About The Joy of English

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English
1756 – online edition

This online version of Johnson's Dictionary (1756) was put together by whichenglish.com and the author of The Joy of English.

It was produced by combining OCR and sophisticated GREP, in addition to pure, time-consuming search-and-replace grunt for formatting and clean-up. It is by no means a clean, perfect text reproduction (yet) but it is an ongoing project. The sheer volume of code behind these pages (137,000 lines of code) means that there is only so much one man can do. The overall integrity of the contents of the dictionary is here.

A few notes about this online version of the dictionary. First, it is not perfect. Most of the 47,000 headwords will be highlighted in bold and each definition in separate p-tags. Many did not succeed during conversion and the sheer volume of entries prohibits be from doing them all manually one by one. Second, not every word came out accurately in the OCR process and so many definitions will have garbled words and entries. Again, the volume here means that the time it would take to fix manually would be enormous. At present it is not just feasible for one person (me) to clean up. Third, not ALL of the entries ARE actually garbled. This is because the spelling of the 1700s was different from what we recognize today. The most notable difference here is the letter s, printed at the time as ſ because it is a long s. So, instead of appearing as sensual. Samuel Johnson's Dictionary rendered it as ſenſual. So these are not mistakes – it just takes a little getting your head round it.

Today's letter s was at the time of printing Johnson's Dictionary typically rendered ſ. So, sounds looks on these pages as ſounds, English looks like Engliſh. This is not mistake. Equally italic long s looks like Shakʃpeare in the word Shakespeare.

English long s

As you can see from these 18th-century chiselled gravestones, the f (left) and long s (right, between i and h) are distinctly different. So, please don't be offended if you see ſuck, it is merely 18th-century suck.


Anyway, I hope you enjoy browsing. Jesse.


This page last updated: 20 October 2014


Q. Is a conſonant borrowed from the
Latin or French, for which the
Saxons generally uſed cp : the
name of this letter is cue, from
queu, French, tail ; its form being that of
an O with a tail.

QUAB. ʃ. A ſort of fiſh.

To QUACK. v. a. [quacken, Dutch.]
1. To cry like a duck. King.
2. To chatter boaſtingiy ; to brag loudly ; to talk oftentatiouſly. Hudibras.

QUACK. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A boaftful pretender to arts which he
does not underſtand. Felton.
2. A vain boaftful pretender to phyſick ; one who proclaims his own medical abili-
ties in publick places. Addiſon.
3. An artful tricking practitioner in phy-
ſick. Pope.

QUA'CKERY. ʃ. [from quack.] Mean or
bad acts in phyſick.

QUA'CKSALVER. ʃ. [quack and ſalve.]
One who brags of medicines or ſalves ; a
medicaſter ; a charlatan. Burton.


QUADRA'GESIMAL. a. [quadragesimal,
French ; quadragesimal, Latin.] Lenten ; belonging to lent. Sanderſon.

QUA'DRANGLE. ʃ. [quadratus and angu-
lus, Latin.] A ſquare ; a ſurface with four
right angles. Howel.

QUADRA'NGULAR. a. [from quadrangle.]
Square ; having four right angles.

QUA'DRANT. ʃ. [quadrans, Latin.]
1. The fourth part ; the quarter. Brown.
2. The quarter of a circle. Holder.
3. An inſtrument with which altitudes are
taken. Gay.

QUADRA'NTAL. a. [from quadrant.] In-
cluded in the fourth part of a circle.

QUA'DRATE. a. [quadratus, Latin.]
1. Square ; having four equal and parallel
2. Diviſible into four equal parts.
3. [Quadrans, Latin.] Suited ; applicable,

QUA'DRATE. f. A ſquare ; a ſurface with
four equal and parallel ſides. Spenſer.

To QUA'DRATE. v. n. [quadro, Latin; quaJrery Fr.] To ſuit ; to be accommodated. Addiʃon.

QUA'DRATICKL. a. Four ſquare ; belong,
ing to a ſquare. DiB.

QUADRA! ICK equatiom. Such as retain,
on ole unknown ſide, the ſquare of the root
or the number fought. Harris.

QUADRATURE. ʃ. [quadrature, French.]
1. The act of ſquaring. Waus.
2. The firſt and lafl quarter of the moon. Locke.
3. The ſtate of being ſquare ; a quadrate ;
a ſquare. Milton.

QUADRE'NNIAL. a. [quadriennium. Lat.l
1. Compriſing four yea»s.
2. Happening once in four years,

QUA'DRIBLE. a. [from quadra, Latin.]
That may be ſquared. Denham.

QUA'DRIFID. a. [quadrifdis, h^X.]C\ovtn
into four diviſions.

QUADRILATERAL. a. [quatuor, and
latut, Latin.] Having four ſides.


QUADRILA'TERALNESS. ʃ. [from yaadri
lateral.] The property of having four
right lined ſides. Diff,

QUADRILLE. ʃ. A game at cards.

