.'; birds. Tpb.

MU'TELY. ad. [from mute.] Silently ; not
vocaiiy. M-.Iton.

To MUTILATE. v. a. [mutiler, French ; ir.ut.h, Latin.] To deprive of ſome ellenti-< I p<rt. Addiſon.

MUTiLA'TION. ʃ. [mutilation, Fr. mutt.
hii:o, Lutin.] DcpriviCionof a limb, or any
clTential part. Clarenden.
M y R

HU'TINE. ʃ. [mutirtt French.] A mutineer.
_ Shakʃpeare.

MUTINEER. ʃ. [from mutingly French.] A
mover of fedition. Dryden.

MUTINOUS. a. [,««//«/, French.] Seditious
I buſy in infurrection ; turbulent.


MU'TJNOUSLY. aJ. [from inuthous.] Seditiouſly
; turbulenlly. ,Sidney.

MU'TINOUSNESS. ʃ. [from mutinous.] Seditiouſneſs
5 turbulence.

To MU'TINY. v. a. [mutiner, Frfnch.] To
rife againſt authority ; to make iufurrection. South.

MU'TINY. ʃ. [from the verb.] Infurrection; fedition. Temple.

To MU'TTER. v. n. [mutire, Latin.] To
grumble ; to murmur. Burton, Dryden.

To MU'TTER. v. a. To utter with ifriperfect
articulation. Creech.

MU'TTER. ʃ. [from the verb.] Murmur ; '
obſcure utterance. Milton.

MU'TTERER. ʃ. [from wa/ſtr.] Grumbler ;

MUTTERINGLY. ad. [from muttenng.]
With a low voice.

MU'TTON. ʃ. [woaron, French.]
1. The fieſh of ſheepdreſſed for food. Swift.
ft. Aſheep: now only in ludicrous language. Hayward.

MUTTONFl'ST. ʃ. [w«/f5« and//?.] A
hand hrge and red. Dryden.

MU'TUAL. a. [mutuel, French.] Reciprocal
5 each ailing in isturn or correſpondence
to the other, Pope.

MUTUALLY. ad. [from muHJa!.] Reciprocally
5 in return, Aczuton.

MUTUa'LTTY. ʃ. [from mutual.] Reci-
procation. Shakʃpeare.

MU'ZZLE. ʃ. [mvfeau, French.]
1. The mouth of any thing. Sidney.
2. A faſtening for the mouth, which hinders
to bite. Dryden.

To MU'ZZLE. v.n. To bring the mouth
near. L'Eſtrange.

To MU'ZZLE. v.a,
1. To bind the mouth. Dryden.
2. To fondle with the mouth rlor<-. L'Eſtrange.

MY. pronoun p''ff''(Ji'V€, Belonging ti. me.

MYNCHEN. ʃ. [mynchen, Saxon.] A nun.

MY'OGRAPHY. ʃ. [!XVoy^a<^la.] A deft
ription of the muſcles.

MY'OLOGY. ʃ. [»2>o%/f, French.] The
deſcription and doctrine of the muicies.

MYOPY f. Shortneſs of fjght.

MY'RLAD. ʃ. [[j.vfui^-'\
1. The number of ten tboufind.
% p;ovfbially any great number. MUtcri.
ruffian ;

MYRMIDON. ʃ. [^4t;,-/xJiJa;y.j Any rude

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fo named from the ſoldiers of. Swift.

MYRO'BALAN. ʃ. [myrobalanus, hiKin.]
A fruit. The myrobalam are a dried
fruit, of which we have five kinds:
they are fiefliy, generally with a ſtone and
kernel, having the pulpy part more or
leſs of an auftere acrid taſte: they are
the production of five different trees growing
in the Eaſt Indies, where they are eatea
pieſerved. BtlU

MYRO'POLIST. ʃ. [fj.v^ov and <a:a>\iai ]
One who ſellss unguents,

MYRRH. ʃ. [myrrha, Latin.] Myrrh is a
vegetable produdl of the gum refin kind,
ſent to us in looſe granules from the ſize of
a pepper corn to that of a walnut, of a
redd.ſh brown colour, with more or leſs of
an admixture of yellow: its taſte is bitteic
and acrid, with a pecuhar aromatick flavour,
but very nauſeous t its ſmell is ſtrong,
but not diſagreeable : it is brought from
Ethiopia, but the tree which produces it is
wholly unknown. Hill.

MY'RRHINE. a. [wyrthynui, Lat.] Made
of the myrrhine ilone. MUtciu

MY'RTIFORM. ʃ. [myrtus and form.]
Having the fnape of myrtle,

MYRTLE. ʃ. [myrtus, Latin.] A fragrant
tree. Shakʃpeare.

MYSE'LF. ʃ. [my zr\A felf.] An emphatical
word added to / ; 5S, I myfelf do if, that
if, not I by proxy ; not another. Hbuk^Jp,

MYSTAGO'GUE. ʃ. [fxITciyccyk] One
who interprets divjne myfleries ^ alſo one
who keeps church relicks, and ſhows thtm
to ſtrangerf.

MYSTE'RIARCH. ʃ. [fAvg-r.cw and apyj-]
One preſiding over myfieties.

MYSTE'RIOUS. a. [myfierieux, French.]
1. Inaccefſible to the underſtanding ; awfully
obſcure. Denham.
7. Artfully perplexed. Swift.

MYSTE'RIOUSLY. ad. [from wyjlerioui.]
1. In a manner above underſtanding,
2. Obſcurely ; enigmatically. Taylor.

MYSIT.'RIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from myjletioui.]
1. Holy obſcurity. Taylor.
1. Arif'il difficulty or perplexity.

To MY'STERIZE. v. a. [U om myjle-y.'.
To explain as enigma?. Bacon.

MY'STHRY. ʃ. [fxv^rpw.]
1. Something above human Intelligence
; ſomething awfully obſcure. Taylor.
2. An enigma ; any thing artfully made
difficult. Shakʃpeare.
3. A trade; a calling: in this (tni^ ic
ſtould, according to Warburton^ be written
wz^/Zfr)', from^ r/iejiier^ French, a tf-'de,. Spenſer, Shakʃpeare.

MY'STICAL.? ^ ^. ^ . .

[»#'^«J> Latin.]
1. Sicredly obſcure. Bt-^'her.
2. laM
a- Irivolvingſomeſecret meaning ; ciiibleniatical.
3. Obſcure ; itzxtt. Dryden.

MY'STICALf.y. ad. [t'mm myjlkal.] In
a manner, or by an afl, implying ſomefC'
cret meaning. Donne.

MYSTICALNESS. ʃ. [from myflical.] Involution
of ſome ſecrec meaning.

MYTHOLOGICAL. a. [from myſhohgy.]
RelatJag to the explication of fabulous
hiſtory. Brown.

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MYTHOLO'GICALLY. ad. [from mytho.
lo^Jcal.] In a manner ſuitable to the fyflem
of fabler.

MYTHOLOGIST. ʃ. [from rryth^lo^y.] A
relator or expcfufir of the ancient fables of
the heathens. Creech. Norn's,

To MYTHO'LOGIZE. v. r. [from p:ycfo-
%v.] To relate or explain the fabulous
hiltory <f the heathens.

MYTHOLOGY. f. lixv^(^ and Xiy<^.]
Syfte-Ti of fabies. Berkley.