QUA'DRIN. ʃ. [quidrifius, Lat.] A mite ; a (mall piece of money, in value about a
farthing. Bailey.

QUA'DRINOMICAL. a. [quatuor and
r.omen, Latin.] Con^fting of four denominations.

QUADRIPARTITE. a. [qua'uor !< and f>articus,
Latin.] Having four parties ; divided
into four pares.

QUA'DRIP.ARTITELY. aJ. [from quadri-'
partite.] In a quadripartite diſtribution.

QUADRIPAR'TION. ʃ. A diviſion by
tour, or the r;;king the fourth part of any
quantity or number, Di8,

[quatuor, and <;)U^Xov.] Having four leaves.

QUADRIRL'ME. ʃ. [quadr remit, Latin.]
A galley with four banks (»f oars.

QUADRIbYiXABLE. ʃ. [quatuor ^ndfyL
i'ble.] A word of four ſyllables.

QUADRIVA'LVES. ʃ. [quatuor in^uaha,

LJtm.] Doors with four folds.

QUADRI'VIAL. a. [quadrivwm, Latin.]
Hav ne f<'ur ways meting in a point.

QUADRU'PED. ʃ. [qusdupde^Yx. quadr
pc , Lai i.j An animal that goes oa
four leg-, as perhaps all hearts. Arbuthnot.

QUADRU'PED. a. Having four ictt. Watts.

QUADRUPLE. a. [quadruples, Lat.] Fourfold
; four times t<'ld, Raleigh.

To QUADRU'PLICATE. v. a. [quadrupli-

CO. Latin.] To double twice ; to make

QUADRUPLICA'TION. ʃ. [from quadruplicate.]
The taking a thing four times,

QUADRU'PLY. ad. [from quadruple.] To
a foiirfild quantity. Swift.m
S^JMRE. [Latin.] Enquire; feek.

To QUAFF. v. a. [from cosff.r, Fr. to br
drunk ] To drink ; to ſwallow in large
draughts. Shakʃpeare.

To QUAFF. v. V. To drink luxuriouſly,Shakʃpeare.

QUA'FFER. ʃ. [from q^sff.] He wh»

To QUATFER. v. n. To feel out. Denham.

QUA'GGY. a. B?ggy ; ſoft ; not ſolid.

QUA GMIRE. ʃ. [that is, quakemire.] \
ſhiking maiſh. More.

QUAID. pcut. Cruſhed ; dejeaed ; depreſſed. Spenſer.

QUAIL. ʃ. [quaglia, Italian.] A bird of
game. Ray.

QUA'ILPIPE. ʃ. [quail and pip\1 A pipe
with which fowlers aliure quails. Addiſonm

To QUAIL. v. n. [quelcn, Dutch.] ToJanguiih
; to ſink into dejection. Knolles. Herbert.

To QUAIL. v. a. [cpellan, Saxon.] To
cruſh ; to quell. Daniel.

QUAINT. a. [coint, French.]
1. Nice; ſcrupulouſly, minutely ; ſuperfiuouſly
exact, Sidney.
2. Subtle ; artful. Obſolete. Chaucer,
3. Neat ; pretty ; exact. Shakſp.
4. Subtly excogitated ; hneſpun. Milton.
5. AfTeded ; ſcppiſh. Stci/t'

QUAI'NTLY. ad. [ſwrn fuamtli
1. Nicely: ewaivi with petty elegance.
t. Afct< iJJ A CLU A
2. Artfully. Shakʃpeare.

QUAINTNESS. ʃ. [from quaht.^ Nicety; petty elegance. Pope. .

To QUAKE. v. n. [cpican, Saxon.]
1. To ſhake with cold or fear ; to tremble. Ezekiel.
2. To ſhake ; not to be ſolid or firm. Pope.

QUAKE. ʃ. [from the verb.] A ſhudder; a tremulous agitation. Sucklings

QUAKING-GRASS. ʃ. An herb.

QUALIFICA'TION. ʃ. [qualifcation, Fr.
from qualify.'.
1. That which makes any perſon or thing
fit for any thing. Swift.
2. Accompli ſhment. Atterbury.
3. Abatement; diminution. Raleigh.

To QUALI'FY. v. a. [quaUſer, Fr.]
1. To fit for any thing. Swift.
2. To furniſh with qualifications ; to accompliſh.Shakʃpeare.
3. To make capable of any employment
cr privilege,
4. To abate ; to ſoften ; to diminiſh. Raleigh.
5. To eaſe ; to alTuage. Spenſer.
6. To modify ; to regulate. Brown.

QUA'LITY. ʃ. [^qualita%, Latin.]
1. Nature rebtively conſidered. Hooker.
2. Property ; accident, Shakſ, Berkley.
3. Particular efficacy. Shakʃpeare.
4. Diſpoſition ; temper, Shakʃpeare.
5. Virtue or vice. Dryden.
6. Accompliſhment; qualification. Cbren.
7. Charafler. Bacon.
8. Comparative or relative rank. Temple.
9. Rank ; ſuperiority of birth or ſtation,Shakʃpeare.

TO. Perſons of high rank. Pope. .

QUALM. ʃ. [cealm, Saxon.] A ſudden fit
of ſickneſs ; a ſudden ſcizure of ſickly languor. Donne, Roſcommon, Calamy.

QUALMISH. fl. [from qualn:.] Seized with
fukiv languor, Dryden.

QUA'NDARY. ʃ. [cju'en dirai je, French. Skinner.'^ A doubt , a difficulty.

QUA'NTITiVE. a. [quantitiruui, Lat.] Eſtrmable
according to quantity. D;gby.

QUA'NTITY. j. [quantite, Fr. quarituas,
3. That property of any thing which may
be encreaſed or diminiſhed. Cheyne.
2. Any indeterminate weight ci meaſure.
3. Bulk or weight. Dryden.
4. A portion ; a part, Shakʃpeare.
c. A large portion. Arbuthnot.
6. The meaſure of time in pronouncing a
ſyllablr. Holder.

QUATC/M. ʃ. [Latin.] The quantity; the amount. Swift.

QUA'RANTAIN. ʃ. j. [quarantain, Fr ]

QUA'RANTINE. ʃ. The ſpace of forty
da)s_, being the time whichaſhip, ſuſpe<^cd
of infectlon, is obliged to forbear in tercourſe
or commerce. Swift.

QUA'RREL. ʃ. [querei/c, French.]
1. A brawl ; a petty fight ; a ſcuffle.Shakʃpeare.
2. A diſpute ; a conteſt. Hooker.
3. A cauſe of debate. Fairfax.
4. Something that gives a right to miſchief or reprifal. Bacon.
5. Objeflion ; ill will. Felton.
6. In Shakʃpeare. it ſeems to ſignify any
one peeviſh or malicious.
7. [quadre/la, Italian.] An arrow with a
fq ua re head. Camden.

To QUARREL. v.n. [quere/Ier,Tr.]
1. To debate; to ſcuffle; to ſquabble.Shakʃpeare.
2. To fall into variance. Shakſp.
3. To fight ; to combat. Dryden.
4. To find fault ; to pick objections.

QUA'RRELER. ʃ. [from quarrel'\ He who

QUA'RRELOUS. a. [quarelleux, French.]
Petulant ; eaſily provoked to enmity.Shakʃpeare.

QUA'RRELSOME. a. [from quarrel.] Inclined
to brawls ; eaſily irritated ; irafcible ; cholerick ; petulant. Bacon, L'Eſtr.

QUA'RRELS'OMELY. ad. [from quarrelſome.]
In a quarrelſome manner ; petulantly
; cholerickly.

QUA'RRELSOMENESS. ʃ. [from quarrelſome.
; Cholcrickneſs ; petulance.

QUA'RRY. ʃ. [quarre, French.]
1. A ſquare. Mortimer.
2. [Sluaiireau, Fr.] An arrow with a ſquare
head. Sandys.
3. Game flown at by a hawk, Sandys.
4. A ſtone mifie; a place where they dig
Itones. Cleaveland.

To QUA'RRY. v. n. [from the noun.] To
prey upun. L'Eſtrange.

QUA'RRYMAN. ʃ. [quarry 2 and mo n.^ One
who digs in a quarry. Woodward.

QUART. ʃ. [quart, Yitnch..
1. The fnirth part ; a quarter. Spenſer.
2. The fourth part of a gallon. Shakſp.
3. [S^uarte, Fr.] The veſſel in which
firon^ dnnk is commonly retailed, Shakſ.

QUA'RTAN. ʃ. [from quart&na, Latin.]
The fourth day ague. Brown. Cleai-eland,

QUARTATION. ʃ. [from yadr/«;, Latin.]
A chymical operation. Boyle.

QUA'RTER. ʃ. [quarty quartier, French.]
1. A fourth part, Burnet.
2. A region of the ikies, as referred to the
ſeaman's card. Addiſon.
3. A particular region of a town or country
> Spratt.
4. The place where ſoldiers are lodged or
ſtationed. Spectator.
c. Proper ſtation, Milton.
6. Remifllon of life ; mercy granted by a
conqueror. Clarendon.
7. Treatment ſhown by an enemy. CoHi-.r,
8. Friendſhip ; amity ; concord. Shakſp.
9. A meaſure of eight buſhels. Mortimer.
10. Fdlfe quarter is a cleft or chink in a
quarter of a horſe's houſ from top to buttorn.

To QUA'RTER. v a. [from the noun.]
1. To divide into four parts. ShakeI'p.
2. To divide ; to break by force. Shakſp.
3. To divide into diſtinct regions. Dryden.
4. To Ration or lodge ſoldiers. Dryden.
5. To lodge ; to fix on a temporary dwelling.Shakʃpeare.
6. To diet. Hudibras.
7. To bear as an appendage to the hereditary
arms. Peacham.

QUA'RTERAGE. ʃ. [from quarter.^ A
quarterly allowance, Hudibras.

QUA'RTERDAY. ʃ. f quarter and day.]
One of the four days in the year, on which
rent or intereſt is p^id. Addiſon.

QUA'RTERDECK. ʃ. [quarter and dsck.]
The ſhort upper deck,

QUA'RTERLY. a. [from quarUr.] Containing
a fiurth part. Hooker.

QUARTERLY. ud. Oace in a quarter of
a ve jr.

QUA'RTERMASTER. ʃ. [quarter and ma ;
ter.] One who regulates the quarters of
-ſoldiers. Tafler.

QUA'RTERN:. ʃ. A gill or the fourth part
of a pint.

QUA'RTERSTAFF. ʃ. A ſtaffof defence. Dryden.

QUA'RTILE. ʃ. An aſped of the pirners,
when th.-y jre three ſigns or nin(.'ty degrees
diſtant from each uther. Ham.

QUA'RTO. ʃ. [quartus, Latin.] A book in
which every ſhtet, being twice dnuoied,
makes four leaves. f'Fart!,

To QUASH. v. a. [quajfen^ Dutch.]
1. To cruſh ; to ſquerze. (Vulir.
2. To ſubdue luddenly. Roſcomm:.n.
3. To annul ; to nullify ; to make void.

To QUASH. v. n. To be ſhaken with a no-fe. Ray.

QUASH. ʃ. A pompion. Ain[worth.

QUA'TERCOU:)lN'S. Friends. Skinner.

QUATE'RNARY. ʃ. [quaternarius, Latin.]
The nun-.ber four. Boyle.

QUATE'RNION. ʃ. [^^a/fr/j/o, Latin.] The
number f ;ar. Hooker.

QUATE'RHIIY. ʃ. [quatrnm, LiiUn.] The
number tour. Pr'avr,

QUA'TRalN. ʃ. fy«'/rflfr, Fr.] A ſtanza
ot fouj lines riiymng alternately.

To QUA'VER. v. n. [cpavan, Sax.lt; n.]
1. To ſhdke the voice ; to ſpeak or fing
with a tremul ;u'. voice. Bacon.
2. To tremb'e ; to vibrate. Nt-wf.r,

QUAY. ʃ. ['fuai, Fic.ch^j A key ; an aitiiicial
bank 10 the ſea or riv«r.

QUEAN. ʃ. [cpean, Sixoii ; A wortJileſs
woman, eeneraiy a Aromp t. Dryden.

QUEA'SINESS. ʃ. [from ^^.^jT.] Theſick.
n.;is of a nauſeated ſtomach.

QUEA'SY. a. [of uncertain etymology.]
1 S'ik with naufca.
2. F<iſhdious ; ſqueamiſh. Shakʃpeare.
3. Caufing nauſeourneff. ^hak^f^peare,
lo QUECK. v. n. To ihrinkj'to ſhow
P2!n. Bacon.

QU'EEN. ʃ. [cp:n, Saxon.] The wife of a
^ g _ Shakʃpeare.

To QUEEN. v. «. To play the queen. Shakʃpeare.%

QUEEN. APPLE. ʃ. A ſpecies of apple.

QUEE'NING. ʃ. An apple. Mortimer.

QUEER. a. Odd ; ſtrange ; original ; parf:'^ Jar. 6pit!ator,

QUEE'RLY. ad. [from queer.] P.rticulariy ;

QUEERNESS. ʃ. [from ya^f^.] Oddneſs ; part'cularity.

QUE'EST. ʃ. [from quejlut^ t^t. Skinner.
A nngriove ; a kind of wild pjgeor^.

To QUELL. v. a. [cp^llap, Sdxrn ] To
cruſh; to ſubdue; ongmajiy, to k 11. Atterbury.

To QUELL. n^. V. To die. iSpenſer.

QUELL. ʃ. [from the verb. ; Murder,
Not in uſe. Shakʃpeare.

QUE'LLER. ʃ. ffrom^«^//.] One that
cri'ſhes .-.r ſubdues. Mi.'fort.

QUE'L^UECUOSE. [French.] A rafle
5 akKkſhiw. Donne.

To QU'EME. v. n. To ple.fc.

To QUENCH. v. a.
1 to txtingaſh fi e. Sidney.
2. To lliiianjf paſſion or commoti>'n.Shakʃpeare.
3. To allay thirſt, >,.:th.
4. To ae(+r. y. Davies.

To QUENCH. v. ſt. To cool ; to growr. Shakʃpeare.

QUENCHAB.E. a. [from quench.] That
rmy be quenched.

QUENCHER. ʃ. [from Quench.] Ex'inguiſh'.

QUENCHLESS. a. [hcxn querch.] Unextin?
ijiſh^b>v C'cſhaiu.

QUE'RELE. ʃ. [quſh/j, LU. qucreJie, Fr.]
A cc nif^lant to a court. -^y^'ff-.

QUE'i^ENT. ʃ. [queren-, Latin.] The cmpl.
nant ; the pJ jn^ff

QUERIMO'NIOUS. a. [querimoraa, Lat.]
Querul DS ; con;p]a'ning.

QUERIMO'.NIOUSLY. ad. [frmquerin-.orioui.]
Querulouſly ; with complii .t.

QUERIMONIOUSNE S. f. , from quenmo.
; CompL.ni'g lempfr.

QUE'RIbT. ʃ. [from qua^rc, L?^ ; An
enquire r ; an aſker of queſt.ons. :<7u ſt.

QUERN./, [cpecrin, Saxon.] A handmill.Shakʃpeare.

QUE'RPO. ʃ. [corrupted from cuerpo,
Spaniſh.] A dreſs cloſe to the body ; a
WHiftcoar. Dryden.

QUE'RRY. for equerry f.
[ecuyer, Fr.] A
grocm be!or,gii;g to a prince, or one converfanr
in the king's flables. Bailey.

QUE'RULOl'S. a. [ouerulus, Lat.] Mourning
; hbitually complaining. Howel.

QUERULOUSNESi^. ʃ. [from querulous,]
Habit or quality of complaining mournfui'y.

QUERY. ʃ. [from qua't, Lat.] A quef.
tion ; ?n enqutry to be tefoKed. Newton.

To QUE'RY. -i/. a. [from the noun.] To
aſk quections. Pope. .

QUEST. ſ. [quefie, Fr.]
1. Search ; act of ſt^king. Shakʃpeare.
2. Aa empsneird jury. Shakʃpeare.
3. Searchers. Collectively. Shakʃpeare.
4. Enquiry ; examination. Shakʃpeare.
5. Requeſt ; detlre ; felicitation, iierbtrt.

To QUEST. v. n. [q-uiter, Fr. from the
nouM, ; To go in ſearch.

QUE'STANT. ʃ. [from quejier^ French.]
Seker; endeavourer afttr. Shakʃpeare.

QUE'STION. ʃ. [quarHo, Latin.]
1. If it«rrrog3tory ; anything enquired, Bae,
2. Enquiry ; diſquiſition. B 'Con.
3. A diſpute ; a fuhjeft of debate. John,
4. Affair to be examined. iiivtfc.
5. Doubt ; controverſy ; diſpute. Thomſon.
6. Judicial tral Locke.
7. E<rfmination by torture. Aynffe.
8. State of being the ſubject of preſent eoqui:
y. ho k r.
9. E'(1e3vour; ſearch. Shakʃpeare.

To QUE'STION. v. n. [from the n un.; 1. To enquire. Boon,
2. To debate by interrogatories. Shakʃpeare.fſp.

To QUE'STION. v. a. fuliisnncr^Fr.]
1. To oxamins orit b. que^Mons. Brown.
2. To doubt ; to be uncertain of. Prior.
3. To have no confidence in ; to mention
a? not to be truſted. South.

QUE'STIONABLE. a. [from quejlion]
1. Doubtful ; dlſputshie. Baker.
2. Siſpiciout; liable to ſuſpicion ; 'iable
to q f ſt:on, Shakʃpeare.

QUE'STION ARY. a. [from queſſion.] Enqur.
i/u ; .ſk >-.g qu^fi'ons. Pope. .

QUESTIONABLEN'ESS. ʃ. [from que/Uor.]
i ht qi iiicv of being queſtionable,

QUE'STIONER. ʃ. [from qucjiion.] An

QUESTIONLESS. ad. [from quefian,]
C. r i it. ; Without doubt. South.

QUE'STMAN 7 ʃ. Starter of law.

QUE'STMONGER. i ſuitsor profecutions. Bacon.

QUESTRIST. from quejf.] Seeker; purſuer,Shakʃpeare.

QUE'STUARY. a. [from qua^us, Latin.]
Studious of profit, Brown.

QUIB. ʃ. A ſarcaſm ; a bitter taunt. Ainſworth.

To QUI'BBLE. i>. n. [from the noun] To
pun ; to play on the found of words. L'Eſtrange.

QUI'BBLE. ʃ. [from quiMhet, Latin.] A
low conceit depending on the found ©f
words ; a pun. Watts.

QUI'BBLER. ʃ. [from quibble.] A puntter.

QUICK. a. [epic, Saxon.]
1. Living; not dead. C9rnmon Prayer.
2. Swift ; nimble ; done with celerity. Hooker.
3. Speedy ; free from delay, Milton.
4. Aftive ; ſpntely ; ready, Clarendon.

QUICK. ad. Nimbly ; ſpeedily ; readily. Dryden.

1. A live animal. Spenſer.
2. The living fleſh ; ſenſible parts. Sharp.
3. Living plants, Mortimer.

QUI'CKBEAM. or quickentree. ſ. A ſpecies
of wild aſh. Mortimer.

To QUICKEN. v. a. [cpiccan, Sax.]
1. To miike alive. Pſalms.
2. To haſten ; to accelerate. Hayward.
3. To ſharpen ; to afluate ; to excite. South.

To QUI'CKEN. v. n,
1. To become alive: as, a wowaw quickens
nvith child„ Sandys.
2. To move with activity. Pep.

QUI'CKENER. ʃ. [from quicken,!.
1. One who makes alive.
2. That which accelerates ; that which
aftuates, More.

QUICKLIME. ʃ. [<rdf/x I'fW, Latin ; quick
and lime.] L'me unquenehed. /////,

QUI'CKLY. ad. [from quick, ] Nimbly ; )peed:ly ; actively, Shakʃpeare.

QUI'CKNESS. ʃ. [from quid.]
1. Speed ; velocity; celerity, South.
2. Activity ; briſkneſs, Wotton.
3. Keen ſenſibility. Locke.
4. Sharpneſs; pungency. Dryden„

QUi'CKSAND. ʃ. [quick &iiifand.] Mov.
wa ſand ; un!clid ground. Dryden.

To QUI'CKSET. v. a. [quick and fd.] To
plat)t wr.h living plants. ^1 ujpr,

QUICKSET. y. [quick iti^pt.] Livingplant
let to grow. Evelyn.

QUICKSI'GHTED. a. [quick in6 figbt.]
H'ving a rturp fight. BentU^,

QUICKSIGHTEDNESS. ʃ. [from quick.
Jifrbted.] Sharpneſs of fight.

QUI'CKSILVER. ʃ. [quick and ſilver, ]
Quickſilver, called mercury by the chymifts,
is a naturally fluid mineral, and the
heavieft of all known bodies next to gold,
and is the more heavy and fluid, as it is
more pure ; its nature is To homogene and
ſimple, that it is a queſtion whether gold itſelf
be more ſo : it penetrates the parts of all
the other metals, renders them brittle, and
in part difTowes them : it is wholly voiatile
in the fire, and may be driven up in vapour
by a degree of hear very litle greater than
that of boiling water : it is the leaſt tenacious
of all bodies, and every ſmaller drop
may be again divided by the lighreſt touch
into a multitude of others, and is the moll
diviſible of all b' dies : the ſpeciſick gravity
of pure mercury is to water as 14020 to

ICCQ. and as it is the heavieft of all Huids,
it is alſo the coldeft, and when hiated the
hotreſt : of the various ores, in which mercury
IS found, cinnaber is the richeſt and
moſt valuabe, which is extremely heavy,
and of a bright and be-iutiful red colour:
the ancients all efle; med qu-ckſilver a poiſon,
nor was it brought into internal uſe
till abaut ſwo hundred and twenty years
agT, whirh was firſt occaſioned by the Hiepherds,
who ventured to give it their <heep
to kill worms, and as they received no hurt
by it, it was ſoon concluded, that men
iright take it fdfely : in time, the diggers
in the mires, when the-y found it crude,
ſwallowed it in vart quantities, in order to
ſells it privately, when they had voided it
by ſtool : but too free a uſe of ſo powerful
a medicine cannot be always without danger.

QUICKSILVERED. a. [from quichfihir.]
Overlaid with quickſilver. Newton.

QUI'DAM. ʃ. [Latin.] Somebody. Sperfr.

QUIDDANY. ʃ. [juijj.n, German, a
qumce.] Marmalade ; confection of quinces
made with ſugar.

QUI'DDIT. ʃ. A ſubtilty ; an equivocation.

1. ElTence ; that which is a proper anſwer
to the queſtion, quid eji ? di ſcholailick term. Hudibras.
2. A trifling nicety ; a caviL Ccimden,

QUI'ESCENCE. ʃ. [from quiejco, Latin.]
; repoſe. Glarfville,

QUIE'SCENT. a. [^a/V^'cwr, Latin.] Refting
; not being in motion ; not movent ;
lying at rcpfife. Holder.

QUIET. a. [q^iet, Fr. quietus, Latin.]
1. Still; ſite from diſturbance. Spfvfer,
2. Peaceable
; not turbulent. i Pet.
3. Still; not in motion. Judgei.
4. Smooth; not ruffled. ShakeJ^cjrt.

QU'IET. ʃ. [^(/r I, Lain.] Rtft ; repoſe
; tranquillity. Hughes,

To QUIXT. v. a. [from the noun]
1. To calm ; to lull ; to pacify ; to put
to reſt. Forbes,
1. To ſtill. Ucke.

QUIETER. ʃ. [from yi/A/.] The perfcoor
thing that (juictt.

QUI'ETISM. ʃ. Tranquillity of m;'nL

QUI'ETLY. ad. [from quiet.-\
1. Calmly ; without violent emotio.
t. Peaceably ; without offence. Earot,
r{. At reſt ; without agitation.

QUI'ETNESS. ʃ. [from quiet.]
1. Coolneſs of temper. Sidney.
2. Peace; tranquillity. Shakſp. Haytv,
3. S ilneſs; calmneſs.

QUI'ETSOME. a. [from qurci.] Calm; liill ; undiſturbed. Sp:nſtr.

QUI'E rUDE. ʃ. [quietude, Fr. from qutrt.]
Reft; repoſe. Wotton.

1. The hard and ſtrong feather of the wing,
of which pens are made. Bacon.
2. The inſtrument of writing, Gjrib.
3. P:ick or dart of a porcupine. A-huib,
4. Reed on which weavers wind their
threads. Spenſer.
5. The inſtrument with which muſiciaos
ſtrike their ſtrings. Dryden.

QUI'LLET. ʃ. [yK;t//;'if/, Latin.] Subtnty ;
niccry. I^igby.

QUILT. ʃ. [ku'cht, Dutch ; cu/citra, Lai.]
A cover made by ſtitching one cloth over
another with ſome ſoft ſubſtance between
them. Pcfie,

To QUILT. v. a. [from the noun.] To
ftitch one cloth upon another with ſomething
foft between them. Spenſer.

QUI'NARY. a. [q Ulnartus, Lat.] C.-nfiſhng
of five. Boyle.

QUINCE. ʃ. [quidden, German.]
1. The tree. Miller.
2. The fruit. Peacham.

To QUINCH. v. n. To flir ; to fl, uacc as
in refentment or pain. Spenſer.

QUINCU'NCIAL. a. [frnm q'Jncurx.^ Having
the form of a quincunx. Rjy,

QUI'NCUNX. ʃ. [Latin.
Quincunx oiAtt
is a plantation of trees, diſpoled originally
in a ſquare, conſiſting of five trees, one aC
each corner, and a fifth in the middle,
which diſpoſition, repeated again and again,
forms a rrgolar grove, wood or wilderneſs.

QUINIAGE. [Latin.] Q^iinquagcfim.
funday, ſo called becauſe it is the
filtieth ddy before Eaſter, reckoned by
whole numbers ; ſhrove funday. D/<.7,

QUINQLTA NGULAR. a. ^ quin:jue and an.
^ulus, Lat.] Having five c;.rnrrs. Woodward.

OUIN'ARTI'CULAR. a. [qiinque and arluluiy
Latin.] C->nſiſtii)g of five articles.
S 'fderforr,

QUINQUEFID. a. [quinque and frdo,
Latin.] Cloven in five.

OUINQUEFO'LlATED. a. [quirque And/o.
liurr. Latin.] Haviug five le.»vcs.

QUINQUE-NNIAL. «. [quinqutnnis, Lat.]
5 F a Lifting
QJJ I a.u o
Laſting five years : happening once in five QUITE. ad. Completely ; perfectiy. Hooier

QUI'TRENT. ʃ. [quit and rent.] Small rent

QUINSY. ʃ. r corrupted from /'f/'«^''0'] A -eſerved. ^ Temple.
tumid mflam'rDation in the thrust. I>^y^«- QUITS, »«^r/. [from yar^] An exclama-

QUINvf r. ʃ. [(Sii'r, French.] A fect of five. tion uſed when any thing is repayed and the ' '. Hudibras. parties become even.

QUI'NTAlN quintain, ſttnch.] A ^oi\. QUi'TTANCE. ſ. [^«/m««, French.] , ,
w ;h a turn ng p.Shakʃpeare.

QUINTE'SSENCE. ʃ. [quintaeJDentia,L^\..
1. A fifth bei.r. Davies.
2. An extrad frvm any thing, containing
all its viftues in a ſmai) quanity.
Donne. Boyle.

QUINTE'SSENTIAL. a. [from quimeff.
nce.j C-nſiſtin-i -f q'^'^teffence. Haieio.

QUINTIN. ʃ. An upr,ght poſt, op the top
of which a croſs poſt corned upon a pin, at
one end of the crufs poſt was a b.04d b.ard,
and ar the other a heavy ſand bag; the
play was to ride againſt the broad end with
a lance, and paſs by before the land bag
flj Mild ſtrike the tiiier on the back.
Ben Johnſonii

QUINTUPLE. ʃ. [quintupius, Latin.] Five-
,.](^^ Craunt,

QUIP. f. ^ A ſharp jeſt ; a taunt ; a farcaſm. Milton.

To QUIP. v. a. To lally with better farcaims.

QUIRE. ʃ. [chceur, Fr. charo, Italian.]
1. A body of fingers ; a chorus. Shakſp.
2. Ths part of the church where the fer-
vice is fung. Cleaveland..
3. [Cahi r, Fr.] A bundle of paper conſiſtiob-
ot twenty four ſheets.

To QUiRE. v.ti. [from the noun.] Tofing
in conc^rt. Shakʃpeare.

QUI'RISTER. ʃ. [from qw're.] Choriftcr ;
one who fings in conce.t, generally in divine
ſervice. [from fon,
quirk:>. ʃ.
1. Quuk ſtroke; ſharp fit.
2. Smart taunt.
2. Subtilty ; nicety ; artful diſtinf^inn.
-. D.c^yofPiety.
4. Looſe light tune. Pop'-

To QUIT. v. a. part. paſt. qu!t\ pret. I
have quit or quitted, [quiter ^ French.]
1. To diicharge an obligation ; to make
even. Denham.
g. h ſet free. Taylor.
3. To carry through ; to diſcharge ; to periorm.
4. To clear himſelf of an affair. Milton.
5. To repiy ; ſo requite. 8hak
6. To vaca'e ob!ig;u:on?. B,
7. To pay aaobiigation ; to clear a debt ;
to be tantamont- Temple.
8. rContracteil from a(^«?>.] Toabſolve ;
to acquit. Fairfax.
9. To abandon -, to ſcifake. Ben. Johnſon.
10. To reſign; tog.veup. frior.

QUi'TCHGRASS. ʃ. [<^V^z<i, Saxon.] Dr,g
ikelp:art. John'on.
lii. Mortimer.
1. Difcharge from a debt or obligation; an acquittance. Shakʃpeare.
2. Recompence; return ; repayment.Shakʃpeare.

To QUI'TTANCE. v. a. [from the noun.]
To rep;-y; to recom pence. Shakſp.

QUI'TTER. ʃ. A deliverer.

QUI'TTERBONE. ʃ. A hard round ſwelling
upon the coronet, between the heel
and the quarter, Farrier''s DiSi,

QUI'VER. ʃ. A caſe for arrows. Spenſer.

QUI'VER. a. Nimble ; active. Shakſp.

To QUI'VER. v. «,
1. To quake ; tc3 play with a tremulous
motion. Gay.
2. To ſhiver ; to ſhudder. Sidney.

QUIVERED. a. [from quiver.]
1. Furniſhed with a quiver. Milton.
2. Sheathed as in a quiver, Pope. .

To QUOB. v. n. To move as the embryo
does in the womb. DiEi,

QU'DLIBET. ʃ. [Latin.] A nice point ; a ſubtilty. Prior.

QUO'DLIBETA'RIAN. ſ. [quodlibet, Lat.]
One who talks or diſputes on any ſubject.

QUODLIBE'TICAL. a. [quodlthet. Latin.]
Not reſtrainedto a particular ſubject. Di^.

QUOIF. ʃ. [coeffe, French.]
1. Any cap with which the head is covered.
See Coif. Shakʃpeare.
2. The cap of a ſerjeant at law.

To QUOIF. v.n. [fo<?/f/-, French.] To
cao ; to dreſs with a head-dreſs. Addiſon.

QUOlFFURE. ʃ. [«^/arf, French.] Headdreſs. Addiſon.

QUOIL. ʃ. See Coil.

QUOIN. ʃ. [coin, French.] Corner. Sandys.

QUOIT. ʃ. [co(te, Dutch.]
1. Something thrown to a great diſtancee to
a certain p'int, Arbuthnot.
2. The diſcus of the ancients is ſometimes
cjiiltd in Engliſh quoit, but improperly.

To QUOIT. 'v, n. [from the noun, ; To
thraw quoits ; to play at quoits. Dryden.

To QUOIT. v. a. To <hrow. Shakſp.

QU'A'DAM. [Latin.] Having been formerly.Shakʃpeare.

QUOOK. preterite of quake. Obſolete. Spenſer.

QUO'RVM. f [Latin.] A bench of juſtices
; Juch ; number of any officers as is ſuſſicient
to do bofineſs. Addiſon.

QUO'TA. ʃ. [yfvcſwj, Latin.] A ihare ; a
proportion as ailigritd to each. Addiſon.

QUOTA'TION. ʃ. [ixoxY^ quote.]
1. The a^ of quoting ; citation. .
2. Pa(rag( ;


2. PaIT'ge adduced out of an autho'ir as
evidence or illuſtration. Locke.

To QUOTE. v. a. [<^uoter, French.] To
cite in autbour; to adduce the words of
another. fVhttgifte.

QUO'TER. ʃ. [from quote.] Citer; he that
qa tes. Atterbury.

QUOTH. verb. imptrfeS^ [cpo^an, Saxon.]
:^oth /, fay I or fald I ; ^uoth be, fays he
or fdid he. Hudibras.

Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com


QUOTI'DIAN. a. [quotidien, Fr. quoti£-
dUBJ, Latin.] Daily ; happening every day,

QUOTI'DIAN. ʃ. [febriiquotidiann, Lat ] A quotidian fever ;
a fever which icturns
every day. Shakʃpeare.

QUO'TIENT. ʃ. [quoties, Latin.] In arithmetick,
quotient is the number produce<f
by the diviſion of the two given numbers
the one by the other, Coti<T«


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Jesse Karjalainen is...